The Heavenly Man | Brother Yun

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god I thank you for brother Union I thank you for your word thank you for your miracles and signs and wonders the things that you have done through this man I pray right now as we stretch out your hands for an anointing an increase of anointing of your power of your grace thank you for clarity of the spoken word breathe by your spirit and bring it to life in our hearts and we honor this man in Jesus name Amen you may be seated hallelujah hallelujah your pardon Oh young sentencing table senior sentian Shashank in Hawaii said now who are you to teach you that when and how many of you believe that Bible is the Living Word of God and it has powerful called me heavenly man brother in brother cloud a witness for Jesus now this name brother moon I didn't receive that for my mother and my father Papa mama even the name heavenly man was given to me by my mother and father they are all my nicknames Tommy a Shearwater mooching keyway commune just met Jesus and I was born again my mother gave me a new name he started to make call me for Samuel summer of the Campbell farm she was not even announced it properly so it sounded like you heard what he said so thankful to the Lord for this opportunity to witness about greatness of my Lord Jesus Christ and I'm thankful that you have come to listen signature that letter will attract young puffs winning kiddo or the mama with you she's what a mama in what you do to the Western missionaries in early 1900s they brought the gospel to my home county and they my mother heard and received gospel through the Western missionaries but she never in the beginning was a very strong follower and believer of Jesus how many of you have visited China you're taught her a good journey then to now it doesn't matter maybe there's somebody who can speak Chinese can you raise up your hand eager to me occult even to me to win fatal free time I tell you the truth Chinese is the world most simple language every child in China they speak Chinese fluently hallelujah hallelujah he thinks that the missionaries you share the gospel to my mother they did they were not fluent in Chinese so that's why his mother misunderstood so many things I don't know how you see how it was deeply that was neither hungry a total of with you to Norwegian missionary who had heard there's revival in early 1900 that has started in Korea and she wanted to go there she wanted to receive the power of the revival but as he was planning to go there the Holy Spirit spoke to her go and visit Korea and bring the revival with you too area of China very touchable is rotationally container to mwyn so she on the way to China from Korea she learned that little bit Chinese but she was really empowered by the holy spirit that you have received in Korea could extremely passionate it what she was lacking in language skill she had love and compassion for the lost when I tell me to hold on you know that she also had just been a lot of starvation all over China and so she had some candies with her as he was thinking I shared them the gospel and I gave them some candies so maybe they want to receive Jesus she were singing Lord Jesus loves you Lord Jesus loves you mama what you do all the children of the villages they wanted to come because they knew that after the testimonies and singing she will keep them candy so all the children wanted to come and my mother became one of these receiving candy candies believers of Jesus subhana - Angela you did until you see young girl in so when the atheist communist regime took power in 1949 in China they were not afraid of people of who were educated who were wealthy but they were really really afraid of those who had a living faith to Jesus in their hearts cool and impunity to go to Allah carrot or her career and to Holly and torture to cope when Leila come to when they took power they didn't mind that if they knew how much work the missionaries had done to help the poor build up the health care and schooling system everything was run by the missionaries they collected all the missionaries together and they were within coming three years since 1949 they were all expelled from China and everything they have done were confiscated by the arising new regime woman - yah yah yah yah - do we have any missionary here tonight can you raise opulent Rockwell Angelique had it wrong you know chicken and guava if you are a truly missionary and God has called you to go a certain place and suddenly the whole society turns against you and they kick you I that is very difficult to experience in your life mama poor woman addition to me means one you mean wonderfully Kenya me what movie women talk about you - yes when all these missionaries were collected together they didn't want to leave China so they they they went and they they embraced all the new believers and they said we are not going to forget you we are going to pray for you and remember Jesus is with you and they will and he loves you Senor Luque my woman at handling Kenny so seen young Raquin not yellow missionaries been expelled from China they collected all the pastors and elders and anyone who had been educated for ministry in China they were collected and they were all sentenced to labor camps to be re-educated to hard labor yes or immoral as a tortilla literally shereena what he said that Jesus said that's Leyton have come to steal kill and destroy it literally happened everywhere in China what a momma began turning to the real city you can see only in doubt the kind of water cooker and that you wanna lose my mother became so afraid she dare not to say tell anyone anymore that she used to be a follower of Jesus and not only that she lost her faith and trust upon the Lord a great starvation hid the whole chiness over 70 million people starved to death and my mother saw her firstborn child my oldest brother also starving today who died of fear not be enough of misery for one family on top of that my father became very ill and a few years later he was finally diagnosed that he has terminal cancer and he's going to die within two weeks what a momma said they got you on to don't cook a fool of food in yells am i in complete darkness and depression her son oldest son starved to that and now husband is dying and she would face life as a widow with five children with no provision so she couldn't see any outcome for her life you another tool in that you know I got so high for your funky she decided one night I'm going to suicide job hanging myself tonight and she was just about to connect her neck into that rope hanging from ceiling she heard the powerful voice calling my child do not give up come back home jesus loves you hallelujah hallelujah mama generate your positive and Koo Kien gustatory tuition dollars generally can you know either wimpy your toga elemental go to power college theater woman suddenly my mother remembered that that was the last words the missionary had told her 20 years earlier remember jesus loves you as he kneeled down by the chair and she reconciled her life with Jesus and then she came to us children five of us we were sleeping it was past midnight and she said children which there is hope for my family stand up let's pray together call upon the name of Jesus the way would say yo me to chile don't wanna have a cheerful mood mama llama quick i want me the window food similar to our my older sister my older brother my younger sisters we mother woke us up on this obedient chinese children mother said you have to kneel down and call upon the name of Jesus we kneel down and surround it our father's bed where he was slowly dying and we started to call upon the name of Jesus today I'm quaking a kind of fortune yes what was she up by I remember in my life my kneel that day I didn't knew nothing about Jesus and I this was my first prayer Jesus I don't know who you are but I need my father if you help my father I will serve you rest of my life what would you wish for my father she does not be able to speak for more than three months he was not able to eat anything the cancer had eaten up all his inner organs and he was just spitting blood he was dying in large stage of if we really get aside he didn't want to leave got a die from his children but there was nothing he could do to help himself well there was a pop I'll leave your name of Jesus and years and my father heard this we saw first time in our lives tears were running from his eyes we never seen our Father in tears but now he couldn't speak but we saw tears running and we were even crying harder to the lord have mercy upon our Father help our father Jimmy all if you put our you can bet one of with him once and they the rage miracles started to happen within one week my father stood up from his bed completely healed and restored from terminal cancer hallelujah hallelujah this is the only reason why I'm standing here to giving testimony and witness about greatness of the name Jesus you can quote unique what oh God Gimli equality because this is the truth if you have experienced something you have seen and you have received it you know it's real and it works what off within Council mama so alone asylum atomiswave urgency Charlie launching seaman and after the miracle happened my father said to my mother we have to send our children to invite the entire entire extended family Leo to come we want to tell everyone what Jesus have done in our family and to two young as we were inviting our relatives to come the extended family they thought that we were inviting them to the funeral of my father because they all were waiting for that they knew his dying in cancer we are learned in new year so a woman didn't open the Moulin womanish repair time Gorman mama - it's one dollar now and you should not ever allow anything from the past to hinder you to take great steps forward with Jesus my father had been twenty years of complete failure as a follower of Jesus but because of this miracle she became the preacher of the arising house church the whole extended family over thirty five of them they all receive Jesus that day hallelujah hallelujah yeah my ocean King now when we receive Jesus we knew nothing about Bible we didn't have any Bible nobody had a Bible we were pushing hard my mother who was an illiteracy never been able to read so the mother who in the world is this Jesus we really want to know more about him what we don't congestion y'all should let go so what a movie for years who we woman is so there should be a mother remember from the early teachings of the missionaries she had really figure it out that they said that Jesus was died on the cross for our sins and not whatever we need in our lives we can always kneel down and call upon the name of Jesus and that prayer will be answered this was everything see remember Mamma Mia - what was she also the Tumen position how do we all know you got Romans were Jennifer motto Shalom cat room towel to be paraná but we were pushing hard my mother to preach and then finally she started to preach and she had misunderstood most of the things because he was illiterate she was certain that the missionaries had taught you we'll receive the power of holy dragon on any continue very powerfully preaching and the power of the holy tracker enables you and you can track all your sicknesses and buried them to holy city of Jerusalem woman one shampoo three power foolish Aviva Tannen lately wrong but you have to remember this always power in the gospel of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah whuoo you British engine 100 days of half fasting and praying early one morning I received my first Bible and I started to memorized one chapter of the day from Bible and after I had memorized the four Gospels within coming four months believer started to come to our home nobody was interested me to read the Bible I was the only one who had a Bible they all wanted to hear again and again my mother's testimony how she heard Jesus calling her how jesus healed my father people were very curious about that but nobody wanted me to read the Word of God for them and I I want I was saying that some of the things my mother is saying they are not from the Bible and I wanted to correct them the people did not care they just wanted to hear the powerful testimony of my mother chief in the core what were just one you pay what my mouse Roja rising Messiah he was growing inside my heart my heart I I said to Jesus Jesus I really want you to speak to me as you spoke to my mother what a young kill Jesus have promised that my sheep recognize and they hear my voice you taught her in youth honking Oh Jung Yeo guat being king conclude now how many of you have in one way another you have heard Jesus speaking to you can you raise up your hand women pay the canghai 10 is Yong Yong no wonder I smell smell of sheep here so there's so many sheep yeah hallelujah hallelujah oh when you kill towards out Union take communion good you know many types you have heard Jesus speaking to you you have to hear again tonight a special word right into your situation into your life office video series for all what after I had memorized all the Gospels and I was memorizing chapter 12 one night I heard first time in my life Jesus speaking to me and I heard it with my own ears brother in stand up and be my witness and preach the gospel to west and south oye hung whitewater Paloma Tilia my whole world exploded I was excited Jesus has spoken to me so I rush to mime it was 10:00 p.m. I rushed to my mother's room and I said Jesus finally spoke to me what you doin tonight I said what mother najin a Jesus was speaking Chinese to me with my own dialect I understood every word he said to me don't you know - thanks 15 years Ohama are you still waiting Jesus to speak to you what a momma kind of water our thing you don't know your wind chill I was I was so avais the reaction of my mother she looked at me very firmly a son said to me son you have problems in your head you start to hear voices go back to bed you can do what you gotta define II disorder mama so after I have met Jesus and he has spoken to me the first opposition came from my mother she will did not want me to go out and share the gospel through the years of Cultural Revolution because she knew what it means as a Chinese child of my mother I have to go back to bed I couldn't sleep the whole night I was laying on my bed and I was hearing Jesus calling me to stand up and go and preach the gospel mama what we usually job people down I went to my mother's and mother I have not been able to sleep the whole night I hear the Holy Spirit calling me the whole night and I have to be obedient this morning I'm going to start I go out and I walk to the next village locating west of our house and I'm going to start to witness about Jesus now what another dealer can mama girl woman she do what a funnel as I was walking towards that village I was think I've never met a preacher I didn't really know what they do with the Bible as their preach because I had memorized the Bible so I wanted to honor the Word of God so I kept my Bible on my head and from my memory I repeat the book of Matthew tell your mama I was shouting and holding the book on my head and people in that village they never had met a strange person like this everybody was curious everyone they surrounded me and as coming to me I remembered that the miracle started to happen when we kneel down and we call upon the name of Jesus you know what couldn't you need I wouldn't became very desperate when I saw people coming all the people of the village and many of them were physically very challenged they were sick I could see that would like one of these people I tried to pull them down on their knees and get them to call upon the name of Jesus I was trying to hold the Bible on my head and with my other hand I was trying to pull them the kneel down and call upon the name of Jesus and you will be healed started to happen every sick person that day who kneel down and call upon the name of Jesus they were instantly healed and they stood up and they say this Jesus is real hallelujah hallelujah when you talk Williams had a son children in the first year in my witness as I was going from village to village and and sharing the same testimony calling people I some over 3,000 people come to Lord Jesus Christ and everyone was healed and became follower of Jesus you were that room cocoon that none were healthy me now now we will put the whole city now I got you girl and as I was doing this ministry and it was a new arising atheist communist nation I was declared to be enemy of state a contract revolutionary and the entire authority of the nation they were looking for me I saw my picture at every bus station railway station it was all over there I could see my own picture you know what we feel those of you who have had possibility to read my life story heavenly man you know that I have been four times in prison for the gospel altogether over ten years of my life your finish region was a demon king so I have lived in the most brutal prisons of the world over ten years of my life which ended on I water - oh you were right water sure you handle the landlord sure back we sink and I am so eternally thankful to the Lord because many times in torture in a prison in all that pain and agony I lost my hope for survival and I was not faithful anymore but when I was unfaithful he remained faithful and he came to me and rescue me until y'all can you say yes before I was thrown to prison first time the Holy Spirit was really came upon me and I was singing to my closest co-workers it's a new song I have decided to die for Jesus I have made all the preparations if Jesus needs I'm ready to die for salvation for my nation do y'all can say yes say yes sure you I'm ready to put aside everything and follow Jesus horse whether I live or die I will follow Jesus I never turned back all the others live I will follow Jesus that was that their system a firm decision of my heart I will not turn back then they after four years first time in person they released me and then two years later I was widowed scene young male fan 3 I was thrown to prison was only one thing it's because I will continue to be faithful to share the gospel of Jesus Christ his son father cello lead it's all for sale on your you 97 I was captured again for the third time and as they were starting to interrogate may question me and they were very firm and they were very upset who allow you to preach who called you to preach the gospel in charge yes lieutenant Iroquois returning those are the hollow or true so what now I am said to the policeman wah it was the same Jesus who said all authority in heaven and on earth has been giving to me so therefore you go and make all the Chinese to my disciples hallelujah water so talk water in it torture they really wanted me to reveal the structure of the church they were squeezing with thick needles acid under my nails and that pain was unbearable in torture they crushed my both legs from ankles and they said you never going to stand you never going to walk you going to die in this security person I'm ever going to be able to walk out from the prison including myself I lost my hope for survival see then we're aware too though I had seen thousands of people to be healed in the name of Jesus the lame been able to walk the blind were able to see their dead were raised in the name of Jesus but suddenly as a preacher I could not believe that Jesus can do anything with my frog legs when my deepest pain was that this time and that was the first time in my life my wife been captured as well and thrown to another person all of my closest co-workers brothers we're in the same number one security prison in solitary confinement through what I'm sharing this group in order for you to understand that I'm not more spiritual than anyone here I was totally in despair and depressed I could not see any light in my life I was at the lowest point of my life what are we good - what - resina - I wanna to tell you my experience that I can share with you is this when I was the most unfaithful he remains faithful and he came to rescue me hallelujah they generally will as a Tartar hideout or - what you thought Nadia my solely the reason I said Jesus where in the world are you why did you allow this to happen to you to me I knew from 10 years of experience a word allowed in the prison but that the pain was unbearable I was screaming in my cell for help from God into my situation in the world are you Jesus you called me I've been faithful what am I doing here my pain sound was so loud that all the world and then policemen of the security prison they they rush to my solitary cell and they were all standing and looking my complain to God and they came and they look at me and they say look at this preacher he's gone crazy he have lost his mind and when they heard them saying this some I suddenly connected with Jesus again and I see that now I'm going to show you how I am like when I'm crazy and I started to praise God with a new yoyo for me Oh have you been crazy for Jesus have you been praising God like I know you soon and I started with Paul I started to shout out all the promises of God and I was just the power of the name of Jesus so hard am I'm expecting you to speak to me this morning on the other side of myself the door saw this transition I've been complaining to God the whole night and suddenly I started to praise the same God he said now he totally have lost his mind don't care I'm waiting for your word my spirit is expect when is the new day comes along for me when is the darkness go away and your light will sign into my situation they said nobody loves you you it's just the waste you're crazy and I said my Bible tells to me jesus loves me because my Bible tells me so hallelujah crazy man for Jesus I was set free what I did a book hire so loaded yeah yeah I do anything with my broken legs they were completely mashed and broken but my spirit was free and in my spirit I was flying all over my solitary cell and I was just walking into heavenlies in the presence of Jesus hallelujah suddenly Jesus walk into my solitary self and he said brother and now the new day is dawning for you stand up and walk out from the person all the doors been open for you hallelujah hallelujah to me man you may believe that you have the fastest computer in your life or you have the fastest iPad or smartphone when Jesus takes action that is the fastest action in this universe what Jesus said for me to stand out like I immediately responded to Jesus Lord this is a top-security person you don't walk out places like this but the Lord responded immediately your prison is real but I'm the truth and the truth will set you free still reconsidering the offer receiving the soft spot in my heart and he saw me a vision in that vision my wife rushed towards me and just there standing outside my cell door and she was really upset and she said this to me all the doors been open for you what in the world do you still do in Prison stand up and walk out hallelujah - no jail finally I obeyed I said I I have to obey my wife and I stood up and I started to walk and all the doors of the prison were open for me woman ah how many husbands we have here today I have a word when you tie those for the you puts a cuidar remember you don't know how powerful prophet your wife is just listen every word she's peeking into your life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ha sisters you own some dollars for him this is a good conclusion I want to say you this now there may be some believers of Jesus here but you are still living in a jail you are not free I don't know what prison you have been living in recent weeks - maybe the words of your doctor has become your your prison you don't see any rescue and you're in hopeless situation in your life continue to target - he shoots you I don't know if liquor or trucks or anything any sin has become your person you need to be set free Jesus is truth and he's able to set you free obedience to that I stood up immediately my both healed were supernaturally brought together and the bones 10 bones and tenders will restore it and I was jumping and I was running out from the prison hallelujah let us all stand together and close this meeting what wouldn't you total in Shenzhen China partying eating Leela you portal so many of you truly start to believe that the new day is dawning for Canada hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah baby struggling with this when is that going to happen when is the revival when is the kingdom of God to be real in every city and town of my nation you couldn't inherit unity with you're not a man if you Kayla you yourself have first an experience about what the power of name of Jesus as you in obedience stand up and you walk out from your cell and you see there is power in the name of Jesus and then you go and share that to others to the cordilla yes Samuel young to listen for you to freedom you know to your government offices to your schools and working places wherever you are and you have to set free also those who are in the prison of religion they have to be set free and they have to receive the power l Jesus Eco are concealed social one in 4050 you want to be used by God on this mission to bring the kingdom of God into your society into your country and all over the world are you available to follow Jesus no turning back where are you were sent a wall that she thought they were for the heart one in a million is the words of my my wife that morning what she said the door has been open for you what in the world do you still do in your prison come out can you see a Psilakis okay thoughtful and what we eat the ball oh she must have what if you want to really meet with she's item could welcome you can come forward and we will pray together for you just come from your place take the first step out to freedom in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah how follow Jesus [Music] Jesus is I know [Music] you know man Kyla shall be always for you you know when teeth are porous so we have no problem septa bika and the power of the name of Jesus you will be set free today according to the what-a-light Oh father he wants you to respond and come a kneel before him and surrender everything to Jesus Nick Howell Jang Wooyoung evaluation if you really hug the kingdom of God come upon your family your working place your ministry to the Lord surrender and respond to the Spirit call her call me put a little tournament to come you know G yo juice he's calling you to become his disciple would you go and make all the Aetna C's to his disciple you're no quitter like a little Buddha mention that you got old are you no matter where you are the most important is not the way what you do just open your heart and welcome teachers into your life anew and give him all the keys of your heart is law he has research from the day and he's slow or nice Alaba every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord what a voyage with you come what I'll call you now let's repeat this prayer with me Lucilla for water years resurrected Lord Jesus what did you yo can see I have decided to follow you you are near awkward young me that water Sindhu may your kingdom come upon my life was sure gonna suit up in some way out I don't eat in your name I proclaim that through your stripes I am healed [Music] audience ownership a yogi woman I proclaim that through your victory on the grass I will receive your peace war who the new to you in the name of Jesus I am set free yes who the new Shaka what they don't you - in the name of Jesus I proclaim I am healed do you swear forgiving agenda if they tell only the slow Jesus he would he come to me I said brothers and sisters free in your powerful name sure the mega team the military thought would you be though Dona Mirana tea leaves this building this evening is totally free and able to be your powerful testimony full-year suits I pray this in the name of Jesus amen and now let us all stand up again and now just clap on your heart like this and say this after me I believe I got it god bless you all [Music]
Channel: Global Prayer House
Views: 26,331
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Id: Pv4u3_Jn4z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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