VIVARIUM (2020) Ending Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this ending explain we're looking at vivarium following a couple in search of the perfect place to live traveling to the suburban neighborhood yonder in which all houses look identical but when they try to leave the labyrinth life development each road takes them back to where they started can they escape yonder or are they doomed to be trapped forever this is why I feel like had a lot of intriguing concepts but didn't quite deliver on its promise as a whole I did enjoy the movie for what it was a kind of parable of a couple trapped in a Kafka s suburban hell but in the end left me feeling like something was missing and even the overall grander themes at play seem perhaps a little superficial in their statements although from a production standpoint even if minimalistic it is visually very impressive especially so in a trippy and bizarre later sequence and our two leads a slightly less twitchy than usual Jesse Eisenberg and the grossly underrated Imogen Poots do exceptionally well as our lead couple and have a palpable chemistry that injects the movie with some much-needed comedic moments but as a whole is a mostly dour affair feeling more like an overextended Twilight Zone episode it kind of gets lost in what it's trying to say and balancing that with developing and entertaining and compelling mystery there is a lot on the minds of the world of ovarium and I do appreciate its attempts to work at multiple levels acting as a sci-fi mystery as well as invoking grander ambitions on dehumanization so these are the concepts we'll be focusing on in today's video and how they relate to vivarium story and character journeys explaining the twists and turns of the main story as well as the ending and looking at what the bigger picture was that filmmakers were going for even before getting into the movie at all it's worth pointing out what the title means before I started the movie that was like what the heck is vivarium anyway a place such as a laboratory where live animals are kept under conditions simulating their natural environment for research after reading that I was like oh I feel like that kind of tells me way too much and now I'm just sort of waiting to see that come into action perhaps tipping their hat too much right off the bat and the same goes for this start of the movie and kind of kills a lot of the mystery before we even get a chance to dive into it ourselves yes kind of odd usually everything has some sort of important meaning so if you start in your movie with a scene of baby birds in a nest it's gotta mean something then in this case it also gives away too much for shadowing you've got two little baby birds coming to life knocking them out both to their deaths and a cuckoo approaches when the mother returns another bird left behind gets all the food that she's brought this is just like in nature turns out cuckoos are real dick birds they're referred to as brood parasites they actually find another bird's nest and leave an egg of their own the other mother bird doesn't know the difference and naively raises the Cuckoo's eggs to hatching and feeds them just as presented in the opening even when school teacher Gemma finds a girl looking in distress at the dead baby birds Jim explains if the cuckoo just needed a nest why not make its own she asks Jim a bluntly stating that's just the way things are the girl pointing out the truth calling that terrible and not liking that that is the way things are it's just nature and indeed we will see that this is an encapsulation of our entire story yet to come we barely get a chance to really even meet Gemma and her maintenance worker boyfriend Tom before they decide to venture to a store that sells houses is that even a thing I'm not sure but this one seems especially odd with Rosa the exact same model on display one after another and the employee Martin is just way off and when speaking has a very odd rhythm and overall demeanor like a quite creepy and strange smile that seems almost inhuman they're understandably turned off by his behavior but he still tries to sell them on a home in the development called Yonder assuring them that a lot of great and diverse people are moving in and these houses aren't gonna last at rock-bottom prices sounds almost too good to be true and tom is ready to leave immediately but they awkwardly get sucked into at least taking a look at a house and yonder I mean there's no harm in just looking right they follow Martin to yonder passing a sign with a happy looking family promising quality homes forever declaring you are home now Jim arrived at unit 9 and looking around the neighborhood it is literally the exact same greenhouse and concrete barrier copy and pasted ad infinitum as far as the eye can see Martin gives them a tour and once again everything he says is slightly off and just sounds wrong going on about how many homes have the pretense of being ideal but these are truly ideal yet inside things seem off to feeling like an imitation of a staged home even including two t-shirts laid out in front of the bed for each of them Martin asks if they have any kids not yet Gemma says and he leaves them to check out the rest on their own heading to the backyard the area is completely empty with no other neighbors or any other soul around whatsoever leading them to wanting to find Martin to ask when the others are moving in yeah when they go to search for him Martin has vanished without a trace including his car tom is actually relieved as now they can get the hell out of this weirdo neighborhood and they attempt to drive out but as we see from above the development is literally just greenhouses and twisting roads forever making it impossible for them to differentiate where they're going winding up right back where they started also here noticing that they have no cell phone signal Tom takes a go behind the wheel driving long into the night and ultimately seems that they can't escape and run out of gas conveniently right back in front of number nine they decide to try to make the best of it cracking open their welcome package of champagne and plump Straub's yeah when taking a bite Tom is confused finding the berry has no taste and when Gemma tries one herself based on a reaction it's the same thing already showing us things aren't exactly right here and the next day they try to get their bearings taking a ladder to the roof to get a better view which honestly doesn't instill much hope revealing a never ending sea of houses perfectly pink clouds hanging lifelessly in the sky to his horror but it must have some kind of ending based on any logical reasoning so they decide to traverse in a straight line hopping the fences between houses following the Sun so that they know that they are going in the right and same direction the Sun setting and still trying into the night they stumble upon a house that has the light on but just as we might expect the light is from there even going in a straight line they circled back to where they started showing us again that things aren't exactly normal or precisely real in a logical sense and yonder they find a delivery in a cardboard box left for them but no sign of a delivery driver dumping it out there's a variety of foodstuffs inside but rather than settling in tom tries a more destructive plan igniting a flap of the box and setting fire to the house the two sitting outside and watching as the flames spread confident in his plan of sending out a smoke signal in order to get rescued the fire continues to rage until they both pass out the next morning ash hangs in the air everything obscured and fog and discover another cardboard box waiting for them surprisingly inside is a baby boy with instructions written to raise the child and be released on the flap mail-order babies now that really is something illustrating the futility of trying to escape the fog lifts and they see their house is completely undamaged the door creaking open on its own beckoning them back to where they belong with no other choice they settle into life and yonder and raising the boy and after some time passes he quickly grows into what looks like at least a six or seven year old which makes us think that that's how long they've been here but when getting measured Jimmu mark said it's only been 98 days showing us that once again something is off here and this kid isn't actually a normal child but indeed a brood parasite just like the cuckoo infidel child it seems that the boy is kind of studying Gemma and Tom starting with a daily routine of the boy coming in while as de facto parents are sleeping which they obviously aren't fond of all joining in and flipping each other off and he begins to weirdly mimic their voices replaying previous arguments about their predicament like Tom blaming Gemma and complaining that the food is making him feel sick I'm to blame how is this my fault Tom the boy is also a big fan of dogs despite not even knowing what one is annoyingly making woof-woof sounds in his creepy voice and running all around the house both clearly annoyed by his behavior Neetu sensing something wrong he asked Gemma if his mother is feeling overwhelmed again which she quickly shuts down bluntly telling him she's not his mother then who is he asks God no she responds the boy returning to his incessant woofing if this wasn't enough his morning routine to ask for food is to loudly shriek getting louder and louder until he's given cornflakes with the exact right ratio of milk and is placated for the moment yum yum he declares excitedly the couple are decidedly less excited still hoping to find out more on their situation waiting patiently outside with a box marked for trash and keeping an eye out for the pickup person but they know that they never see them coming saying with that SOS message they wrote on the roof not much hope when in a single plane has been seen flying overhead this whole time Tom White's a cigarette remnant puffing away at what's left and tossing it on the yard which when landing oddly causes the grass to kind of flee from the fire leaving a patch of dirt in a radius around the butt he decides to investigate further taking a pickaxe and hacking into the earth making the hole larger and coming across a yellow clay substance a bit further down Gemma joins him but ultimately thinks it's pointless but he's still too focused on digging and not really listening begging her to just let him keep going because this is something he can actually do rather than sing around with no real purpose and when turning back to the street the trash box has vanished again no sign of anyone actually taking it tom basically becomes obsessed with digging the hole as deep as possible believing there has to be a bottom Australia she jokes or maybe even hell but he retorts no we're already there he becomes more distant from Gemma opting to dig on his own when she offers help leaving her alone with their weird kid he again appears to be attempting to learn human behavior mimicking Gemma as she takes a drink of orange juice then he's right back to being horribly annoying whooping all around the house Jim and taking refuge next to the laundry machine the cycle loud enough to drown out his noise he later decides to watch some television which only beams out strange abstract images radiating in a kind of pattern the boy engrossed by the signal Jimmu gets some alone time in their car which has another benefit them noting that there is a smell in the car a real smell both breathing it in and allowing them to feel in some small way that they are back home surprisingly the battery is still functioning the radio kicking back to life and they take advantage of the Tunes having an impromptu dance party in the street having an chewable moment for once which is spoiled by the kid creepily walking up in the background staring quizzically at them before joining in doing his best to follow along awkwardly moving his arms and legs and getting in on the fun he doesn't daring little spin maneuver that accidentally knocks Tom to the curb although to me it looks like he pushes him on purpose a power struggle of source developing between Tom and this weird boy creature thing she thinks it's funny but Tom not so much picking up the kid and slamming him on the ground Jimmy checks on him concerned but he's totally fine getting back to his feet with a weird smile and showing off his fresh dance moves after this incident the rips continues to grow between the couple Jimmy's showing signs of caring for the boy tucking him in and trying to get him to understand that he can't always be with them but he doesn't get it just wishing his mother goodnight which upsets her again correcting him she leaves the room and he immediately burst into shrill screams Jimmy loses her temper telling him to shut up and he emulates Tom's voice declaring him disturbing and leaving when Tom returns from digging duties she goes for a move on him but he's uninterested turning away and flipping off the light and their routine continues feeding the boy his precious cornflakes while Tom becomes further consumed by digging in the hole is pretty sizeable now getting some positive evidence that he's accomplishing something here hearing what sounds like weird creatures shrieking from underneath the earth strengthening his resolve to continue digging even more furiously than before they continue to be pushed to the limits of their forced roles as parents to this child finding the boy up late at night watching his weird signals Tom quickly switches it off annoying the boy who immediately puts it back on Gemma steps in and takes a chance at appealing to him but he rebuffs her to both eventually giving in and letting the boy watch it on his own the next morning the usual routine is getting to Tom the boy screaming for his cornflakes and this time he elects to throw the bowl against the wall and anger in decides to lock the boy up in the car throwing him in the backseat still screaming insanely the entire way Jimmy tries to stop him again showing some kind of compassion for the kid and Tom stops her in her tracks pinning her to the ground and demanding she leave it alone and stop feeding it he apologizes but has a reason in mind for neglect it assuming if whoever is behind this doesn't want it to die that they will come for the child she's disturbed wondering if they're just supposed to wait for him to die and Tom corrects her that it's an it not a he but her maternal instincts have naturally started seeping in snatching the keys away from Tom and able to coax the boy out Tom steering ominously as she carries him back inside as if he were her own child their bond only continues to grow putting him back to sleep and telling him to have a dream but he's unfamiliar with this concept encouraging him to give it a try she joins him in bed surprisingly putting his arm around her like he also cares for her while tom is literally taking to sleeping down in the hole also illustrating of the two are further drifting apart her getting closer to the boy while he's still focused on finding a way to get back out of this nightmare scenario Jimmu believes that understanding and raising the child might be the key taking him to look at clouds which she knows are all perfectly shaped finding it sickening as in the real world where she comes from clouds come in all shapes and sizes he starts barking as usual but this time Jimmy joins in both whooping back and forth and she gets really into it howling at the sky like a wolf it almost seems to catch herself after doing so like huh oh was that all about at this point Tom and Gemma appeared to not even be interacting much at all anymore her sleeping alone in bed and brushing her teeth alone which they always used to do together she finds the boy's room empty setting out in search of him but Tom hasn't seen him either still digging away as always so she takes to the streets looking for him and spends the whole day doing so to no avail when she circles back home the boy randomly shows up she asked where he went and he hands her a book full of weird symbols on every page assumedly this is all written in his native alien language along with a few diagrams like a drawing of a man with odd throat sacs of sorts and another illustrating a man woman and child clearly indicating the cyclical nature of the human life cycle especially after seeing all this jim oppresses the boy again for information on his whereabouts asking if he met someone new he admits he did but is not allowed to tell more she tries a different tactic playing a game of pretend getting him to go through his different mimicking voices Tom and her asking if he can do anyone else he NAS excitedly that he can taking a deep breath and hunches over groaning his neck beginning to bulge out just like the drawings which she finds horrifying it is right back to not being this thing's mother crying that she wants to go home the boy calmly responding silly mother you are home which you know probably doesn't make her feel any better another indeterminate amount of time passes and the boy has now completely grown up Gemma's still acting as his mother placing a meal which he thanks her for lifelessly responding you're welcome he asks if she meant that or was being sarcastic more like being polite she clarifies the boy asking if it's because of fear yeah I think so you big ol weirdo showing that she is only acting as a parent out of fear at this point and no longer compassion worried what will happen if she doesn't do what the boy demands now sleeping in separate rooms Tom keeps a chair on the door to keep everyone out and it appears that he's starting to get sick hearing him wheezing while asleep Gemma brings him some food and reveals her true feelings about their faux son asking why she didn't let him kill the boy when he was younger Tom assuring her it's because she's a good person taking her in his arms in the shower we see his body is covered in sores of some kind really making it look like he's not gonna be around too much longer and perhaps he could be actually being poisoned by the environment due to his rejecting the boy against what they were instructed to do he weakly climbs back to his hole and comes across something sticking out of the dirt when investigating closer he's alarmed to discover that it's a body meanwhile Jimmu was attempting to follow the grown boy on his daily walk inevitably getting lost thanks due to a fog again in shrouding the neighborhood she yells for Tom and he echoes in return allowing her to find her way back home fighting tom is getting weaker his breath ragged and collapsing on the curve she tries for the door but it's locked the lights flickering inside spotting the kid watching his weird TV visuals forcing them to sleep in the car the next morning went on his way out again she pleads with him for help the boy only responding maybe it's time he was released and Sandra's off she cradles Tom him asking if she remembers the wind never realizing how much he liked it in they came here they then reminisce on how they met when Jima was set up for a date and Tom starts to fade away Jim encouraging him to keep going remembering waking up on her couch and seeing her bathe in the sunlight found that he thought she looked like an angel feeling at this moment that he was home thanks to her warm presence miss di Gemma asked what happened then but he's no longer talkative as tom has died her bawling and holding him lovingly that night the kid returns with a cardboard box containing a body bag for him floating him into the bag vacuum sealing him up and dumping him down into his precious hole tumbling down to the bottom now she knows where her so-called son truly stands and the next morning decides to make her big move waiting for him to leave the house and attacking him with the pickaxe she wings him in the face the boy hissing and crawling away on all fours bizarrely he lifts up the curb and goes underneath Jimmu keeping the reality seam open with the axe and following after she finds herself in a kind of in-between reality zone this seems to be taking her through previous test subjects that have been brought here kind of tripping through these different realities seeing the kid back when he was younger then coming to another sobbing lady at the kitchen table most certainly a previous forced upon mother just as Jim have found herself the ground then turning to quicksand and sucking her through everything all wobbly and off then fighting herself in a green tinged bedroom a child watching his foe parents make love and applauding approvingly that's weird moving to a blue bathroom she pulls the shower curtain finding a dead dude in a tub who appears to have taken his own life which is certainly one quick way to escape their situation yet as we've consistently seen it always loops back right to where she belongs tumbling down a flight of stairs and back inside number nine in her reality based on their car being out front and Tom still remaining giant hole upon realizing this she drops down in anguish and screams she hears her voice asking what am i in this her boy is there to explain she's a mother going on that she's someone who prepares their son for the world telling her it's time to die now encouraging her to have a nice dream again telling his silly mother that she is home sipping her up in her own body bag she continues to contend that she not his [ __ ] mother and the grown child says to work on clearing all the evidence repainting the house and getting things back to a fresh state dumping her body in the hole with Tom's and filling it back in the grass then spreading right back over the spot as though nothing had ever happened Henry fills the car with gas taking it out of yonder passing by the sign and of course back to the house sales shop from the beginning Martin is still there attending his post but now wheezing and looking much older than before clearly it's time for him to be relieved of his duties the boy enters to take his place taking the Martin nametag for himself pulling out another body bag for his predecessor he jams him inside folding up his body like it's nothing stuffing him into the filing cabinet and taking a seat just as another couple enters the showroom and the whole horrible process starts all over again right so there's two different layers to the story as presented first and foremost is the vivarium experiment that unfolds over the course of the movie the beings behind the experiment aliens or what have you some kind of foreign creature they actually have created this Yonder environment to observe humans in their somewhat natural habitat I say somewhat because it's obviously a much more overly simplified and slightly off version of what human life actually is they obviously haven't quite gotten the simulation down packed yet since things have no taste the clouds are too perfect and there's always an undercurrent that things aren't how they are supposed to be because everything these brood parasites are doing is an invitation of human life and they continue to do the same experiment over and over to hopefully get a better outcome as a result one of their own that can truly blend in and not come across as a weirdo amongst humans they have obviously been doing this for some amount of time and it seems to specifically be that they only use the number-9 house and it's also obvious that the entire reality is being manipulated by these beings yet Tom discovers a body down at the bottom of the hole and Jemma sees that other distraught mother and the father that commits suicide so they obviously aren't the first couple to ever be put through the experiment somewhat similar to the cuckoo from the beginning the idea is to implant their species child in the care of a human mother and father in an attempt to learn more about their behavior and attempt to blame in with humanity as best as possible the parents don't understand what they're actually raising because on the surface it does look like an average human child but the weird voices and puss bags eventually make it obvious that they are indeed not human just as the birds that raised the Cuckoo's eggs without realizing it's not their own it's only after they've reached maturity do they realize they've essentially been tricked by the brood parasite by then with no means of escape they have no real choice other than attempt to raise a child the best they can and their life cycle also seems to be accelerated as far as maturity and lifespan as well flickering out in a much more rapid pace than a human and that also lends to the necessity of the experiment their kind doesn't seem to last long on earth and this warrants further experiments to provide a never-ending supply of Martens to also continue bringing in more test subjects it's a very defined cycle which relates to the grander statement the film seems to be inquisitively poking at if utility an inescapable cycle of human life there are well-defined moments throughout that metaphorically relate to our own development from suddenly finding yourself as the suburbs and having to manage on your own to the infusion and difficulties of raising a child never truly quite understanding how to relate to them or provide them what they want but still doing your best he had result being as new Martin tells Gemma in her bag a mother's job is to prepare their son to go out into the world for Humanity that is kind of the final stage of importance raising your child to becoming independent then setting out in the world to make their own way just as with Gemma and Tom after this Duty is done there is no reason to continue yet at the same time all they are really doing by sending their kid into the world it's putting them into their own endless cycle their child taking over the position of the previous Martin and dooming him to fall as a cog in to his place in this grander inescapable cycle of life never really able to do anything outside of a very few set perimeters until we to shuffle off this mortal coil and the process begins anew as precisely seen over the course of the movie and with the brood parasites experiments love is a [ __ ] and then you die I don't know what to tell you and this brings us to the conclusion of this video on vivarium while it didn't quite resi lofty goals of his aspirations I did still find it to be interesting and well produced little sci-fi tale unfortunately I could have used a lot more development and pretty much every aspect from the actual sci-fi aspects and his grandeur statement to his making about humanity the end result is just a little too superficial to really take that much away from everything in more layers and elements added would have really strengthened things as a whole rather than evolving into a kind of slog following a guy digging a hole for 40 minutes and an annoying kid running around barking what would love well if it was maddening and there's really not much else to it oh well I did still enjoy what they were going for and enjoyed it for what it was what did you guys think of Iberia man it's ending were you able to make any more of it than I did leave your thoughts and theories down in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,379,491
Rating: 4.8797216 out of 5
Keywords: vivarium, vivarium ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, vivarium meaning, explanation, vivarium 2019, 2020, jesse eisenberg, imogen poots, trailer, clip, final scene, twist, end scene, definition, themes, review, analysis, spoiler, spoilers, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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