Spider-Man "A New Beginning to a Death... Hunted Story" Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics torreón you see on this channel we take a lot of your favorite issues be it one issue all the way up to six issues and we tell you the story that happens within those comic books well as time goes on and series are created sometimes you'll have things like Spider Man issue 1 through 25 on our channel but if you don't know where the playlist is it's harder to find that storyline so we eventually create these full stories easier ways for you to see what is going on in your favorite comic and what happened in a larger span of issues today we're going to be covering Spider Man hunted which is Nick Spencer's amazing spider-man run when he took over with issue 1 if you guys enjoy this please consider going over to our Twitter and following us at comics torreón and don't forget to subscribe to the channel because we bring you a full story episode every Monday and all those little bitty parts all throughout the week I hope you guys enjoy the video there's a reason we all tell ourselves stories details they focus on the ones we leave out the order we put them in at all matters sometimes a lot it's those stories that get us through the day or the hard times as Peter Parker there's one story that I play over while everything else goes wrong it's the one where I'm on top of the world where I feel safest where I'm loved because we're all together I even see to my sleep that is if I get any Peters then woken up by a loud boom and he begins to hear one of his roommates Fred Myers or as some of the other heroes know him as the super villain boomerang shouting at a video game Peter sighs as he starts to get dressed wishing that he never had roommates but his other Randy Robertson son of his current and best friend kinda helps Peter grumbles to himself why he's even up at 5:40 in the morning and Randy asks why is he complaining didn't you have an early morning press conference at ESU anyway Peter tells him no that's Tuesday and Randy says what day do you think it is after making an awkward face Peter tells him the other Tuesday but in Peters defense he's had a lot on his mind like right now those weird alien facehuggers invaded earth and it's taking all planets best heroes to just hold them back but when Spiderman shows up the other heroes weren't exactly thrilled to see him which is completely understandable actually Kraig flashback a few weeks ago Peter went to go stop the kingpin from well just being an all-around bad guy except for some reason and people may think it's because of the reality stone Wilson Fisk became elected mayor of New York but instead of doing something nefarious kingpin was offering him the key to the city at first Peter thought maybe this is a good thing just think of all the doors that he could open up with a giant key Peter then said wait this is some kind of a trick I'm gonna stick to regular sized keys carrying this Jackie would be awful to lug around but it may not have done a Peter that moment but his instincts were right kingpin wasn't offering in the key to the city out of the kindness of his heart kingpin knew what he was doing he knew that Spiderman was the type of person that seeks approval from everyone around him so what would happen if he managed to say have the world's reject him as kingpin he could attack and hunt down the wall crawler and it would be a much better situation if he could isolate him create a rift between him and all of those that he seeks admiration from now we flash-forward back to where we are and we see Peter at this press conference at ESU now some would think why would Peter be so proud of being the size editor at The Daily Bugle when he used to run a billion-dollar company well that's because in this position he worked his way from the bottom selling freelance pictures of spider-man to Jay jonah Jameson to get the respect of his peers as the presentation begins city Lawton the girl he graduated with takes the stage to tell everyone that they face a problem that has exploded in the recent years cheating their schools are ill-equipped to handle these types of plagiarists for example Amanda Clarke still used a transdimensional doorway to find an alternate reality version of herself that happened to be a genius and have her write her paper Michael Prescott bribed a hidden cell of squirrel refugees to help him falsify control results in a paper that was published in three separate academic journals and finally and perhaps the saddest of them all is Ricky London he literally sold his soul to mephesto in exchange for a passing score that's why we're working on our new program called The Watcher The Watcher uses cutting-edge anti plagiarism technology that incorporates cerebro tech to celebrate this moment she'd like to call on one of their own recent alumni former head of parker industries in current science editor mr. peter parker everyone claps as peter heads to the stage but before he could say anything cindy goes on stating that she has a paper here that peter wrote when he was a grad student watcher here we'll review it and determine its sourcing the paper is titled determining patterns in the random chaos theory and the probability of distribution Peter looks up and realizes something this isn't going to end well the scan finishes in the computer shouts fraudulent analysis confirmed real author dr. Otto Octavius now there is a simple explanation for this everyone this happened during the period where Otto Octavius had taken over the body of Peter Parker he was Peter Parker and while being Peter Otto found out that Peter never finished his graduate studies and decided to do it himself the problem with that he would have to reveal to everyone that he has spider-man which is something that he can't do so now everyone thinks Peter Parker former head of Parker Industries is a fraud in turn that leads him to losing the respect of his peers and even costing him his job at the bugle and the one person who actually understands all of this well she finds it all extra funny at least Mary Jane's someone understands the situation but the worst person to find out is on Meg Peter wanted to explain everything that happened with Otto but he couldn't so flash forward to right now her Peter is head deep in alien facehuggers with no chance of the kicker to this whole thing is that he even reworked Otto's paper and came up with a better theory based on movement patterns wait there is a pattern here these alien portals they're interconnected if you could find the right one Peter climbs up but he makes his way to one of the portals and black cat asks them what the hell are you doing Peter tells her something that will stop these guys or something that will cause me to die a horrible painful death so who knows but if I do die by Felicia as Peter gets closer to the portal he prays to God that that wasn't his last joke all he wanted to do was help people he wasn't doing this with a glory of it all everyone in his life they helped him every time he wanted to stop and because of them it was all worth it yeah he could live with that being the end of his story but then again we don't get to choose these types of things and just then Peter smacks into the windshield of a ship piloted by Mysterio mysterious shout these fools believe they're under attack from another world little do they know that it is I must eerie Oh Peter knocks in the window and Mysterio looks back and he sighs well fun while it lasted later beating up a serial and hanging him from the side of a building he says that he wanted to try something different I felt like he was in a rut always trying the same thing over and over making the same mistakes so he thought why not just try to murder everyone at once go for the brass ring make that one big gesture to turn his whole lousy life around does it make any sense Peter tells them actually it does it really makes sense thanks bobblehead it is now at this moment that Peter realizes that even with everything going wrong everything coming down he's lost maybe coming here was a mistake all he knows is that he needs her with him now we go to him explaining all of this to Mary Jane and how he got here and the beginning of our new spider-man story to a glorious beginning Mary Jane tells him whoa whoa whoa take it easy she kisses him and then leans back telling him we're in this together we always have been the next morning in Mary Jane's apartment Mary Jane tells Peter morning tiger sleep okay Peter says that he did but he has to admit that he woke up every hour to make sure she was still there she hugs him telling him yeah she's still here she's kind of processing everything though Peters is yeah that's something always got in our way and Mary Jane last telling him well I guess it's a good thing that it's not going to be a problem anymore right we've been given a chance to start over sure the circumstances are a little unusual but the thing is I love you and I never we stopped as she gets out of bed Peter says maybe they could you know just stay here a bit longer Mary Jane asks doesn't he have a class to get to which she's not wrong about he is supposed to meet Curt Connors all-around good guy he turns into a not-so-good giant sewer monster with alarming regularity and now he's running wild on Empire State campus Peter tells the students of Kurt to not panic he's going to need them all to exit the building wait didn't you hear him that's the lizard and in his lizard form Curt tells the class pleased to accept my apologies this is one of my former assistants Peter Parker Peter asks why are you introducing me and why are these people not being eaten Cindy clears her throat stating that professor Connors here is not any threat to anyone he's an esteemed member of their faculty Curt says please give him a moment and then he begins to change back into his human form stating that this might to make things a little easier Peter asked what's going on and Curt tells him it's all right and perfectly understandable given my past history but these days I have these mutations into the lizard very much under control thanks to a surgically embedded atom entia encased inhibitor chip with it if I'm the lizard and tried to harm any human being even so much as a hiss in the wrong direction that chip will paralyze me till I eventually revert back to my human form it's a breakthrough that we pioneered right here in this very class Peter says right so how were you able to teach again Cindy tells in essence professor Connors generously signed over dozens of patents they felt it was only fair to give him a chance provided he could address their concerns regarding the safety of his students that is Peter says that he's still a little confused he was told about an opportunity and Curt says isn't it obvious I'd like you to join this class it would seem that you have some reservations on the subject peter tells him it's not that he doesn't appreciate the offer it's just not really what he saw himself doing he's already got a lot on its plate and Curt says really you just lost a job at a major ethics scandal you don't need to explain it I'm sure there's more to the story than there seems to be right now I just wanted to return the favor for all of your help all of these years this is an accelerated program for the best of mine what better chance than to work with the head of parker industries we aren't doing this for the school it's just for us to have the pure joy of discovery Peter laughs haha science for science sake and Curt says that's it underneath all the perpetually running late and we're talking to yourself habit there's a truly brilliant mind in there mr. Parker Plus before you make a decision there's something that you must see Kurt shows Peter a machine Peter asks what is it - so Curt tells him yes the isotope genome accelerator and Peter asks what is that doing here this thing can do some crazy stuff like I don't know cause a radioactive spider to bite someone on the hand and turn them into spider-man but as Peters quietly thinking that to himself Kirk goes on stated that as they know the accelerator is often used to transmute characteristics from one organism to another so what they're trying to do is reverse engineer the effects so they can isolate and divide the hybrid properties Peter says like a lizard in a human huh Curt tells him precisely which is why I was in my other form when you came in diagnostic tests and but just that a voice calls out to put the pencils down the test is over everyone looks over they see taskmaster and black ant charging into the classroom Curt quickly changes into the lizard but as he tries to attack he's frozen in place by the inhibitor Peter sighs asking really the one time we could have used the lizard he begins to think about how he can change into spider-man and not be seen and then he comes up with an idea he asks taskmaster if that's a mask or his real face taskmaster grabs him saying what did you say and ant-man says not cool man he's sensitive about that Peter then goes on telling him oh I'm sorry it's just I know it used to be a mask but then I heard something happened then a superhero rip off your face was a Wolverine I bet it was him taskmaster throws Peter into a table of chemicals and while everyone is looking away he mixes two of the liquids creating a smoke bomb taskmaster begins to cough asking what the hell is that Peter jumps through in costume telling him science happened sorry if that doesn't sound very intimidating taskmaster grabs Peter from behind and just as Black Ant returns to his normal size peter webs up his face pulling him forward as Black Ant gets closer Peter jumps behind taskmaster grabbing his head slamming it into black ants a mask with them knocked out Peter says I guess I should be going because it looks like everyone's ok well almost everyone here pal let me give you a hand wait hey wait a sec I know you as peter reaches down to help someone that person is also Peter Parker the next day Peter decides it's time to try and live a normal life by going to the bowling alley with Mary Jane and his roommate Randy also Randy's ex Nora because what's a double date without inviting someone's ex as Nora says that they can settle their difference with the game she gets a notification on her phone she plays the video clip and it's the news reporting that there's total anarchy the streets of lower Manhattan Mary Jane whispers a scamp he needs to go and Peter says he actually does it meanwhile over in Manhattan the buildings are destroyed and trampled by the Tri Sentinel one of the officers on the scene calls to dispatch that they're going to need the Avengers for this one the tri sentinels loose again and just then a familiar voice says listen to him new cops this guy knows his stuff he wins the Daily Double on today's obscure supervillain jeopardy just then spider-man swings by to fight the Tri Sentinel now some would wonder how is Peter Parker in two different places at once and that is a completely valid question you see what happened is when taskmaster and Black Ant attacked the ESU Peter provokes taskmaster to throw him so that he could get away from everyone to change into costume but what happened was Peter accidentally turned on the isotope genome accelerator the one that Curt Connors was trying to reverse-engineer by splitting organisms while the result is that we have two Peter Parker's the two tests at each other to make sure that each of them was the real deal but this leads the question who's going to be spider-man the real Peter quickly learned that with all of this happening his other half was the one who had gained his spider powers he tried to climb up a building and he fell off he almost got hit by a car because he doesn't have a spidey sense as well it's weird though instead of being the hero looking down and everyone really takes it the bad guy he's now the guy in the crowd looking up watching spider-man take out the bad guy maybe this could be the start of something new a chance to settle down go back to school get a job that he's not constantly fired from all of that was going well until he received a text from Curt asking if he had come in while spider-man goes and deals of the Tri Sentinel rampaging the city Peter takes the subway over to ESU Curt asks if he's given any thought about joining the class and Peter says that actually thinking about a non-stop he was just wondering if maybe he could have a little more time to decide he's really grateful but his life is kind of Kurt stops him crazy never gonna change Peter a new quarter starts in a week so you have until then but really I wanted to take a look at something something big Kurt turns on a monitor and on it is a labyrinth Kurt tells me is Horatio they've been watching him and wanted him to make him the first test subject of their experiment here Horatio would run the maze in record time and now after exposing him to the converted accelerator there are two Horatio's when tested again a ratio to would run the maze with no issues of the original one would get stuck when Horatio one was placed on a wheel he would outperform Horatio two if you could please bring me and row gauge over would you test Peter says surety looks over at the tool and he notices that he doesn't really know what any of them are which means that spider-man got his science smarts as Curt grabs when he needs Peter asks what's next and Curt says well we obviously can't do human testing it's simply too dangerous Peter says wait did you say dangerous cartels um yes as I see it they don't know how these abilities are divided or even the scope of it it's simply aptitude and learned behaviors or it could be something deeper like for instance emotional states or moral beliefs but then each of them is a careful balancing act of opposing forces what sort of person might be left if only half of you made it out imagine a train two soldiers separated from their conscious or training to protect civilians or a world-class surgeon who suddenly had no commitment to his oath do no harm Peter thinks to himself that these are certainly possibilities there's a push and pull inside of all of them and how they resolve it determines everything about who they are it's between you guessed it power and responsibility over in Manhattan spider-man rides the try sense at all to the ground screaming yeah ah as the days go by spider-man continued to save the city with his newly acquired try Sentinel but he wasn't really doing much good his fight with Stagg run wiped out an entire wing of the Museum of Natural History the fight with Hydra man knocked out the power grid from Columbia Circle to Bronx and cyclone well less said about that the better but even with all of that spider-man still does get to do cool things sitting courtside at basketball games gossiping with celebrities on talk shows even cashing in on sponsors maybe you should go talk to him you know see how he can uber hero he's gone too far spider-man is now selling rides of swinging around the city out on the city spider-man drops his uber passenger telling him not to forget to rate him five stars and now you can leave a tip just then he gets a notification for a new ride that has been added to its queue and Peter asks can you give an old friend a lift maybe we can talk on the way spider-man webs up a building telling him actually you could never afford it surge pricing anyways bye Peter uses his web-shooter webbing of spider-man's legs and he gets pulled up into the air spider-man looks back come on dude what are you doing as Peter is flailing behind him he shouts we got it Chuck we have a problem spider-man asks you have a problem of your life shocker spider-man lands in a building it doesn't look things might be going bad for Peter Parker but spider-man thinks ago I'm pretty sweet besides the city has never been safer didn't you see my awesome spider bot watch I'll call it now it's parked over on the Statue of Liberty Peter Dunne's no don't call that thing you idiot or not protecting the city you're trashing it we never did any of this stuff for money or fame we'd do it to help people remember the last time we acted this way not caring about anything around us it was the night that Uncle Ben died spider-man looks at him sorry but who poor Peter could even try to explain spider-man webs him up and tells him look don't try and follow me this time okay later once that webbing dissolves Peter heads back to Kurt's class and he sees the students holding a vigil for horatio 1 & 2 Peter asked what going on and Kurt said to the sad day both of their test subjects oratio wanted to passed away this morning the class is really broken up about it it would seem that this was an end to all of their hard work Peter then asks what does he mean and Kurt explains that their experiment turned out to have fatal after-effects it's hard to say but it seems that the longer the two doppelgangers are isolated the worse their separation symptoms became it started benign enough loss of learned skills behavioral issues but it seemed to progress to more serious memory loss things an escalator rapidly from there essentially motor function spatial awareness cognitive ability all declined into well it's like they needed their other half and without it they're nothing thankfully we never tested this on humans Peter nervously lives yeah hey Kevin's okay so let's recap everything Peter Parker is spider-man no more and also spider-man is not Peter Parker anymore they were separated it's going badly though too not only a spider-man saving the city with no regard for the destruction he's creating but he also has no sense of personal responsibility for it and it turns out that the experiment that defied them may end up killing the both of them the only chance that they've got now is to use the isotope genome accelerator to reverse all of this however there's some problems with that as well first she has no way of getting it and there's no way that he could explain everything to doc Connors about giving up his identity he could call black cat but that could be more complicated than before well Felicia isn't the only thief that he knows there's also boomerang his roommate so after a night of talking rather loudly about how there's no security at ESU and how the isotope genome accelerator is just begging to be stolen boomerang took the bait after that it was a matter of stealing the stolen goods from the thief and later up on a building Peter calls the spider-man who's comfortably relaxing in a web hammock stating this ends now spider-man shows up telling him hi what's up and Peter says why do you seem so distracted spider-man tells him oh no reason just the giant robot army flying overhead Peter thinks to himself that it's just like the saying goes while you're making plans that's when life happens also when armies a try sentinels attack cuz the try sentinels land spider-man starts to run away and Peter shouts asking where are you going spider-man said sure I could get myself killed trying to save a few tourists now or I could run away and save countless tourists and the years to come when things are less scary Peter looks back seeing spider-man not playing attention to the Tri Sentinel right behind him and as it fires Peter gets hit with a blast while pushing spider-man away spider-man runs back yelling oh that's sorry Laplace came out of nowhere Peter coughs telling ya don't really know how your spider sense it and warned you spider-man tells him white oh yeah spider sense is kind of a drag so I turned it off it's hard to get through an episode of West world and nothing's going off all the time Peter tells them you could turn it off as veterans as sure as long as you don't mind the occasional sharp blinding pain every once in a while Peter groans stating at least I'm gonna go out saving someone's life hopefully Uncle Ben would have been proud spider misses dude why do you keep saying the name of the delicious brand of instant rice you know what it doesn't matter I will avenge your death from now on I am Peter man protector of the mediocre guys who never really made anything out of themselves Peter says that maybe this is needed then finally understand that with great power must also come great responsibility spider-man stares for a moment it says yeah and spider-man sighs telling him it was worth a try maybe webs up the accelerator and pulls it off the Lynch as it crashes onto the ground there's a bright blue explosion going off and spider-man says that was a pretty good shot looks like we're about to sing a really moving duet here spider-man says man you never get out of knowing the jokes are until you're on the other side of them suddenly the two Peters begin to merge and from the blast peter webs now shouting ya can already feel myself trying to be funny again it's me spider bot seconds later the commandeered try sentinel slams into another try sentinel with peter getting to work reprogramming all of them and once the last of them is destroyed and rewired peter tells the others to leave the city and return back to where they came the place that they came from happens to be an old hideout of the life foundation which makes sense since they were the last ones he used try sentinels they then went under years ago so maybe mendel strum on the ground is the broken left4dead shell of a mendel strum Peter hurries over telling him to hang on he'll get him some help and Mendel stops telling him guessing my name yes my and he passes away Peter asks what is that supposed to mean and that's when his spider sense peak is to go off the charts all of those reprograms a try sentinels begins to shout gosh my name gosh my time and they all started rushing into the building shooting into the central computer and as the building collapses all around them Peter is confused he's standing there with the entire situation resolved and he doesn't know why simply asks okay what happened later in a government interrogation room taskmaster and black can sit down with Garrett stone of Homeland Security to discuss their latest job Garrett tells them the last week they tried to steal the isotope genome accelerator who hired them like ants I stated that this was really disheartening and taskmaster says yeah we're shield Garrett tells them the shield no longer exists in black and shelf that's a travesty look at this we're being interviewed by guys in suits black ant a taskmaster continued to make jokes and there's a sudden explosion at an aircraft waiting outside taskmaster yells see this is why you never interrogate a super villain in a room with an exterior wall oh and by the way we were after no damn genome accelerator the guy who hired us playing a totally different game and over in an unsanctioned jungle a man starts picking himself up stated that he's so sorry he was just looking for a little adventure something to brag about to the guys back at home the man tells him you're sh struggled to survive I miss predators of all kinds I understand it better than anyone could possibly imagine I am a hunter after all a spider-man lays on his couch enjoying some alone time with Mary Jane Mary Jane notices that something is off about spider-man like he's distracted dolls are not her you just can't shake this weird feeling like they're being watched his roommate Fred Myers aka the super villain boomerang leans out from the doorway stating haha didn't see you there spider-man goes on thinking yeah things are getting pretty weird not only is my roommate a bad guy but that bad guy took something from kingpin one would think being a hero I would just arrest him but there's the problem a little while back Hydra took over the United States it was during be a secret Empire event guys boomerang took that opportunity to turn himself into a big mob boss well while running the black streets and handing out favors he helped out a few good guys who at the time were illegal freedom fighters when Hydra was finally overthrown boomerang cashed in those debts to get himself a full pardon for every crime he had ever committed funny thing is though even though boomerang took something from the kingpin kingpin is a letting him off the hook anyway back to the current times boomerang reaches out to Mary Jane and introduces himself and it is acting genuinely nice while doing chores rich if anyone knows boomerang him doing anything to help out is kind of sketchy so in passing Spiderman tags him with a tracker and waits for him to leave later the night Spiderman puts on his costume heading out while keeping a close eye on boomerang and finds him heading into an old abandoned warehouse spider-man sneaks up to the window and looks in to find boomerang shocker and speed demon all playing cards not really doing anything bad spider-man waits and more villains appear but everyone is just sitting around having a good time not getting into trouble the next day back at the apartment spider-man talks with his other roommate Randi stated that he's not sure about having boomerang with them Randy says you know half of the Avengers used to be bad guys right Spiderman tells him that's besides the point boomerang is up to something and I'm gonna find out what it's only a matter of time before he goes back to a life of crime he's already using all of our towels just then boomerang asks did anyone say towels because the ones in the bathroom are getting got it right if somebody wants to give me some quarters then we could uh spider-man stops from telling him no and that boomerang asks how does everyone look so down spider-man says well we're just settling something but we're throws his arm around spider-man telling him hey I need you to come out with me tonight is something only you can do a little while later in a dark alley spider-man out of costume asks why are we here and why are you in your villain costume boomerang tells him it's fine he needs to wear this it's kind of a rule where they're going boomerang pushes open an unmarked door and inside his a bar full of spider-man's villains he looks around and thinks to himself that he knows what this is this is the bar with no name some say it's as old as time and the devil himself founded it others say it started as a speakeasy during the Depression whatever the case all he needs to know is that the worst of the worst come through here one villain a bald guy with a goatee inside of a dome-shaped helmet walks up to spider-man asking who the hell is this because he's just as Peter Parker soon everyone starts to surround the two of them in Boomerang last year he relaxed this is my buddy Pete and he's definitely a super villain spider-man tries to push boomerangs arm off of him statement no he's not and boomerang says see you called me a liar his special powers that he can make you believe anything he says electro then charges herself up stating that she never heard of this one boomerang must be running pretty low on friends these days just as boomerang snaps back with an insult of zone a loud voice calls out to everyone to hurry up and gather around they're just about to start what they're all here for tonight spider-man trivia night the answer walks out on stage stated that he is joined by his lovely associate the living brain they have some serious cash prizes lined up tonight thanks to their sponsors that Kingsly limited so haha let's get those hands on those buzzers people spider-man stares around for a moment it says you've got to be kidding me and boomerang asks what having spider it's personal photographer will help me take home the pot if we would have to pay rent for a few months Pete but while everyone is getting sent up spider-man overhears two villas talking quietly about a big job that is coming up involving hostages and even basilisk he thinks to himself that if he does stay maybe he can get some intel and possibly stop whatever those two are planning answer grabs his card stating all right first question last time no one got this so let's see if we have better luck tonight which of Galactus is heralds to spider-man once defeat with his bare hands somebody hits the buzzer asking of its Silver Surfer the living brain clicks going in spider-man pushes his way through the crowd smacking the button yelling it was Fire Lord and was totally awesome answer than shouts co-opt our first point is on the board as spider-man goes on answering questions about himself boomerang heads into the bathroom answering his phone asking who is it the voice and the other side says that they are from the office of mayor Fisk and mr. Fisk feels that he's been more than patient with him they could hunt him down and arrest him and interrogate him but they're coming to him in a professional boomerang stops them stating yeah about that bad call seeing as you haven't done anything and show it how desperate you are so you could tell the kingpin that his price just got doubled good day sir as boomerang goes back into the bar everyone begins to cheer and clap for spider-man's victory for setting a new bar record about knowing about himself meanwhile over in kingpins office he slams his fist down shouting that's it we have always stood far too much time with the carrot it's time for the stick let's everyone at that bar know that Wilson Fisk wants Fred and Myers head on a plate first one to deliver scores in the fries back at the bar everyone's phones begin to ping and they slowly begin to gather around spider-man and boomerang once again and only a matter of Ben as spider-man a boomerang find themselves huddled behind an overturned table being shot at with spider-man shouting we criminals have a coach you said Fred boomerang says I can't really believe it either the bar with no name is supposed to be sacred kingpin must have offered them something pretty sweet to break that code spider-man dodges another bullet asking kingpin as in mayor of New York kingpin and boomer he tells it yeah yeah just do me a favor cover those ears I'm about to get us out of here he stands out throwing a sonic boomerang through the crowd sending out a high-pitched siren briefly stunning everyone he then jumped over the table punching out one of the villains taking his gun and tossing it to spider-man stating it's just like call of duty Latveria point shoot spider-man's sizes he starts shooting thinking this was supposed to be a nice night out the two begin to fight their way through the endless waves of villains inching their way closer to the exit when suddenly one blast tears through the crowds aimed right at spider-man boomerang yells to him to watch out and he jumps in the way of the blast taking the hit himself and falling to the ground spider-man quickly runs over calling out to him and just as everyone begins to get close he shouts for everyone stop right there the liar commands it he thinks that most of these people are superstitious maybe he can use that to get them out of here he then says that's right all of you heard what Boomerang said earlier about what I can do I was going easy on you but now you forced my hand all of your weapons will backfire and you will kill each other if you try and shoot so sayeth the liar I like Kazaam everyone starts whispering asking if he can really do that no but what if he could White Rabbit grabs her gun yelling hey he's bluffing though before she could fire boomerang says that's a good call he is but boomerang is it he throws out a boomerang and as it slides down at everyone's feet they see a timer counting down he jumps to his feet grabbing spider-man telling him hang on and then a massive explosion goes off throwing the two of them out of the barn a short while later while sitting at a dumpster in another alley spider-man says he doesn't get it if he had the bomber ring why didn't he just use it earlier boomerang size stated that he just wanted to prove to him that he's finally changed after almost pulling a Mufasa back there they should be good now right spider-man tells him actually I know the truth me and spider-man still keep in touch and I did follow you the other night to meet up with that knockoff sinister six crew yet former ring looks wait what wait you got it all wrong Pete yeah I went to meet up with them but it's not what spider-man things he saw all those guys are Ellen DS that the tinkerer made for me yeah they were designed for combat not companionship but you know I was supposed to be their leader and all I ever did was stab them in the back I used them as pawns in my dumb attempt to heck don't even know what I was doing when it was all over I didn't have a single friend left but really who can blame them maybe it's too late for me spider-man quietly stares for a moment and then says Sunday's Sundays me and Randy go down to the upright citizens brigade for some improv it's worth the life he hops off the dumpster and boomerang takes off his mask asking are you serious Pete spider-man says really enough yeah you did save my life Fred did you begin to walk home and boomerang says you're not gonna regret this Sunday I was gonna rob a bank but improv sounds fun too as they leave spider-man thinks to himself that he is probably going to regret this but there's so many people who have given him second chances and forgave him maybe boomerang could use one too but at that exact same moment in kingpins offices he slams his fist down shouting no more second chance I want to boomerang in our custody immediately bring him at his roommates in his aides begin to scramble around and just then a scratchy voice says tut tut tut kingpin spins back yelling hoes - show yourself the boy says don't you recognize the voice then again it has been a while just then something it's kingpin it he says Oh God get out all of you the aides begin to ask what he's talking about in kingpin yells again - get out before it's too late before they can move the aides skin because they'd be shredded apart you know hooded man steps out of the shadow stating then I thought that this kind of job would be fun the long said to be wrapped around the hooded man because to crawl onto the table with kingpin shouting you and the man responds in the rotting flesh nice a new office moving up in the world anyway you can go after boomerang but his roommate strictly off her limits kingpin asks why would he care in the man says who cares that I care those are the rules kingpin shouts how dare you you come to my mansion my city and you make demands of me you insolent little or their light turns on revealing kingpins wife Vanessa laying on the ground kingpin kneels down to pick her up in the hooded man says this spot always gets me you seem like a nice lady a bit of a drinker but hey I'm not here to judge kingpin tells the man I could've fixed this I offered you everything and yet the metas yeah well I didn't want any of it it must have been frustrating for someone like you right kingpin of crime-- mayor of New York City all that power completely worthless trying to put everything back together this is pathetic enough that I would allow it on one condition kingpin asks what's the condition of the hoodie man says come on go order do it King been slowly kneels down before the hooded man and as the centipede slithers around him the hooded man tells them that's right I can easily tell you all asunder but I won't as long as you know who's really in charge here [Music] for spider-man free following through the skies in Manhattan is a feeling that can't be put into words except today well he's kind of free-falling about the support of his web-shooters and why would spider-man not have his web-shooters well it all started last night at one of New York's popular nightclubs with odessa drake odessa made a name for herself becoming one of the most wealthiest people on the east coast but this night she was presented with a business opportunity now if there's one thing Odessa valued over most it was integrity and what Dave McCauley was offering well that was particularly Shady you see a doesn't is the head of the thieves guilt a lot of crooks and criminals throughout the organization thought the Thieves Guild was an old wives tale but the ones who know that it's real continue to work and dues need to be paid something that Dave's not been doing as the members of the Thieves Guild begin to pull Dave away he begins to shout that he didn't know nobody thought they were real in odessa tells him it's a valid point they've been working in the shadows for far too long but he can be rest assured that all of that is about to change the next day as the Sun comes up the heroes set out to protect our world from the threats that plagued their great nation got that America goes to fight off a group of mercenaries and after throwing his shield he notices something a bit on that shield that he always throws well it's not coming back elsewhere Thor is taking on the wrecking crew and even though he doesn't wield mul near his new hammer isn't one that a mere mortal could claim except someone did it's missing all across the globe the tools the heroes used to protect everyone seemingly are disappearing who is ghostwriter without a car from hell he swears he parked it there whose artist range that the eye of agamotto he thinks maybe it's on his other cloak who was the Punisher without his guns he is gonna get revenge and whoever took those and now in our current time well who was spider-man without web-shooters but while spider-man is falling closer and closer to the ground he begins to wonder how his back is going to feel when he hits the sidewalk and he feels a tug at his arm who's that tug coming from well the only person who swings around through the buildings of New York black-capped but Herman laughs telling her huh I'm glad to see you but how did you know where I was I didn't but dial you today as she lets go she swipes her claws at his face telling him save it we got some unfinished business I spider-man lands he tells her looks like the cat really changed her stripes huh black cat tells him I'm pretty sure it's a zebra that can't change its stripes spider-man then tells her I also heard that a leopard can't change its spots but you know what that doesn't matter the point is you joined the dark side again and I'm not going down without a fight and no amount of history between us is going to make me hold back this time black cat asks really did you not notice how I saved your life this isn't about us why would I just up and hit you like that spider-man pauses for a second but after coming up with nothing he says you know you're I got no idea she asks seriously you have no memory of showing up my place the other day like a creep stating hey baby I'm all spider now spider-man then realizes that this kind of actually makes sense it wasn't long ago that his personality was split in half and we have that video up on the channel his other cooler self which was basically just spider-man was up to some high jinks and it would seem that he paid a visit to his old ex spider-man tells her look I could explain there was an isotopic genome accelerator that split me into two separate entities each lacking critical attributes of the black cat interrupts him just stop talking before I hit you again now that that's out of my system it's time for us to move on to business spider-man asks is this about my web-shooters missing because some other people have had their things taken - I think she cracks her whip telling him getting those things back won't be easy so hop on there's something I got to show you the two arrived at an old fountain where black cat tells spider-man that for the first time she came here it was as a child with her father not many people know about it but this is where people offer tribute to the Thieves Guild there are chapters all over the world each of them with their own set of rules and one must pay 10% of their earnings it created a sense of union in order but that was a long time ago as organization grew the guilds influence faded and people forgot the old ways it would seem that the guild is trying to make a comeback with their new leader Odessa trick she was raised with the traditions and the lore of the guilt and she's got some very ambitious ideas for how to bring it into the modern age madessa is sending out a message to the world they're pulling off a heist so big that everyone has to take notice no one knows how to make stuff disappear faster than the guilt but luckily for us we've got someone on the inside she pulls down her sleeve showing the Thieves Guild marking and spider-man asks so you're a black cat doesn't yep a member in good standing so want to help me pull off the heist of the heist of the century the spider grabs onto blackcats waist he tells himself that this is a terrible idea a terrible terrible terrible idea Asher while later uptown at the old cathedral black cat tells spider-man to just follow her lead to sneak into the building with spider-man staying close to avoid traps and detection until finally they reach the vault room containing all of the hero's belongings fighter man looks around stating whoa I feel like a kid in a candy store daddy's drawers are full of ultimate nullifiers and demon-possessed sorts spider-man cysts through the items dating ah my web-shooters I was starting to feel real naked without him not enough flirty way either so now that we have all this stuff all we have to do is get out and give it back to everyone right black cat turns to a path just part of MIT asks what black cat goes on all their stuff if you want to give them back your share that's fine but alpha this stuff here is mine do you know how much all this stuff is worth if tag rows bikini is in this mess I'd be set for life finer man says whoa whoa whoa I thought you changed your good guy now right black guy says I did but the old me would have kept all this stuff so you're welcome for having half of it spider-man that says if you think that I'm just gonna let you go with I just sent a voice Topsham stating oh we would have to agree with the intruder spider-man and black cat spin around to see what the voices coming from in Odesa tells them I'm surprised you thought you could just up and leave like this either way hello Felicia welcome home as the members of the Thieves Guild begin to surround the two of them spider-man asks well aren't you going to introduce me to everyone Desa tells them then he'll have to forgive black cat they don't usually allow guests in here she should know the rules and black cat tells her you should know that I've never been great with rules and spider-man yells it's true you should see her but she's driving always on her phone black cab yells this goes too far even for the guilt some of this stuff is fair game want to steal Knight Thrasher skateboard go for it but some of these items are needed to protect people and save lives we don't steal that that's not who we or who I in Edessa sighs telling them take her and kill him the guild members begin to run around and black cat asks are you ready for this and spider-man says that's easy for you to say take lady if he gets punching and kicking his way through the crowd while black cat uses her claws to tear through everyone as the two begin to fight Odesa tells black cat that she still belongs to the Thieves Guild all she has to do is give up her friend here he says the trustor when she says that she tries but for whatever the reason he just keeps crawling back he then yells that's not exactly fair it's wall-crawling not as pathetic as she's making us at Odessa size stated that her father would be so heartbroken at this sight but if she is so unwilling to part with this treasure perhaps she'd like to go with it open the vault just then all the guild members start to chanted in a different language and a portal begins to open up around them spider-man says you know it doesn't look that bad and black cat tells them that it is bad once things go into the vault they never come out they need to focus on keeping it from opening other side everything is lost including them all of the equipment begins to swirl around with spider-man stating ok maybe we could find something to help get the word out he grabs onto iron man's helmet and as he turns it on the helmet tells him that he's an unrecognised you sir he grabs under dr. Strange's pendant but after stating the magical words abracadabra and nothing happens he figures it might be best to move on but of all the things that he sees that he might be able to use as one item that might just save them meanwhile elsewhere Reed Richards and Tony Stark have gathered all of the heroes telling them that tracking their belongings is kind of proving challenging they have to set up an advanced tracking drone to scan the city for the unique energy signatures of everyone's weapons and find out where they may be concealed mr. Marvel raises her hand stating actually my bag was stolen like I don't have any crazy stuff like the others here but inside my bag was my phone well since I have so little I put an app on my phone to track if it ever gets stolen and it just pinked Reed and Tony sigh stating well this is embarrassing that's all it took back at the Cathedral spider-man holds up miss Marvel's phone stating it worked we're about to have a million angry superheroes show up here any second Odessa tells them that she can't believe that he would think a bluff like that would work and one of the guild members whispers into her ear and she states this is mortifying bees killed vanish as the fire swirls around the guild spider-man stands up into smoke shouting yeah you better run or disappear into mist I don't care which and Wow you guys are really overhyped black cat gets up telling him actually that's what they wanted now people all across the globe will know that the guild is around and still active there isn't a Steve that won't pay tribute now just then with a loud boom all the heroes show up and as black cat is knocked down on top of spider-man he says is it exactly what it looks like guys later that night better man sits with black cat on a building that was fun right better man a black cat together again except for that you know hating part she looks off and tells him that there's something else something that's been clawing at the back of her mind she couldn't really put her finger on it for the longest time but she finally figured it out she can't remember who spider-man is under the mask spider-man tells it oh yeah about that I kind of told a few billion to many people my identity it turned out pretty bad so with some help we figured out a way to make everyone forget who I was like at his shock she turns everybody I'm not everybody we were together I can't remember what your face looks like or what your name is do you have any idea how that feels it's not like I'm hung up on your or anything but we shared something it's like now a part of my life is missing and I deserve to remember I deserve better than that black cat turns away lost confused hurt spider-man tells her hey she looks back to see spider-man without his mask and he tells her my name is Pete but you can keep calling me spider it actually makes me sound super cool elsewhere as spider-man and black cat or reconciling a man from afar asks her her the hooded man from before begins to punch the wall yelling she doesn't deserve this he keeps dragging more and more people into hell but someday Pete it'll just be you and me [Music] but the Thieves Guild taken care of and things between black cat patched up spider-man can finally enjoy the holiday season as Christmas comes in New York it's time for everyone to be filled with holiday spirit and what better way to share that feeling than letting the good people of New York know that Jade jonah Jameson some poets spider-man as a hero that's right J jonah Jameson former publisher of The Daily Planet the man who used to tell everyone how Spiderman was New York swept menace he's now one of the good guys kind of he learned the truth about spider-man what his secret identity was and Jonah changed his tune and he used his talk radio show to tell everyone that spider-man is in fact a hero yep that's Jonah new song same dance but today is special today after educating the masses Jonah receives a letter at the station from the Century Club he opens it up and as he reads it his eyes wind him he hasn't been back to the club since they revoked his membership but this this is an invitation for mayor Fisk to hold a banquet in his honor he shouts asking do you know what this means I'm finally getting the respect that I deserve a Lifetime Achievement Award it's about time it's just like I always said that Wilson Fisk he's a great man while jonah Basques in his own glory across town spider-man finds himself fighting against the villainous hippo over a doll so to give a little context a certain toy company started a new line of dolls to show off the softer side of everyone's favorite world threatening menaces like this Galactus doll that when pressed it says go doctors hungers for friendship really sending out some mixed signals here but these things are a hit like Tickle Me Elmo level so it's no surprise that everyone is fighting for them after grabbing ahold of the doll hippo tramples over spider-man to escape but everyone knows a few well-placed web shots can stop almost anything spider-man takes the doll and hands it back to the young boy and he thinks to himself that this is why he does what he does to help and however only seconds after leaving and still well within earshot of the boy spider-man can hear him auctioning off the stupid doll later that night spider-man heads to Robbie Robertson's house to spend the holidays but just before dinner is ready the two sit down to watch the news is there that they see a reporter interviewing Jonah on his lifetime achievement when he shouts that spider-man's always going to be there because I guarantee it so a short while later Jonah gets out of his limo and he smiles back stating back spider-man swings over telling him you sure are this is just like the old days really anyway we need to talk the two duck into an alley and Jonah asks what does he want woody to be quit before all the food is gone spider-man tells him to that's the thing he's not going inside with him Jonah shouts asking what are you talking about spider-man owes me I was out there trying to fix your disaster of a reputation spider-man stops him yeah you're the one who made it a disaster in the first place besides this is the kingpin we both know this is a trap I would never be caught with him Jonas starts looking behind spider-man at the billboard and when spider-man turns around he sees a sign with him and kingpin on its dating I heart Fisk where he elect Fisk vitamin tells okay that was clearly photoshopped Jonah Oh Jonah tells him spider-man look too bad you aren't gonna miss my moment of spotlight because of some old grudge it's high time that I was recognized for my accomplishments now it's time for us to but just as Jonah begins to walk inside a whip wraps around his leg stripping him when Jonah is spider-man looked back fancy Dan says webs Jameson and Montana tells them happy holidays from lien forces Jonah shouts to spider-man to get them and spider-man shouts fine but not because you asked it doesn't expect him in long to deal with the three would-be criminals but fancy Dan is another idea to get to them he takes out a gun stating if he can't beat him give them something to mourn about he points the gun at Jonah so spider-man jumps in the way to take the shot if he feels his like ground ox slams spider-man to the ground punching him until he passes out I'm sure a while later he wakes up with Jonah telling him it's about time just like your generation to sleep on the job I need you to pull yourself together and come up with a plan to get us out of here you are the one who got us into this mess fighter man tells him I'm pretty sure this one's your fault but just as his spider sense goes off a voice calls out to Jonah telling him this is your story spider-man and Jonah get up and start running from scorpion and dozens a human flies with Jonah asking how do you always get me into these messes spider-man spider-man tells me did you not hear the mysterious voice it clearly said Jay jonah Jameson this is your story after a bit of running to to notice that the bad guys have stopped following them they then stop and ask where did they go but just then a light shines and another voice begins to speak it starts with humble beginnings boy abandoned by his biological father the two shared an image of Jonah as the boy is being sent off to live with his aunt and uncle the voice continues telling the story of Jonah and his life spider-man asks what is this Jonah watches the stating I'm not sure but I like it as the memories play out it begins to show all of what Jonah has gone through from the time that he had his son John to when his first wife Joan was shot by a masked gunman next was Jonah's rise in the Daily Bugle lowly reporter to editor-in-chief then came the news of that webbed Menace spider-man even though Jonah told the world that spider-man was nothing more than a masked vigilante real heroes supported him after a while he took things into his own hands he helped developed a scorpion formula and then the spider-slayers but even after all of that something changed Jonah had become a traitor he told everyone that spider-man was now a hero any shouts asking how dare they slander my name the images fade and soon spider-man and Jonah find themselves back in the real world fighting against scorpion of the human flies and the spiders lairs spider-man punches one of the human fly stated that he's seen this before all of these clowns are either lmds or clones but scorpion he's the real deal scorpion doesn't yeah I am real angry and he smacks spider-man with his tail as spider-man is knocked into the spider-slayers he says at least he could die by these when they're not piloted by wait that's it if these things are as authentic as they seemed then they should respond to commands from their old owner spider-man calls out the Jonah to grab the remote asking if he remembers how to control these things Jonah picks it up telling him of course I do I practically affected these things just then the spider-slayers turned back attacking the human flies and Jonah laughs stating see I still got it but while Jonah deals with him scorpion gets back up and tackles spider-man into the wall fighter man punches him off and scorpion whips his tail into the wall again then hitting spider-man in the head as the tail comes back to sting spider-man grabs a holding a kicking scorpion up and knocking him into the wall fighter man jumps up stating okay what's next that voice calls out congratulations hope you enjoyed the opening act time for the real fun a second later a giant foot knocks in the wall and the massive big man towers over the two of them stating now that big man is back spider-man jumps up but before he can get away big man grabs him by the leg slamming him into the ground and walls as big man is holding him there he says looked at the web medicine now look Jonah watch him squirm just like you said someday he'd make a mistake and you would be there waiting Sharona thinks your moment and says those words foswell just then a door opens up and a man steps out telling him that's right Fredrik foswell jr. to be precise my father is Fredrik Boswell senior foswell was one of the best reporters The Daily Bugle ever had he almost even figured out who spider-man was he had this trick of designing elaborate costumes for undercover assignments that ironically led to his downfall big man was one of those disguises and foswell used the tips that he'd get as a journalist to start building in a criminal empire he eventually got caught in released Jony give him back his old job but sadly it wasn't long before he slipped back into his old ways he did redeem himself in the end by sacrificing himself to save Jonah Fredrik shuts and this is it spider-man is the real criminal here he was the one who framed my father and ruined his good name spider-man is the one responsible for his death and now we can avenge him together Fredrik pulls out a gun from his vest telling Jonah this was the gun that killed my father let us end this story together by ending the life of the masked monster as Fredrik points the gun though Jonah asks what have you done your father was a good man was one of the best journalists out there but he was a criminal Foss well Fredrik Boswell senior was the big man I saw it with my own eyes he fell into the identity and grew addicted to the sense of power it gave him he tried to go straight but cracked under the pressure it led us to that fateful night with the kingpin him dying in my arms but that's the thing I was the one who applied that pressure i hounded him to try and keep on the right path truth is I was far as well as worse enemy but even still I took the bullet that was intended for him so if anyone's responsible for foz Wells death point that code over here Fredrik chefs shut up yo lion and Jodi tells him I wish it was but the only lies I've ever told about spider-man spider-man is it isn't Fredrik yells fine if I can't get the truth about my father's murder then I'll just kill the Paul to you but before Fredrik could fire jonah hits the remote for the spider-slayers took RAB onto Fredrik spider-man quickly grabs the gun webbing up Jonah's shoulder jonah yells gah that's disgusting Fredrik screams that he won't let his father's murderers get away I will on my revenge even if I have to go with you just then the self-destruct sequences on the giant big man begin and spider-man jumps up pushing big man back here's the web up as much a big man as he can and he pulls using all of his strength until finally it budges as big man has thrown it self-destructs narrowly killing all three of them a short while later after getting some medical attention Jonas it's a spider man telling him that little Freddie needs help not a jail cell spider man tells him that he'll see what he can do but it's not like anyone really listens to him giving his public relations at all Jonah then says that all of this damage in that poor kid it's all our fault how are we supposed to make this right spider-man spider-man sighs it wasn't all bad you're still the same guy that gave foswell senior a second chance plenty of people wouldn't have done that heck you gave me a shot you stood against mobsters and terrorists you stuck with your principles even when it got you into everything we all have our flaws you've been if it involved building killer robots and funding genetic experiments that would wind up creating super villains point is and this is from someone who knows about making big life-altering mistakes you're gonna drive yourself crazy thinking about who you were yesterday when what matters is who you are today Jonah Jonah took spider-man's advice and he went into physics banquet and instead of being buddy-buddy with him told everyone the truth about King Ben is still a crook however the story doesn't just end with Jonah getting his confidence back while all of that was happening taskmaster and Black Ant appear before scorpion scorpion lunges that the two of the masks in what do they want because if they're looking for trouble but before he could finish taskmaster shoots him with the dart knocking him out a scorpion wakes up he finds himself in a Cell and he jumps up shouting to let him out I've always told them not to bother scorpion looks over to see vulture and he finishes stating even if you did get out they'd just hunt you down again and along with him every other criminal sitting in the shadows [Music] there are many beasts in the world but there is one that stands above all of them as the ultimate apex predator Kraven he has been called many things the Beast the hunter Kraven off but now he is none of those things he is now the ghost a shell of what he once was once his soul burned bright with passion and rage and power but when that light faded he chose his own end and it was glorious if only for a brief moment now everything that Kraven sees he hates there is no dignity in this existence no dignity anywhere the old ways have been lost and he yearns for death a death that this time cannot be undone a death that only a spider can give so he will find a way there will be peace but not yet meanwhile across the town spider-man swings through the city searching for Billy Connors the son of Curt Connors or a some know him the lizard Billy was just one person in the mass round of animal-themed villains all snatched up by taskmaster and Black Ant this would be a relief to some but among those that was taken was black cat she tried to contact him just before it happened but the call was all garbled she did manage to give spider-man a location though so it's off to the shipyard to try and find some clues find out why taskmaster and Black Ant are kidnapping animal-themed villains and heroes while spider-man investigates though elsewhere black cat is sitting in the room was scared Billy black cat was never one for kids so she tries her best to consoled the child but no matter what she says he continues to cry she tells him not to worry she has a plan to get them both out of there help is already on the way but just that a voice says that he hopes so for both their sakes Billy hides behind black cat as Kraven walks in telling them I mean you no harm black cat asks are you kidding I can't remember a luxury room having laser bars for doors Kraven says that he apologizes they offer him I demand a certain security measure however you are being kept here for a reason you are his weakness a woman that he once loved a child who he so desperately wants to save such a noble creature the spider is black cat shall smell no no no no I'm being used as a bait do you have any idea how insulting this is Craven tells her you misunderstand I'm not the one who's hunting him this time back on the freight ship spider-man makes his way through trying to find anything that can help him but as he looks he starts to get lightheaded and images of Mary Jane up here is she in danger why is his head pounding he can't seem to catch a breath either his throat closing up like there's something in the air there's something in the air spider-man tries to push through the gas but when he collapses his spider sense begins to go off the charts he looks back to see Kraven standing over him but he looks younger bigger maybe Kraven slams his fist sit down and spider-man rolls out of the way stating yeah definitely faster Kraven shouts Julia feel it the myths contain many secrets Kraven continues to swing wildly until one manages to catch spider-man off-guard knocking him away but elsewhere our Kaede looks at a sleeping man bull and makes a face when Kraven walks in asking for a status report RK tells them that everything is going according to plan their guests here have survived the trip other than that the area that they are looking at is secured and everything is ready to go online which should be soon ladies and gentlemen back at the Plaza ballroom are getting a little restless Kraven tells him no we will wait we have one more coming one last trophy to collect backer spider-man is thrown into a wall and the younger Kraven says I am saddened I thought that this would be more of a challenge all the legends the stories of the noble black creature and here you are just another dying man spider-man reaches back ripping a pipe off the wall some backing in a younger Kraven across the face with it he that webs up a nearby wall flinging himself back at the younger crave and punching him over and over and that's when the image returns Mary Jane's screaming for help spider-man pauses you saw it right some believe the myths are merely hallucinations some believe that there are actual visions of what is to come warnings of terrible fates that will befall them spider-man stands there in a daze and all he can see as Mary Jane's apartment there's blood there's broken glass and Mary Jane the young Craven charges and punching spider-man repeatedly before picking him up and slamming him back into the ground spider-man struggles to breathe and all he can say is Mary Jane I'm so sorry the young Craven then picks up his body dragging him outside dumping him off in Central Park as he does this Kraven tells the guests in the plaza the hunt has begun and as he finishes a giant force field forms covering all of Central Park a few moments later spider-man wakes up looking at himself seeing himself in his black costume he asks what's going on but before he could even finish asking a voice calls out scorpion walks towards him stating of course you're in a dish and you're gonna die but another voice says not if we kill him first tarantula steps out of the woods but it's not just him it's all of the missing villains and they're all surrounding spider-man scorpion lunges and spider-man tells him you gotta hang on this is the one it looks like someone is after all of us and just then an explosion goes off and the sounds of rifles can be heard as bullets are ripping through the woods and into the crowd from the shadows dozens of Craven looking robots March their way in getting ready for the kill within seconds everyone begins to run and the robots continue firing as they give chase stag Ron turns back shouting why do you hrodna fight the Horde and some of the Flyers shoot up into the sky but as they crash into the forcefield barrier tarantula says that it would seem that they're sitting ducks here one of the robots tells the others check it out hon see how I clocked that one and the other robot says sure did babe so hot for you right now but spider-man listens and he thinks this isn't Craven they look like him but they don't talk or act like him even that younger Kraven looks more like Kraven but that one was definitely flesh and bone so that begs the question what are these things back at the Plaza arcade stands up on stage stated that he would like a group of two of them to come forward it's an early bird special crowd that is already out on the field but it's time for them to meet the enters behind arcade sits three of the craven robots and arcade explains that these babies will give them the hunt of a lifetime we'll be able to use these to track and kill some of the world's most dangerous creatures but how will we do that safely after all you all have families to go home to that's why good ol arcade came up with a solution we're gonna help you become its deadly and powerful as your beloved - Kraven without any worthless training that's why you get a chance to become Craven himself with the flick of a switch you will use these special VR headsets that are connected directly to your cerebral cortex to control these advanced robots out on the field now who out there in the crowd would like to volunteer one man steps forward shouting ooh ooh I will uh what do I do arcade then sets him up with a headset telling him to relax and just do what comes naturally the man cracks his knuckles but instead of moving his own hands he moves the hands of the Kraven a robot okay then says that's it now that you're strong enough are you gonna defeat the deadly iguana a guada rushes at the robot in the field and arcade asks are you gonna take that the man grits his teeth shedding uh no no I will not he materializes a club and he begins to bash iguana with it he continues to do so until iguana is dead the man because the chef I did it I killed it and arcade collapse telling him Hugh sure did now who is gonna be next back at the park Craven's robot swarmed the area shooting and killing everyone inside just before Gibbon is shot spider-man swings and grabbing him fighter man tells him I said it once I'll say it again always look both ways before crossing the hunter-killer robot clone things vulture then yells don't trust the do-gooder as spider-man says hey I resent that not the do-gooder part with the trusting part so vulture goes on telling him all spider-man is going to do is put his back in a Cell come with me and we can fight back Gibbon begins to get back up and he begins to follow but spider-man shouts wait come back but Gibbon doesn't listen just then there's an explosion throwing spider-man across the field and more Craven robots begin to make their way in but meanwhile up in the trees black ed tells taskmaster that he isn't gonna lie I'm gonna miss him sure most of them are homicidal maniacs but there's also some real good listeners in this bunch laughs Gantt then watches the carnage with taskmaster telling him yep and he slides a small device onto his hand he doesn't says you know ants they're animals too and he slaps a black ant on the back electrocuting him taskmaster that hops down telling him sorry little buddy just business but if it helps I charged double for this one back with vulture Gibbon says that he appreciates to help back there super villains got to stick together right and vulture tells him no actually I just need to be faster than you he pulls in front of Gibbon and giving his shot from behind with vulture laughing as he gets away but while all of this is happening remember Mary Jane well back in her apartment she wakes up when she feels something crawling on her head she's screams shaking her hair and a few seconds later a centipede falls out onto the table before things like this would scare her but now now she's able to handle these things without feeling the urge to smack her with a shoe she helps the centipede outside and as she shuts the door she goes back to sleep but as she sleeps our mysterious centipede man from our earlier stories is watching over back over at the Plaza Hotel though Kraven looks out the window asking you still do not see my vision for this my son the younger Kraven shouts no I do not father all these beasts we've captured we should have been the ones out there hunting them but instead all I see as the Mathers forgot his legacy he sits there and gives it to them those fools those pretend killers we must act together show the world what we are truly capable of Kraven looks at the monitor seeing spider-man and tells him no not yet it is not our time but soon back in Central Park spider-man finds the body of given many things back to hell vulture manipulated him into thinking they stood a chance just then there's an explosion one of the hunters shouts get ow another one bites the dust whoa is that spider-man shot get his autograph as the hunters all boast about their kill spider-man leaps in a webbing up their faces and then he escapes but as he hides he notices the arrows carved into the ground and walls he's pretty sure it's a trail but as he follows it he finds all of the super villains who had the same idea some of the villains asked what are they going to do and the vulture steps up stating you will collect to be afraid Lord as I was but through the selfless acts of Gibbon I am able to stand here now to fully understand my purpose here it is to lead you all to victory to fight those who hunt us spider-man jumps down asking really you're gonna listen to vulture you all know he's lying right you all need to sit down and figure out an escape plan those robots are next to indestructible notice how vulture doesn't have any proof of actually taking down one of those things vulture asks them do you want proof now look at this the head of a hunter just the first of many should you all follow me butter man that says look okay maybe you did take one down but that doesn't mean you don't know if my point is you can't trust the vulture Rhino then shouts we should just kill the spider and vulture tells him that's enough no one is the wall-crawler as much as I do but spider-man is not our enemy right now we are in a war for a very survival and there are only two sides the hunters and the hunted follow me and we will destroy those who haunt us everyone begins to cheer and spider-man thinks well things are just going wonderful one day meanwhile under the hotel taskmaster walks the sewers with a chain stating that the rates have doubled for this one and Arkady tells him of carpets of course the least I could do so taskmaster pulls in the chains pulling a muzzled lizard stating and joy back of spider-man he swings to the park when he overhears a group of hunters when one of them spot him the hunter says that he needs a selfie real quick so spider-man turns back punching him asking do you think this is fun you want to hunt something you want to kill something well why don't you try it on me now try it I spider it lifts up both arms into the era voices yeah I wouldn't do that if I were you spider-man looks over to see black ant standing on a leaf and he asks have you come to admire a job well done and black ant tells him no I was just trying to stop you from doing something you'll regret it's time you learned the truth about this place spider-man meanwhile down below Central Park taskmaster taking out a group of lizards stating that he taught them better than this anyway the end of the deal is done you're inside the park taskmaster unchained and freeze lizard and tasks faster than asks what about the antidote lizard calls back the antidote is time the side effects of the injection will pass within 24 hours taskmaster shouts asking are you serious should have really saw that one coming back in the hotel the young Craven slams his fist down stating enough we must act Craven tells him no not yet in a fit of anger the young Craven throws the desk stating I said something was wrong the scent I smell is fear weakness and that sickens me I've spent my entire life of dreaming about rule together but if you no longer have the strength to defend the Craven off named John to Rory someone else will a short while later in the holding cells lizard looks at the empty cell and says Billy was here and I couldn't save him and then notices the blood on the ground and as he sniffs it the young Raven walks in asking unsettling isn't it when nature leaves its mark lizard spins back demanding where is my son and the young Craven and says I wish I knew but I have a far greater prize the uncrating rushes in punching at the lizard and as he beats him to the ground he stops no something is wrong here you're supposed to be the lizard the story's the murderous predator lizard coughs know that it's not who I am anymore the chip in my spine sees to that the young Craven stares for a moment and bursts out laughing lizard you are pathetic fool you've the power of a god and you just lock it away what kind of man are you what's kind of father of you your son is hiding somewhere when I find him I will rip him limb from limb and mount his head on my wall the lizard will live just long enough to watch it all happen back out in the park the hunter who attacked black cat calls for support to ask why there are children here when he's been placed on hold he waits for a moment and then says hanging up I'm in VR I could just take the stupid headset off but just then arcades voice tells them no you can't he reaches through the headpiece but as he pulls on it arcade says you cannot remove the virtual link the man continues to try and pry the headset off but just that vulture in his a villains appear in attack elsewhere spider-man asks Black Ant what he meant by knowing the truth here Kraven stuck all of the villains in here to be killed by those hunters and Black Ant says well yeah that's only half the plan there's one thing that Kraven has more than the costume types and that's the hunters themselves those rich soft and postures who want to imagine themselves as killers the weekends Craven wanted to show them what being an apex predator really meant spider-man then said how those the drones they are just drones right kill the robot it kicks the user off and black can't tells them now wrong these hunters think that they're safe but they're not those be our advisors are directly linked to their brains there's a bunch of sizee stuff here but the point is if they die in here they die out there Spider Man grabs Black Ant asking where is craving and Black Ant tells him where do you think Federman rushes over to the zoo screaming for Kraven asking it says what you wanted but instead of here at crave and respond arcade creates a projection stating hang a Spidey long time no kill I would love to hear feedback so that we can improve on how to torture as spider-man yells I don't have time for games right now where's Kraven arcade arcade thinks for a moment and then tells him yeah Craven's busy but I have something to keep you entertained until Kraven returns spider-man's spider-sense goes off and when he turns back he sees something walking out of the shadows as he gets closer he asks are those vermin the vermin all starting to surround spider-man and then attack but while all of this is going on Kraven is sitting in his room watching he thinks to himself that this is going to be a test test not for me but for the spider spider-man fights for his life as vermin tries so hard to eat him they rip and they tear at his skin but just before they finished the job a loud sonic scream shoots towards them the verben all run away and spider-man looks up to see craven craven kneels down picking up his body and he leaves a short while later spider-man begins to wake up but as he does he feels something pulling at his neck he reaches forward feeling a collar and then there's a voice a voice telling him that it's not surprising after all he'll want to teach you a lesson to Fetterman thinks to himself that he knows the voice it's Curt Connors spider-man asks you came looking for your son and Curt tells him yes I did and this is what I found spider-man says what is this place the current tells him it's our punishment he should be here any moment spider-man reaches for the collar again but Curt tells them not to do it the collar is rigged to explode if it's tampered with all they get to do is sit here in watch the two look up at the monitor and on it is black cat and Kurt's son Billy black cat is sitting in a tree stating that she needs a rest and Billy tells her that they need to keep going his dad will be here soon black cat says look I understand what you're feeling I'm sure your dad is looking but and Billy stops are telling her no no you don't get it I know my dad is here he just doesn't want me to find him Kurt that asks do you know what it's like to bury your own child to know that you're the reason why Billy was brought back and I told myself not to ask any questions but I knew deep down that I had to ask the question is it really Billy I even at Doctor Strange confirm it and it was in fact Billy's soul in there but his body was a clone the worst part is Billy knows he knows he died and came back and right now I can't even save Billy I'm failing him all over again but this time it's just a different kind of monster Spiderman continues to watch asking what is that oh god no no Curt tells him yes we were put here to watch them die out of the park young Craven appears before Black Cat and Billy spider-man grabs at the collar shouting we can't just sit here we have to do something and Curt tells him yes we do do you ever think why you're not chained up they know that I could escape as the lizard but I would never go so far because of the chip in my spinal cord spider-man doesn't know we can't remove it I know that Tech it's hardwired into your central nervous system it would severed your spine if you were to remove it you could die and Curt tells him it's the only way if spider-man tells them no it's suicide Curt tells them it's possible I may regenerate as a lizard even though there's a chance I may not we need to take it vitamin tells him please don't ask me to do this I have a code I live by and Curt tells him I know power and responsibility I've heard the speech until you have children of your own you will never know what true responsibility looks like I did the worst thing a person could ever do have the blood of my own child on my hands I have a chance to make it right even if it costs me my life we need to try Curt meals down at front of spider-man telling him I'm ready and before spider-man grabs it he asks how do I know that you're gonna keep Billy safe and Curt tells him because I really controlled it so help me I really control it spider-man reaches out and all he can hear is the screams of Curt Connors as the chip in his spinal cord is ripped out Kraven then sits on his throne telling him good the spider has passed the test now he is ready to face - hunter minutes past the spider man looks at the body of the lizard lifeless telling himself I knew this would happen and I did it anyway of course it didn't work of course he's dead you have to wake up for Billy you have to get up and just then lizards eyes shoot open and he roars spider-man backs away the lizard gets up bursting to the wall searching for Billy spider-man falls to his knees wondering if he did the right thing he almost killed a man but just then the collar pops off he steps out into the hallway and what he sees our dead guards everywhere Kurt told him that he could control it he said but just then Kraven steps out asking not an easy sight is it lies are always more beautiful spider-man clenches his fist stating you gotta stop this McRaven tells him the only person that can stop this is you you've taken the first step and you pass the test spider-man charges in punching Kraven this was a test you're a psychopath Kraven pulls out a pair of knives asking Giulio not see it yet those who defile the collar the hunter must be punished the ones who made a mockery of everything that I've ever stood for but you you're the worst of them hey lunges are spider-man stabbing the knife into his shoulder while using the other to slash at his torso he digs the dagger in stating I watched in awe at those gives handed to you all you ever did was spit in the face of the gods who made you as your lay there still clinging to weakness the man inside this was to be the last hunt so I could show you what needs to be known how to hunt how to kill but a man gets up slowly no I'm not like you and Kraven asks anjou though you thought killing was wrong that it makes you evil that's why when I was reborn you rejected my pleas to be put back into the ground I tried to appeal to your anger your sense of vengeance but that was my error you would like to deny me my death because a true hunter does not kill out of rage he is above such things he hunts and seizes place within the hunt he honors the animal sacrifice there's no sin in this only something beautiful and Noble spider-man continues to try and get up telling him it's not true Kraven tells of no you made a sacrifice the lizard could have died but you decided it was worth the chance you knew the dangers of letting the lizard loose you considered it well those guards lives were forfeited by your actions spider-man grabs his head telling him I'm sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen Kraven Pat's him on the back telling him this is what the hunter does you killed the tiger to save the village you feel it inside now it is time to see the truth arcade a projection of arcane appears asking you rang boss and Kraven tells them explain my orders ok tells him your order is that if Spidey here managed to kill you all the hunter BOTS will be shut down all the tours will be freed the force field will be removed and oh I'll send drones juice a black cat and Billy easy-peasy spider-man tells us you can't do this Kraven tells him yes I can how many times have you let the dangers go only to have them returned to haunt you how many times if they come back more deadlier than before how many lives have you already cost spider-man's vision begins to fade feeling the same thing that he felt before the mist he sees Mary Jane's apartment and he sees the same thing he saw before blood broken glass and Mary Jean and he shouts it's not real McRaven tells them it is real isn't it now you should the truth of the world hunters and the hunted all because you are not strong enough to protect her spider-man snaps out of it punching crave and telling him how many more lives do you have to lose you try to stop it but it's never enough the monsters keep coming back spider-man kneels down on top of Kraven getting ready to strike again but then he stops and he looks at the guards the guards around him they weren't killed by claws there's knife marks in the bodies Craven did this Craven did all of this he was trying to push spider-man to his limits a Spider Man drags Cravens body back inside Craven asks what are you doing the Spider Man tells him watch Jess watch on the monitor before Craven he sees his son fighting black cat he stabs her playing with his prey but as the knife is raised lizard charges in tackling up to the ground blizzard claws and fights away the young Kraven with no regard for his life and before he can deal the final blow the lizard looks up seeing Billy he stops his attack seeing how frightened his son has become and he leaves spider-man asks do you see it now we're supposed to help each other it doesn't make us weaker it makes us stronger do you see now you murderous lunatic this is why we'll never be the same it's in that moment that Kraven knew he had killed his own family his own children he was the Beast he had dreamed of becoming something more he knew that he could never truly defeat the spider and now he knew why now he knew what he must do he burst out laughing I finally understand now I finally understand he calls to RK tellin him you have new orders and a few moments later the hunter BOTS deactivate and the VR headsets power down spider-man tells him you still don't get it Kraven tells him I don't have to you have given me a gift but I must leave now spider-man stares at him you aren't going anywhere Kraven tells him I must you have my word I will never hunt again but remember this the curse of Kraven still holds true only the spider can kill me now go she needs you spider-man runs out with Kraven returning to his coffin opening it up and grabbing the contents inside and at that moment the young Kraven screams despite him and lunging at him spider-man is thrown outside but as he fights back the two begin to punch each other over and over again until finally spider-man Falls the young Kraven gets on top of him rapping both his hands around spider-man's neck and he squeezes he shouts as he does this shaking the life of him but as the job is done he looks up and he sees spider-man the young Kraven looks down at the spider-man that he just killed that he slowly begins to pulled the mask off as the mask comes off the young Kraven sees his father lifeless he begins to scream no and at Cravens coffin all that's left is his rifle and a picture of his forgotten sons and there you have it the full story for spider-man hunted bringing you up to issue 25 now afterwards a lot of other things are happening basically that new villain kindred and then we've also got the absolute carnage thing happening so make sure you subscribe to the channel to get those parts and eventually the full story for that series will also come out please consider going to our Twitter and following us at comic store iam age you can also find us on Instagram at comic store Ian in either way thank you so much your support and watching this video all the way to the end if you did say cookies in the comments down below because I really like cookies and I'd like to know who watched us all the way to the ending I appreciate your support and I'll see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 321,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, spider-man, spiderman parkour, marvel comics, superheroes, spider-man far from home, stunts, cosplay, spider man real life, in real life, real life, iron man, super hero, tom holland, spiderman, peter parker, far from home
Id: Sim9t3-_94Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 33sec (4893 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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