The mystery of sleep paralysis/ spiritual warfare/ familiar spirits

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find your questions and comments locally 3 5 2 3 9 8 4 if you are calling in from the family islands then it's one to four to three hundred sixty two three three and if you were in another country and you want to contact us via telephone that would be one two four two three five two three nine eight four and of course our Facebook audience is always with us and we appreciate you so very much and you know we do the roll call inviting you to tell us where you are in the world where you're watching us where you're listening to us from and we'd like to say hello to you at some point in our broadcast but we just want you to know the Cindy Russell show we are coming to you live from the northern service studios in people Grand Bahama the Bahamas on the mall drive and Z&S the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas and we say good morning to our guest Minister Kevin ally Ewing good morning Cindy he was teasing me yesterday they asked him you know we've been friends for a while and I never knew would la mente and I said to him I said by the way what does LA mean and he said Los Angeles and I said really and it was a joke it's not what is it no Ron and Tony okay so I have Minister Kevin LaRon and Tony Ewing on the show this morning and we say good morning to everyone tuning in our topic is sleep paralysis yeah very interesting job very very interesting topic right now what was interesting because while we were on the phone yesterday I was also on the computer and I was telling you I was really shocked by the information that I found in Wikipedia about sleep paralysis and they actually had information that had to do with the spiritual what we're going to talk about today I was extremely shocked they even had pictures great mm-hmm so Wikipedia seems to be like in the know very much so and obviously Wikipedia and it explains to you or even illustrates that is not an isolated thing but people aren't gonna experience it people all over the world have some form of sleep paralysis it's not a big lesson let's make this clear because sleep paralysis for us here in the Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean is also known as being high yes all right so go some people maybe or their wonder what is sleep paralysis what are you talking about sleep paralysis aka being high is the uncomfortable experience upon waking or even falling to sleep where you feel as if something is holding you down oh you feel this pressure on you and many people have experienced that to the extent you almost you in your mind you're screaming you're calling out yes but no one in your immediate area can hear you they're not experiencing the same thing that you're experiencing you the only one at that moment isolated to the experience now you're going to show us how this dries and biblically oh yeah I'm very enticing the whole idea of sleep paralysis is bit spiritual I don't care what the doctors tell you I don't care what psychologists or whatever because we're gonna show from the Bible upon scripture upon scripture where sleep paralysis is origin and the reality is the components of sleep paralysis is operating on principles of the Bible because in my research yesterday mm-hmm doctors put individuals on medication if they go to the doctor about what they you know what they have experienced what what they're experiencing and it seems as if it's something that's just um it just keeps happening right it recurs right what most doctors will probably tell people is they're probably elucidating so you're asking if you've been taking any drugs lately or you haven't been getting much sleep and because what they're trying to tie the experience into is the fact that you know you're - now loosen eating because you're not getting sufficient rest or there's a certain medication that you're taking on your own stress and these thoughts or images of being conjuring experiences have been conjured up in your mind nothing before the fluid I'm not a doctor but let me say if you're being hanged you won't get a lot of rest and you won't be tired right now the question here is the how come sleep paralysis which happens to a majority of people Cindy how come it happens to most people and not honorable how come there are some people who probably for the first time this morning they're hearing about sleep paralysis they never heard it before being hiked and not only that why are there some people to this day from a child right to now they're still experiencing these uncomfortable unpleasant experiences children for the most part experience sleep paralysis but they experience it in a different way as opposed to being held down by this invisible force or this pressure on you children would normally wake them especially toddlers even babies they'll wake up through at night with these piercing screams and crying uncontrollably and no matter what you try to do to comfort them they they cannot be comforted now this is where it becomes interesting that because our ancestors add more fuel to the fire and they do what they have been instructed or they have seen their parents or grandparents did and what do they normally do they would normally go and retrieve this a black string and a lot of people over they'll get a black string and they're tied around the arm of this child the leg of this child or the waist of this child and the reason why they're doing that is because they feel that by doing that is going to keep the spirits away now the idea is that obviously that they are aware that these are spirits see that they're not ignorant to that portion of it they are fully aware that these spirits are tormenting these these children of this child the point I'm going on here is what solutions are they seeking to remove this spirit they didn't pray they didn't rebuke they didn't plead the blood of Jesus instead they went for black string now the thing is what does this black string mean what is the significance of time is black string around the arm around the waist around the leg of this child how is description of any significance which you will not find so the next question which asks where did the origin of this come from well just kind of jumping ahead of myself here just before we get into it that solution that they got comes from the world of the occult specifically the world of witchcraft unfortunately the idea that was given to the modern instructions which would protect the child the reality is it's gonna now give legal right for demonic infestation or evil spirits to be now attracted to the child so in the worst in the world of the occult it is complete deception complete wickedness but because throughout the generations we carried this tradition nobody never questioned that nobody never wondered okay where did Grammys what does great-grandma get it from I mean I never read this in the Bible I never know preacher say to do these things the reality is there a tradition is being handed down now mind you guess what the child never stopped screaming at night every soft and the child will still scream and guess what every so often when the child scream they will go and retrieve this black string and tie it around the child or in some cases they will put like a black cape or black blanket over the child again the idea of this according to what they've been taught is to keep the evil spirit away my question is not only where did you get this from explain to me how does a black string how does a black cover over a child or attached to a child causes an invisible being which is a spirit to not come near the child or to or to to run away from the child not knowing that what you are doing you are coming in agreement you are following the instructions that were handed down from spirits to locks and [ __ ] who passed it on to the practitioners of those artists which could be a Grammy a mummy your great-grandmother and this has gone on through generations through generations to generation and their Christians today as I speak that will resort to that solution as their primary source then praying for that child then anointing that child with oil or running those spirits from that child they will resort to the tradition that they brought up on this is why the scripture says to us Jesus told the Pharisees he says look here it is because of your tradition it is because of the customs it is because of the the the culture that was handed down to you that you have made superior to the Word of God now the word of God is now of no effect in your life in your home in your church or wherever so these things are important to note as we about to get into the study this morning as it relates to see paralysis if the solution of dealing with sleep paralysis does not come from the Bible it is not the laws the principles and the rules of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as father God then whatever else you are using as a solution is not of God okay what I'd like to do is take another break and then we'll come back and continue with more on the Cindy Russell show our topic this morning sleep paralysis and like we said earlier in our vernacular in the Caribbean we would call it being happy and of course if you have a if you had an experience you're on Facebook we'd like to hear from you if you'd like to call us on the telephone three five two three nine eighty four from the family islands one to four to three hundred six to three three we'll be back with more [Music] everything you need for school and more is in one place at HML school supplies and bookstore and number-two arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bags Barbie Dora spongebob and spider-man bikes drawstring bags lunchbox black-and-white composition books and geometry sets two dictionaries thesaurus art supplies crayons markers charts ground boots folders Diaries textbooks games toys office supplies and more form 35 to 54 70ct air conditioning refrigeration and deployments the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and 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located in port look higher Vince I wait and the other brought many more at Subway Fresh Air Services has a professional aviation Airport security maritime retain stores banks and financial institutions industrial plants and we'd also like to remind you that Frank's ice-cream was also part of our sponsorship list and it finds you were able to or you invited rather to submit a video of your child ages 2 to 5 years old singing or quoting the scripture a scripture or probably you know giving a memory verses something or even the books at the Bible and then what you would do is you would send it in to Frank's ice cream and they will win a prize with the most likes on Facebook and you can just check out Frank's Facebook page for more information as well but be sure to get your child involved in that particular event it's going to be wonderful it's it's going to happen a little later on this month closer to Christmas and so we'll give you more updates but keep it off right where it's at our topic this morning sleep paralysis with my guest Minister Kevin Ellie Ewing and we were saying that in our part of the world it's known as being hide yes like I mentioned earlier sleep paralysis is the experience of upon waking or falling asleep you become aware that you are unable to move it's very evident your eyes are open you're fully conscious of your surrounding you're probably in bed you your television is probably on oh you're probably sleeping next to your spouse but you're trying to move you're trying to speak and you are incapable of doing those things now the duration of sleep paralysis sometimes lasts for a few minutes it all depends on the intensity of it so what I want to list off here now is a few of those symptoms after or not even after but during the course of sleep paralysis and just after you have broken out of it some people in the event of having the sleep paralysis and they wake up and they feel himself being held down and they finally break out of it they would normally have the following experience afterwards for example they would feel a very very evil presence in the vicinity where they are some people will actually feel or sense this presence spiritually moving around whether it's the bed or the couch they're sleeping in or laying in laying in they would feel this presence moving about some people will wake up to a someone or voice shouting on their name or making some remark but of course there's nobody there some people will feel their bed shaking sometime it can be very violently as well as can be and most cases it's very very subtle and and the reason for this is that these evil spirits now is trying to challenge or wear out the mind of this person to make them believe that they're imagining these things so some people would just stay still in the bed to see if it's them the shaking of this bed is being originated from them and they would feel that slight shaking of the bed some people will wake up to feel or during the sleep paralysis because remember now you're fully conscious you're not asleep when you experience sleep paralysis you are not sleeping you're awake they would feel like something pulled their toe or something trying to pull them out of the bed or shove them in most cases they'll either be an adverb by himself or with whomever else but the other party is asleep fully unconscious of the events that the other party is experiencing and some of the most extreme cases and we're gonna explain this even deeper today you would find some people that are they sexually molested by an invisible being which is a spirit during this course or they are being touched inappropriately during this bout with with sleep paralysis it is common for everyone to experience the pressure on them where they feel like this heavy weight but they cannot and it's a tough battle to break out of this heavy weight and when you do break out of it eventually your body's extremely tired very much very almost as if you were in a battle but what I want to make clear before I even go on all of this is going on spiritually and here is why that is the case if if I was to hold your arms right now Cindy and put pressure on it you would literally see the indentation in your skin but as heavy as that weight is as it relates to the events of sleep paralysis there are no indentations in your skin you don't see no heavy weight pressing on your chest I'm saying that because this is only empirical evidence that this experience is not affecting you physically it is your actual spirit that is being held down and what do I always tell you on this show the real you is your what spirits so your spirit is being held down then it is automatic that your physical body cannot move so while you're sitting there and you're trying to break out of this thing you're trying to scream or call on Jesus and that's the only thing the only thing that will cause it to be broken and of course we're gonna go into that later but it is holding down your spirit just like when a child jump up with those piercing scream that spirit is visiting the spirit of that child and tormenting that child and in some cases the spirit will manifest to the child now the child is just a child the child can say mommy daddy I saw this whatever poison so the child just began to scream on a fifth some of the other after-effects of sleep paralysis some people will see like a tall dark shadow or a gentleman we're in like a hot or King now I know there's a lot of people there listening to me right now even watching right now in total or because they said this happened to me before never told the one but they wouldn't believe me this only goes to show you how common these events are number one and number two how our religious establishments are totally ignorant to these things that are common among human means and how they are being attacked in them and theirs in their spiritual life on a consistent basis but as we about to unveil today all of this there's a purpose behind it so they will see these dark men standing up or again they will hear things that nobody else here or in some cases a person could be in their room and once they wake up out of the sleep paralysis and they would hear like pots and pans moving in the kitchen or furniture moving or they will literally hear footsteps now depending on how sensitive this person's spirit is their spirit now will determine basically the height of these things mind you they haven't seen them but they were sitting in my camera it sounds like like these midgets was walking are you know the religious see because their spirit of discernment now is giving them the assessment and information on these invisible beings that they cannot see so so what you're saying then is that the sensitivity of your spirit were the individual who's experiencing these things can depend on what you feel what you see right it's almost right it's taking an assessment of these invisible forces now in some cases the spirits were literally manifest most cases they won't the reason why they're not manifesting or you wouldn't hear much them it is still really send a person out of their mind to send them crazy because you don't want to go there and tell some sensible poison man listen I and my pots and pans move a boat last thing and this thing walk in my room and sit on my bed and I saw the indentation and me there who's gonna believe you no one's going to believe you so you don't tell anyone I guess I'll link it crazy so for years you sit in torture and punishment from these things not knowing that these are real occurrences and there are solutions to deal with them permanently why would as bother with an innocent baby right we're gonna get to that because I have a lot to do with the little parents their ancestors the environment and even right down to objects all of these things play a part in it so I want us to look at a story in the Bible that kind of sheds light just a little bit on sleep paralysis and I want us to look at Joel chapter four and we're gonna read from verse twelve to verse 17 job chapter four and we're gonna read from verse twelve to verse 17 verse 12 of Joel chapter 4 says now a thing this is job speaking now a thing was secretly brought to me and mine air receive a little thereof in thoughts from the vision of the night listen carefully when deep sleep fallen on men so he's telling us not a protocol to sleep paralysis is just when you about to go to sleep or just when you wake up you would normally have these occurrences that would take place in your life secondly verse 14 he says fear came upon me everybody experiences this when it comes to sleep paralysis because they're confused as to what's happening are they gonna die is this thing gonna kill them they are overwhelmed by fear not that in and of itself says to you clearly that is not of God because the scripture says to us in 2nd Timothy 1 and 7 God did not give us a spirit of fear so he did not give us a spirit of clear why would God come and tantalize you and torment she would say in these experiences it is not event so it goes on to say in verse 14 it says fear came upon me and trembling which made all my bones to shake listen carefully to verse 50 in a job for there a what spirit not a human then a spirit passed before my face they hear of my flesh stood up it stood still wood stood still the spirit but I could not discern the form thereof right because it's invisible an image I can discern the form there of an image was before my eyes there was silence and I heard a voice saying not all of this is the spirit now this isn't a fleshly human Jove is talking about an experience that he had upon sleeping in a vision dream whenever and when he'd wake up or just he's about to go to sleep the spirit came before him one that he cannot describe the image of because clearly if it's a spirit it's invisible he say he was so afraid that they hear on his arms on his body began to rise up from any fearful experience so this country is just giving us a small caption of the reality of these things now when it comes to sleep paralysis and now we are about to get very very deep into this so I would tell the listening audience and those along with on Facebook please get a pen please get a notepad please write down these scriptures because this is going to bring so much clarity to what you have suffered over the years and how to deal with these things once and for all okay now number one like I said in every show in order to consume digestion have a full understanding of what's going on here you have to believe that there is a world that exists outside of our physical world in which we know to be the spirit world if you don't believe in the spirit world and you call yourself for Christmas you are extremely confused many people do but it's limited they believe in the power of God to heal who to move on their behalf to do things etc because we pray to God right and we believe but when it comes to a lot of the other things that we're talking about that relates to the spirit world people some people think it's taboo right thus confusion because you cannot tell me you believe in the invisible God whom you have never seen you've never seen Jesus you've never seen as angels but at the same time you can quickly believe that evil and Satan and evil spirits don't exist you are you are confused to the third part power and you need help but one partly you need to go and read your Bible because if you don't believe that then what was Jesus talking about what would the Scriptures talking about when Jesus cast evil spirits out of a man he removed the mute spirit he removed the tormenting what was what was that then but anyway that's another teaching so what I want us to go into now is we are going to now look at the spiritual principles in which sleep paralysis or any spirit of that matter what gives them the right be it the spirit from the kingdom of God of deeds from the spirits of the kingdom of darkness what gives them the right to to do to a pair in our life to do these things now I said before again on all of my shows because I did what spiritual warfare that in order for any spirit inclusive of the Spirit of God to intervene in the affairs of mankind meeting on this place then there has to be a covenant which we know to be an agreement between that spirit and that the human being there has to be a covenant the reason is very simple the reason is God after he created the earth he created the Garden of Eden he put Adam and Eve in this garden he came or he he he spoke this law he says that he is given mankind that would be Adam and Eve mankind means a spirit that's housed in a fleshly body now in that statement he never said I have given spirits Dominion or spirits authority over the earth so therefore if mankind which is you and I have the authority here then any other entity that would like to operate in our restriction well we have authority and Dominion then they must request they must achieve the agreement from us thus we have the term covenant what am I saying this fall I'm saying this because any spirit via the spirits of the kingdom of darkness or the spirit of the kingdom of light spirits radio land Facebook hear me and hear me well spirits are never ever seeking casual relationships spirits are seeking covenantal relationship why because the purpose behind the covenant that they seek is to now run the will or their will or in the course of your life they cannot do it outside of that so they don't want to date you they want to know no they want to marry you because marrying give me more legal privileges marry and give me more legal right see if I'm dating you and me and you break up I can't take you to court and say more hardcore silly stuff we have no covenant we have no agreement we just boyfriend/girlfriend but if we are married the whole landscaping change now so when we're dealing with spirits spirits I'm not interested are you people talking fool or my spirit guide or my daughter have a little friend here unvisible friend no all of that peace spirit have already made a covenant with that child I think of Marshalls Widow have you seen commercial yeah you see it in the movies where they say that the child has a little friend and they're telling the mommy and their friend needs a peanut butter and jelly sandwich too and the mommy makes it and cuts it and people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge not knowing that a covenant has already been cut with this child little even notice but how subtle we see it all the time and you think it's cute yeah you see because we're not we into now nobody is teaching them this imaginary friend they calling right so here it is not this child has already sorry the spirit has already won the trust of the child and remember you would say well Kevin how did the spirit covenant with a child shouldn't there be some rules that the child would have to be honest a teenager no any instruction that that child take from that invisible being for just a covenant also the Bible you see this mug or two and Moses court or Joshua God told Abraham God told Jacob Isaac whatever he said and they did it the Covenant was forged to give him the right to perform would he had already tell him he's going to do so covenants are the key factors covenants are the mediators between the spirit world and the physical world in an order for spirit to manifest it's been here again where is the Spirit of God then it's the spirit of darkness matter it's the promises of God or where is the process of Darkness our covenant must be established and the spirit world the spirit of the spirit world cannot send someone here to this office to have me sign a human no no so no hence no hence proverbs 26 in - in fact let's turn the right now and you're gonna see exactly what I'm getting to in proverbs chapter 26 and verse 2 listen to what it says here it says as the bird is giving a comparison in comparison as the bird by wandering as the swallow which is also a bird by flying so the curse causeless cannot come now let me break this down to English the writer here is giving a comparison between a curse the behavior of a curse and the behavior of birds and he says that a bird will fly until it has a reason to come down that would be to rest or to eat food he says the comparison is the same as a curse a curse cannot come upon you unless there is a reason so whatever that reason what I mean is that no one could just throw beyond you one could just Satan charity I just come in in your life no there has to be rules policies regulations commandments for the most part the victim as violated as a result of that now this entity had the right and come to bring a penalty on the one that has violated the Covenant so would you say violated oh and for the most part I moved in ignorance see that's another thing because and that's our signal operates he deals with people on their ignorance people who are not hearing these teachings that we're giving every Saturday out there living their lives for when they live in need when they want to not knowing that in your living be it your behavior be it your confessions be it your declarations you are either activating or deactivating spiritual laws you may think nothing of it but what you're doing now will speak to your destiny and you would say well how come this happen for example for example and we're going to get into that to where we talk about generational crisis it says that God says that I'm going to take the iniquities of your ancestors I'm gonna take the things the wickedness that they did they probably was even ignorant of it and I'm gonna levy it on your future generation so you see they're now in their ignorance in doing their evil not understanding that their spiritual laws that will cause the evil that they do to be levied on the future generation so now they're dead and gone their great-grandchildren are coming up full of life full of zeal but all of a sudden they are breaking down with a certain set of sickness they cannot get ahead in life they block on every idea but 66,000 divorces why is this happening but everyone is ignorant that mama granddaddy whomever put their hand to sorcery which you're going to see right now and as a result of that God says I'm gonna cause to be visited their iniquities what was their iniquities or whatever they were doing I think sometimes too perhaps you know sometimes people are ashamed and so they don't want to you know kind of own up to maybe what was done in the family I was at a service once and there was a person there who was very well-equipped what knowledgeable about deliverance and you know asking people to stand and you know to recite and to say and to demonstrate in terms of denouncing curses etc in your life I stood there for a moment and I looked around in the church most of the people who were sitting were older people and then there were some people I guess just sitting as to say well I'm not saying all that stuff because you know I'm going to say that my great-grandparents were involved in witchcraft I'm not going to say that my grandparents were involved in witchcraft so it was like they were they were a little it seemed like they were like reluctant and I find that a lot of people they don't know but they just they're just ashamed I agree to a certain extent yeah they for the most part may be ashamed but if you're not pounding this type of teaching to them to give them a root understanding of the consequences that will follow their future seed even when they are deceased then they have no reason to stand up they don't see the importance of stand up and confessing see talking about but I got a branch off here just a little bit you could talk about blessing you could talk about fable you could talk about God and turn it around you could say 2018 be a year of new dissin all of that is absolute nonsense if you're not dealing with the shackles that have you tied down now how are you going to go in 2018 stepping in I'm free and you know none of this stuff and then people would say oh you know 2017 finish strong Shore with all the shackles listen you're going to do right the spiritual because have you tie down so you get into 2018 and you see time is flying now now we were already bought at 2018 December and the pastor coming back to you 2019 I feel it's gonna be a year no no didn't you tell me that in 2002 let's go back a little further didn't you tell me that in 2099 so they're excuses well there was sin in your life and you wasn't OB no no no don't come with that because there many men in the Bible like a Nebuchadnezzar as a Cyrus these people who serve other gods but God intervened and did what he had to do so what make them any different from me see until we understand the spiritual laws of God which is this entire Bible not just the Old Testament and tell you begin to understand that and operate in the vein of that you will live your life die and never live the way God wanted you to prosper and succeed in your life you were always living a life that is challenge a life will you out press broke struggling never happy always live in a form of happiness but never really living the abundant life simply because you decide to sit under whatever ministry and listen to the nonsense Sunday after Sunday I feel the Spirit of the Lord man tell me the laws of God tell me why after 20 years my life ain't going forward don't come up here but I feel some people got a heavy spirit and I thought when we pray for you and you prayed for me and the Spirit never left tell me about my Grammy or great Grammy of great grandpa who was a rich warlock tell me how it was what they did that cause we can't go forward today show me the scriptures and speak and educate me on the laws of God so now I could get some serious freedom around you but don't come round me and tell me what I've been following up for today years and God want me to sow a seed and once I saw the seed I see in the spirit with a shackles of UAC Nachman no spirit you're a liar show me the scripture I could show it to you proverbs 11 verse 9 be shoe knowledge shall the just be delivered I've said that if you sow a seed that you will be free they have said no a seed you will get a husband yeah let me tell you so a seed and you put on another shackle am i discouraging sowing seeds my discouraging sword inter-church man no but don't come tell me that why everything I have to pay we'd love to do the show on this because I'm tired of sitting with people who tell me the same story over and over Cavan I've been to remember that situation I told you yesterday about the lady that called me from Guyana she was telling me about a situation of course we can discuss her later she's sick of it she's a sheep in the church after church and every one of them required her to sow a seed to get deliverance after 35 years she lived in complete misery her father is a pasta and when she went to our Father about this things he said sweetie all you need is the grace of God His grace is sufficient she said until she started watching these videos and putting into practice the laws of God she can now say she's experiencing freedom from the bondage that she was once in I know you're overloaded and I am like through the week so many people contact me by messenger or some other way even telephone even coming to the station where they express right I'm meeting people in the civil markets wherever how they are so encouraged and it's such an eye-opener and teachings and they hear the show every week and it's all to the glory of God right right going back here remember we said just on proverbs 26 verse 2 it gives the comparison of a bird and a curse and in both cases none can run its course unless there's a reason for it let's look at another scripture Exodus chapter not exodus numbers chapter 23 verses 4 & 8 Numbers chapter 23 verses 48 says and God met Balaam and he said unto him so God met Balaam and this is AD Bielema sing unto God he said I have prepared seven altars and I have offered upon every altar a Bullock and Iran so Balaam here was trying to perform sorcery on Israel and now Balaam is telling God that I've set up my altars I've done my sacrifice he's saying now I would have invited the spirits to go on Christ Israel listen to verse 5 it says and the Lord put a word and Balaam smoked because remember Balaam was originally a true prophet of God before he decided to leave the things of God - go boy go bill so verse 5 says and the Lord put a word in Balaam smote and said return unto Baylock Balak was the king of the Moabites they were wicked nation he says and thus thou shalt speak verse 6 of numbers 23 and he which is Balaam returned unto Him which was Balak and lo he stood by his burnt sacrifice he and all the princes of Moab were seven and he took up his parable and said Balak the king of Moab had brought me from Arum of the mountains of the easting come curse me Jacob Jacob is the same as Israel and come defy Israel for say how this is now available he says how shall I crush whom God have not curse or how shall I defy whom the Lord had not defined so there was no reason no matter how powerful as witchcraft was no but how powerfulness incantation spells manipulation if God didn't allow the curse to be on you for their case to take root in so again there has to be a cause in order for these things to happen Exodus chapter 20 Exodus chapter 20 and we're gonna read from verse 2 but actually let's read ya from verse 2 supplicating was 24 and as you're looking for that picture these are Marshall says on Facebook I have been saved for 20 years and no one nobody she says has taught this in church Wow such very sad because no one sees the spiritual connection with sleep paralysis you're thinking it's a medical condition nobody and that you know it's just that everybody on the same band wagon everybody speakings prosperity everybody speaking about how to achieve a better physical life as opposed to enhance and amplify your spiritual life that will automatically give you a good physical life an extra chapter 20 verse 24 we're now going to see a law that governs the altars of God verse 24 breakfast when he says God says an altar of Earth thou shalt make unto me and shall sacrifice their on thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep and the oxen in all places where I record my name what's gonna happen when this happened God says I got is a what spirit I will come unto thee and I will what bless thee so God says when a believer a wreck and also and in these days it doesn't mean putting up stones wherever you go in your private place and your home could be also there you make homage to God but God says once you Iraq a place on altar unto me he says I'm gonna visit that he is a spirit and he's gonna bring with him blessings okay let's look at the same scripture at Sue's chapter 20 but this time you're gonna read from verse 2 to verse 5 verse 2 of Exodus 20 says I am the northern god which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage thou shall have no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth verse 5 of Ezra's 20 thou shall not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God and you know what I'm going to do when you defy what I just said then I am going to visit the iniquity what is the iniquity he's talking about well you see he used the word other gods any place where you see other gods here he's talking about sorcery he's talking about witchcraft Oh beer voodoo Shango Santeria black magic red magic roots whatever you call it he says you whenever you go and put your hand to these things you are seeking help or power from another God and for whatever reason you're going therefore when you defy him listen what he says he says if you go to some harm on somebody at shirin then he's calling us iniquity now I'm gonna take this evil at your doing and now the same harm that you sent after other people I'm gonna now take this and visit it upon your current children and I'm gonna consider it or supervise that this evil follows through as a guarantee all the way to your third and 4 generation people put their hand in wickedness evil doing to hurt other people and think they're just going to walk away and what do I always say and go skipping happily along in the middle right now I said all of that because I'm really building a foundation because I know people out there saying now boy but it's got to do with sleep paralysis well you can see right now so so far we've talked about the altars we talked about the the court visiting the iniquities when you serve other gods because you cannot serve another God outside of an altar whether you see that altar or not there is a head which is a witch warlock wizard that literally serves an evil alter that is the place that they summons the spirit but as sacrifices made their destinies all that you cannot you cannot serve another God outside of an altar there has to be a chief someone in charge who consults the spirits all right now that could be in the secret society that could be in the world of the occult that could be as simple as tarot card reading that the one who's bringing up the readings from the tarot card is the which is the wall up and through their information from the spirits they're writing these things out if you agree to with there's a covenant established so watch this now as you can see so far our foundation is simply this a curse cannot come upon you those spirits that are hiding you those sleep paralysis experiences I want you to hear carefully they are not happening by chance they are not happening by accident they are not coincidence none of the above there are things that has taken place in the past or even currently or even though you may be residing that is causing these things to happen now I'm gonna give you a biblical timeline of these things from all what I've just said I'm gonna tie it up in the life or the seed of Abraham and you're going to see that whatever a great building is that an s3 the Cindy Russell show you're listening to the talk show this morning our topic sleep paralysis with guest Minister Kevin Laue now if we look at the story in Genesis chapter 15 and that's gonna be from verse 8 2 verse 18 and the scripture clearly tells us where Abram challenged God about the second round of promises outside of the promises of Genesis chapter 12 that he's giving him he's basically reiterating the promises Abraham his frustration said Lord how well how will these things come to pass how how can my seed be like the sign of the sea the stars of heaven how can my seed be in the future captured by another nation all these things you're telling me when I don't I'm in my 90s almost a hundred and I have no children listen carefully God says okay go get these particular animals and sacrifice them obviously there's an altar involved okay now remember let's go back on the principle because everything I'm about to tell you from this point forward it's based on biblical principles we read earlier Exodus 20 verse 24 God says if you make an altar unto me a place where I've asked you to make it he says I will visit it and I will bring with me blessing so this invisible being which was God who was a spirit he says I'm gonna come at this altar human or physically see me but I'm there and you may not physically see it but I'm bringing blessings with me so he tell Abram to do these things and description and says Abram went into a deep sleep God now begin to tell Abram what the future events would have been with him with a seed and by extension the nation of Israel and their future endeavors when we drop down to verse eighteen of Genesis chapter 15 it is clearly stated unequivocally and God made a covenant with Abram so this only back up what I said earlier spirits including the Spirit of God I'm not seeking casual relationship with human beings they are seek covenants which is what God achieved here now because there is a covenant made there are do's and dont's to this covenant as well as penalties if one violate any portion of the Covenant but more importantly and this is where sleep paralysis comes in this GSK's our God through this covenant has now been invited quarters of what spirit through the lineage now of Abraham so from this point forward every just about every one of Abraham's descendants would be visited by the spirit and also spirit the spirit of the Living God why because Abraham through a covenant easier ones ago thousands of years ago came in a covenant with God and that covenant gave the Spirit of God the right to visit certain members if not all of them of the bloodline of Abraham children before I go any further this is the same principle when your mother when your father when your Grammy when your great-great-great-great who you don't even know who existed years ago where they went seeking solutions when they went looking for healing when they went to buy luck from all of these wicked people and they forged covenants with them the exact thing that has happened to Abram and his descendants as a result of that covenant is the same principle sleep paralysis is based on so when those spirits come to torment you they're not coming to torment you because they could there is a covenant involved that more than likely you are not aware of and I'd will those spirits show up to torment you at night to make life difficult for you what was the what was included in those covenants when they asked Graeme to cut a finger and drop her blood on a certain place what was wrapped up in the Covenant when they were told to drink certain things what was wrapped up in the Covenant when they told him today go dig this hole put these concoctions and bathe each one of your young children in it what was in that covenant when they told you to go on the beach at 12 o'clock three o'clock two o'clock in the morning okay in the dark and begged or Shirin in the sand and recite saying what was in that covenant when they took you to the graveyard and took graveyard dust or put you in a hole and put top what exactly spiritually was being agreed to that now the spirits from that covenant have the right to now come and make your life a living mess see these are the things you're not being so taught these are the things that you're not coming under the entity understand why everyone in your family in a happening to marry family why are you being visited by evil spirits so watch this now so the beginning of God being invited in the lineage of Abraham began in Genesis chapter 15 verse 18 where the Spirit of God and the spirit of Abraham made an agreement he of grievable God said that he was going to do now what's the Cindy let's turn to Genesis chapter 26 and you got to see a trend Genesis chapter 26 verses one to five Genesis chapter 26 verses one to five now the Moses sorry Abraham we know the two children that he had which would have been the promised child which would have been Isaac and the illegitimate child which would have been Ishmael in Genesis chapter 26 beginning at verse 1 and we gonna read in verse 5 it says and there was a famine in the land beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham and Isaac who was the son of Abraham in the days of Abraham sorry let me start this again and there was a famine in the land in the land beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham and Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gura first two of Genesis 26 and the Lord listened as carefully now and the Lord appeared unto who who was him I said see we just read this amigo pass what give God the right to pet him the Covenant that his power made with God verse 2 says and the Lord appeared unto him and said go not down into Egypt dwell in the land which I shall tell the earth so when we've covenant with a spirit depending on what the Covenant dictates in this case the Spirit of God had the right now to protect the descendants of Abraham so now he's advising him on things and he would have never known originally all of this is because of his father commitment and covenant that was made verse 3 says sojourn in this land and I will be with thee and will bless thee this is God promised eNOS for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these countries and I will perform listen carefully Cindy I will perform the oath or the agreement or the covenant watch which I swear unto Abraham thy father so what I'm saying to you God isn't visiting Isaac because he had nothing else to do Gordon visiting Isaac because he just stumbled across him God is visiting Isaac because of the Covenant that his father made that spirit that's holding you down every night I'm tormenting you and touching you inappropriately isn't visiting you and doing those things because it could it's doing it because there was a covenant that was established somewhere somehow yes it's now ten minutes past 11:00 and we said good morning to a knee jewel oak a fir in Mississippi USA also - Jessica Robert a good morning to you a leak anointing in trinidad and tobago rogue green in new york francis felix vacationing in you good morning also - Jackie will always being read in Dallas Texas also in Texas Miranda Daniel Johnson and we said good morning to Jasmine in Oklahoma City Nikko Bain is right here in the Bahamas we say good morning and also to GE Robinson tuning in along with Minister Andrea Pender as well onboard with us this morning I just wanted to read Lisa Kaplan tells us that she said these things happen to me when I was younger exactly what you're saying is truth she says beings that shape the values grab your feet and pull you to the floor from the bed grab your head while you're sleeping etc etc she said the foolish things kids do 13 maybe 16 following my cousin opening the doors when watching tennis Ouija boards some people their ancestors I use when I this India made a covenant with death and doing so what they would have done is they may go with death to die not for them to die but to send the spirit of death on other people and of course these people died by strange accident or they would be diagnosed with cancer but the cancer is totally unusual they would be diagnosed let's say this - November December by next year December if not on that same month they'll be at their person yes why is this the spirit of death that their ancestors came in agreement with to harm the lives of other people I want you to hear this because it's all biblical what did God say in his law in Exodus 20 verses 2 to 5 he made it unequivocally clear he said do not serve any other God Sydney if you read that let's say or less in Saudi what he didn't say he didn't say view fornicate he didn't say if you lie he didn't say if you keep sweetheart and commit adultery didn't say we didn't pay a tide he didn't say if you go down this and deceive other people he go brandy nicotine no he never said that this harsh punishment only comes in when people put their hand to sorcery I don't care how light they did it I don't see how intense it was what they didn't know just like with the authors of God when you went to the altars of God and you made your sacrifice and God says he visited that altar and brought blessing but the opposite is true to an evil also when you're mad pop Grammy whomever your daddy whoever went and when in the grave you hadn't do nonsense what they didn't know the spirits that they were inviting which were evil spirits not only did they short to that altar but they brought along curses Kevin what are these cultures you're talking about the case of divorce the case of cancer the case of heart disease the case of that diabetes the case of anti-marriage Baroness the curse of not getting ahead in life anti-progress when you see the consistencies of these things in your family lineage it is not happening by accident it's not happening because your family came from a certain and outside of the trap no go deeper into your family lineage who in your family was secure and locked to witchcraft who in your family wanted to live a long life and was afraid to die so they sacrifice the lives of their children their children never made it to age 50 never militates 40 but you never 200 and 405 I have heard of people doing that where they sacrifice their children their grandchildren for something for luck or whatever protection whatever it is I can't believe that people will do that if they do it in a matter of the day they'll do it they are doing it and they'll do doing it based on the principles and the rules of the spiritual man I can say this and I guess say it again it is unfortunate and I hate to say it but it's true it is unfortunate that the children of the world have a greater understanding of spiritual things then those who've been a change for nine 66 million years and all they can ever really talk about is the blessing so the blessings of Delano automatic when you obey God but let's talk about the things that are preventing those blessings let's talk about those things that are hindering you year after year and your children and you dead broke still waiting on God to drop the sack of money on your neck and your children love that same nonsense they dead broke their grandchildren David no one was able to receive the wealth of the wicked because no one taught you all of the details of what was blocking you spiritually and BG is asking hi Cindy and brother Kevin what happens to those whose great grands served the water spirits coming from the island and how can this be averted fully that's we about to get into right now so we're trying to show right now is the mechanics behind a spiritual order behind all of this so remember we just talked about Abraham because me and Abraham was the one who made the original covenant with God right after that we know we talked about his son Isaac that as a result of the famine that came because of the covenant God made with a Brahma vice-versa it says now that God showed up to Isaac he said don't worry my brother I got you why because and let me read it here again in verse 3 of Genesis chapter 26 God says sojourn in the land God is speaking out Isaac and I will be with thee and I will bless thee for unto thee now he isn't blessing because he wants you to know he's blessing because he made a covenant with his father I see I will give all these countries and I will perform the oath I will perform the agreement or the Covenant that your father made with me Abraham on Facebook and I'd like to read after the raid we want to take a break at 17 minutes now past 11:00 we want to take a break son but after the break when we come back minister Kevin I'd like to read some of stories and individuals are posting on a Facebook page some Enya wrote that in 2004 we found flowers with dirt on them and it looked like a I guess it was from the cemetery she says months later my husband passed away someone put them at our friend Coburn yep and then someone is saying yeah that she said this is happening where I am she said dad after death so that after death of so many covenants the Covenant need to be broken wherever you see the consistency and negativity be a divorce be a death after death be in poverty you are dealing with a you need to enter a fast and wage war on the specifics that you identified that's creating the negativity in your life Jessica Robert said that she said yes she agrees the children of the wicked know more and are involved in as high as they can possibly go to do whatever they need to do they are faithful they are consistent they will just continue and I guess especially when whatever they need to be done that's wicked happens it's it's just something to just I guess build their faith in the wickedness that they're doing but when it comes to the children of God lazy inconsistent um but you know what Cindy let me add to that here's the difference this is the main difference the children of darkness they're witches they're warlocks their high priests there whatever higher salons are educating them and their wickedness only the Christian are some of them are all of them pastors and preachers and apostles only them keeping these things rocking their people will cause them to be destroyed you know then you see a person is a high priest in the kingdom of darkness or a witch or warlock they facilitate them with spiritual demonic education so they run in circles around a believer who's sitting home for 50 years calling on the pastor say one day my husband can come all right day 70 the last 40 denoted a mug like the last what's he talking about still waitin on this fellow all they here gone they look scorned they broke they hold on they did and go on waitin on the promises this person on Facebook says my dad sister lost three adult kids in their 30s at different times out of the five children she lived to be about 78 years of cinema here it is my prayer that God will cause these people to take these teachings serious you're gotta believe me believe the word of course that's all that's why I searched everything that I say with the word I ain't puttin up no no hat I'm showing you the spiritual protocols that you would normally overlook that you will normally not hear in church and I'm showing you how these things come to being through biblical principles these things do not happen by accident that's why I gave you the original the original laws probably 26 and two of curse without a cause evil blood of cause wickedness a lot of course cannot visit you so why is this evil visiting you and you are pasta why is evil visiting you and you are pasta and shouldn't your children be covered by the blood of Jesus yes they should but if they are covenants and what God is going to honor the Covenant and so you said to reverse these curses you have to fast and pray this is Lakeisha I am God's masterpiece asking know me when we voice know Christ we were shut this case down permanently all together we won't take a shovel and dig the root up okay so that nobody in our future generations will deem this or fast dealing specifically with the sorcery of this I'm very glad I asked that question because sometimes people pray and they would say I reverse this nothing you don't but in this case we will remove this altogether yes because if I hear something mystery voice that I mean it could come back no no no I will shut it down all again okay we are going to continue we invite you to stay tuned and stay with us it's approaching 22 minutes now past the hour keep it locked right where it's at [Music] the herring trusted lien brands like Trane Goodman and carrier for industrial commercial and residential utilization they also have in stock mini-split system step boards air filters fan belts copper fittings tubing compressors thermostats AC wires and more at affordable pricing don't let the cold or heat wear you down pick up turbo fine call CNG air conditioning refrigeration and appliance three five two two zero nine seven four binding quality service since 1989 of subways value means you delicious six-inch or footlong serves wraps and salads tasty cookies chips or soup absolutely delectable Subway restaurants conveniently located in corn look higher weight and the other many more fresh Hey ladies looking fabulous boutique has everything you need to look beautiful sophisticated serving an absolutely fabulous shop to the latest fashion trends and styles in clothing shoes handbags sunglasses accessories and fashion jewelry all at great prices everything a girl wants everything that girl needs to looker fabulous best looking fabulous is located in that misery and you can do store merchandise on their Facebook page looking fabulous is open Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sundays 1 to 5 p.m. and holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on three four nine nine eight zero zero five you're a diva and you're gorgeous you shopped at looking fabulous blue team and can I tell you that it's worth the drive at Dublin's reef Carolyn walkins will really fix you up down there at looking fabulous boutique and just want to remind you that the sale is going on until December 4th December 4th is Monday so you want to go on down and guess what they are having a sale a white sale lots and lots of items 50% off and everything is discounted everything is discounted and the number down there three four nine nine zero zero five remember they have everything this is an excellent time Minister Kevin especially for men for the guys to go down and start collecting the gifts for the ladies your new school you starts with and you know the richest calypso is always having a sale I got some fabulous shoes from there and you just want to go back and keep shopping so check them out over at but she stood up so at Subway restaurant the taste will win you over when they're hot and cold six-inch or footlong sandwiches prepared right before your eyes you choose the topics and they pile them high on your favourites of salads wraps chips and licious cookies and lots more are also available some now at three great locations more nakiya Queens Plaza and the LMR mini mall subway eat fresh same goodbye to a loved one is never easy Russell and benders funeral home located in a charm Rock is a family business providing burial cremation and funeral services as the oldest and most experienced morticians on Grand Bahama your family and your departed loved one will receive special care and attention plan ahead inquire about pre funeral arrangements the caring and compassionate staff adversely fenders will serve you with dignity understanding and professionalism phone three four eight two three four zero or seven two seven five one zero three you may also contact them and three five one two four three five or three five two nine three nine eight Russell and Pender's funeral home there's no limousine service on the island like first craft limousine and charter services the our Grand Bahamas number one choice taking it to the next level with all classes in service four pramanas Hartley's ladies rules and also the toys pick up and drop off in luxury residential circuit first-class limousine and charter services where there's only one standard the best call us today at four for two no longer will you have to sacrifice nutrition or flavor when you're short on time start your day off with subway divide one of subways about you means delicious since it your foot non-serbs wraps and salads tasty cookies chips or soup absolutely delectable Subway restaurants conveniently located in port look higher fresh candid 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wires and more at affordable pricing don't let the cold or heat wear you down pick up to go for life call CNG air conditioning refrigeration and appliance three five two two zero nine seven providing quality service since 1989 everything you need for school and more is in one place at HML school supplies and boot store at number two arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bags barbie doris spongebob and spider-man bikes drawstring bags lunch bags black and white composition books in geometry sets two dictionaries thesaurus art supplies crayons markers charts graph books folders diaries text books games toys office supplies and more four three five two 54:17 Hey ladies looking fabulous boutique has everything you need to look beautiful sophisticated charming an absolutely fabulous shop for the latest fashion trends and styles in clothing shoes handbags sunglasses accessories and fashion jewelry all at great prices everything a girl wants everything a girl needs to look up fabulous best looking fabulous is located in diamonds reef and you can do store merchandise on their Facebook page looking fabulous is open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sundays 1 to 5 p.m. and holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on three four nine nine eight zero zero five you're a diva and you're gorgeous you shopped and looking fabulous than teeth [Music] and we're back couldn't do it without our sponsors and we say thank you very much for your support I really have some wonderful sponsors you call them and it's like okay Cindy okay okay I really really thank God for them and I pray much success on their business minister Kevin because we've been doing this from the beginning of the year consistently every Saturday except when maybe that was a little vacation or traveling involved but God is good yes I want to answer question I just saw on the feed okay I think someone at ox 0 why would God on an evil covenant right and I'm so happy whoever that person was I didn't remember looking at the name but excuse me I'm happy that they brought it because it's now going to bring more reality to the delusion that the Christians are under Christians believe that because God is God and he is Almighty and he is all-powerful then they hang up on the notion that nothing could overwhelm or to circumvent what he does and nothing can be further from the truth this has nothing to do with God being weak or powerful this have everything to do which I have been teaching from the time I started these shows everything to do with laws everything to do with rules everything to do with principles if you as a Christian or even a sinner decide to go to the witch doctor and forge a god have to honor that covenant God can't in Russian that I my friend not the Covenant over to establish it studying the way he ever done the human being made a legal act the human being forged a covenant with an evil entity now in order for God to work in that human being life now or to forgot to control their life or take over then the human being must bring to an end the Covenant that was established with that evil spirit and now he can be God can now run its course and that poison life and I always use this example God told the children of Israel when you get into Canaan which is the Promised Land which we know to be Israel today destroy their pictures their altars their groves their high places kill them all he says do not Forge any covenant with them do not let your sons marry their daughters do not let their daughters marry or something he told him I least they will pull you away from your God we know the story in Joshua chapter 9 where they Gibeonites who are also a part of the land of Canaan deceived the children of Israel saying that they were not a part of them but what did the Gibeonites do in order to secure this their safety they forge a covenant with Israel they swore unto God that they would protect the Gibeonites days later Joshua and the elders of Israel discovered that they give me a nuts given X lied to them now remember the Gibbon eyes was a part of Canaan so they were supposed to be destroyed also so Joshua says well let's kill him Noel sa no no no no we cannot kill him even though God said we must kill him and the reason why we cannot kill him is because a covenant was established legally between the Gibeonites and the children of Israel so does this mean God word as we could know does have everything to do with laws a police cannot take you to court and have you charged if you add the red stop light but a police if you run that light now the police could could enforce the laws of the land so don't talk as if well God can't be that powerful if I've seen could do all these things under what grounds are sating Satan doing them pay under the law and be the ignorance of the people and that is what the devil is telling you right wants you to dilute power right and we know that's why he comes from the devil it is right it's always alive now I want to say good morning to Ricardo strong International Ministries over in Florida he's watching powerful man of God Minister Kevin and we thank God for him and also I would like to read this please can he cook cream she says before I listened to these teachings I knew something was wrong in her bloodline it started when I was a child she said that she began to reflect on the life of her mother who never experienced any type of peace or prosperity yet she was a talented designer poverty and unfortunate incidents always followed her every time she got close to a breakthrough everything changed her life ended tragically at the age of 38 that's very young by murder then I noticed the same difficulties happening in my life the life of my sister my mother's siblings dying death of family members she said she and her sister are very intelligent Minister Kevin and God has promised many things yet as soon as the big breakthrough comes it all flies away she can't understand what's going on she's been tormented since she was a child she doesn't know what's going on and she wonders who cursed our family and why this is happening to them right now that there's another classical example of when covenants are involved and remember a covenant is an agreement between two or more parties as it relates to a certain objectives to keep everybody in line with this covenant then there are penalties added to the Covenant now in the kingdom of darkness more than likely you are not all about these penalties so what will happen now well before I even get there the the agreement is made with the spirits let me make this clear the agreement that on what I was made with the spirit between our human and the spirits the spirits of that alters are like the policeman in our natural world they are responsible for enforcing the rules the laws or the agreement made at that altar so if your mummy your daddy your Grammy whomever made a covenant with death or to oppress someone or whatever would you remember I said when the spirits come to that altar they bring with them curses but you don't know what these colors are now you will see it in the family bloodline just like she talked about her mother was very talented who died very tragically so you know that Mary young the spirits of that also their job is to enforce the covenant that everybody will live like that mother everybody will under everybody will will be at the brink of a break truth but in the spirit world when they read that contract they are not supposed to prosper okay I'm not supposed to get a breakthrough so they will get right to the very end or the precipice of a change in their life and something will happen and snatch it right away these things are not happening by accidents hear me and hear me today there are things spiritually embedded in your bloodline that more than likely you're ignorant too but your ignorance is no excuse to the law as you can see in this case here the the laws or the rules of that covenant will still go ahead now here is the tragic part that poisoned their family will go to church every Sunday every Sunday near these fancy preachers and fancy messages and nobody is touching no one could see spiritually royal family or via I see where something happened in the past and I know one once you get it all you go here has come up here I see God getting ready to do a change in your life I see money's coming in I see property papers stupidness man my life tied up I cannot go ahead I cannot be married I cannot am 50 40 45 and I have yet to have peace in my life now you talking nonsense what would boy look here that is like being locked up in prison and then the prison guard comes out and tells you that there is a family outside for you with your name on it you just eat whatever you want to eat but is all outside there's a nice beautiful house it's outside everything is outside but you're locked up how are you going to get to these Cindy the time they spend attacking me talking stubbornness to me people lives are suspended people lives are in that many of them then yeah they close ready for tomorrow only for another round of oppression to these religious institution nobody is telling you why you got the degree you come from the right side why can't you go forward minute block tomorrow Sunday in church it will be church as usual in many churches well if they choose to ignore these teaching that on them I just here to give the word let me just finish off here cuz I know time is slipping away from us remember that I will show you the pattern of the religious or the godly side of it and we talked about how Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 verses 8 to 18 and how a covenant was made that's what the original covenant with the spirit was made Abram and God made a covenant then we dropped down to Genesis chapter 26 verses 1 to 5 we had the same spirit from that God covenant which was God now visits the seed of the Abraham which was promised he visited Isaac and he tell I said that he will bless and he's going to do these things but he's not gonna do it because he just were under me feel like doing something nice God is doing these things to Isaac and Isaac seed because of the covenant that was made with his father Abram now I want us to go to Genesis chapter 28 if we go over to Genesis chapter 28 and we're gonna read from verse 10 to verse 18 Genesis chapter 28 verse 10 to verse 18 and we gonna talk about Jacob I remember Jacob was now the son of Isaac let me go back in order it was Abraham who made the covenant with the spirit which is caught then there was Isaac whom the Spirit of God visited as a result of that covenant now if I succeed was as Jacob is now about to be visited by the Spirit of God so in Genesis chapter 28 verse 10 it says and Jacob went out Bathsheba and went towards her Ron and he lighted upon a certain place and tarried there all night because the Sun was set and he took of the stones of the police and put them for his pillows and laid down in that place to sleep verse 12 of Genesis chapter 28 and he which is Jacob dreamed now he's in the spiritual realm so his physical bodies at rest enough from this point forward this is his spirit man interacting in the spiritual realm whenever you see the word dream that is what's happening and he which is Jacob dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it and behold the Lord stood above it and said listen carefully I am the Lord God of Abraham so the spirit that made of Covenant was Abraham is now identifying himself and why he has the right to visit Jacob he says I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father and the god of Isaac the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed so you say now he isn't just talking to Jacob he's now speaking of future generation just like how he wasn't just talking to Abraham he was speaking to future he wasn't just talking to Isaac but he was speaking to the future why because the Covenant is giving him the right to visit this family he says in verse 14 and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the northern to the south and envy and thy seed shall all the family same thing that he told his father verse 15 and behold I am with thee and will keep thee in all places how many times you've heard people from the kingdom of darkness Charlie can't touch me my spirit cross for child would mom Edom mommy then puts up more make us drink some more Bayless and something no matter what what they don't know is the opposite of what I'm reading here is happening when mommy bade you in that spiritual blood but and put those Bush over you when mommy do the incisions in your skin and put that black thing and you have these warts all over your body what you and your MA or your PHA don't know it's just how Abram made a covenant with the Spirit of God your parents in their ignorance made a covenant with demons now just like in the life of Abram here those evil spirits are visiting you enforcing the law in this case the Spirit of God is enforcing the Covenant by seeing to it that the seed of Abram is blessed because that's what the Covenant is the flip side to that is that your my your pie your Grammy who went to these people and forth evil covenants now those spirits are enforcing the case of divorce they're enforcing the case of those strange cancers the unforeseen heart disease but you don't notice you know none of this so you live your life as normal not knowing that the covenants that was made at that altar is dictating the destiny not only of your life as you would have seen in the life of Jacob and and Isaac but this what God still say cause I'm gonna bless you and your seed what does that mean that means not only are you curse under the evil covenant but you're serious cuts so this is why you've got to take these things serious and deal with it No remember them you gotta finish up here in three cases we saw where the covenant was made with a Brahmin God the God enforced the rules of that covenant by performing exactly what he said now let's turn Cindy to Peggy I chapter 2 verse 5 now because I know they find it difficult find it difficult to find it I actually wrote the nomina so in my Bible is one one five tree to wrestle on your Lord let me write this number down kevin says don't act like no biblical scholar around here 1 1 5 3 now I see that I glad I did that cuz I don't find it 1 1 5 tree okay Peggy I and we're gonna read a guide was to chapter 2 verse 5 now from the time of Abraham and I want you to hear me Kelly from the time of Abraham all the way down to Higgy item I'm not mistaken I'm starting to be corrected this is between I think three to five hundred years later since the covenant was made but watch let's read Hagee at Hagee I chapter two but let's read from verse 1 to verse five and it says here in the seventh month in the one and twenty day of the month came the word of the Lord by the Prophet Haggai saying speak unto the rubric the son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priests and to the residue of the people saying who was left among you that saw the house in her first glory and how do we see it now is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing verse 4 yet now be strong Oh Saru Bible said the Lord and be strong or Joshua son of josedech the high priest and be strong all the people of the land said the Lord and work for I am with you said the Lord of Hosts listen to verse 5 according that this is God speaking to the children of Israel and verse 5 this is what he's saying through his prophet haggai according to the word that I covenant with you when you came out of Egypt now who is this you remember these guys now didn't exist in the Covenant but he's talking about the entire Israel when the Covenant was made with Abraham he says according to the word that I covenant it with you when you came out of Egypt listen to us carefully Cindy so my spirit remain among you I cannot get no clearer in this when you make pacts with spirits the spirit in this case of God remain with them if you make it with Devils the spirit of those Devils will remain with you don't be shocked of your bed shaken don't be shocked have you seen apparitions don't be shocked of strange sickness is taking toll of u ox your mind pan grabbing them what they did because it cannot happen because it there's someone invited the spirit someone covenant with the spirit we had Grammy being whomever are you meaning that anyone had said who sick something has to happen though I'm seeing a consistency in your generations of the same sickness is a clear indicator that there's a covenant that was established we are reading in Hagee I 500 years later since the covenant again I stand to be corrected on that timeline since Abram made the covenant with God in Genesis chapter 15 verse 18 God is now saying that because of the covenant john made with me my spirit still remain in your bloodline simply it is a principle Cindy it is a rule so therefore it is the same spiritual principle then you seek solutions from evil means the Spirit is going to reach so now Grammy and and them they're dead but the spirit the spirit that they call up which in the kingdom of darkness is called ancestral spirits now not ancestral in terms that they're talking about the ancestors know these ancestral spirits are the spirits that their ancestors called up to do their bidding so the spirits now remain with them but the Bible we have the Lord that governs this God said to the children of Israel if you serve other gods XS 20 verse 5 he says I will visit the iniquity or I will cause those evil spirits at your corner to fall upon your current and all the way to the third and four generation so that's why that young lady could come and say my mummy was a brilliant woman she could do this and do that but she never enjoyed her life now the woman through these teachings are seeing that they're seeing the same time take shape in her life sweetie you need to break that covenant and shut that down the scripture says to us in Leviticus 26 verses 40 to 41 we must start by repenting and confessing the iniquities transgressions and sins of our ancestors but God they did already no matter that's what I tell you to do go on a fast and begin waging war asking God to break the connection which is the covenant that is giving these spirits the right to dominate your life we say good morning to Atlanta and in Agua Atlanta Smith also good morning - Tami Forbes in Bimini and real quick Lolo enol module in Istanbul Turkey logged on earlier and was saying that he has she has dreams and they could never remember the dream so we have to remember to pray for them and also that was a special request for Janet Lee Gonzalez her mom is online this morning Minister Kevin Sonya McConnell and she says that her daughter Channel is a contact with your page and she said please please PLEASE it will be better if they send me a message in my messenger box I really want to wrap up on this final point and I know that's gonna go over a little bit so they send me a message in my facebook message about referencing this show I'll give it immediate attention okay now I want to I've already demonstrated to you how and why sleep paralysis takes shape and a person life and it's because of some agreements but there are three there are several ways in which this could be a cause while sleeper Alyce's is affecting you the primary reason is because of ancestral participation with other gods and whenever I use the word other gods I'm talking about sorcery I'm talking when I say other gods you are going to a man or woman who practices all bear and they are giving you black evil substances or asking you to do a particular ritual or go on a grave that and get none of that in the Bible what God can tell you to do so all of that at that moment you are you're not aware of it but you are forging and covering it'll happen that's the primary one number two where you have family members or even yourself currently participating in a cultic actions all right so I mean if you do an oberek now you put and listen to me let me make this clear don't tell me fool but you rented a man to take a curse off you and he gives you this you wasn't working away you working over here because you know you didn't go to God you went to the obeah man his God is the devil they feel is it because they're not actually doing it and they go to someone who who's doing it they feel like they didn't really say you say about any other God so that that that covers you the third one could be where someone is projecting witchcraft courses at you so what that mean is that they have your personal belongings on a particular altar and they are calling on spirits and assigning them to your life I'm showing you two ways in which sleep paralysis takes place again because sleep paralysis meaning that evil spirits are visiting you but there's a cause why they're doing it finally if you reside in a place sending you may move into a home or an apartment and I tell people all the time yeah you want your own room yeah you see a nice property the bank repossessed and they sent it for little nut and that's not like a bargain to you consult God remember I just said the children of Israel did not consult God when it came to the inhabitants of Gibeon and they made a covenant with them that cost them in the end God is this home the right home for me a home your residence or even that property you don't know what's buried on that property from the former occupants you don't know what's buried in that foundation yeah you would say I saw your deal and you know etcetera etcetera maybe for $1 right and you jump order your homework you better hurry yes a score to reveal to you whether or not this is the place another thing there are certain items given by people whom you thought were your friends figuri and souvenirs clothing pots pans whatever you don't know man you they may not be settled to do you specific wickedness but because it's coming from their wicked the Bible says in publish up to three I think was 26 it says that the curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked now when you say where it's coming from what does that mean well I mean is that a four person is into witchcraft everything that they own is curse so they give you us and even have this mind you they're not putting a curse on you see this guy right that's the thing is cursed let me prove it to you in the book of Joshua chapter 6 verses 17 to 18 God said to the children of Israel he says now listen when you go around the city like I've instructed you in the walls fall down he say do not touch of anything that's in there except what I tell you to and he told him why he said because and watch the way that he used the things are accursed a-c-c you are sed that word in the Hebrew if my memory serves me correctly the word in Hebrew is called I think it's Sharon saw some of that nature but here's what the word literally means in English it was translated the word means something that is mark for destruction so when God said to the children of Israel he says all of the contents except for the things I tell you to take that's in Jericho because Jericho was a nation that served idols they were part of the Canaanites so everything that they had and it was dedicated to their gods so God so God said to them he said the things in Jericho are of course little translation those things are marked for destruction but what should he says next he said now you do not take off those things watches now lease you become a curse or lease you'll be marked for destruction so what person is into oblivion all that sort of stuff don't take nothing from those people because according to that principle would they have is curse so if you take it from them now you have now that is now transferred to you you become marked for destruction so from that point forward you're gonna experience some weird things happening in your life such as sleep I heard recently and I know of a particular situation where people have also used money that's a common one right that's what I use clothes because you know leaving nothing about money right especially when you see them come to you and exchange money oh you could change this for me the money what they're giving you is already curse and you mark the day you better believe me mark that day from that day forward watch your finances go backwards you watch CDs you have to be you need to be yes you have to just be so vigilant now I we are like two minutes left a minute and a half meaning Bob Hope we need a part two yes you need a part two of this I'm sure they would agree now this is what's gonna happen God's willing next week I'm going to go through this because we did not get a chance to share and some very interesting stories on this I'm also inviting people cuz you know I'm getting ready to start yes so I'm inviting you for now to send me by messenger your detailed stories of your experiences etc so we have a blog by next week and I will start the show off with um the comments and the stories that are near to address them right okay so we'll do that next week actually I think what you think also too I mentioned to me because we take for granted that the radio listeners know about address on Facebook right and I think for those people out there of course there's the my Facebook page Kevin Laue could always come there and get all this information and actually watch the video and then you can go to the Cindy Russell page I have very vigilant doing that zero as Xena is like a princess oh yes she is such a and she actually started my Facebook page for the Cindy Russell show please go to the Cindy Russell show on Facebook and like it and I'm gonna try and be better and do some work on it as well this week but that's what I want you to do please suggest them you know get things started for us get things moving but we want you two to be a part we want to you know create this community of studying yes God's Word yes and gaining knowledge right and this is like a worldwide community because this is growing and we thank God friend and the more the merrier Martha Mary so we will do part two of sleep paralysis this has been very interesting I didn't think that we would need to do a part two oh yeah really I didn't yeah because you know I told you that's why I called you yesterday I'm like trying to figure out what do you know is this going to be a show and I was going to tie into the Word of God but watch this link so part two oh you guys willing one of these days we are going to plan a big like a gathering like this leave us alone again I'm enjoying the type thing where we can all just get together and just have a wonderful time in the Lord so have a wonderful weekend you're so really thank you for coming back and sharing with us again this week we cannot wait for part two next next week so you say praises a lot thank you very much say thank you to our sponsors H and our school supplies whichis calypso also cng air conditioning Subway restaurants rustle and fenders funeral home including looking fabulous boutique personal limousine and charter services along with candid security and also Frank's ice cream we say thank you very very much and stay tuned and stay with us coming up next is our weekend news with Sabrina Brown [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 53,143
Rating: 4.8472328 out of 5
Keywords: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Evil Spirits, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Spiritual warfare, Warfare, Spiritual Insight, Unclean spirits, Covenants, Spiritual Contracts, Kevin L A Ewing, sleep paralysis explained, sleep paralysis stories, what is sleep paralysis, facts about sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis demon, nightmare, Hag, what is sleep paralysis and why does it happen, supernatural, familiar spirits, deliverance, out of body experience, demon
Id: MICgd8w6nvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 34sec (6694 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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