Perfect Prayer (English)

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all right good afternoon uh welcome to a foundation of true church in christ my name is john i'm one of the assistants here to pastor armin uh just before we begin uh we have a couple of announcements uh i'd like to make before we start um october 9th uh mark your calendars uh that on that day will be on a saturday we will have once again evangelist john ramirez joining us for deliverance and spiritual warfare training uh so sign up will be on both our websites at and at like i said it will be on saturday october 9th it will begin at 11 in the morning pacific standard time so everybody's welcome there is limited seating so make sure you guys sign up on the website and make your reservations next uh we're going to continue continue our zoom fellowship um first off uh it's every tuesdays at six in the evening uh it's open to everybody if you would like to join just go to uh there should be a zoom link there so i need to just press that zoom link at six pm and it'll shoot you right into the zoom meeting and um you may ask what goes on in those meetings well first off pastor armin hosts those fellowship meetings on over zoom and he goes over he goes deeper in the word this he also you know does teachings as well he does also dream interpretations for the past two weeks he's been doing dream interpretations and i mean honestly it's been uh it's been amazing as far as what the lord has spoken to those people what their purpose is in life so you know it's um we encourage everybody join you know um you may not get everything that you want in service uh there you have an opportunity to ask pastor uh whatever is on your mind so everybody's welcome every tuesdays at six in the evening uh next is uh we have a prayer here on wednesdays at six o'clock um everybody's welcome once again it's six in the evening here just bring like like a yoga mat your bible and we just pray for about two hours so once again join us if you if you like it's open to everybody and finally you can watch us on youtube at armin ministries and also you can check out our facebook page at foundation of true church in christ so with that said we're going to begin with some worship music [Music] good afternoon church he reads praise and worship our jesus christ every praise is to our god every word of worship with one of god [Music] with one of god [Music] glory hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] every [Music] sing praise yes [Music] [Music] yes yes she [Music] what an amazing lord we have what an amazing master we serve the one that stands before us and walks before our path thank you lord jesus thank you lord hallelujah [Music] let all the earth rejoice all the earth rejoices [Music] is he's our god [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] how great [Music] you are my hiding place lord you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance and whenever i am afraid i always trust in him i give praises [Music] you always fill my heart with songs [Music] i will trust [Laughter] i will trust in your [Music] is [Music] i will trust you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i will trust you let the weak shed oh [Music] say [Music] strength [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] praise god [Music] i give you praise [Music] master bless your people [Music] bless your people anoint them [Music] master bless your word anoint your word bless me anoint me and bless your people and god's people said amen please sit down praise jesus thank you all right well shalom everybody god bless you thank you for coming let me give you my title first and then i'll teach you now just uh the reason i'm teaching this particular teaching and the title is perfect prayer it's called perfect prayer and i was praying last well this week i was praying monday and lord came to me and he said to me he never done that before usually we cry out to him but this time he asked me he asked me if i love him i said yes but the second one he said you want to come home and then that was it today i'm going to go back and we i'm going to stay and pray another week i'm actually going to ask you what do you mean by it because i saw a dream last september and i'm not going to speculate and i don't want to speculate because the first option is not a nice option the second one the second one is good but the title is a perfect prayer and forgive me but i'm going to teach about fear and why i said forgive me because we're going to go there it's kind of i'm going to build something in you so you will understand like i said this teaching was being um god give me to teaches i teach this to my people basically and that's what i'm going to preach teach perfect prayer but let me tell you something i was in dallas this this week and how many are participating in my zoom yeah well anyway i was interpreting dreams i'm gonna do another week and um well anyway what happened was uh we were like f of uh eight people i think we went together and i was in the hotel trying to interpret dream and suddenly the hotel says get out of the hotel so i did and so i'm trying to find a place i'm thinking maybe these people will say you know what this guy is boring we're just going to go we're not going to follow him but they were not doing that they were keep staying staying on the zoo so i went into my car somehow i did hot spot and i tried to connect myself and here my wife and all these guys with me they went to hotel because they were eating somewhere they came they opened the door and i'm not there papers are sitting on a table everything is there i'm missing and my wife went to these guys and said our man is not there they're like what do you mean he's 200 some kind of pound guy he's not going to distribute just like that so everybody came to that hotel papers are sitting everything is there i'm not there and this guy says to this other gentleman says you should repent i think rupture already happened our man is not here and this other guy says my brother it's too late if there's a rupture there's a rupture why am i going to repent it's too late we're all staying in on earth so anyway and they're kind of trying to understand how to find me so they said let's let's see where where where else can we find our men so they uh you know went to zoom and then so i'm sitting in a dark and trying to you know interpret dreams but the funny part was these people think uh that uh i was ruptured so this is what i'm talking about if god gonna save people he's gonna save everybody you know they thought that i'm gone and they stayed that was the funny story over there and um you know um i love to pray and i'll tell you why i pray when i start teaching this is very unique teaching and i love to pray and i'll teach you lots of prayer type i did before but this one is unique so um let's start from here let me give you some foundation a perfect prayer how to have perfect prayer where to begin and what's in it that's my question perfect prayer how to begin what's in it so um let me give you some foundation and the question is who is your god that's going to be my question who is your god according to some commentaries john this is what they're saying if you have fear with something if you fear with something that thing becomes your god i'm going to repeat it again who is your god if you fear with something that thing is your god allow me to explain now let me give a foundation okay let's start from here again i'm teaching a perfect prayer how to begin but i gotta build something and my foundation is this who is your god if you fear with something that is your god now allow me to explain so let's go to um um question i'm i'm sorry i i took the wrong paper let me get the right one all right so here here number one question you're a christian you receive jesus christ right good so what is the right commandments what is the right option you will choose for yourself as a beginner meaning is what will you choose to begin and once you choose that where that thing will lead you so for you as a christian what is the right thing what is the first thing you will do let me give you options let me tell you what god says so you hear all of you are christians but there is sex demand god is asking for people six six powerful demand now you choose one for yourself and then answer you you answer yourself why you choose that one and as a christian which one is right let me give you the options let me tell you what god says and you pick yourself one okay now number one first peter 4 8 says above all above all it says it's a demand love one another demand good the second which is same thing in colossians 3 14 says above all this put on you love okay so which one should i choose here you came you become a christian god is commanding you a forceful act above all love one another okay good the second one entire bible in new testament it says above all these put on love put on yourself a love and i'll explain this just give me a second i'm just trying to give you option as a christian which one you will take first which action you will take for this of six of them and here you go you have to figure out which one is the beginning of your christian walk now here the third one great commandment i'm giving to you love your god okay so which one should we do we start john as a christian which one will you take both of them third three things are powerful three things are forceful three things are strong it says love one another should i do that one or should i put on myself a love and become a love or i will do the great commandment love god i'm just throwing something on you i want you to think about it as a christian which one is right thing to do which one you will choose fourth one when martha and mary jesus came to their home and here miriam is sitting and listening to jesus and martha is busy serving jesus and jesus says to martha marta marta miriam choose the most important one and nobody can take from him all right wait a minute should i just sit down and listen god only is that the greatest commandment should i choose only that number five here's the scary one it says first seek the kingdom of god okay so as a christian you came to christ for you which one will you pick and why you think this one is right the other one is wrong let me explain all these because i want you to understand what i meant by this okay let's say you pick love one another that means you have to love everyone even if they insult you that's why i always said to the couples wait until the other one tell you love you because if the other one tell you i love you then he's responsible for that that's what when i go to every girls you talk to they said no you know we were just doing our own stuff you came to me you approached to me and you said i love you they're meant to god you know that's why we have so much fight together love means this if i say i love you it means i'm responsible everything you do i know return let's compare with god god says i love the world right he did everything did he ask anything from you no any direction every guidance that he said how to crucify did he even tell you the plan no he did the plan he did everything correct so if you said you love me is that the right thing to do is that the first commandment is that the first thing we must do if we do that can we follow the rest can that lead us to the rest second one let's say you pick seeking god's kingdom first you know what you're saying you're declaring to everyone if you're seeking the kingdom of god you're gonna forsake your family yourself your kids everything everything only seek the kingdom of god that's what happened to me 2005 when the lord came to me in my prayer he says you love me i said yes sir he said leave everything and follow me meaning is kids wife business life forget it is that the right thing is that what makes me to become christian is that gonna lead me to do the rest can i only just follow you but not love my brothers and sisters is that okay because all of them are strong commandments how about this one how about this one mary you only pick to listen to me because according to commentaries martha is the servant serving in the church miriam is the people who just sit down listen and go home is that the right thing to do never serve god just sit down and listen and go home but it says martha choose the best thing okay if we do that that means you guys can come here sit down listen and now who's going to work i don't know we don't have a lot of marthas we have a lot of mary's but we don't have a lot of martha's but jesus actually said well martha what mary pick is good what martha is doing is not good that's what he's saying he says whatever miriam choose nobody can take from you but i mean we're thinking oh yeah listening god's word it's perfect but what about martha we have a couple of martha's building this church so you guys can sit down and listen which one is right john which one is the fourth will commandments which one should you pick which one is right five of them are powerful strong force how about this one love god should i only love god because loving god is a complete dying to yourself if you study about loving god it's deeper than loving a man god is a jealous god he hates when a person who loves god loves the world too he hates that he's very jealous he hates when his children love the world can you explain that to me our man please forgive me there's a new people i don't know how strong are you how deeper are you but god it's like this if i if i love my wife i can't love another woman only my wife it's the same concept only god i had a time when i was praying oh yeah i always pray but this time i was praying john and i was about to leave because i had appointment god says it's not important it wasn't important by the way i can lose a lot of stuff because if i if i cancel that up and i cancelled it because he says it's not important loving god means once you said i love you lord you're responsible to carry all his burdens everything from from a to z my spiritual father he had the second dimension in the third dimension because he learned that's why i don't recommend to learn too deep it will mess you up the third dimension he heard that a lot of men of god lose their life because of the third dimension god came he says i want you to have the third dimension he said no he refused god he said that to me and to all the people are are watching and brought chaos that's another thing you love god all right how many love god don't raise your hand because i'm gonna say something stupid how many love god if you love god will you allow god to kill you that's not fair that's not in the bible oh yes he wants his children he wants his lover will you go if god comes to you i i know a story i'm not gonna give names because i'm in public i'll give you a story i was in this big meeting john big meeting 50 000 people came this lady brought his child this is a true story i was there this lady brought his child the child was around 70 years old very weak boy sick doctors cannot cure the sickness they give up but the child was still sick so this man of god came and he was about to pray and he says wait a minute i'm not gonna pray for your son allow me one day i'll come back and tell you what's happening to your boy and where 50 000 people came and we were wondering like whoa what is this new doctrine you're not praying for the man it's fine next day a hundred thousand people came we wonder what's going on and hear the answer he said when your child was eight years old this man was talking to his mom he says god came to me in your prayer and says give me your boy you said no is that true and a man of god and the woman says yes says you should give your boy to god a hundred thousand people crying literally crying this woman for years he was fighting to to keep his child healthy she unable and more suffer she brought more suffer more stuff i mean you guys don't know this stuff all you guys learn love love love love love love love it's not like that grown up i'm not sure what happened to that lady all i'm saying this is what i experience so if you love god if you love god if you choose that's the greatest command and demand here my question will you give yourself to god which one is right which one should i take which one will be lead me the rest so which one is the perfect perfect prayer how do i how do i create perfect prayer or how about this you know what interesting john god give us an option i'm sorry i cannot give you all the scriptures because we were stuck there i gotta i gotta give my revelation to you and then i'll give you scripture but trust me i have all the scriptures i can read that for you but i don't wanna read it above all and you think it's the greatest start it's the greatest commandment says keep loving one another whoa beautiful commandments let's do that and then you continue reading says above all put on yourself a love become a love okay so which one should i do which one is right the next one great commandment love your god can i tell you something it's not right it's not constitution to command a person to love someone it's actually abuse can i command you to love me it's not fair will you do that can i command you to love me i'm not asking you to like me love me perfect love that's abuse but here god says i command you a great command and love me if that's the case i will just look around and see a beautiful girl i said i command you to love me and that will be perfect life i command you to you see that's not it's not like that right if you're trying to find one girl or girl find one man it takes years to please each other you see these birds it's a normal birth become god knows what that making all these noises becoming god knows want to just to just find a one girl bird you guys saw anyone plant animal world i mean it's crazy what they're doing i mean you see this just a regular bird and then becomes something balloon and makes those crazy noises trying to understand what what on the world this bird is doing he becomes like big feathers collars making these crazy noises and you see this ugly other bird comes i'm like for this bird you're doing all these noises come on brother get a life you know when i found my wife and she found me you know how many promises i give it to her millions none of them i did thank god for that i gotta at least become a god to create all that but my point is this here as a christian which one will you pick which one is the greatest commandment where you start which one will you pick so for me to continue if you fear with something that will be your god let me explain to you again i'm teaching you a right perfect prayer now watch this let's say this man there's a man he commit a sin against god he already did he allow satan to come into his life the person already committed don't rebuke it please just follow me there's this man he committed sin he did it now he has open door this man have an open door and satan is sending satan granted this man the door was opened and the punishment is depression sim being committed man created he opened the door for himself and satan comes and he said i'm gonna give to this man agreement with between god and satan they all agree that this man needs to be punished because of the sin god also agree with that forgive me but yes i'm going to read the scriptures you guys are going to be amazed so here satan says well i'm sending a depression on him so here depression comes when depression comes to this man he never ever met with depression never ever this man was had no depression what will be the first thing that depression will do to you depression comes to you i'm making like like a movie here here depression comes to you you have no choice you can't rebuke him you open the door he's coming to you he's yours you can't say in jesus name no no it's not working he's gonna come to you what is the first thing he's gonna do to you he's gonna give you a fear if he scares you then the rest of his will will be manifested through you agree yeah when the fear sits on man's soul like a drug drug why people use drugs because some kind of fear fear came on them now they're using medication now they are under the control of that force the fear force this man not only fear him but do everything he has in him how many understand what i'm saying let me explain again fear is a force is like god when it comes on you then that man has no choice to obey not only depression but whatever the nature depression have it will manifest through you as for some people in depression they're crazy they act like crazy not only that but the depression also force you to be weird to be angry see the symptoms the rest will come on you because of one thing he introduced before he's saying i am depression he scare you fear comes in you now when the fear of god comes on you everything god has will manifest through you that's the perfect love perfect prayer let me explain let me give you some explanation the difference between people who don't have fear and people who have fear what's the difference their prayer people who do not have fear they demand god let me give you some explanation now this boy this is a joke it's a joke okay so it's a christian joke this kid eight years old or 10 years old he wants a bicycle so he's trying to understand where he's going to get his bicycle so he watched this charismatic churches you know the dancing and screaming and pushing god and commanding god all all this crazy stuff there right so he learns through prayer he comes to in his prayers in the same way he says god and all that he says i want a blue bicycle tomorrow five o'clock in front of my i wanted i want you to bring the bicycle front of my door so five o'clock this kid get up bicycle is not there the neck so so he's trying to understand what other prayer will help so he watch different dumb denomination through that denomination he learns a luxury prayer heavenly father you are god of glory you know there's a church like that the way the way they talk you have the whole world will you give me a bicycle five o'clock in the morning that also not happened and then what this kid do he was so angry he's walking around and he saw a statue of miriam he grabs that statue put it in his pocket goes and he buries that statue that angry boy come back now moms pray jesus if you want to see your mom you better give this boy a bicycle people who do not have have no fear the demand but those who have fear i'll teach you the prayer they do it's not the same so when you have um fear of god on you then god will able to adjust and will give you vision and all this will come into reality brother come over here for a second i'm going to show you something let's go to first corinthians 6 20 i want to show you something now let me tell you how the fear comes i'm going to show you how fear comes this is the answer this is the last thing i did not give it to you but this is the last thing i want to read it to you let's go first corinthians 6 20. first first corinthians 6 20 for you are born with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which can you take out the echo please we have to keep reminding our marthas is it out try walter testing yeah go ahead for you are ball with the price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods watch this this is how fear of god works i want everyone to look at me it says for you are bought with price now god almighty will come to you and with this force forgive me but i'm going to do something crazy you're ready brother i'm going to punch you no i'm just kidding god almighty will come and he'll say and this is what he do he will come to him said with the great price i bought you you must you must glorify me through your body he's gonna demand this man something i bought you with great price there is no other option he bought you with a great price when he bought you you no longer you you are a slave that's why in new covenant there is no servant it's all slaves it's dolos you guys you guys can look at it there is no servant when you see a paul a servant of jesus christ that's a wrong translation it says dolus slave i asked one time i asked god one time i said why are you calling us a slave he said armen if satan comes if you are a servant he have right to talk to you but if you're slave he has to go through me your mind but with a great price he bought you he's forcing you he brings fear in you he said you have nothing but us be slave now you glorify me in your body whoo that's powerful now how are you going to glorify god what are you going to create a light in yourself the glory is jesus himself the scripture said moses says show me your glory show me jesus glory is jesus this jesus gonna come in you and manifest everything god written in his scriptures manifest everything so here let me give you something that i done please sit down last year god came to me and he said i want you to pray one week question do i want to pray one week no way jose but why do i do it because i afraid of him he came to me he said i want you to do two weeks i didn't argue with him i said i'll do it but you guys have to understand i have another person i have to be i have to fear it's my wife i have to go tell her hey look i have to go again it's not easy to tell your family members you're gonna miss the entire half month and separate yourself and and and and be there and pray and what am i praying give me money money my name is what no i pray i'm gonna show you matthew matthew five i'm gonna show you what i pray when kovit came john everybody were closing themselves down i was actually happy that i'm not going to have a church be honest with you oh man i'm going to rest i said how long this is going to be closed for a year i said good then i'm not going to go to church anymore i was tired i want to have sunday i don't have sunday since 2005 i don't have a sunday night saturday if john ramirez comes neither friday i was so sick in my bed the whole week i was like and i said to myself good good if i stay like this then i'm not gonna go church i will find someone to preach and now this is my biggest excuse guess what these two girls came to my bedroom said get up what's wrong with you and i'm thinking like where did you guys come from he says god put you to serve and you here trying to escape i mean exactly what i was thinking and i'm like uh okay uh this is not happening i said lord i'm sick he says what do you want i said i want healing i said keep walking i'll heal you he didn't allow me to stay in my bed he said get up i never miss a church i went to have an operation to operation in one month i thought i'm gonna stay home they just give me that that morphine i was like this you know you know what the lord says you're going to go and preach i said lord i just came out of hospital he didn't say anything he said you preach a fear of god comes on you you will manifest the rest of john you don't have to look for a great commandment you look for the fear of god fear of god will push you to love one another fear of god will make you to love god a fear of god will make you listen the scripture and serve see that it's all get into the balance but for a person who doesn't understand the fear of god he needs to pick one which one will you pick they will pick whatever is comfortable for themselves perfect love how do you start fear first in covet everybody was closing themselves down i came to god i said lord how am i going to pay you know those pastors crying you don't try to manipulate god how am i going to play you see this pastor how am i going to pray my ramble he said you pray and i will not bring these diseases to my children that's not what i was praying i said when you're going to bless me i need money money you know money and you tell me pray for for my my children will not get coveted i did not ask that i was praying something else how many understand what i'm talking about i was praying for money he said he didn't even answer me i called two guys i said you guys want to join what you said pastor you're crazy everybody's closing down kovit is hitting every i said brother i don't really care man you know your lord says pray and you should come here i said now then these people came to my house and they're like ah i said come on come on let me kiss you brother i have no covet even if i have covet don't worry about it you're gonna get covered and he's gonna die in you the day call it begin until today i have no covet you know why because it's he said if you pray none of you he guarantee me that i'm not gonna get coveted i you know how many people i kissed they had coffee this lady came to me she said pastor can i talk to you i said yes ma'am she came she hugged me she kissed me and then she said this is serious pastor and we had like a 100 200 people came and said i have a covet i'm like i'm like i said lizzy why did you kiss me you not only kiss me you kiss john ramirez too i said if people know you have a covey they will stone you today i said run if you can i told her i said ron those are the those those you know those good days like everything is closed and she kissed me i'm like why are you a lot of people came this guy came to me completely sweat and like shaking like this pastor pray for me and i just lay hands and i pray and i said what's wrong with he said i have a covet i'm like you can't i mean why did you they were you know they would kill us people were scared those days people come he said i have coins why did you call me don't even tell me you of course i don't really care what i'm saying is god when you have a fear of god the rest you will fulfill but we're going to the perfect love i'm just giving you some foundation i'm putting something together so let me give you an example about fear you guys need to know let's go to genesis 31 john something interesting something interesting happened to jacob a great man of god a great man of god something happened to him this is interesting the way the way um god talks to you know yesterday we were talking about the sin of people i said watch the broadcast in the scripture you know scripture have broadcast which one is it well if no rain in specific place that means that place is actually sinning against god you know that first when when somewhere came to israel he said you see because of your sin there is no rain he said and and he pray and god brought rain california don't have rain for a long time dollars have 120 rain a year 120 and those clouds are not even going they were staying there here you see cloud and it's running oh there you go elegant why because of the sin of this place so now watch the language of language the way bible is giving to us if we go to genesis let's go to genesis 30 um let me see 31 32 42 go ahead now let me let me say this and then and then he'll read it for us now remember jacob was running from laban and he was tired of this man if you read your bible you will know the story now laban came and he was searching jacob and he couldn't find these idols uh his wife was actually stolen from him and he was hiding somewhere so once he couldn't find then jacob become kind of angry and this is what he said this is so powerful this is what he said watch this go ahead accept testing all right mike please man this is this is testing testing your mic is on test testing uh can can this mic be repaired please armond testing test no i don't know testing test testing what happened all right watch this watch what isaac did this is about fear john maybe your hand something wrong with your hand you grab the mic it breaks right away brother testing okay okay except the god of my father the god of abraham and the fear of isaac had been with me surely you have sent me away now empty god has seen my afflictions and the labor of my hands and rebuked you last night so what what he says here john he says watch this except the god of my father interesting and then he says the god of abraham and the fear of isaac he's not saying a fear of god he says the fear of isaac why he's saying that when jacob was living with his father he saw that his father isaac had the fear of god and he did everything according what god says to him so he learned that when laban was tormenting jacob jacob did nothing to this man because he knew if he did he do mistakes god will punish jacob that's why he says because of the fear of isaac this man ran away from his parents for 20 years but yet still remember the fear of isaac he saw how his father was fear of god he was very careful with god and he knew let me tell you a story this guy literally insult me john he insulted me so bad i came to god i literally told god what happened to me and this is what the lord says if you do anything against this man i will punish you and whatever mistake he did i will bring it into your head he said it's in the scripture i said you know what i don't want anything forget it like never mind just pretend i didn't talk to you think about it jacob saw how his father was behaving under the control of god fear of god is different life it's not the same let's go to 52 now there is there's another there's another and laban understand that jacob only can do covenant 53 with the fear of god with the fear of god whatever the fear of god is watch this 53 or 52 which one that i said 53 brother the god of abraham and the god of nehor the god of their father judged between us and jacobs swear by the fear of his father isaac can you imagine back in those days they always swear in the name of jehovah now he he swerved in the name of uh his father isaac now let's go to another thing that i want to show to you let's go to isaiah 11 1 john i want to read all the way to to 2 3 and then i'll show you something powerful here now this jesus that we're talking about our lord and master everything he did he did because of the fear of god i'll prove it to you remember he said in in gethsemane remove this cup from me that was actually a big statement a lot of people said that he gave up he doesn't want to die that's what a lot of people say that's not what i'm saying a lot of people said jesus give up in in that place when he was praying he says remove this cuff and then he says let your will be done he afraid of god now let's see what happened to jesus in isaiah 11 this is this is good stuff guys i'm telling you let's go isaiah 11 1 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord and the fear of the lord watch what it says it says in second it says the spirit of the lord will rest on him the spirit of wisdom and this understanding spirit of counsel and might and spirit of knowledge and fear of the lord jesus if you study his life he said father you send me to this earth and i did exactly what you tell me exactly a fear of god young we don't really pay attention those verses a fear of the lord and the prayers are different people who have fear of the lord the prayers are totally different it's not the same when i go to pray john it's why you think jesus always visits me why he think you think every everybody who prays with me they learn how to pray learn how to pray really yes why because my prayers are not not the same a prayer as people do and and let me give you one more scripture that is very important psalms 34 11 it says come to come my children go ahead read it for me john few more scriptures i want to give it to you about fear it's very important that you should have come children hearken unto me i will teach you the fear of the lord come you children hearken unto me i will teach you the fear of the lord like i said when depression comes to you for that depression to control you he needs to scare you and it's called fear job says that he had a fear and it came on him you remember that this poor guy had a fear a fear what was the fear he feared that his children will die his children die he had fear that he would lose his money he lost his money he had fear that his wife gonna come against him it actually happened he had fear that he was gonna be sick and yet came to pass a lot of people have fear fear of what what we have today a lot of kids they think they cannot marry there's a lot of fear out there and that is tormenting them all the time how do you become tormented something comes on you and grab you and he shake you all the time and you don't know why it's called fear fear depression anxiety all those things are have power on you that's why i said who is your god who's controlling you i have no fear let me tell you a story that happened to me this recently i apologize i don't mean to scare you but i'll tell you there's something happening in the world and you guys all know that even unbelievers are calling you said what's going to happen to us i said well i don't know so here i went to my prayer and i'm praying i had something came on me that i have to choose and here i said this to god i said lord all these years i'm serving you good or bad but i serve him good or bad i did my best to serve god i said when the time comes allow me to if they're going to kill me because they're going to attack pastors first i'm not gonna name names but i'll tell you something in 2000 when we had this conference i kept mentioning that name because from from 2000 we knew what's coming to this place some christians were sleeping but i already knew what's coming and i was keep telling people people just get ready something is coming and now we were actually telling people what's coming in 2000 we had a big conference in that conference they told us what's coming to this earth they said that radical muslims going to come they're going to start destroying the world which it happened 9 11 rest of the countries and we see that greenish horse in revelation there was four horses black horse pell horse white horse and and black horse there's four horses red horse i'm sorry what is the red horse communism that gone so but let's let's talk about 2000 they said and then turkey will be empire the man head of muslim brotherhood which they become powerful strong tajikistan pakistan turkmenistan all this area iran uh all all these people all that area become one nation they're they're getting strong now now america lost his his his his foot ground which afghanistan and we know that on that part of the world they want to kick out america from that part of the world they want to they want to cut america and america according to the news no longer is a powerful country no longer so if you go to a different country be careful if they kill you nobody's coming after you there's thousands of people in afghanistan they don't care they brought a hundred thousand afghan people here but our american people are still there suffering 2000 we had this conference this giant people they're all gone by the way they all died you know what happened over there they said that all these giants people you see sitting here they're all gonna die because god gonna remove these giants if god removed these giants there will be no anointing on earth god can freely move he only going to help his room i'm sorry but i'm telling you the truth this is this was the conference he they said that all of us were going to die before something happened to on earth because one righteous man can hold god you're not listening one righteous man can hold god so all these people gone john all of them gone i can tell you something there is no giant anymore we don't have giants anymore on earth all of them are sin the people that i was following them they're all sin they're all sin running after woman it's shame but there's no giants anymore they call remnant but not giants there's no more giants i mean these flies are running around me if i do like this that means somebody's trying to attack me 2000 we had all this news news news news news news coming so here that pressure came on me i remember all that i told the lord i said look allow me to finish my life don't allow me to be like a like a cow run away and say like other pastors they're going to close the churches they're going to close their uh they're going to close their media and they're going to close everything they disappeared but not us we're going to continue serving until whatever happened to us what i like about disciples when paul was persecuting the church they stayed none of them live go read it none of them leave jerusalem so let me continue it's about the prayer please forgive but i have i want to give this to you the when you have a fear of god prayers will be different john so let me give you something that is very important let's go to mateo in five minutes let's go to matthew well i want to read one more scripture let's go to proverbs 1 22 and i'll tell you where to stop there's one more scripture i want to give to you there will be people who are going to refuse the fear of god and it's a choice i want to give this to you proverbs 1 22 2. how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and the fools hate knowledge turn you at my reproof behold i will pour out my spirit unto you i will make known my words unto you that's right because i have called and you refused i have stretched out my hands and no man regarded but you have set at nothing all my counsel and what none of my reproof that's right i also will laugh at your calamity i will mock when your fear comes exactly when your fear comes as desolation and your destruction comes as a whirlwind when distress and anguish comes upon you then shall they call upon me but i will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me why 29 answers for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord that's right you see what happened remember i told you early that god also will choose a punishment for you i have lots of teachings about stuff like this but god almighty says you don't have the fear i cannot manifest in you one lady came today six months ago she got stroke you know what stroke right she came to me like this she said i want to repent i said why she said i want to be healed i said fine i pray the lord says little by little i will heal her. she kept the day completely healed she came to me she said pastor but i hate this people i said it's not for you to hate or not hate i said god called you to be a light and salt practice it acted do it it's not for you she said no you don't have a heart she said i said look look at you six months ago you were paralyzed look god heal you you're supposed to be happy no fear she still continue doing the same thing no fear [Music] i said be happy that you they told you that you're gonna die but look look at you you're completely healed of a stroke is a serious sickness half face was deformed arms was deformed she's standing strong everything on her was working perfect yet she has no fear she said i hate these people i say stop it no fear no fear wow no fear i go to pray when you go to pray the first thing a perfect prayer will be jeremiah says he says when i saw god because in the prayer you have to see god you can imagine god you got to see him you got to hear him not feel him see him hear him not feel it don't do that devil can come too a lady when i was going to bob larson this lady came to us we were a team we were learning about casting out demons this lady came her nose was broken i said what happened to you she said i had desperate need she said i went down to my knees and i said help help help and she said this voice came and said you need help and she said yes help me that was a devil and what devil did when she was about to come out balcony devil closed the sliding door and she hit it and broke broke her nose i was laughing i said lady you're crazy she said it's not funny i said yes it is funny why you didn't use jesus name you know you have to use jesus name from nazareth sometimes devil can come and trick you in your prayer oh i wish i can teach you those stuff you got to be very careful when you pray when you pray i'm going to give you to you right now and you become emotional in your prayer if satan grabs your soul you're done don't allow it what are you saying armin can he come into my prayer of course he was when jesus was fasting in that great time he was there and tempting jesus [Music] he the only place he can come it's that secret place and that is hard to enter it not everybody can enter there you gotta pay a price i came to home i was about to pray and the lord says stop he said pray in holy spirit i said why he said satan came with you he's standing right next to you he's listening to you and i have to pray in tongues and my mind to articulate what i'm about to say you know it's hard you you you know just be silent i learned something he said he's right there this is not joke the first thing when you pray i always ask god what do you think about me never ask for money never ask for help [Music] i don't have to he knows you did you heard what i said he knows if he keeps you sick stay sick learn i was sick for three years i pray three years i give up praying for my healing then when i'm done three years i call graduated he healed me i said why do you heal me today said because you had no faith a pastor have no faith it's embarrassing let me show you a true prayer a prayer are dominated by fear of god matthew 5 john let's go there matthew 5 1. and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was sent his diet his disciples came to him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is a kingdom of heaven wait wait wait [Music] let me do this john i'm gonna give you eight prayers perfect prayers [Music] a person who are under the control of god a perfect prayers when you go to pray the first thing i do i ask god tell me my mistakes why because he have to close all the doors either he's going to control you or somebody else going to you you decide but if he tells you your weakness and you repent then he will close all demonic doors and he will dominate you scripture says you came from one slavery and you enter to another slavery that's what roman says he didn't say you came from one slavery and enter into liberty he said you came from one slavery and entered to another not only that jesus come to me and take my example take my yoke bliss are the poor in spirit for there is the kingdom of heaven i study this in deeper dimension [Music] poor people have capacity or should i say skill to take money from rich people the way they dressed the way they ask the way they approach the way they beg the way they come closer they know how to do it john i mean you're driving and this guy's standing in the corner says i am a soldier and he has no leg i'm a soldier i need food money money for food are you thinking when these guys serve i don't know if he's soldier or not maybe maybe not i don't know but the way they're doing it it touches your heart and you stop right away say he's a soldier you give him money when you go to prayer you got to be a poor man always always in need never satisfy with god always ask god i need more i want more i want more i want more i want more of you why do you think i got to pray man i need him why so he can give you money no he give you health no i just can't live without it remember what i told you before i said when jesus came to me i become complete i want to stay complete but i don't wanna be satisfied i keep myself poor and i beg him as a beggar come to me what a prayer he says he says this for there is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who are mourn for they will be comforted mourn why you mourn in his presence why are you crying to him why are you saying lord forgive me i'm a sinner i am a sinner you done nothing wrong but you keep crying to him you mourn why you mourn because you know you have a sinful flesh bothers you to stay holy so you can please to your master you keep mourning i go to when he comes to me i said lord forgive me man i seen the other day and i don't know i don't want i don't want to see you know how difficult when jesus come to you and you sin what a prayer you mourn in his presence instead of asking for help instead of asking for help instead of asking for for money your mourning you said lord forgive me please will you forgive me will you you're literally crying because you are a sinner you are more because of your present situation god only hears the humble the scripture says what a person in the presence of god instead of saying look what i done for you instead of saying how much i give instead of saying what i done he mourned because he's in this body you came last week you missed the other sunday you're saying you're working one perfect week the next week you sin and yet you go to pray you cry out say master you know how many times he visits me when he visits me that's the first thing i said please please one time i grabbed him i said master please don't allow me to sin again take me home i don't want to breathe bring grief into your heart don't don't you already came you already cleaned me i'm holy i said look i'm holy i'm in your front you you make me holy take me home i mourn because my body still with me john i know once he goes away i'm gonna sin again i mourn i don't wanna sin i don't wanna bring grief into my master i don't wanna people see my my my life and said where is his god look at him he calls himself a christian yet he suffers i more look at the prayer look at the power of this prayer a perfect prayer why do i pray like this because of his fear i don't want to sin because i know my master jacob says because of the fear of my eyes like my father isaac he knew his father he saw how his father was was suffering this great patriarch they don't want to sin against god you guys have to understand when jesus says peter you're gonna suffer for me that they come they're about to crucify this man of god he says turn me down what a great man beautiful peter bravo he didn't fight he didn't call for help he just turned me down [Music] a powerful look what it says blessed are the poor in spirit in spirit not in flesh not in your soul in spirit for there is the kingdom of heaven and says blessed are those who mourn for they will come be comforted [Music] are people looking for comfort this is the prayer about two months ago three months ago i don't even remember i'm getting old guys forgive me my boy my son he's 20 years old he came here he said there's something comes on me and he cries you actually was crying i said describe what you feel he said i don't know this distinct comes in me my body shakes and he stopped crying i said that's fear i said you're saying somewhere you open the door he said what should i do i said you nothing you're too weak i said but i'll do something for you i went to prayer i said lord i waited until jesus came jesus he came to me i said take me to that place he took me to that place i saw this devil had a door against my son it was a big python snake called the the spirit of fear jesus says grab it i grab it and i break it john instantly i came to home i came home and my prayer said i said this is the day that you felt anything he said nothing came on me anymore but yet a lot of people don't they can't cast out fear why i able to do that because i have fear of god i know how to please i know i i know how to allow god to manifest through me john i know what to do because i understand the power of the fear that's why i said who is your god if you fear with something that will be your god i fear from god and everything he has manifest through me beautiful now watch this blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth i'm not gonna explain this one because i don't want to because there's too much teaching here blessed are those who hungry and thirsty for righteousness for they will be filled hungry i know a lot of people don't read scriptures anymore they don't do anymore they just don't don't read the scriptures anymore all they care about their life that's not hungry people don't read people don't pray people stop living holy life you know what hungry means did you ever felt hungry fast 10 days you will understand me not one day fast 12 days i did it i was so hungry man i saw everybody like like a meat you know those lion king movie when the lion see everybody's meat i was i was kind of liking everybody i was so hungry hungry i never spend a second to waste my time if i have a time i will learn the scripture i can give you things that you never see it you will never gonna see it i will make you read you're still not gonna see it i can show stuff you can like whoa what yeah hungry to learn the word of god i still learn why aaron children die in the presence of god and how why god allow their cousins to pull them out of the holy place that's amazing you can't enter there nobody can enter there but these two guys enter there and pull these guys out i still want to know what happened it says fire came and killed them all yet nothing was burned learn learn man it's about jesus it's about god about his act learn so much stuff in it you want to know god learn hungry and what about righteousness what is so specific what's so special about the righteous person what is a righteous person you know what i learned in greeks when you study it righteous means turn against the problem and become radical when a cancer comes to you you turn against him and you fight like radical that's what righteous means you never give up not only give up but you become mighty you fight a guy had a cancer in his this part doctor says you're gonna die he says who allow cancer to kill me he went he went to his bedroom bathroom he turned the light he says you cancer get out of me now i never allow you to be there it gone instantly that's a righteous act by the way you turn but some are gonna go to darkness what should i do what should i do be righteous don't be afraid of dying it's for god to decide not for you he's the one who says i'm giving you life and i will take away why you care about your life ask him if you're going to die or not if a cancer comes to you it's not for you to decide what's going to happen do your job see when people get sick and they get in panic why are you getting in panic just do your job but i can't do it do it don't worry you can the soldiers in in in war they're shooting this guy's leg they're still walking how did they walk into the bullet in their leg [Music] that's why when the cancer person comes i give him a question say you want to die [Music] let me tell you a story this home care home care you know home care right they call me they said we have a patient this person is about to die will you go and you know just do the ceremony i said but the person's still alive well he says the government this is what government says i said look if i go there i'm not going to do what you're telling me but they were so desperate for chaplin they sent me that person's still alive so i went to his home this lady this poor lady and she was a christian born again christian everybody told him that you're gonna die so she had i don't know whatever couple days to leave i went to her and she like you passed the pastor she's not crying i said can you stop crying i don't know i don't have time for that and she like oh i said i want to ask you two questions and you answered me fair she said okay so you want to die you don't say that to person right but i'm asking a question because she was preparing herself to die now i wanna you know if you're dying by i'm just gonna leave then die and then that's it why am i gonna pray for you you decided to die so i asked i said you wanna die she said no i said why then you prepare yourself to die well that's what everybody said i said who is everybody she said my doctor my blah blah blah she named it like a couple of guys i said are they god she like no i said then you're not dying i said you want to leave she said yes i said allow me to give you scriptures she said okay so i stayed with her about 45 minutes i kind of rebuked her being a christian accepted dying program this poor lady came out of her bed barely walking she said two months i couldn't walk she just like this she was doing like this basically she came she i don't know where she she put her hands somewhere she did like this like this and then pull a 20 bill said i want a soul seat i'm like what are you doing out there you know so she gave me 20 i said lady i promise you you keep what i tell you you're gonna leave she said yes sir and the home hell called me what did you do i said what do you mean this lady is completely healed that's not why we send you you're supposed to bury her you're supposed to give her this and that i said no i'm not burying anybody and they said you fired i said but i've never been hired i told you i don't want to go and they said we'll send you the check i said i don't want your money i told you that i'm not going to give what you got god is good huh it's not for you to decide a right prayer person wants to die there's nothing here it's not here you think it's something here what what's good here you buy a car you have to pay a payment it gets old you have to throw away and buy another one you buy a house you got to prepare that house every time you have a wife you have to keep buying so she can love you [Music] i'm telling you man one time it was christmas she said where is my gift i said what gift she said it's christmas i'm like okay so why am i gonna buy a gift for you jesus birthday [Music] you know in my birthday i bought i i bought her a gift she's like what are you doing i said well if jesus birthday i have to buy a gift then in my birthday i also gonna buy you a gift so every christmas thanksgiving new year and what else is there labor day army day no day i'm buying a gift for her [Music] there's nothing here guys everything is in jesus i don't know maybe i'm too radical to tell you but that's what i that's what i know i mean i used to think the world is good everything is is perfect i used to love to play game now i can't because my shoulders hurt my arms i can't even grab the mouse anymore you know my spine is it's it's breaking nothing i can't even watch movie you know if i want to watch movie i watch entire movie in five minutes i do unfinished my wife like what are you doing i'm like i'm watching a movie she said yeah but i said i don't have a nerve to watch all these uh things you know i don't even why i can't even watch movie anymore i'm getting old brother but i love to spend time with jesus it's interesting i can i can tell you things but i don't want to do it because some of you will be scared but let me continue to finish it blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for the righteous for they will be filled blessed are the merciful for they will show mercy you know a lot of people said people said you cannot see god that's not true let me show you not jesus god let me show you it says blessed are the pure in heart for they will see god um i i teach this before i got a lot of people emailing me pastor what is this as a wall it says it says you can see god then i can say they said jesus i said no it says god [Music] one more thing blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of god blessed are those who are persecuted because of the righteousness for there is the kingdom of heaven i wish i have a time to teach you this this is teaching everything i just said it's a teaching individual teaching powerful teaching i spend hours and hours learning all that i try to understand the mind of god but what a prayer you come into the presence of the lord what is the perfect prayer how do you start a perfect prayer who is your god the fear is beginning of the knowledge it says a beginning of the wisdom as beginning of everything fear when you have a fear that everything will be right because when depression comes into individual everything depression have will be manifested through you if you have the fear of god everything god have will be manifested through you this is where you become so powerful this is where satan ran away from you this is where you can dominate satan that's why the scripture says first corinthians 6 20 i bought you with a great price then live the life i am asking you manifest the things that i'm asking you i don't pray because i want to pray i pray because i fear him i don't live holy life because i want to live holy life actually honestly sinful life is better than holy life i used to enjoy sinful life and sinful life is good you don't like to steal a million dollar don't look at me like that i love to have a million dollar even if i steal it million dollars a million dollar how about 33 million dollar how about four you know like you don't you're not he's like you want 10 million let's go steal it good how about if you have 200 wives solomon had a thousand wives don't shake your head you wanted it i was thinking you're hard how about if you drive a badly if you can't then let's steal it all i'm saying is sin is better than holy life holy love you can not touching everything only god you don't touch everything when you when you live holy life only god i had these two sisters they always come with me we would go to to a bible school okay so one was there were twins one was sitting in front of me and one other was sitting in the back of my car and i went there this prophet came they were all men of god over there the prophet came he says can i talk to you for a second and he was very nice in the first place and i said okay so i came out of the car he grabbed it from here like this what are you doing he said like i'm like what do you mean says are you stupid he says these two girls will take you to to to sin to make you to sin i'm like why say you can't do that i can't i'm not even allowed to sit next to a woman she don't she's not covenant with me holy life demands lots of you know things you can do it holy life is so demanding you can't sin you just can't sin that's why in my zoom if you guys remember ask will you okay if you sin help other folks let's say you're dying and it's up to me but i have to sin will you will will it's okay if i sin and you escape and the answer was no that's it and one lady says no it's better sin and make that person live no what about god what are you going to tell god i help him and i sin against you holiness demands [Music] i used to play a lot of games and the lord says take it out i used to watch a lot of movies don't watch it you know i had time when i was arguing with i said why not why don't you go to the neighbor my neighbor was living he's a christian so why don't you go to him and tell him not to watch movie why you keep telling me i used to complain i told my neighbor he's a christian he comes to me i said brother did you ever hear god tell you not to watch movies no i told the lord i said allow me to watch a movie he says no it says pray people need me people need me let them find you why do i have to go pray for you for people you know i want to have i have no vacations too guys holiness no vacation i don't have vacation never have vacation years because i cannot miss sunday i cannot miss saturday no vacation when i heard these pastors go to vacation for a month okay but who give you that who give you that uh uh permission i don't have vacation too every time i go to pray jesus says my children need me my children need me my children need me my children need me that's all he's saying he keeps saying and then i see the list of faces just keep me keep dying keep coming down from from above faces like faces sometimes they stay right in my face what a prayer man i forgot my family i pray for these people one time the lord came to me i have a lady in my church in my zoom she had sicknesses a lot of sicknesses and and and i will tell you what happened to me i'd never share this with you this her face came on me like this and stayed and i said lord bless her in jesus name and then that face still stayed and i said to the lord i said next he said no he said you're doing wrong i said why am i doing wrong i just said bless him that's all if you want me to pray i pray if you if you're using me as a vessel i just did he said no he said don't you think it's not fair that satan brought all these sicknesses to her and i'm like yeah it's not fair it's 20 27 sicknesses that's a lot of sicknesses i mean one i understand 27 that's a lot he says so what are you going to do i said me yeah it's scriptural remember he said to prophet what do you think about these dead bones he was so scared that man was sort of like a thousand years old bones what do you what do you want me to say he was so scared what you will say for thousand years old dead people that just bones are sitting over there and god said hey prophet come over here brother what do you think about these bones i don't know what should i say he did the same thing to me he said it's not fair he said you should pray i said what do you want me to do and teach me so then i said devil come over here so what are you doing why you brought all these 27 sicknesses on her i said you're not playing the right game you should brought all this health and give it back to her that's what it said devil did that's what i learned this is interesting he said why are you allowing why you think about and that's why when i see a person have if you come to me you said you have a you have problem i asked god what's the problem if it's coming from you i will i will tell the lord forgive him and then i wait for your response i wait until you repent you guys don't get it huh i will pray for you but i wait for your response because when i said lord bless him he comes to you jesus literally touch you but it's for you to respond back to him once you respond once you repent john i can break that in jesus name i'm teaching you something but why am i giving all this this stuff perfect prayer works all the time i experience things in the presence of god you have no idea he teach me stuff that jesus says everything i saw my father doing i learned exactly i asked god i said explain that to me he he said our man when i was in my body when i was alive like a normal man i was praying and father through holy spirit showing me the work and i learned i said so we have a right to do that too he said yes and then i asked god i said well teach me teach me write prayer teach me write acts teach me and then i ask people i said to the lord i said all these ministers praying for healing i said teach me how to how to pray for healing i learned those too i can teach you right now [Music] very simple to heal a person i don't need your faith too all i have to do is connect myself to god really yes i read james people come to me completely broken pastor will you pray for me they have no faith absolutely zero faith [Music] perfect prayer how many understand what i'm trying to teach you a perfect prayer prayer but the first action is a fear of god you have a fear of god perfect prayer will begin breathe upon me breath of god perfect prayer i learn and i'm teaching you you want to know more go in your prayer forget your stuff and and learn from holy spirit he came to teach us he came to teach us teach what to become millionaires no to be a vest soul [Music] it's very simple to heal a person but it's hard to tell the person that you are a sinner why don't you repent that is very hard for me to do it's hard to to tell people how to tell people you're doing mistakes it's hard and the bad news is god will not allow you to rebuke that person he needs to do it you cannot rebuke the man see you cannot correct the man he needs to do it you pray let him do it he says don't rebuke the foolish so you know it's hard but this is what i learned when you come to me you said you have a need i go to him and i said he has need and then he show me your problems and i and i pray for you i said lord bless this man why bless i want god to touch his soul so he will realize where he's located and when he realized that he's a sinner he says to god oh this is what i do forgive me then i can rebuke that demon then you will be free then healing comes that's what the scripture says in obadiah you need to you need to learn all that perfect prayer basically starts from here fear of god you have a fear of god all this i just mentioned in the beginning will start manifesting through you this is where you regularly will follow christ this is where you will go deeper to jesus this is where you hungry you want to know more you want to be with him all the time this is where the day will come maybe in our time maybe somebody else the they will come when you will choose either god or the world remember he says to moses tell israel either they choose your side or quora anyone who choose this guy they all died and i want to finish saying this have a fear of god god will teach you the perfect prayer a perfect prayer is not for you it's for his own benefits but when you have a need he'll take care of it see my son i bless his life my other son my wife i bless his life i know how to take care of my family need [Music] how many understand what i'm trying to say but needs to be first the fear of god let's everybody stand up let's close the church i'm done for today i hope this was helpful [Music] [Music] uh [Music] right now i'm going back to to pray for another week and the reason i'm going to pray so god will tell me exactly what's happening because i'm not sure what's happening i have to know what's happening not to be prepared there's some stuff you cannot pray the scripture says those things will come but at least we know what to do at least we can know what to do and we are living a great time a great prophetic time because there's stuff that it's already happening it's beautiful yet it's scary because none of us were prepared for this yet we've been preached for a long time that things are coming i'm not talking about covet 19 there's more stuff that's coming the the the pressure is everywhere the world is suffering and people trying to understand what's going on and they're trying to control they're closing down everything you know september they're going to close it again that's what that's what they're saying september 22 or 23 they're shutting down everything again why we don't know what's happening we don't know so that's what we need to pray more and be with the lord more [Music] and and i will i will recommend everyone those who are watching me start praying pray one hour a day at least i pray four hours a day and you know john the lord told me two three days ago he said next year i want you to start praying six hours a day not less than that that's a lot of hours for my for my age i used to pray 12 hours and i did 16 hours i was thinking to pray 24 hours but i think that's impossible only jesus did one time i don't know how he did it you know it's not easy your body is running away from you but i recommend you start training yourself to pray if you pray i tell you the truth it took me 22 years to clean myself out now i'm clean there's no devil can come against me not even one not only that i control them i control them they're not coming against me anymore they used to come they killed me they did all this nasty stuff no more i said no more neither they can touch my family i will not let him not because i am good man but because i pray and i don't just pray [Music] i found him i know how to found him like i told you last monday or this month last monday he told me if i love him and if i want to go home i want to find out what he meant by going home he probably will tell me i don't know but guys whatever happened whatever is gonna happen i don't care it's not bothering me anymore but it would bother a lot of people calling me today so what's gonna happen i don't i don't care what's gonna happen if we're gonna die let us die if we're gonna stay let us stay whatever he wants but i know how to found him john it's a beautiful thing to be in his presence and it's a beautiful thing when he said i love you it's a beautiful thing let's pray lord bless your people bless your people if someone's sick all right i'm going to show you something i'm going to come over here i'm going to pray for you if someone's sick if someone has pain pain not in medication if you drink your medication don't come i want you to have a pain people come said i drink medication but i have pain you have a pain no then i can pray for you i need a person who have pain and i'm going to show you how easy to heal a person right so stay right here my sister i'm going to pray for you let's pray holy spirit change the change the music holy spirit master bless your people bless your people i give you praise and honor jesus i give you praise and honor jesus for you are a holy now watch this [Music] where is your pain my sister [Music] you have pain right now how much is your pain so if i touch you it hurts if i touch you i'm gonna touch you and tell me how much is the pain how much is it you just touch yourself how much is it how much is the pain from one to ten [Music] five this one is more huh seven now i'm gonna teach you how to pray for the sick i want you to learn it's very simple okay now you're ready to be healed you know jesus heal you just a vessel yes don't close your eyes because when you close your eyes sit and use your imagination and he's not allowing a person to be healed when you close your eyes you feel the pain and you feel the same thing don't close your eyes when somebody prays for you i'm teaching you please sit down sit down just pray in your heart [Music] watch she's going to get healed when you pray for someone and please put the camera so people can see it when you pray for someone make sure that person eyes are open if they're close then satan will use that you don't mind if i put you as an example yeah now this is where you pray okay watch i'm gonna i'm gonna say things just you can write it down and then practice it into your family members first to them because you know them don't don't do to somebody else don't take a hard case usually when there is people come with heavy sicknesses i pick the light one once this simple one gets healed their fate becomes strong if you go to the strong one and you stuck with this guy their fate dies so always ask what's your need if he said oh i have a headache that's a beautiful that's the easy one if somebody says i have arthritis wait because that these people have no faith you gotta create faith now watch this in the name of jesus christ by the power of the holy spirit i take authority over this body so you take authority over this body in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and then you come out because because she has pain she's concentrating on pain so what you do you said in the name of jesus christ i command that every muscle every ligaments every tendons every nerve everything to relax in jesus mighty name you must command the body part the nerves the ligaments the tendons bones nerves to relax so this person can relax in jesus mighty name so i command in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that this body to relax by the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ of nazareth devil i rebuke you why because if there is a demon activity in this body and they're trying to create a sickness you need to bring them into your attention you need to bound them and you to cast it out in jesus name if you do that then this man is free like remember that lady she was like this for for for 80 years now jesus healed that person the devil is gone but the devil caused him to stay like this now jesus needs to heal his body too so you need a chiropractor for that jesus become your chiropractor because 80 years like this you're damaging your body you understand right so just try to it's a natural body so now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth if there's a devil in the name of jesus christ on that i bound you satan i rebuke you satan and i cast it out devil in the name of jesus christ everything you saw or everything you planted i speak die in jesus mighty name by the power of the holy spirit watch what you do now there's a lot of nerve here a lot of nerve you grab it here and you said in the name of jesus christ of nazareth by the power of the holy spirit i command every muscle every ligament everything to to be healed in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i command spinal to align every vertebra to align you call you program he'll tell you it's a healthy thing to do so i'm asking god to do it all the pain actually comes because of the spine you guys are great ask the chiropractor so now i have to ask god to align the spine very simple in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i command every spinal all the spine to align every vertebra to align in the name of jesus christ i command the pelvic to rotate i in the name of jesus christ i command arms and legs grow by the power of the holy spirit now in jesus mighty name i command pain in legs every nerve every muscle everything to go away no in jesus mighty name you devil go away by the power of the holy spirit i command that these legs to be healed i command every every nerve to align in jesus mighty name by the power of the holy spirit i command healing from one to then then i command that this legs to work properly in jesus mighty name i command that comes strength come into his leg the the structure to be aligning jesus mighty name by the power of the holy spirit fire in jesus mighty name lord thank you for the healing thank you for the mercy thank you for everything by the power of the holy spirit now let's ask her how she feels how much is your pain my sister in jesus mighty name it's gone she said she said she couldn't do this she couldn't do this [Music] thank you jesus see how easy all right praise god bye bye now don't forget to bless this church we need financial help so um thank you for coming god bless you we'll talk we'll see you guys in my zoom god bless you people
Channel: Armen Ministries
Views: 740
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: #christian, #teaching, #sundaychurchservice, johnramirez, deliverance, jesuschrist
Id: L4-G1e5qghQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 28sec (7348 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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