SPIDER-MAN PS4 All DLC Boss Fights / All Villains Bosses (SPIDERMAN PS4)

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Felicia We Need to Talk oh I do miss our little chats but I've got a run [Music] going out my wedding shooters with an EMP guess I'm doing this the old-fashioned way come on I want to help then if hammer heads got your son you can't do this alone why not I've got everything else alone I'm saying you don't have to pardon me why won't you trust me we've worked together before answered your own Felicia why didn't you come to me with this because it's not your problem it's mine and I'll handle it maybe I don't think it's a problem wait unless you mean the gang war cuz that's definitely her I'm better off on my own shooters finally rebooted its women time I can help you stop hammerhead oh no killing no breaking the law your way won't get it done Phylicia about your son I just need to know [Music] stubborn little spider I just want to talk I could go all night if that's what it takes guess I got to play harder to get did you get closer last time don't look for me stop running trying to find out daughter Hitler get away this time few more ways to do it [Music] just need to get closer and this thing is all over yeah now can we talk like human beings this feels pretty human to me I know what's on those drives you're stealing look at you brawn and brains you can't give hammerhead the last Drive once he has what he wants your son will just be a loose end let me help you what are you thinking stall him give us some time to find your son I missed you glad we're back together again not like that shame okay I can probably give us a couple days max so how about your son is there a chance I'm later for now let's find him when he's safe we can talk about that keep in touch spider MJ's gonna kill me [Music] and Marsha Todd's look who it is the bug just in time for the broadcast broadcast [Music] good evening New York welcome to tonight's entertainments the changing of the guard [Music] remember when honor and loyalty weren't just words when the Marzia was feared and respected tonight the good old days are coming back Wow wish I could join the festivities sit tight I'll be seeing you all real soon gotta get that guy off the mixer controls before the Dons drowns stopped it for now now to keep them off the controls guns are dead if I don't shut down the mixers you want to take your kind of fury did I really get here first seek again two men mixers running again you know guys he ways here for me to beat you could just put down the shield [Applause] you guys cool if I call those things date boys he's gonna catch on it everyone thinks she'd submit letters still low you gotta keep it that way another dig boy how many cupholders you guys have in there I don't know man you come up with a name for us get let me get back on the mixer know if they could just stale gotta get that guy away from the mixer the dance just need to hold on a little longer no the mixer shorted out he can't be turned off gotta try webbing the mixer itself come on extra strength whip formula these hold please hold yes I can add cement proof to my webbings list of features down here everyone hold tight we're gonna get you out of there Don's will be safe with the police now for mr. tall dark and flat headed nice word bug kinda spore of my big night but we'll roll with it risks of live TV you like project Olympus in action finished it up while you were playing with the dots so that's what they're wearing and Paris this season [Music] hate to say it but brushed gunmetal is not your color I'm trying to revitalize the mob over here that takes long-term leadership now I'm long term your parts warranty may be long-term but you you're nuts I'm just a guy who knows a thing or two about PR the city don't take the magis seriously no more don't respect us after they see me break you in half all that's gonna change time to bring back the glory days [Music] hard ow gotta stay clear of his head [Music] they try to avoid that puts a lot of heads you can just coming after the head of the Mafia and I'd like to keep them on the inside thanks Steele [Music] try my electric web look fighter it's a little bulky Oh please do under arrest so yeah turning yourself into a crime against nature maybe not such a good idea after all huh pal you weren't listening when I said long term old school MA she's got patience knows how to wait adjust the right moment [Music] [Music] I swim in it you said something about fear how do you feel now just dandy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but yet hey hey hey come closer hide area no is that just a regular dare or a double dog dare no it would be so awesome if it was you okay yeah [Music] long time no see who do you work for kid he works for hammerhead where is this hammerhead whoa whoa can't we like grab a coffee and catch up like normal people by the way and love your new hovercraft Evie tell me everything you know I talk a lot better without a gun in my face you have three seconds just put the guns down one we're really gonna do this - six nine eleven t7 three save us you seem a little stressed can we do some relaxing breaths in out in out I don't have to find hammerhead I wish I knew each other maybe we can work together together never what did I do wrong here wait have you been listening to Jameson's podcast you are supposed to be the protector of safety and yet you have allowed the calories all of my weapons and supplies I just allow anything I'm trying to stop him from stealing your stuff who knows what happen you're secretly working with him Wow no I do not know you obviously and I do not trust you you will stay out of my way or suffer the consequences hey out of your way while you do what while I find and kill a Moorhen work with that he doesn't die so easily me [Music] damn you what happened to you I thought you were a good guy I am good at what I do but I am NOT the guy in translation I guess what happened to you can thank me by not dying screwball is the ultimate narcissist there's no way she'd miss her own party gotta find out where it is maybe one of our fans posted something about it if only I knew someone who had time to scour a bunch of social media posts hello hey miles are you did you just hear what I said huh guess your timing is just weirdly perfect anyway I got a mission for you like a spider mission I need you to look through social media and find the location of screwballs 50 millionth follower party oh okay well I wait for miles I can do some Spidey patrolling miles what do you got check it out my house that's great thanks so much know what's don't worry we'll get you out in the field soon enough okay like literally waiting is really hard I know miles hi no talk soon okay rooftop party near Church and brews I think the saddest thing about screwball is it in a way it's a victim of her own fans most criminals have an end goal but I don't think screwball does it's just a social media addict as long as her fans keep giving your validation she's going to keep doing more and more dangerous stunts which is why I need to stop her tonight hey David what's up I'm on my way hammerheads men knew David would be alone and vulnerable I should have seen this coming hang in there David screwball must be here somewhere she's faking me out again this feels like a party sheet one of the tank don't move just because people are watching it doesn't mean you're any better of a person everybody's got drones these days [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your followers don't care about you why do you care about them no you don't you have a responsibility to do the right thing to stop running and admit what you've been doing is wrong finally time to get closer to finish this know who I am right of course you do officially unfollowed [Music] let's get to work so where is this face you talked about your toys are so much cooler than mine [Music] I love this invisible floating fortress thing but now that all of New York City has seen it hammerhead will probably be here soon I am counting on it so let us work quickly I have acquired the classified laser array we need to calibrate it to prevent it from overheating lucky for us I'm working on my master's in calibration let's do this okay what's first hole housing all right into place on it whoa nice laser housing locked done and done we are not done oh we must reset the targeting field ariel's sure thing I have no idea what you're talking about exit the hangar and navigate to the top of the nearby transmitters alrighty so we should talk about the strategy with hammer head and soften it so I can knock him unconscious I get that part but how do you know it won't melt his brain getting shot by the shipper okay well Sheppard just remember my no killing rule okay done how's it look systems appeared functional now we must get the targeting and power levels cool wait this doesn't involve shooting me does it don't yet but I do need you to lots of targets right okay ready ready I'm some way cool with me this is what comes another one right shot this is how modern militaries do skeet shooting oh can we do one more please on my way we must adjust the gyroscopic navigation stabilizer in order to compensate for the weights of the laser go to that terminal and wait for me to activate the system system ready I'm going in okay that should do it you two teaming up now you okay I'll just do the Hammerhead walks for a time to get that sync can't let him hit me with it thank you joenie what I've been doing now I can get in close Julia I respect that but I'm still gonna kill you come on boy please Brian Keith fan look at me [Music] hell no respect what's it gonna take you know what I respect the guy who knows when to quit [Music] I missed keep on coming he'll make sure the next one hits [Music] [Music] let's do it you think you're hurting me just be no war going you ain't gonna win you got one join disable it coming your way and it's portable huh I think not holls him get ready to jump [Music] huh that was fun hey you have dinner plans I know this great pizza place I must have returned to some car Yeah right you have a war to fight do not like to fight do what I have to in order to help my people I know that's what heroes do I know hero but you have taught me a few things oh yeah like what like how to disarm my enemies with bad jokes actually they're good jokes but I understand humor can be subjective Thank You spider-man for everything I don't do hugs Yeah right of course hey can I get a lift back to the city I'd swim but it'd take forever to get the river smell out of my suit [Music] ready uh I think the web shooters are a little tight get used to it just try to keep up [Music] writing your memoirs don't forget the hyphen between Spyder and man get the chopper ready I won't be long I'm surprised you made it this far but your foolishness ends now you do know I can still see you right Oh for me you shouldn't have how is this happening What's Wrong Willie you seem angry I will destroy you your best shot give me an opening you'll die as uselessly as you live you are everything that's wrong with this sitting time I was gonna say the same to you you know what to do [Music] I can't remember something I said [Music] [Music] so should we kiss now yeah maybe later finally off to Rikers huh you know I think you've got more enemies in there than I do if you think this will be more than a minor inconvenience well gotta go hey good luck Willie I have a feeling you're gonna need it idiot I'm the one who kept order in this city one month you wish you had me back the kingpin is heading to prison end of an era they should celebrate maybe take a vacation [Music] Herman long time no see hey I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's a parole violation Oh guess we're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions no face punch it is your car let's are all digital now aren't they have it your way you wanna fight so we can talk science remember our first fight me so young and stupid well that's a matter of opinion I mean is there any standard metric for how much talking one should do you know I can do some real thing determine if you asked nicely maybe coming your way no don't use banks anymore you're lucky you found natural cash if you really want to rob banks tried a trip all the rich oh come on Herman is healthy we are working for us I can help you cut a deal they might talk I'm dead they made that very clear it's gonna hurt give up now and we can protect you sorry urban brought this on yourself literally give up now and we can protect you know sorry urban brought this on yourself literally [Music] man he was scared and desperate these demons are everywhere all of a sudden okay Yuri shuckers all yours now good work we have a special cell waiting for him at the raft well make sure he's days behind bars this guy also I'm pretty sure he was working for the demon gang the demon gang sound like a Daily Bugle headline hey the bugle is a perfectly fine news organization I'm not sure I'd call it the news well I've heard they have some really good reporters anyway have you had any more reports on demon guys with masks well let me get back to you by the way how much of a mess did you make inside that day you probably don't want to know [Applause] the angry drug lord drank alone there's a poem in there somewhere you know better and me never was the literary type [Music] how'd you even manage to get money leave top of my game people find me Oh team up real damage ah so flattered but the exploitation of suffering singing gives me pause could punch tombstone for days time we did this dance hurts when it rains but otherwise sandy sweet of you to ask me out or drunk punch pink out tombstones gang need to clear out his men before I try the counter drugs like my product oh great dust you have your marketing department took that name up I skipping cardio cello drugs worked to take him down [Music] [Music] someday Lonnie door upon you doing good running a soup kitchen or something [Music] end of the day great fight great challenge you and I are very different people can we say your crazy drug lord days are done please sure but now hell of a run though not quite how I described that's new too much to hope you'll be taking it easier now that your uh you know mortal hmm not a chance threat of death just ups the thrill hell of a left hook can't wait for the rematch I can't hmm I like you [Music] well that was dramatic wonder how long stone powers would be negated for probably not long enough it works for now dopey Pat's on the back all right Target Lock really is coming he is coming and he was destroy all sinners sorry we hand it over what's your status have you apprehended Lee working on it [Music] take this are you doing to me giving you a new perspective I must be honest I was hoping to bring you here my abilities lend me a certain persuasiveness I've been watching I was waiting for you at City Hall you never came where were you it's real we're in my mind it was a shame so many had to die with no heroes to save them that officer saved her life didn't he he was here because of you and Norman wanted to use he a futile gesture in the end and where was Norman during all this slinking away like a renter he knew what was going to happen and he fled Norman is a hidden cancer on this city he must be excised with no trace of his corruption to return Norman hides behind his mask of lies I will break it apart and drag him into the light put on the mask become one of us one way or the other you will join me Oh all the soul he lost the innocent victims you couldn't see their bloody hands you can stop Osbourne you have so much strength I can give will their bodies spilled the cutters and you did nothing you depend on horse while he what I won't abandon you in the darkness part I will break it and be brain dead [Music] you can come back to the life yeah [Applause] [Music] you okay did they take it yes how worried should I be very you're a popular guy where is this theorem gone Kuya so-called superhero you think you save people but you just make it worse this is your fault my fault he was under your protection you really need two of those stop we need to brief mr. Osborn now I'll go with her thank you I'll remember this he's escaped plan is to use the train can't let him get away train platform is open that must be where Lee is please get away finally sorry I'm late it's kind of my thing why are you doing this paying off an old debt that should be much better wait for an opener keep my distance for now [Music] I don't want to hurt you nothing me not anymore no brakes no problem that totally worked last time Yuri he's still doing construction on 42nd 1st next up prison get that cargo back to the land this is Mary Jane Watson please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can uh hey it's me let me know when you want to talk texting isn't talking no no no not that kind of over [Music] please say no please say no huh okay okay and not okay what is there to figure out oh you think [Music] great like reservation please okay looks like things are somewhat under control I don't you said the rap was secure it was let's go maybe it's not as bad as it looks love the optimism but in my experience when it looks bad it's usually worse look out [Music] sorry I play gotcha hold on you okay yeah welcome to the park just in time for the fire Oh boys electron why is he letting everyone out I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation got it I'll go join the party [Music] that doesn't sound good oh hi right now don't you like surprise hider [Music] is he talking about hey what's your status me just trapped in a prison with every criminal I put away this is too good to be true scorpion can you hold on a minute I was in the middle of a phone call and it was business [Music] come on spider-man I thought this was a chase stop this guy nobody ever takes me up on that offer but you're on time no see we're gonna have so much sorry no time to talk now wish me I thought you were serious [Music] [Music] electron how do you like my new suit dashing where'd you get it exclusive to kill it good idea in fact we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to be definitely fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first and final [Music] [Applause] stay out of our way each of you has a job to do your debts will be repaid when we're done go stay here and stay quiet the police will be here soon [Music] if you know my moves you know I'm gonna wreck you surprise me if you can [Music] you perform my challenges has taught me all your moves have been a refresher course you're still holding back I'm not trying to kill you stealing my moves and I'll sue you for copyright who's out taskmaster why are you stalking me an organization hired me to see if you're worth recruiting I'd rather be jonah Jameson's foot masseur than work for anyone who'd hire you your loss they'd pay six figures guess some people just deserve to be four six figures now Vyas Ikaros this is it hello spider-man we've never been properly introduced I'm Otto Octavius there is no Icarus is there no Martin needs no assistance to secure the antiserum Icarus was a ruse to get you into position into position meda lizards so refreshing to work for a man like that atheists are you okay what's happening traffic's rough listen please coming for the antiserum Devil's breath lab before he dies on it right now I'll find it that's great okay trap failed softened him up time for Plan B that was almost heartwarming electro they grow in prison didn't you you know I'm just messing with you now right our team ends tonight insect time your mind spider-man I must break you you've got it you got my joke I'm so happy I can almost gotta be honest like the better when you two were loners a figure of youth the wisdom of experience find Perry my chance this cards up donor surprising [Music] you know what forget I said anything bit overeager there electro not complaining mind you [Music] he doesn't stand a chance again but I don't think you guys are assessing this situation accurately I mean you got you know what forget I said anything [Music] [Music] should check on Sparky confidence I like it unreasonable unjustified for Japanese Oh what's happening Electro's been grounded spider-man I presume if you really cared about this city you'd be helping me expose Osborn for the criminal he is but killing innocent people I would have restored the power you're sick you need help I have all the help I need and we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves [Music] I hate it when they team up I just need to catch my breath [Music] finally the real town you're just like us trying to steal my genius everything that happens now is your fault I forgot about you scorpion are you even real Oh still I'll show you another hallucination at least he had an imaginary glass jaw not gonna be that easy sure now I know you're the poison trying to distract me bring it on you're a loser all you'll ever be the world better off few more left so everyone who ever met no fighting internet trolls got one down another one yeah if I was your uncle I would've jumped in front of a bullet you developed an adage or sport I hope that's the last of them I can barely stand up there's the centrifuge I need finally I'm running out time I can feel it where'd my suit go I think I took decontamination a little too far I better put some clothes on much better let's just go ahead and forget that ever happened [Music] pick on someone your own size right now that is no one by size you can just tuck it out that's the end for these particular maids without you I make less trouble for you but what about our stimulating Paulo side chat you are I have almost a body to destroy you loose okay right now let's wrap this up never send an eight-ton infant to do a man's job let's finish beg him to keep up yes that is exactly what they were the scary sick the we murdered Octavius promise you scorpion mathy Gargan has no principles insights for rough fun I'd rip the spider-man face off for free buddy does a guard again either squash bug myself ah we could just stop now you know I won't tell anybody do you know what Octavius will do if he finds out you fail I failed yes you freaked Joe [Music] the other time might help you boys learn to play nice all right Yuri that's four down just octavius and Lee left they're only half our problem though Devil's breath cases are getting worse at a loss Corp is a story about an auntie Sarah I'm worried they're seeing dollar signs in a seller's market I'd expect nothing less from our beloved mayor leaf Devil's breath to me well my best people is on it you know way to go but down I know about the accident I know what happened to your parents the accident you found us clinical as offshore my parents died because of me because of a cause board did to me you're more than your past don't let it control you I tried so hard to make my parents proud to honor their legacy but the truly honor them Osborn must seek justice I won't let you do this Martin please pay his ender its fueling his power this is the only sample no no Martin I told you I'm sorry who is it Fox I was trying to help you don't help this won't bring your parents back [Music] why do you insist on trying to save this piece of drum I'm trying to save you Martin don't let revenge win fight it we punish city for too long stop now never stopped now's my chance he's in charge [Music] try fight it Martin you can walk away I know you can beat the demon Martin the demon do in Osbourne sheriff ray my wheel is softer than yours he's almost down [Music] [Music] oh hey I know but this is the wrong way mark [Music] useless [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Music] that look on your face you can't imagine how satisfying it is ready for your final act [Music] [Music] Hey hey my hair saw how gone I would not worry about him right now he needs a hospital no no ha [Music] [Music] we did the impossible doc but now I have to destroy it or the little creation of my own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and once again we have live footage of Marilyn Horne being held captive on the roof for power you want me to beg not gonna happen the world will know the truth before they mop you off the pavement tell them what you did I never everything you have is built on lies you stole my company my ideas now the truth the truth okay the truth is you were only ever worth a damn when you work for me the truth is you could never accept that I'm better than you you're a failure Otto and you always will be [Applause] [Music] [Music] give me the antiserum Otto I've worked your whole life to help you you're fighting the wrong man [Music] have it your way we don't have much time people are dying I will cure the city after I bring down us let me save the city whatever you want I already know what I want stop get out of my way before I really hurt you you to protect him I'm not protecting him I'm trying to save the city what happened to the man to help people doctor you're not thinking clearly [Music] such a disappointment Parker you knew I tried to warn you Peter but you didn't listen you I won't let you been this means too much to me not more than it means [Music] did you see all the people earning [Music] [Music] think of the menu world that man is gone you can't save me Peter then I guess you left to save [Music] we're going to change the world you look tired nut tired [Music] if you want to change the world you have to be the kind of man who can make the hardest decisions I turned agree [Music] Peter I saw you as a son I should have known you turned on me just like all the others sir I've worshipped you your mind your conscience wanting to help others the way you never gave up that's because men do like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others even if they don't appreciate it we have to do what's best for those beneath us what do they understand it or not no you're wrong you were everything I wanted to be you just threw it away yes of course you're right Peter oh I see that there the neural interface affected my mind but I can fix it we can fix it together if you'll help me do everything I can I'll make sure you get the best out know if they put me away don't take my arm I'll be trapped at this useless body please Peter that wasn't me you said you'd never abandon me you promised remember and of course your rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me you do what you think is best doc it's all any of us can either even hurts like hell [Music] [Music]
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 2,872,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man PS4, Spider-Man, Spiderman PS4, Spiderman, Spider-Man PS4 All Boss Fights, Spider-Man PS4 Boss Battles, Spider-Man PS4 All Bosses, Spiderman PS4 All Boss Fights, Spiderman PS4 All Bosses, Spiderman PS4 Boss Battles, Spider-Man PS4 Black Cat Boss Fight, Spider-Man PS4 Screwball Boss Battle, Spider-Man PS4 Hammerhead Boss Battle, Spider-Man PS4 Silver Sable Boss Battle, Silver Sable, Screwball, Hammerhead, Black Cat, All, Boss Fights, Bosses, Boss Battle
Id: zjD-ra_i6mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 34sec (6994 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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