Spider-Man Miles Morales "Ultimatum Saga" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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miles morales is originally from an alternate universe and while he's been doing perfectly fine in the 616 main marvel universe what if things were to bleed back over this is the comic story and channel where we take some of your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues and i break them down into digestible bites to help you understand then i read them dramatically back to you today we're going to be dealing with miles morales in the ultimatum saga issues 1 through 21 of the miles morales spider-man book that started up a couple years ago tells a full story of miles morales getting his footing and fighting against the villain known as ultimatum that's today's full story and if you're wondering what a full story is well over here at comic story and sometimes the full complete version of a story takes about two years to come out we then turn it into these giant videos for you to enjoy and learn about your favorite superheroes so enjoy the ultimatum saga it was another day in new york as the friendly neighborhood wall crawlers swung through the busy streets of brooklyn except this was the other spider-man miles morales and he was on his way to his creative writing class holding onto his journal which he was almost late for but mr samudi said that they were to write in one throughout the semester something about a place where a writer can truly be honest either way judge said that it was an easy class so miles figured why not the thing was it felt pretty good to get all that stuff out even if no one was reading it it was the story about him that he was bitten by genetically altered spiders that gave him spider powers that he was endorsed by the original spider-man that his father jeff had his own secrets too that he had worked for shield and his uncle aaron was a supervillain known as the iron spider the only person that he knew that was a real hero though was his mom rio she was the chief nurse at brooklyn university hospital and that takes real guts the original spider-man once said to make sure to keep his secret identity well secret but it's been a lot easier now that he was able to tell his parents that he is spider-man well one of them at least there's quite a few spider people during the week miles spends his time in brooklyn visions a high school where he stays on campus throughout the week he shares his room with two guys judge and genki genki is the only other person who knows his secret being spider-man is great he gets to help people while hiding in plain sight the only drawback is that often it leaves him awake at night so much adrenaline is pumping through him that he can't even close his eyes and by the time he finally does well it's time for class already but if there's one thing about school it's barbara barbara is his not girlfriend girlfriend they aren't putting labels on things yet this week is cool though barbara invited him to hang out with her and her little cousin eduardo it was nice they got ice cream and they hung out by the bridge the truth though is that he's confused confused about barbara confused about school confused about the world he is miles morales he is spider-man and he's never been more sure of his powers but he's never been more confused about his responsibility after a night of web swinging miles begins to head back home when suddenly he hears an alarm going off he rushes over to the source of the alarm to find a group of soldiers stealing something lots of somethings miles swings down to the alleyway stadium that he's going to take a wild guess and state that the stuff doesn't belong to them seeing as how they're moving it out of a hole in the side of the building the soldiers are turned their attention on miles but he notices something the soldiers are short before he can answer it any further mile's spider sense goes off and a giant object comes rampaging through adam as miles is knocked to the ground rhino stops telling him oh it's you that kid spider-man thought you were the other guy miles gets up collecting himself asking what's going on here and rhino tells him it's none of your damn business just go home and play sega or whatever miles asks really none of my business and sega how old are you rhino looks down i ain't got nothing wrong but if you want to tussle fine miles jumps on and rhino punches him in the stomach back to the ground he then says all right uh let's try this and he begins to web rhino up but rhino flexes his muscles breaking out of the webbing rather easily asking what gives the other guy's a lot faster miles leaps over the charging rhino and starts to web him up again using his thickest webbing rhino smiles as he rips out of that webbing and miles asks really are you serious i can't make it go any thicker you know what here he gives rhino a venom blast but his rhino falls to the ground he gets back up telling him all right all right you win but that ain't my job i'm just here looking for my niece someone snatched her and those creeps are gonna lead me to her you know the ones getting away miles yells in frustration webbing up the fleeing truck and as the truck crashes the little soldiers come out with their hands up miles takes the helmet off one of them and as he does he sees the blank stare of barbara's cousin eduardo confused and flabbergasted as to what's going on he asks what the heck is going on and rhino yells i don't know so i swear but before miles could ask another question and water electrocutes him and everything fades to black as miles opens up his eyes rhino asks are you all right a miles gets up rubbing his head stating thanks for not squashing me while i was knocked down rhino tells him look i wasn't involved in whatever that was i was just looking for my girl's niece miles stops asking wait you have a girlfriend and rhino stops him a wife actually but not anymore anyway oksana still has family around i'm just trying to look out for them and i can still do that for her at least her niece is gone and the girl's mom is too messed up on dope to do anything about it miles stops okay well as long as we're sharing that kid who zapped me that was my friend's little cousin rhino asks your friend's cousin is a super villain and miles stops him no eduardo doesn't even have powers well he's not supposed to anyway rhino looks around telling him something weird is going on here kid and as the sun comes up miles stops everything all right i gotta like go and rhino laughs what is it pastor curfew how old are you anyway maybe we can work on this together let's meet back here at 10 pm i'll do some poking around in the meantime miles tells them it'd be so much easier if they could text but rhino says nope no phones don't like him be here tomorrow night kid the next day after school miles stops by barbara's place to try and get some answers out of eduardo but the second he rings the doorbell barbara comes running out crying she yells that he's gone she tells him that eduardo is missing he was coming home from playing at the park and he just disappeared miles tells her not to worry he's sure that eduardo was out there he'll find him barbara asks what is that supposed to mean you're gonna find him and miles plays it off well i just meant barbara tells her it's sweet but i need to go now and be a family okay as miles returns to the dorms genki says that he did some digging he put his sleuthing skills to the test and miles asks did you really just say that genki tells him that he did some looking on some black market sites and he found a message board arranging delivery uniforms customized kid-sized tactical uniforms one fireproof one elastic one shock resistant he'll text the address so a short while later back downtown miles swings down and rhino tells him looks like you made it kid mommy and daddy give you permission to be out this late miles ignores the comment telling him that he has a lead might not be anything but someone delivered uniforms like the ones the kids are wearing to an address rhino does him good we can go kick the door in but uh if we do that the cops are going to be uh so miles swings across the city holding on to a web seat for rhino and he says that he's getting his exercise for the week with this rhino laughs telling him it must be nice to be young and have a normal body i wouldn't know what it's like people thinking they know you because of how you look miles tells him that he might know more about that than one would think but as the two reach the address they see nothing out of the ordinary except for the truck with a bunch of armed guards surrounding it rhino says that this place used to be a safe house for several gangs way back in the day most likely someone old school inside miles tells him that he'll take a look inside so wait here while he sneaks around so he climbs up the side of the building and using his camouflage abilities he sneaks inside and he sees a group of men one of them says that it's all here tested and everything tombstone the gangster then steps into the light state and that he doesn't normally like doing anonymous business but with goods like these mindless superpower twerps who would do anything they told what's not the like tombstone stands there and then he pauses i'm getting an itch someone's watching me he spins back and opens fire on the wall where miles was and miles jumps up telling him maybe your back is itchy because you forgot your lotion but it doesn't take long for miles to take out the thugs and as he stands there starting to punch tombstone tombstone doesn't even seem phased is that all kid he then grabs miles by the neck of bashing him on the top of the head suddenly the wall behind tombstone bursts open and rhino steps in telling him it's been five minutes miles yells thanks now let's hey watch out but while miles is trying to web up tombstone he ends up webbing up rhino because of how large he is tombstone knocks the both of them down and miles says okay that was embarrassing let's try something different you ever watch wrestling rhino gets up charging at tombstone but as tombstone moves out of the way he asks is that really all you guys are gonna do miles then tells him nope and he begins to web up past him as tombstone looks back he sees rhino bouncing off the webbing landing right on top of him he pulls himself out of the ground stating you're both dead men and then one of the child soldiers walks up creating a blinding flash stunning both miles and a rhino as the two regain their ability to see they see a tombstone has escaped but they do find something else instead a room full of child soldiers miles says that they have to get these kids to a safe place and they need to find tombstone and whoever sold them these kids but they can't go in guns blazing they have to figure out something just don't know how to pull it off and that's when a voice says well young man you're not doing it alone anymore miles and rhino both turn back to see captain america standing there cap shake smile's hand telling him hello again spider-man it's been a while and miles grabs cap's hand telling him it's so good to see you rhino clears his throat and miles introduces him oh uh this is the cap stops him i know rhino we've met what are you up to rhino yes hey i ain't done nothing wrong this time i'm just trying to find a lost kid miles tells camp that rhino is telling the truth and they started to work together cap says all right well that's good enough for me then i'm here at the request of a congresswoman she's investigating children who have gone missing in the foster care system so what have you guys learned miles and rhino explain what they know about the current situation and cap says that they're going to find them just give me a few minutes to make some phone calls outside miles notices the tire marks leaving the scene and he says that they all look normal but they have a funky residue on them cat pulls out his phone stating that tony installed an app on this thing where they can send information to a lab and get results back instantly just having a little trouble with miles takes the phone telling him he'll take care of it and there we go as the phone scans the ground the readings come back and miles says that it shows the residue is mostly diesel fuel and canal water cap stops them canal here this has to me but at the same time both miles and capielle gowanus cap yells asking aren't you a queens guy and miles tells him that's the other dude so miles goes back to looking at the phone and he says that there's something else here pembrokium sulfate but he says that it's used in early experiments and attempting to control mutants cat looks away telling him i know exactly where they are later at the gowanus canal the three look over at a large warehouse and capp says this is it the warehouse was once a great super secret shield facility designed to hold mutants not criminals just mutes if the need came they said rhino shouts let's go then and cap holds him back telling him there are children in there we need more information before we can go knocking down doors spider-man what do you think miles stops for a moment and realizes that captain america just asked what he thought this is so cool he'll uh scout ahead and if they hear any loud noises come in kick and butt miles sneaks into the warehouse but as he lands he feels like something is wrong there isn't anything here at that moment a child shoots out a blast of fire narrowly missing him and miles yells yo cap rhino they're ready for us cap and rhino come charging in and while the kids all begin to fight the heroes back rhino yells that he's going to run right through them the cat gives back up pushing him back telling him you might be a criminal but you're better than this ryan'll stop selling them uh yeah um okay sometimes the mad just takes over miles quickly begins to web at the room to restrain the kids and he says that he has an idea if he spreads a mild venom blast across the webbing it should gently knock the kids out cap shields himself from an elastic punch telling him i trust you so miles shocks the webbing and knocking the kids out and then a voice says that they should have handled the losers themselves a bearded man walks out telling him you guys can call me snatch you cap asks are you the one taking all these children that snatcher tells them damn right i am and just so you know i only take children from the scum that sleeps on the streets dirt that ignores their borders garbage that fills our veins with poison rhino that asks why are we letting this guy yeah let's end it snatcher lifts up his sunglasses revealing a red glow in his eyes and he tells him you ain't gonna do nothing i'll show you why they call me the snatcher as everyone subtly stops moving they groan in pain as snatcher says sometimes it hurts people when i snitch turns their brains into jello just before they die except something different happens with the kids they become obedient even sold off a few a snatcher focuses attention on camp miles and rhino break free of the control with miles telling rhino to quickly get the kids out while snatcher monologues to captain america miles takes the time to web him up and punch him down telling him that they're done here the snatcher asks is that what you think i got one more trick everyone looks up and all of the kids are pointing their guns at each other and the two closes are eduardo and the niece that rhino is looking for tanya snatcher gets up tearing off the webbing stating all these kids are but eduardo then struggles and says that he doesn't want this snatcher looks back asking what did you say i own you just need to focus more concentration on you but miles swings into snatcher with a fully charged venom blast and soon everyone under snatcher's influence begins to come too miles helps cap up asking if he's okay and cap says that his head's a little scrambled but he'll be fine give him a moment to uh make a few phone calls and get this all taken care of so after cap has his team come in to clear things up miles tells rhino that it looks like this is adios glad to see him working on the good side for once rhino looks at miles and punches him in the arm telling him you're alright kid and with everything returning back to normal eduardo safely back at his family miles takes barbara out and they go enjoy a good movie the next day vice principal dutcher sits in his office staring at miles morales school profile stating that he can feel it miles morales is hiding something and now he knows what it is he knows his secret the odd pattern of tardies that frequent trips off campus miles morales is skipping school over in the dorms mile's friend judge says that he has something that they can't miss out on today is the last day of the museum showing hip hop artists original notebook pages we have to go but there's only one problem we have school genki asks if they can keep it down his earache is killing him and judge says that he has an idea how about they just don't go to school genki is sick and they can play it off that way what if they all got sick genki says that he just has an ear infection it's not even contagious and miles says that he isn't so sure but that's when his phone goes off with a message from barbara stating that she is going and so he decides based on the fact that the girl that he likes is going that he's earned a day off of school right so miles barber and judge all head to the subway to get across town when barbara says that she wants miles to listen to something she hands him an ear button he puts it in his ear and says wait a minute is that you it sounds amazing she blushes telling them yeah maybe sometimes she can but as barbara leans in for a kiss miles spider sense goes off and suddenly the train hits something and it begins to get derailed miles jolts forward with a sigh stating that he uh is getting pushed to the middle car barbara tries to grab on to him but miles sneaks off between the cars where he camouflages himself and he begins to web up the cars before they can crash together once the train is stopped miles hops onto the station platform and judge yells there you are miles tries to stop them all yeah yeah i tried to get back but i got pushed all the way into the next car barbara looks at him suspiciously uh so a short while later over in prospect heights the teens make their way to the brooklyn museum and they begin to look over some of the old writings of some of hip-hop's legendary artists barbara grabs miles from behind stating that this is really something maybe now they can and as she leans in for a kiss there's suddenly a crashing sound and the lights go out everyone begins to panic and the curator tells everyone that they need to move outside miles sneaks off to put his costume on and that's when he looks around to see what's going on when out of nowhere he sees a blonde man dressed in a pharaoh costume the man shouts hear me people of brooklyn i have come seeking the stone of the gods resist and your lives are forfeit so proclaims the frost pharaoh miles asks the frost pharaoh seriously the frost pharaoh fires an icy blast from his staff barely missing miles miles quickly webs it up stating that he hates to break it to him but there weren't a lot of blondes in ancient egypt shortly after putting to hurt on frost pharaoh miles hurries outside to meet up with barbara and judge stating that that was wild but i finally found you guys uh what happened back there barbara folds her arms and she suspiciously says spider-man happened judge then says yeah they're going to be cleaning this place up for a bit maybe we should just go to the movies instead so a block away the three go into the movies and miles finally gets the chance to kiss barbara without interruption but sure enough his phone buzzes with a message from genki barbara stares and judge asks really is he some sort of barbarian as miles reads the message out loud he says that they need to go dutcher is on to them so a short while later dutcher is storming through the halls banging on miles room yelling miles morales he waits for a moment without getting an answer and then smiles to himself just as i thought just then miles weekly says that it's open he didn't hear him knocking he's been sick all day so when saturday comes miles is able to finally relax in his own bed at home where he writes about his day in his journal and as he finishes the last bit he sneezes and he realizes that maybe he really is getting sick after recovering from his cold the next day miles goes out on patrol when he hears gunshots coming from somewhere in the city he heads towards the source of the sounds and a man points in the direction stating that it's just down there it's these damn gang bangers again someone outside of the crew are moving in on the golden lords straight up war they're gonna hurt some kids miles tells them not today they're not and he jumps over to the next building where he can see several well-dressed people shooting at several people dressed in gold miles camouflages himself jumping into the group of well-dressed men and begins taking them out and webbing them up but as he is finishing his spider sisters begin to go off and members of the golden lords begin to open fire on him he jumps through dodging the bullets asking really i just saved you should have ran when you had the chance and after a quick punch in a web shot here and there the golden lords are subdued themselves before the cops can come miles has a question what was your beef about one of the lords asks if he's new or something these guys are a part of tombstone's crew came down from harlem trying to take over one of tombstone's men says that it's more than trying brooklyn belongs to tombstone now miles grabs a hold of the man asking all right where's tombstone and don't make me ask twice as sirens can be heard the man tells him that he isn't saying a word and the cops are on their way so get your damn hands off him the next day at school miles and barbara decide to meet up for lunch but as they're talking barbara begins to become visibly nervous she asks if there's anything he's hiding you know something big miles panics for a moment telling her no absolutely not what kind of secret could i be hiding she then tells them look if you can't be honest with me then maybe we need to sit down and rethink a few things so a short while later in the chemistry lab miles sulks while genki gets to work making miles as web fluid to put into the centrifuge miles says that a please would be nice and genki asks if he forgot where the webbing comes from they're using his borrowed a lab slot using chemicals he got a hold of show some respect miles miles stops himself you're right my bad i know that all of this couldn't be possible without your help just then there's a knock at the door and a student walks in asking what is going on in here and genki sighs hey sean as sean walks over he says that he heard someone was in here they know that the chemicals have been missing from the lab right they overheard dutchers stating that there are some less fortunate kids that might be stealing them to make drugs crazy right genki tells them that they're just working on a new polymer so if he could sean points to miles and asks okay well who's this genki and genki tells him miles this is sean miles says no i remember who shawn is we had gym freshman year sean would always pick on the other kids in there the two stomp they lock eyes and shawn backs up telling them ooh i'm scared lucky i don't feel like getting suspended for fighting you better watch your back tough guy miles shakes his fist and genki tells him to chill what are you gonna do spider-punch a high schooler so later that night on patrol miles sits around working on his journal when he hears a loud explosion off in the distance he quickly swings over to the brooklyn motor clubhouse and he sees the building burning and down below more of tombstone's men are attacking miles comes crashing down on the shooters telling them you know i don't like the bloody machete crew either so let's start with the name what you're doing is sick and i would be a trash spider-man if i just let you suddenly his spider sense goes crazy as a blast of fire shoots out a man in a mechanical suit walks in with a flamethrower and miles looks on the man inside telling him i ever remember you you're one of tombstone's buddies right the man fires another blast telling him that he's tombstone's lieutenant miles quickly rolls over grabbing a pipe smacking it down on the lieutenant's arm destroying the flamethrower and then he tears off the helmet telling him we both know that there's no good barbecue in new york once everyone is webbed up miles tells him okay i know the tombstone is flexing but this needs to stop where is tombstone now the lieutenant tells him that he ain't saying nothing so miles hops down and looks through some of the thugs pockets telling them that he knows that the higher ups you self-scrubbing phones but the lackeys there's always one who keeps location services on so after looking through one of the thug's geolocation miles swings off stating hey i'm gonna say hi to your boss for you and a short while later miles reaches the location that was on the thug's phone but it's less of a safe house and more of a junkyard he jumps in taking out the front guards and then he sees that at this exact moment there's a drug deal going down inside so what's the best way to crash it then to ride a junk car right through the middle of it after webbing up the men miles tells one of them that he has a few questions and that's when a flapping sound can be heard the thug gets up and starts running away shouting oh god it's her she found us again don't let her kill me miles watches as the man skitters away asking what is that all about and he looks back to see a young girl with large wings holding the two men stating i'm here for tombstone and you can call me starling miles stops uh hey what's up i'm starling stops i'm telling him tombstone cleared out already where is he the fools don't seem to know no matter the beating i put on them miles tries to speak up again but starling tells him that he's wearing a costume which means that he must be one of tombstone's special boys guess i'm gonna make you talk she begins to shoot at miles but before he even has a chance to react she spins back punching into miles back asking where is tombstone he yells are you crazy i don't work for tombstone i don't even know where he is starling then says oh that's the wrong answer and she releases miles in midair as he is screaming and plummeting to the ground he starts to fire web lines to the back of starling's wings shouting we're not done yet and they both come crashing down into a pile of tires as they get up miles asks are you okay she brushes herself off telling him yeah guess you really wouldn't ask me that though if you worked for tombstone mile stops doesn't being spider-man give it away and startling asks wait there's more than one i just came here from detroit new to town but hunting tombstone for a bit miles looks back at some of the thugs seeing their injuries asking you're doing all of this on purpose starling scoffs telling them oh you're damn right they're lucky i didn't kill them and if you think that's bad just wait until i get a hold of tombstone miles yells hey we can take tombstone down but not like this this guy hardly has a face left starling smiles oh i get it you have a soft heart it's kinda cute she then gets ready to take off telling him i'm gonna go ahead and follow another lead we can exchange numbers and keep in touch if anything comes up see you later mr secretive a few days later at school miles gets ready to head home when barbara stomps him asking if they can talk for a moment miles rushes over telling her of course we can what's up she sits down she states that she really doesn't like secrets and he's keeping a big one is he really going to be like this she can't ride with someone who's lying she's given him a chance to tell her the truth he knows that she will keep any secret between them miles doesn't respond and barbara gets upstating yeah i thought so have a good day miles he sulks getting a message from starling telling him to meet her at brooklyn heights he arrives early looking up at the tall building asking so is that tombstone set up he's living large darling asks if he always talks to himself when he's doing the spider-man thing either way they're going to get real loud in a minute tombstone dies tonight miles stops her hey hey no one needs to die tonight we're just gonna take this one step at a time how are we going to approach and he quickly follows starling to the roof where she's already fighting several armed men shouting where is tombstone maybe if i dropped one of you from the building you would know miles jumps into the fight taking the guys down without hurting them stating we don't have to kill these people but before long tombstone kicks down the door to the roof holding a large two-handed minigun asking oh are you looking for me starling rockets straight at him but tombstone begins to shoot at her wings causing her to fall miles rushes over to help but starling tells him to just get over the tombstone tombstone spins around taking aim at miles but he begins shooting his own people the higher thugs begin to escape and miles camouflages themselves sneaking up stating all right give it up but tombstone thrust the back of the gun into mile's stomach telling him oh i don't need to see where you are miles groans falling to the ground and then he webs up the minigun staining and we're done playing with that in fact we're going to skip everything else to go straight to the venom blast as miles charges up starling swoops in taking tombstone into the sky miles webs onto her feet asking what are you doing we can't do it like this starling sighs stating oh you're such a softy not gonna lie though it's pretty cute tombstones tells them both you better kill me oh i'm gonna kill you starling releases her grip on tombstone as he falls miles wraps himself up with tombstone stating if you're gonna let tombstone die then you're gonna have to let an innocent man die as well please uh save us darling grinds her teeth damn you she flies down catching them and placing them gently on the ground a short amount of time passes and miles sits with starling as the cops arrive and he says that starling is a cool code name but who is she anyway starling says that her actual name is tiana toomes she's adrian toomb's granddaughter you might know him as the vulture and he was the one who designed her suit but what's his story miles tells us that he's from brooklyn one day he got spider powers and he had to step up starling asks and you're not gonna tell me your name guys are always afraid to open up my grandpa used to say having secret identities made you vulnerable so the two get up and miles asks is this goodbye are you heading back to detroit the starling says nah too many bad memories over there grandpa's got a place on bay ridge that he isn't using so miles tells her yeah well if you ever need a guide or something you can always call me and starling stops him i don't even know your name anyway i'll see you later spider-man as miles heads home he pulls a folder out of his costume something he picked up while at the penthouse there was nothing crazy on it but there was one thing that caused some concern there's only one person that can give him answers his uncle aaron after finding a file in tombstone's penthouse with information about his uncle aaron davis miles had to pay him a visit to fully understand his involvement with the super villain as miles steps out of the cab aaron opens up his door telling him long time no see miles and miles asks if that's all he has to say to him nothing about where he's been for the last few months but as the two just stare each other down miles brings him in hugging him and aaron says that he had to disappear for a bit set some things right but he's back and it's damn good to see a friendly face i had to pull a few favors to get things settled though got myself a clean slate no more of that criminal life miles walks in looking at the well furnished apartment asking if he wants to know how this is all being paid for aaron asks what are you my po now it's all legit money sold the iron spider suit back to tony stark it was based on his design and he paid a ridiculous amount of money to get it out of circulation but how about we talk about something else how's your life going mild size well that's pretty messed up if i can be honest can't find any time to study got dumped however that's not why i'm here i'm here about tombstone after a recent raid on his safehouse he had something on his desk miles pulls out a picture of aaron in the iron spider suit and after looking at it for a moment aaron asks is this my nephew asking or spider-man miles asks please don't make me feel like a snitch uncle aaron and aaron places his hand on mile's shoulder telling him tombstone tried to recruit me for his silly little game but i told him no i'm out of that life word to god miles looks at him i hear that and i'm proud of you uncle aaron but as soon as miles gets ready to leave he hears something explode off in the distance and aaron tells him go do what you got to do take care of business spider-man as miles hurries on the street he runs into bombshell heading in the same direction and he asks did you hear the explosions too a bombshell asks him how could i not and uh what exactly is that thing up over the buildings a giant mechanical drone climbs out stating target acquisition error system reboot required it then begins to fire down on the two heroes but as miles rolls out of the way he gets hit by one of the stray shots bombshell tries to follow up but her attacks keep barely missing and she yells it's too damn fast miles jumps back up webbing some of the light posts stating you can't aim for where it is you gotta aim for where it's going once the webbing is in place the drone flies into it getting tangled up allowing bombshell to focus one of her blasts and take out the machine for good as that drone is falling to the ground on fire bombshell takes out her phone telling him all right need a pick of this one saving brooklyn before noon well i guess it's technically 12 18. miles hears the time and he yells shoot i'm supposed to be my parents for brunch and i'm already late bombshell tells him to go ahead she'll make sure everyone's okay so he hugs her telling her you make a great hero and he quickly webs off later at the restaurant rushing in he begins to apologize for being late that there was a killer drone on the loose but uh spider-man and his friend took care of it and nobody got hurt even though they know that miles is spider-man his parents tell him that that must have been something and his father jeff asks how are things miles sighs telling him that the weak was mostly good barbara dumped him though got tired of him keeping secrets miles mother rio says that she's very proud of him and jeff tells him that he's still in high school and look at what he's done save the world he saved other worlds and rio then says that that is why they know that he'll be able to handle this they're gonna have a baby miles stops he's taken aback and he asks what what did this happen jeff says well with you out of the house these days your mother and i had more time with and miles stops him right there no no no no you know what never mind never mind uh this is already getting weird but also most of all congratulations just then miles phone beeps and he says that he's almost forgot he has to get to the library to study with genki i'll see you guys later so he hurries back out and off in the distance something begins to watch him the computer states asset quantum's distance and unique state of being cloaked is enough to be out of range of subject 002-004's innate danger detection before miles realizes a blue energy being appears behind him and miles quickly turns around to attack but as he does the being disappears his spider sense then goes off again and that being teleports and comes out swinging narrowly missing him he tries to go back on the offensive but that being then teleports again only to reappear and hit him from behind miles begins to get frustrated but as he turns back he misses again the being then pops out of another portal cracking him in the back of the head stating assets quantum has acquired subject 002-004 and a short while later miles begins to open up his eyes seeing himself strapped to a table without his mask as he panics shouting let me out of here the robotic voice states subject is conscious again we will not deliver the terms of agreement miles struggles asking who are you and the voice comes back telling him subject must be silent to hear terms of agreement if subject is not silent subject understands that disciplinary measures will be instituted miles balls of his fist stating whoever you are i'm about to institute some disciplinary measures upside your head at that moment he's electrocuted and the voice continues we will deliver the terms of agreement to the subject a thin metallic man begins to state that they are the assessor they assess subject capabilities for proprietary development the terms are as follows subject 002-004 will participate in trials assigned by the assessor and if the subject does not participate in the trials to the assessor's satisfaction the subject understands disciplinary causes may be invoked at their discretion an image of miles family and friends appears and he begins to yell hey no and the assessor goes on telling him disciplinary causes may be directed at the subject or towards the subject's associates miles tries to break free shouting let me go and the assessor tells him that the subject will now rest for 4.5 hours as detailed in the preparation clause the subject will remain attached to all monitoring devices lights are now being extinguished miles yells out that he just wants to go home and that's when darkness begins to proceed 4.5 hours later the assessor returns stating that the subject will now awake commencing assessment of threat detection and attendant combat skill the latches in the table holding miles in place all begin to release and miles is thrown into a combat simulation he jumps through the bullets that are being fired at him and begins to take down more drones that appear out in the streets all while the assessor is taking notes and as the last jerome is destroyed mile asks if that's all they got without a response the room is then filled with gas and the assessor states that the subject will rest for two hours as details in the preparation clause trials will commence in 2.5 hours day after day miles is put through more and more combat exercises training simulations and even gets experimented on his body is beaten and dragged down over and over and over again but one day as miles lay strapped onto the examination table two scientists looked at the notes and state that there's clearly some triggering event arachnid dna the other one says sure but what if there is some genetic predisposition to receptively that and the first scientist then asks a spider-man gene as the scientists go back and forth with the theories as to how miles became spider-man so easily they mentioned that they may need to bring in those close to the subject they will start with the family and work their way outwards but the thought of others going through what he's been going through begins to send miles into a fit of rage ripping off his restraints and quickly knocking everything over as he runs towards the exit the alarms begin to sound but before miles can get down the hall quantum appears in front of him again and miles yells out come on get out of the way but as miles tries to fight it's the same as before he misses quantum quantum teleport's hitting him from behind after the last hit miles staggers back stating okay let's change it up i'm gonna try a little venom blast miles moves and then shifts punching at the opening he left and lands right through quantum's chest quantum falls out of the portal and miles then says okay now i just gotta find a way out but up ahead miles sees the doors to the outside the light shining through makes him run even faster he did it he could finally leave and as he runs through he stops looking around at the metal room and the assessor says that the subject's endurance under simulated escape conditions exceeds projected parameters more assessment must be connected as the days begin to pass back at miles home rio and jeff are in a panic trying to find out what happened to their son jeff says they need to think this through miles could be off being spider-man and they can't blow his cover but rio shouts it's her son out there they have to find him now that's when there's a knock at the door and as jeff opens it up aaron says hey what's up little bro jeff asks what in the hell how long have you been in town aaron walks in sits down and it states that he knows he's not really welcome here but they noticed that miles is missing right well he might have an idea as to where miles is rio yells asking wait this is your fault is this one of your criminal buddies jeff tries to calm her down and aaron tells him no no it's cool plenty of reason for both of you to doubt me look we all know about miles big secret after he stopped by the apartment on saturday there was an explosion and miles ran off now i may not be the iron spider anymore but i had a feeling i should have followed after some snooping i found a building off dumbo where miles might be we need to get some gear and go check it out later in red hook jeff and erin walk down a dead end alley and aaron says that this is it hopefully she's ah sores are you suddenly a hidden door opens up and a woman steps out stating that she got the message the word on the street is is that he's out of the life so what is he doing here aaron tells sures that he's doing what he has to do right now is the new suit ready sores says yes but it's expensive and if he's on the straight and narrow how exactly is he going to pay for it aaron tells her that he'll owe her his services any jobs she wants all expenses included no questions asked as everyone walks into the lab containing the new suit sores asks to be sure about this because he knows how this works jeff says that he can't let him do this and aaron stops him telling him that they don't have time for him to play his brother's keeper show him the suit ceres geared out in his prowler suit aaron and jeff sit on a rooftop with aaron stating that the building they need to get to is across the street guards look like they're about to hit their shift change which fits with his info jeff asks how did he get his info and aaron shrugs telling him to some of my criminal buddies that rio was talking about earlier jeff says that he knows that rio doesn't hate him right and aaron last selling it's all good rio's the mother miles knees it's all that matters now let's hit these fools soon the assault on the rooftop begins with aaron and jeff quickly making their way into the building but as they stop to look around they see that there really isn't anyone there aaron scans the floors and sees that there are people in the basement floors so him and jeff move out as soon as they run into the group of guards the two of them knock them out before they have a chance to sound the alarms but then they see one security woman standing by the button and aaron says that they must be joking jeff asks if she could please not and the woman slams on the button running off as aaron and jeff descend they're forced to fight wave after wave of guards and as they reach the bottom floor they charge inside and they see miles strapped to a table beaten and barely conscious jeff runs over and miles asks if this is another trick and jeff tells him no son no tricks aaron and jeff help him down and the assessor appears on the screen stating continuing assessors supplementary report on retention of subject zero zero two zero zero four asset quantum will now initiate non-lethal acquisition of subject motivation assets quantum appears through a portal bashing jeff to the ground as he moves to aaron aaron leaps up to the ceiling telling him i got some tricks too as aaron gets ready to attack the cloaking drops and quantum gets a clean hit in miles then jumps towards quantum telling him to stop but quantum spins back knocking him to the ground soon everyone gets to their feet and they begin to attack but before they can make any progress quantum slips through another portal disappearing the assessor says that the executive committee report is as follows they've completed the review of subject zero zero two zero zero four assets quantum will now be able to withdraw to avoid further asset expenditures despite trial interference net data profit from subject 002-004 trials has been significant full details of their findings will be available soon everything fades away and jeff says that it's their chance once everyone gets outside they have a chance to catch their breath and miles begins to cry stating that the experiments they did to him jeff kneels down telling him that his mother will be here and at that moment rio speeds in jumping out of the car asking if he's okay what happened to him miles tells us that he just wants to go home as rio helps him into the car and drives off aaron tells jeff that under all of that sweetness his son is a rock jeff asks if maybe after they do a little recon he'd like to come over for dinner it'd make miles happy aaron pauses for a moment and then hugs jeff telling him yeah that'd be cool as two individuals patrol the halls of esu one says and then the dad's like johnny johnny and the kid goes yes papa the co-worker laughs and says that he can't get that out of his head his daughter must have watched it 5 000 times there's a loud crash and they both grabbed their guns running into a room where the crash came from and in front of them as a large hulking creature one that if you've seen the ultimate universe or watched the ultimate spider-man show you may know because as both try to figure out what they're staring at the creature slashes at them with its claws and as their bodies fall a voice calls out excellent work norman osborne now get what we came forward burn the rest but that's the story we'll get back to because as the months passed by miles kept to himself after he escaped the experimentation and he continued to write in his journal a lot happened with the assessor a lot of weird dreams with him as someone else like it was him in another world another universe but since everything happened he hasn't been able to put on the costume of spider-man he sighs as he closes his journal for the day and as he opens up his door his parents scream happy birthday jeff hands over the balloons and miles looks at the one and he asks did i turn like one year old or something and jeff tells him yeah the other one got a leak rio then pushes miles and jeff out stating that they need to hurry up and get the cake go vamanos jeff salutes her stating yes ma'am miles let's walk a short amount of time passes and as they both return jeff goes back to helping and miles tries to tell them they don't need to bother with all of this jeff just tells him they're keeping things small but he wouldn't count on his uncle aaron's kind of caught up in something miles realizes that is because of him aaron had to strike a deal in order to get miles location at that moment the doorbell rings and genki comes in but before anybody could sit down there's a crash room upstairs miles hurries upstairs wondering who it could be and he sees spider-man peter parker jumping in the room happy birthday spider-man sorry about your desk miles asks you remembered peter tells him of course how old are you like 60 70. miles gives a force to laugh telling him haha why don't you come down for some food meet the folks peter takes off his mask telling him actually i can't i came by to say happy birthday but also tell you that a scientist and two security guards were killed at esu last night before stealing loads of equipment i was going to investigate but then i remembered hey why would they need me here when there's already a spider-man in brooklyn miles tries to tell them that he hasn't worn the costume sends but peter jumps back up telling him i texted you the address sorry to do this on your birthday but i got a jet man miles tries again to tell him to wait but before he could finish peter parker's already gone miles lets out a long sigh reaching into his closet taking out the spider-man costume and after a few minutes go by he's in the streets he swings around telling himself that this actually feels kind of good getting the air on his face getting the webs in his hand nothing but sky beneath his feet this is what he needed to get out of that slump and as he reaches esu he crawls into the building and sees nothing but at that moment a deep scratchy voice tells him sneaky sneaky but i can smell you miles looks back to see where the voice came from and right behind him is a giant hulking creature miles pauses for a moment thinking wait something is wrong this thing i know it from somewhere the creature charges into miles and the two come crashing out as miles tries to web him down the creature begins to pull the webbing off of his face and as you can see again he notices miles flinging a car straight at him the creature smiles jumping through it to escape but miles webs onto him and slingshots himself smashing a brick across the creature's face the fighting continues throughout the city but as miles punches into him he shouts i know who you are you're the green goblin we've fought before you were but before miles get finished green goblin grabs a hold of his head and smashes him into the ground miles kicks back telling him ah hey i'm trying to think here as the goblet is thrown off into a construction site it gets back up and focuses on one of the workers he lunges at them but just before the green goblet can land miles pulls the worker out telling him hey this is between us now you're going to give me some answers right now or i'm going to but at that moment a giant foot stomps down on miles telling him you aren't gonna do anything my name is ultimatum yours doesn't matter because you're about to at that moment ultimatum stops tells them wait i know you just leave it be there's a wrinkle here i need to think through it and green goblin asks what why don't we ultimatum grabs a hold of the green goblin telling him because i said so norman don't forget who's in charge here miles tries to web onto both of them but ultimatums boosters propel them further than miles can reach with nothing left miles gets back up to process what just happened the big guy knew him but who was he later that night at city hall kingpin says that he's elated to see him again he's so very sorry that they weren't able to find what they were looking for but just know that there's always a place here for them ultimatum says that he appreciated everything that's been done so far but right now they need to live in the world that they were made for get back to the streets and run them how they used to kingpin tells him that he's certain that that is the path that they must walk then so be it easy enough for him to turn a blind eye to an unlicensed entrepreneurship within reason ultimatum asks wait are you giving me brooklyn and king ben tells him i'm not giving you anything you've helped build everything and kingpin is not a man who forgets that just don't expect me to call you ultimatum and i certainly won't insist upon mr mayor ultimatum pulls off his mask telling him ultimatum is for scaring rivals you're my best friend wilson to you i'll always be plain old miles morales bushwick 1 30. miles is taking on another group of thugs in red costumes but the problem is no one knows who these guys are not even a guess as to who is filling in for tombstone however the one thing that miles does know is that these clowns are flooding brooklyn with a new type of drug which brings miles to his next problem every time he fights these guys they always destroy the goods before he could ever get a sample and no one is talking what's more miles uncle aaron skipped town again what he could really use is some advice right now things are continuing to get worse but the next day at school genki tells miles that they have finally reached the point that he's been warning him about they're officially out of web fluid things couldn't get any worse except they do just when miles learns of this bad news vice principal dutcher pulls miles into his office telling them that they have an issue with miles attendance because of all the excessive call outs miles is being put on academic probation any more no-shows and then they'll kick him out of school so what's he supposed to do now stop being spider-man well he can't do much with our web fluid so tonight's patrol is mostly going to be wall crawling and that's when he hears somebody shouting get your hands off me he quickly jumps over to the source and looking down into the alleyway he sees several of the red costume goons holding a man down injecting him with their drug miles cloaks himself as he leaps in and starts to take them all down asking are you forcing this man to take your product what's wrong with you all one of the men yells that spider-man is invisible hit the lights and activate the goggles miles manages to hold his own for a while but with so little web fluid it means that he has to work twice as hard even though he has a splitting headache miles manages to release a full charge of venom blast knocking the group out once everyone is rounded up miles then asks who are you working for ultimatum and since when did drug dealers force their product on the customers for free none of the men speak so miles size stating that he's just gonna have to take some of it then before he could grab a sample the man who was injected before roars with green eyes tackling into miles miles jumps over to the man telling him that he doesn't know what's going on but he really doesn't want to hurt him the man tries to grab hold but miles throws the man to the ground knocking him out miles then asks okay what is going on and one of the thugs says that the guy is in la la land he ain't going to say nothing for about 12 hours one of the other thugs tells that man to shut up and then says the boss will return from peso maritimo in spanish miles responds with peso maritimio huh and then in spanish says didn't know spider-man speaks spanish did you with that lead miles takes a train to manhattan and finds a man with several armed guards around him at that moment he gets a text from his father telling him that the baby is coming early and he needs to get home now miles size realizing that his leads are all dead at the moment but out of the corner of his eye he sees a man with a gun trained on an important looking man down below he runs over to the attacker asking didn't you know that new york abolished the death penalty and before he can land a hit the man turns invisible quickly throwing three knives narrowly missing miles with miles shouting hey you could have at that moment the cloaking device fades and the man standing before him is uncle aaron in the prowler costume as the cloaking device fades and the man standing before miles turns out to be uncle aaron in the prowler costume miles yells at him asking uncle aaron what is this and aaron stops i'm asking miles what the hell are you doing here miles explains that he was tracking down a man named ultimatum but never mind that where have you been for the last few weeks uncle aaron aren't you supposed to be out of this life no more prowler for you and aaron says that the man down there is don cordillo he was out of the life but the prowler suit well uncle aaron needed it and it didn't come free miles realizes what's going on you needed it to rescue me didn't you aaron stops him telling him look this isn't on you just walk away miles please miles tells them that he's not gonna go unless they go together his mom is about to give birth like right now aaron pushes miles back telling him you don't get it i owe people i can't just walk away from that miles already himself in a fighting stance stating we both know i can't let you kill someone uncle aaron and aaron tosses the gun telling him yeah i know so miles charges in punching aaron in the chest with a venom blast prowler gets up telling him i ain't gonna lie that hurt like hell miles tries to web up aaron but aaron duck's out of the way telling him spider-man might be faster and stronger but i'm the one who taught him how to scrap as the two lock hands on a power struggle miles tells him i don't want to hurt you and aaron tells him i don't want to get you hurt so we're going to leave this here aaron rolls on his back kicking miles across the roof and as he jumps away miles webs up his leg pulling him back down but down below the fighting alerts the mob family and they start shooting up to where miles and aaron are fighting miles quickly pulls aaron behind the stairway entrance and aaron yells you have no idea what you just did miles however before aaron could explain a loud thunderous voice then says ultimatum thinks the family is washed up easy pickings well man mal and marco is about to send you back to your boss in pieces the giant man comes crashing down knocking the two of them away while miles is asking okay really that's his name aaron jumps into man mountain marco and begins to punch his face but marco flings him off with very little effort miles calls out asking if he's okay and aaron holds up his thumb telling him i'm okay miles then turns back to marco and begins swinging but with each hit it just bounces off miles says all right i'm just gonna need to in miles pokes marco in the eyes and he jumps across the street to check on aaron aaron tells him that he still needs to watch out for but before he could finish marco throws pieces of building across the way miles webs up the rubble asking if he knows how much water he could have wasted if he had just hit the but marco then burst out of the water storage container yelling shut up already and he plants his fist right into aaron's stomach miles tries webbing him up a marco flexes telling him lookie i ripped that sweater you was making me miles tries one more time but his webs fall short with marco asking what you had a juice kid miles psy's selling him all right time for plan b and he jumps forward shocking marco with a venom blast marker brushes him off telling him that that sort of hurt but he's been taking special vitamins miles asks what is with that today two people shaken off a venom blast ridiculous just as marco gets ready to finish the fight aaron leaps in kicking marco in the face pushing all of his weight off of the ledge of the roof as marco goes crashing into the sidewalk miles runs over asking if he's going to be okay and aaron tells him yeah maybe but after marco groans miles sits back telling him that's a relief we need to get home and but aaron stops him and tells him that he doesn't get it i just ditched a job miles i broke the code people don't just let you walk away from that aaron holds at his wrist in a projection of the costume maker so rez appears and aaron says that he has some bad news so rez tells him that she knows he botched the job she's kind of surprised he called though figured he'd be on the run by now there's a bounty on his head and it's big already gone out and half the contractors in the city already picked it up my hands are tied aaron aaron tells her yeah i understand no hard feelings but sores stops from stating there might be something we can do aaron if i were to capture you without canceling the bounty i might be able to negotiate a settlement with ultimatum maybe you'll need to get to red hook though and there's a lot of people trying to kill you between here and there realizing that miles just botched the prowler's job sending the entire city after uncle aaron the two of them begin to run together and miles says all right so i just want to get things straight you borrowed this suit and you became the prowler to save me from the assessor and then you were tasked to assassinate some gangster to pay off the debt but now because you didn't assassinate the gangster there's a price on your head that cover it aaron tells him yeah pretty much and right now we have to get to red hook if sores can talk sense into this ultimatum guy miles yells wait wait wait you're working for alton matum ultimatum nearly killed me aaron stomps him look we don't have time for this we need to get to brooklyn and my auntie grabs down miles asks what about the train and aaron tells him no too narrow too many kids and old people in the way but there's one thing i was still testing but before aaron could call on it a fire hydrant is thrown at him as the rhino yells bro you bum get down here and fight me like a man as they climb down rhino looks at miles and asks wait are you running with this jump now i thought we're your friends spider-man miles says that he's about to kill an innocent man for a little bit of money and rhino stops him no no no no that man ain't innocent and it ain't a little money it would be enough for me to quit never have to hurt anyone again spider-man miles tells rhino not to do this but rhino charges in barely missing miles before he leaps away rhino continues to stampede through the streets but as they reach the park rhino runs himself right off of a bridge the two looked down with a mile stating hey are you gonna be okay rhino and aaron stops him sure that's the rhino he'll bounce back let's go but just then a device on aaron's wrist begins to beep and aaron says finally our ride is here a few moments later aaron's glider begins to arrive and aaron says that he was still working out the kinks but this should get them to brooklyn after a few minutes past though the two begin to fly across the east river but before they could even land a rocket shoots up destroying the glider miles and aaron land on a dirt pile and they roll down and miles asks if he's okay and aaron says that he's still breathing at that moment a voice tells them not for long not after scorpina and the syndicate are done with you and with scorpina is trapster and white rabbit and all three begin to look down at the prowler and spider-man scorpino whips her tail and miles jumps out of the way stating i really hate this white rabbit swings her carrot sword but miles grabs a hold of her falling onto his back throwing her across the street aaron begins to gail that there are too many of them and they are too tired switched to stealth a few moments later over on the highway as they have snuck away miles says that he can't hold on to this truck for very long i'm just so tired aaron tells him that he should be fine as long as they find a bus then but as the two jump off of the highway a giant explosion goes off slamming the two into the ground scorpino walks upstate and she's going to collect the bounty end but before she can finish a small dart is then shot into her neck and several more into her in chapster miles looks up to see starling flying downstate and that she was just in the neighborhood and heard someone causing a ruckus miles catches scorpina telling her that he appreciates the save could she possibly give them a lift to red hook starling says that she'd love to but she is currently working on a case of some missing girls and the trail is already getting cold miles tells her no no no you've already helped us enough thanks though starling flies off telling him anytime stay cute spider-man and aaron says stay cute who is that miles watches starling fly off telling him that it's a long story so a short while later just outside of sorez's place miles and aaron run towards the entrance and her voice shouts hold fools there is a mighty bounty on the preller's head and it shall be claimed by the frost pharaoh miles stops just stops in place literally just asking really as the two easily take down the frost pharaoh aaron tells miles to wait outside while he takes care of this inside sores sits at her computer telling ultimatum that she thought he'd prefer him alive an ultimatum says that the man botched the job but sores goes on stating that the circumstances there were particular no tool is right for every job but mr davis made it from washington heights to brooklyn on foot while incapacitating several assassins forgive her for being frank but she would be a fool to throw away such an asset ultimatum tells her very well she made her case he will allow the prowler to live so long as he knows that he belongs to ultimatum but later at the hospital miles runs down the hall as his dad comes out asking where has he been miles asks how is his mom is the baby okay and jefferson says that everything is okay it was a little scary but his baby sister decided to come a little early that's all he can go inside now aaron slowly walks off stating congratulations he knows that rio doesn't want him around so but at that moment rio yells that he better not dare leave without meeting his niece everyone goes inside even uncle aaron and rio tells miles to meet his sister billy marina morales so once that was done miles headed out on patrol after swallowing his pride and speaking with peter about his shortage of web fluid but the good news he did learn some things the red goons running around are working for ultimatum and the drug that they are pushing is something called goblin the only thing that miles needs to do is get a hold of a sample and figure out what its effects are over in the cemetery ultimatum's crew meets with a buyer to unload his next shipment but to get a sample miles is going to have to do this one thing a little different a few moments later he stands out shouting whoa unto you trespassers the buyers panic asking if he's a ghost and everyone scatters with the cellar yelling wait it's just spider-man the cellar then looks around and realizes that he's the only one left and miles emotions to the others that are already webbed up telling him yep already got them the man falls back to stating forget this i give up and once the three are securely wrapped up in web fluid miles says why are you practically giving this stuff away and one of the goons tells them that they're not gonna tell him anything they don't know anything if they knew things they'd get shot so after acquiring a sample miles turns in for the night to try and get an early start on school the next day but during lunch mr samida asks miles if he could stop by he wanted to speak with him regarding a possible scholarship a writing scholarship given the proper training he'd be able to become a very successful writer miles tells the teacher that he appreciates it this class has really been helping him manage his life especially writing everything down in a journal as miles reaches into his bag to grab the journal he suddenly realizes that it's not there and mr samida states that he is so sorry he knows the devastation of losing something so precious but miles shouts no you have no idea if somebody finds that i i gotta go he quickly heads out trying to retrace his steps from the night prior running along the same rooftops and ending up back at the cemetery he checks between every one of the tombstones but just then his spider sense goes off he jumps out of the way of the incoming tombstone and the ultimate green goblin tells him whatever you're looking for you just found something else miles jumps up hitting green gobble and telling him those are graves you are being so disrespectful but as miles lands goblin grabs onto another of the tombstones throwing it right into miles face goblin then charges into miles with miles asking where did you even come from and why does my brain hurt every time we fight it's like punching a bad memory as the two lane in a football field goblin yells at him you talk too much kid miles lands on the goblin's back telling him alright no more talk eat bioelectricity then with the venom blast going off goblin tells him you're gonna have to do more than that and miles responds fine how about a supercharged blast he focuses all of his strength into the venom blast causing the goblin to scream out in pain before falling with a loud thunk a few minutes later the police arrive and they ask if everything's okay miles catches his breath telling them that he's good this guy shouldn't be giving them any trouble but i can't stick around he jumps over to a nearby alley where he changes back into his street clothes before heading back to school stating that he just needs a minute to get to his academic probation meeting almost there as miles stumbles in mr dutcher stomps him telling him it would seem that we're both heading to the same place you know attendance is the main subject of your review you always come into the building at the last minute from goodness knows where as usual but this time i finally know why miles dutcher holds out miles's journal asking are you looking for this miles slowly steps back and dutcher states just imagine my astonishment when i found this outside this morning clearly dropped by a student in haste fade is a funny thing mr morales or should i say but before dutcher could call him by his other name there's a loud boom and the goblin shouts spider-man everyone runs outside and they see the green goblin pinning down one of the teachers and he asks where is spider-man where is he hiding miles tells the dutcher that he needs to go but before he could change some of the lesser goblins that have been following goblin jump down and throw the two of them into the wall with everyone else miles asks what is happening and genki says the big guy showed up demanding spider-man judge says that this is crazy why would they even think that spider-man would be at brooklyn visions and miles nervously scratches his head standing yeah crazy right goblin shouts asking who is in charge and a teacher steps forward stating that he is the goblin laughs at the teacher's height i don't know where spider-man is hiding but if he's not here in two minutes this old man's skull is going to be crushed into a melon and then the goblinoids are going to start on the brats the teacher says surely whatever you're looking for you can do so without harming the children i'd be more than willing to remain as a hostage if you'd let them go goblin towers over him asking is the tiny man not scared and the teacher tells him of course i am terrified even but i will do whatever i have to to protect my students goblin gets ready to swipe at the teacher but then dutcher calls out i know where spider-man is he looks back at miles and he says he's right here i'm spider-man dutcher pounds his chest and goblin stares smacking dutcher into the wall telling him i've had enough of these games genki whispers to miles that he'll create a distraction they need spider-man now but before miles could tell genki to wait genki launches himself at one of the goblinoides miles takes this opportunity to sneak off and get dressed and as the students all begin to try and defend genki the goblin's head is yanked back as miles flings himself over the crowd as miles lands he calmly says we don't have to do this here i'll come with you and the goblin charges adam's shouting i'm gonna rip you to pieces where you stand the gobbler noise all begin to pile onto miles as he asks what's up with all the mini-mes ultimatum didn't have enough ugly working for him goblin reaches on grabbing miles throwing him across the yard telling him you talk too much miles goes bursting through the school gym and as the goblin always follow he venom blasts them but as the goblinoids crash into the ground they begin to revert back to their human forms and miles realizes that he's hitting people the two continued the destruction throughout the school but just before miles could land a supercharged venom blast the goblin tells him i'm gonna kill you before this is over and he just escapes miles gets ready to follow but with him already exhausted and never fully recovering he almost collapses as the police arrive he changes back to his street clothes hurrying back telling dutcher that he's ready for the probation review dutcher tells him that school is closed look around everything is on fire or turned upside down also you seemed to disappear during our crisis today very interesting miles tries to state that he can explain what's in the journal but dodger takes out the journal telling him ah yes your journal the two stare at each other and dutcher tells him that as vice principal it is his duty to report any student engaged in dangerous activities to the rest of the administration and so it's a good thing that everything that he read in this journal was an entirely fictional story written by a talented if unfocused young writer isn't that right mr morales as dutch your hands over the journal miles takes it asking fiction uh yeah yeah it's fiction mr dutcher thatcher then says for what it's worth after reviewing mr samida's assessments and giving further consideration to your contributions to brooklyn visions i will be recommending that your academic probation be lifted good afternoon mr morales miles nervously realizes what is going on yeah yeah good afternoon sir thank you with miles trying to focus on getting his life back together one question that he has had is what happened to his uncle aaron what happened to prowler well after being recruited by ultimatum prowler was sent out to retrieve things for ultimatum and the latest being something from herc's pharmaceutical as aaron quietly breaks in he begins to crack a safe when he is suddenly surrounded by three armed guards he reaches in taking out the small vial stating it's a pleasant night isn't it he spins back throwing the smoke bombs onto the ground and then he makes for the exit but with his entry point being too far away he throws his daggers cracking the window before jumping through it as he escapes ultimatum radios in that tonight's drop-off will be slightly different but the reagent will be delivered to him personally aaron ends the call stating oh this can't be good once aaron arrives at ultimatum's home he sees goblins standing there an ultimate green goblin tells him i'm supposed to check you for weapons aaron says that their boss is a man who can turn 20 feet tall and has a captain america shield it'll be okay ultimatum welcomes aaron in stating congratulations on another successful assignment you've proven to be quite the asset to the organization aaron aaron hands him the vial telling him that he means him no disrespect but they could have had the normal drop off like usual why bring him in personally ultimatum says that the chemical is the last piece of a puzzle that he's been working on his entire life but that is not why he brought aaron in he brought him here to talk about another universe there is the basics of the multiversal theory however the truth is the multiverse isn't just a theory it's reality people from other timelines walking these streets creatures from other realities and then there's us two dudes from brooklyn how do we know about it right well here's the thing i've seen another universe shoot i've even robbed it but it's done things to my mind forgotten lots of what i've already seen but some things stick out as ultimatum pulls off his mask aaron looks at him asking what the hell is that it looks familiar ultimatum watches and says it's true then the further away from the event you get the more of your memories of that place fade they're almost gone already aaron takes off his mask asking what are you talking about an ultimatum tells him that his body and mind are trying to reconcile with the unreconcilable you see i've learned a lot about this stuff i went back and forth between two worlds trying to find my place but now i'm right where i belong care for a game of chess aaron sits down at the chessboard asking is this how you show me how deep you are how you're just some basic brooklyn thug under that ass-kicking suit ultimatum tells him nah my point is under it all i am a basic brooklyn thug and i'm damn good at chess too the problem is right now you're only seeing part of the board you need to see all the pieces together to figure it out that's why i needed you to come here personally because you came from that other world aaron pauses for a moment and then asks what ultimatum goes on telling him you have the same energy as the things that i've stolen from that other world but what's unbothering me is that you also share that signature with just one other person spider-man gas begins to shoot out of the chessboard and aaron is knocked out and ultimatum tells him spider-man will be brought in soon enough and when he is we will all have a nice talk about where he came from the next day miles heads off to school when his spider sense kicks in he narrowly dodges a net when suddenly a man calls out to him that man along with a group of special agents tells them that he is wanted for a suspected violation of kamala's law his name is commander timothy dugan acting under the authority of the child hero reconnaissance and distribution law enforcement and if all of that is too much he may call him dum-dum but he is here to bring in spider-man miles jumps up onto the water storage asking him dum-dum didn't you run with captain america like back in the day and now you're working for that senator patrick dumb dumb yells i am working for the united states of america do not make this harder than it needs to be young man dum-dum tells them i don't want to do this miles is really did you even look at yourselves those uniforms make you look like fascists dum-dum tells them i really don't want to do this and miles tells him oh you most definitely do miles leaves webbing up one of the agents slamming him into another and then webs up a third and a fourth with one concentrated venom blast miles takes out the remaining individuals and dumb dumb says this is rather freaking embarrassing miles hey what's the language i'm a kid remember dum-dum takes out his stun baton and he says we have underestimated you i figured you were just a junior spider-man but now i have to deal with you miles closed himself telling dum-dum that he just needed to see what he was up against but right now he's got places to beat as miles swings away dum-dum yells to everyone to switch to full-spectrum sights find out where he went the ages all look around but eventually they all stop and they state that he's gone a short while later miles quickly swaps into his street clothes and he sees all of the students waiting outside he runs up to genki asking what's going on and genki says that it's cradle they're doing a sweep looking for teen vigilantes milo scoff stating ah man they're here too i just got done tussling with some agents on the way here how come the government can't send this much money to the actual problems but before the agents could get to him a report comes in to everyone that spider-man has been spotted a few blocks from their location and they're going to need to report in for backup miles left out aside stating oh that was close and genki says i hate this i hate all of this after school miles meets up with his parents for dinner at the diner jefferson asks what's he been up to miles tells him that the cradle agents tried arresting him they tried arresting spider-man and then they showed up at school jefferson says that that is a damn disgrace taking kids away from their parents for no damn reason and rio says actually it's not for no reason miles looks at her shocked as she goes on stating that she is just saying that there is a reason what he does makes her proud there's no denying that but she has to live her life with these blinders on lying to herself about all of the danger that she is in every day she sees injured kids all day dead kids this world is vicious these people aren't crazy for thinking that you all need to be more careful miles scoff stated that he can't believe that his mom is taking the enemy side and rio tells him that she's not taking sides she will always be on his side don't ever forget that but a short while later and with full bellies the conversations are forgotten and the family enjoys their night out once the bill is paid miles asks if they're all heading back to the house and jefferson says that they're actually headed to a baby yoga class in about 10 minutes so they'll meet up with them later so miles takes the train back home still bothered by what his mother said maybe they're all a little desensitized to the superhero thing kamala khan is sitting in a hospital right now and he's so used to seeing her beat up he can barely spare a thought for her and that's not normal that's not right but right now he's just too tired to think about what is but as miles opens up the door to his home he sees the place torn apart his spider sense goes off and he asks who's there and that's what he struck in the head he tries to regain his balance but the hits keep coming faster than he can even keep up with and as he falls to the ground he looks up and sees another spider-man standing over him and he says no it can't be with miles being knocked to the ground the other spider-man webs up miles's arm the two struggle at mile shouts asking who the other person is but the spider-man doesn't answer miles manages to kick off the impostor asking where did he get that knock-off suit canal street but as miles attacks the imposter jumps to the ceiling and sticks to it with miles asking wait you can wall crawl too who are but before he could get an answer the imposter lunges down cracking him in the face and miles says wow the strength is there and the way he reacts he's got to have some spider sense too miles then clenches his fist asking but do you have this though in a flash the room erupts in electricity studying the imposter and finally giving miles a moment to breathe with that taken care of miles looks around at the destroyed house stating that he needs to figure this all out but first he has to warn his parents not to come home as miles calls his mother rio picks up the phone stating that they're almost home is everything all right and miles yells with them not to come home yet there's someone but before he could finish the spider-sense goes off as the imposter charges up a venom blast launching miles out of the building across the city rio calls out for miles to answer her and jeffrey asks what's wrong rio says that she isn't sure it sounded like miles was in trouble jeffrey tells her not to worry he'll handle it wait when i say run run rio picks up baby billy asking what are you and jeffrey shouts go rio gets ready to do just that but soon the two of them are surrounded by a group of people in red suit and one of them stating sorry mommy but you're not going anywhere back at the apartment mile slowly picks himself up from the rubble while a pair of passerbys stop to see what's going on he quickly cloaks up climbing up the building to grab his hidden costume and as the imposter makes his way up miles asks can we just like have a conversation first the impostor jumps in to continue the attack and the two go back and forth with miles yelling come on say something without responding to the voice the impostor knocks miles off the building setting up crashing into the basketball goal below miles yells ah you all gotta go get out of here and even before he could finish that sentence the imposter lands on him feet first miles rolls with the momentum throwing the imposter off of it and quickly gets up to his feet stating i got to get this guy away from where people can get hurt come on follow me bootleg a few seconds later miles swings up to one of the higher buildings and moments later the imposter lands he throws a venom blast punch but miles catches it asking you want to get into a contest with it all right let's see who has more juice they both charge up their blasts and as they begin to grow in power miles yells if we keep going we're both gonna die back in the streets the thugs are slowly inching closer and jeffrey whispers to rio that once there's an opening she's gonna have to run like hell rio then asks what is he planning and jeffrey tells him that he's gonna make an opening just then jeffrey bolts towards a car jumping over the hood forcing the group to follow him elsewhere miles slowly opens up his eyes in a dark room hearing a voice telling him to wake up he blinks asking if that's uncle aaron he just had the worst but as his eyes begin to focus he stops himself no no no no not you milo struggles in his restraints and the assessor taps on his tablet subject zero zero two zero zero four is now awake miles shouts for him to let him go but the assessor tells him as per our terms of agreement subject zero zero two zero zero four will now comply with all assessors directives failure to comply with directors will result in disciplinary measures enacted on subject zero zero two zero zero seven a light flickers on and miles looks over to see his uncle aaron strapped to a chair asking what did you do and why did you send some fake in a spider suit instead of that blue fool the assessor tells them that the asset quantum is indisposed but they were impressed by the performance of asset 42. as the impostor walks in assessor removes the mask to reveal a miles clone miles shifts in his chair asking what the hell is that thing an assessor tells them that asset 42 is one of several proprietary technologies that they have developed for client u miles asks was that what all this testing was for to clone me and another light blinds miles as a voice tells them i was a lot like that at that age smart as the light fades mile's eyes widen as he sees the red suit and he yells ultimatum ultimatum tells him that he's been looking forward to this for a long time you may go now assessor once the assessor leaves asset 42 cloaks itself and miles asks what has he done to prowler ultimatum laughs that's good probably wanted to say uncle aaron didn't you that's right i know all of your secrets like how aaron here booby trapped his suit so that it couldn't be removed but eventually i got through to him he'll be fine as long as you both cooperate miles asks what running brooklyn's underground wasn't enough ultimatum laughs no no no running is not the same as owning being the biggest isn't the same as being the only a hologram map appears as several goblin markers scattered about an ultimatum goes on telling him tonight i'll be taking ownership of brooklyn i'll kill every single criminal in this borough that has even an ounce of leadership potential miles tells him there's no way that he is the manpower for that and ultimatum tells him while that's true it's why i've been growing my own manpower the personal army of the goblinoids miles pauses for a moment and then says goblin the drug those mini green goblins at the school that's why you've been pushing your drugs so cheap it turns people into those things ultimatum tells them that's right synthesized from the goblin's blood and when activated it turns people into my slaves miles then asks why he's telling him all of this instead of just killing him and his ultimatum removes his mask he tells him because we're one of the same because i am miles morales and you are a trespasser the older miles morales leans in telling him it's all coming back now huh the memories you were ripped away from another brooklyn reborn here ultimatum walks off i was miles morales before you arrived it is time for the trespasser to return to where you came from ultimatum pulls out a tarp covering a giant machine and miles tells him you're nuts you're absolutely nuts also made him tell zo do not worry you're not going alone everything from that world needs to go back every one including your parents ultimatum turns on a screen to see his thugs and he sees jeffrey standing over them jeffrey tells him i know what's going on these guys are pretty chatty once their butts are whipped i'll show you what happens when somebody goes after a man's family rio begins shouting and cursing and then miles there's something as aaron runs over telling him to get ready miles begins to ask how but aaron throws a small explosive telling him there's no time miles the bomb goes off knocking ultimatum out and miles asks is he dead but aaron tells him no i wish but no we only have a few minutes left the two begin to run out and miles says that he's starting to remember things the stuff that ultimatum was talking about and aaron tells him yeah me too and it's a lot but right now we need to keep moving before they can get outside asset 42 stands there with a group of ultimatums men miles charges in to take out his counterpart and as he hits him asset 42's face begins to liquefy after punching asset 42 in the chest miles begins to pull his hand out of the goopy mess and aaron tells him focus i think it's just a lab experiment bird or clones cheap and disposable only meant to last a day don't let it psych you out miles punches the head in so hard that it explodes in a fleshy glorp and miles says that he does not want to do that again aaron hurries up opening up a window for their escape and as miles follows he says they need to hurry up and find his parents and then aaron stands back putting his back against miles telling him yeah it's not going to be that easy miles as the goblin oids all close in the goblin himself begins to laugh as he walks towards them within seconds the two jump head first into the fight punching and kicking away the goblins minions but as miles and uncle aaron struggle to maintain the offensive the goblin laughs asking oh is this too much for you this is just the first wave of goblinoids once we sent out the signal it'll activate all the people who took our drug we'll have 10 times this number as everyone transforms into my minions aaron gets more aggressive with his swings and miles tells him to remember all of these goblinoids are regular brooklyn folks they just got to be careful not to hurt anyone as the goblinoids grab a hold of aaron he tells him that he's right they can put didn't hurt any goblin innocents on his tombstone but he's got an idea cover your ears in three two one just then aaron throws out a sonic grenade blowing up a path for them to escape and goblin asks oh we're playing chase now this should be fun well a horde of goblin noise follow aaron asks what is the plan and miles says that they gotta find his folks and stop ultimatum from turning more people and they gotta smash whatever that machine was before they all get sent to that other reality aaron hops over a fence stating those are goals not plans once the two of them stop to catch their breath miles thinks for a moment and tells them okay ultimatum said that he's going to use a light wave to activate the goblin drug and raise his little army right so what we need to do is find out how he's generating that wave before just that a blinding green light explodes in the middle of the city as ultimatum begins the process the two of them begin to fight their way towards the source of the light but after encountering the third pack the heroes begin to lose a bit of their steam aaron calls out to escape while he holds back the goblin knights but miles tells them that if they're going down we're going down together just then an explosion goes off and several of the goblin noise are riddled with darts bombshell jumps up onto one of the goblin noises asking what are these things they're starting to pop up all over brooklyn starling swoops and stating that she always seems to be saving his butt but before the three of them can have their reunion starling flies into another set of baddies stating that they are ugly miles takes down another group yelling it's great to see you but be careful these things are normal people that have turned into monsters try not to hurt them bombshell begins setting off small explosives telling him don't worry starlings using tranq darts in my itty bitty explosions should only be enough to knock these guys out with minimal injuries spider-man but as the last one falls goblin stomps down well that was clever but now it's my turn i am the green goblin without a second thought miles slingshots himself feed first into the goblin while everyone handles the new additions goblin grabs a hold of miles and slams him into the ground asking how does it feel to know all of your little friends are about to be slaughtered and at that moment a ringing sound can be heard as a shield whizzes through the air knocking goblin right in the head cap stands there triumphantly catching his shield not today gruesome and he charges in but when miles sees who's behind him he asks da mr davis jeffrey says that he's happy to see him too i mean spider-man don't worry why i'm here focus on the fight once everyone has their footing cap asks what's the call here spider-man and miles tells him that he should know we kick butt as miles throws himself back into the fight camp throws his shield telling him not a very precise strategy but it works with everything else covered miles focuses all of his hits on the goblin punching him over and over again but soon the hits become angrier they become more vicious and miles yells at this time he will beat him so hard that he will never get back up again jeffrey runs over grabbing a hold of miles before he can swing again telling him that's enough goblin is done and a voice tells him so are you a giant red boot stalms onto the ground blowing everyone away and miles looks up simply surprise stating no and that's what ultimatum looks down as he towers over them yes say goodbye spider-man it's your last night on this earth miles jumps to his feet telling everyone to get back up we can do this and cap echoes him shouting you heard the young man everyone get up and get into a defensive formation i'll take point ultimatum asks you've still got some fight left in you good take him down goblinoids as ultimatum's forces all rally together miles swings towards ultimatum's head telling him you turned all these people into monsters you killed god knows how many you won't get away with this ultimatum swings at him telling him look around the kingpin was elected mayor of new york city you think people care about brooklyn i'm going to beat you to a pulp miles turns invisible landing on ultimatum's glove telling him nah and as ultimatum laughs he activates his stark nanite particle blaster forcing miles to the ground ultimatum trains his arm back on miles telling him that was harmless but i can't say the same about these repulsors as ultimatum begins to shoot into the ground cap runs into cover miles asking you see how ultimatum's a little unsure on his right foot that ain't no hank pym ultimatum isn't used to fighting at that size miles asks right foot huh ultimatum you're nothing but a knockoff miles morales with a knock off iron man glove and a knockoff captain america's shield he releases a full venom blast into ultimatum's foot throwing him off balance sending him crashing into the ground he then pats himself in the back that's what i'm talking about and just then ultimatum begins to shrink out of sight meanwhile with the others more and more of the goblet noise begin to rush in and bombshell yells that this is getting real bad there's too many starling flies in picking bombshell up out of the group that is surrounding them but before she can get far a stray blast hits her wing and the two go falling right back into the middle of things moments later ultimatum reappears as he grows inside grabbing captain america and throwing him across the park miles quickly runs in after ultimatum and as he shrinks again miles asks where are you going why does stay one size so but that's when a loud wham can be heard as ultimatum shield slams into the back of mile's head and ultimatum asks does it hurt don't worry it won't for long because you're about to go back to where you came from as ultimatum pulls out a pocket-sized version of his machine he expands it and starts the process of teleporting miles and aaron away aaron runs towards miles telling him that they need to take out the machine when he was captured he overheard them talking about it they should be able to send these fools back if they blow that thing up while they're next to it maybe even turn these other folks back to normal since their condition is linked to the goblins presence miles says that they're going to need a reverse ionic pulse explosion how and aaron takes off his mask telling him i can do it by overloading the prowler suit miles tells him no but aaron goes on telling him that when billy's older remind that incredible little sister of yours that she once met her uncle aaron you hear me now get back aaron turns away and begins to program his suit and miles yells for him not to do it ultimatum asks you're done yapping ready to get beat down again wait no miles calls out to aaron one last time and then there's a massive explosion of electricity and light and as the smoke clears miles looks around shouting for aaron as his dad joins him and miles says that aaron's gone across the way the goblinoids all slowly revert back to their human selves and cap says that everyone is becoming normal again everything's going back to normal miles turns to him normal and cap says you all clearly knew the new prowler and jeffrey tells him that prowler was his brother cap places his hand on geoffrey's shoulder telling him that he's sorry whatever other choices prowler made this was a noble thing he did a heroic ending miles yells that's easy for you to say we're still here and cap tells him it is easy to say and you but miles stops him shouting no no more words no more speeches miles webs off and jeffrey tells cap that he didn't mean but cap stops him yes he did then he's not wrong we saved some lives but there are no winners on a night like this a week later still feeling the effects of aaron's sacrifice miles sits at the dining room table and jeffrey tells him that it's okay to let it out he knows that it hurt aaron was an uncle and a brother miles tells him that he's fine but rio says that he's not fine who does he think he's talking to take your sister please as he looks down at his little sister he begins to cry and his parents they try to comfort him later that night miles sneaks back into the park to look through the rubble and he stares at the broken machine as he says hey uncle aaron i don't know why i came here to talk to you i don't know whether you're dead or in another dimension you just know that i miss you that it's my fault you're gone and i don't know if i can keep doing this without you and as the rain begins to pour down miles falls to his knees and tears and there you have it now personally i loved this as a miles morales storyline and i don't really know how they're going to go beyond this the idea that they're dipping back into his history but not like straight up revealing it or returning him i'm really curious what's going to happen in the ultimate universe because it's kind of been hinted at and i'm wondering if marvel reborn is going to be hinting at it a lot more or actually bring it back but we won't know until the actual storyline comes out i hope you guys enjoyed this thank you so much your support and watching this full video and i will see you next week right here at another full story
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 148,488
Rating: 4.9309855 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, spider-man 3 trailer, hulk, one day spider-man, iron spider-man, marvel's spider-man, spider-man problems, real spider-man, double spider-man, marvel spider-man, spider-man 3, spiderman, spider-man in real life, spider-man miles morales
Id: ldTVR1M7CzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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