Spiritual Warfare Training With Evangelist John Ramirez

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to help you read and understand what the bible is and so we do have a zoom uh fellowship every tuesday at six you can grab the link off of our website like i said pastor armand is here to teach you guys how to read the bible pastor rahman studies hebrew greek armenian russian english except for spanish but that's what john ramirez is for anyways next is uh when you do under you know start reading about the word next thing you need to know is about spiritual things okay evangelist john ramirez he knows about how the spirit realm works remember at the end of the day we're all spirits anyways we're spirits encased in flesh and bones right we're just a vessel we're spirit on top of being a spirit we have a soul angels do not have souls angels do not have the ability to repent they don't have the ability to forgive only we do and god as well so it's important to learn about the spirit world that's what evangelist john ramirez can will teach so there's a lot of information out there for that these guys offer so his website is john ramirez.org and to finish up john ramirez will be here every month so we will send out notifications and we encourage all of you guys to come back and so we like john said yesterday we want to teach about spiritual warfare and get you guys trained to set you guys free so with that said um we're going to start with some worship music amen let's praise the lord [Music] blessed be the name of god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] tv [Music] his name [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign amen praise the lord [Music] you make me want [Music] you let [Music] you are my jesus [Music] so [Music] you are my jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my jesus you are my jesus you are my jesus [Music] hallelujah you are the true shepherd lord jesus we hallelujah and honor you hallelujah [Music] ah for the lord god [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] what is [Music] oh [Music] hi worthy is [Music] is [Music] worshiping through your spirit [Music] oh [Music] let's sing hallelujah people come on [Music] one more time please [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] holy [Applause] you are holy come on people one more [Music] time [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] you are a holy jesus holy spirit breathe [Music] upon us holy spirit thank you jesus [Music] precious holy spirit our comforter our comforter [Music] loving people [Music] love him your spirit [Music] let's go [Music] jesus upon us master i give you praise [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] as i walk through the door i felt his presence [Music] and i know this is the place come on close your eye tell the lord to visit you come on people this is the temple jehovah god we are standing [Music] in his presence and wholely crowd one more time [Music] when i i sing his presence and i know oh he's your people this is the place [Music] [Music] come on frank we are standing in the holy grail [Music] oh i give you praise holy spirit [Music] we are standing in this presence and holy ground pastor thank you for your presence bless this service bless your servant john roberts man of god anointing and bless and anoint your heritage and god's people said amen and god's people said amen god is good all the time all the time god is good god is good all the time thank you have a seat please happy resurrection day everybody [Music] and when i wandered me when all my hope is gone be faithful please be strong me oh lord i need you i need you every i need you i need you i need you and when my soul has [Music] of your wings you conquer [Music] peace you i need you every hour of the day you i need you bless me lord today cause when the world comes crashing down around me and my soul can't handle any more pain [Music] my faith is [Music] that's why we need you we need you [Music] [Music] we bless us we thank you for giving your life [Music] today [Music] oh praise jesus good job all right guys how many came yesterday let me see your hands again only a few so you guys all knew wow how many came before like before when last week the other week only a few people so you guys all first time coming how many people coming first time first time first time you know this place all right wow that's good praise welcome thank you for coming god bless you how many is ready to be saved to be delivered how many ready how many all right perfect god bless you well i'm gonna invite john ramirez to come you we had a great time yesterday a lot of people been delivered and man what a great thing happening right and um i was telling uh john ramirez that even in my country they want him to go but so far he didn't answer me yet maybe one day but even my country they recognize him and they want because you know we're small country and my country people are different like jew people you know this small people are weird but anyway uh so now they want they want him to go there too and because some countries think they're the only one exist in the world i don't know why so i i called my friend couple days ago and he said um i said what do you what do you do again i said we we we chase satan he said can you come here everybody came over here says you guys chasing satan there they go over there so he's inviting me to go so um it's a it's a great privilege to have him uh with us honestly i tell you the truth i had so many problems before one time i saw a dream and then i was so troubled and i don't know what to do and i went to him i said you know i saw this dream in the dream i saw snake was like you know he was resting and john ramirez says that he attacked you i said no and he said get ready he's preparing something against you and he said that a couple days later that thing came on me and uh you know and his prophetic is good too i tell you the truth like yesterday we he was talking to this gentleman telling about his future calling of the lord and also the lord you know sometimes when i see people and let's say people like him and i've got the prophecy over these people i in my mind i said that's not gonna happen why god choose this man and then the lord starts talking to me he says no use that too i'm gonna i'm gonna so the prophetic was awesome too so something happening here i mean and i believe something's gonna happen today too oh amen so prepare your heart we're gonna invite man of god right now let's invite him let's warmly invite him come on guys let's say let's say please man of god you're welcome let me give him a mic can you put this down put this down and ladies and gentlemen man of god right here amen thank you jesus amen hallelujah come on now you know you know what's amazing about today i mean i'm i'm giving you from the devil's perspective i'm gonna look at y'all look at your face about to run out the building right i'm giving you from the devil's perspective i don't know how you see today you see when jesus hung on the cross he said he said something so profound that it just it just blows your mind if you hear it if you catch it in your spirit jesus says something is so profound he said it is finished he said he said i'm not he said i'm not finished the devil is finished when he hung high and wide for you and i he said i'm not finished it is finished let me think come on i have a bunch of back sliders up in here that's all right you come to the altar i pray for you cast that demon of stagment it the only reason you're sitting here today because it is finished you're missing it you're not sitting here because you know you got dressed up you threw a little you know avon on your face and you came out or you you on your pants you came here because it is finished it is finished i mean jesus said i did everything and i had did everything and anything to get you there were no buddhists looking for you they were no mohammed looking for you i know muslims get upset but i don't give two hoots how you take it you with me ain't no religion looking for you ain't no virgin mary looking for you mary is crazy i know a few of those none you got to understand it is it is the messiah it is the one that sits on the circle of the earth you know what jesus said on the sucker of the earth he sits in the play high and lifted up even isaiah said war to me because he saw something that was so profound that he didn't know what to do with himself how you see him because the way you see him is how you see you if you see jesus defeated you see yourself defeated if you see jesus like you like a man then you see yourself the same way then you don't have a god you're just a religious devil you just what what's this stuff come on move it out the way don't do something 6-2 i hit my head or something just kidding my brother henry you know i love you her name is my homie understand it's how you see him it's how you see a victory how you see him you see your victory at least three people got it it is it is a place it's a place when i was sitting over there i saw eight ministry angels coming down you you having your emotional doing nothing like like a stick in the mud why you come to church let me ask you a question let's before i i say why you come to church you feel guilty will you come to church let me come to church i can go to the mall while you come to church i can stay home and fellowship by myself i'm not lonely no when you come to church you won't have an encounter you want to have something with god that will last you the whole week you want to have something so real with him i i love my brother and sister minus my my my uh my mama over here amen i love my brothers and sisters but you got to be more than that there have to be more than just me loving you i have to come and know that jesus met me in the place if there's a song i mean what's my sister she says she got it worry raise your hand do something i'm blind can't see you or some sister here you have to there's a song so he touched me this is an awesome song to say he touched me do you it's amazing because this is what happened when jesus was on the scene you with me i'm not even preaching i'm going to show you something they will preach when jesus was on the scene many people around him remember they were pressing upon him remember that you read your bible they were pressing upon them they were praying my sister right here the song they were pressing upon him pressing upon him those were emotional people and when you come to church you press upon them because you're emotional i'm teaching you something when there was one person out of hundreds of people that were president upon him he said he touched me someone touched me when you come to church you got to come to a place with jesus christ and when you come to church don't come in the natural come in the supernatural come in the supernatural because when you come in the supernatural you'll be like that woman that he said someone touched me and the disciple who walked with him ate with him had lunch with him he did everything with him he's all well you know i mean they were so stupid i don't know why i don't know what jesus is merciful jack there we go there were so many people around you lord what do you mean someone touched you well you mean someone touched you you don't see all these people pressured upon you know these are just emotional people someone touched them in the spirit have you touched them lately have you touched them lately because we come with this mindset in the church i need to be ministered to have you ministered to god have you touched his heart have you made him a smile have you made him laugh lately because if you can't minister to him you can't minister to me i mean are you are we are we are are you getting this are you getting it when you walk with the lord don't walk as a christian walk as a believer christians just a title there was many antioch christ like walk as a believer that means i believe anything god said i'm so i'm not you won't call me stupid call me stupid i believe everything he said if god says some unicorn is gonna come into that door some donkey's gonna come into the door i'm gonna believe it i know a unicorn is gonna come into that door i know some of you are freaking out like wow unicorn that brother is a devil worshiper are you talking about unicorns on a sunday when i'm talking about unicorns i'm talking about that god will tell you something that is impossible for you to believe it's impossible for your mind to understand but your heart will receive it you ever had have you ever wrestled with your mind in your heart have you ever wrestled with your mind your heart you're like is it god talking to me because this stuff in my mind don't make no sense this stuff in my mind this is just crazy this stuff in my mind you know it's just delirious this stuff in my mind just sounds stupid but your heart got peace and sometimes you think it's your own conscience talking to you your conscience is crazy believe me when god talked to you you will know it's god talking drain your crazy conscience i'll be talking to you because your crazy conscience on medication you know that you know god speak to you one time i was in the church and i shared this thing would go to the quick preacher i was in the church and it was like oh my my agent the one that runs my whole book than my agent guy right he told me i want you to come down to philadelphia down to philly i want you to preach with my pastor and do me the favor and all this stuff i said okay brother let me get this door off my back i'll go down there and preach on him right so i went down there to the church i mean church was packed out i mean bigger packed out of the church right so i'm preach i preach my heart out i pray for people and the pastor said we're going to collect an offering for john and all this stuff and we're going to collect an offering for john and and i mean we had we they had about 400 people so i said i'm going to collect an offering for john and i'm like i'm sitting there you know i went back to my place like like right here i went back to my place i'm standing there and i had i heard the lord saying to me give them the money and that's and it was it was going to be a big offer and i'm like i don't i i don't hear you give them the money give them the money i'm my devil in the name of jesus get behind me now and jesus said ain't the devil it's me talking to you because you see my mind wasn't adding up with my heart and it's not because i was greeted with the money i thought the devil was trying to suck and punch me and it was god speaking to me i gave the pastor everything i went up to the front i told people bring everything don't it's like going to the apostles feet bring everything they bought everything that bless this man you know what this man told me this man cry like a baby he said i haven't gotten paid every time i get something i pay my staff and i sometimes it goes months i can't pay my bills you see what a beating does god said give him the money i don't chase money i changed jesus i changed i don't chase jesus i don't i don't chase his hands i chase his face and and and they've been i mean moments of moments in my life that i've learned how to fine-tune the voice of god because we're coming into some dark times you with me because if you think this vaccine devil now passport devil and there's other devils that are coming right behind that and you ain't preparing yourself for the end times you'll miss it you'll be just like the lamb you'll be just like the virgins with the five lamps that ran out of oil if you ain't preparing yourself spiritually in the spirit what would god bring me to california i just want to say one thing before i just say what would god bring me to california why would god put me on the plane for five and a half hour and bring me here when i i beg god sometime i i do i'm gonna be very real i said lord wouldn't you just send me somewhere like an hour away like like like my you know how they say that uh i just i just want like an hour away lord and i can come back home just give me an hour away and i'll come home and i'll preach anywhere you want me to preach just let's just do like this limit thing let's have a contract you and i half hour 45 minutes an hour and i can just go that far preach and come home and god said no god said to me no you go wherever i sent you and you do what i try to do because you need to take care of my house and this is what god showed me you know the scripture when the person is eating at the table and the guy comes from the field and he said and the lord said serve me i mean i had problems with that scripture a long time that brother got nervous that brother worked in the field 12 hours come over here and serve you i mean who are you he said my name is jesus i said okay well i'll take that back because this is this is the key to everything the key to everything the key to everything is to cultivate not only your relationship but the voice of god and another thing is to cultivate discernment it can be a lot of voices out there going to be mimicking god's voice in the last days they're mimicking an already some people talk to god they're talking to a demon half of these prophets out there they talk to demons they talk to familiar spirits when you got a prophet coming up to you he said you know your social security number run jesus don't need your security number jesus don't do his taxes okay understand those things understand understand understand know the things of the kingdom not the things of the church the things of the kingdom because if you know the things of the kingdom they shall line up with the things of the church understand don't let people suck upon you don't be emotional when you're emotional you make bad decisions and then you when you're emotional you make permanent decisions on temporary situations because the devil knows how to play on your emotions with me i'm going to teach you something quick before i do resurrection sunday with me he said it is he said he's not done in other words if he's not finished it is finished it is accomplished god is a god that accomplished everything be a christian be a christian may write a list for the year even if it's three things for years accomplish it accomplish it don't be a christian you start everything and finish nothing incomplete always always inc i wasn't good in college believe me i just went for the grant and the free money you know college to give you free money so when i got that check i was gone i know i wasn't a christian at the time i went to college for the free money i i took a class i took a class in college just to get the money it was called death on dime i was a devil worshiper i'm sitting in a class at the devil worship but taking the class death undying i'm like this is easy i took another class i took like the easiest class to get the credit i think i got into like 20 credit and i struggled and then i took a class it was on public speaking and i failed the guy said you don't know how to speak i said i know that but i just took to class y'all pay me i got the grant i got the money you know because i was broke i just i just went and got the pail like you know grant and pell grant whatever they call that federal a whatever i got all that money i just got that check i was done i said you can give me the f i just got paid that's the way it was but this is what i want to show you i want to teach you before we get into the message i just want to learn to two things two words today one two words noise and clutter noise and clutter now go to your house your house is clean come on stop lying your house ain't clean if i go to your house when i feel comfortable if i go to your house when i feel comfortable i have to get the hoover out and i have to get the 409 and help you clean your house i'm asking you let's be real is your house clean or it's a little messy is your house clean a little messy or you go over there and you have so much dishes we have to buy like two you know dawn clean those dishes they're falling off the sink as your house cleans or you have too much clutter in your house clutter you have too much clutter in your house you got too much noise going on in your house i'm talking about your house the one you're living and when you open the key and you go inside no one has an address has like a door number right now how's your spiritual house is your spiritual house clean or has clutter and it got noise understand that it's the holy if the holy spirit were to go visit your spiritual health and we know holy spirit living there the holy spirit was to do inventory an assessment of your spiritual health will he find it clean well he would be a little uncomfortable because it's a little messy oh you got a cat and it smells same what happened to the little lady she wanna where's she so somebody are you here somebody you're so small i can't even see you girl oh she's over there she's she's she's my number one when i grow up i want to be like her 78 strong fast every day some of you don't that was the last time you fasted unless you go right there see hey man man sit right here where's your bucket telling pastor where's the bucket that's the donut room in there people eating donuts they're going to hell what yes sir there was the bucket right there right there he's holding it who's holding it right there get out there go get it maybe we will get it you got the mask on anyway listen i i want this resurrection sunday who came yesterday only few all right we got some who didn't come yesterday you didn't come yesterday who else didn't come yesterday see these are stingy christians they're the ones that don't want to pay these are the christians these are the ones that god's going to deal with you today you think you're christian they want everything for free i'm only kidding sometimes we get things happening sometimes you come in god's timing you come when god knows that this is your time don't miss god's opportunity when god told you come somewhere because he's gonna meet you don't miss that doesn't matter if it's saturday sunday monday wednesday whatever god said this is the time you need to come you come because god's going to meet you and he's going to do something for you that's going to change or transform you and he's going to bring you to your next chapter of your life understand know that but i want you to do something nice pastor's birthday is monday that's right he needs a haircut needs what yeah mine is very expensive guys he needs a haircut and and papa need a new pair of shoes i don't have it too i'm just joking i borrow it i want i want to say is i want to say is give an offering from your heart give it on to the ministry i'm pastor don issues he got a payless he don't issue past is good pastor pastor there's one thing about pastor he's faithful to the to the blessing that come in for the kingdom he rather he rather stay hungry and put things into the ministry he'd rather stay hungry and put things to the ministry and glorify god that's right amen that's his heart so i'm i'm i'm saying give from the heart bless the lord with something give god give god something and bless the ministry because this is let me just say something before you give let me just say listen this is what i'm thinking i want to do with pastor we think we're praying asking god we want members that's god if god leads you we want members to be members of the church so we can baptize people because some of you probably haven't been baptized maybe some of you need to get baptized again you got too many devils maybe they need to dunk you twice in the water you know get some of the devils off you all right we want to teach people listen i want you to understand this we want to i want to teach people i want to help because i'm i'm not here by myself i'm here i think i think brother john if you weren't here yesterday he did one of the most amazing teachings to set the foundation amen to set the foundation for yesterday's deliverance understand i didn't preach yesterday i didn't preach all i did was uh what'd i do yesterday uh yesterday you would do your q a yes thank you trust our demons your mind is working i did a q a yesterday yeah and i pray for people i pray for 200 how many people i pray for you sir uh 200 uh but um okay yeah i pray over two i pray for over 200 people individual yesterday okay so so so i i see this is i don't mind praying for people but i want to this is this is the thing about we want one 130 english church right yes sir us here us here we we we have come together this is not a german merchant this is brother kim john jj amen and pastor we want to do something special for you yeah right we want to we we want to do something the bible says build yourself up in the spirit understand we want to do special something special for you on sundays coming to church the special thing we want to do for you is this what what's the sense of being delivered right if you can't hold on to it what's the sense of being delivered if the devil's gonna come back next week and you don't know how to fight them off [Music] so it's i i don't want you just get delivered but i want you to build substance then only you conquer your deliverance but when the devil shows up he would know that he messed with the wrong christian that's right for you for your house your marriage your children you know you know the divorce rate in christianity 70 70 of the divorce rate in christianity yeah 70 more higher than the world and this is the part this is the part this is i just want to share i'm going to take my preaching short this is the part that gets me the most and then you know papa papa papa good looking he he he misses marriage and then he'll buy himself suit to go get a honey start over i mean that's like a delusional thing and you know saying oh the woman delusional cultivate cultivate cultivate your relationship god cultivate your marriage cultivate your relationship with your children because what are you going to pass on to your children when you die what spiritual things you're going to pass on to your children when you die i pray with my daughter i talked about jesus i talked about the kings of the kingdom i'm cultivating something my daughter so when i die maybe my daughter will preach bigger bigger stadium bigger things than me i would do cultivate cultivate something cultivate something hold on to your deliverance conquer your deliverance conquer your chapter of your life there's many christians that are sitting here today and i say this with a broken heart you like the book of numbers you're growing old but you ain't growing up how is it you're a christian for 15 years 20 years christian and you stay still in the same spiritual location [Music] that should never be you should be a christian that you know you should be a christian that you have so much you have so much in you you have so much you have so much spiritual substance in you that when people pass by you i was i was in africa with louisiana a couple of weeks ago i think my sister was there i was in louisiana i was standing by the door i was eating i was eating a donut like that means powdered donut i don't know what they call them it starts with a z puerto rican i don't know anyway oh eating this thing and i'm staying by the door and my face was full of white powder a house full of white powder my whole face was full of white powder this group of people walked in and they walked and she fell and i looked at her and i had all white powder on my face and the donut in my hand she felt the anointing hit her because when you build substance and another thing one more thing i say with you build build build build the presence of god in you the devil might the devil might try to shake you listen i don't mind the devil shaking me but the only the only thing that god gets upset about when the devil moves you because when the devil moves you you lose you lose you lose listen to me spiritual space that god trusted you with i don't mind devil shaped me you know my eyes a little jacked up but he didn't move me i'm here he moving i'm here i'm still doing what god called me to do i was in louisiana did it i'm hearing i'm not a couple of days i've been cancer today i'm still doing it you didn't move me you didn't move me you can't move me you might shake me but you're not gonna move me because moving is bible say bible says bible says if you shrink back i'll be disappointed with you [Music] that's what god says if you shrink back you are disappointed with you god hated the angels that left the post he punished them when you leave your post something else will take your place okay you'll be called give me your money i said don't worry with the lydia they ain't listening nothing you ain't learn nothing here with a little lady she's like she's like mr deez oh there you go hey [Music] okay we all jokes aside let's just bless this house because we want to build something special i want to build a spiritual warfare church that's right i don't want no regular church you already go to regular church spiritual warfare church understand the things of the spirit understand the times of the spirit and understand the patterns in cycle how the devil moves because they know their story jesus never never took the devil lightly jesus never mocked the devil arc angel michael when he fought for the he fought the devil for the body of moses he never bought no accusations against the devil he's at the law of rebukeship and the church has taken the devil lightly when jesus never took the devil lightly jesus had a name for the devil he never took him lightly and he and he rebuked him with the word never took them lightly we take the devil lightly and that's where the devil has conquered territories in a spiritual space that doesn't belong to god anymore because we had taken the devil lightly and he has conquered these territory spaces components i call them components or spaces in your spiritual space that god is upset because they'll belong they belong to god and you just handed them over to the devil it's okay i think i preach all right let's collect the offering that means give me your money that's what that mean where's the little guy i'm only kidding i wanna we want to pray for your offering this another thing let me just say one more thing whatever you give you give from the heart but i want to pray for your offering that we break the spirit of poverty there's too much poverty going on in the church this christian can't pay their bills this christian they they live paycheck by paycheck and i'm gonna tell my rich scheme get rich scam i'm not talking about that that's not me you leave that to the pen passes on tv i don't play that game i don't i fear god too much to play that game but i think that you should you should have you should have stuff in your home financially that you can pay your bills send your kids to college you can take a family vacation come on you know who's tired of going to the zoo every year [Music] at least go take a vacation save some money for a rainy day have something that you can if you know someone's in need you can bless that person amen it's good it's better to give that to receive it's good to bless sometimes i'm here and people come up to me and they bless me with something i'm shocked to be honest i'm like wow i i it is just it blows me away because it's not it's i'm not making fun i'm just saying it i'm always giving i'm always pouring out and people once in a while they remember me and it's and it's and it's it's a it's a moving situation sometimes i i have to walk away and hold my tears because i i'm so moved that someone remember me you know and that i'm not saying that i'm poor i'm paul said to the philippian church i'm not saying that you can give me something but it's a blessing unto god when you give the men of god and i should say bless this ministry be kind to this ministry because it's like going to a restaurant you eat but then you don't pay the bill but then you get to you know what you know what's crazy what's bothering me the most people come here this pastor will pray for you this pastor will do deliverance for you if you're in the hospital he'll go for you he'll go to the hospital and then you get to the ministries on tv they don't even know you you think joseph gonna go to the hospital for you you think joseph's gonna call your house and then my mocking jose you think bishop jason call you hey how are you doing you think he's going to the hospital for you no and i'm not saying no i'm bad about these people but they're too busy they got 30 000 members they can't go to every member but at least this church people here they will go stand with you pray with you and bless you that's the kind of pastor i want on my side that's the ministry i want to be with not the one i love to cry and hate the people amen come on [Music] praise jesus [Music] for the offering and one thing i shared with you the hardest thing two hard things that the god would that it's hard it's hard god it's hard it's two things hard giving god money and letting money control you and let any money control you there's people that get they go preach somewhere and they get paid thirty thousand dollars of service i can name names they get thirty thousand dollars of service when they get that kind of money it's hard to say no for them because they're so used to getting that kind of money you see and the thing is and they'll go to places they've got an incentive but they just go for the money because the devil knows the money game that's why a lot of christians got poverty in in in in in their lives it's not because it's like saying like i use a catholic church they want to take a oath of poverty it's like you say i want aids i want cancer you say something like that well you want cancer do you want aids no the heck i want to be sick for and i get the flu and i'm really upset i don't want another stuff i want to be blessed i can be a blessing i want to be blessed so i can build the kingdom i want to be blessed that i can help my mother i can help my daughter i want to be blessed when i hear something not too long ago i heard something about a brother he did he needed help because you know cover 19 hit his home and he had he didn't have a job situation and the lord put the lord told me to call him i was sitting at home i was watching the discovery channel and the girl said call him and i called him and i said listen god told me to ask you something don't be embarrassed he said he's he's i said he said uh something about the rent he was three months behind and the lord said pay the rent i pay his right are you your brother's keeper or you just about yourself self bring selfishness and i share with you learn how to reap and so it's a principle in the kingdom john you want to pray for the offering don't get nervous baby come on john let's go you were preaching like two minutes ago come on john can you can you bring it is that all jj you know every year december i ca i tell people write down your need and sow a seed and i said we're not going to open the envelope until the next december guess what people come to me and they said whatever we did it actually happened i'm telling you sowing a seed it's it's a it's it's it's very good thing to do ecclesiastes says sow your seed into the water i said why water we don't sow seed into the water he said water is my word so there and then in the season you will have it just believe believe me for that so anyway who's praying i'm going to pray for it you're praying just put it you want another thing next time you come i'm i think i've been here when i hit i'm here again june 12th right he's gonna be a whole year guys he's not going anywhere don't panic it's not a whole year i'm gonna be here june 12th and july 17 i'm bringing some awesome prophetic yeah real friends of mine real prophetic people from the east coast right they're coming and uh these people are the real deal prophetic to the court and it's july 17th they're coming and i want them to come i want to do these people sir i don't hang out with chicken coop christians i won't bring no chicken coop here mess up your life i bring some real prophetic people that know how to speak into your life and you will hear from god and they're coming to minister i'm coming we're going to have the prophetic and deliverance under one roof it's going to be powerful on july 17th i'm excited wow it's gonna be powerful thank you guys that's very good and then i'm gonna bring another pastor he's from houston texas and he's uh using he's about the only puerto rican used in texas because everybody else is mexican his wife is mexican and the awesome pastor i'm gonna bring him he he's a person know how to build he he knows how to build you up in the spirit with encouragement but he has a powerful bunch of ministry up in the healing and i'm bringing him too i'm bringing people that know some real stuff that will come and bless you and bless you and change the channel of your life you can say thank you john later [Applause] amen that's people i'm bringing because i want to build i want to build here i want to build this out of the kingdom for jesus this is the kingdom for jesus i want you to be armed endangered i want you to smell like the holy spirit i want you to smell the holy spirit that every devil that walk by you they don't want to touch him because you smell like the holy spirit amen have you ever had a backlog you ever had a back cologne you ever had it back along what happened oh thank you thank you my sister i don't know how to tie my shoelaces i'm gonna get the vercro like the old people thank you like the old people i'm gonna get the vercro i'm a size 13. so you want to get me a pair of vert girl please don't let the devil hold you back so you ever you ever walked by somebody that you know they put on this cheap column you're like oh my god what happened to this person today you ever walked by a person like that that's why you want the devil to do that to i you you want the enemy to do that to you and also one more thing i say do me a favor don't be embarrassed don't be embarrassed do me a favor if you didn't give put it i owe you write it out or you and put it in there no seriously this is serious moment but i owe you no i can't give you today but i owe you something because when we pray for it when we pray for it when we pray for it we break something in you in your spirit the next time you come you're able to give understand put an iou you know there was there was this african guy he had no money they were collecting they were putting the plate around this true story true story he was passing the play they said no i don't have any money i'm broke but i i put myself he put himself in the offering plate and he said all for myself he became one of the greatest missionaries ever he became one of the greatest missionaries ever he offered himself but you don't don't put yourself in the bucket because the buck is small it's a small bucket i can fit the little lady in here where is she she fit here not you let's just pray let's pray father in the name of jesus christ lord we just come right now lord in the name of jesus lord father just bless his offering lord bless it multiply lord we're giving you the two fish and the five loaves of bread father you know how to multiply father multiplied this blessing not only in this place but multiplies those that gave them not only financially but every area of their life father they have substance they don't have truth they don't have freedom let them have breakthrough let them have restoration restitution let them have an encounter let them have a deeper relationship with you lord because sowing the seed is not all about money it's about the errors in our life that we need to touch we need to be filled with the holy spirit the voids in our life they be filled with the holy spirit not what situation the problem or situations are being emotional it is the holy spirit father bless this offering and we give it unto you father god to build your kingdom not to build ourselves father god but to build your house father god to build your house or more people can come people will be saved people will be delivered people will be baptized and people will be discipled because people gave into your house in jesus name we pray amen thank you amen amen all right let me just talk to you real quick i can't i can't see my notes too good but let me share something with you remember we talk about color and noise right so much noise going around now you can't even hear the holy spirit understand you need to fine tune your ears i mean i know q-tip works pretty good but you need to fine-tune your ears because today i'm telling you so much clutter is happening in the airways in the spirit realm so much noise is happening in the spirit round that we don't hear the holy spirit have you ever sat down and wrote your bible you don't feel nothing i've done it i said i said wow i'm reading this stuff yeah i mean i don't feel like the holy spirit i feel dry i fear nothing is going on i'm not even hearing from god why am i reading this do you feel that we ever read the bible let's be real that you feel boring it feels boring to you i guess it's only me right a bunch of liars i'm i'm being true i'm not reading the bible i've read three chapters and i'm like where did i read it feels dry it feels boring too much clutter too much clutter too much cloud too much noise in the spray around and you we don't hate the holy spirit talking to us understand too much clutter too much noise going around this is the thing situation where the devil does this is what the devil does don't why we allow the devil to sit on our minds and create images and make them a reality why we allow the devil to sit on your mind with me why we allow the devil to sit in your mind and create images with me and make them a reality those images are fake don't see that's what the bible say that's what the bible said press on because you press through those images you press through those doorways you press to the situation and then you touch and agree with god even when i'm worshiping in times square church if it takes me like 15 minutes i'm so distracted they take me the worship is 40 minutes and time's going 35 40 minutes and they take me 15 minutes or gone me doing nothing me pressing it because i can't touch them because there's so much clutter there's too much noise in the atmosphere see church don't teach you this stuff churches just want you to be emotional they just want you to be emotional emotion that's a cheap phone who's prepay oh mama right there that's you look at your mom she said not me amen spiritual noise spiritual noise in your mind we're living in noisy times are we you turn the news fake news everywhere you go now i mean i tell my repeat it repeat it recover 19 put on your mask in the store put on your master's doll cover 19. six six feet six feet cover 19. put on your man take the shot put on the mat take the shot don't take the shot don't put on your mouse over and over and over and over i call delta today because i'm leaving i gotta get by five in the morning tomorrow morning to to go home my plane is even nine o'clock and i quote delta today i said listen what about the the flight 1159 they said well you guys sit next to somebody i said well so what's the sense you do six feet and you want me to wear match if i had to say something you know next to a dummy i said what i said this is a stupidity when you get on to the airport they make you they make you six feet away social distance away and then then they sit you next to somebody which my social distance it worked outside of the plane we're now in the plane and now you guys now we don't have no social distance no more now the guy next to me could be a fair devil and if i eat my eminence too long he might pass out because this is when i sit there this is why i eat my eminence because i don't want the mask it lasts an hour i mean slow motion and then i sit next to some fair devil looking at me eating my m m's so everybody get up at five in the morning and they're gonna set me by myself you see too much clutter too much noise going on people too much clutter too much noise going on too much cold too much don't go now in we're living in noisy times living noisy times right now television social media politics and racial tension the devil is playing a good game the devil is playing a good game from new york to california from california to new york and everything in between playing a good game i mean i was like man i missed 2019. do you i miss 2019 i mean 299 was a good year some of you were saying wow a man that's true [Music] and man at least one person agree we listen we had lost to normal nothing is normal anymore what was the last time you saw something that was normal we had lost the normal we don't have no more anymore what's normal today we had lost a normal it's like it's like when i was a little when i was a little guy i was a couple days ago people say something you blush your face go gray everybody remember those days people say you people say you like that girl and your face don't real right you like that guy you try something real right you know what you do you're embarrassed you're like no one blush anymore what's the last time you see someone blush and they say way too much makeup when was the last time you see someone blush we don't blush anymore i don't know about this crowd pastor i don't know where they've been i hear you and then then and then add this listen what happened to our normal and then on top of that add turbulence to your normal add turbulence to your situation we're in turbulent times everything is moving everything is rocking the white house look like front of a prison gates all over the white house there's someone doing time you're president of their minds he go to sleep in the cloud to turn off the lights in the white house someone get he might someone gave him nyquil they go to bed and then these are the people this is the people from god a bunch of idiot bunch of stupid people don't take a stand no backbone they say oh president trump is gonna be present i heard from god and then when president trump was in prison they apologized the prophets of old never did that the prophet saw never did that why would you apologize when god give you a word what would you apologize to the devil when god gave you word you're not a prophet you're a piece of crap because president trump did win and that choked and robbed them robbing you and winning losing is two different things i was still standing and said he won i stand in that white house and i say i send anyone in the graveyard and i'll say it i'll say it i said he won he won we don't even got a president was it 46 president erased that white out you're not president you're a crook people don't like the truth people well he you know i lost 9 000 members one day one day one day i lost 9 000 members in in in instagram i lost 9 000 members in instagram so what i got the gift to say goodbye to you but i'm going to say what god told me to say i'ma say it but i'ma say it [Applause] and now the devil is altering our mind altering our mind creating images in our mind making them a reality noise in your family noise in your relationship noise in your finances noise in your job noise without a job noise with the job noise with no future noise in your job noise in your health demonic noise demonic noise you know i know you got no faith because your faith your faith believe for me but your faith don't believe for you you got people you got people saying god gonna bless you god gonna do this for you then you stuck you stuck and you have a flight and you've been on the side of the road for a kind of while but you don't believe that god you don't believe faith for you so how you gonna believe faith for me when you don't believe faith for you you talk about miracles in my life but then when you talk about yours you don't say nothing about you because your faith is not strong enough to penetrate what's holding you back that's okay that only works for me you with me you with me you live in it you're driving it and you walk in it noise and clutter i'm not talking about your house tomorrow people they're disappointed people you thought they love you now they reject you hosanna hosanna and the same devil that was singing hosanna two weeks later they were saying crucify him that's what you gotta be careful who you walk with man you know what's sad to be a minister you know what the saddest thing for minister you want me to tell you why i love people that keep it real not many of them that's like i need a haystack people want to hang out with the minister but now with the person it's sad sometimes sad moments that they prefer the minister but they don't want to hang out with the person because they want to ride on your coat or they wanna they got they like they think you google you have a thousand questions on on spiritual warfare i can't even eat my hamburger and they're like actually my hamburger my fries because they're asking no kind of question motor mouth but then they don't hang out with you the person that's trying to be careful to hang out with a lot you need a lot of wisdom these days i'll be careful who hang out with i don't you know because a bunch of vipers in the kingdom that's right a bunch of vipers in the kingdom they leach onto you they come up to you to be like hey guess what oh man i'm going through some hard times and i'm going through this and i'm going to that you know man uh i'm struggling financially i got this bill that is 69.95 you know i'm praying i'm fasting i might hit the 60 here's the 70 leave me alone they'll pimp you let's be real you ever met some of those and don't get me don't don't let me get start with the religious devils amen they want they want people sometimes people if you don't agree with them they want to make you feel lonely and they don't they want you to feel lonely and rejected you with me and there's people that hang out with you the only only person that hang out with you because they want to use you you got to have a lot of ways and paul says that in the house of god they're going to be wolves in the inside and wolves in the outside what wolf you're hanging out with you know you know you know how you tell a wolf and dress up in chief's clothing you know how you tell a wolf and what dressed up and she's holding he can dress up in sheep's clothing and look like a sheep smell like a sheep talk like a sheep check out the footprints check out the footprints you with me pick out the footprint they want something from you they following you for themselves they don't love you they just want you people love is hard you ever seen people we love you ricky we can say oh that's a man what is love love is what hung under john 3 16. that's love john 3 16 is love john t singh is love he gave his only begotten son so you and i today can sit here today because the blood of jesus christ redeemed us that's love i want to be with a person that loves the way god loves unconditionally no limits and no fine print and i want to love the same that's no perfect there's no perfect girl but god but if you're gonna copy somebody then copy him you know no guarantee people gonna hurt you there's no guarantee i can tell you i can show you the bruises the spiritual bruises i've been hearing more i've been hurt more in the church than in the world but that's okay but you know but god said keep your eyes on me with me god said keep your eyes on me sometimes we think they do now this listen clutter clutter spiritual color takes away your peace your joy and your direction with me spiritual clutter will take away your peace joy and your direction with me and all you have is is cycles of repeat in your life cycles of repeat are the same thing over and over and over and over and we're getting old and we're getting tired i don't know about you but age is catching up and i'ma rock this baby i'ma rock this boat into jesus call me home i ain't quitting i'm not leaving gonna rock this thing i'm gonna be like a david walker said i'm gonna be like a billy grime i'm gonna be like a naked cruise 82 years old still rocking the drawing cross with jesus i'm gonna write books like crazy i'm gonna write a book now i just hit me my spirit someone is sponsoring my book is it how god works i'm writing a book it's called interview with god and interview with the devil i'm gonna write that book i'm gonna self-publish that bad boy i'm writing a book i'm doing more for god i'm gonna go the extra mile i'm gonna come preach you know what go with a good contact lens with another good contact lens i'm gonna get on the plane i ask questions i'm crazy i am determined to finish this race and if you get in my way i'll run you over you're not gonna stop me you're not gonna make me feel sorry for myself you know people like this people with something like this people come up to me say why you got a strong character for you to keep your way if you had the right motives you wouldn't ask me that question you just trying to disarm me so you get into my spiritual space there's three spiritual space that you need listen three spiritual space inner circle like the tabernacle the holies of holy not too many people can be in that play you got the middle court and then you got the outer court you keep the devils that out of court this is good i think i could just do an altar call with that right there you agree amen at least john agree and man that's how when people point something out on you is because they're trying to get something off you because if you have a strong character and i like you i don't have to mention your strong character because we all got flaws we all got something we have to fight we got a devil to fight we got an attitude we got an anger problem we got a we got a rebellion power we got we got a bit of this problem we got an unforgiveness problem to fight so why am i gonna mention it to you if i'm supposed to love you and the bible said the love cover multitude of sin and i'm not saying it's sin and sometimes it's a struggle we go through okay it's a season of struggling with something there's people that struggle pornography and it's a season it doesn't mean that i'm a better christian than them it means they just got a struggle i understand i'm not justifying that because some people would justify and then play with it and then mess around with it and they entertain it and then they put a name on it i'm struggling no you're not you just like it but i can't point something out to you or say something about you when i got something going on too so i'm gonna love you you love me and you pray for me i pray for you but don't tell me i got a strong character because i know the devil you are you just want to disarm me so you can get into my spiritual space you're not getting into my holiness of holy don't think so look i got people coming up coming to the meetings like witches and bring me stuff i know witchcraft at the age of eight you're a little too late a little too late so so so let me finish this how let me leave you with this question listen to this question carefully how could you how could you be who god created you be in the middle of your mess did you get it are you sleepy i'll repeat it again how could you be who god created you to be in the middle of your mess what's the name of your mess rejection depression loneliness brokenness abuse sad hurt pain what is your mess how could you be god how could you be god's man and god's woman in the middle of your mess of your clutter and your spiritual noise how could you be that person how could you how could you be the light of the world when it's dark how could you be the person when you have so much clutter in your house and i'm going to talk about your regular house on your mind there's people here you go to bed you sleep but you don't rest the devil's stealing your sleep because your mind don't have no peace and your spirit don't have no joy and you when you lay your head on the pill you fall asleep but you don't rest you wake up tired i've been there so i know what i'm talking about i've been there i could sleep 10 hours and wake up like i only slept one because i'm restless in my spirit because i went to bed but i never got the rest that god wanted me to have the devil stole my rest and that's the truth we've been through that how many people can testify to that come on at least we've got some honest people in the house huh how many people you rested throughout the night you wrestled with those devils throughout the night you wrestle with the issue the problem the clutter the noise you've wrestled with it because you never learn how to put it down at the altar and let god deal with it oh we put it down at the altar for like 10 minutes and once this we think it's fixed we'll pick it back up and we say we total law i got this big mistake so my outer core is simple let me see something here my outer core is simple i wrote knows something letters are so big or blind you my letters are built someone said let me see your notes i said no i said to myself i don't want her to be blind let me say something let me just see something here real quick and we'll close with this mrs and and you know let me say something about the christians that they got this word called neutral i'm neutral i'm neutral it's like it's like me standing standing in the middle of the road and traffic coming from both ways i'm gonna get hit from one place to another you can't be neutral you're standing in the middle of the road and traffic is coming from both directions eventually you're going to get here you're with me my alter core is very simple let's get rid of the clutter let's give her the color let's get rid of the noise and start hearing the voice of the holy spirit there's people sitting here you know if your wife call you she don't have to say her name you say hey honey if your man call you boo i guess after they call him hey boo that's what they call that man hey bull what would you or your cousin maria call you maria how you doing maria want to call you whoever call you or a crazy cousin family member you gotta call you why would you know their voice without their names why would you know their voice what would you know their voice so good even when people even got people that get on the phone they try to play a crank on you they try to play a prank on you and you know who they are they're trying their best but you're like come on i know who you are who does that they go pam there you go thank you at least someone's testifying today praise the lord resurrection sunday ain't you being with that why would you know that person voice you don't know the voice of the holy spirit my last question is this my last question the people that i'm bringing in july the people i'm bringing to john they have a gift a prophetic and deliverance and i'm going to be here doing deliverance with them but they have another gift that churches don't not doing it they have another gift they teach you who the father is a lot of people don't know the father and jesus in john 17 talks about the father and the old the whole chapter he talks about the father and none of us know who the father is we heard about the holy spirit we know jesus but we don't know the father how you know the father's love if you don't know him and god i'm bringing these people i'm telling you they're going to teach you the love of the father and how to love the father back because we are clueless about jesus father we had no relationship with him and every time jesus said i don't do nothing unless my father showed me i don't do this but that's my father and i don't do anything my father testified i don't everything jesus pointed to the father all the time pointed to the father pointed to the father pointed to the father and all we got to all we got is a handicapped thing going on we know jesus and we know we some of us kind of know the holy spirit but we don't know the father the godhead so we incomplete it's like people saying you hear people saying well jesus is coming soon yes he is i know that too but jesus ain't coming yet because the church is incomplete you know why the church is incomplete because we need to mess in the jews to line up with us because jesus is coming back for a complete church jesus is coming back jesus didn't come just for gentiles jesus is coming back for the messianic jewish people too that is a remnant that haven't been saved that's why jesus can't come back now because the church is jews and gentiles so the church is still incomplete that's how we have to pray for israel we have to pray for the jewish people to come to faith so then jesus can come back i mean he can come back any time he wants he's god he could do whatever he wants but i'm just giving you a little theology a little bit that i learned from i learned that from sid roth by the way my other course simple do you have clutter do you have clutter put that over there for me thank you john you have clutter you have noise in your spirit you have noise in your walk you have clutter in your wall do you have or you feel stuck somewhere that clutter and noises took advantage of you and now you can faith it's not strong enough to break through you come up and i pray with you do you know jesus christ as your lord and savior all of you are going to heaven always going to heaven some of you are a bunch of lukewarm christians you know what i mean you don't even follow jesus the way you're supposed to and that's going to take you to heaven is that going to take you to heaven do you have a real relationship with jesus christ that if you were to die today you would know that you know that you know that you will know that you're going to heaven when you close your eyes and you wake up an attorney or you really know that you know that you're going or you think you know and i'm serious i'm a market this is a serious moment because you could be a lukewarm christian and not in and miss heaven and now and don't run with a lukewarm christian because sometimes life hits you so hard that it puts you in that situation sometimes i hit you so hard you don't even read your bible you was the last time we read our bible was the last time we went into our prayer closet was the last time we spoke to god and got deep with him coming to church doesn't get you to heaven come in church is just church attendance your relationship with god to get you to heaven and you should come to church because the bible says you know don't forsake the assembly of the brethren i get that but is your relationship with him your relationship with him is your relationship with him is sealed seal that if you were to close your eyes tonight you make heaven it is it a done deal or something do you have a question mark on i said one i share one story real quick remember 911 right 911 remember 911 right my pastor two months before 9 11 he went to uh the world trade center because he had a meeting with the with the 25 i think was 25 i think with 20 20 25 the most richest people in wall street the most 25 most walked this people in wall street he had a meeting with him because he wanted the actual donation for this program we have in our church called charles cry and charles cry has to do feeding 5 000 kids a day so he went there because he wanted to do a presentation and ask them to write a check to support their ministry two months before the world trade 25 people came to that to that today whatever you call that uh how you call that meeting they came the 25 of the wealthiest people came to that meeting i mean these 25 people they were the movies and shakers of wall street in new york city they came to the meeting and my pastor got up and he started to talk and he or he he forgot the message about uh telling them about the the the child's cry program that we had to feed the kids and all he kept saying to them you must know what we must do you gotta you know must know what you have to do he said he got stuck on that word you must know what you have to do you must know what you have to do he couldn't say he couldn't shake that off and he and he didn't get the presentation he didn't collect no checks that day and he left embarrassed he left embarrassed he left hurt and disappointed because he said i didn't get no checks how can we feed these kids how can we start to make the program better oh because he said he felt like he said he felt silly and stupid by saying you must know what you must do and that was the message and that in two months later those 25 people 17 parish in the world trade center and he was saying to them you know you must do with me bank peace with god 25 people 17 died in the world trade center because they he would say he was saying hope when the building was burning and it was on the 90th floor and they were looking out to eternity because they only had one hour to repent i hope they remember those words this is serious stuff this is one eternity is too long eternity is too long to get it wrong i don't care about going the trunk of the car don't let that go so my last thing before you come up and pray do you really know jesus christ you can raise your hand yeah i pray for you right where you are against anybody go to heaven praise the lord all right i hope i see you there and if you don't you can send me a postcard from wherever you go if you want prayer i love your brothers i love you you know i love you guys you're raising your hand you want jesus you want prayer which one you're raising your hand for prayer okay okay i'm i'm trying to get people to heaven but prayer you come up i pray for you you come up i pray for y'all everyone wants to come on you come up i pray for you and i love you too much and i know sometimes i could be rough but i'd like to be i'd rather you be mad at me and make heaven amen because you see salvation caused jesus everything to get you he paid a price that if you see the crucifixion of the passion of the christ that was nothing compared to what jesus really looked like he was shredded to nothing to get you and when we disregard and we play down the blood of jesus christ we trample the blood that's what we do and god says vengeance is his when the time comes for trampling the blood of jesus christ of his son to die on the cross high and wide for you and i and we rejected the blood [Music] that's simple i don't want to reject the blood i was the external worshiper never signed up for christianity i killed more chickens than frank perdue i did more witchcraft to people asked to project so many times i curse so many people i gave people miscarriages i gave people abortion i did all kind of stuff i poke demons and people i put demons on people so they could end up in in in houses i did every demonic thing ever but when god introduced me to the blood i went after the blood and not the blood of animal the blood that set me free that blood and that blood still runs today after 2000 you go it still runs you could go you could go to you could go to uh red cross whatever you call that you can go to that place right cross whatever that blood drive cry that blood will blow up that blood has expired jesus blood never expires you're with me his blood never expires so come i pray for you that means you get up i pray for you that's what that means i can't see that far i see people waving [Music] yeah i'm asking you are you securing christ i mean in other words right i'm securing christ i know i got peace of god [Music] wait then they come up i pray for you that's it that's simple because if i don't feel something i'm not secure about something then i want to make sure i'm secure about it i want to make sure that i have it i want to make sure because i don't want to miss it all right you come girl you come girl you come get it let's try you come get it that's right that's right you need there you go that's right that's right you want to know that you want to know because we don't last forever and tomorrow's not going to cheat to nobody right so i want to know myself i make peace every time i go to bed listen every time i go to bed you know what i said to god lord forgive me for my sins and my mind forgive me for my sins in my heart and forgive me for my sins in my mouth lord am i okay with you before i close my eyes because you never know you know you never know i want to make sure that i enter 21 years with jesus and i missed it amen you come over here my sister we got one brave person amen amen that's right get a pastor yeah no yeah sir are you genuine i just want that one after this yes i am going to say no jesus oh my god hallelujah amen eagle seriously that's right i need to know you're coming for what hallelujah same reason come over here same reason anybody else want to be brave anybody want me right anybody else want to make sure all right we got another brave soul i i feel in my heart that's why i said the lord said to me there's people here that devoted if they were to die today they're not gonna make heaven god told me that that's why i'm doing this am i doing this to shame you am i doing this to put people on the altar they said i don't care if two people come up hey man [Applause] [Music] wow what a crowd let's stand like this guys so he can we can see you guys this is all about making right with god right here if you if your demons uh keep your demons in the sea for now right there this is about i mean i want to make sure i want to make sure i put myself in the altar today i want to put myself and know what to chew today i said lord i want to make sure that i'm right with you i don't want to do anything that i missed it paul said i i paul said i don't want to be i preach to everybody but i i i'm impulsive i preached to everyone and i lost it you ever seen that you ever seen this thing on facebook it shows the rapture and everybody take off and people in church and then look around the people that they start to scream and start to cry because those people thought they were going to heaven and they missed it and the rapture came and it was left behind this is good praise jesus amen don't listen to satan come on guys come on i mean i'm here about souls i'm about souls i'm about getting people to heaven that's my job my job is not about casting out devils my job you could you can have i can cast out your devil and you can still go to hell we can cast out demon you still go to hell that's right my job is to get you to the cross of jesus christ to make sure that you know that you made peaceful god that you accepted his son that you accepted the free gift of salvation the one that bled died for you and rose today that's the person i'm that's more important for me than your any any deliverance i mean that's more important for me than any deliverance deliverance in the second is secondary oh man deliver it secondary [Music] i'm not gonna be like the people in the world why i give to charity i'm a good person you're gonna help because you're a good person and give it to charity it will not replace the blood of jesus christ amen this is real i'm going to put myself in the altar too i want to make sure i'm going to heaven heaven is a beautiful place you know i like heaven all puerto ricans like heaven it's rent-free hey man i got angels cutting my grass i got flowers i got my windows are made out of diamond my house goes so far into heaven so long it's like another zip code another zip code another zip code another zip code jesus ain't cheap there's people that experience happiness they've seen things as heavy they can't even describe to you that's my place that's my home we left we left and we came here for a little while but we want to go back home we want to go back home a place that no one dives a place that you don't have to say goodbye but no one dies a place that we don't have to cry no more because we're sitting with the king a place there's no sickness in heaven a place that you see your loved ones forever and if you hate someone he might be your neighbor in heaven a place i love heaven because there's no snow i hate snow i want god's best in your life that's all i want man so i'll be jesus reject i still do alter course i believe in salvation i believe in deliverance i believe in the blood i believe in the crucifixion i believe i believe in baptism i believe i'm old school i believe in all that stuff that i still have no expiration date on it the churches are preaching new ways the church don't do all three calls no more the church doesn't baptize people no more the church don't even do discipleship anymore and when we built this church together we're going to have discipleship programs we wanted to we want to know that you know the bible how to read it understand it and know what the old testament is about what the news test is about we want to teach you that we want to teach you we're going to build a foundation class a foundation class to know your foundation christ you got disciples now you need to build your foundation and cry that's a different class we want to put stuff in you that you'll be so full of jesus that you could give some away you ever ate so much did you tell person hey you eat the rest man i'm full that's that's the church we're going this the church we want to build here john's a professor john teach i got off the little bus you pray for me let's come together and know jesus christ do you want to pray pastor pray him into the kingdom you want to pray no no you don't you do it i'm not doing it all right let's everyone stand up let let's just uh this is a great moment yes something that the lord done it for us he wants every single person to receive him so i want you to to repeat after me just close your eyes and one thing i want to say yes go ahead i'm sorry one thing i want to say if you're over there and you feel embarrassed or shame you want to come up because sometimes the devil does that to us right where you at man make an altar make an alternative my idols and to make an orchestra lord i i kind of because the bible says if you're ashamed of god he'd be ashamed of you bible say if you're ashamed of him in public he'd be ashamed of you in front of his father so it's time to come up but you can make an altar right where you are and say lord i i don't know why i didn't go up but i just want to make sure that i'm right with you because if i'm right with you you know lord if i were to die today next week next year 10 years 20 years 30 years 100 years from now i want to make sure that heaven is my home heaven is my home amen amen come on pastor i'm sorry okay all right so uh i want you to guys repeat after me basically what happened is you guys change the ownership you guys can enter in god's kingdom become the children of god so it's very important those who are gonna come to be children of god they repeat after me let satan hear you let demons hear you let people hear you let god hear you that you're changing the ownership it's very important this is a serious serious deal you guys understand what you guys doing ownership going to change no more devil's authority you guys can become the children of almighty god amen and god can put his name on you just remember that so let's repeat after me all of you guys help me so these people can repeat repeat after me dear jesus i believe you came to earth two thousand years ago now i can hear you guys let's go together dear jesus i believe you came to earth two thousand years ago dear jesus i believe i believe you died you suffered you shed your blood for my sin dear jesus i believe you rose him from the dead now you're sitting right hand of god dear jesus i believe you're going to come back to this earth again now dear jesus i am a sinner forgive my sin come on all together forgive my sin cleanse me with your precious blood dear jesus i don't want this world neither the enemy of my soul i receive you my god my lord my savior my master starting now i'm gonna follow you the rest of my days now on now on i'm born in jesus you guys all welcome let's welcome my brothers and sisters in christ jesus amen hallelujah no more devil hallelujah now you can say to devil in jesus mighty name get aside get behind me you have a right that you have that authority you have to be happy my friend amen and now it's his turn to bless you guys look at her she's crying she's crying it's a beautiful thing my sister now your names are written in the book of life it's a beautiful thing holy spirit we give you praise and honor let your glory oh my god hey you know this is the moment that we're all waiting for and the scripture says in heaven there is a feast for you guys all the angels everyone our father god almighty when the time like this everything is silent everyone attention is you guys think about this angels are innumerable but yet they watch every one of you amen precious god thank you jesus amen hallelujah now let's just stay here right where you at let's just take a moment and talk to god yes say lord who am i you know there was a kid that came and gave two fish and five loaves of bread that's all he had that says to me lord am i maybe i'm not smart maybe i don't have a college degree maybe maybe you know i've been from abused family i came from a broken home lor i wasn't fortunate enough to have to get uh maybe a college degree you know maybe i'm not you know maybe i'm not smart to do this and do that that's my story i'm not you know that's my that's my story but lord all i got is two fish and five loaves to pray i can give you this i pray that you can use it the little bit that i got lord it's not you see because you see people it's not about it's not where you start it's what you finish amen there's people that started great end up finishing nowhere you could start nowhere and you can finish great you know one thing i say one more thing with you my name my father my last name was a disgrace my last name at one time was a disgrace my last name was disgrace because my father was a drunk my father beat my mother my grandfather in puerto rico they were all drunks and no losers and i'm not saying that by the way i'm describing the issue understand and so my name had nothing behind it my name was just a disgrace my name was the name of shame my last name was the name of shame my last name was the name that you know it was just just just like every puerto rican name that you come from a crazy puerto rican family we got nothing but food stamps welfare and we always hungry that was my last name and god redeemed my last name god redeemed my last name because i took i bought two fish and five loaves of bread and i said lord i don't have a heist all i have is a high school diploma i mean high school diploma today you can use it as boundary paper that's all i got no i don't have anything i i used to get f when i used to write an essay it was a guarantee f when i write my essay for school i knew i was going to get an f i was a guarantee and god took my two fish and fought lost to prayer and touch the world for his name and today i'm my name my name is known all over the world god could redeem your place your name he could redeem your family he could redeem your home he could redeem your marriage he could redeem everything that you thought that was dead and it was worthless and he had no value god can redeem that because he's the one that knows how to take the mess and make something great with it understand so it's not it's so so today you know my name is known all over the world not because of me i i'm listen i'm like i'm like everybody remember that commercial messy marvin i messed things up i'm good at that i'm good at that i messed my daughter up by broken promises okay by not being the right dad okay i miss my daughter by making promises i pick you up and she stand by the window and i never showed up because hanging out in clubs and devil worshipping was more important for me than my daughter i i was just sometimes the people the person that you hate the most you become just like that person and i hated my father so much and i became just like him so i so being instead of being a product of rejection saying being a product of something that would have no value i gave my life to jesus christ like you did today and jesus redeemed everything in my life today i got books at amazon that sold over a hundred thousand copies with a person that i had more f's and i had more d's that you can count god knows how to take the reject god loves the misfit god loves to miss it because that's when he shows his power and you can't take glory for it only he can take glory because you see what you did today you know what you did today you took the pen that you're writing your own story because it's kind of messy and you give it to god you say lord write my story and god doesn't need white out god god writes perfect stories he write perfect stories every single person here is a story every person here is a book to god maybe your book sounded a little crappy but god knows how to edit he know how to fix things he knows how to make things new so you know so today not only not only your life change but your dna change too he gave you his dna and man i remember when i started came to the altar call and i was standing there and i would go to these little meetings and stuff like that and i would sit all the way in the back because i was embarrassed to sit in the front in case they you know tell me ask me a question so you know how people the dumb people said although in the back you know i said i don't know where back because in case they asked me i can hide and then i i i i i didn't know the bible they put those tabs in my bible you know and even with the tabs they told me go to revelation i was in genesis even with the tabs i didn't know how to use the bible i didn't know nothing but god was not done with me yet and look what he's done in my life so don't see yourself how you see yourself and i'll leave you with this see yourself how god sees you every morning you get up you look at the mirror and you say god i might look like a chicken today but i'm an eagle lord i might look like this but i have a king inside of me no i might look like this but i have an esther inside of me lord you're not done with me you need to encourage yourself you need to speak life you need to break every curse every vex everything that your mother said to you about everything your family said every family bloodline devil you break it you destroy you say i don't want it this is not me i'm a new creation in christ the bible says that i'm new and all things pass away all things become new in christ jesus i am trusting you i'm believing you that you're gonna take this donkey and you're gonna write on his back and you're gonna make you're gonna make something out of his donkey that's what i did amen this devil worshiper drinking animal blood drinking my own blood putting witchcraft on people hating people hating myself the most person i hated the most the one in the mirror because sometimes we easy to hate people but when we see ourselves we hate ourselves more than anybody else sometimes you can configure someone but you can't forgive yourself we struggle to forgive ourselves and we hate what we we what we see in the mirror but god said don't see yourself like you see yourself see yourself like i see you because now when jesus look when god looks down from heaven he doesn't see you anymore he's seen his son in you [Music] amen so let's pray and if god tell me to come up and pray for you i come up and pray for you we come in agreement but learn learn one thing learn how to agree with god don't wait for ministers to come up and put hands on if it happened that's a bonus but that's not to end your story it's the hands of the holy spirit upon your life that's the end of the story i pray i'll enhance myself i do communion in my house i talk to myself we talk to ourselves more than we talk to anybody else anyway i'm in my car i talk to god play worship music i'm just crazy for jesus you know why because i owe him everything and he owes me nothing same for you today this is a life-changing moment in your life a life-changing moment in your life your life will never be and my sister you never gonna die you would live amen your days will never be caught short cancer is not going to kill you that's right cancer is not going to kill you say it's the lord this is your testimony of how god is going to restore you and that generation of christian family is going to be broken today yes amen god is into healing look at my eye my eye is jacked up i'm still going to get my 20 20. so the definitely hit me hard enough and he didn't hit you hard enough either amen so let's raise up our hands let's talk to god let's talk to god let's talk to god what happened to your feet what happened to your leg huh a wall you didn't go skiing right because spanish people don't ski just check let's raise up my hand let's talk to god for a few minutes they tell them how blessed we are how much we love them let's talk to god tell how blessed you are how much you love him let's talk to the lord and anything that you have anything that you have in your family right now say hello i've announced this in my family i really love drunkenness i really i else alcohol my family i mean whatever you have in your family you say i renounce it right now either out of my life out of my bloodline whether it's mother's side father's side speak to god say look i want you to take all these things away i if you if you're drinking and you're this alcohol in your family take the taste out of my mouth take the taste out of my mouth floyd take the taste of life out of my mouth take the taste of the things of the world out of my mouth lord speak to god take the taste out of me lord i don't need that taste in my life i don't want the taste the only taste i want is the taste of the holy spirit that's the taste i want in my life i want the taste of the holy spirit i want holy spirit to fill my voice fill my gap fill my mind fill my heart feel my spirit fill my soul i want the holy spirit to touch me from the crowns of my head to the soul of my feet i pray every day i get up every day i get up it's a new day with god every day i get up there's a walk of god every day i get up lord teach me your voice teach me the sermon teach me how to walk with you teach me your word let the word being grafted in my heart lord let the fear of god be engrafted in me that i don't sin against you lord show me my destiny show me my purpose and show me who i am if you've done it for john ramirez you could do it for me because you're not respecting a person this is your moment to just talk to god and say lord i just i just want you to be your best wherever you call me to be i want to be that i don't want to be a copycat i don't want to be a bootleg and i don't i don't want to be a bootleg copycat and a duplicate i want to be a great original i want to be a great original for jesus a great original holy spirit breathe upon your people right now breathe upon your people right now lord touch the broken places touch the places that are fragmented touch those places father god touch them and make them whole as i come down to you i'm just going to lay my hands on you lightly and let the holy spirit touch your father in jesus name right now holy spirit holy spirit touch my sister every place that you've been rejected if you've been molested and you you've been robbed you've been betrayed by you've been mature if people betray you and people backstab you forgive them completely let them go completely say i just give you lord i give you those people and if they're alive lord bless them bless them lord because i just want to release them because when you're taking me they can't come with me amen god has too much for you so you hold on to trash so in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus every rejection devil every hurt pain that you ever that the devil caused in your life by other people or even your pastors or leaders or churches anything they have done to you let it show up and die we curse you to the root today we curse you to the root to let any healing happen today let the power let the holy spirit rest upon you today let the holy spirit love on you today let the holy spirit kiss you today get it you know kevin zadai says that god send kisses from heaven let god kiss you today wherever you hurt let the holy spirit kiss you today whatever you heard right now in the name of jesus let it go let it be lay everything at the altar start new today later to alter my brother lay it at the altar start new today start new today in the name of jesus that's right in the name of jesus start new in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now holy spirit i declare psalms 103 be healed in jesus name as i come and pray for you be here my sister in jesus name the devil is a liar [Music] everybody in the name of jesus i surrender all i surrender all i surrender all to have it all in jesus [Music] i want my house to be clean and your house is your mind your heart your spirit and your soul let it be clean no clutter no noise floyd no clutter no noise no clutter no noise no clutter no noise i want my house to be clean i want my house to be clean i want everything that i can offer a living sacrifice myself to you i can offer myself as a living sacrifice to you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want to offer myself to you what whether people are here in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want to offer myself to you whatever years i got left whatever years i got left i wanted to be the best years of my life life is too short to mess up you know what's funny about people you see people do the twist or they do this dance you're like dude that was in the 80s you missed it people try to sing now you're like you missed it you missed the opportunity don't miss your opportunity in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father i pray that my brothers and sisters will never lose an opportunity when you open heaven that they will receive what you have for them lord that they will know that jesus christ is lord and savior they will receive they will receive everything you have for them father god teach them how to know when heaven opens they'll line up with you that their hands will clap with yours lord there will be a rhythm that would edify their lives they would change and transform their life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ father i pray that you give us your mind give us the mind of christ give us the sermon we need and give us the anointing that we need and give us the clarity and our spirit revelations in our hearts that we can run this race and make you proud in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hashem there are in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father right now in jesus name in the name of jesus christ holy spirit breathe on your people breathe on them in the name of jesus christ breathe on your people and let them receive let them speak in tongues let them speak in tongues let them speak in tongues let the holy spirit fall upon this place so let me hear people speak in tongues lord right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now holy spirit have your ways heavy ways in the name of jesus have your ways in the name of jesus christ have your ways have your ways bless my mama here in jesus name right now in jesus name in jesus day right now holy spirit breathe on her receive receive a fresh touch receive a fresh touch holy spirit touch every person here don't let it be man don't let it be man let the holy spirit touch you let the holy spirit touch you let the holy spirit touch you let the holy spirit touch you in the name of jesus let the holy spirit touch you and make all things new in your life let all things do be in your life in your life and through your life in jesus name amen right now in the name of jesus father we give you our all we give you our two fish and five loaves multiply my life multiply my life that will touch other people's life father let me be radical for you let me be radical for you let me be what you call me to be i don't want to be me i want to be what you want me to be i want you to be and i want to be lord what you want me to be right now in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways in the name of jesus christ have your ways have your ways have your ways in the name of jesus right now in jesus name holy spirit touch my brother from the top of his head through the sober feet touch him holy spirit have your ways in his life father rearrange the furniture touch his heart touch his heart touch his heart touch his heart touch my brother here in the name of jesus touch him holy spirit have your ways in his life lord all things make all things not something or something make all things new in his life touch them touch them holy spirit touch them now let them receive receive the goodness of jesus christ in the land of the living receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it receive it in the name of jesus christ receive the fresh anointing upon you let god fill up your cup let god fill up your cup let your cup overflow let your cup overflow with jesus the love of jesus christ let it rain and ruin your heart i pray that anything is not of jesus be broken destroy dismantle we curse everything to the root we curse everything to the root we curse every optical entrapment be setting patterns and cycles of the enemy every noise every clutter we break we curse it in the name of jesus christ father we pray that you will have your ways in us and through us that our life will be so transformed father god that people will even say what happened to you in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now holy spirit breathing upon my places that needs resurrection power father today is resurrection day father rex erect the errors in my life they need resurrection right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways have your ways have your ways holy spirit have your ways touch your people father god fill up the voice fill up the gaps remove the clutter remove the noise in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ holy spirit have your ways have your ways have your ways have your ways holy spirit have your ways have your ways we touch and agree with the holy spirit we touch and agree holy spirit you have your ways write my brother's story write his story father god and bring bring glory to your name bring glory to your name bring glory to your name father god hallelujah right now holy spirit right now right now in the name of jesus holy spirit you do your thing do what you do best put all things put everything together bring order alignment to my brothers and sisters in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now holy spirit right now holy spirit right now right now holy spirit right now holy spirit right now father it's not about john high behind me behind me behind the cross none of me and all of you right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus holy spirit touch my sister touch her touch her from the top of her head to the solar feet touch her father touch her you know the areas that she needs resurrection resurrect those areas everything that they conquered and the locusts are eating out of your life i pray will god give it back to your hundred folks in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus holy spirit have your ways have your ways have your ways touch my brother top of his holy feet make all things new you want prayer you don't want prayer oh you you you all my little people go up on stage go up on stage if i pray for you you can have you can go back to your seat make it easier for me to pray for other people please uh not only sitting but if you guys can start going we gotta clean this place our service name is over so if you guys don't want anything please because we gotta clean this place we wanna go home [Music] to give it to you [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] foreign so [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Armen Ministries
Views: 15,398
Rating: 4.9286776 out of 5
Keywords: #christian, #teaching, #sundaychurchservice
Id: yoLBGiTM5Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 0sec (8880 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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