"An Open Window" - Vani Marshall

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in our international service 13 internationals and I think a couple of local Canadians as well one of them she's just marvelous she was just worshipping and dancing she's a soul winner she's a soul winner I don't know anything about her except what God told me Wanda you want to come up here she was dancing from the beginning but she's a soul winner [Music] [Applause] I told her I said Wanda you need to get baptized because God wants to give you authority to go and win other people and she said I'll do it I'll do anything for Jesus oh I wanna be like her [Music] I am clean [Music] well somebody can come pray with her one can we have one lady just coming and just sit with her it doesn't not gonna faze me if she stays there all afternoon I don't care thanks Claudia but I tell you what you need to fight and what I need to fight and I'm gonna let you sit in them in in five seconds we got a fight rejection because the fear of rejection will make you stop in your tracks if you fear you cannot dream while people who fear can't dream Wiley they can come out of their box and do wild things for God do you want to be wild for Jesus or do you wanna just be same old same old every Sunday coming here a sermon and nothing happens I want to be wild for God different different I want the miraculous in my life every moment of every day that anyone I talk to will feel Jesus anyone I talk to won't see me but Jesus salt that salt it has the agent to change its environment let's lift up and one more time and then you may be seated father I ask you to give us a passion a passion and compassion for those that are in need there are a bunch of people here that were baptized last night I'm not gonna call all of them out but every one of them they need you to surround them with your love the love of Christ [Music] go for it Wanda you can you can brain them in the Holy Ghost Wanda got filled with the Holy Ghost last night folks you may be seated Matthew chapter 14 verses 24 to 32 Matthew 14:24 to 32 I didn't even tell the media about the scripture I'm sorry but you got a cool media so they may pull it up you know the story about the boat it was tossed about by waves the wind was boisterous scripture says the wind was contrary there it is and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea the boat was just you know tossed about like a hurricane in the waters and it was dangerous lives could have been lost but right in the middle of the storm they see Jesus walking on the water and the disciples gasp and say oh it's a ghost don't ever be in a place where you forgot what Jesus feels like if Jesus walks towards you on the water and he's in the middle of a miracle he's coming to you in a trial it's sometimes easy for us to be so lost in the storm that we don't recognize Jesus when we see him we think he's a ghost the disciples were with him for so many days and they didn't recognize that it was Jesus it's a ghost they cried out of fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying if I was if I was dead that's why I'm not Jesus saying cuz if I was Jesus I'd say do I look like a ghost to you I mean we went fishing together I did miracles in the midst of you I healed so many people I did so many things and all you can think of when you see me said I'm a ghost have you forgotten me so soon but he didn't Jesus the gentleman he spoke that I'm saying be of good cheer it is I do not be afraid you see Jesus waged a war against fear he if he battled not in himself but if he battled anything at all in other people who he wanted to release and empower to do his work it was fear and then Peter answered him and said lord if it be Peter didn't even recognize his words if it this is really you command me to come to you on the water and so he said come and when Peter had come out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Jesus and then he saw that the wind was violent boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him o you of little faith why did you dump I can't afford to live in doubt anymore you know I feared a lot in my early years in ministry I just feared one great thing if I shared Jesus with somebody and if they didn't like it and they rejected me I won't be able to I don't think I'll be able to handle that I'll take it personal or if I lose something because of me just going out on a limb oh you of little faith why did you doubt when they got out of the boat the wind they when they got into the boat the wind ceased the wind stopped you see we have a peacemaker in our midst we have someone that can look at the wind and say peace be still so when the wind gets boisterous that's when you gaze undoubting ly into the face of Jesus Christ it's not easy talk is cheap but if you keep doing it at some point down your journey you'll get it the disciples scripture says were in the middle of the stormy sea tossed by the waves tossed does it sound like your life sometimes sounds like my life tossed by a bad economy tossed by divorce tossed by people in your life that wouldn't give you a moment's peace tossed by bad finances loss of a job loss of health loss of your youth the disciples fort fought the storm for nine cold hours and suddenly they spot someone walking towards them on the water they were terrified like I said earlier they were terrified thinking it must be a ghost you know why because they didn't expect Jesus in the storm that's why they thought he was a ghost but we don't expect Jesus in the storm maybe some of you more spiritual than me do but when I'm in the middle of a trial deligh if my car breaks down I call AAA and then pray I'm learning to pray first and then call AAA so that they will be there on time and not make me wait two hours on the road that's how we are our default default reaction is to reach out to a worldly solution to a worldly problem your car breaks down you call the auto mechanic you go sick you call the doctor call 911 the emergency care or whatever you need help you call the psychologist counselor pastor many of us we don't really expect Jesus to come in a storm we expect Jesus to come maybe sliding down a rainbow with a flock of doves or bluebirds in the cinderella whatever come flow and you don't do all that okay I'm sorry I was saved from the world I haven't forgotten Cinderella we expect Jesus to walk around with a flock of flock of doves flying around and we expect to see him in a bad economy or in a horrible lawsuit we don't expect Jesus in the hospital room when cancer is announced addiction don't expect the scene there we don't expect to see him in a foreclosure or war we are conditioned to think that bad circumstances is for us alone to fight alone we've been conditioned that way maybe because in the past you have fought some things alone but if you're still alive and you'll hear God at some point had fought with you if you're still alive and you're here this morning at some point God rescued you even if you did not realize we are peppered with bad news how many hear you receive emails you wish that whoever hacked into your I get all kinds of emails it is very seldom from friends I wish you would write me an email because at least you know me and you'd say hi Bonnie how you doing everything okay by the way life feed can go back on I'm sorry I didn't I forgot to say that we're peppered with bad news I get emails all the time I don't know why people want to tell me it's about global warming I live in Louisiana I know about global warming's my backyard I get I get emails pastor Jack about asteroid attacks what am I supposed to lie in bed waiting for it to hit I don't know and they don't know me this is mass email sent to nobody knows who I don't know sending it to me but it's mass email you know why because the enemy wants us to become the most frightened generation that ever lived anxiety levels are higher than at any generation in our lives we go through anxiety fear is the greatest thing anxiety is the biggest thing that they hit and I'm not just talking about the United States everywhere even in Asia I get emails about the Zika virus I'm sorry it's just too pretty a name for a virus sounds like somebody I went to school with sorry sorry it's just no seriously I'm pretty sure she's on my contact list but if I've offended anybody just forget that corny joke I get emails and Wars and Isis and earth I know they exist I know that's horrible in the world out there I know sometimes you just want to cover yourself with a blanket never get up because you go out then you and in the media is full of all this bad news does it ever stop the bad news is taking its toll people and now we try and we bring that spirit of fear into the into the church it's it's taking its toll and we are fearful fearful to reach people fearful to love somebody because love is dangerous in love is very risky don't you think because what if they don't love you back right I've been in situation where I've loved they didn't love me back I've been in situations of you love is risky we're the most worried culture that has ever lived in fear at its center is a perceived loss of control fear blocks light you see you know what the enemy told me when I was talking to my to my sweet friend samaya you know what the enemy told me she was sweet she was warning God from the get-go but that night the enemy told me you better be careful because you know the particular situation the particular circumstance the particular culture they'll come after you in the come after the church I had to fight that spirit that was trying to get me to stop the light from going out was trying to get me to stop salt and light I almost didn't I almost wanted to say you know maybe we should stop while the going is good because I don't want to be any kind of way I'm not saying don't be wise because he that winneth the soul is wise but the enemy was trying to silence me completely and cut me off from her cut me off from last night I fought it and then Jesus said you cannot shine Vani when you fear because we become like abandoned barns have you ever seen an abandoned barn nothing is ever stored there it's got holes on the roof birds build nests they're on a strong wind it tilts and it's rickety you know where humanity used to live and thrive I don't want to be someone where the church says well she used to be like this she used to reach out she used to be on fire she used to be passionate I don't want to be an abandoned barn I want to be a barn full of food and nourishment for every bird and field and fowl of the air and beasts of the field to come and shelter to shelter with me the safety lover cannot do anything great for God what am I telling you today see see see I know there are people here that need the Holy Ghost and they're gonna receive it and be hungry God will fill them God will fill you but I'm speaking to the body of Christ I'm asking you today to pull down every stronghold of fear because this city there is a window open I don't know for how long I pray to God itself for a couple of years but there is a window open right now and we're gonna come against every lie of the devil to get with our neighbors our community our markets our stores and we're going to bring them in is that ok if you believe that with me will you clap and shout with great faith in your heart oh the that's the safety lover you know what happens to those who fear we begin to worship the God of safety I'm not talking about big G small G the God of safety you know the God of safety will lie to you it's Satan really fearful folks are afraid to give give up their time or resources strength they're so scared they won't have enough to live on if they give to God fearful folks cannot dream Wiley that's why Jesus waged a war against fear the fearful cannot love deeply love is risky but I want to ask you something CCC are we willing to embrace the critical principle of seeing the unseen first thing we need to do to overcome fear is to ignore what faithless people around you will say I'm not telling you to cut ties with friends and family but I have come to a place in my life back in the States and I used to have a lot of friends now I don't have a lot of friends no I do I have some good friends but I've had to make a conscious choice to have boundaries around my ear and to stuff my ear with cotton wool when I'm surrounded by anyone that will say you cannot do it it's not gonna happen God will not come through the problem is too big stuff your ears with cotton wounds smile at them and say I love you too I can't hear anything you're saying your lips are moving but I don't get it but I love you just smile and wave block them out I'm doing that I'm not being mean I'm not being unkind I hope I'm not I'm trying to be loving but I need saiful people I need people like last night the team the altar work team and people like Pastor John some of you that opened your homes for prayer and the rest of you that will come to prayer meeting while we're having service here you are you're praying pulling down strongholds I need people like you around me to keep me going to remind me that I'm salt and light I don't want faithless people around me I used to do that you know hang on the phone for 45 minutes while they trashed the pastor trashed the church trashed pastor's wife trash everything trash everybody's wrong government is wrong people are wrong cops are wrong my family's wrong my great-grandmother is crazy my husband is mean my mother-in-law needs to just leave my children are no good I've had it with that because they drain the juice that I have they drain me from all the faith that I have God is bad pastor is bad everybody is bad so now I give them five minutes I'll say hello yes I'm I called you again sister marshal to talk to you about this problem I said you remember you called me yesterday right have you done have you done what I told you yesterday you know like to get with somebody and pray and get full of faith and just go to God and maybe read a few scriptures to increase your faith have you done what I told you yes no okay well you've got four minutes and 57 seconds there are some that will take what you say to them and they'll run with it and change because they want to change or they'd at least try to change there are some that just wants your attention choose who you want around you choose I'm not telling you to be unkind to anybody but don't get drained out by those that don't get it yet God will get them ready and you can go to them and they're ready but there are those that are ready now they are ready now they are next door to you living across from you in your apartment block go to them but the others that's what I do I turn them off leaving for Jesus sometimes as I said means ignoring the ones who say don't get out of this boat I would have been like that with Peter though pastor Jack if Peter wanted to get out of the boat Jesus told Peter what come yeah it's me come on Peter and Wow you mean I'm gonna defy gravity I'm gonna defy gravity and walk on this water how cool is that if I was in the book good thing I was not in the board because I have my faithless days oh yeah I'm not like I'm on something I got days when I'm thinking my god God must be dead I believed a lie it's not true it's probably last about a few hours and then the Lord just slaps me in the head and then I wake up thank you God needed that you know but if I wasn't the boat I'd have told Peter what are you doing oh jesus is calling me Peter Jesus is God he can walk on the water you're gonna drown shut up and sit down okay no need to be here oh you're not Ironman sorry another one sorry okay just calm down chill probably the other disciples were thinking Peters crazy means the storm don't forget the water was not Placid when he got out of the boat he got out when everything was rolling it takes a lot of faith when to get out on a limb and follow after Jesus when everything is going to pot everything is stormy everything looks dark hopeless so you have to ignore the ones who say don't get out of the boat you got to turn a deaf ear towards those who say that you're not smart enough you're not fast enough you're not rich enough you're not tall enough you're not big enough see see see you've got a God who is smart enough who's fast enough who's rich enough who's tall enough who's picking up who's strong enough if you believe that why don't you just shout one more time yeah you can get up get up and shout if you believe that you have a God that is willing to fight for you who's big enough gray enough strong enough that if you follow him you will defy gravity you will defy what others see with the eyes you can walk on water I don't know what I shared this with you I know that pastor Wilson has been here and talked to you about the UN have I shared the story of how no about a year and a half ago I received an email and the email said dear mrs. Marshall we would like you to come to the United Nations and speak for an hour have you ever got weird emails like that you think that's April fooling is not even April the person who sent me the email is a bigger fool and so I read the email and I thought home like one of those Zika virus emails you know I'm thinking I'm not even gonna raise I didn't delete it for some reason but I didn't respond to it I just thought it was a joke one week later same email second email was written to me mrs. Marshall we are trying to make sure that that this is your correct email address we're trying to contact you would you please call us at the number below we want you to come to the United Nate this is un in New York we want you to come to the United Nations to speak for one hour you know it's like get out of the boat moment and I'm thinking I'm gonna drown if I get out of this boat I probably get deported they're not really I can't deport me they have to catch me first this kid I'm just kidding okay they don't deport citizens it's not the last time I checked you never know better hold my tongue there this is on live so anyway I called that number I scroll down the email and there was a there was a phone number and the name of the supposedly UN senior advisor to the general secretary okay nothing may come of it at least I can brag that I talked to this senior advisor of the UN secretary over the phone I called that number and she picked it up pretty quickly and she said mrs. my said this is mrs. Marshall and she said mrs. Marshall we've been trying to contact you always gave up hope I'm like so is this the UN she must have thought that I'm really you know drugged up or something you know just have fun conscious she yes this is the United Nations and I said you want me to come there yes to speak should we want you to come and just talk for about an hour to our delegates as other secretaries as senior advisors and maybe a few ambassadors I'm like what do I talk to them for one hour about say I forgot I'm Christian there's a lot to talk about there's a lot to talk about if you are a believer but for one minute there I thought but no way what am I to talk about I don't do that much important business to talk for about an hour about it she said oh no I mean one of us checked you out on the YouTube and I'm like why what was I doing you don't know these days YouTube is crazy man I mean I mean was a service I was speaking in it was my testimony and she said we checked you out on YouTube and you have this testimony of how God it and I'm like God she said yes she must have thought at that time I was you know you know just stranger I said you you know I'm a Christian you know that's what we do right we're almost apologetic that we're people of faith you know we go to we go to a restaurant we pray like this thank you Jesus this food fear fear fear that we're gonna be thought of as just crazy people right sister Woodward and so I just I just said okay long story short they flew me they flew me that was easy to go okay I don't buy the ticket whoo I'm coming cheapskate so I went I arrived at LaGuardia New York the airport and I took my little I just took a hand carry I thought hey two days what the floats is enough they probably throw me back anyway so and so I took a hand carry hand luggage with just two or three clothes clothing items and I was walking out and there was tall man tall man jet black hair jet black eyes black long coat just just tall most people are to me so Maya understands that's okay we small people are kind of powerful and so I I stood there and I looked up at him and he had a card a cardboard holding up my name on it so I said that's me and she's like he's like you are Ravana Marshall I was a Christian I couldn't lie yes I have come to take you to the United Nations we will go in my car that's like okay I get out there it's a long black limousine car so it's legit long black car black car black hair black eyes black coat he opened the back door he said get in I said I haven't been kidnapped by a Russian spy and my husband doesn't know how to load the dishwasher horrible so I went in there was a glass window between him he was driving the car and there was his glass thing that he pressed the button it went out and I was alone at the back with my hand carry and he went on and on I'd forgotten that Manhattan is you know it's a long ways to go to the UN from the airport I forgot I've never been to the UN and so he kept driving sister Woodward and I kept you know getting nervous and then finally I knocked on the glass door he looked at me I said so we're going to the UN he's like yes he's thinking in his mind why do these people invite people like you standards have dropped finally we arrived at the UN he gets out I get out and he said okay we are here I go alright take care thank you for not killing me because I had this vision you know I'm in a boat handcuffed there's all the way somewhere to Europe no not really but and I arrived and then this person that called me that email mean the beginning whose name I cannot reveal because she was still works there she comes up to me she said mrs. Marshall I said yes are you so and so she said yes can you be ready in 30 minutes you're speaking what okay I'm out of the boat the waters are everywhere there's a storm I don't see Jesus nowhere not even a ghost a ghost would have been nice and so I'm like okay that's cool and then I go up to the room to the hotel room it's the hotel right opposite the UN it's actually called the UN hold on even though they had all tell so I went up put my bag freshen up comb my hair run down back follow her just across the street and we went to what is called the UN Chapel the UN had a chapel of many religions can it's an economic immunocal chapel many religions can can worship there and all of that in Islam Hinduism Buddhism and Christianity and so we went there and one by one the place was filled and there were about 70 people there seventy senior advisors some of them were ambassadors directors and and delegates UN delegates were all there about 70 people the sound man came to me they were not as friendly as any of them the sound man came to me gave me a mic and when you're on thank you no music nothing there was nothing no mutant there was no atmosphere all the delegates were sitting in front of me looking at me like this I looked at back so I just introduced myself it was fear gripped to my heart sister would work I thought that you know I'm the safest thing to talk about was me I know me so I talked about who I was and all the work that I did and you know and all of that and all as well probably God was trying to get my attention you know you can talk about me that's why you're here but I ignored him and I I talked about the community work that I do that I'm a counselor I'm omitting or that all of this and all of a sudden right in the middle ten minutes after I started talking God speaks to me and says tell them I can fill them fill them with what what are you talking about just get away from me so I continued and talking about me all the stuff that I do there no wonder they look bored and again God second chance this times more insistent compelling says Lehman that's what in God told me tell them I want to fill them I said you told me knock yourself out I didn't I was thinking it I didn't but I thought it so I looked at them and I stopped and I said ladies and gentlemen I want to talk to you about what gives me peace and confidence and and whatever I do what energizes me to do it and I started talking to them about the Spirit of God I said some of you you are you are over your senior advisors the secretary-general at that time it was ban ki-moon was the secretary-general of the United Nations now it's Guterres but and I said you are senior advisors to and you are over different things you're over the invite and peace treaties disarmament children's education children's welfare refugees settlements resettlement your over all of these various departments I can tell you you cannot make decisions that will benefit you without the Spirit of God guiding you and filling you all of a sudden I saw some of the delegates move forward in your chair and look at me more intently you know like you would a bug in a microscope and I said I said that it's true if you were filled with the Holy Spirit if you were if you receive this power from God there is nothing that can stop you you will be impassionate you will be bold you will you'll be able to do things even far wider within its impact you are making decisions that impact the whole world you cannot afford to do it without God and then God came after me again he said good now tell them to lift up your hands I said those of you who would like to receive the baptism of his spirit lift up your hands and all 70 pairs of hands went up in the UN the body that governs the nations of this world they went up all of a sudden a new boldness overtook me I don't know where the boldness was 30 minutes ago because I was cowardly but all of a sudden I thought man that looks like church so I'm on home turf this is home ground here how we can play ball because it doesn't look like UN now not with everybody like that are you kidding me looks like a Pentecostal outfit I know you're laughing but I I know you thought that secretly when you first came here and so I thought okay those of you who had your hands high up would you stand and come forward because my friends there were some of the people in the local church in New York some of them joined us as well forgot to say and they were there and I said my friends would pray for you pray with you for you to receive God's Spirit I tell you what one of the first people to come running was a Muslim lady from Somalia she had her hijab she came running towards me and she lifted her hands and she said i'm muslim i said jesus loves you that's the only answer we need jesus loves you any and she said will I be able as you give your heart to God you will be able to write some ayah and she lifted up her hand and God filled her she was the first one to receive the Holy Ghost that afternoon [Music] by the end of that's that the end of that visit by the end of that service we had 14 people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the UN no fear fear destroys fear causes you come on if you believe it do you want that fear to go come on Wanda I want that strong all of fear to be broken today today [Music] all you need to do all you need to do is position yourself for deliverance for victory stop treating your fear with angry outbursts or even medic I'm not against medication I'm a counselor but stop treating fear with just you if you think the answer is at the bottom of a bottle or vice-like control see see see this morning I'm asking you to position yourself to come out on top by stop-stop excluding God from the solution repeated bouts with insecurity that petrify and paralyze you because hysteria is not from God it's not from God I was hysterical the first 30 minutes I was there in my mind I wasn't showing it but inside I was quaking with fear until God had to get a hold of me and say preach the gospel the word is powerful all by itself it doesn't need your personality or temperament or even excitement if your personality soft and quiet use the word the word has enough temperament and personality and life to get it done the word will get it done if your personality is not gregarious you're not vivacious you're quiet the word will work for you if you're vivacious you're passionate you talk you like to your you're sanguine the word will work for the word will work anytime anywhere anyplace for God has not given us a spirit of fear I want you to stand fear fear may fill your world it doesn't have to fill your heart don't you see gods diplomas God is hung his diplomas all over look at the night sky star sequined look at the horizons in the sunsets look at every rainbow he has recorded his accomplishments in Scripture we're not talking about 6,000 flight miles here God's resume includes opening red seas and killing Goliath shutting Lions mouths and raising dead people back to life that's his resume nobody needs my resume my resume hasn't done a thing may have got me a job or two in the past but it hasn't raised the dead healed the blind or cured the sick but Jesus has a resume if you cannot believe anything believe his CV stop limiting your possibilities stop listening only for the audible I don't mean this mean but limit your time with people that will trash your faith and trash God and trash his accomplishments and get around people that will praise God honor God and brag on Jesus let me tell you something else Jesus is not gonna let the noise distract you and we're surrounded by noise pastor Jack am i right we're surrounded by noise history word you know family members friends boyfriends ex-husbands children school media radio news bad news were surrounded by just noise but God if you put your faith in Him this morning he's not gonna let the noise distract you for that you need to be full of the Holy Ghost so when he when the enemy pushes noise at you you push back when the enemy says you cannot reach a person of a different faith you will be persecuted I push back someone that sister Woodward reached out in a in a supermarket we called her the other day and she wants to meet us on Monday there's a window opened she sister Woodward just met her connected with her and that lady wants to meet us on Monday let me tell you what Eric spool still has water in it I think God has thrown life jackets to every generation you're not an exception he's throwing you a life jacket now if you feel or you know someone who struggles with fear and you want or you don't struggle with fear but you want anointing you want a boldness like never before I want you to be the first one to run out come on I'm done run out don't walk out run out wonder got the Holy Ghost last night she wants more she wants more run out Louie ah look at that little Louie he's right here he's never met Jesus before but he Jesus knows him he has a mother who is excited samaya Louie is gonna get exactly what you receive do you believe that yeah he said I feel like a model right now alright if you have never received the baptism of God's Spirit and you want that or you've received it but you want more I'd like you to make your way up in front don't be afraid if you're visiting here for the first time that's okay you only get to be a visitor today next Sunday your family come on there's more space come right up in front yes thank you for coming thank you thank you ma'am thank you for coming up in front man I'm gonna miss this I'm gonna miss all of you and I leave on Tuesday i sext your pastor this morning and said I'm so tempted to stay another week he said we don't have a problem with that I think over there they'll have a problem with me can we have the music and singing the very first song that they did dancing generation I want us to lift up our hands right now you know why I would like us to worship because in the midst of worship God moves God is enthroned in the praises of his people I want God's presence here God's presence has been here from from the get-go from the start to finish can we have the altar workers whether you're on my team CCC altar workers pastor Jack and your team whoever pastor Jack and the Woodward have selected as altar workers I want y'all to get here right in front of our visitors there are people here that need the that want the Holy Ghost let's get with them one on one stand in front of them we are going to pray that day receive power are you ready okay lift up your hands we're gonna pray together first okay we're gonna pray together first every hand lift it up every eye closed lift your lift your head up to the heavens your hands up to the heavens pray with me Father pray with me father in the name of Jesus forgive me for every fear every anxiety every worry every fear rejection every fear of failure I am your child you are my god nothing will ever stop me from accomplishing your will on earth Lord you are going to baptize me afresh again today fill me with your fire fill me with your passion fill me with your kindness and love because there's a world out there in Fredericton to reach right now ask him Jesus I want your baptism say Jesus I need your anointing right now all over the house if you're not in front you can pave your way back there I don't care pray all over the house he's your God you are his child you are his daughter his sons [Music] merci top hot attacks celebrate with all we have boss
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 226,464
Rating: 4.856595 out of 5
Keywords: vani, marshall, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, an, open, window, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, pentecost, apostolic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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