SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW (2021) Ending Explained

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[Music] hey what's up everybody and welcome to found flicks on this city explained we're looking at the latest in the sprawling saw franchise spiral from the book of saw following a detective and his rookie partner that take charge of an investigation into grisly murders that resemble the work of the infamous jigsaw killer so with the sauce series after so many entries it becomes pretty obvious about what to expect as they never much deviated from the same formula with diminishing returns especially by the seventh and sort of original finale of the series things were more than stale and it was certainly time to change things up a bit then there was the half-hearted attempt to do just that in jigsaw but it failed by still feeling like more of the same i actually rewatched that before watching spiral and i was like oh man this sucks it seems like there was no life left in the series or would have to let go of some of its trademarks to survive again you know the drill if you've seen enough of these things you got a bunch of bad people in some kind of dingy warehouse traps that kill them in horrific ways billy the puppet laying out the rules for you pig mask followers and of course a massive earth-shattering occasionally logic-defying final twist which in the later movies usually was some way to shoehorn jon into the bigger story thankfully for spiral it truly feels more like a spin-off which is a good thing so when it comes to how it connects to the others up to this point it really doesn't beyond that jigsaw was a killer all that stuff did happen and certainly this copycat killer is inspired by kramer beyond that it abandons the series convoluted story and there is no on-screen appearance by john outside of some photos spiral sort of changes the overall flavor of the series acting more as a police procedural mystery while cops have always been featured heavily in the story here it really is front and center as the new killings are investigated and this change for the most part does work although i do admit to missing the bunch of strangers in a warehouse getting killed aspect always up the body count you know if one thing that does feel a bit lacking is the traps themselves as there's really only a few in the entire movie regardless this is a strong new direction for the franchise much of it thanks single-handedly to chris rock's performance sam jackson's good too it's kind of interesting how the whole movie really does feel built entirely around his on-screen persona i actually found him absolutely hysterical in this i could see people finding him too jokey but hey his roofing was funny and certainly the saw series could use some laughs to lighten up things while the people being ripped apart and everything all that to say while not exactly what long time saw fans would be expecting it is still ultimately able to balance that line of franchise hallmarks while also carving out something new for the series it's certainly the best saw in quite some time which really isn't saying that much and that alone is a victory for spiral it also does have quite a shocking and abrupt ending that leaves a ton of interesting implications and things to say it really is left without much resolution and it shows us the stark difference between kramer and our new killer that's the most interesting side of the movie to explore to me just what makes the new killer tick and how he sort of mutates jigsaw's ideas and philosophies so let's check out spiral from the book of saw breaking down the story's twists and turns along with looking at the new traps and explaining the ending and its implications they will no doubt be explored in the already greenlit saw 10 and also give some of my ideas of where to take the series going forward so let's get splaining the game begins in a pretty surprising location compared to the dingy warehouses that we're used to outside at a carnival with fireworks and everything we follow detective boswick who is wearing quite a suit and hat seriously styling he's on the trail of a criminal and probably wishing he wore something else follows him down into the subway tunnels a quick distraction from a dummy catches him off guard and a pig mask wearing attacker renders him unconscious he comes too with his tongue latched into an ornate vice of sorts dangling precariously on a stepladder a random tv on the ground glitches to life the same pig mass figure informing him of his situation thanks to his unseemly history he is here to pay his dues at least he's got a way out all you gotta do is rip your tongue out before the rapidly approaching subway arrives choice is yours live or die but i gotta say i don't think there's much of a chance here really even if you do get your tongue out of the thing here it looks like it's probably gonna rip a lot more out is all that i'm saying kind of a damned either way scenario which already conflicts with kramer's wavering philosophy of there usually being at least some way of surviving doesn't matter much anyway because the dude gets it loose right as the train smashes into him splattering him to bits we then meet detective zeke barnes and long time friend of bosses who is in the middle of something not exactly on the up and up he's enlisted several criminals to rob some other criminals which goes off without a hitch that is until they make it to the garage and the cops descend upon them you're kind of like wait is he a criminal or a cop i'm confused we soon come to understand what has turned him into such a maverick he's been more or less ostracized by the rest of the precinct it's all due to an incident 12 years ago during the extra-lenient times of what's called prop 8 allowing officers perhaps too much freedom zeke's first ever partner pete was interrogating a witness and when it sounded like the man might implicate him in some way he took matters into his own hands murdering the guy in cold blood he shrugs it out to zeke that he had a gun so no big deal right but zeke knows that what he did was blankly wrong and decided to as they say cross that line of blue silence pete was fired from the force and his life was ruined but well too bad as for zeke what he did left the other officers with a bad taste in their mouths unable to trust him labeling him a rat hence why he's pulling off wacky crime keepers to catch the bad guys it's the only way he's got left however for captain garza his increasingly erratic behavior has become a real problem he's gotta learn to play along with the others or you're out of here to prove her point he's assigned a fresh face new partner will shink there's another shadow looming over z as his father used to be the chief for many years here and is kind of a legend around these parts as will even says this is all thanks to him soon after a nice looking president arrives for zeke inside is a usb stick with a welcome from the killer and photos of spirals one of cramer's favorite symbols they recognized the location as a courthouse and the two set off to the location naturally zeke has been at this for a while and has become embittered and jaded as always happens in cop movies especially in marriage his having gone to pot meanwhile will is young and idealistic with a newborn baby and everything zeke dismisses this all as temporary pretty much feeling that years on the beat will eat you alive man at the courthouse they discover another present containing baz's tongue learning that he was known for lying on the stand in court by a wide margin more than any other officer well it's the tongue thing they know enough from the clues left behind that they are obviously dealing with a jigsaw copycat killer but it is definitely not kramer himself he's long dead or is he no he's definitely dead but it appears there is yet another disciple of his work afoot here it's around this point that zeke's dad marcus pops back into the picture pretty much breaking into his apartment to seek surprise he's here to offer his condolences about buzz but zeke is more upset that he's never round anymore they don't have any kind of real relationship marcus is at least open to trying offering to get some food sometime and go over his new case thanks to some security cameras they find boz's last known whereabouts and hoping another in the area could have caught more too senior to taxes pay a visit to a local business he did catch the man boz was chasing as well the guy knowing him and where he hangs out the burn down bread factory oh no what happened to the bread factory rather than involving zeke he ventures there on his own and right into the killer's mids he awakes in a tub of water his fingers all encased in tight sleeves attached to some serious looking wires and gears this game is simple just rip off all your fingers before a live wire reaches the water and electrocutes you easy peasy right again not really and as expected he horrifically loses all of his fingers and gets electrocuted this one was pretty gruesome but also just odd i mean where does the killer come up with this weird even the setup and the fingers and everything what is going on there and how does he where does he get the money to buy all this stuff i mean geez louise things really kick into overdrive when marcus does some snooping on his own at another abandoned building we don't know exactly why he's there at the moment he too is taken by the killer and after a few days visiting his empty apartment with no sign of him zeke grows worried a new present from the killer leads them to another spot and what looks like the whole force has shown up finding the older detective's bloody badge there's also the killer's little buddy mr snuggles an adorable pig dressed as a cop wit you know pretty appropriate but it turns out this is all just a distraction as back at the precinct garza is alone and an easy target the killer fills the place with gas sending her down to the basement once locked down there she's taken out in a fairly simple yet quite painful sounding method hot wax dripped right on her face melting the skin on contact and yeah i'm not sure how you'd win this one either by the time zeke reaches her it's too late growing more worried but also potentially suspicious of his father's fate surprisingly it also appears that will is killed following a clue of a bottle of paint found in a victim's body he recognizes it as coming from a place that he and his train obsessed father frequented when he was younger it's no longer a hobby store but a butcher now discovering a flayed body in the back sporting the same tattoo that we saw on wills not much later until our pig mask friend comes for zeke him waking up in a familiar yet slightly different predicament handcuffed to a pipe with a nearby hacksaw the reverse of gordon from way back in the first film yet rather than having to saw the pinajov to get free luckily there's a bobby pin nearby and he easily picks a lock much less messy than the alternative that is for sure once free he comes to his first test the man he sold out pete tied up with a tape recorder attached to him he can choose to let him die or set him free problem being there's a machine exploding glass bottles unleashing a painful reign of shards at them zeke does what he can to save him utilizing a trash can as a shield but ultimately loses out to the never ending waves of glass and pete is killed effectively failing his task the next one is of an even more personal and difficult nature finding his father strung up in another room his blood being drained into containers on the ground and our fairly obvious killer is revealed and alive will entering the room but considering that we don't see him in the trap or the body's face at the meat shop that's kind of a given there's not even that many characters left so what is it that led him down this murderous path all tied to zeke while it's more to that pivotal pete witness murder it was all seen by a young will and right after seeing his dad killed in cold blood even though he didn't pull the trigger zeke actually saw the boy giving a cautious shift to him through the door before leaving so sherry is a 100 innocent but ultimately zeke still did the right thing and squealed on the bad cop and is due to this that will saw a kind of potential ally in his new partner of course he changed his name he specifically went to the police academy to get assigned to zeke and all that stuff and everything about his family is a lie and he used the drugged up guy for the body at the meet place even giving him his tattoo hidden talents while he is in some ways a disciple of jigsaw he has a different purpose and philosophy this most clearly is seen in his particular choosing of kramer's iconography the pig mask yet then makes his own puppet mr snuggles it too a pig the whole thing to him is about targeting bad and corrupt cops specifically people that objectively deserve to die for their misdeeds that's where the spirals come in another of jigsaws but he felt his intentions were too small instead of changing one person he sees it as a metaphor for bigger change the system itself has to change to ever move forward now we get his whole thing here wichita significantly differ from kramer's own philosophy and motivation behind his games he would seek out people that weren't admitting to being bad and forced them to confront what they had done and there was at least a small chance that if you did this you could get your way out of his traps i mean most of the time people end up getting melted or burned alive or whatever you know it's not exactly fair the wills concepts go way past this original idea they're bad they should die and in contrast to john there is no possible salvation for them really this whole thing has been zeke's bigger game orchestrated by will to see if his way of dealing with things that won't happen otherwise something we saw him dealing with too all of this on account of him just telling the truth the big question then becomes can he finally accept that his own father too was really the head honcho behind all of this dirty business so far zeke has been unwilling to come to terms with his father's own bigger hands and everything as he was running the show for years and most likely has countless other unsavory dealings from his tenure that's why the final trap is for zeke to confront this there's only one bullet in the gun you can use it to either straight up kill your pops or shoot a little spiral trigger to save him but still in a sense not coming to terms with the monster he really is ultimately a sobbing zeke picks the target instantly hurling his dad to the ground but failing will's test a mass of police force descend upon the abandoned soap factory yes really i love all the details behind these ridiculous locations when breaching the door to the area a trigger is launched drawing marcus back into the air the strings attached to him resembling a puppet being controlled also evoking precious mr snaggles the cops enter and another rig brings a gun up to marcus's hand and they immediately unleash a wave of bullets into him without a second thought zeke is broken and mortified looking to will as he escapes in a cargo elevator offering him a sarcastic shush as he disappears from sight oh a lot to dig into there with this crazy and abrupt ending i mean obviously the whole black dude drawing a weapon and getting carelessly killed thing even though he's a legendary cop himself yeah there is a lot there but i'm not sure that discussing saw9 is really the place to get into all that there's lots of bad cops out there that break the laws and act haplessly all in the name of a greater overall supposed justice that's what they're going for here ultimately marcus does pay the price for his assumingly many sins in this regard but zeke loses as well he still keeps his father on a pedestal and that's why this whole thing unraveled in the first place them teaming up would have been kind of cool actually but alas pretty big cliffhanger there to pick up in the already green lit saw 10. and so i started to think about where i would like to see the story going forward i think it would be really interesting to have a damaged zeke still trying to hunt will we already know who the killer is so it becomes about catching him you know it would be another much needed shake up to the formula more serial killer thriller than police procedural as this admittedly was the more i marinated on that i was kind of like that sounds amazing so hopefully they keep coming up with fresh stuff for the sequel keep distancing it from that continuity that they left behind however what i could really see though is make this thing into a trilogy and that's when you bring back those other dangling plot threads like will has been in league with gordon and all the others the whole time they can make it like a much bigger concept all these people out there killing on in kramer's name yeah with their own particular ideas as well tease that at the end of the third one gordon in some ceremonial robes or whatever will we've been expecting you boom cut to credits people would lose their and it's a straight go for saw 11. trust me on this boys it'll be gold we can get this thing to like saw 20 or something babies we can keep this money train going a long time if anyone at twisted pictures is listening give me a ringlet ding-dong i am in the book that about wraps it up for this inning explained on spiral i was pleasantly surprised by this one especially from a series that has grown quite long in the tooth after so many entries hopefully they expand further on what worked about this one in upcoming sequels and honestly you gotta bring back rock and mengele they're a part of what was successful in this one and the movie does set up their characters to become actually a lot more interesting going forward and don't forget before we go you can send me your requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain am i sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of spiral in his ending what do you hope to see in saw 10 where do you rank this one in the series let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,045,535
Rating: 4.9324865 out of 5
Keywords: saw 9, spiral, book of saw, spiral ending explained, saw ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, twist, new killer, jigsaw, chris rock, samuel l jackson, traps, new traps, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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