Special Guest Evangelist John Ramirez - How Do You Want Your Story To End?

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committed suicide talked to esau amanda had birthright and sold it for a bold suit talked to adam adam had a condo and lost the condo because he listened he listened he he listened he didn't listen to god we'll be and i think what we will be the end of your story how you want your story to end time is passing you by you're getting old and your things are wasting away and you're doing the same thing expecting different results what are you gonna learn when you're gonna surrender and when you're gonna say i can't do this by myself this is bigger than me i need someone that is bigger than my situation i need someone that can carry me through i need someone to give me revelation and give me clarity in my mind i can't live my life in patterns and cycles anymore i can't live my life mediocre anymore it's sad you know what the saddest thing for people when they die whether you're a christian or not you know the saddest thing that you're going to stand in prison you're going to stand in the presence of god don't tell me you're neutral please don't tell me you're neutral neutral is like standing in the middle of the road and traffic is coming from both sides the car is going to hit you from either direction be neutral and get round over and don't tell me oh god i understand god don't understand your craziness god don't understand sin and god don't understand your point your plan he understand his plan his purpose his destiny for you he understand that he gave his son jesus christ to die for you and then what god's going to say to you when you get to heaven he's going to say two things to you when you get to heaven he's going to say did you glorify my son jesus christ did you finish what i told you to finish because you didn't come from a monkey by the way because if you came from a monkey i'm a good looking monkey just saying [Music] you didn't come from the big bang situation that was a big bang but it wasn't you was your mom and your daddy that's how you were born right let's be real let's keep let's have real church let's be real people right because real people real church get to heaven too much masquerade going on matter of fact let me just say this you ready your wife here last thing christians celebrate halloween without celebrating halloween you know how you celebrate halloween you put on a fake match [Music] stand up praise the lord [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] holy holy holy [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] i want to see you [Music] i want to [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus we give you all the praise and honor we worship you with all our hearts and all our minds i worship you almighty god there is none like you jesus we give you praise and honor hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] for you are my righteousness [Music] you [Music] you [Music] is oh you are my wife [Music] there is [Music] for [Music] is [Music] there is no [Music] oh amen there is not like you lord jesus we praise you we honor you amen [Music] it is my desire to worship you lord jesus [Music] this is my desire to honor you lord with all of my heart i worship you all [Music] is [Music] is [Music] every breath that i did every moment [Music] every moment [Music] every moment i'm [Music] i give you [Music] away [Music] [Music] me [Music] remaining standing guys there's one more song come on my sister there's one more song she's going to sing for us praise jesus you guys could all be seated if you'd like all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] seem to disappear what if all my happy days turned into tears but if all the blue skies what if all my dreams raise your name all of your goodness i would still proclaim you are a loving god that won't ever change i would praise your name but if all my days were filled all my with prayers seem to be ignored but if all my treasures were swallowed by the seas [Music] on my knees your name you are a loving god that won't ever change i would praise your name and this is why we praise you [Music] raise your [Music] are a loving god worthy i would praise your name just because you saved me [Music] all right that was beautiful thank you hi good morning my name is john kim i'm one of the assistants here at the pastor armand before we begin we have a couple of announcements to make and first off just to let you folks know that came in late the restrooms outside the double doors on the left and we would just just like to ask you or not to bring in food and drinks just because of the wooden floors but if you get a waters completely fine so next is um evangelist john ramirez will be with us every month so he will be here and we hope to see you folks back i just want to let you know that this ministry is on fire so praise the lord for that next is um so just uh we want to give you some background information about what's going to take place today so this is how the schedule work first off we're going to start off with some q a i know there's quite a few people here and maybe your first time but if you have a burning question we just ask that you ask one question because there's so many folks here if you have a burning question uh what we're going to do after this is that we're going to form a line down that aisle and just come on up and ask whatever a question you may have for uh evangelist john ramirez okay so after our q a uh we're going to do a an offering and then john is going to go straight into the teaching and then he will do an altar call okay so that's the schedule next is i know many of you have a different chur or come from different churches and different parts of the united states to be here so thank you for that we just want to let you know we're here every sunday is 1 30. we have a zoom fellowship on tuesday at 6. it's on our website at armandministry.com also you can find evangelist john ramirez's spiritual warfare e-course on his website at johnremers.org fantastic course we encourage if you want to learn more about spiritual warfare to sign up for that okay so um we're we're not trying to steal you away from your church okay if you're just looking for some more information uh just just come on over now next is um i we just wanna i wanna give you some background information okay uh for some of you uh for many of you may be your first time um experiencing what deliverance is okay this is nothing new it's been around for thousands of years so i just want to just give some scriptures this you know just let you know that hey this is this is part of the package it's part of the program there's nothing new okay so about deliverance now this is in acts this is what paul writes and philip went down to the city of samaria which is modern-day israel and preached christ to them and the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which feel which philip spoke hearing and seeing the miracles which he did in other words he was out in samaria doing deliverance okay filled with the holy spirit next for unclean spirits unclean spirits are demons crying with loud voices came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with palsies and that were late were healed okay so when you folks see people screaming and yelling it's normal guys okay it's been happening since uh 40 a.d and the same thing is going to happen in the year 2021 so relax okay next all right now for some of you that do go through deliverance it's very important that once you do get your deliverance that you increase your bible knowledge okay don't just uh just come up and willy-nilly just get some deliverance and go back into the world go back to the club now everything's reopening you gotta increase your bible knowledge why because in matthew it says when unclean now this is jesus speaking right now when unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walks through dry places seeking rest and finds none then he says i will return to my house the house is you guys it's our bodies from where i came out and when he has come he finds it empty you mean in other words he's coming back okay the spirit has been casted out he's going to come back see what's going on with you and he finds it empty swept and garnished in other words there is no holy spirit there's no jesus in you then he goes and takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first so when you do get deliverance make sure you keep it increase your bible knowledge so that you're not ended up in a worse situation than you are in the beginning there's a saying that says better the devil you know than the devil you don't know okay so that's why uh we offer zoom uh john ramirez has his e-course make sure you increase your bible knowledge and finally a couple things um some of you uh you know a lot of in the past uh we've gotten folks that's been involved in witchcraft sorcery i've been victims of witchcraft and sorcery uh why because parts may be a part of your culture i know when the korean culture is me we deal with a lot of that stuff too okay when you get married you're supposed to see a shaman when you open a business you're supposed to see a shaman okay when uh it's your uh your uh your past the relatives who died okay on their anniversary of their death they're supposed to leave the door open so their spirit comes in and eats whatever offering you have it's all cultural stuff in other words what i'm really saying is that god tells us do not go see a witch do not go see a sorcerer or any of that kind because first off this is what god is telling moses this is about 1400 bc in arabia modern-day saudi arabia god tells moses do not regard them he's basically giving the law do not regard them to have familiar spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them okay these magicians psychic they all use unclean spirits demons to do their bidding now to be defiled by them and put that in perspective it's kind of like for you women that are married or have husbands boyfriends it's kind of like if you guys have marriage relationships and then your husband says oh yeah um i'm gonna go talk to the pimp go talk to the prostitute or the rapist about marriage counseling okay or about relationship issues i mean what possibly can be beneficial through that and second of all i thought you ladies will ever see him in the same light ever again right you're not going to see him the same afterwards so later when god speaks remember if you know god doesn't speak all at once he speaks over periods of thousands of years now he explains to you and says in isaiah says uh when they should say to you in other words maybe your friends or your family say seek unto them that have familiar spirits until wizards that people why maybe because it's part of your culture maybe it's something that your parents did or maybe something that your family did unto wizards that peep and mutter in other words for those of you that witness seances you see those witches they're always muttering and all kinds of weird stuff right and he's saying shania people seek unto their god in other words shouldn't we seek god for advice instead of these guys in other words why should they leaving why should the living living seek the dead for advice the dead are dead what can they possibly give to us right and then it says the soul that turns after such in other words this is god telling moses okay what he's saying is these are the consequences of going to a witch he says the soul that turns after such as having familiar spirits and after wizards to go a whoring after them i will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from his people guys this is the worst possible situation you could ever be in to have a being with infinite knowledge and wisdom to be in his crosshairs that's the worst situation to ever be in i'm not going to explain what happens to people that whose god set his face upon but it's going to make the devil look like a mosquito at that point okay so god says do not do that but god's power is mighty and as you see throughout history as we start it's 1800 bc in egypt joseph goes talk to the pharaoh pharaoh has a dream let me give you a little background about these kings and pharaohs they all have witches sorcerers psychics all that stuff you see in the movies is just not made up you know these back in the days were considered like their cabinet members like their advisors they go see the witch and the sorcerers for advice okay now it says here that pharaoh had a dream seven cows seven corn and basically what pharaoh's saying is that he's a complain of joseph joseph was a prophet of god mighty man and he says and he complains and he says i told my dream to the magicians but there was none that could declare to me now this is about 1800 bc about 2 000 years 4 000 years ago and there's none that could declare to me in other words he doesn't know what the sorcerers and the witches didn't know what the dream meant and joseph said to pharaoh the dream of pharaoh is one god has showed pharaoh what he is about to do in other words the almighty will not allow these unclean spirits the sorcerers these demons to prophesy falsely okay now these are not the run-of-the-mill magicians or sorcerers you see on venice beach or sunset boulevard these are the cream of the crop okay next we jump 400 years into the future we're back to egypt again and remember moses and aaron came with the rod and said let my people go and it says here that aaron cast down his rod before pharaoh and before his servants and it became a serpent remember aaron threw the rod down became a giant snake and then pharaoh called his wise men and his sorcerers and he said oh you oh you got sorcery i got sorcery too i got the cream of the crop come check it out so he calls his sorcerers and said um basically what they did it says here they did also in like manner with their enchantments and for they cast on every man is rod and became serpents but aaron's rod swallowed theirs up okay god's power is all mighty okay he will manhandle any sorcerer or wish doesn't matter who you are if you're the king of the crop okay next we're going to jump 400 years into the future all right we're back to israel again so we're going from egypt to israel now if you guys know who saul is he was the first king of israel chosen by god anointed by samuel right you guys know the story he rebelled against god and god basically said get out of my face i don't need you anymore and saul he did not repent and now he's desperate he needs a word the philistines are about to attack and then it says saul said to his servants now he's getting desperate guys now we've all been there before too right we need answers in life seek me a woman that has a familiar spirit that i may go to her and inquire of her and his servant said to him behold there is a woman that has a familiar spirit at endor and you know the story he goes sees that which the following day he and his three sons are killed their heads are decapitated dragged off and shown as a trophy okay remember god's face was set against him next we jumped 600 400 years into the future this is babylon okay it's modern-day iraq now you guys know the story the nebuchadnezzar one of the greatest kings in babylon powerful king king has another dream once again he's got a sorcerer's magicians the cream of the crop not not your run-of-the-mill psychics that you see around here and he says the chaldeans which are the babylonians and the assyrians answered before the king he's asking these guys hey man i got a dream i don't know what's going on here and there what they're telling him is that look there's not a man on the earth that can show the king's matter therefore there is no king lord no ruler that asks such a thing and any magician or astrologer they're basically saying look king they're crazy [Music] nobody can answer this all right it's a rare thing that ain't nobody ever ask this you know what you're talking about but they have one thing right they're saying hey there's none that can show it before the king except the god whose dwelling is not with flesh they got that right that's for sure and later it says the king was angry and furious because they didn't know what to say and basically saying i'm going to kill all you guys you guys don't know what i mean in other words god will not allow these witches psychics to prophesy falsely against his king because god's in control once again okay and what i'm showing you is that over and over throughout history and time through thousands and hundreds of years that god is always in control and that there is no sorcerer no witchcraft that can supersede god's power if you want prophecy you need to talk to god specifically okay and i'll just leave it with this later nebuchadnezzar what he's saying that is that look he's telling them the folks that look the king communed with daniel and his three friends sandra meshach and bendigo and he's saying and in all matter of wisdom and understanding the king nebuchadnezzar inquired of them and he found them ten times better than all the magicians astrologers that were in all realm okay you've got a guy that a king that doesn't even believe in god but he's saying look my sorcerers are nothing compared to this man of god okay so you need to seek god we don't need to seek other witchcraft sorcery whatever even though it's been part of our cultures for thousands of years so with that i'll leave that and if you guys have any questions come up to me or pastor armin or john ramirez or any of the ushers whatever questions you may have ask us and uh with that said um pastor armand well praise jesus let's let's tell him it's warm thank you [Applause] now i don't get it i will always ask you to preach you refuse now what happened today i always told him can you please no no by the way he's a professor teaches engineering very smart man by the way anyway let me let me give you uh before man of god comes i just want to say why we're doing this why i decided to do this he said something i just want to continue about martial 12 43 when it says devil they come back they welcome back some people think if they're christians that's it once you receive jesus christ you're saved you're saved yes but you're not safe from devil they will he will always come to you he's your enemy remember that he used to be your daddy he used to be your boss he used to be your mentor he used to be your master once you receive jesus christ guess what he becomes the greatest enemy you ever have he knows you better than you that guy knows everything the scripture gives 10 revelation about this creature this angel his mighty he's he ha he knows what to do he he understands the the the the mechanic of the soul that he knows how to enter into your soul he know how to inject information into your soul so i was thinking same way one day like couple years ago the devil came to me i'm a pastor i'm today or so pastor forgive me i'm a pastor and then he said to me i'm gonna kill you i said really well i would always think if you serving god that's it nobody can touch you neither god can touch me well you guess what he came he killed me i die in hospital not only that before i die i had a i had a depression anxiety fear anything you guys experienced i actually experienced and i'm not lying i've been in hell one time the lord came to me the angel of the lord came in middle of the night says come on i'm going to show you something and then when he walked me through the through the hell i don't want there's no time to explain the things that i went through but what what i'm saying i thought i'm a good christian i'm a pastor i do communion i believe jesus christ for devil who cares so he came he killed me guys i die in hospital this is true story and here the shocking part i cry out to the lord i said lord and he says i'm right here next to i was so happy and then i said lord what's going to happen to me he says armin if i close your book you're going to hell you know we always think if we found jesus because oh you're so cute come to me my boy he didn't say that to me i was very disappointed i thought he's gonna say good job armin you're doing excellent job and let me tell you what happened to me he said go back can i tell you something please forgive me i just want you to forgive me and those who are watching i thought i'm a handsome man i thought i'm a handsome man he's i said where is my body i said where is my body yeah that's the hamstring right i said where is my body and i saw this this is this body like shaking right i said that's not my body he says that's your butt i said that's ugly body said well that's your body i said i'm not going there he said that's your body i don't have anything else this is true by the way and once i came back i said man i'm not gonna watch myself anymore in the mirror i thought i'm a handsome man look what sin done to us you know you girls are pulling too much makeup but we don't have makeup sorry yeah we we gotta look the way we are you know so but i got i gotta say something you guys stole it from us the makeup romance used to wear the makeups and then you guys stole it from us that's not fair you know that it's not fair anyway when i came back when i came back i told him i said can you heal me he said of course i will heal you so i came back to my body the pain was still there and then i started going to um i had a medical insurance health insurance and please don't follow me okay this is my story and then i start praying because of the pain i was expecting god gonna heal me right away because i saw him that's another thing people say if i see him that's it no no forget him sometimes he'll rebuke you guys trust me so my jesus rebuked me basically i don't know about your jesus but mine did so anyway um i i came to my body and then and then and then he said i told the lord i said please heal me please hear me says i promise you i'm gonna heal you so then i start going to local hospitals they cancel your health insurance i said counsel my health insurance no i'm not counseling first heal me and then i'll cancel it he didn't heal me so six months i was praying and he's telling me cancel your health insurance i was very annoyed by the way because i was expecting he said our man hear my promises i'm gonna heal you i already told you you saw me but guess what he didn't heal me at all but he said he's gonna heal me god is not a liar you guys agree with me but he's not healing me so what's the problem he's not healing me so i cancel my insurance now i have to go this uh free hospitals over there it's a nightmare as long as you're not dying they'll make you sit over there hours you know how many coffee i change i'm sitting coffee in my hand drinking pain in my body armin yeah yeah and i drop drop my copy into the trash i go to the nurse he says are you okay i said yeah the only thing i have a pain says okay go ahead sit down we'll call you again and what about my coffee i paid three dollars for that coffee i was mad and then the lord came to me he says what are you doing here armin i said well here here we go this let me tell you a story lord i said you told me you're gonna heal me you didn't heal me you said you cancelled your insurance i cancelled my insurance now i'm sitting here five hours you came and said what are you doing here army he said they're not going to heal you go to your room and pray just stay there too it's the same concept so i start learning prayer three years i suffer but something i learned in the prayer when i was praying pain was gone when i came out of my prayer cam come back again i don't know why now here the news three years later he healed me now i was shocked so i asked him the question we're not robots right i said hold on a second i said why did you hear me now he said because you didn't have faith being a pastor serving god doing all this stuff preaching no faith it was true my faith was on my insurance my faith was to people but not him now i learned my lesson so when junkie was talking about devil will come back they see something on you they will come back amen so i decided to to do something about deliverance because i know a lot of people around me they are demon oppressed demon possessed they never get out of that situation and we found this great man of god john ramirez when he came to my life i saw things that it was shocking my church people people around me they all been healed i saw things that it was it was crazy the way he delivers people in jesus name now how many are ready today to be healed let me see your hands if you're not ready the door is over there you guys can go but if you're ready it's your time today amen and i want you to guys prepare your heart we're gonna have a great great time in jesus mighty name and god's people said amen let's welcome man of god and let's give him a microphone and thank you for your patience man of god right we're going to do q a guys let's do q a and i want you to come over here let me let me give john mike all right ladies and gentlemen so we're going to start with our q a uh we just asked that you line up on this aisle starting from the back and uh please just one question we don't need to know the life story the holy spirit knows okay so whatever burning questions that you may have uh please ask john and um so we'll just all we ask all i ask is uh your name just your first name and where you're from okay sir carell los angeles and my question is if you're possessed by the devil himself can you be delivered say that again if you're possessed by the devil himself can you be delivered are you telling me myself oh okay no i i i believe that so so your question is if you possessed by the devil himself yeah himself you're possessed by the devil himself how did he come in uh christine obviously said okay so basically how long you've been a christian 11 years okay so so basically your christian 11 years are you walking with christianity in in in the way of uh january more or less okay all right so this is my question you come up when you come up for prayer you are gonna say devil no more the two people can't live in the same house i'm going to give the house to the holy spirit and today you are evicted and we'll take care of business amen okay name and uh first name where are you from kayla from santa maria california uh my question is so before i met my husband just want to make that clear i was in a relationship with a man and that it turned in really abusive and talk slow girl okay all i heard was you were before your husband you were involved with someone and later it got really abusive so leaving that relationship i found out because he would say he was going to have a haitian woman curse me and put stuff on me and i don't know because we did have relation intimate relationship if by me just being intimate with him did i kind of get initiated in any type of wish crap not an initiative but he can transfer stuff to you yeah like so understood so he could not only so type but he can transfer demons into you he can transfer things that will mess you up in the future understand so you will so your relationship and your future will be incomplete understand or have have division in discord have chaos with your marriage understand so i think that when you come here you know the person you know what went down with that person because you know people think people think one thing people think that well that happened 15 years ago 15 years ago right that don't mean happen that don't mean no they're still there it's still there i understand the situation is still there because it's like saying if i committed a crime uh say 30 years ago and i get away with it and i get 30 years i get caught and i say i'm 95 years old the judge i'm going to say well you're 95 we're going to let you slide they're still going to bring me to court and convict me for the crime i committed understand the devil understand one thing the devil understand that once he has a strong hold on you he owns it he owns it he's not going to give it up just because you became a christian christianity means you got saved you made peace with god now you can work out your salvation but the situation of witchcraft situation or stronghold bondages be set in sin situations of of of patterns and cycles such entrapments all these things if you don't deal with it head-on you don't do head-on and you let the devil know it's like saying if you say my sister you're married right i mean i know your husband you have one of my most amazing husbands i know and uh you marry right and you get divorced right and then now your husband come and say well do milan you're like dude didn't you get the paper you don't live here anymore let me go do your laundry you crazy get out of here you know so that's what you got to tell the devil that understand because you got to break that and break it and close the door behind you so tomorrow your marriage could be in a marriage that will bear fruit and you instead of being in competition you see the witchcraft makes you in competition with your marriage but without the witchcraft you you and your husband compliment each other that's the story we'll deal with that later thank you all right sir first name and where you're from hi um my name is jay i'm from uh florida um i wanted to ask about the spirit of um homosexuality because i know how you said that you would you know make people gay and um what the spirit did i don't make people gay well but like you would you know speak it all right ricky martin make you gay you got the wrong puerto rican you got the wrong puerto rican just just split that up okay okay i got ridiculous you're in trouble but you talk to john you get set free yes okay well you would um uh-huh you transfer something to the first speaker over you know right speaking because how you speaking over that person is because you seen a situation in the spirit realm for that person say for example if i knew you were molested then i know how the door is open to bring a homosexual spirit or lesbian spirit in your life i understand because you're already fragmented so that situation could and then i talked about you i'm told in general that you if you have if you're struggling with homosexuals people say are you born homosexual no you don't then then this person bought a prostitute this person is born a pimp this person is born a serial killer no one is born with anything we're born with sin and sin it opens door to opportunities to cater to things that are ungodly that's what sin does so whatever situation you got going and and again you come up private and private we deal with your situation and we do this the other day i was in i said real quick that that was in i was doing zoom and they got in canada right because christian christians are jacked up christians are very jacked up and very stupid let me be honest that we like to beat on homosexual people you're going to hell you're going to hell but what about you you're shacking up with your girlfriend you're checking out with the girl for seven years and you never marry her so you're going to hell too you're going to hell just with me so let's just hold hands let's just hold hands and go to hell together no one addresses sin in the church no one addresses sin in church you beat your wife you curse your wife you come to church you say hallelujah songs so jesus is worse as a homosexual person so i told the guy that i told jesus love you i'm not gonna tell you that you're in sin i'm gonna help you get to heaven i already know you're going to hell i don't have to remind you my thing is let's do the u-turn and let's re-calculate your gps and man so whatever you're going through that could be gone because god knows one thing god has white out you know how to get rid of stuff man yes sir our first name where you from ted from lodi from where lodi california over by sacramento when i do deliverance can i be hit if you do deliverance you could be what when i do deliverance can i be hit my eyes is all jacked up i got hit now with my eyes closed in the spirit can i get hit physically one thing well you could be hitting i got hit i got my vision right now is 20 80. i got hit right every every good soldier is going to get a wound once in a while this is my devil can't destroy you your heart yeah what the see god see one thing joe got here he was supposed to be a righteous man god allowed things to happen to sharpen you okay to show you that you can't do deliverance without him so i can say your heart got hit by doing deliverance so it doesn't god planned that god allowed that to happen but you know what i'm saying god allowed that to happen one reason god allowed that to happen it could be many reasons but i can tell my reason god has shown me that even though you're going to fight and you fight for someone else i fought for someone that is here i think her sister she had an issue of 20 years and god set her free in the spot when the doctors go and do that but now i'm my 21 day fast on the 21 day i was under eye surgery so when we get hit it just promotes us to a higher place for god a higher trust a higher faith and a higher walk with god that's it don't believe the thing that chris are never going to get hit you're going to get hit but you're not going to be destroyed [Applause] it wasn't the first time huh well i got i i got eye surgery so and i'm accounting all right first name where are you from sir my name is george i'm from mexico so god has recently called me back amen um welcome back yes amen i have a lot of issues with lust women okay i want to change my life okay amen i want forgiveness to enter my life uh-huh and what is the best way so what the the best way is to see if i was saying there's no temptation coming to man that god doesn't make a way to escape you might struggle for a while but you're still a christian you might you might you you might you might have to fight this devil you might have to go 12 rounds with this devil but you're still a believer and i think i think what god wants to do with you god wants to show you that he's going to deliver you like an onion peeling layers one layer at a time one at a time and god's going to set you free because one thing you did you came back and that means that means god got something for you guys i'm gonna bring you back and leave you in the same state that you left so god's gonna deliver you and then let him use you in the mighty way and let the devil know that you got the last laugh uh first name away from miss i'm from hollywood god sent me here i got online last night i said where is john ramirez glendale i'm like okay puerto rican and glendale that's kind of hard so we got a number of mexicans up in there oh puerto rican glenda i messed up my mexican people i messed up the status you know what i mean it's like i got my friend tim delena he's a white guy and he went to detroit he messed it up so but we all love each other and that's the bottom line there's no mexican there's no puerto rican there's no armenian god see one thing he see jesus in you that's what he sees jesus and you there's no culture there's none of that it's about you and jesus enter the story when you get to heaven god gonna say all puerto ricans over there you know and dominicans over there and and these people no god's gonna say we all sit on the table and be with me eat with me and hang out with me how awesome would that be to hang out with god up in heaven sitting on his table and having fellowship with the one that created you praise god hollywood well sin here with principality of jezebel that has run rampant in my family has my father early going god had me speak to him he had to so he's left my my niece she got delivered but her husband died now that spirit is on my youngest son who's a strong prophet ever since he was seven okay god said he's kind of a road to damascus experience but he said for me to fast and pray so what you come here you stand in proxy for your son and god's gonna put your house in order thank you jesus thank you lord all right neyman where you from miss jacqueline vostwick lafayette louisiana bless you my sister louisiana louisiana listen i have an issue where i live there's a is this about cursed objects and how to destroy them without any repercussion you know from the enemy i i heard uh these missionaries overseas i've heard from an african preacher they just took an idol and they burned it and then two days later they were dead so yeah but this is i mean i have stuff here in america i mean there's it's like a wooden thing it's got snakes and like uh i don't care can i bring it over fire and burn it burn it burn it burn it destroy burning parties the bible says you see what happened to those christians is what happened i did i did i did the things called uh i think somebody i did a documentary a guy came from canada to say something about some hell something like that i think it was there's so many i don't eat plates i haven't been yet and i'm trying to fight my way to sesame street but i'm praying i'm praying that big bird die so i can get the spot so so so so when you go in when you go and do something on that level yes sir if you're going with fear then don't go jesus told gillian and the army he had those of the fear go home because you'll mess up the fight sometimes people can't go with you in the battlefield you might go on the battlefield but you won't go deep into the battlefield and god has caused several people to go deep into the battlefield and that guy came and we we snuck into this big botanica big witchcraft house in uh in new york city in the bronx we snucked in and that came he came in with the camera don't did that the amount of witchcraft place is so big so crazy they make 30 million dollars a year wow and i went in there and i started shooting i started pointing crap out and go he said oh you think we should be here we you know something gonna happen to us i said maybe to you now to me and something did happen if you if god gives you an assignment no he's big enough to get have your back don't go into the battlefield with doubt and fear and unbelief does it matter if it's yours or if it belongs to somebody i don't know if you belong what was mama it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but it doesn't matter what the bottom of god's how you do something you do something okay i don't care if he's your uncle your daddy you do something yes sir hey man you do something my sister you burn that devil did he say ouch all right sir first name and where you from my name is vincent i'm from san jose and my question is if you're a spirit-filled believer and you're walking with christ can you still be demon-possessed and can you still be affected by like jesus no spiritual believer will never be demon-possessed you could be oppressed you could be oppressed the devil will attack you from the outside make you believe he lives in the inside you see because the battlefield's in the mind you see whatever you see i'm my battlefield is here if i can't beat the devil here i'm not going to beat him out there see the devil will tell you something if you believe it and then you but you know that he's in here he's not in here he uh feel if you spirit phil he's fighting you from out there he could oppress you but he can't possess you amen that makes sense now if you're if you're a lukewarm christian that's a whole different story amen all right sir first name and where you're from uh my name is davon from sacramento california um look i am kind of a little nervous and he said don't go to the battlefield you're just scared but hopefully i'm doing the right thing um and that's been a battle for me uh discerning what's right and what's wrong if this is god or this is not god this is the devil attempting me um in north carolina i did run into a couple witches and or a witch maybe two i don't know the other one was but the one was she told me some weird stories and then i started realizing she was a witch and i tried to get out of it and then uh one day she came to my house because she bought some stuff i was trying to sell my stuff moved to california and uh she was in the one of the room and i went to the other room to introduce it to my family and then she didn't come and her and her mom were like doing some type of weird prayer or doing something and so i think she cast a spell in my house and then ever since then um i started going through some weird stuff to where i would like fall backwards right just but i thought it was from god i thought i was like god if you love me you'll fall for me right so i would try to fall for god you know what i mean and i would be scared and like oh i messed up i didn't do it good enough god but anyway long story short um that's been a constant thing for me and it comes it comes back sometimes because it wants to like challenge me if i do love god and discernment of knowing that this witchcraft is still over me um i just want to know like how can you figure it out when you come up to the altar i'm asking one question you could be honest or you could just you know whatever you want you know one thing i feel did you sleep with the witch um the second person that was telling you about that i don't know if she was a witch i think she was because she was so which one you slept for her right and that's how things got in but we're gonna fix that for you today anybody make a mistake we all make a mistake no one is perfect i make mistakes you catch me the wrong day i'm not a christian you know what i mean we'll fix it for you we'll close that door behind you and we cut the rope and you're going to you're never going to nothing ever of that side effect stuff that you got going and never going to happen to you again i promise you that amen that's why god brought you here because you see you're a genuine believer you love god and god said now i'm time to set you free because what is your calling you're an evangelist that's right that's your calling and the devil's trying to rob it from you and that's not including the nightmares that you have we're going to take care of business amen all right miss uh first name and where are you from praise god my name is kanika coming from riverside california west riverside riverside oh okay nice okay um what's on your heart my sister so the thing is um i get touched by demons you get touched by demons yeah okay and wait for the service up we're touched down so like while sleeping my last experience was in the month of feb okay i was sleeping and two hands came and they hit me here from behind and instantly i opened my my eyes and it was a reflex action that i just did like that but i just got headache with that yeah okay and i got up i started praying what country are you from india india okay and um i've also had experience while sleeping a pressure coming on my chest yeah choking me okay i've been there that's witchcraft my sister you have to deal with the witchcraft i've been there sometimes i feel that if i pressure my chest sometimes i feel something's choking me and i can't scream the name of jesus you know i feel like my blood goes cold all these things those are witchcraft things that needs to be broken off you today okay we need to break those things because there's an open door in your life to witchcraft and we need to deal with it like somebody has done someone yeah something like that we'll deal with it when you come to the altar okay okay and then you go home free okay sir uh first name and where you from uh mike orange county um last year i rededicated my life to christ i like this i really dedicated my life to christ uh about 33 my brother 13 months ago and um and i was okay and basically just started getting really really bad anxiety really bad uh depression maybe it was an ungodly relationship and essentially you know just went to the doctors you know and looked for help there i stopped using marijuana alcohol everything i'm like no i'm going straight to you know i want to give everything to god everything all you have to do today close the doors behind you because greater things god has in front of you that the things you left behind and all you got you came to jesus welcome back we love you we thank you you came back to the house amen because the the master of the house loves you when you come now we close the doors behind you just renunciations cut the soul ties of the ungodly relationship the alcohol the marijuana we cut all that stuff to the roof and you move forward and you're going to see what god's going to do in you and through you in your life the story that god's going to write about you it's going to be an amazing story amen because god doesn't bring anybody back and waste time can i ask one more question yeah go ahead so after that i've gone to the doctors didn't like the medication i went to uh ended up being witches for healing yeah you went to the witches for healing i didn't think there were a way but he just preached it then basically like you know they they cursed me they had me self-curse myself okay this is all about renunciation and cutting the rope and asking god to forgive you and once we do that you're gonna see how you're gonna leave out of here brand new never never to look back because of the pharaohs that you see today it says the lord you see no more amen okay sir first name and where you're from a little nervous uh i'm jesse from mitsunitas i got three things uh man um pornography i really want to leave it um do you want anybody i really want to leave it leave what pornography pornography okay you can leave it there's no shame don't be no shame that can be gone that could be gone amen the devil is tormenting you second thing um my mom has like a generational generation on curse about what what's your generation what's his name i don't know what it is but she has like cut some like little rocks in her sickness yes thickness okay and then is there a difference between a catholic and a christian catholic cat if you catholic are you catholic yeah my whole family do you worship saints um mary mary said mary mary hope mary mary mary hope uh jesus okay mom you don't have to worship her listen you don't have to worship her the bible says it's clear and and sometimes we give religious you're insane and there's nothing wrong with that because my brother called me uh yesterday my brother told me oh it's good friday so we eat fish i said you could eat a raccoon these are these are all traditions i said you want to eat a raccoon eat a raccoon you don't get to pray for your food pogba poor got caught eating in temples of idols paul got caught and poor said i prayed for the food i was hungry so so so all that stuff will be gone you know you can't you all you have to do is worship one person his name is mary mary is was an awesome woman on a very a regular woman a regular woman i know but i know a lot of men a lot of mexicanos a lot of mexicans and i say this and i said this my puerto rican thing puerto rican people your hair hurts you go you go let me check that my way i'm gonna go give me the banjo i'm gonna get me juan pimiento puerto rican people like that you know we've run to the witch puerto rican people run to the witch i need a bath i need i need to do a ceremony i need to light candle that don't work mary was a woman listen to me that carried jesus in the virgin birth quit you with me and after that mary went to victoria's secret and she had groove on because jesus had brothers okay she went to victoria she got and i'm not disrespecting ton of truth mary fulfilled her purpose moses mother had moses you fulfill her purpose okay every person whoever had a purpose to fulfill understand and they did it your job is to fulfill your purpose and worship one person only his name is jesus christ because they've been married and i said this to help you even mary in the upper room she was touched by jesus twice house he was touched by jesus twice one in the womb when she had him and one in the upper room when the holy spirit fell upon her mary was in the room with the 120 in the upper room she was in the room jesus touched it twice one in the womb and one in the upper room mary was a normal woman you don't have to worship her you don't have to worship the pope you don't have to worship the pope the pope is a man you don't have to confess your sins to another man understand you don't have to go in the little box over here like you're like superman and come out no that don't work that don't work you confess your sins to the king to jesus christ he said i'm the one that can forgive sin read the bible okay no traditions no traditions no tradition that's why tradition the bible jesus said traditions make my word of no effect we get religious even in the christian world we got religious devils hateful ones too i don't like them at all you go puerto rican church if you brush your hair you go to hell if you shave your neurons you go to hell if you shave your legs you go i'd rather shave my legs my underarms and go to hell you put makeup you're going to hell pantalone diablo well jesus made parents a woman stupid all these all these false theologies man that's why people don't want to come to church god loves you you worship him you're gonna fix your life but when you get out of here your life is gonna never be the same thank you amen you see see church don't like to teach these things first of all the pope come and he gets in the vatican and he gets from my little window up there and he speak french or he speaks some other language do i'm puerto rican speak spanish or english okay so i can understand what you're saying you're gonna preach to me a language i don't know what that's gonna do for me paul said i'd rather speak five words in english than even speak in tongues because the five words in english will edify you why speak in tongue if you don't know what i'm saying tongue is to edify your inner man come on people learn the word be be smart in the world be be have wisdom in the world have knowledge in the word of god so the devil he show up he can't trick you what's your question okay miss first name where you from good morning my name is ruth i'm from salvador a little a little bit uh english sorry that's okay speak spanish girl i got you yes dance gap and she wanted to commit suicide she wants to see supernatural miracles supernatural america's happening yeah okay americanos [Music] the holy spirit is the best thing that's the best book you can have in your life holy spirit holy spirit teach me you know even even even even you heard even the pharisees said these people unlearned how they know these things you know how they how they because they sat in the feet of jesus you sit in jesus feet and he'd be your master he'd be a teacher and you see things and he'll show you secrets of the kingdom no book nothing can show you by him that's it amen amen oh thank you for nice to meet you nice to meet you too blessings oh where's what let me ask you where's the finish line over here because it's getting bigger and bigger you're the finish line right there you with the white shirt at least i can see that you the last one the last should be first all right anybody get on your line after you call security kick them out next oh uh i just want to say thank you for all that you do john amen and i follow you and i hear all your preaching so i appreciate you oh thank you i'm the donkey for jesus uh first name and where you from miss hello my name is lashawn i'm from the south bay south bay um my question is can the enemy proposition you in your dream proposition you yes yeah of course it's good proposition and depending on your answer are you held to that when you wake up from the dream so let me ask you a question no if you say is you're someone in a dream in the dream i had dreams that the witches i used to hang out with i ended up in their meetings and they said oh you're back let's let's do a ceremony and that's and i both stop preaching and they get disappointed and the dream is gone if it's something if something if if the devil proposition you're the dream let's say you fall for it right let's say and i'm not saying i'm talking about gender you fall for it as soon as you wake up you curse it to the root you renounce it close the door okay that's it the devil is always going to prospection you all the time and he's going to do it he's going to proposition you it's up to you it's like saying you have java witness they're knocking your dog and you look to the pig hole i can say that my mother joined us for eight years so she used to be thank god she's now you look to the pickle and you see him out there with that little magazine a little comic book and they're looking at you and you're like it's up to you to open the door the devil's knocking on your door it's up to you to open the door you only give the devil legal rights if you want to it's a choice life for death pick one don't blame god the devil is the devil if the devil is writing on your back don't blame god because you blame you take responsibility stop justifying it say i made a mistake i open the door you make the renunciation you cut the rope you shut the door made peace with god that's it the other day i opened the door myself the other day i opened the door i was stupid i opened the door i made a mistake i opened the door it was stupid to open the door i knew i shouldn't open the door i knew that what i was saying was wrong i see preachers don't say that preachers want to have an ass the red boots and the cape i opened the door stupid i knew it was a devil and i'm stupid enough to open the door and i got i got i got the devil polished me i mean he just beat me up after i was done i smell like toast and i say man why did i open the door why did i open the door i should have known better see when you open the door it only affects you it affects other people around you and people in your lives because they don't understand the dominant effect if you marry you open the door it affects your wife it affects your children it affects your workplace it affects your ministry the devil gets one opportunity and he's going to take more than one opportunity if you let them in amen so don't be like john don't be stupid all right first name where you from i'm alana i'm from the pasadena area and um you got a big house over there no i heard people got big houses in pasadena just asking that's a good area they don't love us spanish people live over there yeah anyway i know yeah sorry so um like most of my life i've had problems learning concentrating like problems in school since i was really young and i feel like perhaps my mind was affected by vaccines when i was a kid but i i know i deal with like double-mindedness like making a simple decision is so hard for me and so i just want to know like and confused i've had confusion so i just want to know where that came in and how to deal with that now i'm talking about from when i was a kid i don't think is that i think there's generational things in your in your life that needs to be dealt with because this is not you're not the only party in your house that carries this yeah says the lord to you god said he brought you here because he wants to set you free amen so you come here get set free and rejoice because you're going to break the curse in your family amen amen that's the truth this is a this is a generation in your in your house it's not a one incident isolated incident that's happened only you're the only one this is a generational thing in your family god's gonna deal with that right thank you i look like a smurf okay first name and where are you from jessica and andrew and i are from the way world outreach from the way world outreach yeah yeah i know your pastor yeah your pastor's home and he's cool very cool guy you know what her pastor did real quick i had to tell you our pastor your pastor right your pastor okay don't get crazy on me girl don't get froggy your pastor amazing man of god him and his brother started the ministry this way they knocked on people's houses and said what do you need i'm talking about what you need i'm gonna tell my you know you need taco bell or you need a robbie choi none of that stupid stuff oh you know you know petrola or cholettas and all that stuff they did the real thing they knock on people doing what do you need i need a refrigerator i need a stove people knock on people though they went with their own working money okay and bought people's stove refrigerators both people's stuff i'm doing my real stuff anytime i know chief charlie stuff a little tj maxx stuff they bought them real stuff and then later they said they told the people when they bought themselves if we get a church on there would you come and people say yeah one day that day came and when they opened the door i think they had like 1500 people came see serve give and god will give to you amazing amazing church i love going there and then one thing about your church one more thing young people no old people young people i mean i never have old people but you know i'm 57 so but they're reaching the youth and they're letting they are not allowing the devil to take the youth of their generation so my head off to your pastor amen so pastor armin had mentioned that he had an experience in hell and he mentioned also prior to that that he was pastoring and i had the opportunity to speak to him and i said well why do you think that god told you you were going to hell when you had that experience and he said well i didn't have enough faith so what is true salvation and how do we know that we have enough faith to enter into the gates of heaven well faith is something thing hoped for the bible says right faith you need here you don't need faith to heaven faith is believing jesus christ that he died for you in the cross he paid your sins in full amen and he rose in the third day my faith is in christ i don't live by the law i don't my legalistic that is my faith to work work god even god said if your faith decides must see any situation you can cast it into the sea right faith is your weapon against the enemy when pastor went to hell god wanted to teach him something and that that's an individual that's an individual individual how would you call individual encounter they got part of his ministry it doesn't take away from you doesn't take away from me because march 11 2018 i die in my apartment i truly dyed my apartment i came out of my body but i only see his like my i saw mine's real handsome i saw my body my body was real handsome his was ugly my eyes was real hot i was i was depressed i said i'm leaving that sexy body my goodness i'll put me back but i'm i just joke that's the end that's just me joking the anesthesia is going to pull out the sin later amen god gives me humor this is heaven humor and it's the anesthesia to deal with the demons later to you be at peace and come up and deal with the with the cancer that you got going and man that's what it is but my my point is all i and all all this is a story real quick so i can help my sister this is the story real quick when i left my body i saw the heavens open up and i saw this light coming down and and all i said was i wasn't going to miss my daughter i didn't mention my daughter was not even in my mind no nothing was in my mind all i said and it was in my own words lord i'm disappointed that if you would have left me here longer i would have done so much more for you that's what i said that's what he put me back into my body don't know why he did it don't understand it to this day he put me back into my body and i've done i've done two e courses i wrote a new book i wrote two e courses i got a new book i'm traveling with i mean my vision is it's it's not even there i'm still traveling i'm not getting an airport which direction should i go do you know the direction i mean i can't even see the signs but i'm i promised god that i would do more i promised god and now i'm writing a new book it's coming out i mean i don't want to come out but i'm writing a new booklet it's called interview any of you will god interview with the devil i'm doing a new book so i want to do more for god and and you your faith is your work your faith your faith is to write god gives you your faith because that's the pen he's using to write your story amen that's all it is my sister you're going to heaven you're going to have it with either you're the person with the two challenge or the five town as long as you're doing what god called you to do you're going to heaven okay sir first name and away from hey john uh my name is andrew i'm from the way world outreach amen every time i want to listen to the word of god and laugh i want to hear your videos because you always make me laugh so thank you very much amen amen um i'm about to make your life then beat you down you already you're already jacked up right if i beat you down more yeah but um i just wanted to ask you um does everything that bad happened to us is that caused by the devil everything that if you're a believer if you're true everything that happens bad to you it's not bad it's for your benefit of promoting you because if you're in christ no weapon form against you will prosper and god said if i bless you who can curse you and god said that god said he sets the table in the presence of your enemies the devil has to watch you everything bad has to do with your purpose and your destiny it is something already ordained and orchestrated by god now it's up to you to take the class and get the diploma amen okay miss first name away from laurie from l.a los angeles um okay i keep forgetting my question when i come up here um give me fifty dollars i'll remind you okay so i you taught me that um i'm a recovering heroin addict and prostitute and um recovery addict hair yeah addict i'm a prostitute you were i was that's right thank you you don't you don't listen no yeah right so when i first when i i got clean i started a ministry to prostitutes and um i had a girl we were helping a lot of girls but one of them um god had lived with us my husband now my ex-husband and she we didn't know until she came to live with us that she was born into satanism and she was a breeder and just and long story short she um we helped her through deliverance god like helped me help but afterwards after she left um i fell into sin okay um and i think they cursed me i got cancer right afterwards and um i ended up on skid row and then i just been back like five years now okay so my thing is i just started getting back into ministry okay and the person that uh was over me i think had a jezebel spirit which i've dealt with a lot where would you live out again l.a los angeles okay so what should you go to um angela's temple i don't know who the heck they are okay anyway let me say something to you this is what you gotta do this people you gotta do one thing you have to and i'm gonna share with you lord this is the place for me is this the place you want me to grow because you grow has to do with your ministry whatever church you go to if you're not growing your ministry will never grow you get that whatever church you go to okay if you don't if you're not growing that church your purpose will never grow your purpose will never grow your purpose your calling your what god caught will never grow because you have it's like taking a a oscar fish and you put them in a small tank he's going to grow that big wherever you go you look i was in the church in the bronx and i was like lord this is it if this is if this is christianity i was doing better than witchcraft i'm honest with god i said i was doing better than witchcraft at least i had my coronas and i had my meringue and i had my songs and i was in the club i was doing it yo i was dancing to everything even to the commercials i left that hanging in the clubs and drinking my wine and listening to jazz music to come here no give me more lord give me more give me more he's so many times for a church i think he gave me too much because he gave me david wilkerson he gave me too much and then now my i'm the reason i'm here today is because the place he put me in the place it put me in showed me my purpose and i share that with you because if you're in the church that it's not showing you that and you're not grown then you better ask god where should i go because i mean your season is over in that place well the thing was i don't know if you heard of that dream center the la dream center well anyway i don't care if ellie dream sounds like okay i'm talking about you i don't see we i'm not but that's the name but it doesn't matter i'm not looking for names i'm looking for your purpose because you're gonna have to give god an account when you die for your purpose so i don't care if you go to bishop jake's church i don't care if you go to joel osteen church i don't care if you come to john romero's ministries if that's not what god wants you to be then go the place that god it has you connected so you can grow spiritually so your purpose could flourish and bring glory to god that's my point i don't care if it's the dream center i don't care if it's madison square garden in new york city if that does that doesn't define your purpose god does my last question go ahead girl you're running me dry now my my question though was the person that was over me that didn't have anything okay i heard you yeah okay so um i feel like sometimes people ask for a my well then listen listen to me people actually project in your house and you know then break that thing and find your purpose find the place god wants you to be because you call for spiritual warfare i said no one becomes a prostitute heroin addict and live on skit roll and think that they have a small calling you have a tremendous call in your life god has you for purpose what is your purpose what god called you for what god wants god's a cpa he wants to see what kind of fruit you're going to bring to the table that's what god wants for you you went you were the prostitute and then my mocking you were a heroin addict come on you live on skip roll are you still here then what is your purpose that's it other people would have died didn't have a purpose first name and where are you from miss hi my name is amy and i'm from long beach um long beach we're home beach because i'm gonna move to london but you live down to move to another place i live um in an area downtown alameda's beach it's all witchcraft stores all right okay so you live in the witchcraft store no definitely only two doors down okay two dollars two dollars down on each corner okay so i'm in the middle of stuff i had no idea i didn't grow up a christian and so when i started using drugs when i was 19 and followed all these christians and i played played church for 17 years now i'm 37 i've been indoctrinated whatever the word is mind controlled essentially by satanists who call themselves christians i'm only recently been revealed to me that they're satanists and they've been calling me their angel for years to hang out with them no i'm cutting them off even though you're still hanging out with just cutting them off i'm cutting them off i recently got sober to start closing doors like clothes soul ties you live in long beach you need a real church where where's your real church you go to i go to the sanctuary with jay hayes live i don't know you've been blessed just stay there yeah grow there prosper there touch god there fulfill your purpose yeah tell your little witches you're hanging out with you want to be christian the off love don't live in no more i can't hang out with you anymore i'm going somewhere you can't come with me and they've i having all these uh things remember coming back to my mind of basically ritualistic abuse but that's just a devil speaking truth and diabetes and stuff but my question is is that um do i need somebody of authority to break off your thought is jesus yeah you got nobody don't wanna throw them more to jesus you don't need no you don't you know john ramirez i just come in agreement with you that's all i can do come in agreement with you there's power in the agreement there's power unity i'll come in the agreement with you holy spirit take care of the right you don't need you have authority that's right the same authority you have a hat no different we have the same thing we have the same thing we have the same jesus holy spirit father in heaven abba and we got the same thing you come up we touch and agree together do you feel that i need to move out of that area they're all trying to take that okay you know what you give them my name come see me okay don't don't you don't let no devil movie i don't know everybody let jesus tell you thank you gonna move me out cost money to move give me the money go move me pay my poop pay for the truck pay for my rent i move get out of here don't tell them which is gonna tell me to move all right miss uh first name away from okay you you're supposed to be the last guy what's happening in the back lily flores and i'm from mexico why are you wearing pants like mines you you with the white shirt what's up with those pants i got the same ones [Applause] go ahead hi i'm literally and i'm from mexico where you from from mexico mexico yes um i've been sick for almost 12 years i've been having uh what kind of sickness you have anxiety attacks i'm standing here okay very nervous um don't be nervous we're going to break that today my sister and i i was so desperate that i went to this lady to read the cards she told me that i had a lot of did she don't tell anything she wants she wants your caltera and i took my brothers and the pictures mess everybody up in the family oh my family okay that's all right i'm not gonna hold you accountable we're gonna we make bad mistakes it doesn't mean that you stay there jesus loves you too much to keep you there we're gonna fix it give me some love we're gonna fix it later all right i'm gonna fix you later amen you wanna say thank you for your love you come up we're gonna fix it when you're gonna live out of here you'll be like oh hallelujah all right mister first name away from just in case but my eyes are pretty good right i can still see what you look like try better my name is anna and i'm from san jose i'm in blessings when i was nine years old i got into witchcraft and um and drug addiction okay and like now i get attacks from the demons you get attacked by demons yeah all because the doors are still open my sister so it is how do i let it go huh how do i let it go you come to the altar and let god deal with it so there it is like what if i like inside of me i want to but i just can't yes but you know that's okay jesus could it's like it's like it's like saying we can't the reason you feel that way is because we can't fight us we can't fight those things ourselves but god can fight him for you amen doctor's father for you he could set you free you didn't have more you didn't have no more witchcraft than me i was crazy as a fruitcake and i have more channels than cable and look what god has done he could do this for you you come up you let me pray for you hey man all right miss uh first name away from lydia from oxnard california um my question is i have a nep i have a nephew that is schizophrenic so my thing is um my sister the mom is catholic can i pray for him and does he have to be willing first you pray for him in your prayer closet okay you pray for the mom in your prayer class that you're having in contact with jesus there's catholic people going to heaven yes because this catholic people don't follow tradition they follow jesus amen so they're still wrong you're catholic not that you follow jesus you follow the bible amen because when you get surprised you're going to be very shackles in heaven amen because a lot we know parts of stories of people we don't know the whole story of people we don't know in the last minute they repented we know that we know the little bit of who they were who they are how they die we know that but we don't know the last moment jesus reached out to them and they repented so so you pray in your prayer closet lord make a way make a way that this person not only the mother have an encounter with you because then content brings relationship with god but make a way that this young man be healed even your prayers right now you're praying for that young and he could be healed supernaturally because god healed many people in the bible that the person wasn't there okay that was kind of my second question prayer works okay and so i don't so it's however the lord wants it so sometimes it could be if i'm at home or in your heart i don't care if you pray for the moon prayer works don't god is not god is not bound by space and time okay he's on me present okay so don't put god in the box you pray and lord set that person free lord touch that person lord heal that person because god answer prayers okay okay okay sir uh first name and where you're from my name is jaime i'm from greenville california monterey county uh well i think you answered pretty much i got those same parents and they're the coolest one only only only people with courage wear those i got i got i got eight pairs uh well i think you answered pretty much all the questions from from listening uh to some of the people so question anyway well i was going to say uh stomach repented uh all right thank you yeah spanish magazine spanish dictionary thank you you got me girl thank you yes yes [Applause] hi everyone my name is miguel i'm from mexico as well so mexico all right mexico i gotta go there one day and preach seriously i want to go to mexico and preach one day so ever since i was young um ever since i was young okay since i was maybe 12 i've always had dreams okay some i won't say visions okay but i have i have had dreams with you know the devil himself demons chasing me okay um i i've had dreams about myself um you know like becoming a professional or you know just making it big you could say have you had good dreams and you have bedrooms i have dreams i hate dreams with jesus okay you know it's just a bunch of dreams right okay but i also come from a very broken family so my question is i don't know now that i'm older i want to know how how could i hear god's voice so i could know my purpose because i've had like really really intense meaningful dreams okay since i was very young okay but i also come from a very broken family so for me putting them together i just i want to know how can i know my purpose that god has for me because i've tried a lot of things okay this is what i would do first of all every good dream come from above right every good gift come from above if you're having dreams that's something that god has shown you write them down write down those dreams say lord pray over them say lord if this is your will for me you show me you see the bad dreams you curse it you kick it to the curb that's not god if you got a dream demon chasing you god's not gonna send demons are chasing your dreams you kick those dreams to the curb don't entertain them don't agree with them don't cultivate them because a lot of time we cultivate dreams bad dreams and they become a reality when i say you cut the dream and then you pray holy spirit one thing you want to pray show me holy spirit teach me your voice okay teach me the sermon so i know as you talking to me i can discern the voice of god teach me the sermon and three show me the blueprint of my life and if he might show you in part and god is faithful not to show you parts every part of you of you what he called you to do how he wants you to do it and how he wants you to walk in it because god will bring you to the process to the door see there's a process to bring you to the door and then holy spirit open the door and you walk into your purpose pray and god will answer your prayers thank you no pastor can tell you unless god give him a revelation or a word of knowledge but god himself could speak to you amen all right mister okay what happened here now you come and you come who's that over there okay you're my last guy i know the other guy was in the other guy got fired he was doing it right guys my sister what's the first name were you from sorry i was in the bathroom um delilah from covina california um i was just wondering how do you know if you're demon oppressed oppressed yeah it's very simple it's it's if you if if the devil has stealing your peace and your joy if you have peace and joy and you woke up with this peace and joy and you woke up with something in your life that you know to have meaning and now it's gone and now you don't see it you don't feel it you wake up that you don't know you're right from your life my sister and you know you've been hit so hard that now you don't see the things you used to see and that's why that's that's that's oppression and you have that today yeah you carry that today yeah that's why i came here okay and i didn't bring you here got there yeah i got to be delivered god's going to deliver you from there you'll get your peace your joy and you get that relationship because you lost the relationship with the holy spirit too by the way yeah you'll get it back today amen thank you you're welcome all right sir first name away from amen blessings how are you my friend brother adriano uh thank you god bless you too uh honor and the privilege brother that speaker my honest mind should have you here amen praise the lord uh i just want to uh been living holy and righteous uh uh cut my uh uh living living holy the best i can you know matter of fact i hate this world you know um um i say this with all humility and uh this uh uh when one when would i be ready to cast out some devils you know again when would i be ready to cast out some devils in the name of jesus christ okay that would be god's decision to make right yeah your thing is to tune in tune in with the holy spirit and let him build you up to that place that he's going to use you as a deliverance minister and man let him build you up and god knows where you at he knows where you're going because he's the one who's writing your story so all you have to do is in the spirit in the spirit pay attention to the things that he has for you and you're gonna see one thing after another is something so supernatural can't even be explained but god has it for you because your heart is right your heart is right and when your heart is right and then god will look down and say now i'm going to prepare you and then later he will launch you thank you man you're welcome all right john we're down to our last uh my brother the last should be first all right what's that hebrew stuff on your shirt uh yeah sure yeah sure love it all right first name and we from mondo camarillo california okay hold your mic okay yeah so we can um okay so uh i'm a combat veteran i did get uh two uh two tours in um iraq mom people give them a call come on now so um i got uh i got wounded in combat and uh you know i was on put on medication i was put on medication i was wounded in combat okay and um you know from the va they put me on different medications stuff like that and i've been fight i've been walking and i want to get off on like you know all the medications and i just feel like i want that breakthrough you know in my walk with with christ you know what i'm saying and i've been doing everything you know trying to i don't want to be on anything you know what i'm saying so i'm just battling that in myself because i feel like how long you've been on the medication uh going on a year two years three years a couple of years now okay we're gonna pray when you come up we're gonna pray and we're gonna renounce the pharmaceutical spirit and when we announce the pharmacy spirit you say lord set me free i was in kansas city this guy came with a i mean a suitcase he had about 30 pills a different antidepressant all that stuff all i did was a simple prayer he came and i'm not saying this is your story god's going to go his way for you and then he came back the next day with a big smile to the meeting he said guess what now this is john romero supposed to have a kind of crazy fate he said guess what he said i threw all my pills away i said you did what i said what are you doing let's go get him you need to talk you need to talk to the doctor but prayer works and we pray we come in agreement and even if god you maybe you don't have to throw them all the way but god will take you off in one step one step at a time and if god says i delight in the desires of your heart and it deals with the desires of your heart and then god's gonna respond to the desired heart and get you off it completely fully and then use you because you're calling you have a calling because when you got one day over there you're supposed to be dead yes right and god protected you yes from that it was a supernatural angel shut up and protected you absolutely right say to the people yes right that's what the lord said he sent an angel to protect you to bring you back because you've been called to be another evangelist for jesus christ suicide car bomb yeah and didn't get you god rebuked death that day for you so now now now it's time to get off the pills and do what god called you to do amen amen come on come on please jesus hey man come on hey man i said one more thing and we'll start quickly i got a 10 minute i got a 10 minute preaching and then you bring your devils everything don't leave nothing home be like the american express don't leave home without it bring little devil lil mama little daddy bring them all in the name of jesus god said i say one thing the lord said the lord said there's people sitting here today these people came here they're oppressed we know that god we're not it's not a mocking thing we enjoy each other's company we love each other it's always supposed to be we're supposed to love each other enjoy each other's company we got blocks we got whites we got asian people here we got spanish people here this is the house of god let the racial tension be out there don't let it be in your heart don't let it be in your heart let the peace of god the love of god reign and rule in your heart amen let's shine let's be that light in the dark places and man let's be that dog i love all people the only person that used to have problems loving and his heart is muslim people and i'm god is working in me to love muslim people because they killing my brothers in the middle east and you know i grew up in the streets i grew up you go i mean come on people grow up in the streets you mess with mama you mess with the homie your minds and then you mess with me you know we grew up in the street an eye for an eye you know how the street didn't go right we know how we played some people went to jail for friends because you said do or die if we together and if i had to go to jail for you take a bullet for you if i have to die for you because that was our family back then understand and what i'm saying to you today is this i'm saying to you today now is love man now it's all about the love of god in your heart the reason i i can be a christian and the reason i can come and come to meetings and pray for people because you see one thing i asked god in one of my in my prayers lord i used to hate christian people i wanted to destroy christian people i wanted to do the biggest witchcraft to christian people and i said lord now that i'm in on this side teach me how to love the damage that i did the evil that i did the evildoer that i was now change it and give me your love so i can love people so when you come down to prayer today i don't see you you know why i don't see you whatever condition you find yourself in i don't see you i see myself in you because that could be me whatever condition marrying a woman whatever you're going i see you i see that could be me so let me go the extra mile and pray for that person there's no preacher out there that i know of pray for people one-on-one like i do and i do it because i love you and i want to honor god and i and don't get it twisted all my sins are forgiven i don't own nothing to the world i don't know nothing to the witchcraft people all my sins are forgiving all the witchcraft i did giving people mitch carriages sending people to to to uh mental hospitals to send my own brother to jail for five years all the witchcraft all the demonic stuff drinking blood cutting myself transform myself into wolves and enter them in your house with witchcraft [Music] ended up doing witchcraft to people and destroying people's lives completely fully is under the blood there's nothing that the devil can hold on me anymore because when you give it all to jesus he gives it back all to you and jesus has paid the price for me yesterday my price is paying full for my sinful for my for my evil ways for my monstrous ways the price was paid and god's saying to tom someone here today please listen okay stop the piano for a second thank you please listen and no disrespect you play an amazing piano my sister you do you you play an amazing piano i'm jealous god is saying god is saying today the lord's saying today do you want your life to be changed i'm not talking about demon people do you want your life to be changed are you still going to run your life the way you run in your life and keep making the same mistakes over and over are you still going to make the mistakes at your 30s your 40s your 50s you're 60 and all you got to bring to the table is a sorry but no transformation do you want to die in your condition or you want god to change you if god changes monster they're standing here with the mic my father didn't love me i was rejected i lived in rejection i lived in pain i didn't i didn't know how to love my daughter because i didn't have no role model i hated people i lived in hate i have to get my own i have to show the world that i can make it on my own i have to show the world that i'm in control i have to show my homies that i know how to do this didn't do that but you know what sad your homies are using you for their benefits they're using you for their benefits they're not using you because they love you the only person that loves you unconditionally is jesus christ and he wants to use you and change your life today it's up to you to say yes lord who am i change me i'm tired to live the way i'm living don't blame everybody else by the way you're living don't justify it take responsibility say lord i'm a mess up i do bad things i behave bad ways maybe you're not an evil person but you make bad decisions and you make back mistakes man or woman i'm not talking about just to me i'm telling my man or woman maybe he's tired of running maybe you're tired of running and life is exhausted but you have to prove something you have to prove something to all kind of people but the point all you have to do is prove something to yourself i want to change i don't life is passing you by sometimes i feel like i get two birthdays in one year time is going so quick i mean you're like happy birthday happy birthday i mean don't you feel that way like you get two birthdays in one year you're like you know sometimes you get up you're like what where did you win what did you win what happened this year what did i do this year because god is speeding up the time of his coming and the sad thing is that you sat or you spoke to a christian or you had a christian family member that loved him pray for you and you you disregarded it you said well maybe that's not for me maybe next time and then it might not be a next time it might not be a nice time and people die every day these people died last night there's people that died today and if you were to put a mic in hell and let people give testimonies let me just take a minute before i preach real quick if i were to take and put in hell and hear testimony from people say i was this close and i missed it oh my god someone just talked to me about jesus a day ago and i left and i ignored him and i missed and i'm in this place being tormented if you paul says in the book of acts when he was when he had confronted uh festus and the other guy and the other guy said to him you almost persuade me to be a christian you almost persuaded me where he's at today in hell hell is a forever place who've been locked up here raise your hand come on you've been locked up raise your hand is it fun no let's be real am i mocking my brothers is it fine no no amen i need someone said no no how many years you did yeah how many years two years how many years you did five together how many years you did five years anybody over there any years huh that don't count it doesn't make it official one day that don't count you go to my house my family is like being in hell but my point is this this is my point people don't miss it when you go to hell it's forever there's no purgatory don't believe what with the catholic religion say there's no purgatory okay because jesus told the deep like the cross today you meet me in paradise not purgatory there's no purgatory there's no alcohol in purgatory and people you see the spanish people said no idea am i right nine days of praying you're wasting your time because if this person didn't know jesus christ he's in hell you could pray all you want you're not going to pray him out of hell the time is now the moment is now let god change your life now is the time there's no coincidence in jesus this coincidence in the devil but the devil doesn't know it all so the devil lives in coincidence he doesn't know it all jesus knows to all so there's no coincidence in jesus nothing in christ is a coincidence it's a purpose it's a divine appointment so i say to you today take the pepsi challenge that's jesus by the way better than coke i'm not making any commercials so please you try everything in the world why not try him you try all the question marks in the world you try what you say you try buddhist you try santeria you tried peritimo you was a buddhist no okay you tried santeria you tried pimo you try you try everything but god so you have all the question marks in your pocket why not try the answer the answer that will change your life i remember my mother used to say why can't you be like your cousin maria you're so stupid your cousin mirror got a's you got f why you so stupid my father used to say my father said you know you you loser you're nobody my father used to say my mother say to me i hate the day you were born and people speak death to me and death to me you're a loser you never be nobody look at you no father a broken mother a broken home in pain rejected didn't love myself because all i saw were people named me all i saw were people wanting to wanting to name me my father couldn't love me because he can love himself my family couldn't love me because they were deep into witchcraft they didn't know how to love the world don't love you they won't want to use you you ever seem to be with people that when you got stuff when you got benefit they're around you when you hang on benefit they know where to be found i thought you were my friend i thought you were my friend i told you i thought i thought with homies i thought you loved me well you know i got something to do oh you got a car everybody want to ride and then when when when when you don't have a car they always say oh i don't have enough gas my car got problems come on people reality reality check you can die the way you are and live the saddest day of your life i got a high school diploma i'm not good in english i'm not a good writer i'm not a good writer i'm not good at english sometimes i pronounce words i think i was talking yesterday and i say something about you who are you or something like i said people say you got off the banana boat people say i got off the boat i'll be here since one years old you got off the boat when we got off the boat you talked like people that got off the boat they came from like puerto rico or something i said well i came from puerto rico when i was one i'm 56 56 1 157 no proper english no education but you're sitting here look at the fruits of god you're sitting here write books when i don't write an essay write books while my mother used to call me stupid why can't you be like your cousin maria write books touching the world how do i write them because god changed my life he said god changed your life god's gonna god can use you to write books to make e-courses and let god tell your story they gotta tell your story you're not a mediocre person you're not a loser you're not a husband you're a product of the image of god and i'm talking about jesus christ i'm not talking about other gods there's no other god but jesus everything else is demons i call it the way it is if you're hinduism you worship the devil you're buddha you worship the devil if you're a job a witness you worship the devil and if you are catholic and you worship saints you're worshiping the devil there's many ways you can worship the devil you don't have to be a german remembrance to worship the devil you can worship the devil in many forms and many facets you can worship the devil but i'm saying to you today and i say this with a lot of love and now take five more ten more minutes and we finish i'm saying to you god is knocking on the door of your heart you can feel them there's some people here that are coincidence god made an appointment with you today god brought you here to make an appointment with you today and god is saying i saved you from people killing you i saved you from going to jail i saved it from sickness i say i saved you for people people matter of fact this home there's a person in here only one person they're friends of you listen to what god's saying to me i can hear god speaking to me there's one person here that the friends that you thought were your friends that set you up to betray you to kill you and god put his hand and protected you how much more proof do you want that jesus christ loves you and he wants to change your life you can die in your despair you could die trying but you never get god's best if you don't let them change your life i can't get this off my spirit i feel so heavy my friend i feel like crying because the person is in pain and he said lord help me he's saying lord in this at night time the person is saying lord help me and god say i'm helping you i brought you here today give me your life give me your life and watch me change it i change your region i change it geographically and i change you spiritually give me your life and i will change you i would change you god say give me the pen and i will write your story like i wrote john ramirez you know there's people in china that know my name i never been to china i got an email i got a message from china someone in china said to me we have 1.4 billion christians underground church praying for you john man you're going to get your eyesight back give me two more minutes please and i know people if i wanted to get on the plane today and go to the uk have lunch with someone i can get in the plane have lunch with someone if i if i wanted to go to japan and have lunch with someone i can go to japan i know people there too if i want to go to switzerland i got people in switzerland i got people in australia i got people in india that would take me and have lunch and woke angry i could hang out for a couple days in that place and as far as my own daddy took me my dad my natural dad the father he took was the car wash and god taken me i got people in germany i could go to germany today and have lunch in germany i can go to anywhere in the caribbean's today and have lunch i've gone out places the other day i went i went i don't know i think ross tj maxx i don't know one of those places and this guy came out of nowhere i got people coming out john ramirez how are you doing germans how are you doing oh because i said yes lord changed my life changed my life [Applause] change my life don't count yourself out if you're still breathing if you're still breathing god wants to change your life god wants to change your life i'm going to do something strange i want to do something crazy i want to do an altar call real quick i can't i can't get the holy spirit off me god say don't let that person miss this opportunity john don't let that person don't let that person leave the building without making peace with me because if you leave the building the consequences that are waiting for you outside god said i'm not going to protect you from those you're going to go to jail for a long time don't know who it is but god said you're going to go to jail for a long time and then you i'll wait for you there today is the day the biggest thing two big things people want in their life i'm gonna give them to you the two biggest thing people want in life is love yes love you ever seen people on website people website what they get on website they want love them to make them dating crap they want love you ever seen a 60 year with a 20 year old they're looking for love they're looking for love it sounds funny but there's something their heart is empty so they found that on the 60 or in the sixth year finding under 20 year old and i know doesn't look it doesn't look proper but they're looking for love and the second thing that a person wanted in life want me to tell you it's freedom i want to be free i want to be free from my pain i want to be free from my family's dna i do at least i do because my family is crazy i told my daughter i rebuked your dna i rebuked your dna i told my diaper you puked your dna come out in jesus name i tell my daughter be like jesus it's work it's working my daughter called me all day i said dad let's pray because you know we need to pray about this prayer about that and i said okay we pray about this prayer now she'll call me for prayer because i'm i'm i want her to have jesus dna you got kids jesus dna my altar course simple 30 seconds and i tell you you don't have to do nothing in your own strength that's the beautiful thing about god you don't have to do nothing in your own strength you don't have to impress nobody you don't have to live for nobody all you have to say jesus i got two fish remember the kid with the two fish and the five loaves of bread that's what he had what is that what is two fish until five loaves of bread and jesus said give them to me i'm multiplying for you what jesus is saying give me your little life give me your little life and watch me multiply your life if you want jesus christ and you know who you are raise your hand come up raise your hand if you want jesus come to the altar come to the altar i pray for you if you want jesus you don't know jesus come no i'm talking my people don't if you have jesus if you have jesus sit down if you have jesus sit down i'm gonna talk my altar call sit down you have jesus you have jesus you don't have jesus you stay i want to pray amen come on goddess listen be quiet in my meeting the evangelist that god is talking about is this man right here he's the evangelist that god is talking about he's the event that god is talking about he's the evangelist that god is talking about i'm gonna go to your meetings please let me sit in the front and let me in for free don't charge me god has saved you from the grave god saved you from bullets god saved from people killing you [Music] and god said you owe me everything one and i say this he has the advantage over me he's intelligent i got off the little bus anybody else want jesus anybody else anybody else want jesus you you are god's ninky cruz you the cruise of this generation get ready you're going to be at that you want to spend more time in the airport than anywhere else man i'm saying this i i know i know you i don't know your whole life i don't know your whole life but i know you i don't yeah i have i hung out with you once or twice but god has something for you and i can't get the holy spirit i can't even preach god said don't preach don't the lord say don't preach speak to him speak to y'all but speak to him because time is running out [Music] i just i'm gonna say something to you with a lot of respect because i respect you and love you and i'm gonna i want to honor you today that's what i'm doing honey honoring god on your honoring god on his behalf to you let me uh what's your name you lorena you know jesus no you have religion but you don't know jesus pastor and i before i i released the word for him in his life pastor nye pastor and i are building this church for california and brother john we're building this church for california we want all people to come to the english church as god leads you in your heart it's not i'm not rehearsing anyone to come you come by led by the holy spirit we have church on sundays at 1 30. yes we're building god's house because we want to build god's last time army that's what god called us to do we don't have church we have spiritual welfare church [Music] we want the arsenals of heaven to be released and put in your hands that's what we're building we're building a spiritual warfare church it's not my church it's not his either it's not john's church it's jesus christ church amen and jesus i said i want you to build my church because i need this is what god said i need arrows in my quiver i need to i need people that when i some when i when i launch them they know how to hit the target to destroy to this mantle to curse to the root to bring the kingdom of devil down that's what god's saying the so the teachings that are gonna come out of here it's gonna be spiritual warfare teachings it's not gonna be we'll teach them the bible absolutely yes we are in the word of god yes we are we believe in the father son holy spirit we believe in the baptism we believe we believe in everything that the bible says there's one thing that we have the other churches don't believe cast out devils other churches don't believe in deliverance we do yes right that's right amen can i get a man we believe in deliverance amen both we believe there's a real devil and we'll believe let me jesus never took the devil lightly when did jesus ever mock the devil never he took him seriously and the church is taking the devil lightly even the archangel when he fought for the body of moses he made no accusation against the devil he said the lord rebukes you even the mark the archangel michael which is locked stronger than the devil he made no accusation he said the law rebukes you read it in hebrews he didn't take the devil lightly either even though he could get the devil pounding that day the church is sleeping you preparing you for the mark of the beast your own church right it's sleeping you so you could take the mark of the baby you know i had i had a friend of mine i used to take i used to take his uh how do you call it bible studies when i was a young christian and he sent me an email he said john i'm excited come i get your job you let's promote the cover 19. yeah i said what you call your mama never promoted with you i why am i going to promote the devil i did it for 25 years it didn't work [Music] the cover 19 he wanted me to go promote so i'm going to get 15 an hour really i think god blesses me i don't need the devil's fifteen dollars i rather eat pizza and chinese food for the rest of my life before i go promote them i better die tonight in my hotel room before i go promote the devil again get out of here take cover 19. my friend he does deliverance his his uncle took to cover 19 he's paralyzed [Music] let me say one more thing to my brother here and i'm going to share something that god put in my heart to share with him you've been feeling death around you short lately and god said he gonna he's going to change you completely and then he's going to move you somewhere nice in california and start your life over that he did with me he moved me from the bronx in my hand i was like the puerto rican jefferson praise the lord god's gonna change you it's gonna change you what buddha couldn't do jesus christ can jesus christ came no disrespect i don't want to disrespect you i don't want i'd rather you be mad with me and make heaven and one day will be hallelujah boulevard eating krispy kreme and in and out burger and hallelujah there's a crispy cream in a in a burger there's the ears no chick-fil-a chicken sandwich sucks look at y'all yeah religious devils mad at me let me let's just get serious pastor coming over here you're with me i want you know i want you to say i want you to understand the sinner's prayer is a beautiful thing it's making peace for god are you with me do you love these people you're gonna go to this meeting like this your mini's gonna be bigger than this look around you're me gonna be bigger than this i'm going for free i'm going for free i got a friend of mine named kevin zedai you know [Music] [Applause] and i went to louisiana to go see him for the first time and it's an honor to meet the kind of man of god he's amazing and he you know what he told me when we got off the plane he said john i heard the devil i heard the demons say oh my god he's in louisiana we confused he said and he's amazing many guy i think he's one of the most genuine amazing man of god i've met kevin said [Music] and you know what you know what's amazing that when you go to places the devil's gonna say oh my god danny's here what we're gonna do study nikki cruz study nika cruz so you can see your life you're gonna be the next sneaker cruise [Music] the next ninja cruise is standing right next to us watch god trying for me you know nikki cruz is he amazing is he powerful in the lord have you touched many people around the world millions of people around the world all we have to say is one thing and you're too you're too don't look at me like you owe you something oh you're not you're true you too how old are you you're still here god has a plan for you how old are you 16. you're still here you got you got to have a plan for you too god love young people because i see a king inside of you how do you how old are your two huh do we have quantos 17 yeah how do you what you're one yourself amen pastor i i want you come over here with me come over here to watch my wallet watch them danny i want to have a godly moment a godly moment is this do you want to give your life to jesus do you want to give your life to jesus do you want to give your life to jesus do you want to give your life to jesus you too you want you don't want to give your life to jesus amen you you want to give your life to jesus you won't give your life to jesus how old are you again all right you're gonna say it in english i want danny and um come close i watch my teachers i watch my mouth come close y'all come close now i want you to come close come close let's have i want to be i want to be close to you i love you guys come close come on what's wrong with you come close this this is us here it's a kingdom moment it's a kingdom moment amen this is a serious moment this is this is if the biggest thing that can happen to your life is two things one give your life to jesus and to get married to get married you're gonna grow old together [Applause] you see the devil been trying to kill both of yous for a long time that's right um the devil may try to kill both of you for a long time because he don't want when god what god is trying to put together the devil's trying to destroy even suicide it's okay i cry all the time it's okay yep god's gonna remove the pain out of your heart today the suffering the pain and the fragment is going away today amen god brought you here because he wants to put the pieces together in your life and he wants to put his life together so you can touch and agree and walk together compliment each other love each other and work for the kingdom together there's no more religion anyway this relationship with christ now this lord fix me use me change me if you can do it for crazy john remembers you can do it for me i was so crazy i did witchcraft my own brother put him in jail for five years you know that's crazy let's pray let's pray raise up your hands everybody raise up their hands and you gotta mean this from the heart this is not a game this is a real thing god will hold you accountable this is a real thing for both of you for everybody here let me raise your hand it means lord i surrender i got nothing to give you i'm people say i'm a nobody people i'm a misfit people say i'm a loser people say i don't have a father i don't have people that love me and people people people people only want to use me people people people are just i'm damaged good but lord i heard that you can use me i heard that you can you can take me and you can write my life over so thank you lord if i'm 16 i'm 30 something 150 something i'm 72 74 73 like my pressure sister you could still use me moses was 80 and god used them david was 16 when god called them a king esther was a young girl when god used us to kill the first hitler so say father i want to hear you loud father in the name of jesus i come today the broken i have nothing to give you i'm full of mistakes i got sin you hate it i've been living an ungodly life but i know one thing yesterday your son jesus christ died for me in my for my sins today i give you my life and i ask you in the name of jesus forgive me forgive me for my wrongdoing remove every darkness out of my life remove every evil out of my life remove every demonic habit out of my life remove every sin out of my life remove every wrongdoing out of my life i give you my heart sit in my heart be my lord and be my savior and today i give you the pen of my life write my story and set me free in the name of jesus set me free i receive you as my lord and savior and i know today i want my life to change because i'm sick and sick and sick and tired of living this kind of life i want my life to count and touch other people's lives i give my life as a living sacrifice i give it i give it to the world i give it to my friends i give it to to drug dealers and gang bankers why not give it to you where it counts lord there was a little boy there was a little boy in the bible that came with two fish and five loaves of bread and you fed 20 000 people multiply my life touch my life living my life i don't want to make any more decisions without you i want you to make all my decisions from now on i want you to heal me in the name of jesus heal my life make my life complete put the love of your son in my heart that i could love others that i can love others lord because i can't do it i could love my loved ones i could love my fiance i could love my family i could love myself in the name of jesus let's do it do it lord do it so today jesus be my lord and savior say it always be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior be my lord and savior [Music] forever lord i want to walk with you i want to be the man of god it's not where i started so i forgive myself and i forgive others that i hurt and lord take my life and touch other people that they don't have to go to hell because i'm going to stand in the gap between the living and the dead my name is danny my name is danny you give me the name daniel in the book of daniel one of the greatest men in the bible in the old testament danielle was a great man of god and sure she will be like daniel you'll be a great man of god you'll be a warrior for jesus all the days in your life you will see things in your life you will you will walk into pl you will touch people people are going to have so much love and respect for you as god god jesus christ had done for me he's going to do for you in jesus name amen praise jesus say something you want to say something quick say it say right there says something about him he wants to send somebody he don't know you he won't say something the lord talked to me i was you know when he said stand next to me i was asking the lord what do you have for him and there is two two incidents happen in the scriptures sometimes maybe you think ah it's just nothing i'm gonna come receive jesus christ but look what jesus did he was he had a powerful ministry and then he left that people and he went to see a one man and that man had a demon in his life when he saved that man that man become the greatest evangelist in that area i feel it in my spirit that word came to me to tell you that there is a blessing and anointing reserved for you if you become faithful and followers of jesus christ god can raise you and that's my word to you my brother today it's not an accident there is no accident this all this happened because of you and when he was speaking that's what i felt it was i said lord what do you have for this man i don't know he said tell him i left the crowd and i went to save one man and that man become the greatest evangelist in his place this is where you're gonna be and this is the word of god says the lord amen that's all for the lord don't miss it don't i don't know you i know of you and i know you're a good man because i know my spirit you're a good man there's bad decisions we all make up but god said now we're gonna make good decisions we're gonna make good decisions in your life he doesn't know you he never heard of you but he's speaking truth because when god was speaking to me god was speaking to him too and this is god speaking from both from both sides of the spectrum from from two people the reason why god given you god speaks twice to give confirmation as god give me god said beverly beverly i said unto you because he said when you were telling him about his ministry i in my mind i said that's no way that he's gonna be a minister i said look at him but the lord says no tell him this sometimes i don't want to be out of the package baby sometimes i don't want to believe yeah you see so and that goes for you that goes for you exactly i don't make mistakes not mistakes originals one of a kind god makes a man god don't make copycats he don't make duplicates and he don't make bootleg he makes great original he's going to give you beauty for ashes y'all can be seated in jesus name [Applause] thank you i'm going to do altercall offering okay praise jesus amen see you can't miss god's opportunity you can lose money you can lose friends sometimes you lose family members my sister died december 31st 29 years old 2020. you could lose that too and it hurts but you can't lose god's opportunities this is see this thing we don't do church who's that guy collecting in the basket who are you that hey he doesn't understand english oh no come here my friend come here come here over here come over here this is my homie this is the akapong actually he's a great evangelist he's an awesome man of god come here tell him tell him tell him come here this man he can't speak english but every day with his wife his wife is sick he's he's preaching the gospel with this condition tell him and tell him that we compliment him okay thank you jesus you know you see how old is he how old are you [Applause] 65 65 in god's still using him faithful obedient with this condition and the servant say that one more time faithful obedience right translating armenian meaning that's what he might you're trying to say my sister fired come up that's why he's here yeah that's why i love this man i love his wife and i love the lower lady where's the little lady i can't see her she's so small oh she's back there letters who somebody come have you come 17 17 78 78 it's more than you guys older than all you guys yeah stronger and stronger than you guys too and she prays she's stronger than you ruben spiritually she can paint pressure right here she can bench press you and eat more than you i love this lady because i see jesus in here amen and i love her because i could like when i when i'm when i got she stand right next to me i can put my bottle of water right here hey man now i want to do something and there's two people here i want to do something real quick before we we do anything i want to collect an offering i want to don't don't get scared it's not the devil talking to you it's not the devil talking to you i know you pay you know what did i pay i pay what are you going to collect an offer you paid to sit in the seat now you're not you got paid to get the demon out just kidding you paid to hear laura sing amen a cd is coming out in christmas i see these coming out i'm prophesying christmas is coming up and brother brother ruben is an evangelist delivering minister right here reuben say something look give him your hand he's an evangelist minister too you see you see how god look look look look evangelist look look evangelist you see god got radical people i got to give me some tattoos man you gotta take me i gotta get i gotta get something radical people got it radical right here look right here kali radical people this is what god wants this is what's gonna bring people to the kingdom like this brother right here people like you know wildstar for jesus guy ain't looking for no pinstripe troops anymore they're sick and tired of those people they're looking for like my brother over there people like this and that's not wrong with the way we look if we're real people and real people touch real people because people ain't going to be anyone with a paint stripe suit trying to sell them a bible people want to know what is your testimony why you look so crazy and you serving god why are you so crazy you're going to church and then you testify and you let him know because of god he stopped the bullet because of god i didn't go to jail because of god there's no tomb over my head because if god can sit here and i got my freedom [Music] amen can i say amen to that amen because of god because of god i got a second chance because of god my life didn't have to waste away and that goes for you sisters because you're crazy too don't act like you're holy bunch of crazy sisters up in here tell them how your sister were crazy in the world i'll cut you you know encourage your sister i'm gonna go home put on my sneaker put on the vaseline put my hair back [Music] speak like that thank god for jesus he sanctified you okay i want to do one thing right here all right brother john don't let him sick before we do something before we do something i wonder one thing there's two people here that are awesome friends of mine and their birthday is april 5th my brother danny and pastor we all sing happy birthday hey thank you happy birthday stand up danny you guys stand up we're gonna say happy birthday to you come over here danny you wanna say happy birthday we're gonna bless you come on brother we're gonna bless you give me some love come on people saying happy come on get up sing well i don't get you take the devil home you take your devil home you don't sing come on sing it one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you we celebrate life in jesus name amen how old are you 31 31 oh my god you got so much to do get out of here oh my god danny got so much to do for jesus you better buy some new sneakers baby but he's going to have it running from airport to airport thank you amen god bless you both we celebrate life yes sir we celebrate the life that god has given you that's how we do it appreciate it thank you okay my last thing i want your money yep i'm only you know i mean i don't know how to collect an offering i i'm this is what i say i don't know how to collect an offer i mean most nine out of 10 i'm embarrassed all i could say the church here loves you put something push they gotta put something in your heart and bless the pastor bless his house bless him for his birthday not that he's gonna buy something with it i'm saying when i say bless him for his birthday bless his ministry bless his ministry bless the men of god not many people you know and i say this over and over i came here because i want to partner with the kingdom i bought my own plane ticket i paid for my own hotel that's right did you divide am i right yes yeah yes sir okay i hear voice i think that's your ghost right did you pay for my hotel no did you plan for my plane ticket nope no i'm not going to so but just i did it because i want to come in and be a blessing that's my offering for the church i you know one time they would collect an offering the guy that had the money you know what he did he put himself in the play he's a loyal for myself and he became one of the greatest missionaries of all time i offered myself to come here for free and minister with my side's not 2020 yet it will be but not yet it will be so i offer myself to come here to serve you that's what i do i don't it's not charging the lord said never charge when you come here to california you take it out of your own pocket other places is different i'm gonna lie other places different my ministry has logistics and i don't charge for deliverance but i got to maintain the ministry i got to maintain people that do my emails i got to maintain all kind of stuff right ministry needs money amen could i agree amen thank you at least we got one brave brother the rest of you like saying i hope you stop talking because you know because two things christians struggle with giving they struggle with giving and trusting them with money but they're asking god for a million dollars no give me a million dollar but how can he trust you don't give him how he said they got on in the middle how i got how they got honor the widow mike gave two coins why he honored her and other people was giving a lot of money she and she gave him the heart and everything she got she gave everything she got she gave and i'm gonna ask you to give everything you got because that's not the case here i'm saying to you god honor her because she gave him the heart that's right and god are the people that gives him the heart you want to be blessed well you want to be blessed you give god and i'm not sometime i'm here wherever your church your home church don't to tie as an offering give to the lord stop robbing god malachi said why do you rob me and then you got a poverty spirit in your life and you don't know why you never got a financial breakthrough i used to one time i was robbing god i was holding back the money because i didn't have no money so there was a little bit i got god's rich he don't need my money god got my money donald trump he don't need my money so i was holding my money i was holding my money and then everything started going down down down and don't these pastors tell me john we see you declining and i said we mean declining i'm 6-2 he said no your your pockets you think i said you said you tithing you give an offering i said no i said no i need what a little bit i got and then when i started giving god back where it belongs to him and then the lord started to multiply my life and to the day today there's nothing missing nothing broken and it's not it's not only a financial situation it's my soul prospered my soul prospered in him and you know you know what's better than money let me tell you with better money god's favor god's favor is better than money money can only get you so far god's favor will get you man unlimited god's favor you know god's favor been in my life i've been on tbn 700 club day star i've been all these crazy channels people say how do you get on i said i don't know i said they look they call me i mean i don't really look for them the favorite hey the favorite guy just come and i got i got all the documentaries right now i got documentary in singapore coming up i got documentaries in the uk i just got someone that wrote me they say you know we want to interview for the magazine called the promise some magazine called promise i mean favor after favor favor after favor favor after favor never not never send a letter or please call me on your show nothing the favor of god favor god known all over the world favor god better than money so i pray that you really bless this house i pray you give him the heart i'm not going to tell what to give that's under my business that's between you and the lord you give from the heart let god touch your heart you give and uh and then we will get into a small preaching and then come up for alter and we'll set it off against oh gee jesus is oh gee jesus turned tables over you know that right jesus was oh gee he saw the tables he turned over and jesus said jesus jesus told the pharisees are you crazy jesus like jesus all crazy he was saying to the pharisee abraham saw my day he rejoiced they said who are you you thought you thought you saw me saying you said amber he said before abraham or i was what's up get that brother throw him off the cliff jesus said crazy stuff jesus was radical jesus was a gangster anyhow for nobody and then after he came in for the restoration he hung out for 40 days he said what's up i'm here for 40 days what are you going to do come on jesus is not a punk the devil is jesus far from being a punk don't let him don't think he hung on the cross high and wide he's a punk he could have caught think of the call it's like saying i call all my homies he had 12 and he had all crazy angels stripe that's the that's like the john ramirez bible he had a 12-inch stripe ready to come down and light it light up the light it out in the neighborhood but he took it for you and me and he took the punishment spit on his face they rip his beer off they put the dawns on his head or for you and me because he loved you he said endure the cross for the joy that was set before him and the joy was you and me amen let's give to god come on people pastor sing a song oh i'm right here oh happy birthday i feel like i'm buzzing all right people let's let's give play where's the piano girl she's gone piano girl's like a puerto rican she eats and she leaves never invite puerto rican people in your house never invite puerto rican people in your house some people eat and they leave let me put my daughter on maybe it's just singing maybe my daughter's singing and then we're also gonna pray for your offerings guys so once you collect the offering we're gonna pray for the offering i'm not praying i want your money yeah first give me your money and then i do like nikki cruz you gotta learn this because you're gonna be the next secret crew when he collected the first offering he had a nine millimeter he said give me your money put in the basket he did that to everybody with the license and everything everybody had their wallets and the pastor had to call people come get your license back [Music] see that my sister i was with your husband yesterday my people right here and you know what i mean we got the esther's god bless you i love my people i love everybody man you might catch me in a bad day i might not you know feel like a christian and a bad day [Music] remember you're looking handsome but come on a date [Music] [Music] you know um my mic is working so i just want to say thank you for your generous gift and i can give you a hundreds of examples god bless me when when i myself start giving i was not a giver be honest with you one time i had a forty dollars this is uh maybe uh 15 years ago so i knew the lord he's gonna tell me to give you a 40 so i keep the 20. i put it in my car i said i'm going to go to pray and then he's going to tell me to give the 40 i said i'm not going to do that you know so i went there and i knew he's going to ask me for for the rest so and when i start worshiping the lord he touched my heart and he said where is your other 20 i said what one now this is a true story by the way he taught me to obey him but here the thing is it's a privilege to bless this lord he died for us he he shed his blood for us you know this ministry it's not that easy people come people go but ask us what you guys do afterwards we we literally me and john ramirez we close ourselves i pray for you guys the whole week twice a week almost twice a month basically i don't have four week i have only two weeks to enjoy my life the rest of the week i pray and because we don't want any demon to attack us neither you guys alright this is a serious business it's not something we it's not like oh god loves you go go head home this you guys bring your demons and they hate us they hate john ramirez they hate me i mean think about this so what i'm saying i want to say thank you obeying god through your financial support we're able to do more and more and more equipments employees other stuff that we take care of you guys don't know but we do so but anyway i want to say thank you for giving opportunity and allowing us to continue like paul says i like to go but i need somebody to send me he's talking about money so we want to do bigger we want to do larger we want to invite more people but we need financial help so at the bottom of my heart i want to say thank you as a children of god god bless you amen so that's all i can tell you and i think we're done uh and i'm gonna wait for him to come you know and it's a it's an honor to see many people coming to christ you know uh the gentleman called me from my country i'm from armenia and he said there is a lots of need in our country people are actually after war we just had a war they said that we a lot of kids are demon oppressed possessed and i was talking to john ramirez do you like to come to my country because they need deliverance people need deliverance and not a lot of people to deliverance people like i always said before healing was very popular and then it's gone you know why it's gone because scientists hospitals all sorts of people they make it great now people don't need any more jesus they can go to hospital and create baby for themselves they with anything they need they can have it all right the next one prophecy came for the future who should i marry you how much money i'm gonna get what about my business what about my this and that that also gone now people manage to take care of that too so they don't need god also now here the last thing i to say what about the mental healing david in psalms 41 cries out says lord heal my soul there is no medication for that there is nothing for that i don't care how much we're gonna grow in in knowledge no medication or a way only through jesus christ and john ramirez few people like him with bottom of you know what i like about him he prays for single person he actually do that and he's 57 years old young and he pray i can pray for you guys all of you i will probably break my back i don't know what he's doing i don't know what kind of exercise he's doing but i tell you the truth one time he prayed for 400 people 50 people by himself i was sitting here and i almost slept because i was tired to watch how he prays because i was tired literally tired but he prayed for a single person it's great to see that amen so i want to say you know yes sir where is the offering did you take the offering can you bring the offering oh it's okay or let's pray holy spirit i ask you to bless each dollar came to your ministry lord this is your ministry you made this ministry master bless blessed and increase increase and bless those individuals who saw their best master bless them i want you to pray and agree with me people i want you to agree trust me agreement is very important agree with me tell him that through this sewing my family will be restored my my finances will be restored my health will be restored everything will be just whatever satan stole it it will come back sevenfold in jesus mighty name and god's people said amen just believe that all right [Applause] let me just do something quick something quick how many people let's be honest how many people are struggling with poverty poverty how many people are struggling with poverty raising how many people are struggling with poverty how many people are struggling with poverty just keep your hands up i've been there i'm not rich but one person one time sold something into my ministry and it broke the spirit of poverty it's not the amount it's how they did it you sold something into this ministry it doesn't mean the amount is how you gave it you struggle with poverty let me serious you wanna let's break the spirit of poverty over you right now let's come into agreement and break that spirit of poverty so you're never like you always have more than you ever want and you're able to give and you're able to support the kingdom and you ever to bless people you're gonna give to people and you've ever meet other people's knees amen because the kingdom is about meeting other people's need when god blesses you with money amen it's about meeting other people's needs when god blesses you with with finances amen it's about it's not about you keeping it and doing whatever you want with it it's about blessing other people helping other people meeting other people's genuine needs not not just not not the vipers because this christian's a bunch of vipers they come up to me like oh you know my sister let me just say something pray for me i got a bill for 49.95 you're like okay do you want me to give it a 49.95 i'm under my adult devils so father in jesus name right now we just declare decree right now we break destroy this mantra every spirit of poverty father god we break the spirit of lack in jesus name we break the devourer that came into people's finances into people's home we break it we curse it to the root in the name of jesus we declare right now in jesus name lord that you will open the windows of heaven and jesus then you're part of blessing lord that will continue to run like the woman with the oil that the holy never ran out in the name of jesus father i pray right now in jesus name that you bless my brothers and sisters the ones that so the one didn't sow that they want next time another day they'd be able to sow into the kingdom in jesus name devil your liar we break the demonic power over the spirit of poverty the spirit of the lock spirited one we break it we destroy father i pray increase increase increase increase in their finances increase and if they don't have to sow a thousand dollars like the preachers say they sow from the heart increase increase in jesus name amen all right i'm gonna say something quick i had a message god gave me but was it more important how god wants to do the meeting are you with me right because i don't want to follow i don't i believe in protocol but i also believe led by the spirit and the spirit was people that came up and got saved that they have now they have a future with jesus that's more important in my preaching that's more important to me just preach now if you want me to preach i have a message or i can pray for more people what you prefer pray okay you want me shut my mouth don't preach okay it's okay i'm you hurt my feelings bro you broke my heart i'm not kidding let's look when you come up for prayer i want you to understand one thing it's about touching and agree with the holy spirit there's no impartation there's no you know past me that the gold dust the only gold does is apply the dirt in your house get a hoover it works get roomba the important thing is lord i touch and agree with you lord you promise me no weapon form against me or prosper no you promise me that you're worship that you heal you promised me that you were saying that you set people free that's what you promised i want what you promised me you know learn how to do simple prayers simple i pray for this one more time she had false stage cancer she was supposed to die six months in less than six months i just did a simple prayer it wasn't me i just prayed for a little healer she was a muslim she gave her life to jesus she left the muslim world for jesus pray for her i've seen her twice already i came back a year later to that church she didn't die she's still alive she came to one of my meetings two years ago she's still alive years ago because you hold god at his promise wilkerson taught me whole god on his promise has gotten his word because god is married to his word and then you bring your little faith and then you give it to god and you give and you say lord i hold you to your promise and hold you to your word because god is not a man that will lie god is married to his word jesus is the word by the way jesus is the word in written form the bible is not about you and me the bible is a love story between the father and the son came to a dying generation dying world that's what jesus is about he came to a dying world that yesterday was a celebration of jesus coming to humankind to redeem him back to god no other god and any there's no other guy anyway but there's no other religion that would do that for you you have to blow yourself up to prove something i'm puerto rican puerto rican don't blow themselves up we don't ski right we don't go in deep water we're afraid of sharks just so you know now if you you pop out a grill sandwich government cheese we in there we in there for the government cheese a free lunch people say people one time i was hanging out and they put me on the canoe i got dizzy [Music] i was fainted the water was up to here i know my heart was saying sharks sharks sharks sharks i got off the canoe like this baby we can live in the projects we use the gun shots yeah come on people don't let me down we we gun shop you know same thing new york south bronx same thing for the apache we live in there that's that's normal for us so my ultra core is simple come wherever you're going through whatever you need god will provide according to his riches and glory it's not money it's healing deliverance breakthrough and god will set your soul free you don't have to be in bondage you don't have to be in pain you don't have to be in medication you don't have to be tormented you don't have to be despair you don't have to be broken and you don't have to lack you don't have you don't have to be a mediocre christian you could be god's best god can make it his best he did it for me he can do it for you amen he did it for me he can do it for you all you got to do is come up and i pray with you and i'll come in the green milkshake that's all and i was like the lord leads me to pray for you i pray for you i got crazy people that come up to me and they're trying to move me around like i'm like like they're the remote control i'm not your robot i move as the holy spirit lets me to go to a person amen if god called me to go to you i'm not missing you god is dealing with your situation personally if i come in agreement with you we touch and agree touch and agree simple come up i pray for you amen we pray we come into agreement get your breakthrough finish your year strong don't be the same christian you were last year come how you gonna be the same christian of last year same stuff the same situation the same mediocre same struggle same pattern cycles let it go cut it low forgive people let go enjoy your christian life you know i've been tormented these three weeks i've been tormented by two crazy demons from principality tournament me to the point that i couldn't even breathe i even told pastor pastor where are you again stop talking to each other yes sir okay i'm only kidding those are my homies then i said to you i was being tormented so much that i was going to leave early yes i was going to go home yes but out of respect to him i stay that's right i was going to say you know what i'm not doing this i'm just going to go home that's right i told him in his house i was having fellowship in his house i'm going home i'm not going to do this i feel like quitting tormented to the point i feel like quitting stress to the max and then fighting with other people fighting with a person that i should be fighting with and then the demon attacking that person too and i don't see it i fight with the person i don't see it i fight with the person instead of knowing better so i so all that did three weeks here been enough three tough i had good mom i had amazing moments past this house awesome fellowship awesome fellowship i went to my sister's house over there she cooked better than any restaurant in the world yeah that's right raise your hand right here she can she'll cook you on the table you can't even cook you guys can go her stuff is so her stuff is like eating manna and a jesus table i mean amazing amazing cook i mean she cooks stuff i look like a movie that's amazing it was i mean perfectly made i mean everything tastes good never ate it but it was good good good that made it amazing so so those are my only highlights my only good i mean i was with the husband yesterday moaning highlight everything was there's a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of spiritual welfare a lot of spiritual welfare a lot of spiritual warfare to the point that i offended people i did i didn't talk the right way to the person should have i should i should have known better i opened the door and let the devil attack and and and and it wasn't the right thing but thank god the gun god knows how to fix things thank god you know to put things together thank god that god gives second chances amen so i'm not perfect see i'm not perfect i'm like just like you i go my struggles i go to my moments and sometimes i say the wrong things i do but i know how to get back up make peace with god and make peace for anybody anybody offended i make peace with might take me a little longer because i'm puerto rican you know we don't make peace right away we think everybody's wrong and we the right ones pray for me let's come up let's pray come on come up and let's pray all right all right folks before we begin prayer uh wait just just hold on hold on guys hold on hold on okay um don't listen to the guy with a nice suit he got money um no let me say one thing okay one thing listen real quick one thing seriously see one thing you see brother john here he's faithful he can brag about listen he can brag about his his he's a professor at uh ucla he's a professor at ucla he got a lot of good things you know what he did let me show you okay stop walking i'm talking listen i want to say something to you so you don't leave yourself out he's the kind of person when he came to the church he was the only member in english he sat there by himself and he heard pastor preach to a whole bunch of empty chairs and look what god is doing in his life and he's a professor at ucla he's also he owns some things am i going to say and he and he's going to hell he got a g wagon he's gonna give it to me soon and he wears a suit to church he's the only person that wants to treat your church he's under his right mind that's okay we'll pray for him but you see god lifts him up and he's humble amen god left him up and he's humble now he's preaching he serves he serves with no problem he serves because he do it unto the lord and all that came promotion from god that's right because his heart was right amen amen so if you want to be smart you got to be asian god gave asian brains he gave spanish people books we were we were in the wrong line okay look at the spanish people they're already getting ugly all right let's pray i'm just joking go ahead brother okay just some quick announcements uh before uh uh evangelist john romero starts his prayer uh just a couple things we we've got quite a few amount of folks here uh so all we ask is that um once you do receive your prayers uh we that we would like to ask you if you can leave now for so we can prepare for tomorrow guys exactly we have a service tomorrow before you guys get upset hold on hold on john will be here tomorrow at 1 30. okay amen it's open to everybody everybody's welcome so please come back again uh like pastor said we we need to clean the floors and everything get prepared again for tomorrow uh so uh by making way for folks that are behind you that allows them to receive prayer as well so that's all we ask next thing is is that when john prays i know we've we've got quite a few prayer warriors here but uh when he starts praying for you uh the people around you we just ask that you just uh just keep silent uh that way uh evangelist john can focus on his prayer as he's with one with the holy spirit one thing i want to say and catch this i know i'll be back june 12th but one of the things i want to share with you that i see like that i was like that i mean like that me like that in the spirit one thing i want to say july 17th listen july 17th i'm bringing my friends from the east coast it's not the east coast west coast they said no to pop and bigger here none of that i'm bringing my friends they're they are the serious the real deal of being prophetic they're very prophetic people and i'm bringing them here to do dumb and now we're going to do prophetic and deliverance ministry together under one roof i've done it with them in seattle i've done them with them in delaware and the church i've done it with them the power of god shows up and they'll give you a word a precise word from god and i don't bring flunkies and i don't bring wannabes into into into a place that is gonna discredit god i'm not gonna do that i'm bringing people that are real july 17 it's gonna be a crazy meeting it's gonna be powerful in the prophetic and powerful in the deliverance under one roof here it's on my website here hey man you with me it's gonna be and then i'm gonna bring later i'm gonna bring another friend of mine crazy crazy crazy he's he has a church called get rap in houston texas his name is juan martinez he's just he just he's he's actually right now i'm preaching in alaska he told me he told me you come to alaska i said not me i don't pray for eskimos he's in alaska preaching amazing man of god he was the biggest meth dealer from from new jersey all the way to texas the biggest meth dealer and met jesus in jail and he has a book that came out it's called beyond the yellow brick road authority in total but in christianity blow your mind and i'm gonna bring him here one day to minister because he has a spirit of encouragement and he has a powerful ministry of inner healing and i want to bring people like that from places i know to touch your life to touch a different anointing different gifting we're going to bring that here john pastor and myself we're going to bring that to california we want to bring stuff that will bring substance to you will bring purpose to you it will touch you and bring you to levels with god higher levels with the lord the higher encounter with god higher revelation and higher clarities in your spirit that's the church we want to build here i love california amen i love california america so just want to share that july 17th you know if you're going to come to one meeting if it was mine so there's july 17 or june 12th come to july 17th that's right i'm not greedy come to come to the meeting you want a word from god you want to hear and then one thing about his teachings now let's just say one thing real quick one thing about his teaching would teach you will teach you how to have a relationship with the father today the church don't talk about the father god they never talk about the father god he teach you how to build your relationship with the father god to the son by the power of the holy spirit they have amazing books amazing teachers that will teach you how to have connected to the father everything in the bible everything in the bible speaks about the father look at read john 17 it's always jesus talk about the father we need the father out of the equation you need to have a relationship with the father that's a lot of you don't have a relationship with your own father because you or you can't relationship because you don't know how to be a father to say well i want to introduce that to you i want to bless you i want when i leave i want you to miss me i don't want your money i want you to miss me it feels better amen let's pray let's pray so father i just want to say a prayer and then we just come and come and agree with god so father in jesus name today we come in agreement by the power of the holy spirit lord that you will have your ways in jesus name lord you will touch every person right here lord father they came because you brought them here they didn't come because of a meeting they didn't come because of a church they didn't come because of our name they came because the name the name of jesus christ father god they came lord because you having a divine appointment for them lord you say and your word the holy spirit is the one that draws people to the house so father we pray that every hurt every pain every place that is fragmented every place that is broken in the soul in the mind in the hearts of your people today holy spirit that you turn around and you will touch every single person today in the name of jesus christ father you bring the healing power of the bomb of gillian father god king jesus you bring the healing power the oil of heaven that will touch my brothers and sisters father god we break witchcraft we break every demonic stronghold bondages every religious spirit every devil father god be developed poverty every devil with the controlling the mind every mind controlled devil in the name of jesus christ father you break destroy dismantle we curse it to the root in the name of jesus christ father we declare and decree tonight today this day delay that the lord has made the day that jesus christ yesterday paid the price and went to hell and tomorrow would be the resurrection power we don't celebrate rabbits we don't celebrate eggs we celebrate the finished work of the cross of jesus christ father we come in agreement there's power in agreement there's power and unity there's power in the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ father we touch and agree right now father god for my brothers and sisters every area of their life these people should have been in graveyard they should have been in jail they should have been hospitals and i see you but you brought them to the church because you have a plan and a purpose for their lives in the name of jesus i declare and decree over your life in jesus name holy spirit that you have your ways in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus christ right now holy spirit have your ways in the name of jesus right now let the fire of heaven fall upon you right now holy spirit touch this brother right now touch him right now and make him the street preacher that you call them to be heal his pain and his hurt raise up your hand in jesus name right now holy spirit have your ways have your way devil your liar you're a liar in the name of jesus right now in the name of every demonic devil right now every demonic stronghold every demonic entrapment every devil that's trying to come against you come in your body come out in the name of jesus christ right now i break every satanic powers right now break in the name of jesus every strong heavy bondage break in the name of jesus right now break in the name of jesus right now manifest and go devil i'm talking to my brother i'm talking to you look at the seal in his spirit he belonged to jesus christ i break every witchcraft i break every demonic show i break every demonic curse voodoo off you in the name of jesus christ right now right now right now in the name of jesus right now break in the name of jesus christ right now break in the name of jesus christ right now holy spirit have your ways have your ways in the name of jesus christ right now as i come to you you renounce every devil you renounce every stronghold you renounce every demonic attack over your life you renounce it as i come to you you make this renunciation you tell the devil love don't live here anymore i let me go because i don't belong to you anymore i belong to the lord jesus christ you renounce the devil you cut it to the root right now you curse it to the root and jesus name curse every contract every word that you've spoken every demonic word spoken over your life you curse it in the name of jesus christ and command it to loose you to lose you in the name of jesus christ you have the power and the authority in christ jesus to speak to the devil face the faith and let them know let the devil know face to face every stronghold every bondage every demonic stronghold be set before me has to go down in the name of every transfer of spirits has to leave me now every stronghold every demonic sotai has to leave me today any person here in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now right now the devil is a liar i break every torment endeavor over your mind every torment endeavor over your mind will be broken be broken be broken be broken i declare over my brothers and sisters you will have the mind of jesus christ you will have the mind of christ the thinking of christ the believing of christ you will have everything that god ordained for you in the name of jesus right now holy spirit you have your ways the devil is alive we put them under your feet right now right now no more tormenting devils we break every trap for the spirits in jesus name we break it off you in the name of jesus christ right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now right now in the name of jesus holy spirit you have your ways and set my sister free set my brother free no weapon form against you would prosper no weapon form against you will prosper in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ right now right now in the name of jesus everybody in the name of jesus right now holy spirit have your ways have your ways holy spirit have your ways in the name of jesus right now right now right now devil we put you on notice we serve an eviction on this devil listen to us devil listen to us devil listen to us we sit in the high places of the third heaven with jesus christ a place of a power all power and all authority that's where we sit we don't sit on the earth frown we don't sit on the earth from we sit in high places with jesus christ devil we sit in the third heaven that means you under our feet right now right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now right now in the name of jesus christ right now break break in the name of jesus right now right now break in the name of jesus right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now we take the solar spread we stab this devil in jesus name right now right now right now now in jesus name now in jesus name now in jesus name and now in jesus name now now drink the blood devil we're not talking to my sister drink the blood [Music] come out in the name of jesus [Music] oh you have to fire the holy spirit upon this devil right now burn and come out burn and come out burn and come out but you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar [Music] you come out that's right you come out you come out come on from there come down from there come out and jesus saying that's right now that's right now that's right come out come out come out come out come out and jesus said come on my sister let it out let it out let it out let it out in the name of jesus and let it go okay standing for you staring there in the name of jesus you come out you come out you come that's right come out you come out in jesus name come out in the name of jesus right now we break every satanic powers in the name of jesus christ right now we break every demonic devil in the name of jesus christ right now break in the name of jesus christ right now devil we put you on notice in jesus name right now right now we break the story right now break and destroy run every stronghold now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus christ right now that's right fuego fuego right now that's right keep coming out you keep you keep coming out you keep coming out that's right come out that's right come out in the name of jesus right now right now right now that's right come out and that's right come out that's right raise up your hands in jesus name raise up your hands in the name of jesus father right now set danny free that demon is chasing him all his life right now we command that demon to lose some now in the name of jesus we command that demon to lose some noun and we're not talking to danny we're talking to that demon is tormenting my knight that we're talking to the demon that gives them anger we're talking to that demon father god right now that's trying to destroy his life in the name of jesus we command that demon right now we command that demon we're not talking to them and we're talking to that demon we're talking a demon being tormented not giving them bad dreams making them do bad things in the name of jesus father we break that devil frustration we break that devil of anger off of danny in the name of jesus because you had called them to be an evangelist and when he's going the devil can't go with him father right now break every stronghold off of danny break every demonic sin off of danny break every addiction or for danny today father this is my friend father break it off from today in the name of jesus christ i command every demonic stronghold every demonic devil a coat devil to lucia now in the name of jesus i command every father with your spirit they've manifested in you come out in the name of every raised devil come out in the name of jesus christ you're going to have you're gonna have righteous anger in your spirit to fight the good fight and set people free that's what you're gonna have for now on i command every wicked spirit right now that's great mind control devils right now that is making you do things that you don't want to do anymore right now i command to loose you now in the name of jesus christ i break every satanic powers i break this atomic agreements i break every transfer to spirit that you might have or anyone else run every legal right that the devil has over your life today that is completely canceled in the name of jesus christ right now devil we're talking to you we talk into that wicked spirit that make you do wicked things in the name of jesus christ we command to lose you now danny is our brother in christ look at the seal his spirit he belongs to jesus christ and god has a plan for his life right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus release you now release you now in the name of jesus christ release you now every dividend every devil of violence come out in the name of jesus every devil of violence come out in the name of jesus christ you will have a heart to love people the violent devil has to go today it has to go today in the name of jesus christ right now right now we smite those demons with the blood of jesus we pray holy spirit you take over danny you take over danny he belongs to you you're taking him to places and no place high places you're taking him to places to the north to south the east you're taking him to regions you're taking them to his own country to bring the gospel of jesus christ with his family to bring the gospel to laos father are you taking them there father god to set the captive free to break the spirit of religion you set them there to be the evangelist father god that people will come and know jesus christ because of him right now he might not believe it but i know he's there and you've done it for me i wasn't even out the father i got was a bus ride a train ride and a car ride i didn't even know i was going to be going on plane after planes after planes look and that's what's going to happen for denny's like people people he's going to be everywhere everywhere on tv in the name of jesus christ we break every satanic powers we break transfers of spirits with women that you have we break every september jezebel delight the devils they came against you we break every betrayal spirits that people trying to betray you behind your back we pray every devil is trying to use you they're trying to use you not for the right reason we break that off you we break every family curse off you right now in the name of jesus we break it off you we pray who the son set free is free indeed i feel things are lifting off you i feel things are lifting off you in the name of jesus christ i feel things are coming off you in the name of jesus christ i feel god is filling up the void of the love that you miss our people didn't love you that people didn't care for you jesus christ is filling you with his love and you will love you will be known for man that love people like i am like your brother john you're going to love people you're going to be good to people you're going to help people and you're going to bless people in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i pray father god for this precious woman of god i pray lord that she today's a day today their freedom father everywhere she heard him fragment the broken father god lord she's broken every place family relationships friends father god she's broken lord lord you know how to heal the broken places i pray you hear the broken places father god right now heal her heart give a new heart her heart been destroyed father god heal her mind in jesus name i break every sadness i break every every every every hopeless spirit against you i break every hurt every pain that you've been stepped on crushed on every place that people betray you every place people let you down every demonic force hope every curse affects your voodoo break offshit in the name of jesus break off you down in the name of every pain every place every place in your in your heart every place in your mind every place in your soul i speak to those places to resurrect resurrection power healing right now in the name of you'll never be the same you'll be going to be completely healed you'll be completely set free god heard your pain he hurt your cries he's seen the tormenting things that you've been through but god said he's going to restore it all in the name of jesus today he's going to give you beautiful ashes he's going to take your pain away and give you a new heart a new beginning a new mind right now holy spirit touch my sister-in-law and every tear drop that's your head drop make it a blessing make it a blessing every cry make it a blessing make it a blessing father god in the name of jesus right now holy spirit you have your ways in here into her set her free see it's gonna be a powerful moment of god she knows and she's gonna see for herself let it go that's okay i cried too let it go give it to god this is your opportunity to give it to the lord my sister don't let the devil lie to you men cry too i cry when i'm hurt i cry when people betray me i cry when people let me down but jesus christ don't let us down jesus christ loves you and he's gonna he's gonna heal you and he's gonna set you free and he's gonna give you a new beginning and for your family in the name of jesus christ father god right now have your ways in jesus name and let my sister be healed filled with the holy spirit let danny be filled with the holy spirit and let them touch let them be filled with the love of jesus christ in jesus name amen right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ right now right now in the name of every anxiety devil every anxiety devil every anxiety you manifest and go you manifest and go loose my sister now in the name of jesus raise up your hands raise up your hands let me pray for you let me raise up your hand it's a sign i surrender to jesus right now in the name of jesus christ right now every tormenting devil right now every tormenting devil right now every tormenting devil you gotta go gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go in the name of jesus cause my sister don't want you that's why my sister don't want you she want jesus christ to be her lover do you want jesus christ to be everything manifest and go come out you come out in the name of jesus you're not going to torment anymore in the name of jesus christ i command you to come out you're not going to torment anymore she belongs to jesus christ i break suicide in the name of jesus you come out devil you come out in the name of jesus you come out in the name of jesus christ you come out you come out now in the name of jesus now come out come out in the name of jesus come out in the name of jesus i right now that's right manifesting go manifesting go manifest manifesting goal that's right you come out in jesus name my sister don't love you master love jesus christ devil she loved jesus christ so you manifest in gold you have no room no space and no it's right now that's right come out come out come out that's right come out you're coming out in the name of jesus yes you are yes you are you're coming out you're coming out in the name of jesus christ that's right you're coming out that's right you're coming out that's right you're coming out in the name of jesus you're coming out that's right fire in the name of jesus fire in the name of jesus fire in the name of jesus that's right you come out fire in the name of jesus christ that's right come out that's why you come out i break your legal rights i break your legal rights you're not going to turn my sister to a mental place devil you going there i got warring angels around you you see the warring angels around you you see the warring angels around you you see them [Applause] warring angels around you you're going to the dry places you're going to the dry place that be tormented devil you're not going to torment anymore go home now that's right you're leaving you're leaving in the name of jesus you're leaving in the name of jesus no [Music] that's right you're going to go because you're not going to torment my sister anymore you're not going to torment anymore you don't have no legal rights i burn your scrolls and i burn your banners in jesus name by the blood of jesus christ by the blood of jesus by the blood of jesus come out come out come out let her go for a second let it go for a second come here my sister come here come here don't go nowhere don't go away look at me let me talk to you don't look at me don't go fight back let's fight back come on fight back we got the victory don't go stay right there don't go come on gosh brought you here you want to be free right so let's get it let's go get it let's go get that freedom let's go get that freedom let's go get that freedom come on come on let's get to freedom come on come on my sister come on let me help you let me help you let me help you come on let me help you come here get me come here come here come here get up get up get up get up get up give me a hug let's get that freedom in jesus name come on jesus name in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be healed be healed be healed be healed be set free come on breathe breathe that's right you live on the victory side you live on the victory side amen amen you live in the victory side no weapon form against you will prosper no weapon from against you will prosper come on huh i'm scaring you i'm scaring you come on come over here i'm your brother in christ my sister come on come on come over here come over here be set free my sister come here come over here come over here come over here relax calm down let me just pray relax relax god you came here because god wanted to set you free and man you believe it right so take a deep breath take a deep breath let it go take a deep breath let it go take a deep breath let it go take a deep breath and let it go okay there you go you don't have to be tormented anymore my sister you don't have to be tormented anymore god doesn't want you to be tormented he wants his love he wants his love to rule and reign over your life [Music] okay [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah jesus father bless them hear the bodies make them strong like caleb and joshua like moses when he was 80 he was strong right now that caleb he was strong strong be healed in jesus name amen i drop some eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Armen Ministries
Views: 25,147
Rating: 4.9260631 out of 5
Keywords: #christian, #teaching, #sundaychurchservice
Id: aBivI7NfSZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 35sec (13595 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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