TED Service | Feb.3rd, 2020

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God and so that's why brother Paul will say be aglow be on fire be father the word father means you are on fire the word zeal means you have an attitude towards serving you have an attitude towards having an attitude of fervency father means you are there all the time every time you're needed you're there Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday you don't need a long notice once duty demands you make yourself available you are available to be used in the house of God you are available to be used in the house of God so you are suffering in the spirit serving the Lord yesterday we establish the Salvation does not demand walks you don't demand walks to be saved Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and einem for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast also so Titus chapter 3 verse 5 Titus chapter 3 verse number 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so salvation is to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and that God raised him from the dead acts 16:31 Romans chapter 10 verse 8 to 10 Romans chapter 5 verse 1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ so salvation does not demand works salvation does not require works but after you are saved there are things that salvation produces in us after you are saved there are some things that salvation produces in us you are saved by faith you are saved by grace you are justified by the finished work of Christ you sanctified by the finished work of Christ you are righteous by the finished work of Christ your sins are eternally forgiven by the finished work of Christ by the finished work of Christ you are now is son of God Romans chapter four verse 25 who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification oh yes hebrews chapter 2 verse 10 hebrews chapter 2 verse number 10 for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings look at the next verse verse 11 for both he does sanctify it and they who are sanctified all of one for which cause is not ashamed to call them brethren all of this is what Jesus has done for us in his death burial and resurrection but however there is a verb to Christianity there is a verb to Christianity Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 Philippians chapter 2 verse number 12 wherefore my beloved this is not for unbelievers this is for believers my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your salvation with fear and trembling walk out not what for walk out and you cannot walk out until it is in you walk out what Christ has produced inside you walk out your salvation with fear and trembling look at the next verse for it is God which worketh in you but to will so there is a working of God that produces the willingness in you it is God that worketh in you and the workings of God in you produces the willingness in you but to will and to do so when God is at work in you you do something when God is at work in you you're willing when God is at work in you you do something you are not just safe to sit and uncross your legs no where you are safe there is a working of God that begins on your inside and when God is at work in you you are willing when God is at work in you you do something both to will and to do of his good pleasure can somebody shout hallelujah we established yesterday that you serve God with your spirit Romans chapter 1 verse name brother Paul establish the different things that you require in southern God I said the truth in chapter 1 verse 9 Romans chapter 1 verse number 9 for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his song that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers I serve with my spirit Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore brethren that you present your bodies a living sacrifice so we serve with our bodies which is your reasonable service which is your reasonable service vast you and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so I shall go with my spirit I serve God with my body I serve God with my mind all of these are our responses to what Christ has already done all right so yesterday we gonna look at all of those and we establish quite some foundation and I'm gonna just proceed from there yesterday we also saw that you are saved there for yourself you are saved therefore you fight the good fight of faith you are saved therefore you run to obtain let us run that we may obtain for they that run in a race run all but but there is he that obtained a prize in that race we also saw yesterday having done all to stand you stand so there is a standing required we also saw yesterday that because you are saved you give now so these are active things that you do in Christianity second Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 10 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 10 for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to da giethoorn whether it be good or bad whether it be good or bad so he is not going to reward you for his blood he is not going to reward you for salvation thank you for saving me thank you my lord thank you for saving me thank you my lord he's not gonna reward you for salvation he's not gonna reward you for being blessed he is going to reward you for the work of the ministry he's going to reward you for the work of the ministry so we began to look at things like the crown stefanos in the Greek the crown stefanos in the Greek now listen carefully the word crown we looked at different crowns yesterday remember we talked about the prize in 1st Corinthians 9:24 where brother Paul talked about the prize we talked about brother Paul talking to the people in the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 1 put that one up Philippians chapter 4 verse 1 we saw the incorruptible crown then we also saw therefore my brethren dearly beloved and long for my joy and Crown so stand fast in the Lord my dearly beloved so the crown are the people we bring to the kingdom the souls we save the souls we bring would be our crown you are my joy and my crown you are my reward in Festus solonius of the to verse 19 Vesta solonian chapter 2 verse 19 for what is our hope or joy or crown or rejoicing and not even he in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming you are our joy you are our crown the souls we brought into the kingdom the souls we disciple in the church becomes our joy and a crown in the presence of the Lord so there will be a reward for soul winners in the Book of Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 Daniel chapter 12 verse number 3 he says and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever they shall shine because he that winneth Souls is wise he that winneth Souls is wise so these people that are solving us they shall shine forever there are many to righteousness shall shine forever because those souls will be the basis for your shining those souls will be the basis for your shining the people you are brought to the kingdom the people you are brought to the knowledge of Christ the people you have delivered from darkness to light will be the basis for your shining those who turn from unrighteousness to righteousness those who preach the gospel of his resurrection - they become your reward those are for people who are solving us those are for people give themselves to evangelism embosses hospitals those who go to the field the villages the communities outside the city those who go into missions to get people saved you look at a particular area of town you make it your target you begin to win souls from one house to another you are living in the valley you are working tirelessly that is what salvation produces in a man that is saved you can be saved and be passive you can be save and be contented just warming the bench and and writing notes upon notes upon notes upon notes until you're so drunk with the note you don't even write again no no you are saved to serve remember the fruit of spiritual growth is savvy the proof that you're growing spiritually is service if you are not serving you're not growing if you are not serving you are not growing so there is a crown for the souls that I want there's also a crown for enduring temptation James 1:12 those who end your temptation they have a crown it's called the crown for those who endure temptation they so see a crown of righteousness 2nd Timothy 4:8 henceforth is read for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord shall give me that they are not to me only but unto all those who love his appearing who are those who love his appearing those that are doing everything in Saudis to facilitate the advancement of his kingdom so there are rewards for Christianity and there is a reward in Christianity there are rewards for Christianity there are rewards in Christianity rewards of service for what you have done with what he gave to you look at again that 2nd Corinthians 5:10 there's something rather Paul said that is instructive please pay attention for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad you'll be rewarded for both good or bad nobody will be reward less nobody will be reward less he will be rewarded for what good or bad depending on what you have done in his body in the body of Christ you will be rewarded for whether it is good or bad so there are guys that will be in heaven with bad stuff with bad stuff some have done bad stuff they of course division in the body they have used the amount of gossip and break relationships in the church they have used the amount to set a brother against another brother they are with bad stuff and they will be rewarded they will be rewarded that gossip your gossiping it will catch up with you on the deer award don't think you just gossip and it has passed with man it may have passed but with the owner of the body he's waiting for you to reward you whether it is good or bad that's why I went back to the scripture so that you will not pass that important information whether it is good or bad some guys are responsible for how some people are not being blessing the church they have the Ministry of making sure people are not blessed somebody comes to church happy you dampen his spirit you walk up to him and tell him something oh you make his day in church uncomfortable or you do something to him that makes him is in the saddest part is not in the sons you're responsible for depriving a brother for whom Jesus died not to be blessed in a service bad stuff you will be rewarded for it some are responsible for rebellion in a church the spirit that brings division disloyalty not just disloyalty but dishonor a spirit of dishonor and disloyalty there are people responsible for it when somebody misbehaves and is rebuked in the church they will go and meet him and tell him how can they talk to you like that and fill him up to come back and be adamant and behave anyhow in the body of Christ there is reward waiting for what good or bad is there in black for both good and bad people can indulge you on Facebook and Instagram and give you terms up for being a rascal for talking anyhow to a pastor for concluding things in the church and I'm talking carelessly you are talking carelessly you're on a town crier on social media for attacking the people of God and they're giving you thumbs up reward is waiting for you there is nothing you do that will not be rewarded whether it is good or bad that's something to think about that's something to think about everything will end one day my friend everything will end one day gossiping has a bit of ending causing discord and division has an expiry date everything will end taking advantage of brethren it has an end surely there is an end it has an empty and you will stand before Jesus he's the Lord of lords and he will judge all actions and he will judge all intents and motives yeah he's gonna judge it we're not seeing it in your face but Jesus the owner of the charge is seeing the motives and intends this preaching I am preaching to you here and sweaty will be judged my motive for keeping you in charge like this will be judged I am very aware that every time I stand before you with every sense of responsibility that what is motivating me to stand here and talk to you the way I talk to you what is motivating me even when I'm tired not to be tired it will all be judged all will be judged you know it's a period and some pastors don't realize that we will go before Jesus to account for everything we were preaching for everything we are teaching it will all be George am i communicating at all yeah so if you have done bad things in the body of Christ you cannot go free you cannot go free whether it be good or bad it will be charged I was still in the building put the scripture again 2nd Corinthians 5:10 so you can look at it with an order I know for a we must deduce the most imperative necessity we must all know selection or appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to dirty are done whether it be good or bad and you know the writer of Hebrews reminds you Hebrews 6:10 put it off Hebrews 6:10 for God is not a chose to forget God is not all righteous to forget no matter how long it takes God will remember whether it be good or bad he's not unrighteous to forget this is very serious the Bible says that when you sin against Christ in first Corinthians 8:12 put it up first Corinthians 8:12 but when you sin so against the Brethren and wound their weak conscience you sin against Christ you sin against Christ those of also spread hots and bitterness we run down brethren among brethren we run down brethren among brethren you take a sister you slice up before another system you take a brother you pieces him before a group of brain drain you won't go free you won't go free you will receive a rebuke from the Lord and that rebuke will be forever if you would be judged for bad the outcome of the bad judgment will be forever if you are being rewarded for good that's why you will shine forever it's not like you will tell why did he ever don't do it again next time when he rebukes you boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo forever am i teaching yeah because you need to understand that you need to understand the weight of those words that's a proposed yeah I put my body on that I put my body on that after I have preached to others I will not be a castaway I will not be disqualified from the reward of what I did I discipline myself I am temperate because if a man is striving for mastery he is temperate in all things no man that worried and Tonglet himself with the affairs of this world that he may please him that has chosen him to be a soldier there are rules for the things we do in the kingdom now this is for those that are doing something how much less those that are doing nothing how much less those that are doing nothing those who don't care whether people are saved or not those who don't care where I believe us have been discipled or not as long as they can finally sit to sit in the church where I is under the gallery or in the overflow they are happy that they belong how much less those people because we must all appear we must all not so am i teaching here we must all appear so you will only be rewarded for what you have done in the body of Christ not what you have done with your body what you have done in his body look at first Corinthians 3:12 first Corinthians 2 312 now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones look at another class wood hay stubble two different classes gold silver precious stone if you remember the story of Rehoboam back in the Old Testament God told them to build with gold build with gold Rehoboam looked out and took the gold out of the temple and replaced it with the brass he replaced it with brass God said build with gold Rehoboam took the gold out and replaced it with brass and also discipline some churches today they have taken out sound doctrine and replaced it with entertainment they have taken out sound Bible teachings and replaced it with comedy comedy and endless entertainment when we stand before Jesus we will present what we have done in his body we will present what we have done in his body we keep saying that the diet of the church is strictly Christ some people are angry because I think we should teach business and attainment skill acquisition how to make soap on a Sunday morning how to fabricate body cream so that you can survive the economic meltdown from the pulpit the work of Christ is not your walk someone sent you and gave you specific instructions you don't serve God according to your terms you serve God according to his terms there are terms for service there are terms for service you do what he wants otherwise you cannot qualify obedience is critical you can qualify obedience obedience cannot be passion obedience cannot be convenient obedience must be total obedience cannot be Pasha obedience cannot be convenient obedience must be total it is either complete obedience or it is not obedience there is no half obedience you are either going all the way or you're not going at all it's a give yourself wholly to them give yourself wholly to them that you're profiting may appear so there are no half measures there are no half measures you're either serving God or you're studying yourself you're either serving the Lord or you're serving yourself am i teaching at all yeah and I have said to some pastors why not explain to us with a New Testament where there is wealth creation in the New Testament where brother Paul or Peter or James or John or any of the Apostles taught apostolic value on world creation show me the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets show me any of the Apostles that did a seminar on 19th century business strategies you won't find any even the parables of Jesus that were money related they do not have the professionalism of economics even the parables of Jesus can be faulted by any professional because it was not a parable on money it was just a parable to bring out a spiritual reality am i communicating at all yeah please listen carefully we have to do what he has told us to do and we have to do it the way he has told us to do whatever we build on the foundation will be tested very important anything we build except the Lord build a house they labor in vain that build it so every man's walk shall be made manifest 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 please stay with me first Corinthians 3:12 now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble next verse every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is next verse 14 a venomous walk abide which he had built the air upon he shall receive a reward remember whatever we do in the body of Christ we are building on Christ you can be building business strategies on top of Christ you can be building soup making [Music] principles on Christ because that's not what he came for he came to save his people so what you are building on him must be it must be in tandem with his mission statement am i communicating at all mind what you are building on Christ mind what you're building on Christ have you ever been responsible for somebody growing spiritually this yourself how many people have I helped to grow spiritually how many can I point to one two three four five I am the one that was responsible for them from the point they got born again they spoke in tongues and grew up now they can explain scripture responsible for somebody not being a worker or being a worker because there are people responsible for people not being workers and then there are people responsible for people being workers which one are you for being workers or not be workers because there are some people who are on fire they want to join the working body and be committed and somebody takes them aside and said how long have you been in this church - its I will be up for 40 years let me tell you is small small we do it here don't rush things because you will soon be offended so the hindered our blessing from being committed to the work of the Lord the yielded that person don't be responsible for a broadness tumbling because whatever you do whatever you do will wait for you at the judgment seat of Christ am i teaching at all of what sort it is of what sort it is remember there is a difference between Korea and ministry Korea you do for yourself they do it to obtain a corruptible crown whether you are doing whatever professional your profession there is no reward for your profession because you are doing it for yourself see but we win souls and do ministry that we may obtain an incorruptible crown are we still in the building eternal reward is for what you do in the body of Christ eternal reward is for what you do in the body of Christ but if you make your carrier useful to the body of Christ there is a reward for that Korea if you make Korea a useful in the body of Christ because the reward if for what you do in the body if you use the carrier in the body of Christ to be a blessing to brethren there is a reward for that Korea look at it in Hebrews chapter 6 verse 9 and 10 Hebrews 6 9 and 10 but beloved we are pass we're better things of you and things that accompany salvation though we don't speak next verse 10 for God is not unrighteous to forget your work a labor of love which you had showed towards his name in that you have minister to the Saints you have ministered to who to the same so it is what you do in the body that will be rewarded you have ministered to the Saints and to minister not a your minister to acquire balm state no you have ministered to the Saints if you observe you said I started defining what the body of crises you have minister to the Saints and do minister you serve the Saints it's what you do to the Brothers of Jesus that counts not what you do to the world not what you do for the world what you do to the Brothers of Jesus that's why in 1st Corinthians 9 16 but the Paul says if I do it willingly I have a reward but even if I don't do it willingly a a dispensation has been given to me which means whichever way will do it but the one that will be rewarded is the one I do willingly am i blessing somebody tonight yeah look at it in the message Bible 1st Corinthians 9 16 message Bible first Corinthians 916 message Bible if I proclaim the message it's not to get something out of it for myself I'm compelled to do it and doomed if I don't next verse if this was my own idea of just another way to make a living I would expect some pay but since is not my idea about something sonali and solemnly and trusted to me why would I expect to get paid since it's not my idea I don't need to be paid but I will do it willingly so that I will have a reward I will do it willingly so that I will have the reward it is God that worketh he knows what to do what but to will I will do it willingly somebody say very loud with me I am willing I am obedient to the plan of God for my life can I hear powerful amen you know some people who only serve because they are paid if they are not PD do not be found in the place of Saudis see there is no reward it's got to be willing paid or not paid I'm gonna do it because I'm committed to it look at matthew 20:26 i'm going somewhere tonight matthew 20:26 but it shall not be so among you about whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister whosoever will be great so the chief is the servant the chief is a servant the chief is a servant your works matter in the kingdom your works don't matter in salvation but after you are saved your works matter you have to know that service is a proof service is a proof of our newfound life in Christ service is a proof of our newfound life in Christ we are born to solve it inherit we are born to solve we are saved - Sam service is in your salvation service is in your salvation Jesus talks amen brother James talks about good works look at James chapter 2 so if you have good works it also follows that we have bad works so a question our actually wily and such yourself is route 1 is your own James chapter 2 verse 14 James chapter 2 verse 14 what not it profit my brethren though a man say he had faith and had have not works can faith save him next verse if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you said unto them depart in peace be warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what dotted profits next verse even so faith if it had not works is dead being alone Xmas see a man me see thou hast faith and I have works show me thy face without thy walks and I will show thee my faith by my works James if a brother or sister a baby say if a man a woman if a broad because this whole thing is in the body I win the building here if a brother or sister does very instructive in the body always is in the body fair few that walks is dead then look at what James you say now in that same James chapter 2 verse 20 21 James - 21 look at look at the analysis gives was not Abraham our Father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar next verse see as thou have faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect and the scripture was fulfilled which saith abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God 24 you see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only brother James brother James the proof that you are saved will be in the works of your salvation the proof that you are saved will be in the works that followed the salvation you don't work to be saved but once you are saved God is working and because God is working it will come out to be honest the sister comes as a sister I've not eaten for three days I'm very hungry you can even see the symptoms on her face and you have them back to seclusion I'll explain me well you have money in your pocket five thousand ten thousand is a closure I'd man call Makara Nacala every tree of India is dead is dead you an embarrassment to Redemption everything edenia what is that will remove to tell 1000 sister please eat when you're okay we can pray so that God will lead you to where you will find a permanent solution to this situation but go and eat fast that's what the function that's Christianity say yeah you I'm gonna go see I hear you a brother is sitting by you you look at his trouser it has holes you look at his I mean his shoe this shoe is smelling today or sitting dad is a car for you to do something not to be frowning look addition boom brother just stop by me today I cannot concentrate no there is why I could not concentrate or did you do something about the shoe it is because people are not sensitive that is why when I started ministry newly I was wearing a shoe that was destroying my leg I would have money so I managed what I had I wanna show until the soles finish eating and the nails that were used to to nail the shoe together started pinching my feet and I have to eat and preach at a point he became painful because after every service I will bleed on my shoe and I can't preach barefooted every Sunday such a point and I was pastoring discharge then members were happy the purpose running around and preaching they don't do the packin bleeding in my legs insensitive anyway long story short God moved his sister somewhere in portico took me to a place and bought me shoes bought me shoes a lot of shoes and that was the end of the journey of that that bleeding leg you are laughing because you've never been there in fact because of that I started walking I started walking like this and the bread and I used to be in church at that time everybody started workers they thought there is an anointing to this movement because how can a man of God be walking like that it was not anointed it was condition that made crayfish to bend touch somebody buddy I'll be sensitive to your needs and I'll be a blessing to you didn't hear powerfully Amen that is gone forever so if somebody's at a place don't laugh at him because you won't be there forever if you refuse to take care of him your faith is dead somebody with a living faith will take care of him I'm teaching here I said I'm teaching here Abraham's walks we are made manifest by the things he did Abraham proved his righteousness he proved his race stranded he proved that he was righteous don't forget we're talking about your service in the body that's what James was talking about he was not saying you need to give food to poor people so he can be born again it was saying that after you are born again just like Abram after he was declared righteous in Genesis chapter 15 then in chapter 22 he now give up Isaac he didn't give Isaac because he was declared righteous it was after he was righteous he now as a part of spiritual growth give Isaac we don't give to be accepted but after we've been accepted if we're really working with God and growing the things of the Spirit it will begin to affect our lifestyle am i teaching here yes the fruit of spiritual growth I mean the fruit of spiritual growth servicing else of God don't forget very important in 1st John chapter 3 verse 16 first John 3:16 getting blessed tonight 1st John 3:16 hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren he led his home for us we now we lay our own for the Brethren next verse 17 but whoso hath this world's good and see as his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him you have things of this world your things and a brother I see me and you shut your eyes from him do you really have the love of God God didn't shut his eyes from us when he saw us in need he came and gave everything he had to get us out if we were born of that same love we would manifest that same lifestyle am i teaching good just emote each of the five verse nine brother Paul not begins to talk about widows widows in the church let not a widow be taken into the number let a widow not be taken into the number on that threescore years world so any widow that is below sixty it's not recognized as a we do in the body of Christ look at it let not a widow be taken into the number on the threescore years old has it been the wife of one man so there is a condition even if she is sixty for her to be accepted as a video she must have been faithful to that one husband but if she has married another man she's no more a widow even at 90 did you observe that put it up this is very important let not a widow be taken into the number on that threescore years old while she is not sixty she's not a widow but if she is 60 and she's married more than one man she's no my Widow have him being the wife of one man emphatically stated next verse now I'm going somewhere with his jaws follow me she must be well reported off for good works if she have brought up children that's important she must have brought up children if she has not strangers she must have opened a house for brethren to stay when they come to town and have nowhere to stay if she has washed the sins feet this is not fit washing service it means if she has been serving brethren if she relieved the afflicted if she have diligently followed every good work look at the next verse but the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to watch one pawn against Christ they will marry zeros matter it is a very serious matter so the reason why protocol is that is cause widows we are supported financially in the church so he had to define it so that the church will know the kind of widows to support financial he took them to give us specifics for widows to be supported if you observe she must be reported for doing good works in the church then illicit goods she must have brought up children that are well behaved she must have large strangers it means people not your family you make them stay with you if she as minister to disease she being diligent should be supported by the church now if you observe everything there about the qualification of a widow is generosity she must have lodged strangers she must have served the sins she must all that has to do with generosity it has to do with giving it actually with her resources here the Apostle is teaching giving material resources as a walk of salvation giving material resources as a work of salvation pastor Brazil arrested from the widow if apostolic instruction requires that even we do must be liberal and generous in the house of God for her to be confirmed as a genuine believer he started from a widow so that nobody has an excuse to be stingy he went to a widow and we don't naturally is somebody that everybody's really around but he first of all say less qualified way with Ruiz then he now brought qualifications for a widow to be in a state where she can be received support that she herself mas husband have been libera libera libera now so he when they are to start explaining generosity I'm born again saved sanctified offering time you turn your face you need to be born again you need to be born again because if you are really born again salvation changes your perception of material things if you are really born again salvation changes your perception of material things instantly I tell people all over the world when you see Jesus money loses value it does it does there are only two people competing for worship you cannot serve God and Mammon God and Mammon so you're either serving Mammon or you're serving God or you're serving God with maman the only person competing for the place of God in your life is maman the love of money greed covetousness do you know dust in genus is love of money wait wait wait do you know dust in genus is love of money the only reason why you hold back is because you love the money you're in love is an unhealthy Athea it's an immoral idea between your money we have an immoral and inordinate affection towards money breed is in ordinate affection towards money you are in love with money you are involved in an illicit affair with money love of money love of money is the reason why you will see a clear need of support you have the money but you hold back because you have Fred if I give I may not get another one so money has subjected you to worshipping it am I talking to somebody here yeah money has brought you to a place to worship it and there's some people before they can give their money Jesus must create an earthquake we are the body shook and the money came out before they realize it there are people like that Ximena cata there are people like that before monie lives them nobody is born generously everybody is trained to be generous or trained to be stingy so generosity is a training so when people say let people give willingly let people give cheerfully God loveth a cheerful Giver is true what about people that have never been trained to be generous how will they give generously so generosity is a training that must be done in the body of Christ you are trained to be generous you don't doze is not automatic you don't walk in the spirit automatic you are taught to walk in the spirit concerning spiritual gift I will not have you what so you are trained in the things of the Spirit you are trained say say say I require training for generosity say very large I require training for generosity there are children that are raised in a stingy house your mother and father we are so stingy that even between themselves they were stealing from each other father was still from or the mother was still from father and the children of the birth of the matific is the English like TV and the children grew up in that kind of house where everybody is stealing from each other they - they grew up learning the way of stinkiness cause it's all about crab crab crab crab crab crab crab so now that has entered a church and the church they are born again and that mindset is still there so when you say give to God they are looking for how to collect give what do you know about the one I got so that is why giving must be a training an intentional training in the house of God am i communicating it must be a training and intentional training believers must be trained in the art of generosity just like we trained you to work in the spirit we train you to live in the spirit we train you to acknowledge all that classes done part of that training will be generosity part of that training will be generosity look at Ephesians 4:24 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 there sa 24:28 forgive me 28 let him that stole steal no more if you're hearing me you've been stealing your wit for bredrin to go and give offering you carry their phone I'm talking to you still no more still no more if not you will go and still policemen bicycle and they will catch you you'll hear what I'm saying if you've been stealing quietly in discharge from today you was still in public if you see even if you don't say Amen does your business if you don't stop it the next one you would read where a soldier is the owner and you will catch you and you will I have a lotta you know soldier boots those soldier boots if they put one on your leg and actually what your name is because when you start stealing small small and you don't judge yourself and stop you will be judged have you read they say if we judge ourselves we will not be judged but if we judge not ourselves we will be judged judgement is not on the last do the stealing you're still in nobody has caught inside charge when judgment meet you you will now go and steal the governor's the governor something where his convoy is parked then they will catch you there you would tell the story behind of course we will allow you sleep in the sail we will not come to the sale at all we will leave you there for some time before Waccamaw so what happened he says a member of a judge who is he he's been coming around he's been coming around yeah we know his face he's been coming around and we have been warning them to stop stealing say hey somebody's why Spartacus stealing why is Paul talking stealing in officience you know in the book of Ephesians wait easy no in the book of Ephesians is that Deuteronomy Ephesians chapter 4 not even chapter whatnot chapter 2 no job that chapter 4 inside the heart of the matter no a parable means not a parable this is not a parable this revelation knowledge I you still in the building let him that stole steal no more Barada let him live all working with his hands the teen which is good why will you have to live on watch that he may have to give that he if a brother Paul didn't say let him or concerned ima have to eat that's not a focus the focus is for generosity that he may have to give to him that is in me 7 me very Lord I am generous towards the work of God towards the body of Christ and towards the Brethren I am generous can I shut it even if you are not said by faith I am generous so in the look at George one of the things we look out for among believers are their walks we look out for their walks look out among you for honest men full of the Holy Ghost full of wisdom of unnecessary part look out for them so what do we look out for in the church we look out for believers walks we look at for your walks what have you been doing in the church what can we point to as your studies in the Lord speaking about material things have you been given assistance to people which good works can we attribute to you we are bad walks we have good works for example we ask you in the church to come buy a TV set and we give you transport fair transport fair go and buy use this money transport yourself and maybe we'll give you 8,000 ara and the transport for the TV purchase is $800 when you come back you must bring back the 200 not change if you keep that ordinary change or a thief relative now as I said man with honest report honesty means you bring back the 200 an hour this is what you gave me for this message I have gone I have come back here is 200 naira balance yes a receipt thank you then the office may say take the 200 an hour and you too may say let it go back to the walk of God not that you assume they should know that since I went anything that is on top is for the boys somebody's the honesty very important very very important very very important or you give something to the church you see I'm bringing this thing to the church as a gift how much did you buy it you bought it fifty thousand say five hundred thousand you a teef we must be honest it's part of the works of salvation we must be honest is part of the works of salvation is part of the fruits of a Christianity you make a commitment to God I'm going to support the work of God with 2,000 and some on to bring 500 some on to bring 200 as fast nobody's checking God understands no God does not understand why you should lie and deceive yourself some people make a commitment when it's time to redeem it they would drop an empty envelope I'm serious the pastor of this church you can no discharge more than me they will drop an empty envelope no respect no fear no reference drop an empty envelope Greece has covered it all it is waiting for you Greece didn't cover that one is your walks is relative you commit you you see I'm going to support the work of God with fifty thousand when it's time to redeem you drop five thousand I walk away not 2020 it ends with rusty here but it is waiting for your reward please what kind of Christians are we producing we're producing a people that will that will shake this world and the people that was time before God and not be ashamed we don't want you to stand before God and be ashamed wanting to stand before Jesus and you're not ashamed of anything am i communicating at all i know'd I say serious night what I need your attention and as I'm speaking if there are things you need to stretch in our does we make you it just bends quietly when you commit to the Lord you must keep it this is a woman in the Bible her name was Anna she said to God if you bless me with a male child I will give him to you honey dinner from the moment she made a commitment to God that male child was no more Hassan the moment she said God if you bless me with a male child I will bring him back to the house of God from the day she said that that male child that was coming into our life was no more Hassan the moment the child came and I took the child handed over to the house of God and disappeared you will hear of an idea from that time she didn't come to the church to be looking for a special seat pasteurize my song I donated him know you give something to the church and be finding yourself so stop dancing when you give it leave it the Lord who sees in secret he will reward a my teacher here give something to the house of God be making noise no wonder we don't know no give it are you the first are you the first what did you give you won't be the last some people give better than you get what you give when some people give you up on your own will look like dune for sweeping so come down come down and be glad that you could be useful say I hear please say it again I hear we give us a Mac of horno and we give us a privilege what do you have that was not given to you what do you have that was not given to you it is of his fullness that we all have received a man can receive nothing except it be given to him from above see I hear you kobato bellator care ladies and gentlemen when you make a commitment stay with your commitment she gave the only child of her old age she gave and walked away so I'm going to make a commitment father if you give me a job my first Solaria we'll give it to you my first salary I will give it to you you get a job on the vessel re-chrome you create you create you see a lot I'm sure you are forgotten in the times of ignorance you have a look you start putting scriptures that don't make sense people even tell god if you give me a job we'll be sharing a 50/50 50/50 then God would create a place of favor for them they get a job and they forget they make that kind of commitment some of the most some of the people that make very careless commitments are people that understand Greece and it doesn't make a father if you just bless me now I'll do this for your kingdom and they forget it yet people that are in legalism legalism because legalism has no messy if they promise something they faithfully bring it because they don't want to die young who should be more serious shouldn't it be us we should be the ones that are more serious because we understand that God has been good to us you won't fail in the name of Jesus your Amen is looking for help make a kind of commitment and you don't bring it to the house of God anything you if you are eating the Lord's money you are eating the lunch money you've said Lord is yours not it belongs to you and after you say belongs you then you are feeding on it these things matter natural things we do in the body of Christ they matter that's what brother police is the word press run that you may obtain fight the good fight of faith because sudden the Lord requires a lot of efforts a lot of efforts because there is a reward so there are efforts you've got to fight you've got to fight you've got to contend earnestly walk out your salvation with fear and trembling can somebody shout hallelujah I said somebody shout hallelujah anybody that is stingy to the walk of God is now walking with the Lord no stingy person walks with God no stingy person walks with God the walk walking with God has no room for sting genus first of all God is not stingy so how can you on God be walking and you're stingy where you get in from you can walk with God and be stingy you make things available your time your skills your resources your money you give it in honor of what Christ has done ladies and gentlemen salvation changes your attitude about things salvation rightly done if you're making notes salvation changes your attitude about things that's why the first thing you will see in the book of Acts the first thing you will see in Acts chapter 2 and after the fall is giving their attitude about things changed the rent and soul and sold houses and brought everything their attitude about things changed except the two acts of the fall why because a newfound life entered them and produced in them generosity they sow lands they saw houses they brought everything salvation changes your attitude about things what you do with your money what you do with your resources is your service unto the Lord what you do with your money what you do with your resources is your service unto the Lord eating food with your money and using money to fund your attitude is not Southeast to the Lord what you eat and what use your money fall is not a service unto the Lord it's not a service unto the Lord salvation works in you putting God and his work above yours the work of salvation in you put God and his work above your own salvation takes you from self-centeredness to cry centeredness from self-centeredness to cry centeredness salvation mix Jesus first in your life before anything else so you make your resources you make your skills and your time your talents available to the Lord you've got to learn that service to the Lord is to volunteer your resources you can get award for things you do for men but only God can reward you for things you do in his charge you can acquire things on earth but if you'll acquire things in heaven you must learn to sell if you will have things in heaven you must learn to solve we are talking about giving material things look at the way brother Paul taught it in 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 2nd Corinthians it was not for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty may be rich what people think this guy is saying here is that you know that the grace of Allah Jesus is that you become rich what is saying is that we know the grace of Allah just that though he was rich for your sake he became poor so what is grace grace is I become poor to enrich you does grace I deny myself so you can have that's great selflessness I deprived myself for your benefit I reduce so you can increase that's grace he became poor that you through his poverty may be rich so he reduced for you to increase that's grace that's the grace of our Lord Jesus that's the grace of our Lord Jesus the grace of our Lord Jesus is that through his poverty you are now rich he was talking about the grace in the Church of Macedonia in verse 5 the church in Barcelona how that in their deep poverty I know I love the scripture look at that 1st Corinthians chapter 8 verse 5 give me verse 5 verse 5 and this they did not as we hoped but first gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God go back to verse 1 verse 1 of that same chapter verse 1 moreover brethren we'll do you two with of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia look at their condition how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality India flyer look at the next verse three four too deep to their power at their record and beyond their power they were willing of themselves vast fall prey NOS with much intreaty that will receive the gifts and take upon us the Fellowship of the ministering to the sins next verse and this they did not as we hoped they went beyond what we expected they gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God Church in the depth of poverty while a neighbor they were generous details they gave and gave in the depth of their poverty the grace of our Lord Jesus is the truest poverty you are rich and then brother Papa gonna see excel in disgrace also excel in disgrace also with grease the grace that even in your luck you continue to bless people even in your luck does the grace even in your luck you are a blessing to other people you empty what you have so that others can have you lose for others to gain you give for other people to be placed so my giving is the grace of Allah Jesus hallelujah my give him is the grace of Allah Jesus every time I give I am functioning in the grace of Allah Jesus every time I give I am operating in the grace of Allah Jesus please listen very carefully he said excel in this place also of course in the next verse he talks about the grace of receiving in the selfless Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 look at it 9 verse 8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound unto every good work so it is the grace of giving that powers the grace of receiving it is the grace of giving first then the grace of receiving so that's why in Chapter eight he talked about the grace of giving in Chapter nine he talked about a grace of receiving that you may always have all sufficiency in all things you abound to every good worker you have sufficient somebody shot is very loud I have sufficiency can I hear you shout it very loud louder so the grace of giving precedes the grace of receiving that is God bless me so I come bless orders so God blesses me I bless all of us I am blessed I bless all of us I am blessed I bless all of us I am blessed so the reason for the blessing is so that I can bless others the raziel for getting is so I can gift to others somebody shot I hear you yeah that's the point so God gives I give he gives I give God makes all grace abound towards you you have all sufficiency then you are bound unto every good work we are give us because of who we are God has blessed us to be give us so analysis you must learn to minister what you have to orders you must learn to minister what you have to orders you know there was a prophecy by other boss about the farmer and I was going to come on the whole earth in acts 11:28 so they sent to the church the church in Judea they sent the church in Jerusalem sent service to the church in Judea they gathered food and Central Church in Judea because giving a service giving a service giving a service I thought you write that down give him a service sudden the Lord with your resources one of the good works of salvation is giving materially you cannot say bread salvation from your money write that down in capital letters you cannot separate salvation from your money write it in capital letters you cannot separate salvation from your money that's what money in our churches should be taught as giving and being a blessing not greed not selfishness not covetousness we teach Scripture prosperity is in your giving not in your receiving prosperity is in your giving not in your receiving the real prosperity is expressed in your giving not in your receiving how you treat your resources see proof of whether you are growing in the Lord or you're not how you treat your resources is a proof of whether you are growing in the Lord or you are not is the proof where your money is your heart is how you treat your money how you treat your money is a proof of whether you're growing or you're not that's very important that's the grace of our Lord Jesus he was rich for our sake he became poor that's the grace of Allah Jesus so if we're going to walk in that same grace we are going to give what we have so others can have what we have we're going to give what we have so that others can have what we have we're going to give what we have so that others can have what we have they charge idiot in Acts chapter two and four well there are so much emphasis of them given in the book of Acts I mean the whole book is full of emphasis on giving the Holy Spirit wants you to take note of it that's why it's emphasized in the book of Acts and it was not casual given in the book of Acts people are selling lands and houses and abroad Britain the one that decided to bring half died emphasis emphasis on giving in the book of Acts the Holy Spirit wants you to be instructed in that area of service so much giving hallelujah give him is a path and pasture of the gospel say I give shouted let the devil hear your voice shouting Leonard ever hear a voice say I am a giver say me three times two more times one more time and now say with me I give generously that's right is part and parcel of the gospel when people heard me talking against tight ah dr. domina is the best he's the best he's the best he's the best because they thought I have given him a license for stinkiness your money giving is part and parcel of the gospel if you remove giving from the gospel is no more gospel no more for God so love the foundation of salvation is giving the center foundation of salvation itself is giving for God so loved the world that He gave and the love of God has been she'd abroad where your hearts by who the Holy Ghost so if the love of God has been shed abroad your heart by the Holy Ghost what should be what should be your manifestation it should be a giver how does God give he gives his best so if the love of God has been she'd abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost what should you give your best as their children be imitators of God say I give say it again say it again look at Luke chapter eight kebaya this week training evangelism and discipleship and let me prepare you ahead of time so you make up your mind whether you will come tomorrow or not I am ready to preach the chairs if you don't come I'm not joking at all I won't be stopping at 7:00 I will stop when I stop throughout this week where you go for training it is no more business as usual it is called what exactly so make up your mind as for me and my house we're here and those who belong to me I will see them here say hey Sami giver say it again I'm a giver say money does not really a rule money say I will make money and I will support the gospel I didn't hear powerful amen have I advised you Luke chapter 8 the Bible mentions some women in Luke chapter 8 give me verse 1 listen carefully and it came to pass afterward that he went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him observe us two talking about Jesus and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils look at verse three and Joanna the wife of chuza Herod's court and Susanna and many others which ministered unto Him of their own substance jesus's ministry could not succeed without funding there were people found in Jesus no ministry thrives without funding including that of Jesus I can show you over and over how that Jesus needed material things to do ministry at one point sinner to teach his voice could not be amplified he had to collect the boat Peter and his friends they had to get a boat for him he entered the boat and taught from the boat and after teaching he said to them launch into the deep in the Book of Luke when Jesus died as the Incarnate Christ they had to collect the grave of Joseph of Arimathea to bury his body what are you talking about you can't do ministry without material and financial resources you can't say yeah that's why I'm giving you Jesus I'm not giving any apostle I'm starting with the master himself he needed to feed people he had to rely on a young boy why did he does the bread and water you know he had to say is there anybody that can be generous to us in this congregation we need some food the boy took his lunch box and give Jesus collected it give thanks and that is what they used to feed the entire multitude Jesus's ministry could not go anywhere without funding money is an essential requirement for the work of the ministry the only thing I preach against is manipulation to collect money I preach against that radical there should be no manipulation the people of God should be taught the right thing and once they understand it they would do it well my communication at all yeah and also looking at me like this the Spirit of God is inside all of us I'm talking right now the Spirit of God has already borne witness you know exactly that's what you should do I know you know look at the same Scripture give me the amplified of that Luke chapter 8 verse 1 2 and 3 look at it from the amplified listen carefully soon afterward Jesus went on through towns and villages preaching and bringing the good news the gospel of the kingdom of God and the 12 apostles were with him next verse also some women who are being cured of evil spirits and diseases Mary called Magdalene from whom demons have been expelled verse 3 that's what was going to now and Joanna the wife of chuza Herod's household manager and Susanna and many others who ministered to and provided for him and them out of their property and personal belongings they didn't give him out of change they went into their property they went into their personal belongings for fun Jesus give me the message message verse 3 of message translation verse 3 Joanna wife of chuza Herod's manager and Susanna along with many others who use their considerable means to provide for the company they use their considerable means they give out of their property they give to his comfort that's the way JB Phillips says it they gave to his comfort from their own resources so you need to know that Jesus's ministry was funded by people so that when it's time to give offering you won't be given as if you are given to beggars no be given as if you are given to beggars you are given for the work of your Savior the one who died for you who lives inside you the one who lives inside you and it was recorded for us in Scripture for us to take note look at mark chapter 14 you will love this one mark chapter 14 verse 3 mark 14 three and being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he sat at me there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious and she broke the box and put it on his head look at the next verse and there were some that had the indignation within themselves and said why this waste of the ointment made why this is a waste why give to a man of God that already has why well there was indignation in Jesus's ministry we are talking about the Ministry of God himself yeah we'll only be they will always be people that I give hints in the gorge is natural it started not today there are people that will talk against giving to the church I will give the return I bet I give to madmen on the street and then I distribute my money to madmen on the street and give your mana but hey what you're talking about I think your head is not together listen this is an onslaught of some radicals who just talk Alice Lee now I give you madmen on the street then give to any man of God I will never give anything to any matter of God if Jesus was here you would do the same so I'm not shocked that you are talking like that we are used to people like you beginning from when Jesus was here that was indignation indignation whoever I give you you know we're talking like that you've never been pastored well you've never been pastored well when you are pastored well by a pastor like me and I actually to give even you're sure you remove it and give because when you have been placed which one to give natural things is nothing am i talking to somebody here when your life has been impacted by a ministry of the world to give to that ministry you even be looking forward to add because it is called or no you are no people that are blessed you brother process if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it is sin for us to receive of your carnal things did you see the way you compared it spiritual then you call your own kernel if we have given to you spiritual things is it a wrong thing for us to acts of your carnal things was Jesus a beggar was he a beggar he what way will it be a beggar but did he collect from people so when we collect from you it's not because we're beggars please listen carefully because you're going to make money this year and you must know where that money's going to go see here we have the bloom abou planets several finds something billion people to reach with this gospel and it takes money to do it it takes money to do it and with the way ministry is growing I know that in this my lifetime somebody will buy me a jet and I will use it I will use let me tell you now I will use the chance because the way my schedule is going the way my movements are going and the demand is increasing can you imagine this ministry in another 10 years with the speed were moving all over the world I don't looking for a jet because we want to go on a lovely trip we are thinking about how to reach one end to another and with the gospel and it's not a prey upon I'm not prepared yet and I'm not looking for it I'm not obsessed about it I'm not I'm not but it is a necessity just like you work a lot to come to service did you er clot it four four four four four guy you work it because so that's how jet will soon become a necessity and somebody will give it to me I'm just informing you have another ADC dimension glory to God as a glory regard as a glory regard as a glory what I'm simply saying is that resources are critical for the work of the ministry somebody say training evangelism discipleship now torture never say is time for walk walk walk walk there's somebody Popeye is talking like this because time for walk if you observe carefully in the last five six years in this charge I have not talked about money is that true what I've been talking about Soteria epignosis live in knowledge Christ realities of Christ God's family the reason is because I was preparing you for walk now it's time for walk put the scripture back is indignation that brought media vice versa and there was shown that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made verse five five four it might have been sold for more than three hundred pains and I've been giving to the poor and the mud against the dim Americans Jesus they mahmoud against the passing giving so that she will not give next time they did it to weaken her you give something and people come around see you try you it looks like you're the only one in that church every time they are not they want to dump on you they are they are fire extinguishes they want to quench you so that the next time we say money you sitting before this i am let me toast they have killed your zeal there are people like that the people are not you must learn to tell them get behind me Satan does sub-arrays not the things that be of God you must need to talk to people like that they're people you must talk to like that hey a man is going down look at what Jesus said next verse look at what Jesus said glory to God give it a nexus are you confused Jesus said let her alone when shabu ha she I wrote it could work on me what did he call giving walk what did he call give him walk she has wrought a good walk so every time you give what are you doing you're walking you're giving his walk just not a good walk on me give me the scripture now next verse next verse o for you have the poor with you always so if your problem is poor people they will never finish if it's for poor people they will never end poor people always be there Jesus escorting for astronomy the poor you will always have but me you have not always me you have not always now look at look at vantage point was it a night she a done what she could she is from aforehand to anoint my body to the burying next was very lesson to you we are so ever discussed who shall be preached throughout the whole world this also that she are done shall be spoken off for a memorial of anywhere there's a way you give you become a part of the gospel anyway is this not a woman they put memorial ooh there's another one in Acts chapter 10 verse 1 action of the 10 verse 1 there was a certain man in Caesarea coca-cola Leo's is some children of the band called the Italian band vas to a devout man and one that feared God with all his ass which gave much arms to the people and pray to God always he was a giver next verse he saw in a vision evidently about a night about the day an angel of God coming in to him and say unto Him Cornelius and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it Lord and he said unto Him thy pray us and then arms come up for a memorial before God the outcome of the new city ii memorial first one the woman this is a memorial this must give him memoria somebody say Memorial Jesus commented this woman for her giving let me round up agreement say let me round up Luke chapter 7 verse 2 look 70 and satin Centurion servant who was dear unto him was sick and ready to die when he had heard of Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the Jews please follow this one you will love this one beseeching him that he will come and heal his servant and when they came to Jesus they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this stop the offense for he was what for whom because in Jesus schedule that trip was not part of his agenda so this elders came and said Jesus this man that we wanted to go to is worthy what does the Bible say any city you go to preach if it is worthy let your blessing rest their body you know what what he is oh no oh no now watch for he is worthy for whom he should do this next verse 4 he loveth our nation and what made him worthy he had built us a synagogue repeated he has said again one more time if the person sitting near is not talking is a suspect you just lift your hand I show me the passage can I get one more time look at what happened next Jesus went with them Jesus telepathy let's go and when he was now not far from their house the Centurion sent friends him saying Lord trouble not thyself for I am not worthy can you see when a man gives to God and then considers that what I am giving is not good enough that's what we're talking about attitude he say please Jesus because he didn't know that the people who and their password Jesus to come what he wanted was for healing when I come idols income his child will be healing Jesus a be healed when I discover that Jesus has moved to countries house he say ah master please my house I am not worthy but Jesus has already arrived giving his service giving his service give him place a major role in the reward system of God oh yes he does hallelujah sewed me I'm a giver said very loud I'm a giver say I give generously intentionally for the work of God say again I give generously intentionally for the work of God listen carefully when we begin to go for evangelism do you know that there are people you will visit for evangelism whom you will give money do you know that there are people you will evangelize that you will transport to church do you know that hey listen to me do you know that there are people you will minister to you will minister to them and you will pay the hospital bill do you know that yes so generosity is critical for the walk and all grace abound towards you in the name of Jesus I say all grace abound towards you in the name of Jesus I say all grace abound towards you in the name of Jesus like you to stand up answer me I receive all grace I have sufficiency in all things ayuh bound unto every good work don't you never say in the name of Jesus I speak over you today right now generosity flows through you for the work of God and in here powerful amen tanja never gonna say neighbor in this time of work you will not be left behind neighbor we are committed to the advancement of God's kingdom with our resources our skills our time our energy everything we have we are committed to serve with our spirit our body our mind and our resources this year we are committed to advancing the kingdom of God I thought our here powerfully may open your turns and sell me I will make money in the name of Jesus I will make money for the advancement of the kingdom of God I will make money for the advancement of the kingdom of God one more time I will make money for the advancement of the kingdom of God I didn't hear powerfully my brother came to me and said well in portico 12 pitch I told you well paid for radio broadcast for you paid for one full year I have news for you the broadcast at you today the broadcast started today they call me from Pawtucket and said Papa congratulation the broadcasts are started today's our first broadcast and it's not only on radio all over radio story reversed it here is the link Papa you can into it on the Internet I touched the link and I went to their internet site and I had myself preaching that one is on another brother came from Kaduna I sure I told you we have paid for you to be already in Kaduna twice a week for the next one year and that broadcasts who is running now men are rising and removing money from their pockets and funding the gospel i prophesy you will be the next to fund something haiya mulatto bayada i said you will be the next to fund something i say you will be the next to fund something will be no radio every day in this state every day one hour is that true every night how many hour this is the second year this is the second year every day one hour well radio in this town every day there are lady told me somebody came into our office for me settle is my member discharged he say take this money and support the radio broadcast let that broadcast no stop we need it in this state I'm not in the church but that broadcast is very critical baba yaga say Dada listen to me money is coming for this gospel if you say you'll be a part of it by an opiate a caballo janaba saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw ii m osika Italica i was talking to one of our one of our coordinators in America last week I said to her can you imagine can you imagine if we had the money to buy a time on this television one hour every day for one year one hour every day for one year you put my broadcast on that station one hour on distance every day for money there will be global there will be a shift globally in the body of Christ at one time I'm imagine I'm on channels TV one hour every day very much happening the station money is coming Tobiah suba suba Zakia mantel Adebayor so garoto secada be palatable ka sikandar Tomoko notables membrane and rasool allah baba god is raising you and God is raising on us God is raising you and God is raising orders God is raising you and God is raising orders in the name of Jesus say I serve God with my spirit with my soul with my body and my resources I didn't hear powerful Amon he said this man is worthy let us go to his house Jesus also still listen this man is what then they added he loves our nation he is also still looking he built us in synagogue Jesus stood up let's go anybody that will make that kind of investment in the kingdom Jesus visiting now today Jesus is not visiting lives in you but when you advance his kingdom you give him pleasure you give him pleasure when you advance his kingdom you give him pleasure you honor him and there is a reward on top of this holding there is a reward God is not a righteous hallelujah bless tonight further clarity continues to grow in this house your people equipped and edified not just in business but all over the world everyone connected online everyone connected on Facebook YouTube on Kingdom Life Network and all the different avenues Lord will rejoice that people are being raised up all over the world to push this gospel into the into the into the bottommost part of the earth and with the Cree businessmen in this house you prosper in the name of Jesus Korea people you have ideas and everybody that does something in this house and even those that do not in this house you begin to do something and I decree that all of you address to supply so societal problems societal solutions in the name of Jesus make money make money make money in the name of Jesus make money in the name of Jesus and I decree together we will do it for the advancement of the kingdom of God and father we give you praise thank you for the blessing in Jesus precious name and every believer says that Amen on a note of finality amen are you excited tonight get a good offer unless given oh no Jesus those of you online it's time to give the banking details on the screen we give for the walk of his kingdom I rejoice great things will be done this year father pray for everybody giving and this building on Facebook on YouTube and television in our campuses we're generous we're generous we're intentional we're honorable we are willing and we rejoice thank you that we are yielding to your work in our hearts but to will and to do of your good pleasure great grace is upon your people and I thank you that every need is met we rejoice and we are privileged to advance your kingdom in our time thank you for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees your powerful email hey guys were signing you off we love you share the news get more people to hook up all our campuses and everybody has been following this ministry this week is a very critical week in positioning and preparing you for the assignment that God has been equipping us for all this while so you don't want to miss it for anything under the Sun all our campuses we live in the neighborhoods of our campus coordinators and everybody else will love you're looking for to connect which at 6 p.m. GMT plus one tomorrow evenin until then enjoy the grace of Christ let's celebrate viewers around the world praise God can I hear Paulie [Music] you [Music] this is Kingdom life you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 8,354
Rating: 4.9763312 out of 5
Id: V-LzMRTtgQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 45sec (6585 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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