How to Talk About Your Hobbies In English

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class [Music] welcome to English class 101 coms English in three minutes the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn English hey everyone Alicia here in this series we're going to learn some easy ways to ask and answer common questions in English it's really useful and it only takes three minutes in this lesson you are going to learn how to ask what someone's hobbies are without using the word hobbies you've probably seen the question do you have any hobbies or what are your hobbies in an English textbook before however native English speakers almost never use the word hobbies when asking about them a much more natural way to ask the same question is what do you do for fun let's practice this question what do you do for fun what do you do for fun you can also ask what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time so how would you answer this question let's look at how native speakers would do it the easiest way is to say I like to or just I like followed by what you like to do for example if you like watching movies you could say I like to watch movies or I like watching movies I like to watch movies or I like watching movies and if you like golf you could say I like to play golf or I like playing golf I like to play golf or I like playing golf you can emphasize how much you like your hobby by adding a word like really in front of like for example I really like watching movies on the other hand if you want to play down how much you like something you can say kind of for example I kind of like playing tennis now it's time for Alisha's advice if you don't have any special hobbies or don't want to be specific a good way to reply is I like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that I like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that just use I like and add hanging out with my friends and then add and stuff like that making you learn by having fun it's a thing infotainment ice hi everybody welcome back to top words my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about 10 things to do in the summer in the United States so let's go to travel abroad to travel abroad to travel abroad abroad means outside of your country so meaning to travel to a place not the United States in my case please don't forget to in this expression so many of my students will say this summer I'm going Europe you need to use two before the place you do not however need to use two before they're so like students sometimes will say I want to go to there you can't do that you have to use two before the specific name of a place there is not a specific place so you don't need to use to keep that one in mind to relax at the beach to relax at the beach ah that sounds fantastic right now to relax at the beach you go to the beach and you just relax there you lay in the Sun you go swimming maybe you drink a beer you get a tan if you would like to do that of course some people don't you put on sunscreen whatever it is that you like to do at the beach you just do that and enjoy in a sentence I would rather relax at the beach than have a really active vacation to learn English with English to learn English with English class Thanks so I guess if you are very ambitious this summer good for you you can learn English by doing what you're doing now or I think you can visit I presume you can visit the website for more content there too I'm going to put my time to good use and learn English at English class 101 dot-com to have a barbecue oh yeah the next one is one of my favorite things ever to do in summer wherever I am it's to have a barbecue or to have a BB q it's also okay but barbeque usually BB Q is in like writing I love having barbecues with my friends in the summer every 4th of July my family has a big barbecue to party all night the next expression is to party all night to party all night you don't it doesn't have to be summer or in the United States to party all night just say anyway it's a party all night means to do something you enjoy presumably with your friends or not I guess I partied like all night at home I tweeted pajamas are the best and then I tweeted a picture of myself really excited about a cookie and was very embarrassed about that the next day so I deleted it since I won't have school in the morning I'm going to party all night a different sentence I don't like partying all night I get tired I always hit a wall like r.e.m like I'm like yeah and then 3 a.m. and I'm running to sleep to get a tan to get a tan to get a tan it's in some cultures this is a good thing in some cultures it's not a good thing it means to sit in the Sun or lay in the Sun and let the Sun change the color of your skin be careful there's there are two expressions in English there is one to get a tan and another is to get a Sun burn so in u.s. culture anyway getting a tan means like your skin turns like a darker brown color but when it turns red it's bad that means you've burned your skin so tan good burn bad so we'd have 2 separate words to describe them in a sentence you'll find me poolside getting a tan to go hiking next expression is to go hiking so hiking means walking or trekking usually in a mountain or in a nature setting so in a sentence I used to go hiking with my family every summer that's roughly true in this sentence I'm going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail to work a part-time job the next expression is to work a part-time job to work a part-time job is very common if you're a student especially so when you have your summer vacation it's a chance for you to earn a little bit of money by working at a part-time job in a sentence unfortunately she can't go because she has to work at her part-time job ah when I was a teenager I had a part-time job at a golf course yeah because I was on the golf team at school very convenient lovely experiences a plus everybody to have fun with friends to have fun with friends also something that you do not need to only do in summer but which you can do anytime we're having fun now are we so to have fun with friends it's just to enjoy time with your friends it's great in a sentence I love having fun with my friends whenever I can he has fun with friends but he doesn't do much else hmm to attend summer school the next one is to attend summer school to attend summer school usually has kind of a bad image and I feel in you in the u.s. anyway because it sounds like maybe you missed something in regular school but for some people maybe there's a special course they want to attend or like a special internship program or it's just something special extra that they would like to study in a sentence I hated going to summer school when I was a kid since I failed the class I'll have to attend summer school so those are 10 things that you can do in the summer in the US or in many other countries I think if there's something that you like to do in the summer in your country or in any country for that matter let us know in the comments so thanks very much for watching this episode of top words please be sure to LIKE this video and subscribe if you haven't already we will see you again soon for more one step my hi everyone I'm Gabriella how are your English listening skills in this video you'll have a chance to test them out with a quiz first you'll see an image and here a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly will show you the answer at the end are you ready a man and a woman are talking when are they going to see the movie why don't we go see a movie on Saturday yes I'd love to but I have to work a shift in the morning what time will you finish I'll finish it two o'clock then let's meet up at the cafe at three o'clock and see a movie at four o'clock okay when are they going to see the movie a man and a woman are talking when are they going to see the movie why don't we go see a movie on Saturday yes I'd love to but I have to work a shift in the morning what time will you finish I'll finish it two o'clock then let's meet up at the cafe at three o'clock and see a movie at four o'clock okay a man is talking with a salesperson at the mall which shirt is he going to buy hmm which shirt do you think is better the white one or the blue one well I think the blue one is better it goes well with this gray jacket you think so but it doesn't go so well with this red tie does it well that's true okay then I'll take the white one not the blue one which shirt is he going to buy a man is talking with a salesperson at the mall which shirt is he going to buy hmm which shirt do you think is better the white one or the blue one well I think the blue one is better it goes well with this gray jacket do you think so but it doesn't go so well with this red tie does it well that's true okay then I'll take the white one not the blue one a man and a woman are talking what are they going to do first what do you want to do today I want to go see a movie okay I want to watch the baseball game on TV also I want to go shopping the baseball game starts at 1:00 o'clock okay so let's see the movie first and then you can watch the baseball game all right then we'll go shopping in the evening what are they going to do first a man and a woman are talking what are they going to do first what do you want to do today I want to go see a movie okay I want to watch the baseball game on TV also I want to go shopping the baseball game starts at 1:00 o'clock okay so let's see the movie first and then you can watch the baseball game all right then we'll go shopping in the evening did you get it right I hope you learned something from this quiz let us know if you have any questions see you next time want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask someone about what sports they like if you're a sports fan then you'll know how much fun it is when you meet someone who likes that sport as much as you do even if they don't like your favorite team you may assume that you just say what sports do you like of course this is a normal way to ask this question but there's actually a more natural way to ask this in idiomatic English we use the phrase to follow a sport to mean to like or be interested in a sport so you can ask do you follow sports or if you think it's likely that the other person does like sports you can ask what sports do you follow you can answer either of these questions by saying yeah I follow and then the name of the sport yeah I follow soccer or you can say yeah I like soccer or you can use the phrase I'm a fan of yeah I'm a fan of soccer but what if you don't like sports again remember what we said before about being careful not to hurt the other person's feelings by saying anything too offensive just say no I don't really follow any sports lots of people don't like to watch sports but do like to play sports if this is you then you can say I don't really follow sports but I like playing and then the name of the sport I don't really follow sports but I like playing soccer a good place to expand the conversation is if you answer yeah I follow soccer and the other person answers me to or something similar to then ask about what teams they support all you say is what team do you support or as we said in previous lessons you can expand the conversation by asking the other person how about you once you've finished answering now it's time for Alicia's advice sports are a very popular topic of conversation in the US it's a totally neutral easy to talk about topic which avoids controversial themes such as politics and religion which are not usually considered appropriate things to talk about with someone you've just met what sports are you into let us know in the comments hi everyone I'm Bridget and welcome to today's lesson our topic for this lesson is five most popular sports let's get started soccer soccer is probably the most popular sport in the world in America it's called soccer in other places in other countries it's usually called football soccer is a game that's played totally without your hands you kick the ball back and forth to your team members trying to score a goal the biggest soccer tournament in the world is the FIFA World Cup where countries from around the globe compete to be the very best football football a lot of football players get injured because it's a very rough sport in America we call this game football but in other countries they say American football football is a game that's played with a football that's carried in your hand which is very counterintuitive you pass the football you run yards and you try to score touchdowns in America we have the Super Bowl which is the biggest game of the year everyone around the country watches this big football game baseball baseball is called America's national pastime baseball is a very popular sport around the world there is a pitcher who pitches the ball and then the the batter who hits the ball and runs around the bases to score runs basketball basketball many basketball players live like rock stars you dribble the ball which means bouncing the ball and you shoot it through a hoop to get points hockey hockey hockey is incredibly popular in Canada hockey is a game that's played on ice skates and the players skate around on the ice with hockey sticks hitting a hockey puck to score goals and that brings us to the end of this lesson five most popular sports what is your favorite sport what sport is most popular in your country leave any questions or comments below don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to go to English class to learn more English scores points hi everybody and welcome back to english topics my name is Alisha and today I'm joined in the studio by I'm Davey welcome Davey and thanks for joining us so today our topic is going to be about how to use movies and music and TV shows to improve your English so we're both going to share from our own personal experiences but maybe we're going to share a few things we haven't done I suppose but perhaps could help you or not those kind of really thick anyway do you want to start sure all right what's a way to improve English with music TV movies all right any ideas my yes I do have some ideas my first recommendation is use subtitles in English as early as possible this isn't always very easy if you're just starting out learning English if you're starting out learning English and you're watching movies in English you're probably watching in subtitles of your own language but as soon as you're comfortable reading in English and when you're comfortable getting most of what you're listening to in English I think switching to subtitles in English is really important because I think when people are watching movies and television shows in English they think that it's really going to improve their listening more anything else but I think you can improve other skills to not only or listening and so if you switch to subtitles in English you're also going to improve your reading you'll learn to read faster you'll match the spellings of English words with how they sound and that will really help improve both skills a lot more quickly and will help you understand what's going on home screen yeah actually I really do agree with that but interestingly enough I put maybe the first step to what you just described that was one of mine so I said listen to movies in your target language with your native language subtitles on so initially I was thinking of this as an initial tip so to get used to listening to your target language but then being able to familiarize yourself with your Nate in your native language through using subtitles but then after after you get comfortable with that maybe you watch the same movie a few times for example you get familiar with the story with the the things that the characters say then you can switch to using subtitles and familiarize yourself with the story in a whole new way so that can be a really fun way I think to practice both your listening and your reading skills I totally agree I suppose you could even read the subtitles out loud along with the characters too that's we're getting ahead of ourselves oh my that brings me to you should have gone first oh but that brings me partly to my second tip which is shadowing so you can do this not only with movies and television but with music as well basically just trying to repeat what you hear or what you're reading as you're listening to it on the screen very immediately after you hear it and so for example if you hear a song lyric or a phrase in the movie or TV show immediately after you you hear it try and repeat it back and that will help kind of improve your speaking especially regarding pronunciation and how you connect different words together yes yep yep I had to say one at the same point about music mine was by mine in particular was memorized song lyrics and sing along so I think that gives you an extra sort of way to study if you actually have to read the song lyrics and try to remember them and repeat them back sometimes even without the accompaniment of the artist that you're listening to that can a good way to practice trying to create or trying to just you know repeat something without having necessarily like the audio prompt but one point and I was thinking about this as I was writing this card tube it is a little bit tricky like if there is something a little bit different about music and I think this differs from TV shows and movies how so that sometimes one music doesn't always use perfect grammar that's true one and two sometimes artists will kind of stretch sounds or artists will kind of change sounds or change emphasis to make the the words that they're using match the beat or the rhythm of their song so sometimes it's not always the best way to to practice your your target language and one more point if I can add to that is that frankly a lot of popular music there's lots of rude words you have to be really careful about and there's also just kind of nonsense too so you can't expect everything that you hear and music to be exactly the way that people speak but in general yeah I think it's exactly right in terms of just getting familiar with them a better more natural rhythm it can be a really good tool to use I completely agree yeah okay so we set me up again my third one I'm just blending right together okay my last point here is don't believe everything you hear specifically to mean that yes not only song lyrics but TV shows and movies oftentimes use imperfect or incorrect grammar as well and so you can't always think that that's exactly how something should be said just to just because you heard it in a song or saw it on TV so for example right now I'm actually rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'm a very very open Buffy fan and as I was watching Buffy just today I realize how they speak on that show isn't really like most people speak English especially that the writers of that show and the characters on that show sort of have their own way of speaking that isn't typical if you're if you are a learner watching that show or watching other shows too you might think that that's how people speak English and hearing vocabulary that you've never heard before but it's just made up for the show it's only used on the show so that's a key point then so maybe if you're gonna watch TV you're gonna watch movies to try and study English maybe like science fiction or fantasy or like historical movies aren't necessarily the best well maybe historical movies to some extent maybe it's good to pick like a modern or a more contemporary thing to study from like I know friends is a really popular TV show that's comedy a lot of people like to use bad so that is a good point too I think okay we actually differed finally on that I had something totally different this is something that I actually did when I was studying which is translate songs you enjoy or at least try to translate songs that you enjoy because a song is usually maybe three minutes four minutes long and there probably aren't going to be words that entire time and there's gonna be some repetition of those words so if you can identify if you can find a song that you like an artist that you like and maybe there's something that's just you just love this particular track or whatever it is if you try to translate that even if it's not a correct translation you can still be learning those words and you can still be studying how those words fit together and how maybe you can understand those words in other situations so maybe a word that you've translated in song a you might hear again in song B maybe by the same artist or a different artist so because you took the time to try to translate it or at least have an idea of what it might mean you can identify it in a different context in a different situation so this is something that I actually did that's a very good idea yeah yeah it was fun I think any any time you hear a new word or any time you hear a language that you're studying you're doing that so you that so that you can use that language in the future in other contexts and so that's a really good first step to doing that taking what you've learned trying to translate it and using it in other ways I think so okay that's all I have do you have anything else that's that's all I have for now okay and if you have any other ways that you like to use music movies TV shows other kinds of media to study English or to study another language please let us know in the comments all right thanks very much TV for joining us and thank you all very much for watching if you liked this video please be sure to like this video hit the like button on this video and subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and if you're looking for more detailed lesson information such as the stuff we talked about today you can check us out at English class 101 dot-com thanks very much for joining us for this episode of English topics and we'll see you again soon hi wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class hi everybody and welcome back to top words my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about 10 gamers speak words I am excited about this one let's go curse word is achievement achievement is used when you have completed a mission in some games there's a very famous phrase that says like achievement unlocked good feeling beta beta it's for something that's not quite finished but that's maybe in like a testing phase you could hear like the beta release of something or like the beta test version of blah blah blah for example I am beta testing a running game right now that is true next is boss if you ever played a video game probably you know about a boss battle you've been playing through a level and at the end of that level there's a boss that you have to fight it's kind of interesting now thinking about it how we use boss for a main challenger that you have to defeat in a video game level but we also use it for like our managers at work so the next word is role-playing game role-playing game is commonly abbreviated commonly shortened to RPG this is a very popular style of game a role-playing game meaning you play a role role-playing games have evolved over years now you can play for example MMORPGs massively multiplayer online role-playing games I have been playing role-playing games since I was like 11 my brother convinced me to play Final Fantasy 7 the next word is checkpoint you might also hear save point you save your game and then you continue on in the game and then if you die you go back and you respawn you come back to life from that checkpoint I feel like checkpoint is used more in like a racing game but save point is used more in an RPG the next one is noob and oob i love the word noob i mostly to talk about myself actually when i've made like a really stupid decision noob means rookie it means someone who is inexperienced at something you can use noob in a game if you find someone who has just joined the game they're a brand new player there are a noob they don't know anything farming let's talk about farming in gaming terms it means you are trying to collect a certain item it has like kind of a reputation for being a bit boring because you're just killing like the same creature over and over again NPC NPC means non playable character there are other characters within the game that moved the story forward but that you cannot play as you cannot become that character but you interact with them I have to talk to an NPC in order to move this quest forward next is camper a camper is someone who is waiting for a creature to spawn so a person who's waiting for the monster to appear is called a camper you can use camping as a verb to to talk about that like I'm camping this monster really people camp other players I suppose so depending on the kind of game you're playing MMO is a massively multiplayer online game means you can play online with a lot of different people essentially well that's all that's the end so those are 10 game or speak words I really enjoyed doing this lesson it's been a long time since I've thought about video games and now I want to like go home and play it was really fun if you enjoy video games and want to use your English to be able to explain them these are some words that might be really really useful for you alright thanks very much for watching and we will see you again next time for more fun stuff bye in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask and answer the question have you seen this movie sometimes when you're talking to someone you might run out of things to talk about don't worry it happens to everyone this lesson is going to be really useful in increasing your repertoire of small talk questions by focusing on a topic that most people are at least a little bit interested in movies if you find yourself with nothing to talk about or if you just really like movies then you can always start a conversation about a new or controversial movie you do this by asking have you seen and then the name of the movie the question have you seen is used when asking about movies rather than did you see because you're asking about the person's present state there are several possible answers to this if you have seen the movie there are again several ways to reply according to how much you enjoyed it if you saw it and really enjoyed it you can say yeah I really liked it or if you saw it but only thought it was so so you can say yeah it was okay or if you saw it but didn't like it yeah but it wasn't really my thing remember with this last one that you shouldn't criticize the movie too much until you know what the other person thinks of it in order to be polite the logical follow-up to one of these responses is to ask what the other person thought of the movie you can just say what did you think of it and then this starts off a potentially interesting conversation about your opinions on the movie however how do you answer if you haven't seen the movie in question all you have to say is no not yet this not yet implies that you're planning to see the movie at some point and so signals to the other person that they shouldn't tell you about key points of the story if you don't plan to see the movie in question or if it's not the type of movie you like you can get this across politely by saying no it's not really my sort of thing now it's time for Alicia's advice if you have seen the movie in question but the other person hasn't it's a great conversation starter to tell them about the plot of the movie or about any particularly funny or memorable scenes but be careful you should always ask if the other person plans to see the movie in the future before telling them any important plot points just say do you plan to see it at some point telling someone an important plot point or the twist or ending of a movie is called spoiling a movie the noun is a spoiler as in don't tell me any spoilers it's considered very bad manners to reveal a spoiler without giving warning first and some people can get very annoyed if you do this so be careful in general talking about movies is a pretty safe topic if you don't want to offend people want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class how are your English listening skills first you'll see an image and here a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly will show you the answer at the end a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get hello this is black friars Playhouse can I help you I'd like to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but I'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seats separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only Center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row I'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and I think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then I'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side which two seats did she get a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get hello this is black friars Playhouse can I help you I'd like to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but I'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seats separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only Center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row I'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and I think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then I'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side a woman is asking about a library's lending policy which materials could she borrow at one time excuse me can you tell me how to borrow books is it your first time at this library yes well then I'll explain the rules to you you can borrow up to six books and five CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you can only borrow up to ten items in total at a time everything needs to be returned in two weeks and if you'd like to renew please let us know before then can I also borrow magazines or newspapers you can't borrow newspapers but you can borrow magazines except for the latest issue can I return them through the mail we can't accept returns through the mail please come to the library to return them after hours you can put them in the box next to the entrance but items that are overdue please return them directly to this desk I see thank you very much which materials could she borrow at one time a woman is asking about a library's lending policy which materials could she borrow at one time excuse me can you tell me how to borrow books is it your first time at this library yes well then I'll explain the rules to you you can borrow up to six books and five CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you can only borrow up to ten items in total at a time everything needs to be returned in two weeks and if you'd like to renew please let us know before then can I also borrow magazines or newspapers you can't borrow newspapers but you can borrow magazines except for the latest issue can I return them through the mail we can't accept returns through the mail please come to the library to return them after hours you can put them in the box next to the entrance but items that are overdue please return them directly to this desk I see thank you very much did you get it right I hope you learned something from this quiz let us know if you have any questions see you next time [Music]
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 385,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EnglishClass101, learn English, English language, the United States, English alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, English pronunciation, English grammar, basics, get started, start learning, English for beginners, hobbies, hobby, talk about your hobbies, leisure
Id: J9dE9UN6qxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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