John Ramirez & Pastor Armen

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] to praise your holy name [Music] urg [Music] [Music] my [Music] Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I worship [Music] me [Music] [Music] you [Music] I give you praise Holy Spirit thank you for your presence thank you Jesus thank you master thank you Holy Spirit thank you Jesus [Music] all these spirits follow me now I need your annuity for gum in your purchase I love you captivate [Music] to love you [Music] holy spirit I'm holy spirit father your annuity [Music] [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where I can see [Music] I was it's one more time [Music] thank you Jesus Holy Spirit we invite you to this place blessed is service bless my friend and men of God John Ramirez anointing master let deliverance take place let everyone live this building free indeed in Jesus name and thank you Jesus for your blessing I give you praise and honor thank you cheese I give you one more time [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus Lord bless the service and on your word and on your servant John Ramirez and unknown your people in Jesus mighty name God's people said amen welcome enough god no he's done Oh let's welcome lane of God and praise Jesus okay god bless you man I just want to say some I just want to say a few things before we get into them it's a quick word from God it's a quick preaching teaching just want to just want to open up your eyes spiritually I just want to do a quick teaching the preaching and then if you if you need serious prayer come up for prayer don't worry about it come off a prayer believe God for God's best don't it's not what you start this is where you finish hey man people sometimes said the knee like 2021 and come in or whatever to get a better year no you start the year you believe God for you you believe God for you today you believe you got for tomorrow morning I don't you know I don't celebrate you know I actually fall asleep in the whole new year crap in New York City I fall asleep I don't I don't wait up and some stupid ball or drop and watch two million idiots out there doing nothing that's not gonna change my year of my life what's gonna change actually I celebrate New Year's to me it's my birthday right that's New Year's for me because New Year's for me it's like you've um I'm 56 now I'll be 57 December you don't have to buy me a gift don't worry about it man so I behave 57 and it that's my that's my new year I'm coming into New Year a new season for the Lord I'm coming for new opened doors do open opportunities new open blessings for the Lord Jesus Christ that's how I celebrate my year I don't I mean I understand you know that when you write a check or you write something you have to change you got right new year whatever but you know I think I think that we are so fragmented with the things of the world then we forget the things of Christ and we need to make a decision what am I am i but even even Paul said don't get tangle with the civilian things of the world you're no longer of the world you you you are you've been enlisted you've been enlisted you've been you've been picked handpicked by God sometimes people say people don't some people say adoption is a bad thing but adoption is a good thing since we've been adapted you know I mean I mean adoptions are good I got a step-sister which is not a substance at all she's my sister my mom adopted her from foster care I don't see her I don't see her as my stepsister I see her as my real sister you miss her her I miss you up that's how I see her she's not my steps she's my real sister and I think that we need to understand that we need to you know stop stereotyping everything and we need to live for Christ and I just won't give us an I signed some books it might be worth a dollar more whether the signature so I wanna get yeah don't put it on ebay cuz I'd be watching you okay don't put it on eBay who wants a book who knows how to read the world the world don't hug I see people my neighborhood god bless your sister I see people my neighborhood you walking God but I see people my neighborhood right right cuz I live in a white neighborhood right I don't live with Puerto Ricans okay I can't hang out with too many Puerto Ricans I don't live with Porto Ricans I know my Mexican people chill I got you I got you Viva Mexico and man I love my Mexican people you don't know Cinco de Mayo when I was in the club I was Corona down seriously and you know we like the biggest beef we had Porto Rican and Dominicans so big beef always all the time in New York City I don't know here but New York City was always Porto Rican Dominican put it in the budget and we went back and forth with the whole entire thing and the end of the story you breathe I breathe and man you bleed I bleed you get headaches headaches you gotta go see a doctor I gotta go see a doctor so I don't understand how people believe concept one race is better than the other I don't understand that I mean I took place in Christ now did I believe that don't always man is to get right with God like I walked New York City I walked New York City and you see the doctors doing my building right I live in thirty eight thirty or thirty as I 38 or 37 stories well about I live on the 22nd this choker where mass in the elevator he spoke 5 pack and cigarette a day he went 5 packs occur a day you were about the coronavirus what about that nicotine Devil cancer devil it's gonna kill you before the Corolla and then in New York City people travel around they got the mass in their car I'm like like the coronavirus on a hijack you in the car I mean you see stuff you'd be like I mean if you easily bring wash with that any other thing we have to use precaution I understand your wisdom but listen the only son the only hand sanitizer honey they get older that was bony hand sanitizer we had in the ghetto no okay give me my food and the only soap we had in the ghetto was ivory yeah no yeah well no came on there was no warm up in the ghetto and out corrupt there were no Costco's man live free live free leave that piece the height I mean you got that and that's it until you get that dr. fauci whatever you call that idiot I know what Trump got that guy I would have smacked him off the stage a long time ago that guy's like a DJ a mess changing his tune all the time today you're gonna have sex it's okay you never gonna die tomorrow you can shake hands tomorrow you can't shake here tomorrow you wear masks tomorrow you don't wear Maris the corona Barbara is not coming back in the fall or might come back in the fall I'm I did do a math I mean crazy crazy who are you gonna live with what report are you gonna believe what report are you gonna believe what are you gonna bank on what you're gonna hang your hat on on who I hang the hanging on the cross there's no weapon for against me will never ever prosper anybody sick is the cave because I'm poor who would Jesus that means I finished Murray there's nothing that the devil the government I don't catch ina created this fig virus I don't care what they got thrown at me you can't do not to beYOU can curse well God has blessed so later for you I'm gonna bring Jesus I'm gonna stay with the Bible I'm gonna stay with the Word of God I'm gonna move for Jesus Christ i'ma walk a little I'm a dirt upon serpents and scorpions remember all the pits of hell I will step on you're never gonna control me you never know me you never gonna tell me what to do I'll never live for you because I died to the world and then live for Christ hey crisis game that's who I'm gonna live for all the days of my life now some day there's some days I don't wanna get into play there's some days I don't want to go here but you I get up and I said lord give me your strength give me the will give me your ninety send me on my way because the Bible say that if he woke up this morning that means I got purpose and I still got destiny the government don't sign my check it is a decision in your mind and in your heart every day you get up to say for me and cheese's and go against the world for me I sound like two pot right there baby you missed that one for me and Jesus against the world and the world doesn't mean two people could they need Jesus I meant a mother the unseen things in the world the manipulation every government now the governors are pharaohs and they want us to make straw and they want us to bend on e to the system and Jesus was born outside of the system and Jesus died outside of the system so we don't have to live inside of the system you're with me I'm just gonna before I get into the message I want you to give an offering before I get into the message I want to say one more thing I'm crazy my brother here and my sister what was my sister right here these two these two these two well you'll come from Riverside no no no you didn't buy me no didn't buy me no choppy cheese yesterday not you she bought me chocolate cheese you bought me cheesecake cheesecake frankly right here stand up stand up a minute Emily you know this it's a you know why I put them and come up here for me come up here you know I was it I was in chucky cheese ball with that how do you call that a Cheesecake Factory on was the same thing can I get could i gay can I get two could I get two books you got my books I'm gonna give him sign and give them to you you know I was sitting there I was hungry and I just ordered some appetizers you know I said I may just get somewhere and they was you see this is this is a Kingdom minded they said we want to bless them in of God they paid for my bill but if I know you're gonna pay for my bill I would have bought three steaks out with a ball at five cheese cakes hey I would have took some in the suitcase warm up in the microwave later now I'm only kidding you don't do that but I want to thank you for being generous and for showing Jesus baby man god bless you my sister man thank you so much I'm gonna give you a book each man they're gonna put them over here I'm gonna sign them for you all right all right man you save those that bless you you bless them back they said that you owe me anything you wanna you know what I always say there was a song they just singing the ghetto love on a two-way street remember that song come on people hello remember that right Stacy that I saw that song was back oh let me go I'm a Christian now let me take myself but the blessings should be a two-way street god bless you not that you only buying nothing you know Jesus everything a blessing your choice tree someone bless you man find a way to bless them back not that you own anything just be generous have a generous heart be a giver be a be a blessing look any blessing it always doesn't have to be financially your bossiness you can pray for someone a blessing this so you can actually wonder if they need help with something a blessing is that you know you can you can say hey you wanna you want to team up this week and pray together a blessing could be anything it doesn't sometimes we never mind our mindset you know a blessing we always think it has to be financially and sometimes people don't need financially sometimes you just need a hug sometimes they just need a word sometime they just didn't encouragement I know people I know person that I was in New York City I sat in his apartment he support his living room was bigger than my apartment three times over his living room he paid twenty nine million dollars cash for his apartment twenty-nine minutes I ain't talking about no you know chump change twenty nine million dollars cash you know where his how you caught this thing here HOA I think uhm with the core here I think they call it right there call that you know what's his age we call it making three in New York you know what his main in Fairmont thirty thousand a month but I sell his apartment you know he said to me you took time into my place I said yeah he said why I said you need Jesus he said no I'm empty they said no one people see me money but they don't see didn't love me people see money but they don't sit down and talk to me he said people see my but they don't take time to see how I'm doing because I see money and I sat down this man you can see his face that it was a life-changing and then he said yes to Jesus you see what I'm saying I take those opportunities I take that pitoni man and I still that person for Jesus you know watch one of those Karate Kid you know stealing for Jesus one less in the devil's care one less than the devil's can one less in the devil's Karen and then in heaven when I do that you know what you hate in heaven changing that there's a bank account in heaven the Bible said the treasures are in heaven don't be don't let don't like the treasures beyond the earth beeping I said I got that I can't you get I think you get double bonus when you went a Jewish person I think I'd shall I said the book I think I check if you weren't a Jewish person you get double do you don't bonus so I'm looking for Jewish people in my building I said even in it Paul say Paul said to the Jew as a Jew two Gentiles the jente you know I'm gonna sell a mother to my brother what's up yeah are you Muslim no not you no no let me talk to you you know even whenever the car wash the Muslims it's a Muslim carwash and they are down on the floor doing the aerobics item how you doing there how many calories you burned today are you funny John you're crazy I say yeah but don't you're doing is exercising I said who you talking to to yourself they're ingesting we seen you on TV we seen you on TV I said well let me talk to you about Jesus oh we know Jesus is a good man he's a prophet I said weighs a little more than that and let me let me introduce you to the real Jesus I'm surprised they still let me go back and wash my car amen so I just wanted to give foundation of true church right foundation of true church hello which one the Puerto Rican church you write the check out to the Puerto Rican church what is it foundation of truth foundation and truth from Christ almost sounds like a black church black chairs like the Church of the Bishop of the other Bishop of three bishops Bishop and and I cook this and it's a do it but time I finish writing this check the inker be gone and then the Puerto Rican church and sous-sous a glass under his suits the his suits you know I'll go to Puerto Rican Church don't be memories on it know Puerto Rican church seriously take me take me on my word they said you got a dress ugly to be holy you can't put makeup on but you going to hell and if you put on our normal clothes your hooker the Puerto Rican Church and if you get a haircut you get disciplined there sit you down the Puerto Rican church is crazy I'm Tama it is crazy I think it's like off the reservation they are so legalistic so legalistic my first time I got invited to preach in a Puerto Rican church to share my testimony hey sue Amano Gloria yield her sue Santo all that and when I got there they told me I guess quarter be with two of the dummies two bodyguards because I was wearing a watch and I was waiting across I never said I was worried you didn't come from me I mean I'm at an Indian non-growing roving First Nation I love my first nation of people but I can't look at the stars and the moon and tell you what time it is I need my watch my watch and I need to represent Jesus I'm and that's where I got the cross I don't wear the cross like the rappers in the people in Hollywood as a fashion statement I worry because I know that that's the person that died for me and he paid for my sin in John 3:16 so God loved the world he gave His only begotten Son for me in you and I showed us that is not negotiable so I wear the cross are you gonna throw me out that I'm wearing a cross and I'm wearing a watch and I came to preach in his church and you too and your name was Bastogne one fellow had Seussical a whatever you had three last name that makes it more important really come on if you marry a Puerto Rican make sure he got one last name seriously so the check if you write something seriously about bless the church give from your heart I'm not here to tell you give this much give that I don't do that every time God gives me every time I go somewhere to give I give what God puts in my heart because you know I I can I can honor God or I can rob guy so give from the heart give from the heart don't look at me give him the heart go to your wallet you don't make me get get up in here 9 that's one deke did Nick he collected his first offering for David Walker sent with a gun he went around he said put the money in her hair and then he collected not only the money wallets and driver's license he collected everything don't bring Nick is 82 he still think he's a gangster nick is 82 years old he still think he's a gangster so don't make me doing Nicky show me the money like Jerry Maguire show me the money give your best give well people write English Spanish Chinese I don't care what you write give get from the heart and only joking with child before we get into the messes hey man where's Pat what happened to the people that collect the money here they got coal by 1900 419 they're not even here all there they go all right I love that little basket huh I mean Kermit the Frog pass it down people put your money in there come on put your money hey put your money in there come on I'm gonna put your money your money but your wallet everyday license your car keys your house keys Social Security your credit cards you've been blessed today so far and man at least one person god bless phrase to put [Applause] [Music] we got a plate we get money the piano grow up it gets paid today she having eaten in two weeks we've got skinny she's a better pay give some good money what's up mama how you doing Jesus right that's right you go to the good dentist he got a good smile I go back to the dentist my dad's is a Christian but they act worldly when I'm digging in my mouth seriously say crazy I'm in an appointment I mean oh you've only up don't come you got to cover 19 we'll call you San Diego and say okay I get you later yeah pray for your children man lay hands on your kids and say lord I never say they'll never see a day sickness they'll never see a day backsliding and if your kids are young lord let them hold on to the innocent until you bring the right person for them in their lives I always pray for your kids may pray for my daughter she's dirty and I pray for my daughter or every day all day I pray for my daughter even I was supposed to be here I was supposed to be here last Monday and I didn't come because my daughter had a little panic attack because you had to go back to work and I stood there two days extra I canceled my trip I stood there two days to make sure she's okay because she's my goddess I mean she's my daughter I'd take care of home first got to take her home you know Jesus no Jesus no I thought all out I go out I go out blazing for Jesus but if my daughter needs me I'm app I must stop the problem I hit the brakes i'ma hit the brakes and make sure she's okay with me but before I get to miss it I got I got I got I got keep can't get all the money lady get all the money take all their money don't be shy don't write Christian get ghetto I should be a pastor one day right I should have my own church one day right seriously I'm gonna be a pastor here they're gonna be like pastor I'm pastor I meant Pastor John and then passage on three I'm gonna come help I'm gonna coming up I'm gonna come help I'm gonna come help and built built here I'm gonna be a pastor with Hoss that where is it you could you come over here what are you hiding behind the thing over there I kind of cover 19 kind of covering anything let me just make an announcement they say about me cuz I don't want to I don't want to testify for myself I just want you to tell him how we talked and and well I apologize I'm like these guys I just okay so here's the deal we last week we had a zoom okay now in this room we cast he cast out demons and she was from Germany now the reason we do the zoom because when I had a problem with demons I had a problem just asking a question where this demon come from what they want from us because I never have a problem with them then ever I never met them you know nobody introduced me to them but they came to my life and they start tormenting me I was looking for the right people I went to lots of pastors lots of churches and they thought I'm crazy using a drug I'm hallucinating you know all this stuff in this zoom this man of God spends five hours and more you my sister you were there right yes he was spending five hours talking to people answering their questions that's a precious thing to do you know not a lot of people do that you know they just go to a camera speak what they want and they leave but yeah yeah I'm going there I'm just little by little just especially when I translate for him believe me that's the good one even he used some kind of names and I have no idea who are these people especially what what was the gentleman named you said that that mafias guy John Gotti who's that okay that's a new one anyway you know and then one day in my heart I was thinking to have a service together here because a lot of people have like their demon-possessed and then looking for some answers and I was praying to the Lord I said Lord you think I can talk to him I know he's busy travelling all over the places you guys can check it out his schedule is very bad you know he always somewhere and there and then in my mind I know people like him they cannot stay in one place but I was praying so and then I called him I said will you able to do like at least six time a year or maybe less like a services and he says I'll think about it he said yes so we start doing that and then one day I was praying again you know when I pray I pray be honest with you I pray very long hours and I said to the Lord I said can ask one more favor I mean I know he's busy you use it but can he come here and we can have a regular services I just said it you know I just said it and then he I called him I offered him he said yes and then the Lord talked to you in your dream remember you said that yes we can't tell that okay I didn't say that so erase it so now we're gonna have a service here Church here official ministry that men of God can be here as much as he can but it will be John and our main ministry and I believe we're gonna save many souls and deliver them right now people need this kind of ministry and every time believe me every time we conduct 400 500 people come this is because of covet 19 but next month what we do this place will be packed too believe me we've sometimes put people right here and then sit here and everywhere and then we're going to build the English church that we present I'm half so this man of God gonna help us here to build something great that will be a remember for a long time when we passed away people will remember that there is this anointing stays here so people just sign up join with us once we start the church if you guys don't have a church be part of us be Usher's help us pray and I think it will be great amen so I'm telling you unique its unique people like these they're unique all right so I want you to support him he has a class too by the way you guys can sign in he's teaching about stuff you can eCourse equals yeah and then this month 20 we have a zoom go to our ministry or his ministry sign up I promise you you guys can like it it's I enjoy myself five and hours with sinning people ask questions the spiritual husband spiritual wife even people asked how to lose weight their their weight people ask all kinds of crazy questions and I'm amazed how he answer all those five hours think about it a long time and the church that we can establish here oh man I don't think this place will be enough for us so it will be very packed praise God and casting out demons no problem we his demand all right when he comes different demons they fly they just go away yes we're together but I like to honor him all the time you know I just yeah so anyway thank you for coming enjoy watch what is it and he's gonna he's gonna pray and then I believe lot of demons can I say bye to you guys and then if you guys believe no more in Jesus name Amen yeah so say goodbye teaming to these people demons now they just want to go amen in Jesus name you know I just say this quick Nicky Cruz Nicky Cruz helps Nicky Cruz helps Gabby Wilkinson in his church in spring Colorado Nicky cruises an evangelist he's never a pastor I would never be a pastor I wish it was true Nevers a strong word so as long as me is an evangelist and I'm gonna be an evangelist that God calls me home that's that's the last memo I got that burdock and changed the script whenever he wants but I think that is always good to find a church that believes the Bible and team up with that church and build something here in California amen man if you have a car you can drive somewhere if you if you have a if you have a job that you have to go there every week two hours to drive there two hours to come back and you need that paycheck to pay your bills and support your family you would do it right how much more to come here once a week right from two hours once a week and drive here and get fed spiritually and get trained spiritually how much more that will cost understand we're not my money how much more would you invest in your spiritual life understand because I want to build a multicultural Church here okay like Deborah Wilkinson had a multicultural Church Inc in New York City Times Square Church 103 nationalities Wow okay we need to build heaven on earth we need to build hope we need to show the world that it's not about a one race or one situation one circumstance we need to show the world that all people count all people count and yes we understand listen I grew up in the ghetto I got beat up like a pinata of police officers in the ghetto in the 70s you look at on the wrong way they'll beat you like a pinata I've been there done that did I seen those things but I also seen good cops that don't good things for people in the ghetto okay I seen that happen on my own eyes I did don't I did I did something around 25 year plus maybe it's almost 30 years in the ghetto okay so so so we got we got good cops we got bad cops we got good lawyers we got bad lawyers we got good doctors we got bad doctors we got good neighborhoods we got bad neighborhoods I mean so so so you know this whole scenario around around us today this is all it's not a black thing a white thing is it's demonic thing is a demonic thing because when the devil works the devil takes over known in one neighborhood but you see this is war why now world why the demons are working world why not their world it's not a Donald Trump thing either it's a demonic thing God allowing this to happen because God is waking up the church God wants to church to get ready God want to church to get ready to be armed in danger it's not a party Lincoln thing it's our thank God it's not a Ricky Martin thing I think God it's not that stuff it is a demonic thing and it's a demonic thing it is separating the Saints are falling away is it separating the goats from the Sheep that's what is going on the church God is waking up the church judgment starts in the house of the Lord and I share something because this is what I was I was walking with a person they - three days ago I was like this is crazy walking with a person we just walking I mean just no one in the streets we were just walking I'm ain't gonna say who it was you know imma be nice I will walk and I mean there was no one this demon made a pee I don't know I'm a caught me off guard I mean this thing was dressed in black he had the vampire things he had a stick and a stick represent a distinct represent Paula my numbe and your stick represented he has a covenant with the stick and the demon because when he take that stick is a demonic stick he hits it on the ground and he invoked the demons to come out and take over him so he can charge the person in front of him that's the person and he won't but he's coming this way and I'm walking with the person and I was like whole what is guy come from like like a flash I don't know where because the streets are empty and he's coming he's banging his stick and I know he and he's transforming and then there was a person walking right next to him and he was going to take a stick and beat this person that the demon wanted blood and now now and that's other person would you just come on this on this side no this side so personally wow what would you say I mean who is telling thankful the person was like it was headed by for poor thing and then but this is this is the thing that I wanted to teach you the person would bring call for spiritual warfare the person been called for deliverance ministry the person being called for frontline engagement because when the the demon and then I'm walking with the person and the demon why I bet on me thank God on the person Oh the person had these glasses the person not me and throw that 90 and then the afterwards after the person what do you see it what you thought he said I felt like I the person I thought I stepped into the spare room and everything disappeared and it would just mean that person and then the heat the person said then I heard the Holy Spirit said look up and say I know this stuff I know the pressures not making it up I know this because I experienced I've been there and the person say then the Holy Spirit said look up lock eyes with that person because you see the demonic is in the eyes the soul of the eyes your life in the person the reason the person in drew blood from another person the reason the person didn't hurt the other person because it he realized that there was something bigger in front of him it wasn't me it was the other person that's it hey think I ain't like eyes of me I was like I'm thank God it's not my fight with that person and that person and then the Holy Spirit said look up look up black eyes with that person no no today Lloyd not today no I'm not gonna do today though no no no I can't look up I can't look up okay see the person's everybody disappeared I'm in the spirit rock guys with the demon and they the post shows like no no no no in the Holy Spirit see speaking to the person to lock eyes open let me take off your sunglass do something walk on us with that demon any other person no no no no maybe the next week interpersonally just slide by did he slide by the demon guy I mean I guess there was I guess you I guess you got from I guess the person got confused by saying black eyes look at the person or run I don't know which one it and sir God say what I got plan plan name ran how very not describe not the picture God said plan a bring out the picture the person rent ran past by the person so I was playing beat Circosta my guess is you and the demon got that's the only one less said the demon God looked at me he's like he'd locked Amina I'm like well gee thank you plan a just went out the window and I said what's up I said tell but I was talking to a demon you want some of this you want to fight in the spirit I'm here now what's up you want he said no sir and he went away and he kumble down to nothing I confronted a human being but the training was a not the discredit the other person because the other person it wasn't a person wasn't afraid it was too many things happening at one time hearing the voice of God lock eyes never stepped into the spear out on that level understanding which one should I submit first understanding and then what's in front of her was so evil seriously I haven't seen one of these in years and I haven't seen a demon stick in years I used to own one because you hit the demon stick seven time eight or nine times on the ground or three times their ground the apparent demon you want to rise up so you hit if you hit three time there's a certain demon if you hit a seven times and 79 time if you hit a 21 time there's certainly principalities that come out the ground and then they're just disposed of ready to fight the person in front of you in a person you understand the whole logistic of the whole situation and that's what I saw in points I get to come here and get trained understand these things because sooner or later you're gonna meet your demonic person sooner you're gonna meet the test so many guys gonna put you in the ring so you're gonna face like a liar what do you do or do you want to say you don't prepare are you gonna say that today Lord I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit I mean look up and lock eyes but I felt like maybe next week would be a better week maybe next week could be a better opportunity so I wanna I wish or not it was crazy and I was I I didn't want them to do with it guys say you know maybe God would let the other person do it and not me and and the other person said no and then I said the person other person said you disappeared at the picture it was just mean a person she's any minute you was here anymore always be because you stepped into Rama the spirit but you need to engage you need to engage you need to attack you need to show that devil in front I show that dev in front when I told him what I say he said yes sir and he came down to nothing because this isn't is in the authority and the power you know I didn't Holy Spirit over your life a man so that that was a crazy lesson but let me show you let me share something with you real quick I just want to share something real quick with you right the title of my message is quick the title of my teaching is quick the teller my seat my teaching is called safe safety in the secret place safety in the secret place safety in the secret place because Lord Lord what's going on what's going on Lord what's going on this moves gonna put you down in Lord what's going on you don't feel what's going around the world.we it's out of control know what's going on everybody's looking for answer everybody's running to they bite going to the process ain't no prophet Jesus is given as a test and then Jesus is quiet and Jesus is quiet thank you know what's going on is there a safety place is this because everything is out of control now one thing after another one thing after another I did just they just cured other brother in Atlanta at one thing you have to another the devil ones boy there's blood in the streets this brought in is chaos that that were operation chaos Jesus operate in order it's chaos industry know what's going on where is the safety place the safety place where you said I even even I'm observing myself I don't know about you but I'm like deserving to fake people the people fake a falling away passed it to and open up the churches anymore pertaining Costco's and they warm up and you're touching everything what's the price of that Pampa what's the price of that you know honey get two they're touching everything you tell me you know sanitizing your hand every two minutes please they're touching everything but you don't tell people you Church we doing online I had a fight aren't you never gonna get into it but I had a fight with dynamite cluttering I'm the other day on Facebook we had it out on Facebook spank that booty and I love Donny Donna is an amazing one to me one of the moaning gospel singers of all time hands down hands down but we need to take we we we too are the Costco's and you touch stuff you your people go buy toilet paper so why can't you just open up your church right what can't you open up the church safety on my church times for a church same thing running scared no it's also so even the people of faith are falling off the faith people are not blaming that they're not even believing the Bible anymore how many people you know they won't fire then I don't fire anymore how many people coming to church at you don't come to church anymore and if you need people at home don't know how could you be at home and still be late online you didn't come from you crack it open 15 minutes after the worship you still late and you're home alone let me see you make your desire you desire your fire it's all your your web where the virgins is empty you can be online it will be ready cuz you donate the extra English muffin or whatever that's for the white people for for my Mexican people you cook it up a burrito in the morning ooh yummy pottery can we just boil eggs we just will be so lazy we just a water tutorial you know that's all we got I mean I know people they won't fire the war is out of control the worst spinning out of control but God's in control do you believe it do you believe everything is spinning out of control do you believe that God is in control you with me is he do you believe it do you believe that he's in control do you believe that he's in control that's why see I my safe place myself from all the scripture my safe places and these days it sounds than anyone I died the shadow of the Almighty something you want it is my place that I camp did I live I throw my tent no sons anyone I buy a new shadow of the Almighty that means there's no weapon I could sit I guess I don't sounds 23/5 I keep a pair tape with the presence of my enemy and there's nothing they can do about it how you living your scriptures are you the Word of God the Word of God is alive and there's a toy just saw so so the lore is out of control people follow me listen to this we got people we got people even Christian we're meant to breakdowns mo mental breakdown mental breakdown loss of jobs and I know they know one that's beyond your control loss of jobs are happening vision is gone loss of life how many Christian they've been believers that died from Cobra 19 chopped nor is the believer he died over 19 you know Chuck Norris oh okay just to get you just to bring you back believers a time from : 90 and it doesn't mean that's your destiny it doesn't mean that's part of your purpose we think because the neighbor died i'ma die they said them opposing died wherever I live on the 22nd floor people live on the 26 they died I'm not happy to die but I'm not gonna live in fear I'm not gonna sing a little bit of it gather there I already got sanitizer your annoying thing that's my sanitizer you're 19 never runs out that's my sanitizer no oil no oil and after a little oil no communion in the house I think you know how I'm crazy I bought the box community at home I wait to get to church there's anything open at the community mean the Holy Spirit break break I hope you mean the oil and the anointing I get in the elevator again the other you wonder is Kofi you see what I'm saying so the world's falling apart even Christians meant to break down to teach approach the church with the bills anymore Church online we're going to church in the parking lot talking on for cars stupid talking lot for no people open up your doors what are you gonna say seriously let me take a second to the Chinese Church to the church in India that is being attacked by Hindus and Buddhists being tormented what are you gonna say to the church and in Nigeria that are being attacked by military Muslim people and they die for the gospel what do you say to the church in China the underground church that they define the government that they don't live by government rules and they have on the ground churches and they're willing to die for the gospel they want to go home to church that day not knowing they're gonna come back home what are you gonna say to those people when they get to heaven and it's time for testimonies well before your testimony being front someone we know that they took a asian pastor listen to me they took an Asian pastor from the underground Church in China they bone to America okay you and me so far they're born to America they build to all the mega churches they go into all these big churches on mega charlie bone tall to make the churches they're born to different Church a different stage and the end the accent when you think pastor you know he said I am soul suffice and so broil away that you got this much done without the Holy Spirit okay that's what he said I'm so surprised and so shocked that you got this much accomplished without the Holy Spirit shame on us shame on us that we live for the moment but we don't live for God we live for the moment but we don't live for Jesus we live for Jesus on Sundays those are nighttime you sat down and military sat down and read his Road all that time you turn the plate over and say Lord I'm seeking your fate I'm trusting you I'm believe if any of you fast one day that you don't have to fight for 20 or 21 or whatever three days one day no I'm just want to seek your faithful I just want to sit with you lord I just want to minister to your heart Lord I want to just be with you lord I just want to hang out with you Lord gonna be sweet to me maybe don't I just want to sitting at president I just want to sit at your feet man your life will be changed your life will be transformed you know Sam's then he won't listen it's an extraordinary and incredible song you would make is in a satiric incredible son he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High should buy in the shadow of the Almighty my question to you did you take resident do you take resident in the shadow of the Almighty or the devil has relocate your location which one is it do you take place do you what is you what was your resident where is your resident is your resident in the shadow of the Almighty in the presence of who holds everything or you've been relocated you don't even know because the opinions of the world I'm more important to you than the Word of God my question it is it is God saying to you today what state how you Adam Adam what state have you fallen into what condition you find yourself today what condition you what spiritual condition how you find yourself today that's my question to you what is your spiritual condition and these were in this last time in the last days are we gonna bend I need to the opinions of the world are we gonna play I need to the Democrats to the Republican to the conspiracies theories or to me loominatee along your order I was gonna pain I need to that are we learning to crave to that are we going to cave to that Daniel didn't cave to the system of his world can you pray three times a day he caves to the system of being bowed down to the golden image he's turned to put God back into place he belongs in your heart it's time to put them back back in your heart now fear not worry you know people with something I got fear I said no you don't people that got fear people said I said you know because you see in order to fake come in you have to let worry come in first it's just two stage they walk together worry and if you open the door to worry then you open the door to fear but if you shut down worry fear can come in so you know that it's time it's time where is your prayer life the Lord asked me to ask you where is your prayer life where is your prayer life you were back over 19 I'm out what about copper 19 I'm worried about to see copa90 know they give us a wrong respirators instead of slapping on your face breathe I don't want Dover slapping the phrase respirator I wonder my respirator is the word of God spiritually there is my respirator I don't have Cobra 19 I can't get over 19 because the respirator is the Word of God that is my russophobia that's what purifies me that's what cleanse me that's what checks me that's what what's in my heart and search me search me hey worry about nothing else I got put on the mast like you got on I can't even breathe I'm my own I say I take this thing off Puerto Rican the webmaster place we're gonna stick you up they were robbed you robbed a bodega many stranger is hard because it's you and I leaving with is you against the world it is you and Holy Spirit against the world against the demonic of the world not the people the demonic of the world so I'm gonna stay in my dwelling place my secret place is my place on the underneath the shadow of the Almighty I find my purpose I find my protection and I find my provision it's hot in here right hell is hotter so you don't wanna go there yeah just get out you know there's no a scene hell either listen vert I'll leave you with the verse 13 of that sounds and 91 they say you should tread upon the lion upon the Viper upon the young lion and the dragon there should be under your feet you with me you know what anyways anyways they saying that listen stare and the times are in we stand for God don't let the devil still your promises understand let me give you let be steadfast faithful to Jesus and I give it three steps real quick the lion that's the follow the following 91 remember a straight the Fowler it's the devil the follower if you look at the word follow that's the devil he's a trickster he's a schemer and something he won't when you read it the follower is a devil right and he his is for entrapment for the church give it to you real quick when we finish with this the for entrapment the lion the lion is the satanic trap that steals your purpose in your destiny you wit me the line is the satanic chart that steals your purpose in your destiny suck the young line the young line is that small sin that you think that you can control but in the long run at least the death that's the young lion the thing that I'm smoking this little we you know I'm gonna hit it you know I mean I'm gonna hit the little hill we and God knows you know I'm a work in progress God knows I'm human being let me turn on the pono you know maybe watch it too maybe two little episodes and you know I pray and God will forgive me the smokes in the one that could we curse listen to me your mother flower and we got a filthy mouth filthy mouth 50 mouths and when we say all God knows you know just you know God know but that's most sin that leads to death this is just a young lion with me that's the young lion wit me that's the young line let me give another one there young the Viper the Viper it is that Nitai there's certain attack you don't get a fed expression blows have we come in for you on Tuesday it's a certain attack the Viper the shark attack that appears in y'all you you like what like that demon came out of nowhere that was that was a certain attack dad gave me come out of nowhere I didn't see that guy from across the street I need him if I'm a mile away listen I got I'm like a deer I got period for vision I don't want to check enough a danger you know I might you know but when you look up in the ghetto you have to let look around like a someone you know pop a bullet you know you want you with directing on the run you know we run towards it but it won't run away from the bullet I mean so so so and I think him I mean to me honestly I think that was a man that was demon I think that was a demon manifested human form because that thing just came out of nowhere it was it was anything I saw me from a mile away I some cross the street whatever I got I got vision I got ghetto vision I can spot danger from a mile away you know it's just something in the blood don't leave this is the blood doesn't leave you know mama sent me from milk container without me whole gay I eat don t download IDO you know that's what mom you say what's our son go get the milk container but they do shoot him bullets around there be careful didn't we meet old my be careful crossing the street for cars be careful for the bullets so the Viper the Viper is the Viper it's a certain attack dragon - dragon - dragon - dragon the Merman the dragon in the book of Revelation - dragon how is it that in their Genesis in Genesis the devil started as a serpent and then in the book of Revelation he's a dragon now he knocks with the tail he knocks 2/3 of the stars the stars of the churches by the way okay in the book of relation that's what the churches he dropped down and the printing woman is Israel the pregnant woman is Israel and Gaza Israel for 40 so I think first time caja Israel so it's metaphor and the horns they come out ten horns ten nations they come out the water in the water and see what is other people so metaphor in the book of Revelation so the dragon the dragon the dragon it is it is the satanic attack that steals God's purpose in your life so my thing is and that my alter course simple where are you today Adam what would Jesus taught Adam Adam where are you God Gandhi had no contact lenses hitting her glasses he wasn't playing hi didn't go see you go high and I me believe you not there you know he said what condition how you fall into what state how you find what conspiracy what lie have you been into what opinions and theories and and forth theologies of the church today that you have bit the Apple and now you in a condition that you need Jesus Christ to touch you again my alter course simple you want Jesus to touch you remember I saw he touched me and made me whole that's a bad song that's like a song like you're in the club you know I mean the lights are down just saying it I mean that's only bad you know he touched you cuz the master can touch you the master knows where you heard the master know where you fragmented the master no way you for what part of your life and what I mean life means just so you your will your motion he knows what part that you have fallen and he needs to repair and the crazy glue is the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit the crazy glue he'll put you back together and today God say let's finish the year of you know the body improv don't lean don't lean not even for a second on your own understanding lean on him for all things it's a it's amazing because from all from all the disciples the beloved joint was the only one that Elaine land on the chest of Jesus today they would say oh that's a gate thing right today was so look at that he's a homo today that's what they say right they say the same thing you know how homosexual I verified the Bible and testifying the Bible the homosexual people because of the relationship David challenging their work in in the spirit and they say oh there was this when when David say you know I love them more than a woman they take that scripture out of context and they're talking about they talk about that's a homosexual moment that's not almost such a moment that that's that that's a spurt spurt of spirit moment so they use that to justify they sin understand the user to jump Ricky Martin use it to they'll use it they'll use it Christ don't live in sin Christ lives in holiness and he lives in the light that is unpro chable imagine that he lives in the light that is unpro chable a man so when you get to heaven you get to see him you get to see him face to face you get to talk to him mattify you got box seats I said we said in the recent in the front of the throne of God that's box seat I mean if you ever been to a Dodger game I'm a Yankee game I never been to a Dodger game so if anybody wanna take me Dodger game one day you know hey am I gonna say no but you see the good seats the good seats are never all the way in the top the good seats are right in front of the game right so when we sit with Jesus that when we go sit with Jesus and have any places we're gonna have good seats we're gonna sit like right there with him we're gonna chill out right there right with the 25 elder the 24 elder that they fall down and worship and he Jesus is so bad the describing for Jesus is so bad he sawed off the hook he's all in a bag of chips he's ghetto he's dug life you can only describe a long way holy holy holy holy holy that's something where they can't they can't even finish a song only hold it what did they see holy holy 24/7 not me they'd only have the track yeah either you ever have your moment when they're in there in spanish days you had it you had a viola you put it on and the record get scratched and then keep playing music you got to hit a little head you know not get to the side so you could continue the song hey everything think I wanted old holy holy holy holy I mean that's that's what you hear holy holy do I have it holy then worship in heaven just holy holy but you know one thing let me say one thing I finished it but the worship here is better one heaven because the angel didn't suffer now they didn't pay a price then they go to no but the one here has the definition has a meaning that's a purpose the meaning of worship here how you suffer and when you suffer you want a worship because you understand one thing that the only person that could take away the pain they're hurt the only person that can fix the fragmented pieces is this he so holy holy you say holy because the angels had to stop and shut them out and they understand that the worship from here is larger and bigger than the one in heaven because the Angels can't go to no pain they can't go to no crime they can't lose a relative they can't lose a son or daughter but the one here is the one that Jesus stops the choir in heaven and he said look at my Saints sing today they gone through this today they got cancer today they got a death report today they lost a job today they'll have no food on the table they can't pay the rent but they can still say holy and that's the worship that counts my altar call is this come up I pray for you and we'll continue to sing your song holy because your blessing is around the corner because he holds your tomorrows and he is faithful to finish to bring to completion don't work that he started in you so you come up you want me to pray for you I'm not afraid if the people the other room get the other people in the other room get them in the real way we're holding back with the Ghostbusters up in here I got to assure you such a spiritual gangsta I'm gonna get two tattoos look at y'all look at y'all what he going to hell before before you pray man I've got sorry to interrupt you yeah you guys have to leave so I can bring the other people to this place once he pray for you guys just this time I've really apologized because of this stupid stuff they created so anyone get sprayed I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you to leave so we can bring people we have 50 60 people out there so they can come to me thank you very much again I apologize god bless you and this we got people in the other room like 50 people before we pray before I pray for anybody I just touched this and I had my mouth on it's very anointing so if you won't give me like three thousand dollars for it I was selling it I'm auctioning off to the highest bidder that's the crap to do on TV I need my catching archers please just the crap they do on TV right you be like honey go get the credit card you're gonna get that right I think my credit card guys our minds I thought is dirty my 30 years old my daughter's my daughter's hottie [Music] my daughter's a hottie bang see that try rolling deep [Music] see that thirty years old looking I got daddy I can move east we start Jesus don't make jumping precious things I don't have no one like you on the plan he has a number kinda maybe here you all know that mega chips subscribe to my YouTube my god we're in trouble you know I I can do you two all day long right I don't know how to do it got to play something hard to say that I said nothing but somehow I can be inspirational but I've got to put hard real stupid I don't like it on you to say something that it's not even there understand I want to say something to God place up there my heart that I could release on to you and that's why they could touch you that's why I can transform you that's right you can learn something because we we learning from each other right we already from each other there's no one that impulses you know I believe the things behind to press forward to the things that in front of me but I haven't gotten a year and I was poor there's at the book camp today I cast the devil was founded this often in Germany I cast my for my house he was in Germany I guess I'd never Jesus get me on on your own on the thing here and a zoom zoom we zoom in that devil from Germany I thought he was to be able talking about he was begging for mercy they don't occur got set free and then I was talking to a girl in zoom she was from the Netherlands and she is she was sit like right like he was sitting somewhere by a window and the Sun was out I saw my god you must have woke up this morning she said no he's 11 o'clock at night here and I said so what the Sun is not she said we get six six months is over how do you sleep with that kind of stuff you don't realize day time later I'm he's crazy I mean it good but it does show how God how God does things right I mean how amazing how God does that right you want my zoom right right did I behave [Music] the choice choice [Music] god bless you my brother how are you sir [Music] another from Joseph to another possibly but I lift up Joseph to you right now in the name of Jesus father we touch a degree in the name of Jesus Christ but I pray you touch Joseph flooding her right now for the top of the head to his ography but I think they're pretty to bring clarity revelations are your spirit of who he is and nd Christ father God I know the truth all this man to evangelize you had called this me had given him a gift Flanigan let him stop that gift in him right now in the name of Jesus father I touch the liquor with the whole spirit and any hindrance delay blockages distractions might be destroyed right now father I pray that Joseph would be a more than a conqueror he will run beat ahead not to tell he would do all things of crises for the right now prove on him right now Holy Spirit and make all things new in Jesus name I shed - hallelujah [Music] we pray right now for my system be broken during the late blockages father God Father we think that she's here because you want to touch touch a Holy Spirit touch him they make all things right now be sure the father purpose a little Esther she would know who you are she will walk she would be a voice she would have never ever ever depart from you right she would never never see a day sickness alive father mother Nesta who she is what you would be she will hold on to her innocent and bless her family wasn't Jesus away cause she's standing in the gap family a second Sophie's father preached into the heart between witchcraft return [Music] we put witchcraft to flight - so father we pray everything that the devil has stolen from this family fathers to return back today and introduce my father we pray the fire-god that 19 of the Holy Spirit rest rest home assistance press upon Holmes father right now in the name of Jesus right oh Jesus we know Jesus fire fire and a name of Jesus Christ fire fire name of Jesus every mission listen when I come up to you you should be talking to God know where you have what you need and what you want you want God to do for you advance the father the name of Jesus Christ we touch and agree with the Holy Spirit that when I come up to you I'm touching agree with you in your heart you know what you are you can't buy the God I try a few times but you've never worked the Father name of Jesus Christ we touch a degree in the name of Jesus father God touch my sister from the top of her head to the sole of the feet father got right now blessing blessings upon her blessing father letter opened up on our their fire come of that mouth let it be the intercessor you taught her to be father right now fire in the name of Jesus Christ fire in the name of Jesus Christ fire in the name of Jesus Christ receive fresh anointing upon you in the name of Jesus receiving and Jesus had received a fresh anointing right now receive it receive it receiver in your belly in the name fire in a name of Jesus receivable preparedness it would be a blessing to innovation and the name of Jesus Christ fella retouching the group the Holy Spirit today father we think to bring you my sister here we can later be in the baby blocking we pregnant spirit of poverty offer and I father God Father you created her hand wealth nothing will be missing up to be broken your life price prank devil give back what belongs to her the name of Jesus you and have unequip and you will not die in Jesus name there man maybe recently hello Masha Masha in the name of Jesus father we touching the Great Father God that defile the Holy Spirit reign upon this woman right now right now fire the name of Jesus [Music] octagon a-comin afraid quechua blessing a father right now other entity motors try to agree with the Holy Spirit upon my sister in the name of Jesus mother Mary father right now Holy Spirit have you tried to very important to be demonic attack both of you in the name of Jesus Christ we pray satanic attack that's right come out in a name of Jesus come out come out and the name of Jesus Christ come out I ponder bedeviled it's tormenting you I commanded to loose you now in the name of Jesus wish you now you should come out and then they might let it go come out and the name of Jesus Christ come out come out come out i smite you with the blood of Jesus seven times over your head come out come out you've been tormenting my sister I break that spirit of torment I break that oppression depression off you come out I might even have to touch you the Holy Spirit the holy first here you gonna set you free and the name of Jesus you come out there by renounce you I break every demonic so time spirit husband baby name of Jesus come out don't waste my time I gotta go eat come out and the name of Jesus Christ come out come out you come out let it go my sister suicide break suicide off you come out and the name of Jesus cry come out and an image Jesus cry i bind every wicked devil there's torment in you right now come out in an image i bind every devil trying to steal your life your purpose your destiny I pray print your devil father right now I removed a spirit of rejection off you come out come out and the name of Jesus come out and in emojis come out come out let it live it over here over here my ID animo Jesus Christ right now fire fire the name of Jesus ray of fire come out fire come out firing it image Jesus Christ come out fire come out maybe abuse come out every person they touched you the wrong way come out forgive those people let him go let him go let him go let him go and the name of Jesus let him go come on my sister let it go let it go let it go come out come out come out come out and the name of Jesus Christ come out come out be healed be set free and the name of Jesus right now right now Jesus said come out oh sorry maybe should how much oh Jesus Christ father return to determine the motor spirit touch my brother from the top of his head to the sole machine the hell of a shindig give a a fire fire for the right now in the name of Jesus Christ right now holy spear heavyweight fire name of Jesus Christ raise up your hand obvious bank teller being there being the race being the race for universe system right now [Music] it's all Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit walking the Holy Spirit we walking you in this nice touch my sister touch it once per touching their touch up at the top of the head to the soma [Music] for hindering the delay of life right Greg and then it's break anonymity subscribe rate break in the name of Jesus Christ break in an image break in the name of Jesus Christ break break break in the name of Jesus raise up your hands and Jesus saved in addition to how elijah father the name would teach these cards to be touching the great holy spirit have your ways in the name of Jesus Christ father I thank you for this brother I thank you for you about to do his life I think of that he's coming out of the crusher or other guy he's coming into the beginning right now new beginnings new beginnings new be no more delay no more hindering them all blockages devil we smite you in the name of Jesus Christ releases blessing in Jesus day right now right now in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus right now in Jesus name in Jesus right now fire in the name of Jesus Christ you see [Music] touching agree on very heavy knife mission - send them over to you [Music] the future wants to bless you but you're gonna be a princess and Princess need Jesus princess they taught me Jesus - it is a voice is work so you can do great things in your life in Jesus name father Jesus there we touch a degree with the Holy Spirit right now but as precious fairy we take you for you what to do which is daddy you bring it to completion the blockages anymore no attack we destroy the satanic attack from real life we destroy early satanic attack will be life everything money the type of your life you break it off you prick in the name of Jesus Christ we break it off you be abuse right now never meant to abuse pray in the name of Jesus Christ break and a name of jesus i father I pray healing I pray you bring healing Lord heal my sister from the top of her head to the salafi father every void in her life there be filled with the Holy Spirit now touch her right now the Holy Spirit touch a touch a make all things through her life in Jesus they in Jesus they [Music] receive fire in the name of Jesus Christ receive we see be free be free we're not playing father we touch and agree with the Holy Spirit now we try to be able to polish my sister right now but I speak life I speak purpose I speak destiny I break o clocks enduring delay blockages I come against every generation of course break every stronghold stronghold right now father I pray right now the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus rather the apologies of the promises there in her dorm I pay you be no harm Iron Horse burn is so fun I pray right now clarity her spirit revelation her spirit fire in the name of Jesus right receive a gauzy receive a gas reanimation evangelist the step in and step in step in step in enabled Liberation Day haba b'shem all of our ship in the name of Jesus with no more running no more delayed or barter system or hindrance in the name of Jesus Christ father I declare right now you know Jesus your only Savior yes all the way mother sold out you evangelize like me bigger than me in the name of Jesus father I declare I not his purpose and destiny father I declare there will come four or five me to play up in heaven over this man's life I pray father God to you faint now people not give up your run Lord you and I be worthy father died he were running to declare the name of the Lord while I pray I pray every demonic strongholds life every day - joy everything that the devil trying to put on her we break it off from today in the name of Jesus father I beg you so for his life I think you did you write a news story I think a lot about your study you bring it to completion in Jesus name Amen never said the hollow I said they have Elijah in the name of Jesus Christ now we touch a degree for system I know W a liar every lying devil have in mind my break and aneema Jesus Christ rate in the name of Jesus great we break everything money tormenting devil over your mind in the name of Jesus shut down those life you know name of Jesus Christ believe the word of the Lord believe the word of the Lord father right now in the name of Jesus my sister father God every board every places she's fragmented father not touching right now Holy Spirit touch her because she came here to hear from you she came here to walk I know she came here to believe you for new beginnings right now she's testing you Lord father right now right now in the name of Jesus I break every satanic attack over your life I destroy the works of darkness or I destroy him he doesn't mind a devil of your mind break and the name of Jesus Christ break break and the name of Jesus Christ father I pray right now we smite these demons in the name of Jesus Christ this tormenta my sister throughout the night break in the name of the you know you'll not be tormented what the night anymore knew who I am not dreamed that no demon come in your dream and trying to use your body for any reason break in the name of Jesus Christ father declaring a homeless Shalom nothing missing nothing broken I prayed all right now you know how much she has the mind of Christ touch an agreement Holy Spirit big things in Jesus day the agenda Hamish and Habashi enabled like I am [Music] oh Jesus Christ oh Jesus applause Sagan what we'll do some things I'm gonna give it up [Music] I'm paralyzing the government stupid [Music] coming right break off unity magicians grace right now enemy problem they would not give up front Eurasian bro you're right by the name of Jesus [Music] God is looking for people like you and fearless we dodged bullets in jail forever and got safety and now spare your life and services Tony's big heart big heart the Church of Jesus Christ and the last day looks like and you have the meeting your fight
Channel: Armen Ministries
Views: 27,873
Rating: 4.9027238 out of 5
Id: 7ncMptmhVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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