Ancestral Curses Via Dreams

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we went to pick Minister Ewing up last night from San Antonio and the storm went to San Antonio so I was like this just ain't gonna work and he kept saying it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay I said now you just went through a whole storm in the Bahamas he said well let me tell you what I did he's like I anointed my house and I would sleep he said and it didn't it didn't come to my house I said well that's the whole scripture it won't come nigh thy dwelling and so this Avanigadda I I saw him on actually through his blogs he was writing a lot about spiritual husband's and I had never really learned the language and so I was excited to learn it from you know from him and just kind of understand a little bit more about it so I always said like to me you know he does something called deliverance dreams but he does more than that but to me that was something that was strong that he talked about and so tonight why don't I have the I do have it see how I put this on the back even though it's not right because you know our schedule changed but tonight Minister Kevin Ewing is going to be speaking about Lord Oh ancestral curses via dreams so is deep don't sleep is deep it's real deep so without any further ado Minister Kevin Ewing from the Bahamas amen just bow Heavenly Father we thank you for your goodness for your grace for your loving kindness we thank you for the safety of everyone that came here we thank you Father God that you are God of your word when you said that you've given your angels charge over us to keep us on all our ways that we as much as - foot against a stone it is these same angels I will gather us in their arms father let your word come alive let your wisdom your knowledge understand that you've blessed me with caused me to articulated that even a child can understand it father we bless you we only we praise you we ask these things in Jesus name Amen and amen I don't know about y'all but I'm happy to be here I am so excited to be and listen getting here it was interesting we had a series of delayed flights canceled flights switch to another airline rerouted I mean I leaned it into the sinister space that's about a Dominica stay they had us all over the place but I was confident I was complete vision to sort of my own after an my job is to have faith and believe that we will be here in one piece and be Guardian one piece and guess what I hear all the time from my wife you did say that you know but I want to thank God for dr. Alexis and my new brother James I want to thank the K nation group that has brought us here and I'm like I said happy to be here I would a thank God for my my lovely wife I'm in love with this woman oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah she always told me I'm emotionally needy I say agree I told you you know but I'm happy that all of you guys came and I'm happy that you're here and it's gonna be worth your while I promise you that my job tonight is to educate you as it relates to the Word of God and any of you that watch my videos you know what I always tell you I'm the scripture man if you can bring me scripture you talk in Dutch and I don't understand Dutch so I mean no offense or those who speak that I just tell you what I don't understand so back home they caught me the big fella I said t bring me the scripture whatever you claim that God say bring me the water gone we have no argument that's the final authority for me and that's how we have to be in this we have to put a demand on those who lead us going out of days you could tell me anything man going out of days you tell me spin around seven times pimp slap your neighbor and a no no no no no no no no no give me the word of the Living God all right so tonight as was announced earlier we just pull up my notes here honestly I couldn't wait to get eaten I can be real with you let me just pull up my stuff here so tonight we gonna deal here we go but ancestral curses via dreams I hope every one of you have a pen pencil notepad iPod something to write on you're gonna need this information this is gonna explain a lot of things that is currently going on in your life or the life of someone else you're not here by accident you are here by the divine plan of God which was in place according to the Scriptures before the foundation of the world all right so let me just this is exactly what I get for showing off I don't know you stick with the paper in the pen and you wouldn't have an issue okay while I doing this what I need you to do for me if you have your Bibles or an iPod so what have you can you turn to Genesis chapter 12 Genesis chapter 12 and we can read before I get into it today let me make some stuff clay when it comes to dreams when it comes to dreams and Afghanistan the Word of God when it comes to drinks dreams will mean absolutely nothing to you all be hocus pocus to you if you do not believe in the spiritual world if you do not believe in the spiritual volumize we'll leave right now because the basis of your dreams the basis of your visions the basis of your prophecy is to give you excerpts of the world that you cannot see according to the scriptures not Kevin Ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 & 4 it says blessed be the Lord our God right who was blessed us with all not some all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus or in heavenly places on a spiritual world verse 4 says for he which is God has chosen us in him the day we were born no it said before the foundation of the world so this is interesting and I'm going to give you an analogy according to that scripture it is saying that before God created the invisible structure to set the world on he sought at every last one of us out first hence there is no such thing as God as getting ready to do something get that junk out here because if that was the case he is no different from me in you to be sovereign which is who he is he must have an eternal plan and he must have sorted out everything well in advance before what happened sort of God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob I mean he shows up with a word a dream or a vision he's only releasing physically what was done spiritually eons ago [Applause] that's why I love him so tonight we're going to talk about ancestral curses via dreams and you're gonna learn some very interesting things from the Scriptures tonight all right but I also want you to know let me make this clear your spiritual life it's on a consistent basis dictating the course of your physical life you are spiritual before you were physical people say to me Kevin the most of the dreams I hear you interpret it it's always negative don't blame me he blame you because your dreams are revealing your spiritual state what is pending for you what is going on in your life and if you come from background with polluted lineage then you're gonna see what are the components in the invisible realm pulling the strings in your physical world so the dream is coming to bring the knowledge that you are lacking for you to correct what's physically going on hence write the scripture down proverbs 11 verse 9 be my favorite scripture you should not have you watched me all the time and what does it say there you go you should come to the front of the class through knowledge shall the just be delivered so description is telling me even to just got some problems because it's providing the antidote for the just to be delivered am I correct so in this particular teaching I want is to go to Genesis chapter 15 and what I want us to discovery I'm going to show you from a principal perspective on a godly perspective how blessings can flow through a family that was initiated to a dream this can be powerful man trust me on this okay so let's go to Genesis chapter 15 beginning at verse 1 and it says after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a what vision so what does that mean he was fully conscious it was quite a way and this was happening to him after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision saying fear not Abram I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward before we go any further this is the second time that God is visiting between 20 to 25 years later and he's about to reiterate the promises that he told him in chapter 12 but this is what I want you to focus on as we get into this God isn't making up he isn't improvising isn't making up stuff as he goes along he's speaking to Abram about his future lineage that according to the spiritual world is already completed time now we'll begin to take Abram and his lineage to everything God has promised I love this you know why I love it because now that I understand this when I pray to my god I must pray father let your will that you have ordained for me before the foundation of the world manifests in my life [Applause] see when you understand you take a entirely different perspective on your relationship with God I got to pray for the car and the husband and all this stuff know what I'm gonna pray for cuz whatever you have ordained for me it got to be good I Rania settling for second best in these are hand-me-down nonsense no no we get back in life so verse 2 says and Abram said Lord God what will thou give me seeing I go childless and the steward of my house is the feller Adia from the Marcus an apron said Behold to me thou has given no seed and lo one born in my house is my nail first four and behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine heir but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir and he brought him for abroad and said look now towards heaven and tell the stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be not at this point this brother is almost a hundred and Sarah ain't far behind ok so making children could be a problem you all right now excuse me but I'm almost certain there was no viagra back in those days [Laughter] so whatever you had to do you got to be creative anyway four seven and he said unto him I am the Lord that brought the order of ur of the Chaldees to give thee this land to inherit it and he said Lord God whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it and he said unto him this is the good part I do so in your Bible so whatever highlight this piece right here this cuz this what I want you to see because what you're about to see that's what I'm about to take you into next spirits from the spiritual world I want you to write this down I'm never seeking casual relationship with mankind it profits nothing every spirit be it the spirit of the kingdom of God or the spirits from the kingdom of darkness they are seeking covenants so God isn't only about to perform what he already told Abram he would have done in Chapter 12 but he's now about to bring in a principle here that once a spirit agrees with a human now you will begin to see the manifestation of those things that were in place for you in the spiritual realm and you're gonna see it right now so God says to him verse 9 and he said unto him take me a heifer of three years old and a she-goat of three years old and a ram of three years old and a Turtledove and a young pigeon and he took unto him all three and divided them or cut them in half and laid each of them beside the owner he's this is an altar that he has this on now back then of course Jesus Christ didn't die as yet the blood of Jesus and all of the great stuff was in there yet so they're communicating with God was usually through an altar and an altar is a place where divinity meet with humanity primarily it is a place where destinies are changed once you follow me now the Bible says here now in verse 10 and he took unto him all these and divided them in the midst and laid each piece one against another but the birds divided he not and when the fowls came down upon the carcasses Abram drove not just a sleep came upon him this brother was comatose and say a horror of great darkness fell upon him so so far we will agree that Abram is on the ground asleep he is not conscious to this physical world just like you and I when we go to sleep I mean someone could be breaking in the house for all we know we don't know we don't care trying to take a nap here so Abram is not conscious okay fine I got that first thirteen says and he said unto Abram know who all on who said unto Abram you could say something they ever been able to sleep see this is where you break down description now see the physical Abram is asleep but the real Abram the spirit which is the real you your soul this is what's now speaking to the Spirit of the Living God the physical body can endure this is just the uniform to exist legally here a solace here that's all it says flesh and blood but the realest is the spirit the soul so the Bible goes into verse 13 we just came out of verse 12 when it says that not only did this brother go into his sleep but he went into a deep sleep but then I'm seeing here and he said verse 13 and he which and he said unto Abram and God said unto Abraham know for surely thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them for 400 years now it's God predicting this no no nothing I want to show you here remember when he sacrificed the animals he sacrificed it all over altar right description out Exodus chapter 20 verse 24 God gave a principle of the altar and God said that of their if you if you erect an altar unto me he said I will visit that altar and I will bring with me blessings the next question is is God a physical being no he is a what spirit so therefore you wouldn't physically see God at the altar but according to that law when Abraham was making the sacrifice the Spirit of the Lord was that that also now why am I telling you that I'm telling you that now because Abraham is basically in a dream and the Spirit of the Living God is now showing him hundreds of years in the future the events that will take place even when mister Abram is off the scene because that had to stop nothing when he's off the scene all of these things that God is telling him right now will surely come to pass this is why I'm gonna reiterate it father whatever you have console yourself on concerning me before the foundation of the world let no devil let no demon let no delay let no setback intervene what you have done for me you play with me no see at some point you gotta get upset you tired of living in that cycle you tired of go and run and a minute give me revelation uncover the mystery no mess but no love seed no she'll play with me tell me got anger problem I agree so god this is so awesome because all of this God has I mean drawn out before he even created the earth what Abraham was coming in was coming into so what should he finish telling him here now verse 14 and also the nation whom they shall serve will I judge and afterwards shall they come out with great substance and thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace thou shalt be buried in a good old age but in the 4 generation there shall come hither excuse me again for the iniquity of the am writers not yet full and it came to pass that when the Sun went down and it was stopped we Holy Smoke furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces meaning the animals listen to verse 18 this is the key this is the key in the same day the Lord did what he did all made a covenant a bro so notice now this is like we in your country when your executive and legislative body pass laws and bills this is law now the seal this is the deal from here forward but this is what I want you to understand him a covenant wasn't made between two people the Covenant was made with the Supreme Spirit of the universe what a mere mortal securing the future of everything that will come from him you only listen to me let me take a little further for you let's go a little deeper on your scuba gear because we're gonna DBA check this out as you can see because of the sacrifice that he made the altar which caught the spirit of us behind now begin to release information concerning his future hence this is equivalent this is why I encourage you on my videos to do a flass because the farce becomes the sacrifice and from that fast dreams would begin to admit come from you are no Rizal and you back all these years you would know what you would going on in your family lineage go on a fast make the sacrifice and watch God reveal stuff to you I remember years ago when I was working with my company I had some know good people on the job yeah that's how we said back home wicked I couldn't excel on my job for nothing do with my work following the rules all that I was always placed on the back burner I did a fast and on this fast I saw two ladies in my office sneaking in the dream just like this to my desk and putting stuff under my head to dreams exact dreams boss never favored me had no problem with him but it's like his brain was just twists but of course because if someone is operating from a spiritual realm yes what's the physical evidence you can bring you can go to court with excuse me judge I got half a pound of obh no no and for those of you or less which graph is it because I know some of you want to know there will be anyway right so the dream revealed to me so you know what Kevin did after I saw that see it was no more oh Lord slay the enemy no no no no no see the dream is gonna show you the target so you ain't just throwing rocks and you're hoping to hit something no no no the dreams showing you the target now so my prayer was not against them the beings no no no that is in our spiritual warfare is advised in the scriptures the scripture said now you must come against the spirit that they were dealing with but it wasn't long before they were fired and guess who was promoted kevin was promoted so don't tell me that's no way no no no it works but you got to fight from the origin see people get caught up on Sally don't like me on the job or or my brother wife got a problem here that's the spirit Dean over there man you'll be wasting your entire life you'll be 560 still fighting the same problem over and over shut it down in the spirit so it won't be manifesting in the natural no more so the alter now is speaking about the destiny of Abram his future lineage and God now puts his seal on it by forging a covenant with Abram now because God forged a covenant with Abram there are some things that's gonna take place because what did I tell you when a spirit come an agreement with a person then whatever that spirit is dealing with can now be facilitated people this is unfortunate but I found many people that I can't solve whose involvement Saucer in witchcraft they are so much more wiser than the believe us when it comes to spiritual stuff spiritual the believers are behind 8-ball Oh God is such a beautiful God you know and he's so dis and he's so listening so that there's a devil oh they're trying to shut you down trying to ensure that you don't ever fulfill your destiny all right so you could go live in Fantasyland all you want trust me that anger take you to where you need to be you need to face the reality that your real fight is in the invisible realm and anything that you are challenging physically there's a distraction it's gonna keep you in the same psyche I used to live that way so I know I used to be the one oh dear or send it back to sender Jesus get him God kick him Jesus knock the teeth out Lord no no no no he listen to me no and when I was ready to talk since he was ready waiting on me no so he alters he is now dictating the future of the lineage of Abram as a result of that because Abram made a covenant with the Spirit of the Living God this is a principle where he did it but a devil or a demon as a result of that covenant that spirit is now tied to the lineage of that family you gotta believe me I gonna give you the scripture for it Genesis chapter 26 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 3 and then we're gonna go to verse 5 Genesis chapter 26 I remember you bring out a son right his name was Isaac this was the real golden child me talking with the next Valley Ishmael tockman Isaac in Genesis chapter 26 verse 1 and there was a famine in the land beside the first famine and there wasn't a day that it was in the days of Abraham and Isaac who was the son of Abram went under Abimelech king of the Philistines and the garag first - and the Lord the Lord is a what spirit and a lot wise the Lord appearing to him because his daddy made a covenant with the spirit of oh I ain't gettin to be a 1b and I coming in a little bit I just given you the night side of it so here it is now the Spirit of God is now coming before Isaac verse 2 says and the Lord appeared unto him and said go not down into Egypt he's talking about because of this varmint dwell or stay in the land which I shall tell thee of surgery in this land and I will be with thee and will bless thee for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these countries and I will perform I will perform the what the oath which I did what swear unto Abram thy father drop to verse 5 why because that Abram obeyed my voice and kept my charge my commandments my statutes and my laws Abram made a deal a pact with God God is now obligated to protect his lineage why am I telling you this because ladies and gentlemen you are not just living for you you are living for your children because whatever you do now when you off the scene they will pay for it later so you're living like dog now they will be treated like dogs when you leave I've seen this principle happen all the time many people come to me for counsel or brother Kevin I don't know I didn't like me on the job I mean all I do for them yeah yeah now let's get to the truth now that the the seeds coming home to harvest now you won't play the victim rule but let's sell tell me what really took place there why because the scripture not Kevin says that every seed produces after what its kind I can't show up on seed in the ground and expect mango to come up no God is not mocked for whatever mind sword what happen that shall he reap so yeah your story sound right but it ain't rude fun come with the true story so God now visits Abraham I didn't India turn to Genesis 28 and we're gonna read from verse 10 to verse 13 Genesis 28 verse 10 I'm gonna read to verse 13 and it says and Jacob went out from Bathsheba and went toward Haran and he lighted upon a certain place and tarried or stayed there all night because the Sun was set and he took of the stones of that place and put them for his pillow and laid down in that least asleep and he listened and he dreamed so that mean he's asleep right and he dreamed and behold a Lara set up on the earth and the top of it reach to heaven and behold the angels plural of God ascending and descending on it I love this piece and behold the Lord stood above it and said i am the lord god of abram see the Spirit is identifying himself because he has a legal right to because of the oath because of the Covenant your granddaddy made with him I've been in ministries and deliverance sessions when people were being delivered of demons and the demon will rise up reorder her a Grammy made a pact with us same principle no different and it says here verse 12 again and the dreamed and he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father under God of Isaac the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it until I see it so as you can see according to Exodus 20 and 24 God is fulfilling his obligation that when you build an altar for me okay he said we'll come visit and I'm gonna bring blessings so what do you think happens if someone reason evil also so far as you can see God is visiting the family members of Abraham you continue to follow the Hebrew people through Abraham's lineage you will see where he visit all of the top name boys in the Bible God but God isn't visiting them cause he got nobody else to go to no he got an obligation with this family he got an obligation so what happens now go show them the altars now begin to speak so this is why people will have these consistent nightmares why am i was having these nightmares and why every time I'm having these nightmares it's taking me back to my former home or where grandma used to live why am I having the experience some of you may not admit it because you think people call you crazy where when you wake up you feel something that you pin to the bed you're fully conscious the TV is on your spouse here and you cannot talk what about when you're warm alone and you hear footsteps coming down your eye away oh you're crazy does it happen to me too so that mean I crazy - what about waking up with certain marks on your body what about waking up through the knife and someone shout out your name but only you up I experienced all of that what about the sexual dreams oh we can go there oh yeah what am I saying to you if anyone in your family participated in any type or level of sorcery initially they would have had to make a pact the pact does not necessarily mean Oh Satan I vow to serve you know the pact is normally okay go get these two eggs or get this chicken sacrifice it or go and get to hear whatever they ask you to do and you do it that is forging the covenant between you and there also what happens now let's look at the principle the spirit from that also now has the lead right to come and visit the members of that family so this is explaining why all of these things are happening now what did I tell you earlier I took you back to Exodus 20 verse 24 and the principle is if there's a gold godly altar raised unto God God says I will visit this autumn but I'm not coming empty-handed I'm bringing a bag load of blessings so if mama and them papa in them o ever and them went and to evil alters for luck for good for whatever simultaneously through their agreement they were inviting crisis into the family this is why your family on the side of the road riddled with diabetes and this family over here who eat anything have no sickness happened by accident nobody's telling you the laws the rules the principles that is governing these things in the spiritual world I love Jesus just like you but I believe he loved me too when we live in a real world with real devils and if you don't know the rules that govern the spiritual world through this book called a Bible man lucky you you begging for problems you beggin so when you see these stuff happening I know of a situation where this lady like this particular guy but the guy was with someone now O'Reilly used to see you on the side so she forgot well if you could see me on the side for your pleasure you could be with me permanently so she sped up the process by going to visit one of those people and she was advised to get some personal belongings of his and to bring it back of course to put on the altar now here's what she don't know yes what they might do will spiritually challenge him and make him kind of lean towards you but it's all demonically done but would she is missing is the cursus at that altar that nobody's gonna tell her about it's now going to be injected into her bloodline so guess what's gonna happen everyone that will proceed from her body will have a problem in their relationship divorce will be the order of the day men will date them forever and never marry them he will date them tell two thousand whenever leave them in two weeks later the fellow married to somebody else having zero idea that what she did is now had changed the destiny of a future seed you saw it here the spirit keep visiting each one of Abraham's family members but he's coming with blessing he says lucky Isaac you see this Alanya I given this to you because your father hey bruh come over here Jacob you see all of this year you go own this one day because of your father Abraham so when mama and them went to the witch doctor you see this Alanya you all know this that's why when you come into this knowledge you begin father God what is ever on my life through my lineage whatever sorcery whatever they did to lock my destiny I break it by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you know if the widow know deliverance minister your life lock up everybody living except you huh you you got you could see freedom you could see joy but you cannot participate in it why because you are spiritually shackled and if you don't know the rules you're gonna pay till the day you die hence the dreams so from the artist now we're talking with evil alters just like how the good altar of God begin to reveal the plan of God signal of a plan for your life not at you're a member of that altar hence now you begin to have these miss accidents dogs running behind you having sex with animals and all of this wicked but why you might say well all Kevin and I just watch some scary a watch for me Friday the tight team Jason run meet on and chop me but I was able to run Jason run you Doug listen to me yeah I can show you something we're not gonna blow your mind and that's why I love the Scriptures and that's why I see when you come to me you better come with the scriptures cuz he might end up in hospital but anyway when we looking at the Word of God we now begin to look at scriptures that initially we thought was just stuff that the Bible guys had to say but when you really look deep into it and this I'm talking from a dream perspective why would I have a dream and I dreamt I slept with my mother Oh ice leopard my father's right yuck gross you never rebuked it you never challenged it but when we look in the Bible we see stuff like every brother sleeps with his sister cursed be them and may they be barren and you don't rely brings her Christ but now it's gonna do something to you physically this is why I say to you when you're having these negative dreams don't sit back or call me say okay no rebuke challenge because why the dream is looking for an agreement your spirit agreed in the dream to have sex your spirit was doing all of that stuff that was a gig but look at what you don't look at how violet Remus look at the Lord that is being violated according to the scriptures say 10 there's no dummy Satan is legal that's how you should be her lawyer he's just roaming in the spiritual realm seeking what humi may what devour looking let me come in this dream let me masquerade I said ex-boyfriend even though she's married in real life so she woke up call Betsy child Betsy I know why the devil sent John in my dream last night my feelings not hot for him right now I rebuilt that name of Jesus you revealed that you're married but you're having sex in your dream with your ex-boyfriend but you think there's nothing wrong with that that in what the Bible says the Bible says in the old days if a man sleep with another woman he commits adultery but I say to you that of a man lust apana in his heart he has committed adultery already so in your dream you are engaging remember this ain't just a dream this is the spiritual realm you're in where your spirit and soul is participating nobody got a gun to your head you are agreeing to this so what is happening now you are now invoking a curse in most cases if you come from a family of wickedness then these spirits are trying to initiate you to the evil altars of your ancestors how do I notice you now begin to scan the family you come from a family of diabetes high blood pressure all these things well you'll become the next victim cuz the curse is now running its course why because of all of these things that the enemy is getting you to do but you said well careful now how could that be read the scriptures it's all in there Satan have the ability to masquerade as your ex-boyfriend your boss whatever all he's seeking in the dream that's why I said to you earlier spirits have there is there is no benefit with a casual relationship they are all seeking covenants because when we get the covenant we lock in the whole bloodline so watch this now the Bible says here like I was telling you earlier about the about the adultery thing he's saying physical sex what a poison that is married yes that's fine that's adultery but if you stand up and you look at and you say and you begin to conjure up thoughts having an awkward huh the scripture is saying that is equivalent to the physical act so what does the scripture really showing you the scripture is showing you that you are being judged on your intent it'll kosis in a poison that was good to Genesis chapter 20 let's begin at verse 1 or there towards the South Country and dwell between Kadesh and Shur and journeyed in Gaara and Abraham said to Sarah his wife she is my sister and Abimelech king of Gaara sent and took Sarah okay listen to verse 3 but God came to Abimelech well I didn't you know tell me God came to me come to my sleep so you see you being asleep do not exonerate you from the reality of life the reality of life is the spiritual world and that's why I open up with my teaching that if you don't believe in the spiritual world you might as a pack your bag and leave right now because everything is manufactured initially in the spiritual world in fact this world the physical the spiritual world is the parent world to this physical world you don't believe me you don't believe me right good because I give you Scripture no problem that keep your finger right here be coming right back here my point now to show you everything that exists on this world and I'm talking about it's from its raw state when God first put it here because everything else came from it it came from the spiritual world go with me to Hebrews chapter 11 and we gonna look at verse 3 hebrews chapter 11 and we gonna look at verse 3 hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 says through faith we understand that the worlds that that mars jupiter all right mercury venus worlds with an S right so the bible says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the construction company no not even what i'm reading here this says that I was free by what the word of who good now keep your finger right there some of you notice already st. John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was oh good God is it what what is he again now let's go back here again through faith we understand that the worlds were created by the word or the spirit of who the infinites let's keep reading by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear Kevin right now scripture I didn't co-author the Bible that scripture made it extremely clear to you that everything in its origin comes from the invisible world human builders earth I'm talking the spiritual world is where everything happens this if you aren't mastering your life from a spiritual perspective then you are poster child for failure why because of everything originates from the spiritual world then your spiritual life is on a consistent ongoing basis dictating the course of your physical life and because of that your dreams your visions prophecies discernment is now giving you an excerpt as it relates to the things that's pending for your life or even the lives of others I remember one night this was like in 2011 a year before my eldest son graduate I had just come from a service back home I was the guest speaker very tired so as long as I got home I just crash in my bed with my suit on and immediately I went into a dream and in the dream I saw my son coming out of this room just like this because I kept my keys right on the tree as soon as you walk in the house and he's picking it up just like this I'm watching this in the dream and he got the door cuz the door a little squeak so he's just calculating a tap on that so we don't hear nothing and immediately I jumped out of the dream bust my room to open and caught him in this exact same position the spiritual vial is real I am in my bed but the spirit just like Abraham is now seeing beyond my bedroom she'll play with me no God is going you know what maybe that night the devil heart is that plan and God revealed to me stop him Oh play with me no God is showing you any body that dismisses dreams they are crazy you need to get them on the crazy Hill some asylum something wrong with them because they are this they are dismissing valuable spiritual intelligence they are dismissing it and what does the Bible say my people perish because of a lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6 the Bible says in Isaiah I think 5 and 13 it says that my people perish or gone into captivity because they lack knowledge well that's interesting you know I mean when I put it in my - like wow if you have the necessary information there's so many things you could avoid and this is an only whole true - things that are spiritual every army every army all over the world there is a branch in that army called the intelligent branch they don't fight they don't throw no spares they don't shoot no nothing their whole job is to go in the enemy's camp incognito and to retrieve information I think they call it or on a consummation run a sun's machine whatever basically what it means is to retrieve information so they send their drums over Iraq Iran wherever and retrieve they'd okay we know that their missiles are over here we know that the barracks are there we know that that gas supply for the vehicles and planes are right here so when those information come back to their base and they begin to strategize they're not gonna just shoot rockets at anything no if we knock out their whole gas supply they got no gas for the Trump no gas for the plan if we shoot down all of their planes they ain't no way in the world like you get up in there again but you wouldn't notice outside of the intelligence that you have gathered from those devices the spiritual world is no different so the dreams are showing you over and over why am i constantly having this dream where my car's going missing why every time I turn over it's like I'm pulling my car some will go into someplace by the time I come back the car is gone why is it that I always see my husband in our bedroom in my dreams but he is with somebody else and these are real dreams I'm telling you about so what I'm saying - did you just like howdy alter but God was telling the future to Abraham look at this is what's going to happen in the future where are you here or not it don't matter you already made a deal so the alters are now showing you this right here is what's going to happen this is going on in your life there's a lady I'm a machine rock she's a pastor and she's to always have this dream where her mother in law this is so interesting always talking secrets to her husband which is the mother son but whenever she they see her in the dream they always break up like nothing was happening not knowing that the mother was so it wasn't like the spiritual intelligence was a made available to you you took that opportunity and dismiss it to your own demise so there are a lot of things that can be avoided if we see what we can do it because I mean very rare you here but people preach it about dreams and so on but the big thing now is prophetic but the dreams are giving you the spiritual intelligence that you need now going back to the evil artists when family members get there and do their little or whatever that they're tying the entire bloodline up why because what's going down at that altar the spiritual implications are far worse than anyone could have imagined let's prove this go with me to foist Corinthians chapter 10 first Corinthians chapter 10 and we're gonna read from verse 22 verse 21 first Corinthians chapter 10 I'm gonna read from verse 22 verse 21 and listen to what it says and I remember family members or whomever go into these module people psychic whatever garbage they go into alright and they're telling them to do whatever whatever they're telling them to do it's making an agreement on me knowing to the victim with their altars the Bible says in first Corinthians 10 verse 20 but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to who that was that's what it says right now do they see the Devils no they don't just like I you wouldn't seek God at a godly old because you delivered spirits but the scripture is saying that if you decide to go to these people you are making sacrifice to devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with what Devils listen to verse 21 ye or you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of who devils you cannot be partaker of the Lord's table and of the table of all devils well listen I don't know if you guys know but I have a radio show back home and I did a teaching it was on what was the topic was doctrines of devils and I also did the same piece here in the teaching on a series of witchcraft and I made it abundantly clear to my island unto my nation and of course they caught me reading with a child of God your pastor or your bishop or whoever serve you in your church as their head and they are a part of a secret society tell them go and read a scripture in there how could you say you serving two different gods because if anybody who was a part of any secret society and I don't care what secret society you were part of you had to make a pledge you had to make an oath you are to make an agreement the question now is who were you making the pledge the agreement the covenant with you don't believe me go and go back to your sorority or your fraternity go read which you had to recite and based on the information I'm giving you now look and see exactly what you to see it all same as if this is what you do know the spiritual implication of it is tying your life as well as whatever will come from you hence write description down Exodus chapter 20 verse 2 to verse 5 in fact let me turn the cuz I will read it for you because this is what you're doing when you get yourself tied up to these things Exodus chapter 2 sorry 20 and we're gonna read from verse 2 to verse 5 and listen to what he says here since I am the LORD thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt of the house of bondage thou shalt have listened listen carefully no other gods what before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not wide that you have to bow why did you have to kiss why did you want to do these things to join these particular groups listen further over the scripture thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God I'm a what unless God and as a result of what you're doing by defying this law listen what he says not the devil no he says I will visit the iniquity and what is the iniquity is talking about iniquity is abuse in that thing that you love whereas sorcery fornication whatever is that you refuse to get rid of he said I will visit this upon your children and your children's children at minimum to the for generation so what does this mean if I decide to take a pledge or an out with any secret society if I decide to put my hands on any type of sorcery I want you to hear me according to the scripture when you go there especially you women you are taking with you you may not have no children now a minimum of four generations in you to be tied down spiritually those children are going to be born it would have a good life like everybody else and every door is gonna be shut in their face why because mama and them shut it before they were born and didn't know they when they're thinking they could buy luck or get a new style of life or drink this thing to make me feel better where is it in the scripture so as a result of it spiritually they are tied up there trying to dare there is nothing wrong with them they have the degrees job the fellow who they good a left high school with who was dumb as pulse as their boss that make sense to you no you know why because there are spiritual implications involved that nobody sees and the spirits of that alter who are also the enforces of the agreement there to ensure that you don't go past a certain area in your life to mess with me I live it I talked an experienced say nothing like we did no book I live it and now preaching it because I'm delivered from it so I know they talking about so I meet a lot of them I meet people who when I tell you got master's degree bachelor's degree you name it brilliant intelligent people I met women who are not as beautiful as my wife but they're beautiful beautiful women but no man won't be with them none like I tell you fellas or date them they will go all to the carnival and parade with them to different balls and so on and right after that they kick them straight to the curb and this has become a series in their life why is this happening because there is a curse of rejection on your life unfortunately been going to these churches I rebuke it in the name of Jesus get out you'll never get time the devil standing up listen to this dummy that's what he is because the devil understand laws rules principles which Christians don't obey and if you don't know the rules to anything you will forever fail it is an indictment on you as a believer not to familiarize yourself with the scriptures with as the laws of the universe that governs the invisible as well as the visible realm so that's why I tell people spin around eight times can help you run from me and jam here into the world can help you so in 66 billion dollars there is no rule in this book that says if you so it's a lot of money the spirit of rejection is going to leave you know hence you have the dreams that are revealing it why in every dream people are always running for me why am I having these dreams that every time I go to a certain door not only is it shut but I can hear the locks lock on it they got your life tie right up I see this on a daily basis and when you tell people about it they dismiss it because they're spiritually ignorant no Kevin you too deep man I did but I used to be where you are many days I used to write up by the beach where I live not too far from the beach and sit in my Jeep and cry like a right now I was hurt because I couldn't understand what is happening to me Christian you know love God every time the church don't open I do every prophet pastor preacher teacher come irate dear hallelujah irate their soul in the sea it I keep convinced that if the I guess the biggest seed I get when I got the seed I write an IOU come I can bring it back whenever I get you going on to that soon as I get paid I can be right back here I already broke like the Ten Commandments where I can let you finish me off no no and stupid dumb me you didn't do this for the past 15 years you donkey and you still trying to do it again so she had a preacher come back again he comes back in there but the Lord is telling me there's five people who there's five people there's five people in here and this is the Lord is saying that if you saw your best ha I'm gonna break it yeah you gonna break me gonna bet breaking me see how I hear that give me the scripture give me the Word of God accept me free with the Word of God to play with me those days are done cause there's finish no no the scripture is clear he said Kevin you dummy you've been perishing because he lacked knowledge you let these people put their spin and change the narrative of my word he was following a demonic ritual that was insuring your poverty that was insuring your delay that was ensuring you setback play with me no they had enough had enough red mess I walk away from my church I'll get for my member you're not from y'all no more you know why because I'm hearing the same donkey day in and day out nobody's telling me listen there's a case of divorce in your life Kevin no one's telling me that no one security is a case of poverty nobody told me that every night I dream and these bunch of cockroaches all over my place wherever I go every night I dream it where all my clothes are tattered my shoes how for not knowing these were the symbols of poverty and when I discovered that your homeboy here but on a 40 day fast that's how much I had it forty day fast no food I didn't care no more water and juice lost thirty five plants they called me everything but a child of God they say have AIDS I got cancer I wasn't into them I wasn't checking for them and I can tell you this right now when I bust loose from that forty day fast it was like somebody put my life on a slingshot and swing me forward Oh play with me and I had to so no see me no no in fact people were sowing seeds in my life that I never asked for don't start the case of poverty the case of rejection the case of backwardness all of that was tossed in the garbage you know why because I followed the principles of the Living God I don't let no Joker come up in my life no more speak no mess up in my talking nonsense but I understand what they did I were on another Drive fast father God I pray right now and I break every false prophecy that was spoken over my life no so now when I get on my radio show he's not all him up at the same points tonight but if this fits you you get business too so as the bottom line as I come to set the people free I don't care what you think of me I in a part of your group I ain't no Baptist I ain't no Pentecostal I ain't no Catholic you know why because when my Jesus died he says father no so they hate me with a passion I'm Kevin Ewing don't care because the more they try you ever get the chance go on my Facebook page YouTube read what the comments read the people wait for me to come down they said because of me no it's because who God made me to be to releases people release and that's what you need but the only way that can happen don't follow people you follow the rules though listen I tell you all the time we're watching me do it don't follow me you follow scripture that's what you follow kevin is a mere mortal like anybody else he could mess up and you don't judge the kingdom of God based on what Kevin do your fakes are always bearing this so that when Kevin messed up a lot on him I stick him with the way to God play with me so I'm telling you here the incestual curses are real and the majority of people have them in their lives and don't know but the dreams are revealing it to you on a consistent basis listen if I tell you the things that took place in my life virtually you would think I could do a horror show up and firing into a series I'm telling you night after night I was tormented at one point I had a demonic force manifests itself to me I I had a four-plex by whom God had a good price refurbish it and every night I used to dream other people are the tenants other than the real tenants living in the I knew nothing about spiritual robbers I knew none of that and night after night I guess what happened losing jazz I was dreaming at loss the Fulda Bank came then brought up everything changed the locks why and when I tell you everything that could have gone wrong with that place and it always be a night I would have a dream about it and the next day some tenant gonna call me oh the bathrooms overflowing the the stuff wouldn't go around a septic tank and so oh I was paying $1,400 mortgage and this place was to help me with my bills I couldn't pay so now I got a deep into my salary to try to meet the banks excuse me payments but I'm dreaming the last dream that I've had I never forgot is the last room I had I jumped how I was walking over to past the apartment this way lived at that time was the apartments were next door and I saw these midgets come running up from all four of the apartments and each one had on a short pants no shirt and each one at an animal head goat rabbit horse and whatever the next one was and in the dream they're in my face but I could not hear none of what they were saying the next week all hell break loose when I say all hell break loose who didn't leave was getting ready to leave the place became infested with cockroaches everything I try to do I listen to me I I borrowed money to try to keep the place going and every door and every night I would dream about this place and one night I saw the sauce I said no it showed to me please and one night this lady never forget it I was standing into my home and this lady pulled up in front of one of the apartments she's going to a person who seems to familiar but I knew the lady and in the dream she was pregnant and she's walking just like this towards my apartment door so I left my home came when I went around to where they were and when I got to the door the door was open and the whole setting was like a night setting where I could see and I heard this internal voice said to me do not go in but just put your hand on the inside and wave it and when I did that I could literally feel the weight of the darkness I don't know if you guys ever I can you drive in a car at high speed and you put your hand out in the breeze push it back well this how it was I could feel the weight and right after I begin to hear like this African music very very faint and it begin to increase begin to increase like this chanting and I woke up with a dream well after that that was it for me remember now I'm ignorant I know what they're doing is wicked but I don't know those spiritual laws I don't know how to rebuke to cancel I know none of that the following week the ban came there change all the locks bought up all the windows I went to the bank you know the bank told me they told me other than what I already owed him for one year I have accumulated over $30,000 in interests I said I was in buying the Trump Tower I just try to get his place I'm trying to show you when there is a curse on you listen what I will tell you I was a Christian I was safe but that don't change the rules being saved knowing Jesus don't change the rules participating in the rules change what's coming against you that's what change it after that happened you know Robert my car start breaking down that car spend more time in the mechanic shop than on the road honestly every time it fix by the time I pull away a lease about 80 yards from the place one time I'll ever get out let's standard shift and I was so happy to the car I had to scrub the money to borrow to get out of the shop and so man I hit it and secondly and coming around the corner the shipper may hurt sometimes I used to cry that I couldn't cry no more because I was saying Lord what is it if you would only show me reveal to me just talk to me manifest to me say something Kevin it right there Kevin is the show me and that's how frustrated I was trying to raise my kids and barely making it listen to me here ignorance is a punishment make no mistake about that just missing what I'm telling you now it'll be to your detriment and there are people in here as well as outside of this building who are suffering unnecessarily in the sense that the answers are in the Word of God there are people in here should have been married years ago there are people in here you should have been seeing your grandchildren right now there are people you should a nod your children in fact your your friends children which would be their grandchildren you and them now having children and that shouldn't be what does it mean your destiny was delayed your destiny was set back not because you wanted her to know it is happening because there are things you don't understand they are things you don't know about the spiritual world and a rainy in this book so you could go to church you could ignore new rejection right they're waiting on you rejection say you're tired come let's go home no everywhere I went people will be upset with me for nothing I go to the Chinese place to buy you you know it was speak English and you murdered me [Laughter] I'm showing you when that spirit is on you it repels anything that's coming to bring you favor that's coming to bring you grace that's coming to bring you opportunity it's shutting it down what it is right now my wife could tell you my and lit that rocket and I still saw him I'm so sorry when that thing was broken off of my life invitations came from before nobody looked at me they would say he's a good teacher you okay now Kevin I have to reject some invitations so bless that was able to resign from my job at 14 years old yes just like the Word of God said God said write the scripture down in Joel chapter 2 verse 25 and this is why I tell you God is a God who know the end from the beginning and Oh God said God says I will restore unto you the years that the cankerworm the caterpillar the locust and the power 1 God says I know you would have been delayed I know you have been rejected I know you'd have been setback but guess what I had an ulterior plan I was always setting this up for you all I wanted you to do was come an alignment and when I did that I tell you I could give you testimony some days I must be honest some days when I sit back and reminisce we're used to be to where I am now the tears just flow because it's impossible or my own strength for this to happen it's impossible so I'm encouraging you man you are not here because you want to be here you are not in that endless hopeless relationship because that's the only option spiritually it's set up that way but the Word of God will break it the Word of God dilated the Word of God will will destroy it but you gotta know the word you got to apply the word and you got to stop living in Fantasyland I don't believe in that stuff only those who believe in it those things that's happened yeah okay then will you stay there but God want to deliver you God want to set you free but you got to break out of the status quo you got to say some listen you're like me for this but I don't know there's some churches you should not be in you should not be there not because it says Church that mean the Spirit of God is there no it should be about freeing the people of God and if that is not what they're doing that then you should leave because you know why the last few years you have on this earth it will be Nashville regret you will watch your friends your enemies who now have grandchildren okay who's living their lives and traveling with their families and you right here in your one-bedroom apartments sorban but don't want to change where you are because you figure or God put me here and Jesus said well if Jesus the Bible says the blessings of the Lord it adds wealth and no sorrow why these blessings you tell me God give you giving you all the sorrow no I come here to free someone but you gotta want to be free you gotta say dude what I did I had enough I shut everybody down I don't know from Pastor good on posture don't take this poison off when I got you know I real I've been disrespectful so but I had enough for this I'm going absolutely nowhere here from a time I come here God getting ready to do this God can do that God and bless us God God can do this that that no no I got an issue here because when I look at the fellow up the road who don't have nothing to do Jesus Christ women of God and through the lineage he is now receiving the benefit of the blessings my lucky I put on my Sprint's and I take off for today you think that's 100-yard dash let me get order this Christ place because that's what it was but I tell you my life tuck off God want to free you but the freedom begins spiritually look at your family blood I focus on the dreams on the vision what what are you seeing every night would have said that you're seeing all the time I used to have right when I did my forty day fast I used to have sexual dreams like a rapper video I still have sexual dream on the fast on the fast I mean the most Lou dreams ever now here's why I didn't know and let me be prefixed this by saying this that a dream and I heard the lady mentioned it earlier it has a lot to do with your environment and your culture the symbols of it so like she said what may mean something for me may not be the same for you for example like she said Joseph in those they were they were farmers remember the first remeer and he said he dreamt how his sheaves stood up and they were once bow towards him and I love this story because he had the dream but didn't have the gift of interpretation his family didn't know because they interpret it but they were so jealous of him that they overlooked the gift that they had me they said what do you mean that that we're gonna serve you one day oh yeah that's what I'd miss what Joseph was well yeah I didn't even not you you didn't order you think we did me stupid i what I'm saying to you did the dreams listen I used to have dreams to the point I was tormented I used to see myself on stage teaching the Word of God I remember during my hardware I did a dis limousine I pulled up I was in limousine they opened the door and they ushered me in the church and just before you get to the pulpit they had to see a Corrin off and only me could pass and when they let it pass they said good MC Ewing God was showing me the future even the midst of my misery [Applause] and I am sure he is doing it for you many of you if I speak to you one-on-one you will tell me but a Kevin what you saying is true I look at my life now but I keep having this dream where I'm with a president or where I'm with a superstar whatever the case may be it's like I'm always a into this place of of prestige God is showing you you ain't supposed to be where you are now you should have been moved from here but now you should ask him what holding me back what is holding me back alone sexual dreams covenant ma'am I told you spirits are not looking for casual relationship sex and a dream you're having sex with evil spirits masquerading spirits and these evil spirits you wouldn't know what they are but if you agree by having sex with a man don't cancel the jury you will learn what they are very shortly because you're gonna begin to see a negative pattern now begin to display in your life as a result of that dream see and this is why like I said the enemy is gonna come at you because he knows you from any Spurs that are attached to your life they know everything about you they know who you were in love with who you still in love with who you like who you dislike so they're gonna come disguise in the dream the Bible says I think it's in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 4 it says Marvel not for even Satan himself masquerade as an angel of light so does this minister masquerade ministers of righteousness so they have the ability to change who they are in the dream to deceive you but the only thing that they're looking for is to establish a covenant so if you're having intercourse with the spirit who's looking like your ex-partner whatever the case may be the truth is forget the image they're portraying what does the spirit represent it could be a spirit of rejection it could be a spirit of whatever I had a lady company one time and something she keep up in this dream that she is the last minute in the dream so she's afraid not because she thinks she is gay and she said camera I can take it now I like man I don't like no woman so I say well they don't necessarily mean that I say let's let's break it down to see yourself as being attracted to the opposite sex in a dream or performing the same sex thing sorry remember people of that thing are pretending to be something that they're not so the dream is revealing to you that's why it's about you that you are pretending to be something you're not being authentic then because a guy who is acting like a girl he's not a girl but he's pretending so his gay lifestyle to be huh so the dream is just symbolic of revealing that you say you're not gay you're not whatever which you are is you're trying you're not authentic you're not real you're not being truthful so the dream is checking you on that so when you look at the symbols that are relative to your life I know back home and for most of you are in the Caribbean here when you dream about fish especially if your grandmother mummy dream about it she kicked down hook kick that door down whoo and you're pregnant [Laughter] come now come confess [Laughter] [Applause] yeah dreaming about their people some of the worst rooms you could ever have some people embrace them they love one gone oh I saw grandma last night she looks so sweet or mommy look so nice no that's not what the scripture says let's go like I tell you let's go back to the rules you know I've had people who actually fussed me on this who literally I mean let me have it on this I said you could be upset or peel off all you want and that is why you in the position you're in your opinion your belief your feeling that's not circumvent the rules you know I sympathize you do that you miss your loved one but at the same time the Bible says before you can write description up Deuteronomy 18 verses 11 to 12 and it talks about the forbidden things that we should not be doing at the bottom of verse 11 it says that you should have no dealings with with necromancy dealing with the dead and Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verses five and six it says the the the the the living Nora they would die but the dead knows nothing and when a person's died died they loved their hate they envied it all comes to an end and they have no more portion under the Sun that scripture write this next one now Luke chapter 16 verses 19 to 31 it gives the parable about the rich man and Lazarus and it really starts off about them in their living state how the rich man fared sumptuously we're in purple linen all day and Lazarus at 8 the crumbs at his table then the next one of the scripture says they died and Lazarus was taken by the Angels into the bosom of Abraham and the rich man opened his eyes in hell now the Bible begins to give more detail about the rich man having a conversation with father Abraham but remember this is in their dead state not on this earth but in the spiritual realm so he said Lazarus led Abram dip the tip of his finger and come cool my tongue for I am in this torment so when you read the scriptures carefully all five of his census was operating at sea taste smell and the rest of it so he says no nobody that can happen when he was walking around in your Batman suit all day you never help what's his name over here right he said all stairs are done he said okay then he still tried out smart even though he in a Chryslers health he said why don't you send me back to my brother Stan so I could tell them don't come any no no no you know where he said they said about the same prophet who was witnessing to you they still up there who will be witnessing to them so that scripture showing that not only where they are confined as eternal but there's no way that the dead could come back in the living state so I don't care how you put the dream if you say to me Kevin I saw Grammy and Grammy said something nice to me oh and listen this is how you know so familiar spirit I remember this one little now forget it she say Kevin guess what I don't care what you say you wrong you are wrong oneness because my Grammy came to me and she said something to me and I did it as true I say obviously you know the Scriptures you don't know about familiar spirits just like there's a Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit and of course the holy spirit of this infants are certain familias would have this information to reveal to you and you bit into it I say what you're taking the advice of a familiar spirit there's a penalty for this there's a penalty Leviticus chapter I think 19 and 31 or 31 and 19 and it says clearly that we should have no dealings with those familiar spirit lease it defiles you so when you were over here to that advice spiritually you're opening up yourself for curses in your life just like if you went to a tarot card place to read your palm but why didn't you change your mind say no anger do this you already to file because you already put your foot them so you need to repent and shut those things that so whatever you did some of you are live from the Caribbean your but nobody remember the black stirring needs to put around your arm the baby arm when the baby crying or burying the umbilical cord in the backyard and the trees witchcraft sorcery but that in the bad part the tree that they were bearing it to it's a blood altar so what happens now the altar is controlling the destiny of the child's umbilical cord is buried there and this is why the child is giving you so much hell from a child and they're probably in prison or dead today because your ignorance allows you to tie the child life up spiritually even though the elders told you or you do this to protect the child nonsense foolishness their rituals winner a relative died they would take the newborn baby and this is the casket and they will pass it from one family member to the next over to the baby thinking they are protecting the child having no listen to me here ignorant is very costly very costly that child life is literally Orlock cancer disease you name will be the order of the day and how you sort of know the under curse because the type of cancer or sickness they will get it will be far more egregious than the irregular like it'll just speed up on him they will be diagnosed today and couple months later they buried in a cemetery somewhere why because you gave the spirits to write just like when Abraham made the pact with God he wasn't just making it for him his whole family receive of the blessings as a result of what he did since the fraternity's you name it if they made a pledge and they had to made a pledge to be a part of it then the truth is they were making a pledge to another god you may not like it you may hate me afterward but if you choose to live an ignorance that on you I don't give you what the rules are and he says if you serve any other God I will visit the iniquity of the nonsense what you did on you your current children and the crisis will be up here waiting for the third and fourth generation who aren't even born as yet and now you will begin to see the cycle of what happened in your life begin to happen to them what happened to Pookie and Bubba and mama and them and sharika and Cooley and all of them who never amount to anything in life not because they were stupid not because they were retired they were brilliant people but what they didn't know was the ancestral nonsense that they subscribe to enslave them spiritually which is the worst imprisonment you could have because with physical imprisonment at least I could see I in a cage but when I'm spiritually tied up I think I free but I'm more bound in a pretzel so I think I got one more minute and I can maximize that right now I coming back to you tomorrow and you better be on what we did here today we didn't scratch the surface of what we can deal with tomorrow so you better be here if you won't be free you better be here tomorrow thank you very much [Applause] he said he was coming to do surgery I said wow some deep things but some things that he spoke about tonight I know I know that I have seen in my dreams and you know you just got to call a spade a spade sometimes you know I don't say it so people can live in fear because we don't we shouldn't live in you
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 62,505
Rating: 4.9018288 out of 5
Keywords: Curses, Evil Covenants, Ancestral Curses, Ancestors, Dreams, Visions, Nihtmares
Id: 83NshQd-Gg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 43sec (5803 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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