"Go... Tell That Fox" Vesta Mangun BOTT 2009

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anybody happy to be in church today [Applause] anybody in this house loved Vesta [Applause] I do not believe all of those things the brother Anthony say about Vesta main she did not try to kick him she was trying to lay feet on him and pray for him what a great woman a woman that I love so much [Music] she practice what she preaches she preaches to our hearts from her heart her messages live in our minds our hearts our spirit year to year I love you sister Vesta preached to us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] guess what I'll show you later [Music] because of the times 2009 after last night I've decided to put ever egg I've got in this basket [Music] [Applause] it was stinking a lot on that Oh lark but when that water began to rise nobody wanted off I'm in the church to stay [Applause] I give honor to our great leaders than many officials to our platform guests and special speakers and do you men of the cloth and thousands of attendees thank you for having me maybe this will be my last year to be special speaker so let me ask you to smile with me while we can because I have a message for the devil and all the host of Hell and I need your help to deliver it and I mean that I mean that Thank You Anthony thank you by the Terry Luke chapter 13 verses 31 through 32 tells us there came a certain that came certain of the Pharisees saying unto Him Jesus get the out of here depart hence for Herod will kill you and Jesus said unto them go ye and tell that Fox behold sit up and take notice look me over real good I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I'll be perfected go tell him now as you all know that there's deep prophetic and dispensational significance but the bigger picture is our message because of the times 2009 jesus answered these Pharisees go tell that Fox from the foundation of the world you may be seated sorry it is written there has been an appointed mission for me to accomplish in spite of what you Pharisees and Herod or any others may say or do go tell the Fox I cast out Devils I do cures today and tomorrow I'll be perfected go tell that Fox that will be my pattern that will be my ministry every day until I complete my mission through my death burial and resurrection in Jerusalem the third day I shall be perfected now that's the glorious prophecy of the resurrection and the powerful definition of the supernatural gospel Jesus gave Herod that day but the incredible impact of this word picture he gave to us go ye tell that Fox the same Jesus who rises from that cold stone slab where he had been laid walks to the threshold of the tomb stands swaying on wounded feet and walks out into a dewy garden shouting I am alive forevermore and I give and I have the keys of death and of Hell I'm the same Jesus who said I give unto you power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt thee when he conquered the forces of darkness and left him disarmed and paralyzed we are participants in that victory when he snatched the keys away from death and hail old Satan we are sharers in that triumph when he defeated the devil it was my victory when he ascended on high and took his seat in heavenlies we ascended with him therefore we are Satan's master I'm his boss because of the times till 209 Hotel the Fox Satan that great dragon that old serpent called the devil and all his demons and the powers of darkness that is the work and the mission of the church militant we are here to cast out Devils will here the cure diseases we are here to preach the gospel we are here to heal the sick as New Testament born-again Christians next of kin to Jesus Christ to the new birth begotten of God bearing his genes his DNA we are a bonafide authentic genuine member of the Church of Jesus Christ that he promised all the forces of hell can't stop this church not opposition not persecution not suffering not affliction not tribulation not calamity not distress not hunger not destitution or peril or sword or even martyrdom you do not have to believe me when I tell you that but if you don't I don't have a message for you because I believe it doesn't anybody here believe it next of kin has been given power and authority over all Devils and to cast out demons to cure diseases and to heal the sick today and tomorrow and the third day will be perfected will be resurrected for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the force of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with him but until then pardon me please and indulge me please give the time Oh [Music] so every day every day every day I raise my right hand and I do solemnly affirm I will by God's help and grace so help me God I will every day every day every day I will seek first the kingdom of God every day I will seek him first every day I will take up my cross every day and follow him I will crucify this old flesh and nail it to the cross every day I'll set my affections on things above every day I'll witness the people as I have opportunity every day take people not buildings not machinery our properties my business is people business every day every day Warren Webster said if I had my life to live over again I would live it to change the lives of people because people people you haven't changed anything until you change people you've got to change the lives of people nothing changes the lives of people though like prayer not human talent personality charm of human magnetism elephants are articulate Ness all these gifts God may use but alone they are utterly powerless to defeat or even reclaim one soul from the captivity of the devil apart from Holy Ghost intercessory prayer wisdom becomes folly strength becomes weakness scholarship is blind to spiritual truth worship is idolatry if it has no Holy Ghost anointing preaching is powerless without Holy Ghost anointing human resources of organization wealth enthusiasm reform philanthropy or even they're just useless if there is no Holy Ghost power in them and the power of the Holy Ghost comes through intercessory prayer it's the only thing that will avail the only power that overcomes the devil and releases Souls from here stranglehold is the power of the Holy Ghost and the only power that releases the denomination demon power its intercessory prayer say in Jesus name say in Jesus name for as soon as I answer failed she brought forth children I would hate to be in the city without a plain Church I would hate to be in a city without a surveiling Church the Holy Ghost is here today the Holy Ghost is here today to call us to warn us every day prayer will be my life and my life will be prayer everyday nobody is making me do it this is how we live it's my pillow by night it's my staff by day God is my source through prayer i connect I plug into my source for myself for my family for my church for my community for my world a fish can't live out of water because water is its source it flounders around till it dies without him my source I can do nothing I will flounder around till I die where is the main business of the church we must depend on prayer because our mission depends on miracles that's more than 90 minutes on a Sunday morning Jesus said my house shall be called a house of prayer a prayer for all nations 22,000 people groupings on this globe it will be forever true if my people will I will oh-oh a battle for the souls of people oh I will bottle them up in heaven and if you will pray I will pour them out and they will hear my boss swimming in their ear I will give thunders and lightnings and miracles and signs and wonders if you will fill up those vials in heaven I will reach your children I will reach your community I will reach your city and your body here believe that two thousand years two days of this church age are in their last and final hours the day of the Lord is upon us but not yet in one hour the day no one wants to talk about all things will collapse but not yet the last hour belongs to this church almost 70 years ago brother Mangan preached that before the rapture of the church God is going to parade his church before the world in a sovereign sweeping Holy Ghost revival and spiritual awakening Paul said in Ephesians 3:10 2:11 like this God intends to display the church before all evil powers as his instrument to dispense what he has already purposed and decreed through his death burial and resurrection whether willoughby called it like this last night I'm elevating my church in this world the book of Acts church the Church of the firstborn the ecclesia the called out body of redeemed mankind out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation baptized filled in dude empowered infused in dwelt with the Holy Ghost resurrection power the church blood bond blood washed spotless the central object of history she is the reason and the ultimate goal of the universe every event in history transpires to serve the purpose of the church the entire cosmos the Sun and the moon and the story galaxies all for the church the bride the Lambs wife it is for her earthly kingdoms rise and fall the nations of this world about puppets manipulated by God for her purpose for the purpose of the church everything exists thus the church and only the church is the explanation of history there is no such thing as secular history it's all God's history and he's riding it and has written it the way he wants to and it's going to turn out just like he said [Music] so refused to be caught in this migraine this pervasive feeling of hopelessness that has descended upon God's people from the platform to the pew so many on the periphery seem to have abandoned hope in favor of despair a religious numbness has ripped us what's the use what if anything can be done about it we're doing well to hold our own so much investment has gone down the drain can I tell you that that attitude is an unconditional surrender to hell on earth it's a spiritual suicide because of the times 2009 is a spiritual oxygen-breathing new life a new hope and new vision and new determination into every one of us reviving us telling us don't despair don't give up don't quit don't turn back it may be the darkest hour you've ever been in but the Sun will rise again the battle you are fighting may be the toughest roughest bloodiest deadness you've ever been in but victory is coming the borders you are carrying may be the heaviest you've ever cared but relief is on its way you may be down but because of the time is going to get you up the last chapter hasn't been written yet hear me the last chapters always twice as much say that say the last chapter is always twice as much so the best is yet to come we're not racing toward Ash's Gettler Gethsemane and Golgotha ascension and Pentecost do not spell the word defeat say they spelled victory so go tell the Fox go tell the Fox the word of the Lord to me is this there are my battle axe and my weapons of war for with the hour break in pieces the nations and with the all destroyed kingdoms and with the I will break in pieces the horse and his rider and with thee will I break in pieces the charity's rider through perpetual purposeful aggressive audacious sleepless prevailing intercessory prayer every day every day I will be your battering ram o Lord we will take back all the devil has stolen from us we will recover all we help not to lose believe God can do the impossible admit the futility of taking matters into your own hands believe God loves you the undistracted and can use you even if you have failed he can work wonders with our mistakes and failures because the Lord's Compassion's fail not and His mercies are new every morning so forget the former things don't dwell on the past he's doing a new thing in our lives it'll soon spring forth and you will know it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert on the waymaker I'll make a way for you if you'll listen you'll hear my voice behind saying this is the way walk in it go tell the Fox I'm not giving up don't tell him I'm not quitting my two days are just about over but the third day I'll be perfected I'm locked a little torque a little cork fell in the path of a whale who lashed it down with his angry tail but in spite of his blows that quickly arose and floated serenely in front of his nose said the cork you may splash and sputter and fire but you can never never never keep me down for I'm made of the stuff that is buoyant enough to float instead of drown go tell the Fox I'm coming out don't tell him don't tell him some father tell them I'm coming out you're not keeping me down say I believe it Tom getting my mind made up say I got it that's what I tell this choir sometimes after they sing that song ten verses ten times I said I got it [Applause] [Music] don't be moon who you are God never made two I was the same don't wish you were anybody else God's got you for your own place don't compare yourself with anybody else don't be moon where you are what you are what you have or what you have not our help Asia where you've been and said and done or any of it David said after he had numbered the people and seventy thousand people had died in a plague he said my times are in God's hands and look at me there's a lot of things in his hands I never preacher in this room you're in God's hands if that don't tell you something and you can't tell them to go tell that old Fox you can't take me out of his hands I'm in his hands my name is inscribed in the palm of his hand he's not this whole world in his hands though tell the Fox I'm serving him he's my Lord and Master and I'm your boss and your own attendant and you've got to ask permission here before you ever get to me go tell him I'm here to stay go tell the Fox I've got my mind made up he can do anything anything but failed if you don't believe that you're not better off than on in from now on eighth you saw a humanist I believe he can do anything he's ever done he can do it again does anybody here believe that I know you're standing but you've got to get to believing it it's not how much racket we make it's how much we believe it that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about that's what's got to happen come out of it I don't have to finish this message don't tell the Fox go tell them old devil [Music] but we desperately need in this time of apocalyptic siftings is intercessors who will believe who will believe that years and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seeking who will engage the forces of Satan with authority to use the power of the Holy Ghost confessing the word pleading the blood in Jesus omnipotent all-powerful name and saying if I perish I'll just perish but you will not destroy my family or me or my children or my church or anything else I'm responsible for does anybody else water get up jelly you're coming out you're coming out I will intercede before God day and night crying out as did Moses spare spare Israel if you have to block my name out you're gonna spare Israel as Abraham said God spare lot in this family before you rain down fire and brimstone on Sodom and those angels grabbed a lot by the arm and said we can't do what we were sent to do until we get you out of here I've got enough of power to tie the hands of angels before they send judgment on anything if you'll believe me today you can go tell the Fox you ain't getting it in the last chapter I'm going to have twice as much as I had when you got ahold of me I'm on how twice as much I'm gonna have twice as much hallelujah I wish a bunch of thousand preachers would say hallelujah I wish you'd shout go tell the Fox don't tell that old devil I'm more than a match for you through the power of the Holy Ghost and the man the enforcement of Jesus Christ dynamic victory is in the hands of an interceding Church the church has been given power of attorney deputize with delegated authority but it is inoperative without intercessory prayers a perpetual purposeful aggressive bold intercessory plan where is where the action is to intercessory prayer we will the balance of power not only in world affairs but in the salvation of individual souls your family and mind because God does nothing only in answer to prayer this then means that souls are never saved apart from intercession and that every soul who is saved is saved because someone played who wouldn't give up that makes me guilty of criminal negligence if I give up and I could save them through prayer I'm not giving up devil you've got something on your hands I'm not giving up I wish these missionaries would say that with me about your children and your grandchildren I'm not giving up I wish your shouted missionaries say go tell the devil you're not getting one of mine everybody here shouts that go tell the devil you're not getting mine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll move in on you so quick you won't know what happened if you go I don't care if you stand there while all the time I speak I don't care if you interrupting just so you get it every day every day every day every day because any church or individual without a well organized systematic prayer program every day is simply operating a religious treadmill without a well organized systematic proposal every day there's no prayer coming over that church that family or that individual I don't know about you but even when I'm driving down the road I'm crying out I'm begging I'm pleading I'm claiming I'm weeping I'm asking I'm knocking because jesus said this kind cometh forth not but by say every day I'll be playing I won't this kind I will fish miraculous kind I want this casting out Devils kind I want this curing disease kind I want this healing the sick kind that cometh forth not but by prayer and fasting [Applause] there'll be no harvesters there will be no laborers there'll be no gathering out of this wasting harvest except there is prayer and fasting except the spirit draw them they can't come any hell and the spirit only draws when we give enough a prayer power for him to draw with your spirit come on everybody come on because of the times 2000 and believe me huh believe me hear me it will overcome satanic demonic conspiracies it will overcome divided and divided demonic confederacies it will destroy yokes and remove burdens it will destroy oppression and depression and the spirit of destruction it will rebuke the enemy it was a straw the works of the devil it will clinch the farm the enemy it will break the powers of darkness and hail it will release the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and there's no sword like that it has no competitor you can release it with prayer it takes on all of its enemies it wins every time it releases the arrows of the Lord it releases the strong arm of the Lord it releases the power of God it releases the power of the blood and brings divine safety and protection for me my family my possessions my church and brings revelation and blessings and favor and prosperity and financial release and healing and health and angelic deliverance intercessory prayer thanks curses and cast generational spirits out and will dishonor ungodly covenants it will blot out transgressions it will bind and loose it will root out and pull it down it will unlock prison doors that will set captives free the Holy Ghost intercessory prayer it looked the forces of evil in the eye and say and I saw a woman do this in this program she literally did this in our prayer room while engaged in intercessory treasure she said I stripped the power of that deceiving spirit off and she called the name I stripped the spirit of delusion off of them I stripped the spirit of deception lying seducing blinding spirits spirits of error gah guilt that person was delivered you say mine's not delivered yet just keep her stripping them off I'm not giving up stripping them off I'm not giving up stripping them off I'm gonna keep sipping them off hallelujah Holy Ghost intercessory prayer will bring spiritual awakening and a sovereign move of the Holy Ghost revival come on somebody there isn't a liar a thief a drunkard an addict a pervert an embezzler a moral failure he cannot or will not redeem through intercessory prayer if I don't do it I'm guilty of criminal negligence that's worse than abortion you don't have to agree with me but a four-year-old child or a baby left in a car on a hot day a hundred degree and and the mother doesn't go back in and that baby is dead when she gets back to say that's criminal negligence said that's worse than if she'd aborted it I don't know folks how you feel about it but there's a lot of people out there they need they need they need somebody somebody come somebody pray for me somebody help me the devil want you to give up on your family give up on your community give up on your neighbors he wants to tell you you have no hope in this situation he says I will never let you alone this is your lot in life so you might as well give up on those valuable possessions no they're too precious to me say I'll never give up go tell the devil he's got something on his hands I'll never give up oh no remember say the devil is a liar when he tells you there's no hope realize the opposite is true say God's not willing and I'm not willing that any should perish all limitation to the miraculous and the supernatural is on our part every ministry in this church is undergirded by intercessory prayer from Wonderland to grace house mercy has to mickey Mangan 7 ministry that is the restoring of all in this church or in this city who needs help to overcome their addictions it needs to be a ministry in the church in every city the only way they can overcome even after they've come in is to have somebody there to support them and help them overcome it samuel said god forbid that I should sin against God say it's a sin against God say that with me say it again pearl is there's a sin against God how the list of transgressions it's a sin against your family it's a sin against your church it's a sin against lost souls it's a sin against the wasting harvest those for whom the church travails are saved all others are lost that makes me guilty of criminal negligence go tell the Fox he's king only of the henhouse at the bark of a German Shepherd he takes off running to the hills and when the lion of the tribe of Judah goes through you and me and a corporate Church with perpetual purposeful intercessory prayer say the devil takes off running he goes back to the pit from which he came he heard a roar go out of this place last night he heard a roar it's gonna sound around the world yes it sure as I'm standing here I've always loved this story hope anthing doesn't mind me using it a little boy was reading a book his mom called him to come and help her wash dishes he asked mom can I finish this book first and she said it won't take us long to do these dishes then you can finish it but mom I'm in the middle of the book and the heroes getting beat and the villains got him down and he's winning she said oh it won't take us long then young finish okay he turned the pages quickly read the last chapter and in the last chapter he found out his hero got up off of his back off of the mat and won the battle then he came in there waving the book in the air and he said 900 villain you're having a pretty good time in the middle of the chapters but you just wait till you get the last chapter you're in for the shock of your life [Music] and I tell you because of the times 209 I've read the last chapter we win we win the villain does not try on nah-nah-nah-nah old villain you may be having a pretty good tommnow in the middle chapters but wait until you get to the last chapter the last chapter Foster's much [Music] when I was a child my parents wouldn't even allow me to even say my goodness or my lord have mercy so please forbear I want to get this out of my system it's been bottled up in me for a long time and that may be the way you're feeling - I want to call him some of the names that the Bible calls him and Steve Willoughby did a pretty good job here Sunday morning in his life changing message he called him a bunch of names that I wanted to jump up and say I want to call him some more so Steve if you feel like it anytime you want to you can join me and all the rest can join me I've read the last chapter old slewfoot old smutty face you old dragon you own Satan devil slimy slick serpent you'll foul a murderer deceiver tempter wicked one old belzebub imposter Rory my dirty fighter old smutty face you wanted Steve you lost the war in heaven buddy and all your old angels old slewfoot you ain't gonna win against us you didn't win against Michael and here saying you're not gonna win against this church does anybody agree with me [Applause] [Music] he's not gonna win he's not gonna win mother honey I said he's not gonna win he's an old slewfoot he's an old smutty face do you know any more names you old dirty fallen crawling whatever we've read the last chapter all smutty face we've read the last chapter Oh slimy slick serpent say we win we may be in the middle chapter but in the last chapter we will join me you nodded lycée don't tell that old Fox don't tell the devil one angel one angel somebody shouted there's gonna come down from heaven then the great chain and lay hold on you old dragon old serpent old devil old Satan old smutty face and cast you into the bottomless pit with the beast and the false prophet they've already been there for a while in the lake of fire you later talking to me today here under my feet get off my back get out of my body get out of my mind get out of my church get out of my family you old smutty face you old dirty devil taking over somebody just calling everything you've been wanting appalling [Music] Steve you got anything you want to tell him I thought you did Oh God Almighty [Applause] hear my voice you powers of darkness I was created in the image of God and I have been given the power of speech and you attended to my voice I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord you're not the god of me you're not the boss of me you're not the Lord of me I will dance on your destruction I will praise the Lord omnipotent because he rules and he reigns you have no choice but to listen unto my voice if that don't watch your fire you're dead you're dead stick Oh smiley face you dirty devil you thief you robber I'm gonna take a stain like I never have and today I'm gonna play that in to existence say I'm going to play that into existence we're going to play for him and Barbara the devil hates them they're tearing up that wall over there come on everybody lift your hands again and say you dirty devil that's awesome that's awesome ha ha ha ha does anybody believe that does anybody believe that can happen we will play it no matter what else we do we'll play [Applause] you're something else Steve Willoughby and the devil hates you but let me tell you we're going to get up and hit with you say we're father's with you we're fighting with him come on everybody shout it to him okay [Music] I'm not going to finish but I want to tell you this say job said go tell that old murderer that'll destroy her that ol accuser of the Brethren I'm in a hash heap today I'm covered with balls my children are all dead my possessions are gone my camel sheep and oxen are dead but that's just the middle chapter the last chapter I have 10 more children twice as much wealth and twice as much everything else old smutty face you old smutty face I don't think the half of you understand yet go ahead they're missionary motakay ah was headed for the Dallas he said go tell that old deceiver Haman I'm in Sackhoff today out in the middle of the city I'm crying with a loud and bitter cry he's plotting my dance and he's even being promoted but that's just the middle chapter the last chapters gonna be twice as much he's going to be ordered by the King to clothe me in the Kings royal apparel he's going to have to place me on the King's horse he's going to have to lead me through the streets of the city and then he's going to be hanged on his own gallows and I'm gonna get to live in his house and I'm gonna bring deliverance to my people and we're gonna have revival that's the last chapter [Music] and I do two or three more Anthony here's a car said go tell that old Fox in a crib my city is only twenty thousand and he's got a hundred and eighty five thousand army but you go tell him I've taken his threatening letter to the house of God I've spread it out before God and while God reads it I'm Fasching and playing and my god is a man of war and he's gonna wake up in the morning and gonna find out that 185,000 are dead and we're still alive [Music] one more and I'm out of here David a man after God's own heart the greatest king who ever sat on ears was thrown the sweet singer of Israel who Psalms and prayers are prophetic weapons against the enemy was chased like an animal all over Palestine he said I've been driven out of my palace I've been cursed out sold out burned out forsaken lonely and defeated but it sig drag just before my greatest victory I suffered my worst an almost fatal blow but let me tell you that old age long enemy tried to snatch my family my possessions my predestined purpose from me and even my lawyer your friends and faithful warriors thought to slay me but that's just the middle chapter [Music] I came out of that I got a word from the Lord sale revelation and sale revelation is always the keys to the kingdom so I had the keys to the kingdom when I got my word so I pursued my revelation I boldly opened my mouth and I said you go tell the Fox those old Jebusites they've swatted in Jerusalem since the days of Joshua for almost two centuries but now I'm king over all of Israel I've been anointed three times and the anointing is to be used in battle against the powers of darkness and the powers of hell and the expansion of God's kingdom I'm taking back the city of Jerusalem I'm renaming it the City of David and today 3,000 years later the five-point Davidic flag proudly waves over the City of David right now God's earthly City the city of Jerusalem the City of David the last chapters always twice as much [Applause] [Music] God said to David I'll give the rest from all nine enemies and I your kingdom shall be forever established and I'll make the in house that'll make the palace look like nothing I'll build you a house don't worry the last chapter is twice as much [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know how you do it got one more river to cross one more man to try one more palatine I gotta go through leaving my troubles behind one more battle with the devil understand [Music] what ball river falls Oh whatever each other my hands upset better right he has a farm just reach over that we're gonna sing that again just reach over I try to reach over lay hands up that's great you're crazy that's it somebody yeah come on men and women of God side to side front to back let's extol and sing so let's practice what has been free take your situation right now right now right
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 117,724
Rating: 4.8291755 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Id: 4zaAF9XIM3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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