Spider's Shadow, Spider-Man Becomes Venom? - Complete Story | Comicstorian

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let's go back in time for a moment let's go back to the beginning of the symbiotes within the marvel universe the very first person to have a symbiote was spider-man and what if he never gave that up what if he became venom this is the comic story and channel where i take some of your favorite trade paperbacks in single issues and i break them down into digestible bites to help you understand then i read them dramatically back to you alterations to the panels text and images are to prevent copyright problems and all art is owned by its respective companies today we're going to be giving you the full story of spiders shadow this is a five issue mini series telling a what if style tale what if peter parker stayed venom if you end up liking the way that we're telling you this story please consider hitting that like button smashing subscribe and joining us over at patreon now i'm gonna give you the first two issues that we already covered previously on this channel we'll take a quick commercial break and then we're gonna conclude with issues three four and five let's get into spider's shadow peter can hear it in his nightmares hurry peter he runs through the darkness yelling that he's doing his best and a voice asks are you is that really true he sees images of felicia mary jane aunt may and gwen stacy asking if he is doing his best then why do so many people that he loves die peter feels the darkness wrapping around him stating that he didn't he's doing but then he wakes up shouting that he is doing his best for peter the nightmares keep getting worse things have been stressful sure but when aren't they aunt may hasn't been talking to him since he dropped out of school and he's been messing up with mj and the black cat no chance of going back to sleep now so may as well get some fresh air and shake this off yeah just shake this off as the black suit wraps itself around peter he thinks that the only easy thing lately in his life has been this suit alien material that doesn't need to be washed after fighting bad guys unlimited webbing it responds to his every thought heck it can even mimic other clothing he sort of misses the classic look the old look that didn't really strike fear into the hearts and minds of his enemies but this new one oh it does guess he could always swap it around when he feels more friendly and neighborhood just then a woman shouts for help while two muggers try to take her purse one man says that he's holding a knife and spider-man says yeah and he'll continue holding it until the webbing dissolves the cops are going to be so excited after punching the first man the second grabs the woman telling spider-man to back off but spider-man grabs the second man slamming him into the wall asking when will you ever learn people's lives aren't worth this i'm so tired of but before punching the robber he stops himself telling the old woman that he is sorry he just he gets mad he asks if that is spider-man and he tells her yes it is just added the dark to tall dark and handsome as spider-man heads back out he thinks that maybe he should try and get some sleep again he's just been feeling so tired lately and then a voice tells them no spider-man lands looking around he's not quite sure who it was and begins to think that maybe he's more tired than he thought and just as before spider-man has the same nightmare once again where he violently wakes up throwing mary jane against the wall as he lashes out mary jane yells listen it's her the door was unlocked what the hell is the matter with you peter he tells her oh god i'm sorry these these nightmares they're getting and mj tells him that it's fine actually that's why she's here she is sorry for walking out the other day knowing that he is spider-man has been hard it's hard accepting that he has this dangerous double life of situations and people she can't even wrap her head around she wanted to run away from it all but she is his friend and she can see that he is unraveling he isn't sleeping he's darker even this new look of his but as mj picks up the suit it wiggles spider-man says that it's not from around here he's sorry and she's right he doesn't know what's wrong but he'll figure it out he suits back up and heads up thinking that he might be able to get some answers from reed richards that way they can check out the suit and but as spider-man fires a web line nothing happens he begins to fall but when he uses his other hand the webbing appears and he manages to land on a rooftop spider-man says okay didn't think i could run out of webbing all the more reason to take it to wait spidey sense just then the hobgoblin rockets by laughing yelling that he'll keep coming back until they pay up [Laughter] spider-man swings down kicking hobgoblin off of his glider stating that maybe he should start getting those people to pre-pay for his services as the hobgoblin falls onto a car he throws a bomb upward blasting spider-man into a nearby building he gets up laughing stating that he's going to miss him once he finally kills the spider spider-man webs up the car that hobgoblin fell on whipping it back slamming it into him telling him i am getting real tired of this real tired of you hobgoblin coughs having a bad day and spiderman smacks him telling him i want this to be done as he rips the mask off he looks closer roderick kingsley you decided to go all in and be a super villain roderick tells him that he wanted power but spider-man punches him asking power you hurt people terrorize them for power the voice inside of spider-man's head talks to him again scare him power through fear spider-man looks at kingsley you don't know it but i am power as spider-man throws roderick down he tells him that prison is useless he'll get out just like the rest so spread the word spider-man is for keeps now the next day spider-man stops by the home of the fantastic four with the torch yelling hey reid drop your experimental device that'll make the world so much better because spidey here wants you to look at his track suit spider-man tells him to shut up he sorry he just hasn't been sleeping well and reed tells him it's okay he's been eared to analyze that suit of his shouldn't take more than half an hour or so anything unusual lately spidey there was a moment that he didn't fire a web line the other day but it seems to have fixed itself aside from that he's been really tired lately but it doesn't seem to be because of the suit because of anything the suit is making him feel stronger like he's more powerful if he's just wearing it the only time that he feels bad is when he isn't wearing it and reed says that they'll do some tests and see but as spider-man lays down he asks if it's okay that he gets some shut-eye while this is happening he doesn't want to be rude or anything reed tells him of course they'll let him know when they're done so as spider-man falls asleep torch says that spidey's been acting weird huh it's not just me reed says the spider-man is definitely not his usual self and he has some suspicions but while spider-man dozes off his nightmare comes creeping back in but slightly different this time he finds himself trying to save people but the voice tells him that it's okay sometimes he may have to hurt people to save people peter says that he can't but the voice tells him that he needs to he needs to be strong spider-man screams as he wakes up with re telling him that everything is okay the tests are done they just didn't want to disturb him while they sifted through the data spider-man says that he's sorry did he mention the nightmares and reed says that it would make sense the suit reacts to thought and he is also reacting to the suits thoughts it appears to be bonding with him physically and mentally it's not advanced material it's more of a symbiote a sentient being spiderman looks at himself oh that makes sense it makes me stronger so i must help it somehow reed says actually he'd suggest removing it immediately so they can keep it here for further examinations spiderman asks if it's really necessary and reid tells him yes it is they don't know what kind of damage the symbiote is doing to him spider-man says that this thing is alive it has a right to make choices just like he does and it chooses to be with him and he chooses to be with it they're helping each other and he can feel it to read it shouldn't be kept in a prison here reed stretches his arm out telling spidey to wait but spidey grabs his arm crushing it telling him i know a greedy scientist when i see one this isn't a science project for you to poke with a stick it's a living thing i wanted to know more about the suit and now i do thanks later that night spider-man heads to aunt mays as he tells himself that he knows that reed is just trying to help but they don't need a scientist what he needs is a rest hasn't had nightmares this bad since uncle ben died and aunt may hasn't talked to him since he dropped out but he needs to go home he needs to see her as peter knocks on the door there's someone in the trees watching him it's hobgoblin as the two sit at the table may clears her throat asking how he's been and peter says not good he knows that she's still mad at him but things have been hard everything is just spinning she's the only person on the planet who can bring him back to the stillness mae says that she shouldn't have cut him out like that she just didn't like the thought of him not living up to his amazing potential suddenly there's an explosion throwing them both to the ground and mae calls out to peter as the hobgoblin flies in spider peter save me [Music] after suiting up spider-man grabs hobgoblin and punching him into the house shouting my house kingsley hobgoblin sends his glider to knock spider-man down yelling you're the one who started this unmasking me threatening me you ruined the game spider spider-man jumps up lunging using both feet to kick home goblin through a lamp post telling him shut up hobgoblin gets up laughing telling him it hurts when you're so close to home huh spider-man picks him up punching hurts hurts you don't know what hurt is and that's what his spider sense goes off reminding him that may is still inside the burning building he quickly turns back together however as he gets close the suit stops him telling him no fire no will kill us spider-man begs the suit to let him get may out but the suit tells him cannot cannot as the house explodes with mei inside the suit tells him i'm sorry we're sorry he did this spider-man looks at hobgoblin who's walking away he did this hobgoblin holds his arm up telling him it was a mistake i but just that he suddenly webbed up telling him you're the one who started it spider-man reaches up no i wasn't but i'm going to finish this he reaches up grabbing hobgoblin by the head with both of his hands he begins to think that no matter what he does people get hurt people die but he can stop it he has the power it's time to use it and he begins to squeeze and crush kingsley's head he watches as the blood begins to drip and then he leaves letting the hobgoblin hang in the streets bleeding out from a crushed head another night passes and peter has another meeting with his suit in his sleep he says that he had it wrong he has power he has responsibility but what is that responsibility it is to save people to keep them safe but he never really keeps them safe not for long at least the symbiote tells him no you don't and peter says that he pretended to putting men in goblin masks in prison but prison to them was always a vacation time to plot and plan those plans always led to a murder in peter's life gwen stacy her father george stacy and aunt may letting bastards live was as bad as letting the robber run past him and losing uncle ben the symbiote tells him that it was his responsibility but now it is our responsibility as peter washes himself up he takes a walk in the city to try and clear his head trying to convince himself that killing hobgoblin was the right thing to do but the symbiote tells him that that is nature things live things die things forfeit their right to live peter tells the symbiote that that may be true but he still feels shame the symbiote tells him that they know not of this feeling what is shame peter tries to explain but then says he doesn't want people to find out he doesn't want mary jane too the symbiote says that people know then people fear it if people fear no one does wrong peter sighs telling him that he doesn't want people to think that he's a murderer damn it he looks in the newspaper and he sees the headline threat or menace with an image of hobgoblin on the front page peter yells that his killing the hobgoblin was justified maybe they're right maybe i need to put fear into the people meanwhile elsewhere kingpin sits in his penthouse reading the same article asking if it's true did spider-man do this kingpin's aides says the eyewitnesses saw him fighting the hobgoblin and then well snapping is the word most often used kingpin takes a deep breath as he stands up that is unfortunate the only thing that made these superheroes tolerable was their inseparable codes nuisances but never any real danger my criminal empire can handle a five percent deficient due to spider-man's interference but it cannot tolerate his death it would seem that the time has come to make some calls later at the daily bugle joni yells to robbie that they will post whatever they need to spider-man is a murderer and the people of the world need to know robbie shuts the door to the office telling him that they need to do this carefully they don't know what happened out in queens it could be a different man in that suit it isn't as clear-cut as jonah thinks jonah scoffs once the door closes and when he sits back down he sees an outline of someone standing in his window seconds later spider-man crashes and screaming for jonah slamming him into the wall jonah yells for him to get his hands off but spider-man grabs a hold of his hand telling him i don't care anymore jonah he smashes his hand into the wall asking isn't this what you wanted you've been whipping up the city for years telling him that i'm a criminal when all i've done is help people jonah struggles and spider-man pulls him back crushing jonah's hand into his telling him that it looks like they both got what they wanted he'll be helping people more and he'll be a criminal jonah screams as he falls to his knees telling him you you broke my a spider-man tells him that if there is one more word about him in that paper he'll come back and break the other hand so the days start to go by no word from peter and mary jane stops by his apartment asking if he's home she says that she hasn't seen him since the funeral and well the news has been stating oh my god she walks into the room and sees peter suspended in the air by the symbiote asking what is going on peter asks if that is her sorry mj it probably looks really strange but honestly it's incredibly comfortable mary jane says that he hasn't been answering his phone and peter says that they have been busy she asks what does he mean by they the bugle even the other papers are stating that that spider-man is is it true peter are you murdering people peter stares for a moment and then says that he could have saved her if he had made that decision earlier she asks what decision and peter tells her the one where he decides who will live hobgoblin a piece of trash underworld killer or on may the kindest person i've ever known mj it's all it's all decisions life is decisions and they're not for everyone but i have the power to make those decisions which means i'm finally making them he suits up jumping out the window telling the symbiote that was horrible and they ask why i can't stand seeing mj her knowing what we've done humans won't understand they live in fear of their choices i'm human though no you're more than human we are much more than human as spider-man swings through the city his spider sense goes crazy and suddenly a giant explosion goes off behind him shocker calls out telling him that he's digging the new look what's up spidey usually can't shut you without even responding spider-man flings himself over kicking shocker with both feet off of the building he then swings off telling him that he's just a second-rate thief no way you'd come alone spider-man grabs the attacking tale of scorpion as scorpion asks yo is this for real are you a bad guy now spider-man still doesn't respond instead using the symbiote to fill scorpion's mouth beginning to suffocate him once he lands on the ground spider-man walks over to shocker and shocker tells him oh god fisk was right he lashes out with another blast missing spider-man but the shock wave hits a building causing debris to fall on a mother protecting her child spider-man looks back at the mother and then to shock her and everything goes black later in kingpin's apartment kingman sits by a fire reading a book when he hears a voice telling him to get up he closes the book he stands up and he says i wasn't expecting you so soon one of shocker's bloody arms is thrown to the ground and when kingpin looks up he sees spider-man holding the two ripped awful limbs of the scorpion kingpin takes his glasses when they said that you murdered the hobgoblin i had my men research the woman who died in the fire mae parker to provoke such a reaction she must have been someone close to you our best match was a man named peter parker you and when i went about investigating seeing if there was any other family someone that i could threaten no one showed up so incredibly sad you have no one everyone you ever loved is but before kingpin could even finish his evil villain a monologue spider-man punches him in the head causing his skull to shatter later doc contacts mysterio craven electro in rhino and tells them that with the loss of fisk shocker and scorpion spider-man's next targets will most likely be them craven tells them that he agrees they can no longer hide themselves it is time to band together and strike and doc ock says that there is only one of them here who has seen the new spider-man up close what do you think mr jameson jonah sits up in a chair telling them spider-man needs to be stopped i tried to warn everyone for years he's a killer i know all of you should be behind bars spider-man is the most dangerous villain of you all and we need to stop him whatever the cost doc ock says that they are all in agreement then craven will draft up a plan and get back to them good evening gentlemen as the call ends doc ock asks if there have been any sightings and the agents tell him no maybe they should lure him out doc ock scratches his chin absolutely not we're going to wait for craven what we need to do is start getting things ready and arming our men once this is over we will take out the others along with spider-man we can't trust any of them and as the agents leave one stage and doc ock asks if there's something wrong did he not make himself clear the agent pulls out a knife stabbing doc ock telling him oh i understood doc ock falls to the ground terence what the man takes off his mask sorry doc name's eddie eddie brock and i can't just let you go and kill spider-man that's my job and those are the two issues that we've already covered here at the channel now we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with the conclusion to this story after years of getting ripped off by big wireless providers and tons of fine print contracts it's time to say enough and get a phone plan that saves money without sacrificing quality well mint mobile is just the thing mint mobile offers premium wireless plans starting at just 15 bucks a month that's it all plans come with an unlimited talk and text plus high speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5g network you can even use your own 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from the globe where's octavius eddie says that he isn't coming and he was fired because spider-man ruined his life he lost everything and all he wants is revenge but what could an ordinary guy do against that monster nothing jonah asks are you all okay with this and craven chimes in every sword added to our battle brings us closer to victory jonah takes a moment looking around so this is it this is where it's gonna happen mysterio tells him that he can say it this is where they're going to kill spider-man if we do it in the city the other heroes may be a problem but we planted a bug to bring him out here now it's just a matter of waiting for our revenge elsewhere peter is driving down a secluded road thinking that he let the monsters run rampant the monsters and the cowards beetle gave them up just took a little bit of persuasion and now what is he the suit whispers to him you're saving lives and peter slams on the brakes to think telling himself yeah i'm saving lives back at the house jonah goes out on watch with eddie and as they stand there he asks so this is revenge to you you really blame spider-man for ruining your life and he tells him yeah and jonah tells him you were fired because you accused the wrong man of being sin eater on the front page of your paper and then spider-man caught the real killer sounds to me like someone is just blaming others for there but before he could finish jonah hears something crawling out of the woods he walks over with his flashlight and as he shines it up he sees beetle's body hung up in the trees and he shouts to the group he's here and mysterio runs out telling everyone remember the plan activate the goggles you'll be able to see reality while the image inducers terrorize spider-man as the world around them begins to change and shift everyone looks around with mysterio asking craven where are you craven meanwhile is out in the forest looking for someone particular someone with a suit whose tendrils lash out piercing mysterio's helmet and suddenly the world changes back spider-man hid in the ground craven yells for everyone to spread out so they can draw out this alien version of spider-man but peter burst out of the ground i'll make it easy rhino shouts as he stampedes in but spider-man uses the suit to create a blade on his arm slashing at rhino's face tearing off his horn he turns to the group is this your trap how many times have we fought before how many times have i stopped you eddie lunges out telling him you've never fought me before but peter kicks him away i don't even know who the hell you are elector tries to shock him but peter laughs it off and then he notices the fire by his feet craven yells for everyone to get into the barn and that's when jonah charges in with his mech suit grabbing spider-man by the throat running in spider-man is quickly trying to rip himself free but craven throws a net to secure him letting the fire burn him as the suit is recoiling from the heat peter's face appears and he asks jonah please help i'm not craven runs over grabbing more fuel to end it to add more to the fire and with an explosion jameson runs out holding peter's body craven then declares the hunt is concluded as the spear is raised craven is then hit in the back of the head with a large metal pipe as jonah quietly says damn it damn it peter why did it have to be you a short amount of time passes and peter wakes up in jonah's van asking where are they and are they dead jonah tells them everyone except craven and brock ock craven's out cold brock is going to the hospital peter holds his face this is all my fault i just i had these flashes shocker scorpion so many jonah tells him that it sounds like he didn't do it it sounds like the suit made him into a monster though that doesn't explain the previous 10 years of him being a wall crawling menace peter finally picks himself up i can feel it it's in my head it's in my heart i don't think it's dead and as they are driving away the symbiote is latched onto the back of the van later in peter's apartment jonas stumbles in holding peter and mj runs over asking what happened what is going on and peter tells her that he couldn't break free doesn't know if he ever wanted to break free mj tells him that there's no time they have to get him out of here and jonah then asks what is she going on about and black cat says that the cops just left and she is pretty sure that they're watching the place it seems that wilson fisk had one final move in the event of his death spider-man's identity got let out jonah looks out the window and they all see all of the officers storming the building meanwhile elsewhere a voice says that it wasn't his fault they loved him he loved them it started to fall apart here see with the smart man the smart man knows how to do a lot of things besides interfere i can help you all see peter shows you with power that you can save everyone as the symbiote bonds with reed richards the thing is also slowly being infected by the symbiote that they kept over back in the apartment peter walks out wearing his original spider-man costume stating that he can still feel the alien suit out there and he's going to find it he doesn't want any of them to stick around and deal with the cops so it's time that they all get the hell out of there once they get to the roof peter says that he's gonna go see reed he was studying the suit in the symbiote maybe he knows but jonah yells back at him do you think you're gonna cut me out of this you're going to the bugle to tell the story properly peter snaps telling him that for once in his stubborn life listen to me jonah and go home this thing could be after you as well peter jumps holding mj telling her that he'll let them know when it's safe but before he could get very far he stops to look at the baxter building seeing it covered in the black goo from his suit he falls to his knees realizing that it's already gotten a read mj tells him that it's not his fault that the suit is evil but peter pulls up the mask telling her that that's the thing he doesn't think that the suit is evil it just heightens how you're feeling god help me i wanted to kill my enemies i was tired of the constant onslaught of friends and family dying because because i didn't know what i should have done mj stops him telling him it isn't him he's the person that she knows and it's because he isn't some perfect man who does good it's because he does good despite not being perfect despite that anger that he feels it's easy to do good when you're perfect but he has that anger in him that dark side he fights it and he wins he is the man that ben and may raised that means beating the darkness so go get him tiger show the world who you really are as peter and mj stare for a moment down on the ground level of the baxter building captain america tells the officers to push the barriers back to the two-block radius iron man looks at a scanner telling him that he can't figure it out he isn't getting any readings through this goo if this is some sort of hostage situation they still don't know what they want but spider-man walks up i know what it wants it wants me johnny runs over unbelievable this is all your fault reid told you to take the suit off and now him and ben are trapped in there peter begins to tell him that he's sorry but johnny goes back to yelling and sue separates them peter tells them i know that fire is his weakness torch could but iron man stops him telling him that they already tried that whatever this is it's impervious to whatever they throw at it based on what johnny told them about reed's initial observations of the suit they suspect that the symbiote has taken control of reed and his brain to make the substance stronger spider-man walks up telling him that he can feel the suit it's trying to get him to come inside so he looks at cap and he unmasks himself i know you all see me as the joker but i'm telling you right now man-to-man face to face it will never take control of me again as he gets ready to head inside a hole opens up allowing him to enter and mj says that he shouldn't have done this alone he forces a smile it's okay this is my fault my responsibility i've got this as he walks in mj runs in behind and johnny follows right up to but the entrance closes off with peter looking around asking what the hell are you doing mj tells him that he can be mad later and johnny says he can be man forever for all he cares peter tells them fine we have to find the lamp mj looks around seeing all of the people trapped in the baxter building realizing that they're alive in some kind of a trance peter realizes that this is beyond what he thought the suit could do mj takes one of the guns as johnny blows open the elevator doors stating that they can use the shaft to get up as peter runs in telling mj to wait he and johnny make their way up the elevator shaft and a voice calls out to johnny hey matchstick mind if i strike ya the thing bursts in slamming into johnny storm launching him into the wall causing him to explode the elevator doors blow open and peter coughs pulling out his half burned body onto the floor but before he could get very far think grabs him by the head slamming him into the ground asking where are you going don't you know the big guy wants to see ya peter coughs up more blood trying to crawl away the thing asks him didn't you hear me let's go peter throws himself back punching the thing telling him i'm angry and when i'm angry i'm unstoppable no quips no pulling punches and ben can take it peter begins to give thing everything that he's got but thing punches through with a powerful punch throwing him into the wall as thing laughs pulling the webbing off of his face peter webs up on the sides of the wall behind the thing launching himself forward kicking thing out of the building and out with the others meanwhile up in the lab johnny tries to radio to peter but a voice tells him don't worry he'll be here soon enough johnny looks up to see the elongated infected reed richards asking what are you doing man the symbiote laughs this isn't read not exactly though we've been using his impressive brain peter wanted to save everyone and that's what we're going to do see we just needed more of us we've been working on others peter will understand peter we'll see johnny shouts as he fires a blast at the symbiote but the symbiote deflects it not now we don't care much for fire but the children they're a different breed as the symbiote activates the computer there's a massive explosion of a goo from the top of the building reigning the symbiotes down onto the streets below back inside johnny yells to peter over the radio that he needs help and peter finally manages to pick himself up with johnny yelling that the symbiote has armor on fire isn't the symbiote knocks johnny down interrupting his sentence telling him that he needs a lot to read and it'd be a shame to but at that moment the symbiote is shot from behind as mj tells him okay back away from the man peter hears the gunshot over the radio shouting what are you doing this can't be happening what am i gonna do what am i gonna do i'm chased up there at that moment cap and the others now infected with the symbiotes begin to climb in the windows there's a pull in the back of spider-man's mind telling him to get up this is on him mary jane is in danger because of him he needs to get up peter shakes his head as his spidey sense begins to go crazy remembering what exactly it is that he's fighting a bunch of symbiote infected superheroes as they get closer peter radio's over to johnny telling him that they're here in the building he needs to get mj and get out over in reed's lab johnny tells him that he is way ahead of him mj begins to step back after firing the gun again and the symbiote tells her that it was her who caused all of this when i tried to bond with peter you were on his mind his love for you caused him to falter to never commit mj stops peter loves me and the symbiote tells her he thinks he does but you're nothing but an obstacle to a better him johnny flies by stating hey how about you ease up on the lady huh and he grabs her by the hand rocketing out of the baxter building back in the lobby the infected hero suddenly stop and turn back with peter asking what is going on johnny yells that they may have bought him some time see if there's anything in the lab to stop this so peter races up the elevator shaft who reads lab stating that if anything happens to mj he will kill no it's anger that's what the suit fed on i have to focus right now i need to be the man that oughtmay believed me to be meanwhile out on the streets sue sees the heroes chasing johnny she hurries in to assist with her force fields to get her close to the fight cap throws his shield into johnny's back causing him to release mj but sue saves her telling her not to worry it's going to be okay and the symbiote yells no that's really not back in the lab peter looks through reed's inventions trying to learn more about the symbiote seeing that all of the children symbiotes are synthesized using elements of the main symbiote and reads unstable molecule formula which means that if he can find a way to stop the main symbiote the others will die like putting a stake in the heart of the original vampire and he realizes what a symbiote's weakness to fire is he begins to try and figure something out but then he realizes that ben's still here he radios over the comms telling johnny to hurry back to the building and try to lose reid to give them some time johnny turns to his sister i don't know what the plan is but i'm gonna put my faith in spider-man for once god help us back at the baxter building peter climbs out onto the roof with the symbiote stating this is so easy we'll be together again soon and nothing can stop us and peter tells the symbiote that he knows that at the root of all of this it's love it's twisted but it's love he could take him over in a second but how satisfying would that be just forcing peter parker to take the symbiote back if the symbiote agrees to let mary jane live and stop possessing the others he'll hand himself over willingly he'll become the symbiote host again the symbiote smiles agreed but this one is too smart we can't have him trying to stop things the symbiote releases reed and then stabs him in the chest letting his lifeless body fall to the streets below peter screams but no time to waste he swallows his anger and jumps down into the building webbing up the hole the symbiote easily cuts the webbing scoffing where are you going there's nothing in the lab that can hurt me anymore it's just us together and as the symbiote begins to bond back with peter it notices something wrong and peter smiles stating flame on and the entire upper level of the baxter building explodes using the image inducer that reed made for ben after the fantastic fours returned from space johnny used it to look like peter and while the real peter and mj were watching the explosion from a safe distance after that peter turned himself in fisk had stolen any possibility of being able to disappear into his life as peter parker the trial was quick because the symbiotes had taken control of the other heroes as well their testimonies about feeling helpless and not being in control went a long way he was found not guilty and hearing those words is like having a crushing weight lifted off of his shoulders he was a free man and he visited the grave of aunt may and uncle ben to say that it's so terrible so much death so much destruction and he feels horrible but he's never been happier and how is that possible mj kisses his cheek telling him that life isn't about one thing or the other it's about all of it all he can do is be his best and push towards happiness when possible peter asks her how is he supposed to be spider-man after everything that has happened off in the distance sue walks down the path asking mj if she could have a chat with peter for a moment mj knotts and sue tells him that they wanted him to know that they all know reed's death wasn't on him none of them are strangers to tragedy one of their first tragedies was a damned rocket flight that gave them powers it turned ben into the thing and nobody knows this but reed almost died from the guilt of that and instead of succumbing he did something remarkable he took tragedy and that guilt and he turned it into something good he helped ben he helped all of them become heroes he reminded them that they all have to look on the other side of tragedy for meaning she hands peter a pen telling him that they can all move forward together as peter really looks at it he sees the pin as the fantastic four's insignia the good the bad it all brings them to where they are and they get to decide where they're going the nightmares are over for now and the future will be fantastic and that's it that is the conclusion to spider shadow there's a little bit of an epilogue but it basically just shows you that the symbiote is still around but overall what did you guys think of this fun what if i actually really loved this story and it's going to be going into my collection and if you want to also get your hands on a copy of this book make sure you click the link down below and uh go check out amazon go pick it up for yourself pre-order it that's what i've done anyway guys if you enjoyed this please consider hitting that like button smash that subscribe button and join us over at patreon or pick up the book yourself or you know just go to your local comic book store and get involved in the community that is comic books we like having new people here either way guys thank you so much and i hope you enjoyed this ending here and i hope you enjoyed the finale of the whole thing
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 146,490
Rating: 4.9607611 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, superhero, miles morales, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, venom, venom scene, venom let there be carnage, venom 2, venom 2018, venom let there be carnage trailer, venom tom hardy, venom movie, we are venom, venom hd, venom trailer, tom hardy, venom 2021, spiderman, spider-man, spider-man no way home
Id: ybA7zOENS3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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