I Watched Spider-Man: No Way Home in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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Hey everyone, I'm The Canadian Lad and this is Part 2 of my breakdown for Spider-Man: No Way Home at 0.25x speed. If you haven't watched Part 1 yet, I would strongly recommend you watch that before you watch this video. Because I'm gonna begin this breakdown exactly where the previous one ended, so it's very important you watch both parts, especially this one. because I will be giving you tons of hidden details and easter eggs from the scenes where Tobey Magure, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland all appear together! But don't worry if you watch this video first and then watch Part 1, it will still be okay as long as you have watched the actual film. Now, full disclosure, this is not a 0.25x speed breakdown but I did watch this movie 8 times in the theaters! So please give me some leeway for including 0.25x speed in the title of this video. I promise you, once the movie releases in 4K, I will watch it at an actual 0.25x speed. Now before I begin my best and longest breakdown on the channel so far, please spare me just 50 seconds to thank today's sponsor: Keeps! Two out of 3 guys will suffer from hair loss by the time they’re 35. If we’re looking at the OG 6 avengers, only Black Widow, and like, one other hero would be safe from this statistic! Well, Keeps has you covered: Keeps is an online subscription service that offers doctor recommended hair loss treatments to stop hair loss and even improve regrowth. Whether you’re looking to prevent hair loss or trying to stimulate hair growth, Keeps physicians can help you choose the right products for your goals. The best part is Keeps delivers right to your door, so no more awkward doctor visits. You can sign up for refill reminders and chat 24/7 with their online support network of care specialists and advisors. Keeps comes in at about half the cost of traditional pharmacies, so if you’re ready to KEEP your hair, they’re giving my subscribers a special deal: To get 50% off your first order, go to keeps.com/thecanadianlad, that’s K-E-E-P-S dot com, slash thecanadianlad or click the link in description. Moving on.. Now, Strange wants to send all the villains back home where they will get killed by their universe's Spider-Man but Peter wants to fix them first. So, Peter steals the box and Strange goes after him. He traps him in between two portals where he forces Peter to web his own self up. And then Strange pushes Peter's astral form out of his physical body. But even without having a soul in his body, Peter is still able to dodge Strange's attack and doesn't give in! This is because of Peter's heightened Spidey-sense, which seems to be even more effective inside the Astral dimension. And for the first time in live-action, we are visually able to see Peter's wavy spidey-sense being at work. Strange then sends his Cloak of Levitation after Peter and for a few seconds, we actually get to see Tom's Spider-Man donning the Cloak of Levitation! Just like it happened in the comics and in What If Episode 5. Now, the other thing is we know the Cloak is sentient. It proves this time and time again in Dr Strange, Infinity War and What If, where it often makes its own decisions. Strange obviously knows this, so he may have sensed that the Cloak might not have agreed with Steven. So, by throwing his cloak, he pushes it towards Peter, forcing it to do his will. Or maybe because Strange has already worked with Peter so he knows how fast Peter is, so he gave the cloak a little push it needed to catch Peter! Even inside the mirror dimension, Strange had to throw it again. So it seems as though the cloak just doesn't wanna chase Peter by itself, eh! Strange then runs past a newsstand selling copies of People magazine. Now notice, the current issue features an exclusive interview with Liz Toomes regarding Peter's secret identity where she calls him "a liar!". Which kinda seems fair, I mean Peter is literally the reason why her father went to prison! And we can again see the same Time Magazine with the Iron Man Jr front cover. Peter then manages to defeat Doctor Strange in the Mirror Dimension because well, he's just good at geometry! I mean why would you expect Doctor Strange to be good at math? He's a Doctor after all, okay that was a terrible joke! All the villains then agree to follow Peter's plan where Peter will essentially fix them before sending them home! Now, Norman says one of the most famous lines ever said in Movie history. -CUT SCENE- Peter then takes everyone to Happy's condo and we can see Electro turning the TV on with his electric bolt. Notice on the television, there were updates regarding the Statue of Liberty getting renovated with Captain America's shield. Doc Ock then questions Peter's ways of trying to fix things. But notice in the background, Norman Osborn was way too interested in Dum-E. This is because the inner Goblin of his is scouting all the things that he can use to his benefit, specially anything technological. Out of all the villains, only Electro and Green Goblin had the most interest in this new universe and they turned out to be the most lethal as well. Now Electro over here is slowly falling in love with this new world. He has a new body, he looks way cooler than he ever did before and this new power is devouring him completely. Peter and Norman then pull off a lot of science stuff together and I cannot believe we actually got scenes of Tom Holland and Willem Dafoe working together on a cure to fix Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus. Notice how careful Peter was while creating a new inhibitor chip. He needed extremely steady hands and our boy Peter did it. So he finally comes up with an inhibitor chip that gives back Doc Ock control over his tentacles. And notice, the red light on Doc Ock's arms immediately switches to white as he regains control of them. A red light means the tentacles are in control while white means Doc Ock is in control. That's some continuity detail given the fact that we've last seen this back in 2004. Now, having gained his conscious back, Doc Ock returns Peter's nano tech, kinda like a "Thank you". I absolutely loved the idea of integrating Peter's regular suit with nano-tech turning it into this beautiful piece of artwork! Peter then started working again to help fix Lizard, Electro and Green Goblin. Now notice, the Stark Fabricator appears to have names of C. Connors or Curtis Connors aka the Lizard, Max Dillon aka Electro and Norman Osborn aka The Green Goblin. So even in such a short time, Peter manages to make different profiles for different individuals. It's nice to see him being extremely careful while trying to make something that will return these villains to their previous forms. He doesn't wanna mess this up! Now notice a very important detail here. While Peter was working on the cure of these 3 villains, only Electro's cure was 100% complete. Doctor Connors and Norman Osborn's cure were still work in progress! That's why later in the film, when Aunt May injects the cure into Green Goblin, it doesn't work, because the serum wasn't ready yet! Doc Ock then asks Norman how it feels knowing he will get rid of the Goblin? And that's when the Goblin inside Norman kicks in and Peter's spidey sense starts sensing the Goblin's presence. He walks around the apartment trying to sense where the threat is coming from. Now keep in mind, Tobey's Peter couldn't do it. But Tom's Peter has such a heightened spidey-sense that he literally felt Osborn's personality changing to the Green Goblin. Now notice, when Peter's spidey sense got triggered, on the left side of the screen, we can see the Stark Expo model from Iron Man 2 leaning against the wall. This is the same model that helped Tony come up with a new element, which essentially saved his life and eventually the universe! So the fact that such an important piece is just sitting around in the background, implies that Happy may have a lot of Stark tech in his house than just the Fabricator. I love what Jon Watts has done with this film, this movie has as many Spider-Man as you can get while it still remains an MCU film through all these easter eggs in the background. Now for the first time ever, we are visually and audibly shown how Peter feels when his Spidey-sense is activated! His focus gets so heightened that he even starts to hear the heartbeats of people around him! And he hears an echo of everyone's voice which allows him to listen to everyone distinctively. I appreciate what Jon Watts has done with this film, he has basically shown us everything that there is about Peter's Spidey-sense in this movie. Peter finally boils it down to Norman and figures out he's the threat, the Goblin has taken over him, again! Notice how the space between his teeth also comes back as the Goblin takes over him! So the Goblin even changes Norman physically, not just mentally. So I guess Norman's case is the exact opposite of Electro! And a fun fact: Like in the original Spider-Man movie, Willem Dafoe once again wore prosthetic teeth as Norman Osborn and his real teeth were shown for the Green Goblin persona. Now a massive fight takes place where Willem Dafoe has done every scene he's in to perfection! I mean, look at how he was laughing while Peter was throwing all those punches! How can you defeat a villain that enjoys getting hit? I'm telling you, he has only appeared in the MCU for one film and has already made more impact than some other villains. Now, Peter and Goblin's blows cause an entire building to crumble beneath them. In the alternate universe comic titled What if? Vol. 2 number 105, Peter and Norman have a similar fight, which ends up with Peter losing his leg and Norman his life. I'm actually surprised by Willem Dafoe's quick moves even at the age of 66! Guy walks with an expression evil enough to scare you to death! I mean the fact that he chose to return as Norman Osborn on one condition and that is he wants to do his own stunts, is enough reason why he's so good in his craft. I mean it feels as though Tom Holland was just shooting and Willem Dafoe walked in on the set and went just bat shit crazy and started beating Tom left and right but Joh Watts kept filming! The Lizard then joins in the fight with Norman and tells Peter that there are always consequences when you try to fix someone! Notice how the Lizard leaves claw-marks on the side of the building. Also if you think about it, the fact that the Lizard was just sitting back in the truck waiting for the others to turn on Peter is kinda terrifying! Because Lizard is a villain so he knows how other villains think, Lizard knew they're gonna turn on Peter as soon as an opportunity arises! Green Goblin then kills Aunt May with his glider and the entire tone of the movie shifts from here! Notice how the first person Peter worried about was Aunt May when his Spidey-sense got triggered. So he could sense that whatever threat is upon him will eventually kill Aunt May! And by killing Aunt May, the Goblin again proves he's the most evil among all villains! He's the only one who would go after Peter's loved ones no matter which version of Peter he is facing! There's actually a deleted scene where Tobey and Andrew's Peter warn Tom saying The Goblin always goes after their loved ones! Now as Aunt May dies, she says the most important Spider-Man: Catchphrase, "With great power, comes great responsibility". But her line is a lil bit different as she says "With great power there must also come great responsibility" Now you might think this is changed from the original line but the truth is Sam Raimi's version is the variation. She actually said the original phrase printed in the very first Spider-Man comic issue, which has the words "there must also" And you may as well think, they have at least changed it a lil bit in the MCU given the fact that it's now Aunt May saying this and not Uncle Ben. But originally in the comics, this phrase wasn't said by Uncle Ben or any other character at all. It was actually said by Stan Lee as a closing commentary on the first comic! Now hear me out, the fact that this is the first time Tom's Peter is hearing this sentence, implies that when his Uncle Ben died, he didn't say anything like this to Peter. So in Tom's universe, Aunt May was destined to say this line, not Uncle Ben. Even in the credits, where we see a sketch of Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, in the background there's a very subtle easter egg where we again see this catch phrase. Happy then arrives on the scene and realizes instantly that May is gone! He takes a few to prepare himself to be able to digest this news! But notice even when he saw the love of his life dead in front of him and he himself is getting hand-cuffed by the DODC, he still screams "Peter get the hell out of here" This shows his true affection for Peter Parker. He could figure Aunt May died and that is kinda Peter's fault but he also accepts the fact that in order to do the greater good, you sometimes have to lose the one you love the most. Cut to Ned's grandma's house where he uses the sling-ring and portals a different Peter Parker who is currently in this universe, Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man. I can't believe Marvel photoshopped him into the entire movie! But then Ned opens a portal again and this time Tobey Maguire's Peter walks in! Lemme tell you lads, I knew this was gonna happen but when I watched it the first time in the theater, I was shaking! I was shaking to see the childhood hero of mine coming back after decades to reprise his role as Peter Parker! Tobey is the Original Spider-Man and no one can take that away from him! Now notice Andrew introduces himself as Peter and Spider-Man. But Tobey only introduces himself as Peter Parker and doesn't even mention him being Spider-Man. Also Andrew Garfield's Peter spends the entire length of his screen time in his Spider-Man costume, while Tobey's Peter waits until it's time for the final battle to even confirm that he has the costume with him. This actually represents the general audience consensus of their strengths in the role: That Maguire is awkward, nerdy and is the perfect Peter while Garfield is cool and quippy and is the perfect Spider-Man, and so neither really captured both sides of the character. Therefore, Garfield spends the whole movie as Spider-Man while Tobey spends as much of it as Peter as he possibly can. This is why Andrew says he has no time for Peter Parker stuff but Tobey has everything sorted with MJ and is probably married with a kid. So this movie didn't ruin any of their character arcs, in fact it preserved it. It showed us Tobey is still the perfect Peter Parker while Andrew is the perfect Spider-Man but Tom Holland is a combination of both. They then all meet on the rooftop and Andrew explains how his life has been ever since Gwen died. He became rageful, which might indicate that Andrew in his universe might have started killing people instead of just catching them! And Tobey explains how Uncle Ben's death was on him and even after he took revenge, it didn't bring him any closure that he was expecting. So Andrew is telling Tom you could either become rageful now that Aunt May is gone while Tobey is telling Tom you can get revengeful. But that's not what they're saying, are they! They are basically guiding Tom which paths not to cross. They're both telling Tom "This is what we did but we don't want you to do that". Then all 3 of them recognize the words "With great power, comes great responsibility" and this is the line that kills the tension between them! As it ensures Tom that both Tobey and Andrew are on his side. So a line originally said by Stan Lee is what broke the ice between them! They all return to the high school and we can notice how they turn on the lights on the 3rd floor of the building. All 3 Peter Parker then nerd up together and work on a cure to fix all the villains. And there we get a reference to the famous Spider-Man pointing meme. Tobey then shows off his organic web shooters and notice, he still has the same scar that we've seen in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1. This has to be one the best continuity details! I mean, we're talking about something we've seen in 2002 and then in 2021! Now, Marvel and Sony have actually planned this, this is not just a CGI detail, it was on the script. Notice how Tobey was the only one who removed his gloves but Andrew didn't. It's because in the next scene Tobey had to show off his organic web shooters, so it's fair to assume that it was on the script that Tobey would take off his gloves and we'd be able to see this scar! Now notice while Tobey was flexing his organic web shooters, Tom interrupted and said "we are getting sidetracked". But Andrew was still focusing on Tobey's wrist. And at the end, Tom was flexing about being in the Avengers but Tobey cut him mid-sentence shouting "How's this helping" Even then Andrew was quiet. Meaning out of all 3 Spider-Man, Andrew is the one who listens the best, while the other 2 kinda possess a complex personality. Cut to the final battle on the Statue of Liberty! Where Tobey has some issues with his back, which is actually an inside joke because back in 2004, Tobey was almost replaced by Jake Gyllenhall to play Spider-Man, as Tobey had major back pain. This of course could also be a nod to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 where Tobey's Peter actually hurt his back in the movie. -CUT SCENE- Andrew then helps crack Tobey's back. I mean of course Andrew Garfield is great at cracking backs! Aaaah, be careful there Tobey mate! Now, can we just take a moment to appreciate how great Andrew was in this film! He openly said he always wanted brothers and treats the other Peters as such! And even verbally admits he loves them! Offers Tobey a back-crack as I mentioned already and is happy to see Max aka Electro and even apologizes for disappointing Max because he's not black! It's almost as if Andrew's love for Spider-Man and his happiness to be back, transcend into his character as well. We could see it, in every scene that he's in, he stole it despite having Tobey and Tom in the same scene! Tobey then talks about how he fought Venom and Tom mentions fighting Thanos. But Andrew calls himself lame because he never got to fight any cool villains! And that's when the OG Spider-Man approves of Andrew and tells him HE IS AMAZING! So with that stamp of approval, our boy deserves a 3rd film now more than ever before! And it also goes to show it wasn't Andrew's fault Amazing Spider-Man 2 didn't work out. He's an amazing actor and an amazing Spider-Man who was just given a bad script! If you write him a good story, he will do wonders on screen! Now the first time all 3 Peter try to work together, it fails miserably! Which makes sense given the fact that Tobey and Andrew never worked in a team before! But Tom's Peter did and that's how the story comes full circle. While Tobey and Andrew told Tom how to deal with grief, Tom taught them how to work together as a team! Then they make a new plan of dealing with one villain at a time. And of course Marvel plays the same joke of the Avengers being a band! -CUT SCENE- Now this one is my favorite detail from the entire film, so out of Part 1 and 2, this one is my favorite! Notice when all 3 Spider-Man swing together in this iconic shot, Tom actually turns towards them and shoots his web from both of his hands that Andrew and Tobey catch respectively. So for the first time ever, Tobey and Andrew were swinging with a web that isn't their own! And for the first time Tom was swinging with the help of 2 other Spider-Man. And then comes this shot where all 3 Spider-Man land on top of the Statue of Liberty! Notice they land in the order of each actors' portrayal of Spider-Man from first to last. First Tobey Maguire then Andrew Garfield and lastly Tom Holland. Now the way Tobey's peter lands and sits here could be a reference to the classic Spider-Man crouch pose in the comics. Now because this is the money shot of the movie, we can assume a lot of thinking and planning were put into this. Like, "How will Tobey land?" "Where will Andrew be standing" so on and so forth. So with Sony and Marvel making them pose the way they did, wasn't random at all. And here lies my details. Tobey's classic Spider-Man crouch could be a nod to him being more reserved and stealthier than the other two. While Andrew's pose is more open and blatant, because he's more vocal and loud. But Tom's pose is something in the middle, quite literally! He's not too reserved, neither too open. He has a subtle viciousness in him, with a little touch of stealthiness. Tobey then successfully cures Flint Marko and reverts him back to his human form. But then Lizard enters the portal and goes to the School's Science Lab, another call back to the Amazing Spider-Man where Andrew fought the Lizard in a library! Notice the strength of Tom's Peter judging by the way he kicks Lizard here! I mean, that's a strong kick! I love the visuals in this film! Doc Ock then appears and helps all 3 Peters fight Electro and cure him! Now notice in this shot where Doc Ock saved Tobey from Electro's lightning, we can see that Tobey has made a few changes to his suit. His eye shade seems to be more white in the center and way more darker around the edges than before. Also notice how Tobey's Peter feels physical pain a bit more than Andrew's Peter. They both were equally under attack by Electro, in fact Andrew took more damage! But at the end, it's Tobey who is holding his chest and Andrew is just out of breath. This indicates how this version of Spider-Man is getting old and all these fighting is taking a toll on his body. Tom then cures Dr Connors and up comes Doctor Strange who was dangling over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours, similar to how he left Loki falling in Thor: Ragnarok. Max Dillon then talks to Andrew Garfield and they both agree there must be a Black Spider-Man somewhere! Which is clearly setting up the stage for Miles Morales in the MCU and I cannot wait to see it! We've already seen Miles' uncle Aaron in Spider-Man: Homecoming, so it's only a matter of time now. And then one of my favorite scenes, the reunion of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock and Tobey Maguire's Peter. Honest confession: I actually cried during this scene and even while editing it still touches my heart! Notice how Doc Ock's arms are glowing whiter than ever before and it just goes to show how the original Doc Ock will always be on the good side. And I missed one detail in my previous breakdown, thanks to my viewer Victor for showing me this. Notice when Peter takes control of Doc Ock's arms in the beginning of the film, the arms glow blue, which honestly is another amazing detail! Then arrives Green Goblin with his sinister voice in the background "Can The Spider-Man come out to play" A callback to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1 where he said the same thing to Tobey's Peter. -CUT SCENE- Now notice when Green Goblin fires spinning blades at all 3 Spider-Men, all three of them jump and flip in a manner reminiscent of Tobey's Spider-Man when he evaded the same weaponry in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1. Goblin then bombs the magical box which spreads the spell across the city! As a result the whole renovation of Statue of Liberty breaks apart and MJ falls from the scaffolding. Tom's Peter tries to save her but he gets pushed by the Goblin. Andrew notices it and quickly throws himself to save MJ. And finally Andrew's Peter redeems himself by saving the love of Tom's Peter. Notice this time around, he didn't try to web her like he tried to web Gwen, instead he forced himself down and caught MJ in his arms. He held her in his arms instead of webbing so that even if webbing doesn't work in time and they fall on the ground, he would be the one taking the damage and not her. Andrew must have thought of a thousand different ways he could have saved his Gwen, so he was well prepared this time for a situation like this! The way Andrew acted out in this scene with tears in his eyes is just one of the greatest moments in the MCU now. Then the final hand-to-hand combat takes place between Tom's Peter and Dafoe's Goblin. Now this is happening on top of a giant Captain America shield. This fight gets pretty dark, pretty quickly! This is the first time we actually see Tom Holland's Peter throwing hands in the MCU. His combination of using his webs along with his punches and kicks is just phenomenal. I mean notice how he utilizes his web to make his kick more heavy and impactful. Now Tom trying to kill the Goblin using his own glider, isn't just a call-back to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. Tom is specifically using the glider to kill Green Goblin because he wants revenge for the death of Aunt May who was killed with this glider as well. But then Tobey intervenes and stops Tom from killing Green Goblin. This is also a nod to the fact that he never wanted Norman Osborn to die in Spider-Man 1. And this is also him getting closure, by saving his best friend's dad! And also, this is not what Peter Parkers are supposed to do, they don't kill. My boy Tobey acted with his eyes here, didn't say a word and still conveyed a thousand different emotions! But surprise surprise the Goblin strikes again and stabs Tobey in the back. Tobey was stabbed before as well in Spider-Man 3 by Harry Osborn. So both times Tobey got stabbed, it had to be an Osborn. But then Tom sees the bigger picture and cures Norman instead of killing him! Meanwhile the Multiverse cracks open and we see a lot of Spidey villains preparing to enter this universe. Including Superior Spider-Man, Kraven the Hunter, Scorpion, Black Cat, Rhino and Mysterio! So then Peter asks Strange to cast the forgetting spell again so that everyone forgets he's Spider-Man and that would be the only way to stop all this madness! So Tobey and Andrew share one last goodbye with Tom and Tobey says "That's what we do" And they all end up hugging each other! Truly magnificent. Peter then promises Ned and MJ that he will come back and remind them of who he is. MJ actually doesn't let Peter say I love you back because she wants him to say it when he finds her again! Doctor Strange then casts the spell and everyone forgets that Tom's Peter Parker even existed. Nobody has any memories of him anymore. Although everyone still knows Spider-Man exists, they just don't know who he is under the mask. Peter then goes back to MJ to remind her of everything and tell her how much he loves her! But seeing the bandaid on MJ's face, Peter decides to sacrifice his love because everywhere Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensues! So instead of saying I Love You MJ, he just orders a coffee. And that's the heaviest ending out of all Spider-Man movies so far! He has no one now, literally no one to talk to. Except for the coffee cup that he got from MJ which has now become his motto, "we are happy to serve you" Now notice this particular cup also appeared in Daredevil on Season 2, Episode 5. Peter then visits May's grave and there he meets Happy but he doesn't recognize him. Now notice May's tombstone says "When you help someone, you help everyone" This is taken directly from the PlayStation Spider-Man game where a similar tombstone can be found. Peter then moves to his new apartment, which really looks similar to Tobey's apartment. After all, this is how Peter's life should be based on the comics. Now even though we do not see Mr Ditkovich anywhere but we do hear Peter's new landlord telling him "Rent is due on the first of the month" So we may as well get to see Mr Ditkovich in a future installment. Now notice Peter has a GED Test Guide because he now has no academic record. I mean, our Spidey didn't just lose his family and loved ones, but lost his entire credentials. So in a true sense, there's no way home for him now, is it? Because there's no home left. What he has to do is make a new home, make new friends and then turn them into family! The movie ends with Tom's Peter swinging in his new Red and Blue suit inspired by the classic suit in the comics. Many are actually reporting that Tom took inspiration from Tobey and Andrew and ended up making this costume. But that's not entirely the reason. If you notice during the credits, Tom was already working on a new Spider-Man suit and a brand new symbol. He even put his initials and dated it 2023. But No Way Home takes place during 2024, so the fact that this symbol is dated a year before, indicates Tom's Peter had already started working on a new symbol after he came from the dead. Thanks to "The Comic Book Insight" who came up with this detail, make sure to give him a follow. Now when Tobey's credits rolled, notice there's a compound of CH2OH. It is known as Ethylene Glycol. Now, Ethylene Glycol is used as raw material to produce Polyester fibers and antifreeze material. Putting the formula here beside him might be indicating that his body can produce ethylene glycol which is then used to produce organic web that he shoots from his hands. This movie really balanced between giving an epic fan service and developing character arcs. Marvel could have dropped the ball with this one, with such a big cast, comes the great anticipation of a compelling story! The fact that they pulled it off, that too in such a grand scale, goes to show Marvel and Sony can do anything as long as they put time and effort into writing a good story! This is now my favorite Spider-Man movie of all time and no I'm not saying this movie is better than Sam Raimi's Spider-Man or anything. If Sam Raimi's Spider-Man didn't exist, this movie would have never been made! Was this movie perfect? No! But that doesn't mean it wasn't good. Movies made during the pandemic are going to have flaws, especially CGI flaws. So when I point out subtle visual details and appreciate the VFX team, I'm not only doing this to prolong my content. I'm doing this because they deserve the credits! And I have had one particular person who works at Marvel, reaching out to me, giving me compliments for finding out these small visual details because they work hard to put them in the film. And that's it, this would be my breakdown of Spider-Man: No Way Home and I cannot wait to see it on Blu-Ray so that I can watch the film at actual 0.25x speed and find tons of more details! Now lemme take a minute to thank some of my friends from Twitter who have helped me immensely by providing me HD pictures to make this video. I'd like to thank ChatterBox Film whose reviews you don't wanna miss! He's been helping me ever since the trailers came out. And "The One Above All" has been helping me like nobody else and you surely wanna follow him for all Spider-Man news. And lastly, 4K Master and Spider-Man 4K shots for all the HD images you saw in this video. Please go and follow them all, as they're doing an incredible job for the Spider-Man community! And yes, my friend Jacob who even has a YouTube channel, I would strongly suggest you to subscribe to his channel as he helps me find details sometimes, he's one hell of a person! Now if you liked this video then please give me a thumbs up, grab the subscribe button and turn notifications on. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter to get updates about my videos. Till then, I'm "Someone who definitely doesn't work at Marvel", I'll see you lads in the next one!
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 5,587,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Spider-Man: No Way Home in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Spider-Man: No Way Home in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Spider-Man in 0.25x Speed, Spiderman No Way Home Easter Eggs, Hidden Easter Eggs, Hidden Movie Details, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Movie Easter Eggs, Movie Explained, Spider-Man Easter Eggs, Spider-Man Hidden Details, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, Green Goblin, The Canadian Lad, No Way Home 0.25x
Id: wnR8pG-YL_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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