Special Guest: John Ramirez (PM)

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[Applause] please make welcome to hillside church brother john ramirez amen and man it's tell you i'm i'm excited to be here it's amazing i was like when they invited me back i said god you work miracles amen you can be seated amen in the name of jesus amen i just want to share i'm going to share a moment with you amen you with me we have come to a place i just i just want to talk to you would you have come to a place that the church has become lazy people don't want to hear the truth but i tell the truth you get mad at me that's your business but we have become lazy we don't seek the things of god anymore the church at large i understand the church at large the church are large it's like this the church are large it's it's in a place today it's like playing football we're in the third quarter we're behind you with me when the turquoise behind the church at large is sleeping in the lap of delilah it has a samson situation going on that such at large doesn't move anything anymore it doesn't it doesn't bring it doesn't bring that anointing like in the book of acts anymore the bible says the bible says that my people perish because they're like a lack of knowledge you with me my people perish because of lack of knowledge understand that we perish because of that because we don't seek the kingdom god come on people give me some love hey man you too come on now i got all my little people come on come on give me some love i got all my people so the church we need to come to play you know this is this is the thing i don't understand the thing i understand is this the things i understand is this that when we when we come to church we have we have lost we have lost the flavor of the holy spirit in the church the aroma of the holy spirit in the church we when i went to demon church at the age of eight years old the first thing to teach you is demonic spiritual warfare that's the first they teach you the paul paul says in second corinthians first second corinthian verse 11 paul said lest satan should take advantage of us we should not be ignorant of his devices and paul paul in a chapter he talks about he talks about a a young man i don't know young whatever the age he was he slept with his with his stepmother and judgment came you with me i timed i timed i don't i don't understand that time we we we in a place one week we we you see sometimes i don't like casting out demons on people you know why because you're gonna need them next week anyway you're gonna be on next week anyway because you'll be in bed with him next week anyway so why cast them out that's why i that's why i don't that's why jesus would tell people do you want what do you want jesus with something what do you want i mean the dude's laying by the pool for 38 years what do you want you can brother got a rash on his back laying in the pool for 30. what do you want because you see people don't want to be healed people don't be set free people don't want jesus they want the benefits they want the benefits it's like having a party for pastor and i throw up i throw a banging party from him i said but you can't come how delusional is that so so in my witchcraft days after eight years old i was already in demon church from the seven in the evening to five in the morning you with me i mean i what i did in one night it took you a week to catch up because you were doing two hour church that's microwave jesus is a microwave by the way jesus is aquaculture that's what he talked about plant the seed put the seed jesus think aquaculture the devil's microwave he'll give it to you and give it to you quick and you get it quick that's how the devil works that's why quick things don't last that's what that gives you jesus is jesus is like you have to plant it you have to plant it in order to believe it's like changing from the people in the world right oh you gotta show it to me homie and then i believe it but you that's the devil jesus you have to believe before you see it it's called faith because this is the part that jesus is saying to the people jesus when i come back at the end of the day when jesus closed the door on grace and he comes back because jesus is coming back in case you really know this is a story i heard this this is a story i heard i heard a story one it's a true story that there was a guy that committed a crime you with me a guy that committed a crime and he hired this young lawyer and then young lord know he was guilty but the lawyer the younger lawyer still went to court and beat the case beat the case the guy was a criminal the guy was supposed to go to jail the guy was supposed to be on death row but the lawyer beat the case and years later the same person committed and committed another crime but this time around the young lawyer was the judge so jesus came the first time as your lawyer he's not coming back after the lord he's coming back as your judge what do you say so let's ask you tonight the only question god said ask you who opened the door who opened the door who opened the door who left the gate open there's portals and gates get this portal engaged open and the devil owns legal rights over your life and the first thing that the devil owns over your life are your words because your words are dead proverbs 18 21 says speak life and death out of your tongue and a lot of you speak death and the devil has real estate right over your words because when i used to come up against a christian in spiritual warfare i want him to say things that were negative so i had legal rights over him because i can penetrate him in the spread around and i can incarcerate him in the spirit i can dismantle him in the spirit because my witchcraft was stronger than your anointing my witchcraft was stronger than your anointing not because jesus was weak is because the vessel was weak the vessel had a form of god but denying the power how what footsteps are coming for you the day you die what footsteps are coming to pick you up the day you die there's pastors in hell there's evangelists in hell there's leaders in hell there's ministers in hell oh there's a place for everybody in hell god's not god's not shy and god never sends you to hell by the way never god never sends no one to hell how's that john your decision's due the decision sends you there i i don't i don't i don't understand that the saints of all had less to work with and they had less to work with and they made it who opened the gate i i see i think i've seen i think christians are more devoted to the devil than to jesus by by the fruits of their actions and what they entertain and what they're in them and back with they're more they're more in tune with the enemy who owns your rights who owns the deeds of your mind who owns your rights the gate the lord said the gate is open it's time to close the gate who left the gate open who left the door open the gate of portals and portals and gateways of the enemy has full entry over your life i don't care if you did something you were 10 years old 15 years old 20 years old if you're 40 50 and you haven't closed that door the devil owns rights believe it or not don't tell me that you have baptized doesn't mean nothing baptism yes it's awesome get baptized but renounce some stuff tonight renounced some stuff tonight in my witchcraft days in my witchcraft day there were christians that were not able to to challenge me on spiritual warfare and it's it's sad to say that i'm not boasting about the enemy i'm just i'm i'm identifying and sharing the condition of the church the tradition of the church don't you think because someone got gifts don't you think that that he's anointed walker said you said tommy you know what walking to somebody you can have all the gifts he said i can teach a monkey to preach it's technique he said but what keeps you there is godly character have you checked your golly character [Applause] showing them my witchcraft day eight years old from seven seven in the evening to five you know how my wish crash started by one thing a tower car reading you read horoscope you in danger your gates are open your doors are open you watch you watch the money movies you watch this movie your doors are open you were to die tonight in the condition that you're in you will go to hell don't tell me god is good in the hood no he's not saying entrapment setups in the spirit god doesn't have to god's not the devil's not after your other man he's after your inner man he's after your inner man when i did witchcraft to people i would examine people in the spirit and find out what the loophole the patterns and cycles of that person's life so i can hit them from that direction to witchcraft black magic spells astral projecting i will hit you in that direction too because you're already weak in that direction so that was my gateway my door that you never close and you gave me gateways and entry into your spirit so i can break you and dismantle you and you had a form of god but you learned about a shell of a christian what you watch on tv i get iggy mouthgate gateways and portal gossip listen would you watch until the stuff you lust over gateways open open mouth gate many christians today many christians today they throw the f-bomb all over the place many christians to the f-bomb young people talking nasty you're not even safe the way you talk the devil got legal rights you die today you go to hell a sacrifice is a blood animal and then i was talking about halloween earlier today i got my wedding was in halloween when i was in the demonic side i had a halloween wedding rituals a blood animal sacrifices witches and voila came to my wedding people got demon possessed in my wedding to baptize my wedding on halloween so when you celebrate halloween you're part of that agenda you're part of that gender because what you give yourself to owns your rights in my witchcraft day they were teaching me in demon church all because of a car reading all because my mama and my aunt went to the witch to read the cards and the witch turned around and said i want him that's why i pray for young people everywhere i go you're gonna have that on my watch now on my watch now my watch i i i i'll snatch them for the kingdom you can't have them you're eight years old doing witchcraft learning how to work in the spirit round learning colors learning symbols symbols of death symbols of witchcraft learning all kinds of symbols aj all because of a car reading i lost my whole identity from the eight to the age of 35. gone completely owned by demons and principality territory demon spiritual and demons of uh which i operate a lot with familiar spirits that's when you came for carpeting you told your mom i was talking to your mom ain't talking to you you go get a car reading oh and then the devil gets you in the most desperate time because that's the easy way to open the door horoscopes i gotta read my house i can't leave my house to read my house girl you can't read your bible but you want to read your hoboscope yeah okay how what do you how is called angela say that the bible holds your purpose and your destiny the bible holds your purpose and your destiny and sacrifices of blood animals demon possessed demon witchcraft demon church extra projecting i did i had more miles in delta i was to get high on astra projecting because i will leave my body in cursed region because if i can curse the region i can curse the people and we're not doing spiritual what are the intercessors that that are locked into first and second heaven intercessors don't know how to aim to see every time i walk into a region i shut down the heavens i operate shut down the heavens confuse the demons on the ground change their languages put the judgments of god upon their heads and to put the fire the holy spirit upon them and all you hear them scream and you talked to an intercessor today she's drinking the kool-aid i'm an intercessor i'm a prophet everybody's mother's a prophet today propheteer maybe like a prophet puppet everybody got titles the devil got tired too they never loved titles clean the church you know take care of the children's ministry no don't you know i'm a prophet you're the daughter of the devil because you're operating in pride and rebellion none of the known thing of the holy spirit when i went when i went to times square church and i shared this with you quick the church was blessing me so much i said i gotta volunteer i gotta do something for the church i gotta get back i feel so guilty because i was eating so good so i said i gotta wash some dishes i gotta do something up in here so i went to i signed up with the application they called me in they said the only thing we got open is maintenance now i've been i've been a 700 club i was on tbn you know what i mean you know i'm going with this right i i mean i was you know i was 700 club you know a little old man pat robinson i mean i you know i went to 700 club i you know i you know i i got interviewed there you know i mean what do you mean i didn't say that i said what days you want me to come in i i i clean your church so good you be jealous i get the hoover i get everything i get the windex i go crazy up on the church they were like they were looking at me like they were looking at me like i was demon possessed i said yeah i do anything you want me to do i clean it i can do mondays i can do wednesdays i can do fridays i don't because i don't have a job anyway i had a part-time job i was delivering cheesecakes actually i got parchment i come here and clean the church i i make it look like man you call me mr clean after i'm done with this church you know what they said to me no we're only joking with you wanted to see what what was your spirit because the person before you that's what they said the person before you we told them the same thing he said i don't clean church i've been a christian for 15 years they said well you can't be here in this ministry so i told myself what minute should you want me to do and they told me we want you to do volunteer security i said okay i'll do it see god tests me and then god promoted me because that's how i met david walkers i mean cruise and i mean real men of god that knew how to carry the torch come on people come on people this is this see we we this i want you to learn something this is what jesus is doing old young and in between jesus is having you to run the old olympics the old olympics they used to run with the torch in their hand lit up and if you finish your race with the torch horn you get a prize so you can run your race and get to the end and your touch is off and you never make heaven it's the same thing as the the five foolish virgins they ran the race they looked the same they were dressed the same and ran out of oil gateways portals mind control mindsets my witchcraft was just to my witchcraft was to take your mind and distort your mind weaken your mind weaken your thoughts my witchcraft was when i put witchcraft on you i buy a coconut and i put your name in it and i put witchcraft in it and then as i shake it i'm breaking down your inner man of your mind thinking now you used to you just now you will you have a god you have a christian mind but i would dilute your mind pollute you might break your mind destroy your mind and make you be addicted to things of the world because the things of the world was the thing that would contaminate the spirit the witchcraft you're with me so i would that's the kind of witchcraft i did to people i was doing witchcraft on witches and that was not a lot but i did it anyway because i just wanted to test if it works sending witches to hospital getting unnecessary surgeries and dying in the operating room because i know how to release a spirit of homosexuality on you i know how to release the spirit of death premature death i know how to release the spirit of cancer and infirmity upon you i was a wicked wicked person because i was trained in the high art keys around of spiritual warfare that's why i try to teach the church that spiritual warfare on the jesus side so you can stop you'll be unmovable unshakable or the devil can't move you the devil can't know you the devil the devil might the devil might shake you but he will move you from the position you're in because god had planted me here you might shake me but you can't move me because what lives in me can't be moved what lips in me can't be moved you might shake me you might sucker punch me but what's in me it can't be moved because i'm unmovable i'm unshakeable you can't move me witch that's when i go to the caribbean's and i go to the other places i challenge it with you i say i hope you come to my meeting and if there's one here tonight bring it if you're here undercover bring it i will hit you so hard with the holy spirit you will forget your birthday i'm not afraid i'm not afraid [Applause] these people here these people here that you have a linkage to the devil even unconsciously you do there's things here that you hear today the things that you haven't repented of the bible says the sooner you sin be quick to repent oh i'm like david i know how to throw myself at the mercy of the court because i'm not i'm not all there yet i'm not all there yet pastor i don't even invite me back but i had i had part-time ministry and i got full time i got god promoted me but when i had part-time ministry i had a cheesecake job the worst job in the world i mean the cheesecake was the best cheesecake in the planet 32 flavor like baskin robbins the best cheesecake job i mean i needed money i was i was broke i mean i would do mondays wednesday and friday this lady would give me 300 dollars i stretched that thing that was 3 000. i would work it and you with me and one day i'm going down the street in my car you're with me i'm going down the street my car and i got high grace and i'm in i'm in the third heaven like paul singing and i'm just you know letting somehow say lord you don't got me full-time ministry why you know i'm in full-time ministry lord why is taking you so long i need to be in full time i can't do this cheesecake anymore i can't do this she's here mama brother i said that lady made me crazy and she was jewish right and she just said two things i hate and she said i hate i hate germany that's okay i can i feel you baby because of the holocaust i i i get it i i'm all i'm with you and then she said hey jesus i said listen to me let's just get something straight i'm broke i need your money i'm gonna tell you but you tell me hey jesus i park your piece of crap car with all the cheesecake in it and hollow they will eat cheesecake for free i will call you i will call you and let you know i park you a piece of crap car you say something by jesus again i dare you i dare you say something about jesus again she was like well you know i said you better not you better not you better not say not about my jesus i was crazy right so so but i love i love that lady like my mom's i love to like my mom's when she die i cry i cry like a baby when she die i love to like my mom and then i'm driving driving driving i said you got joseph prince in full-time ministry he don't do much just me saying you got a little joey he don't do much what about me lloyd what about me what are you gonna put me in full time ministry and i'm driving and i'm going to work don't want to go to work i hear this thing go almost hit the side of my car i pulled through the light i pulled to the light i looked to the side i wrote my window my heart is beating you know i forgot the worship went out the window my heart is just beating like crazy and i look i looked inside a muslim guy with a tower muhammad right and i said i roll by my window i said yo what's up man you crazy you almost hit my car i said you know come on man i mean i'm going to work and what's wrong with you he went like that to me he went and he had two passes in the back i brought my one another back to your move back to you and he went i said push back to you to youtube and he went and then i used the wrong finger just telling i used the wrong finger and he said he wanted that to me again i parked my car the light because i know there's a two minute light i parked my car i got out of my car i kicked his car i punched the glass and the people in the back was scared to death i i turned i i was like oh and then i heard the holy spirit say john you're christian get back in your car and i went okay i got back in my car i got back in my car and her conviction came i mean what took my reign of conviction man a reign of conviction came in my in my car and the lord said that's why you're not in full-time ministry yet but i closed the door i closed the door i closed the door i repented i closed the door two years later he promoted me close the door what door did you need to close today there's people here watching pornography what door you need to close today let me ask you a question when you get to heaven what will be your testimony what were your testimony in front of esther that killed the first hitler what would be your testimony in front of isaiah that got saw in half and saw the crucifixion of jesus christ eight years before it happened what will be your testimony what be your testimony what will be your testimony in front of peter that was crucified upside down what were your testimony of murder uh saddam hussein this time a paul a paul saw that became a paul what will be your testimony well lord it was hot outside and at the park so far i i i suffer for you well lord pastor say we was going to have a committee i did chicken and cookies no one bought well lord listen i've seen stuff on times square church let me show you let me send it my brother raise up your hand go this way like this raise your both hands we're worshiping right i've seen people do this in times culture you're in my space oh how great is our god you're in my space what will be your testimony i know we have real estate space and worshiping in 1997 i decided to take a sabbatical from witchcraft and the devil took my eyesight for one year that was my punishment i was legally blind with the commissioners blind with the new york state because i wanted to for the first time i wanted to be a good dad to my daughter because i was indated and blackened by demons from the age eight a father that didn't love me see the greatest thing you can give someone is love you see everybody you ever seen you ever seen people join this website like you know christian crazy mingo and harmony whatever you call that you ever seen people join that and then you meet the representative but the crazy you don't show up yet you with me they join because they're looking for love my father didn't love me my mom loved me that's why homosexuality don't work you can't have two two two you can't have stevie wonder and the other guy love be a parent because you need the love of a father you need a mother to balance you out you need the love of a father love a mother to balance you out to be a healthy home to be a blessing and my father didn't love me so the devil said they're 80 years old the devil said i love you and i took the love of the devil and i ran with it from the aid to the age of 35 i blinked and i lost 25 years of my life doing the most horrific thing witchcraft from people after projecting cursing people doing witchcraft for high putting on witchcraft i did so many wood traps on christians it was it wasn't even funny and christian didn't know how to fight back christian didn't know how to fight back christian didn't know no spiritual they know how to break this man to curse to the root they didn't know how they don't know how they didn't know how to close the doors they didn't know how to close the door they didn't know how to take back the territory that i stole from you that's why when i write books my books are so different not that i write them because i i had a high school diploma what is that bonding paper but it's by the anointing of the holy spirit upon my life that god gives me the ability to write books to teach you in the spirit round was operating was trying to bring stronghold bondages entrapment set up pitfall in your life so you don't have to walk into those places and if you do get sucker punch you know how to get back up i wrote a book destroying fear not even know that the cover 19 was coming the lord said write this strong fear i said for what he said write it i obey now i sold over 28 000 copies in one year because people are trying to find something because they're trying to fight back because the church don't the church don't know no defense and no offense the church is in bed with the enemy because they don't know how to fight them they talk about them you hear preachers on tv well the devil did the devil die you hit people on trump the devil dudes the devil died and yeah okay boy how you confront him we here we confront him we said devil stay right where you at cause we coming for you we're not afraid so so so how is it how is it that you sit there and and even people in your past you sat and done power car reading how do you sit with the witch and expect to get blessed how you reach horoscope and how you do the thing that you turn two pencils in the middle and you call it charlie because i did deliverance for young people that did that you're looking for the mystical but you're not looking for the real you're changing the question mark but you don't want the answer because you're in bed with the enemy portals and gateways open doors who open your gate so you're fragmented now you're a crippled christian your mind is bipolar your mind can't even think your mind can't even hold the contents of what god has for you because you're fragmented the devil always writes over your life i did the best witchcraft i did married halloween satanic witchcraft to the court so much so that the the devil took my eyesight i was blind with the commission blind one thing is to be born blind one thing is to become blind and then in 2000 when i got 799 i left my body went to hell went to hell hell is a real place it has an address in case you didn't know and when i got to hell i left my body in 1999 october i left my i wasn't sitting on my bed renouncing jesus because i said to jesus why would i want to be a christian your church is weak well when i would be something that is crippled i don't want to be that i'd rather die and go to hell i'd rather die as a word as a warlock as a general in the kingdom of darkness because i used to sit with the devil and talk to him all night long well you can't even talk to jesus an hour you can't talk to jesus right now but you can gossip with your friends you can call susie up fake intercessor that's when people say i pray for you i said don't pray for me i don't need you to pray for me you got weak prayer pray for me this stuff ain't gonna work your stuff ain't gonna hit nothing don't pray for me i said i can see right in the spirit you're all jacked up you're gonna pray for me pray for yourself first if it works for you and then you call me [Applause] tell the way it is baby tell you the way it is a lot of grabbing green rooms i bring a lot of these famous preachers like pastor said they want special toothpaste when they come to your meeting they want to escalate i didn't reach out to madeline manson i did a i did a documentary for the travel channel exposing him the theory that took me to the desert and the theory is called uh it's called the death valley a death valley and he would talk about how he meet that there was a portal there they'd take you to hell and that's that's a lie i thought the travel transition is what he was doing he would detent the meeting with the devil he'd go to meet with the devil and get his orders madeleine manson he said that's not going to pour to hell i said death valley is not the port of hell that's just a meeting place just like the jewish people used to meet with jesus in the tabernacle they were like you want to come and do the show i said yeah bring me on bring i go do the show i mean when i got to the desert i was shocked i'm puerto rican we don't do deserts we do projects government cheese but we don't do deserts i was like my wife was gone my phone died i mean i was in i was in death valley for real i mean for real i was like yo i mean the guy picked me up in vegas we drove he got the piece of jalopy car i said we surprised we didn't die all you saw was coyotes walking the street i was like where are we going it's like twilight zone and then i when we got there i was like where's the computer room speak to the manager white people did yup master that stuff i need to speak to the manager y'all got that thing down pat i need to speak to the manager i learned that from y'all y'all hooked me up i'm like i need to speak to the manager this guy came out this dude i have to hear he was like one of my apache indians like a coyote kind of guy he came out he said i'm the manager what do you want oh not from you but i have a complaint where's the phone he had a rotary you don't know what's that rotary you put your finger on your twist and no iphone i was there i did it for jesus exposed everything in the dark side it was the biggest show in canada in the travel channel then i reached out to madeleine manson i wrote a letter to him i said i'll go to jail and visit you you give me permission i told pastor one day pastor hussein pastor told me to say this one day my this jewish friend of mine he said we got this crazy crazy crazy conference of devil worshippers new age people five stories high filled with those people you you dare to go i said yeah bring it on i go i go i said yeah i go he said if i sign you up you go he said but they don't let christians in because there's all new ways no christians crazy new age crazy i mean create witchcraft to the highest in the whole building 34th street eighth avenue that's called the new yorker the whole hotel once a year full witches and warlocks and people come and get car readings and tower carving they come and do seons they come and do uh crazy uh cleansings and all this kind of stuff all kind of witchcraft for all levels doing this during the convention there they said you they go i said yeah i go they said well how you gonna go i said i got a rock they got powers i got a rock they got powers they signed me up they gave me permission to go i bought my rock with me they got powers they put me in the auditorium they filled it up with all these i mean looney tunes i mean this thing was like all twilights and looney tunes full of one guy was gone and i said what do you want to be i'm gonna speak to the goddesses in the highest heavens and all this i said you will in a minute what do you want to be i want to be this i want to touch the universe i want to i want to ask you projecting the stars i said in a second i get you and this is the cr this is the stuff i hit on my i hit you know with my testimony and they were like there was they were screeching screeching you scared to death from the head of my testimony and then the end and the half do it i said let me introduce you to the rock that got power they were like yeah give us the rock i said his name is jesus christ the lord and savior he came for you that he came for you he's he came for you he came for you i told you he came for you i told you he came for you i told you he came for you but there's nothing like jesus when you bring them see jesus don't need an introduction i said jesus jesus jesus jesus and the wishes of life the witches are like this the wishes you know jesus and jesus and jesus that's the rock that has the power that can set you free they all got up no one walked away they were begging crying warning the one and only [Applause] i pray for everybody i went crazy up there i would lay hands i wouldn't hand my feet man i would lay hands everywhere ain't that no one escaped other christians would have said no i don't go there because you know the devil's there and you know god didn't call me for that kind of ministry but i'm an intercessor i'm anointed i'm bishop slash of the third church of this church at that church i've seen the bishop of this church slash bishop slash pope but i won't go to the devil's den because i might come back butt naked because the devil might hit me so hard i went and prayed for people that no one would have prayed for because god called me like pastor said for time is this did i sign up for something i need to sign up i rejected jesus i rejected the holy spirit i rejected christianity i rejected the cross and i rejected that situation because i know they had no power and they had no power and and then and after year in 97 90 i got my eyesight back and i went deep into witchcraft 99 went to hell got on this train that was going so fast then when when i left my body in october that night all i said to all i said to jesus christ and i'll take ten minutes from you all i said to jesus christ was and i didn't even say it myself i promise you that because i did not want to be a christian christian to me was the worst decision ever i had a hundred thousand dollar voice of witchcraft for my house it has dirt from nine different cemeteries dirt from nine different cemeteries i had human bones in my house skulls in my house i had this i had i had a alter my house that it was so satanic with symbols that only three people in the planet had those symbols then when i take the symbol i take your name i steal your personality i see your character and put witchcraft on you and pronounce you dead for 30 days and if you didn't know jesus christ you was going to die because i knew i had contract with demons all the way from the age of eight to the age of 35 and one day the devil one day the devil had a meeting and they left me out of the meeting and the next day they did the meeting again and the devil said to all the warlocks and which is that you i can kill but john i love and the devil can't love you because you're made in the image of god anyway okay so on the train heading to hell hit the gate and then in the train jezebel was there that's when i came to the church jezebel was on the train and the jezreel was speaking in demonic tongue and that's when i came to the church people falling back we did that in demonstration people spoken to we spoke in tongues too so what is the difference between you and the demon church do you carry the presence that's the difference that's the difference you you go you can have a religious devil on you and you you you ain't no church because you can be just like the demon church we fell backwards like you did we fell into the spirit like you did we spoke in tongues like you did we lay hands like you did we did everything you did we copy everything that you did we mimicked everything you did and don't think separate me from you and the demons and the warlocks and the witches and the soothsayers and the real workers and the wizard with the presence of god that i carry [Applause] that's the difference i carry the president i am the i am the i am the i am with the core in the old testament i carry the president because i am the tabernacle of the new testament and went to hell walk the walk the polar hell breeze by the way when you step on hell you'll it breathes like a person and then fear becomes that of a torment fears on discovering hell when it wraps around you i guarantee you that if i were to put this mic in hell testimonies in hell how many people in hell would like to hear the word repent one more time you told this joke or repent and he said why are you judging you tell people to repent these days why are you judging me well let me put this mic in hell let's get testimonies in hell let's get the testimony of the guy in the book of acts i think chapter 24 25 26 somewhere around there he said he said what he said he said paul you're persuading me to be a christian get his testimony in hell hell walk the portals of hell touch hell walk the park and then you feel the suffocation that comes over you a suffocation like never before you can't breathe you can't touch nothing you can't see the hand in front of you i'm running through the portals of hell because i want the window i want the door i want to be out and i can't get out because it's a place that's a forever place like in hell and have running running and when the devil showed up in hell and he said i loved you i gave you everything you wanted i i cater to you to the age of eight and he said why are you gonna leave me john you're gonna expose him oh the religious you're gonna expose all the witchcraft you're gonna expose my kingdom as much as i love you i can't let you live when he went to grab me the three foot cross the cross the old rug across this big rug across shut up and dropped him like nothing happened twice in hell and i came back into my body i came right back into my body like i was in icu like they were doing these electrical paddles in my chest and came back into my body and when i came back into my body when i came back into my body i know jesus christ was giving me one chance and one chance only because i did witchcraft to people i gave people miscarriages i could send abortion devils after people to kill the baby in the womb because i know that was a church of jesus christ i did witchcraft on people destroy marriage destroy families i did we're trying from people so they can commit suicide i did witchcraft from people because i hated the church and don't look at me religious because it's under the blood in the end before i went to hell i shared this one part i went to a meeting of warlocks on december when you were you out there in the mall shopping find out what size he is large extra i'm a large in case you wanna buy me something just wanna throw that out there i went to this meeting and the devil came down in the meeting to this powerful medium and the devil said to me in demonic tongues could i say something to you my son and i said sure i spoke to him back in the amount of times he said can i say something to you and i said sure he said you know what god throws out of heaven and he's and i said no i don't know he said because he was jealous of us i said okay that day was 10 degrees 15 degrees 4 in the morning i went to the meeting at 12 midnight to like four in the morning when the meeting closed i didn't have a car i was going to walk home it was a 20 minute walk to my house at 15 degree weather you can just breathe and the coke come out and i and i walked in my and all the warlocks and all the witcher saying come on john we're going right home i said no i got to walk home i was numb and i was all i was saying to myself well if heaven is the hallelujah people say heaven is awesome so why didn't he through jesus i kept heaven i was trying to do the math two weeks later i end up in hell the same night i died and came back into my body and went to hell as a demonic general of the kingdom of darkness with human bones in my house killing animals drinking the animal over cutting myself and drinking my blood i got the marks of i saw my sword right here i had all the demand that you could believe all the witchcraft cemetery dirt i had dirt from jail from different jails so when i put witchcraft on you from jail you end up in jail innocently i have witchcraft from mental institutes so when i put witchcraft on you and i put you in those dirt you can end up at the crazy house with a straitjacket for the rest of your life i had witchcraft from everywhere satanic witchcraft death don't tell me that you're reading your horoscope and you're cool don't tell me that you got a car reading and everything is okay don't tell me that you took words you took demonic words words out of your mouth that you cursed things you've done things with your mouth you spoke the amount of things out of your mouth and you got illegal the devil had legal rights over you it's time to come and repent hell came back went into my body bend my knee to the king of kings that's how i go serve you and pay the ultimate price because the witches and walla from all from new york city from haiti from cuba miami they came after me trying to destroy me kill me the thing that i loved became my enemy the thing that i used to sleep during the day because i knight the witches and the warlock and the demon they were i should project into my apartment and torment me for 30 days quit come back to us tormented my mind was gonna snap i didn't know what it was day or night anymore coking me my blood go cold the room will go cold if you're grinding by my leg crying me about that nothing was dead but i your hands and your arm choking me trying to kill me and i said do it dive i'm going with jesus you'll die i'm going with him i took hundred thousand dollars took it and threw it all away threw all my furniture away all the way down to my underwears my pastor took me to casper said you want me to buy your underwear i threw everything away because everything that i bought i bought a witchcraft money i want no ties i want no ties i want no ties i want to know i don't want the devil to say i own one percent of you john no even even in 2002 the devil sucker punched me stole my eyesight and he said where's your jesus now you see i could still get to you and that thing was penetrating for surgery they put a needle through my eye without any seizure hit the back of my eye and i hold on i said i don't care i'm going with jesus i'm going with him i'm going with a four-hour surgery they put patches in my eyes i couldn't see my friend pumping in the car and it was a good friday and the doctor said go home i can't promise you i'll be honest with you the doctor said i love you but i gotta tell you true there's a 99 you'll never see again and i went to church to worship the king in my condition because i know that worship worship worship which will shake heaven on my behalf i worship i say lord i don't care how i look but i'm gonna worship you because i love you and you what you've done for me you're the god of second chances four hours of surgery went to church i i my name is miriam i went to get over the red sea to bring my tambourine you're a liar i worship in my broken places i worship when the doctors are telling me to report saying you never see again they put me back in the commission of the blind to train me to walk with a dog and i never said what are you gonna do with jesus and on top of that i had a christian they did a positive scheme on me i went to bankruptcy court i lost the house in the bronx i lost everything and i had peace in chinese food for three years and you got it and god said could i trust you in the condition that i put you in christians betrayed slept in my house ate my house and it backstabbed me and i lost everything i lost a house in the bronx was worth 520 dollars bankruptcy short sale went to bankruptcy when i was still preaching the gospel because they did a positive scheme on me and god said could i trust you in your situation beat up no love the church didn't want to fellowship with me because they thought i was still a double agent and people didn't want to hang out with me and i would sit in my house with no furniture and i said i look out the window i felt like the guy in the gate called beautiful in a beautiful flight but broken and the devil is saying you see if you come back to me i give her everything we'll start all over i said i'd rather die in my condition and my daughter didn't love me no one loved me and jesus said cuz you still love me in the condition you're right i said yes what he said would you leave me now i said no lord i signed a contract i said i'm doing life with jesus christ and i want no parole i'm on death row so why my last thing is why would you cheat on the what would you cheat on jesus why why would you see it on jesus with social media and tick-tock and you open doors of things that are so demonic that owns rights over your life that if you were to die today just become just become you come to church doesn't make you christian i can park myself in the garage doesn't make me a car why would you throw your life away when there's people and i see you they only got three days to live and they would trade places with you what would you sh what would you say to the chinese church the underground church they took a pastor from the underground church to bolton to america and they took them around every mega church i'm not going to make a church but you know which ones they are they took him around every mega church and then end his journey he visited like 10 he visited like 10 or 15 mega churches and they asked him one question after that they said what do you think about the churches in america you know what he said he said i'm so surprised that you got this far without the holy spirit you could play the game you can keep your doors open tonight if you don't know jesus your lord and savior don't walk out of here don't walk out of here without if you look warm don't walk out of here luke won't don't get you to heaven get you to hell i already went there i don't have to go there again i don't have to cheat on jesus i owe jesus everything i owe the world nothing i owe jesus everything in the world nothing come to the altar who know raise your hand and be honest with yourself do you really know jesus christ tell me don't sit there like you know him and miss it don't sit there like you know and you don't know him my pastor went to dinner one day and he saw this man walk by and he fell on the floor and died right there he said hope i hope that man was in church tonight my pastor pastor carter he went a month before the world trade center fell he went to speak to the most influential people in wall street with me in wall street the most richest influential people in wall street they brought him to a room because he was going to collect money to do that we got this program in church it's called charles cry we feed 5 000 kids a day and he went there to speak to them so they can donate and when he went there he lost his lines about what he needed to say all he was saying to the people 25 people in that room the most influential the most wealthy people in wall street they were in the room they came and all he said to those people you know what you must do you know what you must do he left embarrassed it's a shame that he didn't get any one check because he forgot what to say a month later just 25 people was caught up in the buildings in fire and 17 of them die out of the 25. tomorrow is not guaranteed to nobody jack 17 of those wealthy people got caught up in the flames and didn't make it out a month away and he said i hope they remember that i said to them you must you must you know what you do in other words make peace with god an hour away from eternity people were throwing himself off the 90th floor [Music] an hour away from eternity you could be an hour away from your eternity and you can meet god and you say you couldn't say i sat in the church and i should have said yes but i was ashamed because what people would think of me man the greatest decision you can make is yes to jesus and the godly marriage come do you know jesus you don't know jesus raise your hand right now this is your chance man don't miss your moment raise your hand you all know jesus you know jesus i said we know come up come up don't be ashamed you come up come up that's right you come up don't be ashamed you don't know jesus you come up you come over here you know jesus you come up here you don't know you come up make right with god make peace with god let god righteous stone you come up stop lying the devil's sitting next to you and telling you you don't have to go up you're going to hell i come out for jesus i don't care if i have to crawl my way up if you want if you don't know jesus come up i crawl my way forget social media forget this garbage i'm going with the king don't know jesus as your lord and savior stop playing games but you're playing russian roulette one day the bullets gonna hit you [Music] i i'm not ashamed of the gospel not ashamed of the gospel the gospel the gospel is what saved my life jesus saved my life i'm on death row jack i want no parole you with me i'm on death row i want no parole i'm gonna go low with jesus ain't no devil gonna write my story [Music] jesus is writing my story when i leave this planet you'll be talking about me trust me when i leave this planet you'll be reading my books when i leave this planet you be still watching my reruns on daystar you know that stuff and it's not mine because i don't own nothing jesus owned it all i'm just i'm just a representative of what he done in my life i'm just an example that god loved the misfit guy ain't looking for no perfect people i want the misfit all my young people right here young come up come up come up with me young people come up come on young people come up come on you're my pastor you're my gang you come up my pod come on come on all my young people come up all my young people come up my gang i roll deep you see i roll deep my gang right here mess with me don't mess you up look my gang oh my gang young people come up that's how i do it you're gonna give your life to jesus today so one day when you when you become famous you say that puerto rican pray for me [Music] amen come on my people come on my young people come up there come up god loves you so much you can't even you can't even in your mind don't even register how much jesus loves you all my young people we're going we're going to divorce some things we're gonna talk some things we're gonna tell something love don't live here anymore [Music] pastor you won't come up [Music] come up that's how we do it we're bigger than hollywood hollywood got nothing on us you with me pastor wants to say something then we take it to the map i hear man hallelujah well how many want to meet jesus as your lord hold your hand up real high hallelujah just throw both hands up in the air pray this prayer with me say heavenly father i'm a sinner and i need a savior heavenly father i ask in jesus name that you would forgive me of all my sin let the blood of jesus pour from the cross onto my life i believe that jesus christ died for me rose again and i confess him as my lord and my savior heavenly father lead me to a full gospel church help me to pray read and comprehend your word god i'm going to serve you all the days of my life i denounce devil and i confess jesus as my lord and my savior in jesus name and everybody said amen
Channel: My Hillside Family
Views: 104,777
Rating: 4.9022222 out of 5
Id: jAGEtpmMBYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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