DON'T Pick Up This Baby...

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hey hey wait a second we've met you before i've definitely seen those horrific orange eyes before that's right you're the cursed baby from before i don't believe it you're back and you've decorated this place looks amazing and we can play basketball all right well welcome to uh the baby in yellow we played this over a year ago but it's had a massive update and we're back looking after this demon child who has mittens on now as well what should the people at home do subscribe yeah that's right you should subscribe it's the christmasy festive spirit thing to do all right i don't know why you have a burn on your knee it wasn't me i'm gonna put you there and i'm gonna get a bottle from the fridge this is not the fridge and why is there a cat here [Music] a soul trapped by the baby in yellow has been set free yo what the that toilet has way too much water in it this is probably made by an american developer i'm going off tangent in america why are your toilets so full it's concerning to me i don't know why let's um let's do what we were supposed to do and go to the kitchen we need milk oh we set a soul free as well i'm so distracted oh he's drawn a picture of his own diaper nappy it's nappy not diaper give me this this is the only food i have let me close this as well uh here you go enjoy i don't even think this is my you dumped straight away look at that smile oh god that's a horrific smile you stink i don't like it i don't like it i'm recording this at night and i don't like it look at the face who gave birth to this oh my god you're terrifying right get on the get on the table and don't you dare move alright get a new nappy yoink for goodness sake baby what are you doing over there toy box a lot to free five more souls okay wait one second i spotted this just a moment ago big head mode unlocked a soul trapped by the baby in yellow has been set free wait big head mode your head is already quite large no way yes we're keeping this big head mode has to be activated now come back here you giant blob of a human all right we're gonna put you down there we're gonna pick up the nappy and change you [Music] stop making that face please that's horrible right hovering baby you need to go to bed you are um you're scaring me this is only night one as well i can't remember what happened before there's locked doors everywhere oh this must be yours all hail king sheep i guess hey this is a nice room not gonna lie stay in there and do not move don't move a muscle [Music] how to dream like a king vol 2. he wants to be the wolf of wall street i i get it i get it all right turn the light off close the door good night little one good night yeah look wait for parents i'm i'm the babysitter of this this freak show let's just uh sit down watch tv nothing weird's gonna happen oh no i'm falling asleep this is bad i shouldn't do this stop oh oh the sound triggers me baby are you okay can i run i can't run it's not it's not that urgent maybe where where are you what what on earth are you in here are you downstairs how did you do this [Music] oh big head mode makes this perfect are you okay little one i don't know how you got down here and also you're wearing a crown is that a crown on your jumper there's a crown where the sheep is and you want to dream like a king you're weird sleep like that all right that's what you get for misbehaving don't bother me again i'm watching my favorite show did you just go to sleep ah i should just be able to fall asleep that was my one i almost fell asleep not gonna lie i did almost drift off where is the baby pick up key um oh i need to find some more souls as well i don't know how many knights are in this game i've completely forgotten literally everything about it uh what is this key for oh wait is this for the this is the room upstairs oh it is i'm pretty sure this wasn't in the old this wasn't in the old game um let me pick this up ultra low definition unlocked a soul trapped by the baby in yellow so this baby is trapping souls i don't know whether i should do i need to listen to this play recording oh god snow a curiosity in july following such a sweet spring it started when i took this job but i was not the first oh they are with me [Applause] night fell the first day and the hours dragged on still we cared you're just describing babysitting come on you're getting paid for this we spoke of pasta and casilda in their absence while outside the fog rolled in as the cloud waves rolling why are you getting so deep about this it's babysitting you looked out the window such innocent eyes yep clear as crystal yep [Music] i knew that the baby in yellow had opened their tattered mantle what there was only gods to cry too now even eddie's upset she senses dog scent supernatural things is isn't that right are you sensing a supernatural being right now speak now if you do okay maybe not so that's probably the um the previous babysitter can i close this door it's giving me bad vibes i i don't really want to um wait actually where is the baby are you in here where are you i don't want to see that room anymore this is quite upsetting oh you're watching the tv uh get a bowl from fridge oh you can just sit there still if you want the bobble head mode is hilarious what's the um ultra low definition oh this makes it like minecraft this looks like a minecraft painting that's actually kind of cool all right oh no oh no no no no no oh that's quite useful actually eat you stink are we doing just repeating the same thing over and over sit down here and if i turn around and you're gone oh oh wait wait wait that's really that's really inconsiderate that's not what i thought you were gonna do don't even lean into me like that how dare you he controlled my camera and everything and sent the nappy up here into the parents bedroom i don't feel like we should be in here talismans and their uses in child care okay so it's the parents it's the parent's fault isn't it oh wait another soul another taken soul have they had six cats is that what's happened here they've had six cats and he's killed them all i bet that's what happened there's nothing we can do with the talisman i i remember the talisman before from before but i can't actually remember what it does maybe it helps us from the demon child are you still in here you are now you don't stink i'm taking you straight now what was that i'm i'm taking you straight to the basketball hoop actually can i i'm not gonna drop you fully yes it works are you having fun it looks like your head should get stuck there we go i'm raising him to be the next lebron that's a basketball player isn't it i'm just embarrassed myself anyway this isn't play time you must go to bed bedtime sweet little child see you later i don't like the way he looks at me uh chill out smiley face watch tv on the sofa yeah i'm sure i'm sure that's gonna go well i only need one more soul to open the toy box too i'm going to sleep oh i thought something was going to happen obviously not child watch tv on the sofa oh i already done everything now that's good that's good news we've still got a high score of two this game's triggering me a little bit it's it's in a little bit too close to home you know you're just about to sit down after hard days parenting and bam they say no i'm waking up and you're going to come and get me what would you like what's wrong at least my child doesn't smile at me quite like that you know what just for good luck never mind i can't thank you let's close it find something to eat perhaps a cheese holy cheese toasty feed the baby you monster i'm the monster huh oh wait the last soul what's in the toy box oh basketball train block dr balloon what the that is not the kind of doctor that i wanna say get out of here oh if i if that went in that'd have been ridiculous that'd been dude perfect style okay fine i'll feed the baby okay hold on a second these have changed we've got keys an evil rabbit a uh pokemon and a very sad is that me am i crying potentially all right let's grab this don't log me in the fridge no wait no no no please please that's one of my worst fears actually you know what you're hitting a lot of my fears right now what is that that's the doctor why are you following me you shouldn't be following me i feel like this is new this is another yeah looks following me i didn't want to spoil in a cursed toy what's this this mail sticking out oh we spawned outside oh look how angry he is look i've got your milk just chill you just made it a little bit difficult for me you know right let's go and change your butt or problem solved i'm going beds no okay fine fine fine i'm sorry i didn't mean it be quiet the neighbors might hear you i'm gonna put you down there pick up them run talisman doctor help me help me take the take the child and do something with it okay i'm getting the tasman i remember this i do remember this talisman exercise child i think this is where it ended before baby where are you are you okay yeah i don't think it's okay why is his neck doing that well i mean an exorcism has apparently changed the nappy which is great news exorcisms get rid of poop oh god that she terrified me no no leave me alone no the baby's like i'll take myself to bed see ya i'm too much fun with this game oh the tentacles are here too that door's locked hello are you um i have to settle you it's my job as the babysitter no no no what's that what the good night ain't no good night that's a terrible night i bet i don't get paid either escape unlocked follow the white rabbit and escape from the baby excuse me oh yes you again it's you you've caused me a lot of uh headaches so far your head is the wrong size though that looks really small now okay white rabbit follow the right white rabbit to escape where should we go i kind of like that it's christmas themed it's kind of cute while it's terrifying at the same time oh this is new this is really new hair elevator systems am i gonna die in here i prefer not to oh yeah i'm definitely gonna die in here aren't i i'm bringing the child i am bringing the child with me hey you i know you have superpowers so um first i'm gonna do the magic dunk okay this is bad omen bad i mean don't look so sad look i'm bringing you on a little field trip press to descend if you've cursed this lift i'm very upset if you sit here and don't say a word pick man's madness poor little rabbit i know what you seek but you'll not find it here it is mine the doctor wait what what is gonna happen now i was not expecting this the child is gone um oh no oh [Music] oh we're in trouble oh we've made our floor have we follow the white rabbit pick another elevator is this the same this isn't the same floor is it for three oh what the who's the white rabbit though i saw a picture of the white rabbit on the fridge right guess let me go this way oh it's you it reminds me of jack jack from the incredibles casilda a yellow sign so this guy is a musician can we have a little oh need music to play we have a little tinkle not piano music uh wait a second pick up piano music one out of three oh wait i failed no give me baby baby baby no no no i got distracted come here come here you what the hey you're fast no it says it says catch the baby has failed i'm gonna have to choose this instead with this glorious picture on it is this that's not piano music what is that then what are you doing up there you're a freaking nature give me that key please can i have the key stop it stop mocking me you're not even one watermelon you know i have this child where are you i would like to give you this eat that eat it just eat the watermelon i know kids like watermelon so we can play the records actually um which one's this this one's best coloring music this is not what i was expecting at all oh the piano music is literally here what does this say the king's lullaby all right stop stop stop stop stop stop let's sit down and play this obviously not evil ditty get your fingers ready here we go wait the king the king i knew it the crown it's all part of the story we just launched the baby i'm sorry i actually feel genuinely bad even though you've caused me a lot of pain and heartache i'm sorry no this is weird this is very weird hello aren't we in an apartment building how is this possible in an apartment building i've actually failed one of the things um okay i guess i will approach the record listen to pikmin's record so is this what this is going to be is the baby going to interrupt me i feel like i should have ah why are you doing that to me stop that's like a bendy jump scare i guess we are going to play this if you are the king i will bow down to you let us see what happens play take key and unlock door oh he likes it oh that's kind of cute wait now it's even more cute would i take candy from a baby no will i take a key from a baby absolutely give me this give me this right now shush i want to see what's in the door enjoy the tune stop crying come on be grateful i'm going to unlock the rabbit door cool elevator preferably one that works or steal amazon package no i won't i'm getting distracted let's call the elevator oh wait i actually failed oh we were supposed to fail it that's good the power has gone out what do i do child i'm sorry i didn't mean it how do we switch the power back on are you an electrician do you know how to fix it oh wait we can go here i'm taking you with me i said i would why is there no one picking up their post everyone's just left all their mail behind hello you're blocking my view your head is too large it looks too small now right here's the uh something lightning based what am i talking about you've melted my brain king oh great now we're locked in investigate the fuse boxes 43 with a red lock box of spare fuses lee smith and bound back right i'm gonna have to put you down can you sit here and not make a noise don't make a noise please oh thank you i actually feel kind of bad now open so that's the fuse boxes don't we just need these yeah there we go this should be easy right insert fuse remember i better be getting paid extra for this if the parents come home oh wait i need a pink fuse if the parents come home how am i going to explain this the baby's not there i'm not there and this story is just definitely not going to add up is it give me this views he's got the weird logo what is going on are you kidding me i knew i shouldn't have bought you with me that's really annoying why have you done this i feel like we're in the hangover the movie stop it that's really not nice this is to benefit you as well all right do you want your parents to come back huh no you're really annoying you're really starting to stop the baby stealing the fuses okay okay where do we put you you're going oh in here wait i'm gonna throw you in the vent 43 oh plus some numbers that's actually really annoying too i don't know if i've seen any other numbers anywhere um oh hold on a second showing this why is everything king related uh 17 why bunny and sheep sandwich looks pretty tasty can you stay in there i could just put you in the locker right does that actually work there's no way there's no way there's actually no way oh i thought it worked for a second i've forgotten the numbers now four three one seven four uh three one and seven well let's guess where you're going game event get in the vent bye bye [Music] yeah um the parents are gonna be pretty mad at me aren't they give me a blue fuse and hopefully he doesn't come back i've got a blue fuse use the pink fuse nice and hopefully we never see the child again oh there he is no escape oh god oh you've got to be kidding me requires a triangle and moon key ah why you like this small child do we have to go this way oh yeah hello do you have hold on hold on sometimes the big head mode just needs to be active i need a key actually i need two keys which is just bad don't leave return to the elevator hopefully it'll work now you'll regret that i'm gonna leave now what the no no what the oh my god the heck was that don't wake me it looks like a pokemon close it off that open source what is that no oh the keys here give me the key oh dude that guy's fast what the okay i'm out close the door i'm just running i ain't looking back no no no no give me this unlock go go go go go this is not fair moon key uh triangle key triangle key where is a triangle key no this it's coming it's coming for me oh god please no please no this elevator doesn't even work [Music] this game got so much better wait okay do i have to try the broken elevator is that what i have to do why is he chosen that form right i think this key is here and then moon key no triangle key go let me through jesus still made me jump out getting the elevator getting the elevator and press the button press the buttons press the no don't leave me alone stay here forever no no no i don't like you your parents better be paying me a lot of money let me just say that the exit let's see how this plays out good vibes only from here please oh feed the baby no don't don't smile at me like that you don't even have teeth it's all opposite we have a key two keys which means it's about to get weird drink this and then we'll go sleep it'll be great it'll be fantastic it'll just be a regular night at the joneses okay he's gone can you come back here please no we're not watching tv no cartoons no cartoons for you we're changing your nappy and that will be the end of it here you go hold on feed the baby again are you sure are we just going to go around in circles here you go oh you actually enjoy it if this doesn't work this time i'm going to check upstairs no you don't need a key we need this clean butt time yeah yeah yeah yeah this is funky i don't like this right you stay there make a sound oh white rabbit rabbit hold on locked locked uh we need a heart key what so we have a circle key and a moon key ah this isn't going very well this isn't going very well oh another key what this isn't going very well at all let me just give you this to keep you happy so we have diamond moon and circle um can we flush them that's that's the only thing i can think of ah haki i am dumb i thought that was like a really small weird flower uh unlock oh it's the train okay i'm sorry i didn't mean to knock the train off that's my bad no it's my bad it's my bad it's my bad i didn't mean it no i didn't mean it i i said you could have the train i was trying to fix it i swear look here's a train here it is don't worry little man it's okay have this he's a tired boy take the baby to bed where is your bed i don't know where it is none of these ones is it is it it's through here is it are we in some kind of weird hotel okay baby your face is getting redder oh wait here's the king image no no no wait a second you sit you see it right there oh no no i wanted to put you in that no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry are you all the way back oh god what the hell okay i'll put you straight in i was just gonna admire the surroundings but apparently not have i just sacrificed a child is that what's happened hey see you later buddy i'm out of here i'm collecting my money and i'm out of here your parents your parents can leave the bill in my email um i don't like this i don't like this at all so if i put you in there oh wait it worked this time you're gonna give me another task or is that it mission complete if i open that it's just gonna disappear all these doors are locked wait this one isn't that's one that fires the baby out let me i want to try that again actually no i don't i don't let me try this again what does this say already seen already known already live deja vu that's clever i like that oh wait what the symbol again the clock is the symbol can i go back complete don't fine oh that was my dog oh my god my dog just scared the life out of me are you possessed as well what's going on are you okay my dog just threw up on the rug why why is this happening i don't even know if you heard the noise but um i'll clean up in a minute okay i'm gonna leave you here with this train uh right there there you go enjoy so we don't take the bit no no no no no i can't even jump i'm just gonna walk past you don't even i know this isn't real this is just a dream it's firing a baby outdoor that is not what i expected to see don't even fire at my face i could have caught you mid-air but i didn't want to stop it oh no he's giving me hints because i suck at games wait you're falling sleepy oh this baby is unreal i'm not even gonna look it no no no i'm not looking not looking not looking no no baby tv is on this isn't coco melon hold up this is not what i ordered oh it's on the floor as well how do you afford all these tvs you're a child you're a small baby what on earth is going on i shouldn't have played this you almost caught me with that one wait is it because it's in big head mode it is the tvs are massive i'm a huge disadvantage i'm turning that off right away okay watch tv failed we need to fail all of these you're a demon child take the baby to bed again wait can i sit here can i i won't sit here i won't disrespect you like that sir this corridor is a lot longer than i remember it um this has gone badly wrong oh god bedtime oh i don't think so um there's this that's a symbol again i can't figure out what the symbol means there's eyes of ender all over the place are we going are we going to the end oh for goodness sake flower boy's back oh was i actually gonna take him there let me see i could become the monster it's my turn now okay never mind i didn't mean i i didn't want to had it oh do you actually want me to put you to bed this time come on be honest this this is um this kind of looks like the end not gonna lie to you get in there i never want to see you again your parents need to pay me thousands head down curled horns proud a plaintiff cries trilling loud charging blindly into misty karkoza is this like illuminati stuff i failed wait hold up i'm not gonna take you to bed that's what it means right so if i just chuck you and close the door behind can i oh wait here we go i trust you that's burning my eyes oh wait do i throw no way i throw the baby off there do i throw the baby oh god okay so hello how are you doing um you're going off the edge not really at the bottom is candy and uh i lied see ya hey this game's actually really cool alone afraid i'm not alone i failed i failed alone i'm not afraid though these are locked let's go through here vulnerable i haven't failed that one yet so i am vulnerable not ideal in this situation no no are you kidding you you don't even have arms and you manage to grab me i'm ready for it this time you can't scare me i'm out of here let's go left or right right oh he actually tried to trick me oh god under under play hide and seek come and find me no i will not i found you you're right here king ducky come with me this is going to be fine absolutely fine open am i gonna have to run all that ah these arrows aren't green take the duck no all right we need to make sure we run this time wait for the green arrows drop the duck oh this is weird this is a very weird coward hey no no no no i've felt your hugs before and they're not nice no open oh this is whoa this is good wait wait need to test something needs to test something oh big head mode doesn't work you're already in big head mode this way [Music] don't be sad how do i get out this way oh there's actually no i'm not hungry please i made it yes normally you don't need to go into the white light but this time i highly recommend uh run little rabbit you're not the only one there will always be more that sounds a little bit more comforting doesn't it oh jeez man new areas puzzles and outfits outfits i'm down for that that was sick i actually love that look in the background there's like two babies as well that was so good i enjoyed that so much note to self do not babysit other people's children you don't know if they're demons or not subscribe please
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,353,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny
Id: h4yVRwM_Kzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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