Pastor Armen and John Ramirez

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[Music] all right good afternoon uh welcome to uh foundation of truth church in christ my name is john kim i'm one of the assistants here at a pastor armin uh before we begin uh we have a couple announcements uh that i'd like to make first off we had a fantastic morning we had a large number of people give their lives to the lord so let's give them a big round of applause all right and then uh so congratulations uh you are on the right path and uh may the lord bless you mightily next is next saturday we have an event here uh evangelist john ramirez will be inviting also his prophets for those of you that have not experienced prophecy it is i highly recommend it the whole every it's just you need to come okay um sign ups will be on john ramirez's website at www.john ramirez or you can sign up at our website at our for those of you that are not familiar with prophecy you know many of you think you know what am i doing here what's my purpose in life oh you know nobody knows what i'm going through with these prophets they have an intimate relationship with the lord and whatever the lord tells them to say they communicate those words to us now prophecy is to give hope and a direction in our lives so very important that you do receive a prophecy it'll not only give you hope but also make sure that you are on the right path and do what you were created to do okay next is uh so sign up next uh this week 11 a.m in the morning saturday that's when it begins uh next is uh we're going to continue our zoom fellowship you can find the link on our website that's where pastor armand will teach as far as go deeper into the bible i'll show you how to read the bible how to pray answer whatever questions that you may have so it'll be it's every tuesdays at six in the evening next we have prayer here at church on wednesdays at six in the evening it's open to everybody so we encourage you to come next we have a gofundme page as you know it's awfully chilly in this building at the moment and we need a heater all right just take whatever i said take the exact opposite it's super hot in here and we're we are looking to finance a air conditioning unit and so if you find it in your heart to bless his church we'd be absolutely grateful okay uh next is uh you can check us out check us out on our youtube page at army ministry and our facebook page as well at foundation of truth church in christ and last but not least shakespeare once said cometh the hour cometh the man let's give a big round of applause to evangelist john ramirez all right with that said we're going to begin with some worship music you're my life lord you're my hope and you are my strength [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is with all of my strength all my [Music] is [Music] of my life is [Music] is hallelujah amen we worship you jesus [Music] lord i lift your name lord i lift your name on [Music] you came from [Music] all right [Music] foreign but i love to sing your praises [Music] is to the spouse [Music] is [Music] i see the king of glory coming [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] rising up to [Music] selfless [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] loved me [Music] as i go from nothing to [Music] eternity [Music] oh [Music] there is [Music] there is none that is i give you [Music] there is [Music] you [Music] for yourself [Music] oh [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do i can search is none love no one else [Music] we worship each other [Music] is i give you praise [Music] there is [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is see praises to yours [Music] i seek praises to yours [Music] raises to your head [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] to be [Music] jesus thank you master i give you praise and honor holy spirit we give you praise and honor jesus blessed master bless your people bless today's service bless your servant john ramirez and holy spirit thank you for this divine time deliver your people heal them holy spirit jesus says through his finger he cast out demons master bless your people today is your day in jesus mighty name and god's people said amen amen all right guys please sit down for a second i apologize it's um it's a little bit hot but we we're getting through you know maybe next week we will have ac i'm working on it it's not that easy especially when it's deliverance services satan is always trying to you know bring his own ideas but he can't god is good and man god is good every ministry always struggled because of him but on the end we win you know how many came two weeks ago when john ramirez was here you guys all knew only two the rest of our new how many people attended to his meetings phew wow well welcome thank you for coming and as you know he's very gifted a lot of people been delivered in our ministry in his ministry he just came from palm spring by the way and and he's going to tell you the testimony it was a great testimony i'm not going to tell what happened but it's a great testimony they had a great deliverance praise jesus now i just want to say something that it's in my heart well today honestly we had a water baptism and we baptized a lot of people today and few of them are here so they're going to come forward and we're going to pray for them in two weeks in two months actually next month probably i'll do another one because there's two people the one who want to be baptized one is from canada and the other one is from china so i'm not sure why they're coming here but we're very glad to do it let's praise god you know i'm not sure why they're coming here but we will do it and i'm very happy that we have opportunity to bless people and those who wants to be baptized if you receive jesus christ if you know it lord we we are open to baptized everyone and we charge ten thousand each person and then you have to hold your bread about our if you don't do it we cannot baptize it no just kidding we do the baptism in our pool i have a very big pool it's called ocean we we do there okay it's very cool it's very nice it's my own a pool so my father made that and give it to me and i remember one time when we were baptizing like about 40 people i see this police came and he literally helped us and nobody bothered us he stayed there like almost one hour once we done he left we didn't pay him anything he just came out of nowhere so praise jesus we're gonna have a good time today and um just wanna share a few things and then we're gonna invite john ramirez man of god here um the reason we're doing this because there is a need of deliverance a lot of people being delivered i don't wanna trash talk but a lot of pastors they don't do the job they're supposed to teach their congregation their people about deliverance but as far as i heard i had meetings with a lot of pastors myself they don't believe deliverance i'm not blaming them but people are suffering and and jesus says go and preach the gospel cast out demons deliver them that was the message and we should learn about terminology that's our job and i'm thankful but john ramirez he take that responsibility he carry on and and i'm telling you he's doing very very good job i monitor he's blessing everybody he praying for 400 people 500 people and he never if someone comes to him he never turn them back always says come on i will pray for you that's actually very kind and we we're thankful that he stands for god's people you know i always said the reason god bless king david because the scripture says he blessed king david because of the nation of israel he cared about his people and god bless king david so and i know god can bless him more and more and more because i can see i'm not a prophet but sometimes we can go there you know and see what what god have for him so it's it's an honor always honor that he always here in glendale in los angeles in california and blessing our people amen i mean seriously and and um you know it's it's it's good thing to be healed but it's another thing to be delivered like i always said to people you can be a good father you can be a good christian you can be everything in good but if you have a curse the scripture says that needs to be break if you don't break that honestly that curse always going to pull you back into that place so you guys came up good place and and just accept you your your deliverance you're going to be delivered you're going to be free and those who are watching god is good amen if you cannot if you unable to come i apologize i'm a little bit tired because ocean almost swallowed me i tried to swim i couldn't swim i thought i can but i couldn't and then thank god i'm alive and if you guys want to come with me you guys welcome so i was struggling in the water i said lord am i done i said will you save me john is coming today so anyway this is this is what i want to say uh we're going to continue until we go home because i want god's people to be free i had demons in my life before i don't know how they came honestly i don't know i still don't know why they came into my life what did i do wrong i we always we people always said we done nothing wrong but they were there so uh i was confused i i said jesus then million times they didn't go away i cry and more i cry more bad thing happened to me and then like i always said in my testimony he killed me he physically killed me i don't know how he did it but he killed me and and then i find out that i have a curse in my life and i don't know it was from my father bloodline cursed lying god knows i still don't know where that thing come from but came and started tormenting me i had a depression anxiety i had a fear i experienced all of them if you think i didn't experience i experienced it in a deep dimension in a way that i pulled a gun and tried to kill myself two times so if you think i don't understand you i do understand you and i saw myself nothing he always told me that you're nobody my self still was very low very low i pretended that i'm doing fine but i was not my finances was very bad my marriage was very bad and the point where i don't know what's happening so i experience everything i experience everything you experience and john ramirez experience what you experience and i'm thankful that we experience because i understand you i had pain in my body i had sicknesses came to me curses everything so i decided i told the lord i said will you allow me to call john ramirez because he's your servant you call him you know the plan will you allow me to do services here in california so i pray and i call this man of god and i offer him i said will you come regular basis can we do meetings here and he said yes and then we're doing almost three years saving a lot of people in jesus mighty name and i'm telling you it's a challenge work it's a big work but yet we're doing the job and i'm very glad amen so um one lady asked me what's the difference between you and the religious church yesterday because we have our own religious church in my country apostolic church we call this is where where armenian people are and and russians are orthodox and i said well the difference is we deliver people they don't we heal people they don't we we give them guidance they don't it's religion they never give you anything they just want your money and nothing else so i said this is what we do when when john sent his disciples to jesus he says are you the guy he said well go tell them this is what i do people get healed delivered so praise god god give us this opportunity and i want to say thank you all you guys attended amen we're going to keep doing this in jesus name amen so let's invite john ramirez man of god here and we're going to give service to him just just just pray in your heart something good going to happen can you play something man of god can you come i'm going to put this down and i'm going to sit right here man of god i'm very [Music] all right that's the microphone [Music] blessings how are you man you're good you're hot [Music] you're hot how is it you ha and people complain about being hot in church but when you're at the club sweating and dancing [Music] when you were in the club doing your thing you didn't know how to dance you were dancing to the words you weren't even dancing to the rhythm but you were dancing at the club no one said i was hot no one's saying you know oh i can't handle it i gotta go home no one complained about the club you were like up there you were like last call for alcohol give me two i know i was doing it i drank i used to drink 17 coronas i used to drink a half a half a pint of a cutting lemon have demon possess and drive home [Music] have demon possess and drive home so i drove i drove i drove like half and the demon drove the other half to take me home [Music] that's how crazy was and i never ever complained that was hot until god sends me to hell i said whoa this is a hot place cause that door i thought palm springs yesterday was hot but that's like the palm tree it's like in the border of hell [Music] amen i mean my brother lives over there and someone one of my brothers lived there right up there that's like in the border of hell i got off the car with 120. my sneakers melt oh i was like the service ever started and the devil's already here [Music] and people didn't complain people didn't complain the place was packed out am i right the place was packed out why because when you want something you're desperate for something you go get it when you're desperate when you're desperate for drugs when you were desperate for drugs you went to get it and it cost [Music] someone say hallelujah when you wanted that fix your kid wouldn't take what you had to go to to go get that fix to go get high and now we like too laid back too comfortable for jesus like we like oh jesus you know if you only had like an angel sitting next to me breathe on me to the whole service you know so i can cool off i mean the the the mentality of the church today you with me the mentality of the church today it's a convenient comfortable and make it easy and then i serve you no one wants to pay a price no one wants to count the course but the pastor went to sleep oh [Music] i think i don't baptize people praise the lord first of all i see i want every year i watch shark week i ain't going to ocean to baptize you that's for sure i ain't gonna be no one's dinner that's for sure god might sound like a christian shark you know he said lord bless the fool i'm about to eat ain't gonna be me puerto ricans don't go in the water we don't do unless you throw us overboard you throw us off the ship and then we got no choice but to swim to shore but we don't do oh we don't do uh beach with me look how many people people like oh here you go again that brother is racist you know there was one guy yesterday he got he got he got he manifested because i talked about trump he was kicking the chairs and everything i said that was a good church service he was like he was manifested right he was kicking the chairs and everything he went crazy he had the demon trump on him you see when you say certain things you can see who's in the spirit and who's religious that's why when you say certain thing before before i get into the message let me say something real quick a couple by three years ago i went to i went to see uh i went to have lunch with katy perry's dad and they told me he's a he's a minister he's in ministry for 50 years right so to me 50 years in ministry you polish you sharp you you know you got it going you know you look like a debbie walkerson you know suit you know ty you know a nice haircut you know you mean you're just presenting 50 years of ministry when i went to see this guy this dude was whacked out i was like no wonder the door is whacked out i mean he was whacked out dressed up like a hippie rings and all his fingers and then when the first introduction he said to me he said you see this watch i already knew what kind of watch i knew it was like running presidential rolex i said okay and he said my daughter bought it for me for my birthday that that thing was about a hundred grand that's okay then we went to we went and then he had he had a dog called louie we dressed up i mean lou was dressed up new habit louis vuitton on him he was louie louvitar the dog hat and we we had lunch in this crazy i mean off the hook uh country club santa barbara like right over the ocean right and we're talking and we're having a good time are you saying you know who pays for this country club i said well let me guess your daughter he said yeah 250 a year and five thousand dollars a month that's okay i guess for lunch is free so we ordered lunch we're eating but one thing about that brother i had a religious hair only one religious hair one that thing stood out when i was talking to him because i couldn't believe he was dressed that way i couldn't believe he was acting that way i couldn't believe that he was talking that way and then when i started to talk to him and he opened up and the anointing hit him that relationship went [Music] it dropped he started sharing his testimony he started sharing the power of god the holy spirit took over the whole country club right there sitting with that man see because we see what's in the outside but we don't know what the treasure that is in the inside [Applause] we don't see the treasure that is inside because the bible said we are tr we are earthly vessels and he got treasured god had treasure and earthly vessels you with me and pastor right here you where you like mr d like the movie you ever seen the movie mr d's it's too heavy it's too hot over there we want that we just want to we just want to just before i got a short message but i want to answer i want to ask you one question i want you to sit on this question i want you to sit on this question all right because we always talk about blessings we talk about victory we talk about prosperity we talk about you know breakthrough we talk about you know i'm more than a conqueror we talk about these words right and it's a place in the body of christ that we have these words and they and they they have this value in in in those words my breakthrough uh you know my victory you know my blessing i'm prospering and all i mean we got that down packed to the tee i mean we can say that without our eyes closed you with me we can we can we can just get out of bed and just say it but let me ask you one question before i before i just want to throw this question at you and then i'm just gonna do one more thing what do you do what do you do at the what do you do at the cord at the core of your hardship what do you do how you represent jesus at the court of your hardship your hardship could be a year six months three months three years six years ten years what do you do in the court of your hardship oh he got quiet now what do you do who are you who are you in the court of your hardship because we easy to testify when we get blessed oh give me the mic i'll testify that god delivered me from true gum you're crazy sit down i gotta deliver you don't just take the pack away i'm out i mean everybody's ready every guy everybody's mother got a testimony what do you do in the process what do you do when you're in the fire how you live when you're in the court of your hardship complain why murmur gossip how do you live see people people don't want to confront the two because we so easy jumping from church to church because i want to fix i'm a junkie i'm a christian junkie i want a message that will make i want to mention it make me happy you're a junkie i want a message that just you make me happy here let me get it here or give it to me over here jesus want one of those messages you know that's why you just a bunny rabbit jumping from one church to another what do you do and if you don't like the message take it up with jesus but i'm gonna get you straight and i'm gonna get you ready so when the next child come around you know what to do because as long as you're living they're gonna come trials are coming testings are coming as long as you're living for jesus christ not for the world for jesus notice you said i'm a believer i put my trust in him i'm going to live for him you are on the radar of the devil with me so pastor and i we want to ask you from the goodness of our hearts if you can bless the ministry what an offering because i came here for free and i didn't pay any action no money and i don't want any money i came here because i wanted to serve today you know i didn't go to the beach because i don't do beach but i came here today because i wanted to preach something to you i wanted to i preached in uh in palm spring yesterday it was amazing and i'm very tired today and i'm pretty next week is going to be amazing next week we got my prophetic friends are coming from new york delaware they're coming from the east coast to bless you because i want to bring all kind of different blessings here i want all kind of different anointing that i trust that people that would know i know that when you come here you're going to be transformed i ain't bringing no give me give me my name is jimmy kind of a pimp to mess you up i'm bringing people to build you up not to mess you up to build you up and bring those people here responsible people people that love god love the kingdom and love god's people and want to pull themselves out for you those are the kind of people i'm bringing here there was another friend of mine i i don't want to mess up her testimony i'm bringing here and i i i she her name is jessie and she she's been in the darkest places of the witchcraft world i want to bring it here too and manchester you can hear what she's saying i'm telling myself i got the illuminati other things am i right i mean crazy stuff illuminati taught her when she left i think they offered 12 million or 20 million dollars they offered to come back and she said no i'm going with jesus money can't buy me i'm going with jesus i mean we talking about 12 i think it was 12 or 20 mil they offered to come back she said no i'm going with jesus okay so so i'm those are the kind of people i'm bringing hardcore people to shake you and break you and make you hardcore too i'm bringing those kind of people here i'm bringing a friend of mine his name is richard kepler he has his watchman radio ministry he's like this crazy white boy he come out the basement that brother's anointed crazy we've done deliverance from 2011. we've done corporate deliverance i'm bringing him to in november to do crazy corporate deliverance manifesting we know we did we did something so powerful at the marriott hotel and 45th street and broadway manhattan they hit the hotel they threw us out they got security he throws out that's how powerful it was they shook the hotel they had security cam to come up there and we need to leave that until one in the morning casting out demon homing by ourselves too crazy one puerto rican one white boy crazy cats are not demons like creating for jesus no security camera and squirters out you gotta go you're crazy you can't be doing this here anything listen we can't write that stuff for you anymore we don't know who you are we like the sons of thunder bringing i want to bring those kind of people here to to mature you to make you grow because whatever i do in your life and you do for someone else's life i get a half a credit in heaven that's right if you got off the little bus in school you know what half a credit means you're hustling for that half a credit hey man so i want you to give pastor and i like i said we're working on the ac situation we are saving money for the acs we're going to get pre-owned acs we're going to try to get the best ones but the best price to make this place comfortable for you amen but if you help us we can make that happen amen i'm not pimping you i didn't charge you to come in here and i'm not saying well you know that's just over there got one thousand that brother over there got ten thousand over there like the pimp preachers on tv get from your heart bless the lord and i tell you one thing god will bless you back amen amen so give so i could give you the message if we could get on where's the little people a lot of people are stand up they're standing already they still look little where are they with my mama [Music] unless she go what you did your hair [Music] miriam she just made her look at her hey man you did the hair you did her hair oh who did it you did it you messed it up i'm gonna get a lawyer i'm gonna get a lawyer you know about the prophecy men of god this building it was established by the prophecy yeah and this i was in the church they kicked me out of that church and the the church owner was a pastor he said you i have to get out of this place and he give me a police order and i just want to say how important prophecy is you know and those people who are watching me i was in this church that church was almost dead he he used to be a good church and then he was dead so this pastor asked me if i can build his church and my church together so i was agree and then like a couple months later we did very good job we started inviting his people so anyway the uh the church was packed and the pastor get jealous he was very old he said he said close this and go home i said what do you mean i mean we were working for a month he says if you don't leave i call the police i said you look you can do that you're a pastor you don't call a pastor another pastor of police he said that's it and then i came back i saw a piece of paper says you have two weeks notification you have to leave i was very desperate because i you know i tried to find a place here in glendale it's not easy and i don't want to name names because i don't think it's nice because politics will if they hear us they might get mad but it was a president back then he was killing the churches here and i couldn't find the place so i pray i said lord i need a place so i call the prophet i said prophet i'm very desperate i need a place for god's people and she said let me pray and she said there is this big building nice parking lot and has number seven on it and we were looking everywhere we couldn't find it i called her i said sorry but there is no building like that she said don't don't test god and she hang up on me and i'm like okay so what should i do now so i i was praying i said lord okay where is this building and then this lady came she's completely unbeliever god sent an unbeliever she came to my church she said the number of the building is 735 and then we start looking for 7 35 and then i was passing by i told the people in my car said go check the number of this building something is telling me that this is the building so i came and this was the building now here the funny part i came to this place and i was tired on the other side i said jesus i don't understand why we're here all the time can you give me another building he said no you stay here i'm not finished yet and look what we're doing today here you know this is what come up honestly one prophecy allow me to keep continue serving the lord it's very important i'm recommending all of you guys to sign up and come don't i want to see you guys all here next week saturday it's not expensive it's only 49 my son was sick devil told me he's gonna die i call a prophet i said what god has for my son and he prophesy over my son that he's gonna be a great man here i know that god has a plan for my son prophecy is very important i'm not going to say any more because it's his so please sign in today once you finish the service go because we have a limited seat i cannot have more than i'm not going to say that number but that we cannot have more than what whatever we have god bless you thank you man of god is yours amen you unders you understand importance of the fivefold ministry amen and i wanna i wanna impugn i want to i want to and bring to you the fightful ministry people that have really carried that anointing people that carry that truth about jesus christ amen for your life and man if you is there something in life today about what we are today in time and time and time where we are today if you don't equip yourself and get yourself ready and get yourself mature and get yourself prepared and get yourself equipped you're not gonna make the kingdom of heaven there's many people that i know today they're not serving god they're not serving god anymore they don't come to church anymore they don't want to have no relationship with god more people that i knew they were on fire one time people they were like i'm i mean we told him i didn't miss a beat in the things of god now they know where to be found you with me they know where to be found because something happened down the road down the journey because you see god never promised you listen to me god read that scripture for me please listen to the scripture first first peter chapter one peter an apostle of jesus christ to the strangers scattered through our ponchos galatia cabalosia asia and bithynia elect according to the foreknowledge of god the father through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of jesus christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied in other words we go beyond that beyond that beyond that speaks about peter said counted all joy content or joe when you go into fiery trials don't think it's strange to you and tonight to i you understand what i'm saying hey don't count this strange don't count it wow it's a mystical thing that i'm being tested that i'm going through a trial what is your responsibility what is your your calling what is your calling what is your calling in the midst in in the place in a place that you're in the furnace that you are in you're in the place that you don't feel or see or you don't feel the god touching you where where the the chord the chord the chord of your heart shift that people sitting here you're going to something you're going to something the court of your hardship god never promised you listen god never promised you that god never made a promise to you that your life there will not be no trials and suffering think about it god never promised you that you have an easy life the modern day fake christian church tell you come to jesus you got no worries in the world they tell you you have no worries come to jesus and everything is gonna be free everything's gonna be easy everything's gonna be light everything's gonna be happy that's the church of the devil to church or the devil will tell you that the the fake church the modern day church jesus never made a promise that our lives us in life trials and suffering will come will come we'll come you and me why why would they come where would they come because jesus wants to refine us and mold us to his image and it is amazing in the book of malachi it speaks about the man that's sitting on the on the refiner's fire and he's taking off the broth the broth of the refined fire and when he sees look down into the goal he doesn't see you he's in himself in you the book of malachi speaks about the man that's sitting on the refined fight that's jesus sitting taking off the broth of your life so when he looked down he don't see john or he don't see you he see himself in you you should be his ref his the the goal should be so clean that when he looks down the reflection that he sees he's himself what do you do what do you do it's not a life to live for yourself that's new age that's new age or for the things of the world god ain't god didn't pay a price for you so you can live for yourself or for the things of the world god didn't pay a price god didn't he didn't purchase you so you can do you so you can do you god didn't purchase it you can do you he purchases you you can do him he him particularly you can do it well today's monday i do monday tuesday i do mean wednesday and thursday i do the holy spirit then friday friday and saturday whatever i do i do jesus i walked out of schedule i mean think about it think about it right think about it mold you into his image not to do you not to do yourself or to do not to do yourself or a beat or do the things of the world but god has called you god has called you to live with our stretched hands god has called you to live without stretch hand you know when you stretch your hands out you know what that means i'm just a sign of surrender to him i'm only i'm surrendered all to him you can't have all of jesus if you don't give it or you don't give all of you it is it's not negotiable it's i live with hands that are stretched out but i stretch my hands out because i need him every day i stretch my hand out because i come in agreement with him i stretch my hand out because i need his anointing i stretch my hand because i need his wisdom i stretch my because i need the strategies of heaven to keep me going because if i stop stretching my hand the waitress will come for me the day i stop stretching my hand you'll go to my funeral because the witches are still upset not because of fear baby i don't feel no rich you you could sit right in the front row i spank them all don't mean nothing to me i'm christian ganster baby i'm i'm christian ghetto i proved it i was i was in i was in saint croix and the wall offense and kroy came and he came to the meeting he pushed all the christians out he came to the author he put the finger in my face and he said oh i'm the i'm the warlock i'm saying i'll destroy you man i say i'm i when the fight was over he was laying on the floor like roomba he cleaned the whole entire church because i seen too much in jesus to think that this witch in front of me is going to do something to me they can prepare all the witchcraft spell man i i still remember some ingredients i i'm making for you here take it no one knew more witchcraft than me every witchcraft that i knew worked every spell that i put on people work every wish crap i put on people tormented people the only one that i need don't even witchcraft that i did never work was the one i did to the lady that was my book my first book is called amazing grace that i put a witchcraft for her that i should have killed in two weeks and god showed up and god said god told the devil and the devil came and told me we got to leave her alone and i said why he said how god said you can't touch her that was the only time i fell in witchcraft in 25 years because god showed up and god said you can't touch her even though this you were living in sin even though she was she was a woman in in in the book of john chapter eight she was the woman that recorded adultery god said you can't touch that because the mercy of god is too big it's bigger than witchcraft god said you can't touch that the only time the only time i fail you know in total until the time that i fell that i should project and christian knew how to pray and i was actually projecting to curse the neighborhood and i was actually projecting and 25 years these christians knew how to pray and they killed my assignment at night after projecting in 25 years so so so my my question what do you do what do you do i live with stretch our hand stretch our hands stretch our hands i'm not looking for happy gold messages i'm not looking for happy girl messages i don't i'm not searching for the happy church i'm not searching i'm not searching for that church that that lack the understanding of who god is i need you to challenge me i need you to i need you i need your message to challenge me i need your message to upset me because if you mention don't challenge me upset me you got nothing for me oh you guys kitty weedy i don't do kitty weedy i remember when wilkerson used to preach david walker to preach i said in times square church and i see people get up and walk out they couldn't handle it because the sins what your sins will call you out so what do you do what do you do what do you do what do you do when you're you're in that place when you're in that place that you don't see god you don't feel god everything everything around you is dark everything around your stale what do you do you quit you give up what do you do what are you doing in that place that you ain't the paul said that we press from every i've been pressed i've been i feel like sometimes i feel like uh sometimes i feel like like an olives crush i've been there i've been i mean jews come out of me crush press every side but never destroy never destroy what do you do what do you what do you do it it is it is god's way we do is the way god wants us to do it it is god's way it is god we do a disservice to pursue god in a way that he's not there you catch that we do a disservice to god to the holy spirit to pursue god in a way that he's not there he doesn't live in in those places that you're pursuing them i'm not talking about places of sin i'm talking places that god is not there the situation that you do something or you or you pray about something and you just test the name of god on it it's like the churches we celebrate churches to celebrate halloween and then put the name of jesus on it jesus is not there understand jesus is not there pursuing him pursuing him while he in the places he's not there you will never find god doing it your way you'll never find him doing it your way at the cord of your hardship listen to me i'm going to give you something if you're on the court of your hardship if you do it god's way you're with me in the court of your heart listen this year was my rough year this year was no i didn't see no happy day with jesus walk and i was singing like oh lord when the devil's gonna come off me you know when my sister died december 31st 2020 at seven when people were selling saying happy new year my sister passed away 29 years old she left my two little nieces behind six and seven my sister i prayed for my sister i prayed my heart out i cried my heart out i prayed for i stole him heaven and god still took her okay i in in january i had eye surgery somewhere in midfield i had another eye surgery i was blind for almost two months okay it wasn't an easy year for me in the court of my heart my court of my hardship i still worship the king i knew how to stay in my place i knew how to stay in my lane i knew how to handle the situation because i've seen he done so much to me in the years past that i know he's going to do it for me again he's going to do it for me again and i see my mom cry and i did my i did my sister's funeral and my mom had to get this little fat priest to come and little fat priest came and he came he looked like he looked like the pittsburgh boy he came in uh he came and he did uh he did whatever the crazy stuff they do in catholic church because my sister was gonna the best one of the best cemeteries in in the bronx is one of the catholic seminary cemeteries so they got a you know mandate you have to bring uh you know mr yo-yo to come do something so he came he preached he preached some crazy stuff i preached right after i had to clean up his mess he was talking about well you know in the coming days you're going to fear her you're going to fear her she's going to be next to you and uh you're going to feel her up and you're going to fear her she's going to be next to you things in your heart's going to move move around you're going to know that's hurt doing it i'm like dude you're talking witchcraft i ain't know where you know you know where you where you get that in the bible i said absolutely from the body president in the lord and opponent man died the judgment were you coming out with this crazy stuff i had to clean up his mess mystical stuff you're gonna be feeling my sister in a couple of days in the coming days you're gonna feel her and you're gonna feel her touch and she's gonna be touching you and things in the house gonna move around i might get rid of that fool let me go clean up his mess listen listen in the in the at the core of your hardship listen if you stay in that place you stay in that place trusting and believing him and knowing that he's going to bring you through i don't i before i used to cry before it was me oh lord jesus you know take this away from me take this away from me that was my prayer all the time man when the heat came lord take there take it away from me take it away from me and god said how could you mature if i don't if i don't let you go through it how could you know i'm god if i don't let you if you don't go through it you can't trust me if i don't if i don't let you go through you'll never trust me we pray lord take it away lord take it away and god said i can't i can't because i'm holding your hand if i take it away i have to let your hand go let me give you some steps why god and god wants you at the court of your hardship he wants you to stay in his eyes on him let me tell you why one you find god's mercy in the hardcore of your of your hardship and your heart and your cord of your horseshit you'll find god's mercy you with me you'll find his mercy in the court of your hardship you find his faithfulness in the hardcore in the hardcore in the hardcore of your hardship you find his strength when i'm weak i'm strong in him you find it there you find it there in the refine is fire you'll fight him there in that place in that place you find you find the strategies of having and the strategies of your life you're fine in the hardcore of your hardship you're fine your divine will you're fine you you know what you're made of you know you know what you're made of you're fine you find that place with him you find that place of your divine will you hit me you find that place you find that place listen in in the hardcore of your of your hardcore of your heart your your core of your of your hardship you find in that place you find a relationship with the holy spirit you're fine the holy spirit becomes your best friend not your pastor not john the holy spirit will become your friend he'll become your comforter he'll become the peace that surpasses the storm he becomes the victory he becomes he'll become that wind that will blow underneath your wings and he'll carry you to the he'll carry you to the finish line he'll carry you and when you look back after you're done you do that cord of your hardship when you look back the only footprints you see it's his understand because he carried you you couldn't carry yourself come on people we're having church today we have in church today in the hardcore in the hardcore of the hardcore of your hardship you're fine listen you find the times you'll find you'll be able to know and discern the times that you're in you'll be able to discern the times that you're in i'm not talking about your time clock i'm talking about spiritual time i love this place we look like the black church i can say that the black church like that puerto rican church if you do this you're going to hell you put makeup you're going to hell makeup coming off you're going to hell never go to a puerto rican church no recommended because everybody's going to hell according to the pastor i'm almost finished listen listen in the hard court in the court of your hardship listen you will defeat the devil the one that's standing over your life you will defeat that devil the one that's standing looking over your life the bible said they will come to seek to see who he can about you'll defeat that you defeat that devil that's trying to seek you and devour you you'll defeat that devil with me you would defeat that devil and i end with this you are able you are able to live in listen you are able to live in a place you're able to live a place in a hardcore of your your hardcore the core of your hardship you're able to live in a place that could you could glorify his name god doesn't want you to glorify his name when everything is easy when you're having when you're having six figures and you're driving a jaguar and you have a house and a yacht and a boat and a helicopter i can worship god that way my eyes closed but you don't have nothing but when you have nothing but hell that you know that you need all you need is help and you're in that place of hardship and your friends left you and your and your brother and sister from church stop praying for you because your trials taking too long now you know we can't pray for you anymore because we we need someone new to pray for because i mean you've been on this thing baby for a year i mean i'm tired of praying people people don't even ask me on facebook anymore how's your eyesight doing because the first two weeks everybody was on praying for me after the two weeks people were dropping off people were dropping off they were like oops i'm tired that brother john he better get his eyesight quick because you know i mean i'm trying to pray for him think about it but the holy spirit is always praying for you the holy spirit is our entities this one that intercedes for you day and night and night and day he doesn't stop into sitting on your behalf so in the hardship in the court of your hardship you'll be able to raise up your hands and glorify him so what do you do and if this is i'm done what do you do what do you do what do you do that's what you're doing let me give you the last piece let me give you the last piece what you do you fight the good fight and you trust him that's what you do you fight the good fight and you trust him get off that false theology get off that worry free church fight the good fight i know people in here i can i can point them out they still fighting the good fight my sister you still fighting the good fight over your marriage still fighting the good fight with my my sister used to fighting the good fight over your son they got killed my sister you still fighting the good fight over your marriage okay i can name people here they're still fighting the good fight they're not giving up they're going to they're going to work the devil down because they know how to run a race they know how to stay in their place in the ho in the hard court in the court of the the the storm and the in the place in the place that other people don't want to pray for them anymore they're still standing and not that sworn in the fire with them and god's promises don't have expiration dates you got someone saying i'll come in with you and then there before they'll be calling you up here oh you know something came up guys god doesn't do that all he's saying is fight the good fight and trust me and you see what i do for you if you fight the good fight you fight the good fight and trust me look what i do for you come and i pray for you i guess you stuck to your seat huh it must be hot plastic seats you're stuck to your seats come i pray for you in your heart let's pray let's pray let's pray at the at the quarter of your hardship let's pray for strength [Music] right [Music] oh that sister needs to leave early where are we right here she's standing right there listen listen paul listen let me just say one more thing i want you to catch this man because i want you to understand this and catch this pause come on brother you come up here and pray with me paul said at the end of his life paul had a crazy resume and in his life paul said one thing he said one thing is i fought the good fight he said for the good fight everything that i was supposed to accomplish i didn't because i stood in a place that god wanted me to stay you want me i fought the good fight right that means he you know what he's saying i finish with honors i finish with honors that's what he said i finish for honors i honor god that's the honors he talked about i finished your honor i honor him because what he gave me i completed now i go get my crown listen jesus said the same thing jesus at the cross he said it is finished i did everything that my dad told me to do [Music] with no complaints he said the same thing paul said i did yeah jesus said it is finished in the end of your journey let those be your words it is finished i did everything that god called me to do i didn't disappoint him relax my sister no one is laughing at nobody we don't know the condition the next person next to you understand that okay i know him he's in he's he's uh he's he's a straight-up guy he's just going through some stuff okay so so understand that okay understand that okay i want you to finish a race i want you to make jesus christ proud and i want you to live a life that has worth that has value no one could take it away from you no one gave it to you but god when in my devil worshiping days i lived a life that was so dark so disconnected to my life i lost years from i lost years to be with my daughter i broke broken promise my daughter would stay by the window waiting for her dad and he never showed up but i showed off for the demons but he showed up for my daughter and i thank god that he knows how to multiply he took the fragmented pieces of my only daughter in my relationship with her he put him back together today i hold a picture in my phone right here to show you i will picture my phone to show that god is good that god is good this is my life this is what i wanted back this is what this is what i wanted back i wanted my relationship my daughter back and now i have to look at the picture and say i got it see i got it because god did it for me hey man i was talking to my mom today and she was saying how proud she is because my mom my mommy knew my mommy knew me as a monster as a devil worshiper and now i travel the world for jesus christ amen and i pray my mom became a christian because my mom was a job witness for eight years and now she's a christian we talk bible talk we don't talk knocking on people's doors we're not the avon lady and we don't work in home depot god has things for you too god has things for you because god doesn't make junk god made great originals and you want to know let's pray raise up your hands my sister raise up your hand give it to jesus and give it to him in the name of jesus christ right now give it to him in the name of jesus christ right now give them all your pain give them all your hurt give them right now you you're you're in the place you're in the place right now that you don't feel them you don't see you know what's going on but god said i got you he said i got you my daughter i'm gonna bring you through i'm gonna bring you through just lift up your hands and give me glory father right now we break every demonic stronghold every demonic attack against my precious sister we break it off her in the name of jesus christ right now lord we smash we break destroy dispense every torment and devil that's tormented in the name of jesus christ father right now in the name of jesus father break every demonic stronghold break a demonic attack against her right now father have your ways upon my sister she came here because she came in faith to receive what you have for her because she's gonna go pick up her little daughter father right now in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways have your ways in the name of jesus have your ways receive what god has for you receive what god has to do amen you good come here i'm gonna wear come here give me a hug as we pray as i come to you just let me pray don't look don't stare at me stare at jesus let me just come and pray let's come in agreement for your victory let's come agree me for what god has for you don't let the devil rob you man don't let that don't be a christian don't be incomplete christian don't be a medieval christian live the life that god call for you fully completely and you can say it's finished i i fought the good fight hey man my little people stand over here with me we're gonna do a simple prayer amen all my little people over here on this side you're my homies you're my you're my posse we rolling deep we're gonna call ourselves the og amen let me pray for my sister let me pray for you where's that girl what was the lady that came in the name of jesus completely right now in the name of jesus lord right now he'll look completely right now holy spirit fire in the name of jesus christ right now in the name of jesus right now holy spirit right now right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now holy spirit right now in the name of jesus heal her ears here right now holy spirit let the fire of god fall upon right now in the name of jesus right now holy spirit right now in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways in the name of jesus christ lord we touch your degree jesus right now pre-run her breathe on her breathe on her and we break every demonic attack break in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus break in the name of jesus christ we break every demon every devil that's tormenting you right now in the name of jesus right now holy spirit have your ways upon her right now right in a break in the name of jesus christ lord heal heal her completely in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now holy spirit right now right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus holy spirit right now fire in the name of jesus right now let's try fire right now receive your healing your breakthrough in jesus name right now right now right now in the name of jesus right now lord right now right now holy spirit right now right now receive it receive it in the name of jesus receive it receive it in jesus name receive it receive it receive it receive it in the name of jesus receive it right now receive it in the name of jesus this is your relative your mama okay she is she receiving in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father have your ways have your ways in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus tell her ask her what she's feeling [Music] huh but he's breaking off her take these things off why would she listen to music tyler asker in the name of jesus [Music] um [Music] [Music] sheep jesus jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] um [Music] yeah oh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] give me witchcraft right now i break it up [Music] come on come out freedom [Music] come on [Music] [Music] that's right [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you [Music] [Music] fires right now right now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] [Music] great all right [Music] [Music] break it um [Music] [Music] so [Music] right [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sleeping [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] great so [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] fire [Music] all right right [Music] right [Music] [Music] right now ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i am [Music] so so [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] so hello [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] help us [Music] great [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] right come on [Music] [Music] so down down you gotta go you gotta gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] job [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Armen Ministries
Views: 8,732
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: #christian, #teaching, #sundaychurchservice, johnramirez, deliverance, jesuschrist
Id: X-g-uwMacHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 24sec (8544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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