Vani Marshall Testimony

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I would like to sing a song to you today and then I'm going to share a little story you may be seated thank you so much for standing Thank You God hallelujah above his name there is no other name the one who is eternally the same there is no the name of course the last he's the beginning and the end he is the king who made the common man his friend there is no ha the name when you sing it with me let every tongue throw Flay and see ha ha Messiah King of Kings hello Jesus you see capital community the reason I'm excited in our hope will always be excited about our Messiah it's because I didn't come from a Pentecostal family maybe some of you are second or third generation maybe most of you are first but I came from a very religious Hindu family my father my grandfather my great-grandfather both on my maternal and paternal side were Hindu chief priests my great-grandfather and grandfather were chief priests of some of the largest temples where I was born in Malaysia of the Indian descent the Hindu religion it is unthinkable if you are a daughter or granddaughter or grape if you have a lineage from centuries old of being in the priesthood of the Hindu religion there is no way you can step into another religious system and let it be accepted I was not allowed to worship any other way but through the Hindu system I was hungry I remember as a teenager you know if you're a girl child if you're a if you're a female in the indebt in the Brahmin family you are not allowed to read the books you're not allowed to read the sacred Hindu books sacred to them but I was so hungry even then anybody know what I'm talking about that you want some answers and you're desperate and you don't know which way but you want the answers and you will do anything to get it well see when I was a child I was up in fact a teenager I would sneak into my grandfather this is a mighty confession to you this morning si si si I would sneak into my grandfather's library and steal the sacred books to read it thank God there were English translations and I would read it looking for an answer looking for God I would and I'd be caught and I'd be punished my grandfather was a slightly modern thinking man not really but he kind of loved me I think that was them as modern as he got he loved me enough to say don't do it again because this time they will really beat you up but he knew I was hungry so he knew many times I snuck in and took those books and he'd close one eye he would say you don't you see you're a girl you cannot read these holy books were only for guys ladies don't be mad at him he lived in an era where he really believed what he believed so did I but I knew that there was something more that it cannot be 3.3 million gods in the religion I don't know how they knew Hinduism at 3.3 million gods maybe they made them up as they go along but the thing is that I I knew that there was one and that one knew me I just didn't know how to prove it so I thought if I kept reading and if I kept looking and I kept as an I said grandfather why is it that in your prayers you keep talking about the one God that will come to earth in the form of flesh and die on a tree you Hindu why Utah who is this one God and he would shush me up he would say don't have so many questions so you see this hunger just only grew the more it was trying to be suppressed the more I wanted to find out and so I thought you know what I will just let this go for a while I'll keep stealing [Music] I'll keep sneaking in I'll keep asking questions nobody seemed to know the answer somehow I suspected my grandfather did but didn't want to talk about it and so I grew up a debilitating sickness took over my body I'm not even sure what age it was but it was gradual I became very sick in my body I graduated college and and and I started to work but this sickness was so bad that I would just collapse for no reason you see since I was a baby my my parents good people they gave me everything I needed but they were religious and they dedicated me to these gods of Hinduism so as a young child I was controlled by forces that I had no control over and so all I could think of is I needed to be healed but I didn't know how so I went to temples I was there was a time well I think I was 18 and my father No maybe 17 my father took me to India to a temple and it was it was a tall temple bishop and it had a spiral staircase in it it seemed to go on forever and I thought if I climb that staircase maybe I'd meet God on top so my parents were in the foyer of this beautiful ornate traditional looking temple with carvings all over and I took off running I could then and I took off running on these steps to arrive at the top and and I was I just saw this huge area it was it had an out of court and then it had an inner place with with a water and and and na and a candlestick yes yes out of court in a court and then there was a big heavy veil see the enemy knows a good thing he'd counterfeit it he counted copies anything so I I look at the veil and I thought this way God must be he's hiding from me but the priest wasn't around see I knew the rules when the priest was not around you can possibly do some things sort of get away with it the priest was around I just didn't see him he probably was inside somewhere so I opened this heavy rail aside it was heavy I had to push with it and then I went in and there was this this I don't know how many feet this huge title many eyes four or five heads many arms and it looked imposing and intimidating and I thought that's it surely God can heal me truly this thing here would heal me I grabbed a hold of it and started begging this God to heal my body and I don't know where the priest came from I knew he was around probably hiding or whatever and he suddenly came at me with his hands and his fists raised and he said how dare you defile the sacred place now you've touched this idol how dare you define it poor side defiled it I couldn't even read the books much less touch this God [Music] yes i defiled it to him I took off running downstairs like the demons were after me because I thought he was gonna beat me or hit me do something I was like I'm sorry I'm sorry and he shouted after me and said you are a sinner you will never be able to touch God there will always be a wall between you and God that those words never left me I said well I think for now that's it do you know who you worship CCC do you know this morning that no matter who you are where you've come from what you've done yesterday last night or last year you have access you have access it doesn't matter yes we sinners have an access that veil was torn into two and we are worshipping a touchable God we can touch him he can touch us we can enter the throne of grace bolli he said in the time of need through the blood but I didn't know that then see I could only hear the voice of this Hindu priests telling me you're a sinner you cannot touch God you defile this place so I ran I ran all the way down those prior spiral steps met my parents in the foyer and they said what happened to you I said nothing let's just go back to the hotel went back to the hotel then flew back home the next day my pilgrimage to search for God was over for now my sickness was still in my body and then I remembered I remembered that many years ago people would come to my door and give me a trach Jesus Saves well who's that I didn't know Jesus was and I certainly wasn't interested in another God I had many already thank you 3.3 million plus Jesus know things and they're like Jesus Saves and I'm like well thank you very much but I've got my own religion you know know what I'm talking about yes you do and so when the pain ravaged and it became so bad that me passing out and collapsing the doctors thought they had a tumor in my brain they just some of them and then they did cats they did all kinds of scans and and testing they couldn't find out why that this pain was just growing and debilitating and there was no cure that all they did was they gave me a bottle of painkiller you know if you take for a day you might be able to manage it I didn't want to manage it I wanted to cure it and so I thought to myself you know what maybe if I took the whole bottle I'll manage it real good I'd die and then you know no no life no pain you know when you're desperate you sing thoughts like that when you're desperate and there's no answer and hope is just a dream or talk you think things like that so I was desperate so probably on the last day of my life on this planet or at least according to my plans I was sitting in my room it was late probably 10:30 11 o'clock I had not taken any medication I was just in so much pain and then I remembered a tract Jesus Saves I also remembered a Christmas card that what I once received I don't know why who would even send me a Christmas card we didn't celebrate Christmas but in that again it says Jesus Savior I'm like you know what what am I going to lose what I got to lose nobody would know just gonna find out [Music] save he hears me she even knows me after all priest said that I could never go through the veil and I didn't have access so you probably nothing is going to happen in this empty room the lights was switched off it was time to go to bed but I set up shaking in pain and I cried out Jesus [Music] nothing happened at first I said I must Hindu worship many gods you know just in case he didn't know I was introducing myself to him nowadays I didn't know he knew all things I didn't know he enabled me to be conceived he knew me even when I was in my mother's womb I didn't know any of it I didn't know him you do you don't have an excuse don't even try to look for one anymore you do and so I tried again Jesus and in that darkened room see that room there wasn't streetlights outside it was built in such a way that there would be there was a street out there but no streetlights and and so there was this light it could not have come from a street light because there were no streetlights outside that house that we lived in in Malaysia your light just penetrated the room I never saw a face but there was a form that filled the entire room light and a voice the first and only time that I've ever heard him audibly nowadays it's in my spirit I thank God for that voice but that day when I cried out to him and told him I need healing in my body that voice rang out in my room I am Jesus I am God and he the pain in my body that I heard for many years and I become accustomed to what yield in an instant the pain was gone oh come on see see see get excited get excited with me for yourself for me for those that need him for those that need the Messiah can we shout the guards shout to God [Music] oh the pain left the brain disappeared the problems just started my parents were still upstairs in the room the next day was a Friday just any old day for you and I these days but Friday for a Hindu is prayer day so early the next morning my mother knocks on my door I'm still basking in this Jesus deal that I have no clue what just happened happened the night before all I know is that I couldn't go back he'd come to my life now my pain was gone I was a testimony he had healed my pain so what do I do what do you do when you're faced with truth and then the other side of your life what do you do my mother knocked on the door and I was still just so excited that Jesus had healed me I opened the door I'd forgotten it was Friday and Hindu I mean who I don't think I was into her for that I knocked on the door I mean she knocked on the door opened it I said yes mom she said what do you mean yes mom why aren't you dressed tonight for what she looked at me like I lost my mind she said we're going to the temple we're going to the temple we're going to the temple to do prayers you know get dressed and I grabbed her hand I said mom I can't go she said why not you sick boy that day I wish I had the flu or something something to blame on yes I'm sick leave me alone I couldn't couldn't lie don't know why I looked at her and I said I can't go to the temple mom because mom III oh Jesus my mom really then looked at me like I lost my mind he looked she looked at me and she said I don't know what you're talking about get dressed get in the car my mother was a was the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of chief priests my dad came down and said why aren't you ready I said I'm not going to the temple I'm sorry forgive me but I cannot go to the temple so they left me alone they just thought probably I was having one of those spell I don't know what they thought but they just they just thought that you know because I was sick for a long long time they knew about my physical pain and physical sickness and so they let it be and they went my mother said when I come back we will talk all I knew was to get ahold of that name that name that you know that no matter how hard it gets you can get ahold of that name and I got ahold of that name and I said Jesus help me I don't know what to say or what to do when they come back from the temple they came back my mother didn't come back alone she came back with another priest they were going to exorcise me probably and so he came back with another priest and my mom and my dad and this priest they were just they were just talking to me and talking to me and then somebody else drove up and there was another priest said some of these people my relatives their mother uncles and cousins but they were priests they didn't talk to me as an uncle or a cousin they talked to me as priests they kept circling around me and talking to me and telling me that Jesus is false that I had somehow been brainwashed by Christian friends yeah I guess what ring it was not my Christian friend it was by a friend one only friend I mean actually and so I just told them I said I said I didn't say a lot because they were adult and I was a young girl and they were fierce and intimidating and they were very angry and my father was standing in the corner crying because he was very close to Matt my dad was my best friend and I thought he would understand I said dad we have to follow Jesus he was the only one I trusted I could say this and he just shook his head in disappointment that hurt me more than anything else these priests didn't hurt me my father's disappointment hurt me he just shook his head in with disappointed he said why I said I don't know I don't know I don't care whether I ever know I know I must and so they surrounded me and and they were just mocking Jesus and they were saying this is all false and he doesn't love you and you don't know and you're gonna lose every inheritance you're going to lose your lineage you're going to lose the priesthood lineage do you know even who you are do you know your great-grandparents are do you know what your history you know what I'm talking about persecution doesn't just come by chopping off our head persecution can come by family and friends and girlfriends and boyfriends is wanting us to have anything to do with you anymore if you just prayed nowadays it's not if you believe in Jesus I chop your head off nowadays if you believe in Jesus I'm like you might lose your job and so it's they were just unrelentingly trying to surround me and forcing me to do whatever and pushing me telling me to recant telling me to just come away from that belief to say that Jesus did not exist I would not all I did was inwardly was clench my fists and all I said was Jesus Jesus times if you don't know the words it's all you need because the spirit is in that name the blood is in that name all of his promises are in that name Jesus Jesus Jesus you don't have to be eloquent to get his attention you've just got to be desperate to get his attention you've just got to be in need to get his attention because he is magnetized he's attracted to need he's attracted to desperation he's making sense anybody and so I stood there and they were mocking me and all of a sudden one of my cousin's one of the priests turned around and told my mom and dad we cannot help her whatever that's got a hold of her is more powerful than anything we can say and I tell you that that gave me so much hope that they felt him too they rejected him but they couldn't help but acknowledge his power and his presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is no other name can you shout that name out right there is no other name one more time Jesus can you shout the name into your problem right now Jesus the first/last is the beginning and the end he is the king who made the common man he is [Music] the first election beginning and he is the king who made the common man betrayed here is know the name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh geez well my mother ran upstairs got my little suitcase put as many clothes as she can she said you better leave us now we've got to drop you off wherever your Christian friends I didn't have any Christian friends that's like where you gonna drop me to somewhere you know maybe you can't live here anymore you can't live with us you know the good thing is when you're among believers like you you make room for those that are thrown out I know you do I know you you may just have met me today but I know you and so I lived with we lived with Christian a Christian family we moved away and they took us in and and and took care of us we used to visit them and we used to just it was wonderful they loved me and that support was needed because I could not go back to my parents house anymore I would call birthdays Mother's Day and she would just hang up she's a good lady you know my mother is not a mean person at all he just felt betrayed she did not handle me or handle it and so I would just keep getting rejected you know every phone call would be she just hang up as soon as she heard my voice and so one year had passed I'd gone for Bible studies as baptized in Jesus name I received the Holy Ghost I [Music] was raving about other people getting to know him it's all my focus it was that's all my focus is and one year had gotten by I never heard from them my dad calls me he calls me he says hello I said dad he said look your mother doesn't know I'm calling you I said okay I thought something bad had happened he said he was a very successful businessman and he said there were some things in the business some investments that could be lost but I'm very worried about it but for some reason when I said last night I closed my eyes and you came to my mind I said me he said yes we never even talked about you but you came into my mind and I was compelled to call you I don't even know why I don't want spoke to me and said but you do I said dad I I don't have that kind of answers that you need for your investment in your business but I know one thing I know that someone that could give you peace through it all he may even be able to fix the issue but most importantly he will fix your heart and my father said oh no I'm not coming to your church and no I said dad you don't have to come to church it's come to meet me at the parking lot you know how that is right we say stuff like that then they come to the parking lot know something you know it they're in the church and he said okay so he met me the parking lot outside our church and he was there and and he wound down the window and I said dad it's really hot here salamé tactics step by step slice by slice he said so what do you want me to do I said well it's a weekday dad there's no church there's no church in the middle of the Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening come upstairs there's air there's air conditioning in that room in the church room and at least we can sit and talk peacefully and nobody will disturb us but it's hot in the parking lot he said all right so he walked up and we went into the church and there was air wasn't lying about that what I didn't know was Tuesday night I really didn't know this church please don't look at me in a bad way but I didn't know Tuesday night was prayer meeting night I really did I forgot I guess I should have known so my dad walked in and he heard sounds of people praying there was not many people that probably bought 50 member church and maybe about 10 or 15 people were praying but one is good enough for God to move one prayer person is good enough for God to do his thing and so dad walked in to those to the foyer and into the room and he looked at everybody praying didn't mind him at all they were just up in the front of the sanctuary like this praying and just just connecting to God he sat right at the back i sat with him and as soon as he sat down he started crying anything what is that I said what what he said what is that I'm just I don't know what I'm feeling in here it's like so think it's something and I can't stop crying and one of the peoples the little old lady she was she was a prayer warrior I'm always scared about Pentecostal little old ladies who are prayer warriors they change things she came around she didn't touch my dad she didn't even go very very near him she just came into our little space at the back and she just asked me she said is it a friend a relativist is my father she said oh okay and then she just said telling him to just lift up his hand I said alright I was a new Congress and then I I looked at him to dead do you want to just sort of lift up your hand a little bit and he just complied my dad doesn't comply my dad's just my dad complied and he just went my bed and he was crying and then that little old lady at that time just came in front still didn't touch and just extended his hand towards him and begin to just whisper in that heavenly language the heavenly language that I was just listening just learning to to speak in and just had received the Holy Ghost and she was speaking in that my father began to open his mouth and then he suddenly jackknifed and stood up with his hands and opened his mouth and she said just say hallelujah he only had half that hallelujah out of his mouth God filled him with the baptism of the Holy Ghost [Music] God filled him with the Holy Ghost he was shaking he didn't know what was going on I didn't know what was going on somebody ran upstairs to the second floor and got the pastor of the church he ran down he looked at him and he said we need to baptize you we need to put you in the water well at that time my dad was so dazed he was so under the power of God he would have done anything it walked on coals to whatever he said I don't care I don't know what you're talking about I don't care and he looked at me said is this what you've been doing all this while he said is this why you left everything and came to this Jesus I don't blame you [Music] [Applause] and so we took him and we put him in the water of baptism and when he came out of the water he seasoned Hindu people they wear that red thread it is a connection a pledge of vow they make to obey and worship many gods and my father had that red thread God gave him the Holy Ghost despite anything because God is merciful and he's loving and he's kind but when he came out of the water my dad took the red thread and snapped it out of his prison said I don't need that anymore come on church you [Music] there is no other name can we just burn right now and lift up our hands why don't you go to him and say God give me that shot in the arm give me that extra hole that extra faint because I believe God wants to fill you with a baptism of his spirit this morning if you've never experienced what I've been talking about then he's talking to you right now [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on Church [Music] there is no other name but the name of Jesus [Music] his name there is no one who is he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus oh Jesus I gotta tell you I want to tell you just one more thing but keep worshipping God right now as I speak to you just keep worshiping God God is going to God is gonna move in a mighty way he's going to heal how many of you here you've come for specific healing specific healing whether it's your body redness up your hands sky-high thank you sir thank you ma'am thank you sir specific healing whether he's the mind the heart the finances the family and specific I want to tell you that before he heals he's going to feel because the greatest miracle of all was not that my sickness was healed the greatest miracle is when he filled me with his baptism of the Holy Ghost that was the greatest all other miracles pale in comparison of God coming to live inside of us I told my dad after he came out of the river and he snapped that red string I told my dad I said then I need one favor he said yes I need a favor - don't tell your mother I said deal my mom she's a sweet lady but I think she's intimidated everybody in the family so my dad said I said dad this is your business between you and God okay I don't tell my mother anything God will give you that timing where you can sure you can reach her but I need a favor from you he said what I said my both my brothers my both my younger brothers they were going to be ordained as Hindu priests in a matter of months or a year I needed to get them out I needed to reach them Bishop and so I said pastor would what I said to brothers he said what do you want me to do with them I said bring them to me and you come with them let's talk to them about this dad don't you think they need this he said yes it would be good for them they need to change those boys drive me crazy is it good that's good motivation just bring them and so he brought the two boys and they said they say I'm the oldest in the family in our culture if you're the oldest you have clout you are you're like a second Mountain you have cloud let me tell you see see see you got caught using if you've got 12 and influence of them your friends your work people your family members using use it unashamedly not obnoxiously but unashamedly and so I I told my brothers I said I'm I'm the big sister and they were like yes ma'am I said God wants to save you and God wants to fill you I was just a year old in the Lord I didn't know the Bible I didn't dare touch the Old Testament I knew that Jesus loved me and loved them and I was in Bible School at that time just learning about different things I knew that Jesus was the one God that he's our Father and I said now boys I know you believe in many gods but this is it I told my whole story of how he healed me and then dad interjected and said you read Jesus they're like yes sir they were not going anywhere so they began to we began to pray with them and and and I saw them and I began to talk to them and the older of the two boys they were both younger than me but the older of the two boys they came and it was a service in New Zealand my husband and I were pastoring in New Zealand at that time this is many years later they came to a service they already knew about Jesus they knew what Jesus had done with me the older of the two boys came to a church service and brother Marshall got ahold of him and all he did was lift up his hands and begin to worship God and God filled him with the Holy Ghost and he was baptized in Jesus name the younger of the two boys was filled with the Holy Ghost and was baptized in genes my both my brothers and their wives were baptized and received the Holy Ghost the only one holding out was mom she knew me by knew she knows she knew I was a gone case you know there's no way to bring her back to Hinduism or whatever but sooner or later sooner God melted the ice in her heart against me and she began to communicate with me and receive my phone calls and begin to talk to me today she's my best friend I mean she she'll call me for everything from from ather idak pain to whatever she will call me and six months ago seven months ago I received a phone call from a cousin of mine and she said did you know that mom bought a bouquet of flowers and went to a local church in Malaysia I said what church you mean temple she says no no Bonnie wasn't a temple she went to a church III wasn't respond I didn't ask her to go I wasn't responsible for that you see there are something that God knows that maybe beyond us but he will do it all by himself like the tide that comes in without my help and the wind and the breeze that moves trees without my help many things he wants us involved in the salvation of souls and the harvest yes God wants us involved but with my mother so so I called my mom I said mom Jenny said that you you went to church with some flowers is that true was it a temple you went to she said well I didn't want to tell you she said she said you remember a few weeks ago when I called you and asked you to pray for severe pain on my legs my knees my mom is in her 70s you know and and and I said yes she said you you prayed you know you prayed too you know she always has a hard time saying his name you know Jesus I was like yes well that evening the pain left I said yes and then what she said well I didn't know how to thank this Jesus didn't know what I could do for him so I went out and got powers and III didn't know what church to go to you know there's so many in the yellow pages I just went to a random church that had a cross thought maybe he lived there maybe he would receive one I said mom he loves you he's received yours he didn't feel close see she said I just went there and gave the flowers to the man one of the leaders then said this is not that nice but guess what you can kiss it she hasn't received the Holy Ghost yet but guess what Church we live in a place where everything we believe is being locked mocked and downtrodden and rejected that we're almost afraid to pray over our food in public in a restaurant this is not a Canada issue it's an American even in America that there's there's silent stealthy ways to get us to deny our beliefs in the open but he will not be denied he will not be denied [Music] want you to lift up your hands right now [Music] the scripture that comes to me as you begin to pray is where Paul remember Paul says in 2nd Corinthians I take pleasure I take pleasure I'm happy in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions and distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak for when I am weak can you finish the sentence then I am all right so that's where my strength is that's how I can be strong tomorrow when I go back to work or in the middle of the week when the boss rails on me or when my children just upset me or when the money is not coming through and my job is too hard and I'm stressed out and depressed and anxious that's where my strength is to take pleasure in reproaches in necessities in persecutions he said we are troubled on every side I'm gonna hear you feel sometimes every side you turn to there's no help is it just me is it you why don't you just say I'm troubled on every side but I'm not distressed there are not distressed there I'm perplexed I'm confused sometimes with things that are happening around me my family my finances my work but I'm not in despair I might be persecuted but I'm not forsaken cast down but not destroyed I'm not destroyed you are not destroyed you're not destroyed you're not destroyed you're not [Music] and they considered it a privilege you know the disciples in the early days to suffer great peril for the name of Jesus because they realize that the journey of discipleship is about developing the character of Christ the only way I can become like Christ if I walk the way of Christ he was rejected by everyone particularly his own I mean Iranian Christians jail just a few months ago in Iran simply for sharing the gospel several years ago a young Iranian schoolgirl gave her life to Christ and when her parents found out her father beat her until she was almost dead she was seriously injured and she was actually paralyzed from waist down as a severe as because of the severe beating but she kept her faith and continued to share Christ you know what I want sometimes I feel my story is nothing compared to that Iranian schoolgirl what I want is I want that kind of power coursing through me that if my neighbors reject me because I'm a little bit churchy you know I'm always talking about prayer meetings in church and Holy Ghost need to be talking about it more but I want to be at a place where there's power coursing through me that thing can get me down don't you want to be there at some point I want to be at that point where I can read the newspapers and see all the horrible stuff that's happening around the world in the United States that stuff is such great division in society there's those that are clamoring for rights in there and others that are victims and or playing the victim or whatever but the enemy directs this is attacks today in such a subtle way not so much the physical body right right now in America we're not in the place yet where people are getting their heads chopped off or legs chopped off for professing Jesus Christ yet well it's coming I believe that persecution is not a nice thing but it's a necessary thing sometimes to cause us to hold on to this power to cause us to lean solely on God and not everything else enemies directing his attacks not against a person's physical body these days but to our ego you know he focuses on the desire for acceptance the fear of rejection and the desire for status I remember when the priest was surrounding me and just you know pushing me didn't I am Jesus is not real you do not know what you're going to lose you're gonna lose your mom and dad you'll never speak to you again you'll never be invited to weddings and funerals or birthdays if you're my mother so me this in eyeball-to-eyeball my mother said if I die don't come for my funeral very painful for a young girl and that same mother said I don't know what happened all I know is you prayed and my legs don't hurt anymore so I wanted to give flowers to Jesus that was a long journey between then and now but it was a journey worth walk walk don't give up on your children on your streets that is not worshiping with you yet on your sons and daughters that may not be here yet but if you want that power to be able to stand not just religious persecution like I went through but any the power to just stand in the face of rejection and mocking and persecution and distress and know that nothing can ever destroy you nothing can ever separate you from the love of God because you are more more not just conquerors but more than conquerors through Christ who loves if you want that power would you walk up in front and join me because I want to pray right now come on bring your families come up in front I want to just pray and I want you to pray with me everyone here everyone don't don't don't be afraid that that you're going to be somehow put in a spotlight no the only thing that only one in the spotlight right now is Jesus Christ come on right up in front as close as you can get as close as you can get [Music] [Applause] [Music] he loves you you know you don't have to be afraid [Music] let's lift up my hands everywhere Jesus said rejoice and be glad all declared I think myself happy they had a made-up mind and God wants to fill you to the point where you have a made-up mind come on church I'm asking pastor and I'm asking pastor Jack and I'm asking the ministry team here would you pray for these precious people the visitors our church people that have come forward with needs if you have a need whatever it is if it's healing your family or finances with your hand guy high in the air so that we know who you are and we'll pray for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Jesus his name forever and ever forever and ever [Music] oh Jesus name
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 1,643,652
Rating: 4.8060355 out of 5
Keywords: vani, marshall, preaching, preach, sermon, testimony, testifying, hindu, hinduism, poa, pentecostals, of, alexandria, xavier, multicultural, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, christian, vani marshall
Id: PT3jeoqwR6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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