"The Power of Fasting" - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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Pasteur's going to be very short tonight I just want to introduce something to us that's coming up this coming week and that is our time of fasting as a church I want you to just open your heart I want to talk to you just very practically for a few moments and we've designed this so that everybody can participate we understand that there are sometimes medical issues and health issues and physical issues that would prevent people especially some of our wonderful seniors from participating in a ful faste and so we're doing a Daniel Fast and we're beginning on Monday and since Sunday in the morning we'll be reaching for visitors and Sunday night pastor is going to be teaching again on vessels of Honor I just wanted to take a Wednesday and just kind of explain what we're doing and hopefully explain the power of what we're doing as a church family and if you call this your church family and by the way if you're watching online tonight everywhere pastor goes there's somebody comes up and says you know we watch you guys every week and we feel like we're part of the church and if you're watching online tonight or if you watch this later February 1st 21st we're going to be participating in 21 days of fasting and we're going to be praying and I believe God's going to beat us and so I want to take a few moments and that's not to be academic or elementary it's just to make sure that we're all on the same page and that we understand the power of what we're doing we did not do this in January this year because January of course with hosting the engaged conference and have brother Huntley here and hosting the be OTT simulcast and what a wonderful conference that was this week with all of that we just felt like it would be more of a distraction and so we we chose the 1st of February and we'll have other events and factors and couples social coming up sometime in the about 2/3 of the way through this we're not legalists about this so we'll be glad to give all those couples an evening off so they can enjoy their social and whatever they're doing that night so we're not legal is about it but I do believe there's power in a united effort and so I want to speak to everybody in this room for the next few moments a very few moments so don't don't get settled in for a Bible study tonight because we're going to end with prayer to me I want to speak to everybody in this room that somewhere in your life somewhere in a situation that you're aware of you just need what the elders called a breakthrough you just need God to come in and break in upon you and and just answer prayer and so that's the people I want to talk to and if there's any of you in that the room that feel like that just before we're seated one more time I don't want a weary you or wear you out but just before we're seated if I need you to especially do this right now one more time let's lift up our hands we're not worshiping right now we're praying or Jesus I need a breakthrough God I need you to come in I I need I need more than the ordinary I need super ordinary I need more than the natural I need supernatural I I need more than what I can do I need what you can do I need only what you can do I need what you only can do Jesus I pray that you would break in among us and you would break through for us say that I'm a little bit Arabic ooh you must let there be a breaking in the spirit over the next four weeks when we begin our Daniel fast on Monday Lord God over the next several days and weeks I pray that there would be an influx into your kingdom in this church I pray God that there would be a restoration of backsliders and an awakening of the saints of God and Jesus I pray there would be a visitation of your power from on high and a visitation of your spirit God we're hungry for you and that's the point we're hungry or for you that we are for food we're hungry or for you that we are for things we're hungry or for you that we are for activity we're a hungrier for you than anything we're hungry God we're hungry we're hungry we thirst for you Jesus like a dry and thirsty land we thirst for you Jesus we thirst for an outpouring of a deluge of your spirit we thirst for the move of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the Spirit we we thirst for it Jesus we thirst for you we thirst for you I'm cautious I don't want to weary you folks but just push through that for one more moment if you would we thirst for you Jesus we're hungry for you Jesus normal doesn't do it regular doesn't do it ordinary doesn't do it routine doesn't do it scheduled doesn't do it Lord Jesus break in upon us break through for us with a move of your spirit in the name of Jesus I speak at night pray it and I decree it I dare to decree it in the name of Jesus and Allah bolo cxeh sudor about a todo para massa would you lift up your voice and speak in the spirit would you lift up your voice and pray in other tongues if you're filled with the Holy Ghost please do that right now if you need the Holy Ghost you can receive the Holy Ghost even in a Bible study right now as the spirit is moving and flowing all around you you can receive what you need tonight la de la Pelosi aha seto la jara co Rama Mandela Coretta Berryessa gah we need a breaking we need a breakthrough we need you to break in upon us break in among us I pray by the power of your spirit deliverance and miracles and signs and wonders and salvation and infilling and outpouring deliverance of every kind in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yet mo she saw so dilemma lay that emolia muscle I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus thank you folks for praying I love you you may be seated guys in the back we're going to be in the Book of Luke for a little bit here tonight Luke chapter 4 and I won't be very long I do want to say thank you to all of you that have been helping around the church we're in construction as you can see when you walk in the main entry but we're in construction in a lot more areas than that there's construction in the office wing there's construction in the Sunday School wing there's there's always construction here it seems pastor Jack rightly calls it the 15 year construction project and we're getting through but thank you to everybody pastor Jack and brother Steve Baird was here today Patrick black and Josh St and they're just working around the clock and we're so grateful and how many you're liking all the new improvements isn't it wonderful it's really helping us and we're not quite done but we're getting there Luke chapter 4 verse 1 and 2 and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being forty days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing he was fasting and when they were ended he afterward hungered and then if you go down to verse 14 tells us the conclusion of Jesus time of fasting and temptation and conquering the enemy verse 14 says and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about the power of prayer and fasting is very very evident in the earthly life and the ministry of Jesus Christ His disciples however this is interesting to me they did not fast in those days when Jesus was here on the earth his disciples didn't fast and somebody actually came up to Jesus one time and asked him why are your disciples eating and drinking the disciples of John the Baptist and the disciples of the Pharisees they fast often and they make prayers while they're fasting and Jesus let them know an important principle I think for us this is the next chapter Luke chapter 5 verse 33 they said unto Him why do the disciples of John fast often and make prayers and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees but your disciples they eat and drink and Jesus said unto them can you make the children of the bride chamber fast while the bridegroom is with them but the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them I'm going away and then shall they fast in those days Jesus lets them know that his disciples will fast after he is taken away from them after he goes back to heaven now the implication is this he implies that what we lost so to speak through his bodily presence being gone what we lost through him being away from us Jesus implies that we could gain through fasting what we lost by him not being here bodily now we know that he's with us and we know that he's in us by his Spirit but Jesus is implying something here that after I go away there's going to be such a longing and such a hunger in my disciples for my presence that they will fast that's the implication and then immediately Jesus goes to a parable and he makes it very clear in this parable that fasting because these are connected Luke doesn't record these by accident that fasting is a spiritual discipline and its primary appeal is for those who want to be more empowered by the Holy Ghost now we are filled with the Holy Ghost we have the baptism of the Holy Ghost we are saved by the work of the Holy Ghost and I thank God for it it's not so much that we try to get more of God it's that God gets more of us when we offer ourselves to him and so Jesus continues on in this very same passage the very next verse he spake a parable unto them no man putteth the piece of a new garment upon an old garment if otherwise then both the new piece of material it makes a tear and the piece that was taken out of the new cloth it doesn't agree with the old cloth you don't patch an old garment that's all ready stretched and warned you don't patch that with a new piece of cloth that still has to shrink and and you don't do that and then he says a no man puts new wine into old bottles because if you do the new wine will burst the bottles and be spilled and the bottles will perish they'll they'll be broken they'll there burst and then you've lost the bottle but new wine must be put into new bottles and then if you do new wine in new bottles new wine in new wineskins then you say both the wine and the wine skin no man having drunk old wine straightway desireth new for he sayeth the old is better now the wine is not the issue here in Jesus little story there's no shortage of the Holy Ghost and it's compared to wine in the Bible so the wine is not the issue the bottles the issue the wines not the issue the wine skin is the issue and Jesus said if you want this new wine if you want fresh wine if you want a new revelation of my spirit if you want new visitation of my spirit then you can't put a new visitation of my spirit into an old wine skin because the new visitation of my spirit the new activity of my spirit ease comparing it to the fermentation of wine he said the new visitation of my spirit it will burst the old wine skin so if you really want a new visitation of my spirit if you want my activity in the spirit you have to prepare the wine skin you have to have a new wineskin and that's what he's talking about it's interesting that he talks about that it's on his mind it's what he reaches for immediately after they discuss fasting why do your disciples not fast he said oh they'll fast they'll fast when I go away from them they'll long for me and they'll hunger for my presence and they'll thirst for my presence and so my disciples will fast right now they don't because I walk with them every day but when I'm gone back to heaven they long for me and they will fast and immediately he goes to this illustration and he tells us that if you want new visitation if you want new wine if you want new activity from the spirit then prepare a new wineskin or else you lose everything you lose both now the Pharisees that Jesus was talking with here in this passage the Pharisees fasted two times every single week but they're fast had no spiritual relevance it was just a good work it was actually just a memorial tradition said that Moses ascended up Mount Sinai on a Thursday and forty days later he returned from Mount Sinai on a Monday and his forty day fast was amazing Moses forty day fast produced literally a holy glow of God on his face but more than that Moses forty day fast in the presence of God resulted in the giving of the law but now hundreds of years later the Pharisees they just have a ritual they fast every Monday they fast every Thursday it's powerless it may have resulted in some weight loss it may have resulted in somebody saying oh my goodness you are so spiritual and you're so godly but other than that it did nothing the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness that had a purpose just like Moses had a purpose it produced a dimension of power see Jesus was God in the flesh but he's also our pattern so while he's here on the earth he can finds himself two flesh he robed himself in flesh so he could become our pattern and so when he fasts or when he prays or when he does something when he loves people when he speaks a certain way he's giving us a pattern and so this fasting produced a dimension of our in his ministry that he couldn't get any other way he left a pattern for us let me just kind of run through very quickly in Luke chapter 4 we read about the temptation of Jesus he's fasting for forty days you can read this between verse three and verse 13 we just kind of skipped over it tonight but you can read it and the devil comes to him three times as you know and the devil tries to thwart the purpose of God the devil tries to defeat Jesus the Christ and he comes to him with three temptations and as he comes every time Jesus who has been fasting Jesus who has been away from the hustle and the bustle of the busy city Jesus who's been alone in the wilderness and he's giving extra time to prayer and he's denying the flesh Jesus has incredible authority to use the scripture when he quotes scripture it's like it thunders and it shuts the devil's mouth it shuts down the action and the temptation of hell because there's something about denying the flesh that it just illuminates your mind in the scripture your Bible will never be more alive than when you're fasting your Bible will never speak to you more try it your Bible will never speak to you more than when you are denying yourself and you are fasting your Bible comes alive to you there's an anointing on you the Bible's not more anointed but you're more anointed because you're denying the flesh and and like a person who becomes blind and and they've studied this for dozens and dozens of years someone who becomes blind their other senses become heightened all of a sudden they can hear things I was with a friend who was blind at one time he and his wife were out of our home we lived in a different place here in Fredericton and he had never been in our home before he had never been in our home before he lost his sight and he walked into our home and his wife guided him to the house and he sat down in a chair and here's what he said he said he couldn't touch any of this he was too far away sitting in an armchair he said there's drapes on this side and we said yeah other is and he said over here on this side he said there's a wall but it's only a half wall we said yeah that's exactly right his hearing had been so accentuated because he had lost one of his senses when you deny the flesh your spiritual senses become accentuated they become more sensitive and that's what Jesus was doing here because he was so attuned to his purpose he was able to use the scripture with incredible authority you will notice don't fast just to go along don't fast just cause you want to lose weight don't fast that's a totally different thing fast because you want to give some time to God and to his word fasting without prayer is just a ritual or a diet fasting without the word is just a ritual or a diet but fasting with prayer and fasting with the word it's incredibly powerful it opens up something I'm talking to some people in here it may not be everybody but I'm talking to some people that right now in your life not maybe so not I think maybe this year I'll need it I'm talking about right now you need some kind of a spiritual breakthrough in your life pastor does I need a spiritual breakthrough in my life at the beginning of this year this is a year when God's going to lift us and he's going to expand our borders and I don't want to go into it just with some kind of management plan I don't just want to go into it with a few good leadership ideas I don't want to go into it with just a little bit of new construction to trim up the building I want to go into this year knowing that we've touched God and God has touched us and so pastor and pastor Jack we have sat down and we have called a fast and that's our responsibility from time to time as leaders in this church and so this isn't just something that we're kind of doing that's you know kind of optional for the people of God if you consider yourself a member of this church we're asking you to help us and we're asking you to participate we're not asking you to go without food for 21 days you can do that if you want for most of us that would do us good but there are people that with health problems they can't do that please don't feel like you have to do anything that would be strenuous or dangerous we're just asking for participation because I believe that before this year is out God is going to visit us in a marked way see fasting heightened Jesus awareness of his identity and purpose the devil comes to him now this is Jesus imagine how much the devil does this to you if he would even try it with Jesus the devil tries to get you to question your salvation and your spiritual sonship or the devil comes to you and tells you you're all that and you're cool and you're more spiritual than you are and you can you know go to the pinnacle of the temple and jump off and God will have to save you because you after all you're so valuable maybe the devil has tried to allure you through the lust of the eyes or the lust of the flesh or the pride of life or maybe through your five senses the devil has nearly persuaded you to cast off something that's invisible and eternal for something that's temporal something that's just here of this earth and when those things happen and when those temptations come if this is how Jesus tackled it you want to mark it down that is how we need to tackle it we need to pray and we need to fast we need to deny the flesh and we need to return from that time of battle in the power of the Spirit just like Jesus returned from the wilderness in the power of the Spirit please hear me tonight I don't know who it is that you feel like you've been walking through a wilderness and maybe it's been more than 40 days here's your key if you'll join us and go to prayer and go to fasting you're gonna walk out of your wilderness in the power of the Spirit you're not going to crawl out of your wilderness you're not going to groan you way out of your wilderness you're not going to come out of your wilderness depressed you're gonna walk out of that time at the end or somewhere in the middle of this time of fasting and you're going to walk out in the power of the Spirit I need somebody to lift your hands right now I'm very nearly done but I this is not a sermon tonight this is a call to action this is a call to arms this is a call to fasting and prayer for our church a table oh yes somebody ate the local Yabba I worship you Jesus nothing's in your Bible by accident the Gospel writers don't just kind of randomly throw it all together so look what happens as soon as Jesus comes out of this time of prayer and fasting still in Luke 4 verse 17 and he goes to the synagogue and there was delivered unto him the book of the Prophet Isaiah's and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written Luke didn't write verse 17 just kind of by random he's following a train of thought after Jesus has come out of the wilderness after he's been in a time of prayer and fasting he opens the scroll of the prophet Isaiah it's just a normal scripture reading but remember he's been fasting he's been praying he's been walking in the spirit and he reads this the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord verse 32 says they were astonished at his doctrine because when he spoke his word was with power I don't know who it is in our church I think there's a bunch of us that you need the Spirit of God on you you need anointing to preach the gospel it's not just the preachers in the pulpit that need to preach the gospel God wants to anoint somebody to walk into somebody else's life and heal the brokenhearted he wants to anoint somebody to go give a testimony and give deliverance to the captives he wants to anoint somebody to pray a prayer and they'll be recovering of sight to the blind that might be physical blindness and that will be awesome and we'll cheer and shout but you know what I love to see I love to see some people offer some prayers and spiritual scales fall off of people's eyes and they say I need God that anointing comes through prayer and fasting I like to see God anoints of people in our congregation not just the preachers not just the guest speakers not just the staff but somebody that sits in these pews are faithful sane of God to pray a prayer or give a testimony and set at liberty those that are proves it's the acceptable year of the Lord it's 2016 on the calendar I don't know where that fits in prophecy somebody else that's smarter than me can figure it out but I got this figured out it's the acceptable year of the Lord it's a year to preach the gospel it's a year to see live change it's a year to see healing and miracles it's a year to see the captives set free it's a year to see all of that in the name of Jesus but we're not going to get that by just going through four services a week we're going to get that if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray well that's what we've got to do lift up your voice one more time everybody in the room everybody in the room just lift up your voice this is a call to prayer this is a call to fasting this is a call to sacrifice praying with fasting enables us to see what previously was unseen praying with fasting enables us to hear what previously was unheard prayer with fasting allows us to know what previously was unknown praying with fasting enables us to flow and understand the things of the Spirit and the Bible becomes a living book to us I'll lift up your voice one more time Ryan come on back libelous Osama Raimondo logo you basa Mandela Dara boyo saddle a basa Sunday Rob roto Korea Massa now yes when you fast sometimes it's hard on the flesh and and this is a fast we do all kinds of fast sometimes our young people do a media fast that's not the kind of fast we're calling this is a fast of food and y'all thought man I wish they'd fast you know something different this is a food fast now we're doing a Daniel Fast and there's a brochure in the foyer you can pick one up tonight we'll be talking about it briefly on Sunday but this is the core of our church here today and you can pick one up on Sunday but ideally pick one up tonight and kind of prepare as you're thinking about your grocery list or or whatever Daniel fast is perhaps the easiest of the fast because you're still eating include fruits and vegetables and all kinds of different things basically you're eliminating meat and dairy sweeteners leavened bread refined stuff deep-fried stuff and it's water Tim Hortons out the window for 21 days you know what you'll live now here's the thing we're not legalistic pastors just asking that you would make a sacrifice and join us if all you can give up is coffee for 21 days if all you can give up is sweets for 21 days if all you can give up if there's just something you can do just to say I'm unified I'm participating I'm part of this church fan pastor called us to prayer and fasting and so I'm praying and I'm fasting that's all I'm asking if you want to go above and beyond if you want to go without food for 21 days just drink water that's that's fine you can do that I'm not prohibiting that but you don't have to do that I'm just asking you to pick up one of those little brochures tonight that will define what we're doing as a church and if you can do more great if you can do a little bit great if you can do almost a tour if you can do that great we're just asking you to join us the unity is more important than the details the effort is more important than the details John chapter 4 verse 31 in the meanwhile his disciples prayed him there they're begging him there they're entreating him say a master eat somebody i prophesy he's going to say that to you over the next eat me it's usually my mother sweet little lady he's trying to fatten me up still I mean it worked and she's still working on it Jesus eat that he said unto them watch this I have meat to eat that you know not of the disciples I'm so glad about this that the disciples were thick-skulled in the New Testament because it gives me hope for us I look in the mirror and I think it's okay you're gonna make it therefore say if the disciples one to another Jesus said I've got me to eat that you don't know anything about they said to somebody bring him something to eat you don't even get it and Jesus I don't know that this is here in the Greek but I'd like to imagine that it is Jesus goes it's not there in the Bible but I think it's there jesus said unto them watch my meat my food what sustains me what gives me strength my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work so yes here's what's going to happen on your fast this is a word of prophecy about the second or third day you're going to get a splitting headache that is normal you are not going to die everybody else will have a headache hopefully that actually that falls on a Wednesday so that could be an interesting Bible study but we'll make it it's okay it's a sacrifice that's all it is and your flesh will be crying out for your Tim Hortons or your flesh should be crying out for your sugar or your flesh will be crying out for something and it's okay you will not die now if your doctor says you need to eat Tim Hortons which I think my doctor has said to me but I don't care for this 21 days but if your doctor told you you have to have something please don't endanger yourself we're not asking for them we're just asking for the unity of us as a church family getting together and with enthusiasm and you know what you can be joyful while you're fasting and and and you can you know kind of talk to everybody else in fact you can commiserate with each other you know I didn't get my Tim Hortons either so we're both grouchy it's okay but it's the unity of a church family saying we're so hungry for God we're going to make a sacrifice for a few days we're so thirsty for God we're going to make a sacrifice for a few days it's not going to kill us it's not permanent it's just to show God hey Jesus at the beginning of this year on the first day of February through the 21st we're setting aside 21 days like Daniel set aside 21 days and we're saying God hear us from heaven and show up at CCC and amaze us all because we're hungry for your presence last scripture Matthew chapter 17 verse 19 then came the disciples to Jesus apart they took him aside because they've just had an embarrassing incident they went to pray for a demon-possessed boy nothing happened and they said why could we not cast that devil out and Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible under you know that it's pretty tough right there we always concentrate on the mountain and the mustard seed and whatever but do you notice what he says they said why couldn't we cast them out jesus said because you didn't believe yet unbelief you prayed but you were just going through the motions you weren't expecting it to happen if you had just had faith as a grain of mustard seed you could have said to a mountain remove hence and it would be removed and nothing would be impossible and then Jesus adds the hook you want to know how to conquer unbelief and build up the strength of your faith howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting yeah you pray but there was no denial there there was no sacrifice there the flesh was still too much in the road flesh was waiting around to take the credit or the glory the flesh was waiting around for somebody say wow you prayed the prayer and it happened wow you must be so spiritual fasting doesn't make us feel more spiritual fasting shows us how far we need to go to be spiritual and we need this right now God has laid his hand on you folks is wonderful group of people and God wants to take us to a deeper or higher or further or wider broader level I don't even know how to define it I just know that it's not about something new it's about something ancient jesus said you want to see something spectacular this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting so I'm gonna pray in just a moment and here's what I'm asking on this Wednesday night we're not doing this on Sunday because on Sunday we're reaching for our visitors and our guests and people that they only come on Sunday and they need God we're not asking them to sacrifice we're asking them to be blessed we're asking them to receive something from God but we're the core of this church gathered on Wednesday night everybody's not here I know we got people that are teaching right now and we have people in youth service right now and so they'll they'll just catch it on Sunday but for the core of our church here's what we're asking we're asking that you join us in whatever way you can join us but don't just join us as a form because a form or a formality or a rituals not going to do it it has to be a sacrifice your sacrifice doesn't have to be the same as somebody else's if you've got health challenges please be wise pastors asking you to be wise don't do something that would hurt you or endanger your health but also don't use that as an excuse a headache is not a health challenge it's just a headache well that was revelation let me run that by again a headache is not a health challenge so I've got health challenges I gotta quit no you've just got a headache you'll survive it won't be pleasant let me tell you something it'll be worth it it'll go away by day four it'll be okay that's just your body getting rid of toxins and all this stuff that you've been eating that you probably shouldn't been eatin anyway by day four you'll be fine stay the course say pastor man you're awful practical than I am because we need this right now we need a group of people to bind together in unity and pray until God hears us from heaven it comes down here I thank God for every person that's received the baptism of the Holy Ghost over the last year and a month I thank God for every person that's been baptized in Jesus name over the last year in a month but that is a trickle that is a drop in the ocean of what God wants to do but we've got to be ready um so I'm asking God to speak to you about what to do whether you're gonna do the Daniel Fast some kind of other fast but it will be a sacrifice I'm gonna ask you to let God speak to you about that and so for the first 21 days of February which begins on Monday pastors call in our church I'm not going to define it I'm not going to ask for 15 minutes or one hour I'm just going to say extra time in prayer extra time in the word and fasting extra time and prayer extra time in the word and fasting that's what I'm asking for I don't think I'm asking for anything too heavy in fact I feel an anticipation in our church I know I've got it in my heart and this is so funny I can hardly wait to get started on my I may start early I can hardly wait because I know God's going to visit us I'm asking anybody in this room and I'm not asking for everybody to stand right now we'll get everybody to stand in a moment so you'll have a chance in a moment but right now I'm asking if you just close your eyes and everybody that you know you need a breakthrough of some kind your life your family your health your finances your spirit whatever it is you need a breakthrough right now I'm asking you to stand right now with pastor pastor is not just standing in the pulpit I'm standing because I need a breakthrough I'm standing because I need God to visit me in the beginning of the month of February and so I'm asking everybody now that's most of us I want everybody to stand right now and let's lift our hands at the end of this service this is not a dismissal prayer we're still early this is not a dismissal prayer I want you to lift up your hands right now and let God speak to you God's going to challenge some of you to do something more God's going to challenge you about when and where and how you can arrange this God's going to talk to you about where you can get alone with his word God's going to talk to you about where you can get alone and pray God's going to talk to you about a timeframe don't shut that out don't shut that down if God says 20 minutes it's 20 minutes if God says 10 minutes it's 10 minutes if God says an hour don't reject his spirit just just do that let God talk to you right now I have confidence in this group of people that God can talk to you now pastor he's on the road a little bit a couple of days here and there throughout this time that's not going to change anything I'm going to arrange my schedule and if you're traveling or your own business you can arrange this allow God to challenge you and speak to you I know this is an odd way to end up a Bible study but I want you to pray right now Church pray right now Church if nothing else just shift back into this God visit us during this 21 days if you already know what your breakthrough is if you already know you're going to be fasted and praying for a person call their name right now we're in the presence of God if you already know you're going to be praying over a miracle that you need call that out right now say it out loud say it to God say it repeatedly say it forcefully the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much it makes much power available we're not entering this with protests we're not entering this season of fasting dragging our heels we're entering this with excitement and anticipation because God is going to hear from heaven he's going to visit us he's going to turn some situations around he's going to do the miraculous he's going to hear us he's going to intervene in situations yes yes yes I worship Maya sabatello is esteban de la vallee de la boeuf autonomous Sunday La Valle operati Aramis terrible yo Talib is a-- Roscoe la maleta al-abbas asaba which is asked a question if you know what you're going to do God spoken to you or you know what you're gonna do know how you're gonna negotiate this I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand say pastor I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm gonna do it thank you Jesus and thank you CCC will round up the strays on Sunday people that couldn't be here tonight or there teaching tonight will round up some strays so be more than us but I thank you for your commitment tonight goodness I feel a powerful presence of God you Jesus I thank you for our church thank you for these precious people thank you for the power of unity the power of faithfulness the power of sacrifice and God as we enter this season of prayer and fasting on Monday I pray Jesus I pray Jesus you would renew and restore and revive and refresh Jesus I pray that you would do a work inside of us your saints so that you can do a work through us in this city we need you we want you we're hungry for your presence we're thirsty for your spirit we long for you we wait for you Ryan we're good for just a second just lift up your voice one more time pastor does not want to weary you but I I'm compelled here just lift up your voice just one more time
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 69,499
Rating: 4.8340387 out of 5
Keywords: the, power, of, fasting, pastor, raymond, woodward, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, apostolic, pentecostal, upc, upci, preach, preaching, sermon
Id: rtvXcRJQ14E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
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