HEAD COUNT (2018) Ending Explained

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to found flicks on this seening explain we'll be looking at head count where a shape-shifting creature terrorizes a group of teens in the desert after one of them reads a mysterious chin from an internet site well there's your first mistake kid don't be reading mysterious chance you find on the Internet it always leads to unleashing evil when will these teens ever learn heads count basic setup and creature mythology are decent enough but the execution falls completely flat this is one of those indie horror movies where not much happens for a lot of the runtime literally just kids getting hammered in the deserts all building towards an inevitable big climax yet for some reason the filmmakers actively choose to not show these pivotal scenes on screen which is just bizarre to me especially after so much build-up it makes it honestly feel like it isn't really worth the wait this is also another one of those that tons of you guys have been asking me to cover and I do understand why as the entire climax and ending are extremely abrupt leaving us with many more questions than answers about what the heck just happened so let's round up your friends for a deadly drunken desert trip in head count where we'll be breaking down the story digging into the mythology of the hiss G creature and how its ritual works and explaining the twist ending that sets things up quite nicely for a sequel we start with the rhyme that informs us of what we'll be dealing with on our story the history a vengeful thing five times its name you never sing with skin pale white and eyes of green it's something you've already seen so it's hard to say what exactly history is at this point but definitely don't say its name five times that much is clear in our first shot we cut right to a dude Evan with pale skin and green eyes but I'm sure it's just a coincidence right he's dropping off his other pals for some killer boat based vacation well he instead is going to visit his weirdo brother who lives in a run-down trailer in the middle of the Joshua Tree desert now that's my kind of vacation finding him in deep meditation in the back bedroom area you'd think he's some kind of drugged out hippie or something but Peyton actually has an aversion to drugs preferring to get high on life if you will so what do you do in the middle of the desert anyway evan has offered the choice of either sound stones some kind of stones whose reverberations make you feel [ __ ] up afterwards or hiking yeah I'll go for the hiking your fruit loop on the way the two shares some brotherly ribbing and even more so than usual as Payton is also playing both roles of mother and father broaching subjects like how his grades at school are or if he's dating anyone Evan says he's playing the field but as Payton says he got to actually get some action to count as play in the field got him peyton proceeds to run off wanting evan to chase after him something they used to do as kids when hiking apparently evan cursing him saying this happens every time he squeezes between a small rock space on the other side his brother they're waiting for him along with a random group of kids hanging out and getting [ __ ] up evan is immediately smitten with one amongst them though not zoe apparently even though some of the characters call her both for some reason pick one and lucky for Evan she seems charmed by his pasty prowess snapping a photo of him her friend Camille encourages her to talk to him but Zoe isn't so sure she decides to break the ice for her calling out to the brothers and introducing themselves and by introducing asking if they want to smoke some weed evan is down plopping right down next to Zoe while Payton keeps his distance from the malevolent marijuana so and Evan engage in some nice small talk giving him God for his goofy race car lighter but Evan defensively says he's not a redneck but that it's actually his brothers from years ago asking what his deal is evan explains that he doesn't like the drugs which is amusing to zou as he does look like exactly the kind of person you would buy drugs from true enough so sometime later it's time for the group of kids to move on from their eventful day of smoking and sitting to head back to where they're saying and it looks like the burgeoning romance is nipped in the bud before it can blossom Camille does offer for him to join them but evan turns her down saying he has plans with his brother payton tries to win him over by saying he has his own super cool friends that they can meet his so-called biking buddies who i'm sure or fun lot if they're friends with this goofball and payton realizes what his brother actually wants telling him he has to go back not allowing him to pass up an opportunity to have some fun in any way they still have the whole weekend foursome brotherly bonding what's the harm of one on his own Evan catches up to zone who wonders if there's bad blood between him and his brother as he did choose a group of strangers over him he admits to some drama but we don't ever get too much more on the subject beyond that besides who has time for getting deep when it's time to get to what the kids are really here for heavy amounts of alcohol so much alcohol now this is lemon that night the gang gather around a campfire to actually tell ghost stories and after one of them blows everyone away with his spooky tale its Evans turn at the mic he's unsure and hesitant asking if he really has to take a turn but they suggest to just use the classic website anonymous nightmares dot-com to find a story to read you can always trust the internet to never steer you astray or perhaps not as however in the world Evan picks a story he finds one that he reads out called his G his G his G is G his G yes that's five of our demons name right in the name of the story and they've already begun the process of selling him way to go he reads out the weird rhyme from the beginning to everyone's confusion and lack of interest wondering what the heck kind of scary story that was supposed to be you know Evan could have just looked for two seconds himself before reading it out loud but there's so much social pressure no time to pick a good one just read that one it's fine the group finds his story so lame they declare a story time over so you know what that means back to drinkin as they had inside a door on a nearby Cabin closes on its own our first sign that someone or something else is in their mist it's this G obviously so and Evan head to the hot tub don't forget the tequila naturally he asked about the group's dynamics and she explains that literally everyone else here is a couple going through who is dating who it doesn't matter and I don't care so forget it and only pours oh is the lone single person amongst the entire group calling herself the ninth wheel though she doesn't mind being single pleasing a big kiss on a surprised Evan the two giggling afterwards but their flirtatious moment is dashed by a sound from out in the desert peering into the darkness there appears to be a man-sized figure with glowing eyes watching them but they still aren't sure of what they're seeing a little unnerved and somehow finding the hot tub too hot even though hot is right there in the name and everything it's time to go back inside telling the of what they think they saw douche extraordinaire max offers that it might be his loser brother creeping around outside so it's written off as no big deal and it's back to the never ending party evan is still concerned peering out a window but gets pulled away Wenzhou offers him a shot of tequila - I was starting to wonder what it took to get a drink around here we learned they definitely aren't just seeing things a figure obscured in the edge of frame who then disappears hmm that's certainly hot what is the deal with this history thing anyway Joe and Evan erase their memories with more shots then luring him back to her room with offerings of better tequila great great news Evan comes to the next morning seeing a family photo on the nightstand who are these people and how did they get this house anyway finding the front door wide open Evan goes to retrieve his shoes discovering another set of footprints in the sand leading back to the derelict cabin when he gets up someone with long blond hair is suddenly standing behind him he then enters the cabin finding no signs of anyone though he does find an odd symbol carved into the wall a circle with a star inside what looks like stick figures on each end of the point and a figure on the top when putting a finger into the etching he finds that it's still fresh the same woman now standing behind him again but vanishes wenzhou calls out scaring the crap out of Evan who doesn't tell her about the symbol or the footsteps still trying to play it cool in front of his new lady and her super dope friends who are already all back on the drug train even though it's 9 o'clock in the freaking morning connoisseur Niko wanting some shrooms for breakfast now you're talking evidence having such a great time that he decides to stay with the group who are venturing out in the desert to a lookout point where you can see the whole park evan is down but mentions they are missing someone the blonde woman he saw at the cabin but they don't know who he is talking about blaming it all on the lingering effects of all the sweet sweet drugs hiking to their destinations oh and Evans split off on their own everyone startled by consistent shotgun shots ringing out through the area most likely courtesy of the drunken Bros they saw chilling earlier leading them to wonder what it is they're actually shooting at at the lookout spot Niko goes on about the beauty of doing different psychedelics for each time he visits the desert and out of nowhere zou standing near the edge of a cliff steps right off the side injuring her leg in the fall she appears confused about what happened it doesn't actually remember stepping over later recalling that it felt like there was a passenger inside of her own body evidence still worried about the person they saw by the hot tub and an annoyed max locks the doors to put him at ease quickly undone when someone knocks aggressively on the door turns out it's just a worried Peyton having not heard from his brother for two days but Evan still decides to stay with his new friends max questions him about his whereabouts accusing him of being outside but he denies of being here before now when wondering how we even found the house Peyton reveals that he has a team tracking app on his phone to keep tabs on Evan which everyone finds to be totally lame laughing at Peyton treating his brother like a little baby boy but there is a good reason it turns out as he tells them he had to act more like a parent to Evan since their parents are both dead totally souring the mood as he leaves dejected only one way to perk things up shots oh yeah baby playing a game using a deck of cards the number 5 is picked our first of the many appearances of the number to come which when a jack is picked turns to the always classic never have I ever with everyone going around and taking a turn the seeing drawn out purposefully to put us at ease when it's Sam's turn who we see plainly sitting on the couch a second Sam pops in from the other room somehow the lights quickly cut out everyone baffled as him was sitting right next to her moments ago how could he be in two places at once well are his G is his shapeshifter and was able to blend right in with the kids without them even noticing there's probably just looking to have a good time can you blame him really these kids know how to partay they search the still dark house finding no extra people hanging around in the back room seeing they just missed him the door closing behind them they still blame it all on the alcohol and spend the rest of the night in the living room Evan then comes to the next morning seems to be a pattern with these guys blackout drunk every night wake up in a confused state the next morning what the hell happens and we see another example of five an arrangement of bottle caps on the ground seeing even more fives when chatting with nico in the living room who divulged is that zou used to date max and she broke up with him explaining why he's acting like such a jerk to Evan a stranger coming in and snatching up his girl come on you can't do that even though he's got a new girlfriend it's fine they're surrounded by fives cards around the beer pitcher all with five space sing up five shot glasses five all over the dang place evidence worried about the increasing number coincidences remembering back to the rhyme he decides to do some always helpful Internet spook research on the history we see he really should have scrolled down before reading the story as her numerous cases listed that appeared to be others that have someone the history prior in each time everyone vanished without a trace a little girl in her blog detailing the same kinds of events that kids have been experiencing it amongst the photos at the scene include the same symbol Evan found in the cabin looking like they are doomed to suffer the same fate as the others after this Evan wisely decides it's time to get out of here and go spend some time with his brother encountering zou sittin down outside she says her leg is feeling better and she was able to get out here all on her own when he tells her he's leaving she goes for broke to get him to stay planting a steamy smooch on him hmm wonder why so would want him to stay so much maybe because that's not really zou dun dun dun the crew is about to head out and she tells Evan she'll meet him there riding in the other car of course when he checks the truck she's not there confused he asks where she is and Camille explains that her leg isn't any better in fact it's bad enough that she couldn't even get out of bed uh-oh not the brightest bulb are we Evan a few others also stayed behind to look after her and guess how many are there now yep seven I mean five five that's the whole thing realizing his horrible mistake and then he was duped by the his gene Evan frantically drives back to the house with Camille which for some imposible reason takes them the entire day to drive back to I mean they got to the place in the first place till daytime so why does it take 20 times longer to drive back who knows regardless by the time they arrived that night it's too late they find no one inside the house but lots of strange evidence left behind the house now a complete mess stuff actually attached to the walls and a display of garbage in a circle seemingly a recreation of the symbol at the cabin the points on each end of the star referring to each of the five victims required for the ritual they then find clues of the fates of their missing friends and makeshift noose in one room and a toaster in the bathtub meaning that the five that were left behind were driven to commit suicide due to the history's influence being able to take advantage of the five of them being it appears got to be five no more no less friends Degas victims outside Camille finds the his G disguise as though who tells her that her friends made their own choices and will live together forever oh that sounds nice actually blackout drunk for eternity thanks miss G you're going out so bad after all evan comes in explaining us not really though just as the rest of the group show up and guess how many are now at the house yep five here we go again Zoe begins to countdown on her hand from five seeing a liquid of some kind on the ground most likely blood I would wager and this must be the circle part of the symbol that surrounds the house in a barrier indicating the creatures power radius we quickly see the effects once she counts down one finger one on the group immediately pulls out a pocketknife and sets her own wrist the histy chooses to reveal what must be its true form a big eyed alien looking guy but seems like they're going more for a mythological creature rather than a being from space or anything like that definitely weird looking fleeing back inside the house they barricade the door and history tries to trick them again Haley appearing and banging on the door her boyfriend really wants to help but they know it's not her it then leaves onto the roof mimicking Zoe's voice then the others them wondering what it wants clearly it wants you you fool the light bulbs pop and seeing the history quickly flipping through each of the kids visages holding up four fingers still biddy goes down to one immediately in the house the guys all follow Vanessa in a trance miko goes for a nice drink of bleach Camille grabbing a knife making it pretty clear what's about to go down yet rather than show us the gruesome suicides we pull outside hearing only blood-curdling screams from inside things suddenly going quiet for a moment until Evan runs out blood splatter all over his shirt he doesn't get too far when reaching the barrier she's a mirror image of the house on the other side meaning there's no way he's gonna be getting out of here he attempts to call his brother getting his voicemail as usual pleading with him to come back to the house and seemingly knowing his chances of surviving tells him he loves him and gives a wistful goodbye rattling an electricity hissing all around him the lights cut out and so returns comfortingly telling him they'll all be together now reaching out her hand holding Peyton's racecar lighter evan takes it clicks it on again cutting away before seeing this pivotal moment we jumped to the next day Paton on his way to the house having not heard from his brother in several days at this point when he arrives we only see the aftermath of Evans moment the burnt remnants of the cabin seen in the corner meaning that just as with the others he was coerced into taking his own life by the his G burning the cabin down with him inside the house on the other hand is back to normal and appears completely unchanged with no sign of the Tim killed whatsoever man that his G is sure good at cleanup and from what we can tell has a kind of control over reality as well at least within its little barrier thing Paton finds his lighter in a bowl the bottom since black but still functioning lucky and only now does he get a chime on his cell phone alerting him to his brother's frantic final calls just as he's about to listen his brother enters saying everybody left and he's ready to get out of here Evan then apologized for being an [ __ ] to his brother going in for a bro hug the to warmly leaving together there's still one more day until Evan heads back to school so Peyton suggests introducing him to some of his friends boasting they are chill perfect Evan smirks because of course it isn't actually Evan but that his G assuming his form as every one of the kids was killed or really killed themselves and of course the sound of meeting some new friends sounds appealing because it wants more victims just hope they're in multiples of five or otherwise he's gonna run into some trouble with that we have reached a conclusion of this ending explain four headcount well not that great overall and it definitely felt like a lower quality version of it follows it was still well produced and has a fairly compelling new villain in the shape-shifting history and perhaps a sequel could continue the story and take it into a new direction that focuses more on the creature and less on the dumb dumb teenagers might have something on their hands there in that case what did you guys think of head count and its ending would you like to see the history return in a sequel let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,357,090
Rating: 4.9500933 out of 5
Keywords: head count, headcount, head count 2018, head count netflix, head count ending explained, head count explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, hisji, backstory, review, spoiler, trailer, clip, final scene, twist, end scene
Id: 9Fcen8TLweY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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