Sonic Fan Games | The Good, The Great, and the Ugly

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[Music] picture this you're in the middle of a computer classroom in the mid 2000s and you also have an unhealthy obsession with sonic the hedgehog and word gets around that you're able to satisfy set obsession while in said classroom oh man i had totally blocked this out of my memory for years dude ultimate flash sonic holy cow some people may be out of the loop on this whole thing but for many including myself this is a pretty big symbol of our childhood nowadays it may not be all too special you know it's a simple sonic styled adventure with only two zones and a few playable characters but this is way more than the sum of its parts we got plenty of unlockable extras and cheat codes every time you finish the playthrough with one character you'll unlock another which really encourages multiple playthroughs but more impressive than that this was made by one person and was uploaded onto new grounds all the way back in 2004 that's crazy this released before sonic advance 3. that's like a million years ago give or take a few and this is my very first experience with a sonic fan game for about five years now we've sort of stumbled onto a bit of a yearly tradition where we take a look at sonic rom hacks mods all that kind of stuff and now for the five year anniversary we're gonna go full circle and dive into the world of pure fan games for clarification yes of course rom hacks and mods are also made by fans well presumably fans at least dedicating this much time to pump out some of the things that i've seen while also hating on what you're working on wouldn't really make a ton of sense but this is sonic after all never make assumptions the world of pure fan games is a whole lot more vast i want to highlight some of the works that stand out on their own and don't necessarily rely on existing game files to get going and there is absolutely no way i'm going to be able to cover every single interesting one out there have you ever googled the phrase sonic fan games well if you want a good way to distract yourself until the end of time then yeah that's a good way to do it we got some good some ambitious and some not so good let's cut the chit chat because we got a lot of ground to cover for the longest time whenever i heard the phrase sonic fan games a few titles would always immediately come to mind before the sequel and after the sequel what we have here are a pair of games that are not only based on classic sonic but are also interpretations of adventures that take place before sonic 2 and after sonic 2 attempting to fill in the story in between the three main genesis games oh man we even have cut scenes too awesome little animated scenes that tie everything together and it is such a cool touch both games feature them but i couldn't watch them in the first game for some reason it just kept crashing when i loaded one up but i believe they're probably cool we got original art styles plenty of new gimmicks really fun boss fights at the end of all of the zones and some damn good music as well like holy cow even the menu music to after the sequel is fantastic this was all done years before sega themselves attempted to capitalize on the classic sonic market so with how enjoyable these games are it is very apparent that they were all made with total love i love it yeah man these games are great if you're on the lookout for fan made sonic games that are super reminiscent of the genesis titles look no further than these there is technically a third game here called chrono adventure which changes things up quite a bit but i think we'll save this for another time i only played it for like 10 minutes and it is way more different than you would expect but if you want another side scrolling sonic fan game i was also recommended time twisted as well and two seconds in i can totally see why dude this sprite work is like super good a lot of the stuff i said about before and after the sequel can be applied here as well we have really good level design super catchy music and a unique take on the time travel mechanic from sonic cd but in this game the jumps to the past and future happen nearly instantaneously i really like this one at its core it is just a really simple and fun 2d sonic game and that's totally fine by me this one has cut scenes to tell a story as well and sometimes they lead directly into boss fights man that transition was super smooth nice oh whoa what do we have here special stages based on racing metal sonic yo time twisted did the racing special stage before sonic mania did that's pretty crazy if i were to directly compare this to before and after the sequel i would say time twisted isn't as good but this one does play in widescreen and that right there gets major points in my book oh god why are we here sonic oh six is a bad game thank you for watching my original sonic content but okay hold on here this may seem like sonic oh six as you would normally expect it but the crazy thing is this is actually part of a fan project set to port the game to pc at this point in time there have been multiple demos released and most of the stuff from sonic's campaign is now included and i'll be damned it's pretty much perfect for as perfect as sonico 6 can be anyway and considering the original game never released on pc and this isn't being played on an emulator this is wild that it even exists it even works with an ultra widescreen resolution and i gotta tell you that extra screen real estate does wonders for a sonic game who's to say if in time the entire game makes its way to pc but hey if sega themselves won't do it someone else will you know this is going to lead to a massive snowball effect eventually unleashed will make its way to pc soul will sonic colors and then all will be right in the world and will be in the best timeline and actually while i'm on this topic i found an entire lineup of fan games dedicated to modernizing and remastering other existing sonic games and have them playable on pc we got sonic 2 hd with beautiful new artwork and animations and excellent remixes of the already fantastic soundtrack then we have sonic advanced revamped greatly expanding the screen size of the gba classic which that alone is awesome but on top of that it also introduces brand new characters to play as with unique play styles that fit in surprisingly well sonic 3 angel island revisited takes an official copy of the game like you can purchase from steam and finally gives you the wide screen update that we have all been asking for for years with plenty of additions on top of it while i guess this also technically constitutes a rom hack i'm just gonna throw it in here anyway because hey it's really cool and i'm not doing a rom hack episode this year i mean hell you can even install mods in this one recovering all the bases here i found a pc version of the master system sonic 1 that got the widescreen treatment which honestly that alone makes the game playable in my opinion i never got used to the smaller screen space of the original i can happily say as a result of this port i have beaten this game for the first time ever it may not be an official version of the game but i'm still gonna count it the master system sonic 2 is getting a similar treatment as well with a bunch of extra playable characters on top of it that all play like you would expect them to which is wild because the original game only had sonic extra playable characters are in the port of sonic 1 as well but here they're unlocked from the start the only way to access them in that first game is by like making really good times on all of the stages and i am not good for that at all so thankfully i have to put in no effort to play a shadow in master system sonic 2. and that is a sentence i never thought i would say out loud there's something really awesome about taking these classics and polishing them up with a bunch of modern editions while also not messing with that game's original style sonic advance is really cool but sonic advance with less screen crunch and more characters is even cooler there's even full blown remakes in the works as well first up here we have sonic chaos and i mean man just look at the title screen here this alone is incredible the animation is stellar essentially what we have here is a sonic mania version of sonic chaos one of the better games on the game gear this is only a demo so far but what's on display here is so well done it goes to show that there are so many parts of sonic's handheld legacy that deserve the same love and treatment that some of the console games get yeah that's right you think sonic chaos is the only one being represented here nah man boom sonic triple trouble stylistically this one is definitely closer to sonic 3 than sonic mania but man this was really fun too it's all about the slight tweaks to the established themes and the occasional original gimmick that really made those 8-bit classics stand out and seeing them more fleshed out in the genesis-era style is really really cool also we got fang the sniper in the house so i want more of whatever these developers are serving i even found this one fan game that tries to take sonic 3d blast and convert it into a side scroller definitely an admirable take some of the gimmicks do make the transition over pretty smoothly but i think in an attempt to still feel like 3d blast the level designs just don't really work as well when you're trying to run through them as fast as possible i still really like the concept though genesis sonic is such a beloved formula the more classics that get made into that format the better except sonic blast you can leave that one to rod i think everyone will be fine with that oh wait hold on we got more fang in 3d in 2d fangs right there okay i'm totally on board now these remakes and remasters they're not completed yet who's to say whenever they will hit the finish line but for what i've seen and from what i've played i will say i am very excited for whenever any of these games do hit a completed state i mean hell at this point let's take sonic shuffle and turn it into a 2d game why not there's clearly no rules anymore works in progress are pretty much the lifeline that keeps the sonic fan game train chugging along there may not be a ton of completed fan games out there but some of the stuff that's in the works that may or may not be completed at some point in the future that's where a lot of the gold is recently some 3d tech demos hit the internet and man let me tell you you give some people creative freedom and powerful enough computers and they can produce some of the coolest stuff the franchise has ever seen the one i immediately fell in love with was project hero this is just a really big playground with a 3d sonic that in my opinion controls way better than many of the official sonic games out there whether or not a full game comes out of this remains to be seen but man just running around this world doing absolutely nothing is way more addicting than i expected it to be and taking a little look at the potential future for this project with these damn fine models being worked on i gotta tell you i am super excited for whatever comes our way and of course the same exact thing can be said for sonic utopia similarly we have another absolutely massive playground this time based on green hill and classic sonic the momentum-based physics you have in your control is so satisfying and some of the massive jumps you can pull off to then be rewarded with these awesome views of the landscape it is so damn good again i don't know how much of an actual game you can make out of something like this but i also spent like a half hour running around doing nothing worth of value besides running around so you tell me whether or not this is worth expanding upon now going more towards the untraditional side of things here we have sonic ball bold i don't know man that's just a weird way of saying super mario bros but with sonic characters instead but okay oh man i take it back it's not even just sonic here we got a whole bunch of characters to play as my god is that stanley the bug man from donkey kong 3 we're really cutting deep here i like it oh we got a bunch of wacky costumes too always a fan of these you can play as sonic metal sonic mighty shadow the entire opening to scooby doo what oh hey look at that a jojo reference that's sure to please somebody out there oh good we can also play as the kid from i wanna be the guy [Music] yeah yeah that sounds about right oh hold on we got special stages too whoa they're based on super monkey ball i'll be damned that's that's actually a pretty genius idea but yeah this is basically just a really fun way to play through that original super mario bros as well as the lost levels for some reason that game still sucks but you just have a bunch of options to change things up however you like them have you ever played super mario crossover where you can run through those classic stages with a ton of different options for fan service overload yeah sonic ball is just sort of like a different take on that and it's also really neat if anything though the sprite work gives this game the upper edge alone it is fantastic the artwork on display for these stages and characters is so so good ultimately i'm not sure if i would say it's better or worse than crossover but the widescreen in sonic ball does also give this game an edge just please somebody explain to me what ball bowl means i'm really clueless about that part all right cool we got our kirby reference in there that's nice i can say hit my quota for the year sonic's speed course all right yeah it's just like a sonic version of kirby's dream course and much like that game i'm really bad at this to be fair though this style does arguably fit sonic a whole lot more than kirby so this all does kinda make sense again though i'm just really bad at it also the world is heavily lacking in low polygon sonic so more of this is the key to world peace i assure you alright now we're serious sonic roboblast 2 the quintessential sonic fan game as far as i'm concerned the legacy behind this one is honestly super fascinating robo blast 2 has been a thing ever since it started back in 1998 and it's still going strong my god being based on a heavily modified version of doom actually this is simply an awesome way of bringing classic sonic into 3d great art style smooth controls absolutely massive levels special stages based on knights holy cow that's also really cool it's all just so damn impressive and i can easily see why this gains the great reception it's received over the years and while the core game that you get here is really good you take one look at the modding community and you can tell things go to an entirely new level new characters new levels even entirely new game modes you can tell that sonic roboblast 2 isn't just a game but a platform and there's no way that that isn't just incredibly cool the mods are super simple to set up too more than i expected you just drag and drop a few files and then boom modern sonic with a totally unique moveset you move around some more you change some settings around and then boom look at that fully 3d models more low polysonic this gives me life right here i honestly avoided sonic roboblast 2 for so long for no real reason and i am honestly upset that i did because this is great i love it it's probably my favorite game i've played in this entire video it got me thinking this is rubble blast 2 what about the first one oh okay yeah we don't we don't gotta talk about that one it's okay now you would probably assume that the world of fan games that has a much lower barda entry to put out whatever anybody wants would have been giving us the weird annoying and flat out unfun fluff that we would associate with the worst of this fan base but in actuality the fans are responsible for some of the coolest stuff sonic has ever seen and it leads to a very bright future for this franchise remember before and after the sequel i mentioned earlier well that developer would go on to create spark the electric gesture a fully fledged original ip available now on pc via steam there's even a 3d sequel that's available as well which also looks great freedom planet that's another one that became a big success with a pretty similar legacy behind it initially starting off as a fan game and like spark there's a sequel as well and of course sonic mania proof positive that sometimes the fanbase does kinda know best there's even this annual event that happens online called the sonic amateur games expo highlighting hacks mods fan games and a whole lot more and some of the games that i mentioned in today's episode are going to be in the 2020 edition of the sage show so i highly recommend checking it out and seeing what some of these really talented people have been working on the inconsistency in the official games given to us by sega has created these massive divides within the community about what some think makes a good sonic game and while we can complain all we want about the state of the franchise on the internet it's one of the constants in life complaining about sonic ain't going away anytime soon this reality combined with the incredibly talented people to create fan games like this covers these different niches and genres that simply won't be taken care of by the officially licensed media and thankfully sega does embrace this side of the community some of the stuff you can find and play here is so damn cool it is not worth pretending that this stuff doesn't exist but what about the bad stuff oh god i'm excited and nervous all at the same time all right well i guess i'll go and pick an abomination of a character this is this is fine oh oh oh wait actually actually this one's pretty good it's like a weird ball racing game that can be broken in an instant yeah this is great there's even online multiplayer too that's hilarious sadly at the time i played this it does seem to be pretty dead so at that point it's pretty on par with team sonic racing clearly i missed out on the hot sanic ball craze when it was new because i'll be damned this is fun it looks terrifying but hey it plays really well hold on is that a real-life crocodile excuse me okay i take back all the compliments all right here we go time to make my very own sonic the hedgehog clearly this is what influenced sonic forces uh-huh yep thinking the arm should look a little bit like this the head definitely like this body color yeah yeah this one this one makes a lot of sense as for the name uh prego knight supper hispan vex kai the hedge girl couldn't have said it any better myself rolls right off the tongue all right that was a blast what about the second game here oh man sorry guys it looks like i can't really play this one that's a shame no network adapter man that's a that's a big shame right there oh well now it's time to make some movies for my adoring audience nothing too explicit here i gotta keep my channel in good standing you know what i mean i am not risking my channel over this the last option we have here is a virtual reality game where you're sonic's roommate oh my god okay i hate this i hate this oh mom pick me up i'm scared yeah no that this yep that this looks about right sonic dreams collection is yeah that's about it this game is i knew this one was infamous for a bunch of reasons and i was very scared to find out why my fears were totally justified okay so taking a look at the timer down below it looks like we're almost done here we have time for one more fan game what do we got nothing like a sequel to sonic forces to really get the blood flowing here we have sonic suggests that's one of the funniest names i've seen in my life this should be good [Music] oh god oh wow okay i kind of i kind of hate how good this game actually looks this is very pretty why oh it's because of hideo kojima of course i should have known oh man what is this i don't know what's going on here it controls fine i guess but at what cost really you know sometimes in life you get these questions that pop up in your head and you know you'll never know the answer to them and this is definitely one of those times oh no they're coming closer please stop oh man we have a boss fight we have an eggman boss fight okay all right a couple of hits and he's down has to be expected now it's time to kill the eggman all things considered here still better than sonic forces [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 876,109
Rating: 4.9522643 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Fan Games, Sonic ROM Hacks, Sonic Mods, Sonic Fan Games 2020, Sonic Fan Games 2019, Best Sonic Fan Games, AntDude Sonic fan games, AntDude Sonic rom hacks, AntDude Sonic mods, Worst Sonic games, Worst Sonic Fan games, Bad Sonic fan games, Good Sonic fan games, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Sonic Before the Sequel, Sonic After the Sequel, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, SAGE 2020, Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020
Id: qFCQlujxc-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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