Spark Story Bible Adventures | The Story Of Easter | Josh Stifter | Kara Lord Piersimoni

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] my what a lovely spring day [Music] well hello there squiggles enjoying this beautiful morning [Music] and where are you off to oh on your way to church for easter sunday and i see you've brought your very own bible do you have any favorite bible stories oh yes the story of adam and eve the very first people living in god's garden [Music] until a sneaky snake tempted them to eat the fruit from god's special tree god had warned them not to eat the fruit from the special tree but they did it anyway adam and eve had to leave god's garden after that but god stayed with them because god loved them oh yes the story of the flood i like that story too when things had become so bad in the world that god decided to flood the entire earth but god made sure two of every animal was saved [Music] along with the animals god also saved noah and his family by having them build a big boat called an ark can you imagine being stuck on a boat with all those animals it must have been a very long trip but god looked after them what's that [Music] the story of moses you're right that is another story of god's people being stuck [Music] many years after noah god's people the hebrews were stuck in egypt as slaves god sent moses to tell the ruler of egypt pharaoh to let god's people go but pharaoh didn't want to let the hebrews go so god sent many plagues to change his mind [Music] plagues like frogs and naps and flies [Music] at last pharaoh gave up and told the hebrews that they were free to go there are a lot of stories in the bible of god helping people stories like god helping young david defeat the giant goliath [Music] or god protecting daniel when he was thrown into a lion's den [Music] or god helping jonah change his mind by having him swallowed by a giant fish such wonderful stories of god's love and care for people but squiggles do you know the greatest story of god's love it's the story of easter oh do you not know the story of easter squiggles it's a very powerful story about god's son coming to earth and it's all right there in your bible easter is the story of the messiah the son of god who was born a long time ago and he had come to earth to be a very special king yes squiggles a king a king like no one had ever seen before and that child grew up to be this man jesus of nazareth well yes squiggles i know he doesn't look like a king he doesn't have a crown or anything but jesus was a different kind of king jesus taught people everywhere about the kingdom of god the importance of loving one another and having faith [Music] jesus teachings were sometimes very different from what people had heard before [Music] jesus said if someone hurts you don't hurt them back if someone asks you for help say sure and remember to share what you have with other people people hadn't always thought like that before then jesus said something very important everyone says love your friends and hate your enemies i say love your enemies and pray for people who are mean to you this is what really makes god happy [Music] it would be very difficult to love someone who doesn't like you isn't that a surprising message squiggles and not everyone was happy with what jesus was saying some people thought that a king was supposed to help them defeat their enemies not love them they didn't understand that jesus was a different kind of king a king of peace the things he taught changed how many people thought about treating others he called for us to love everyone isn't that a wonderful message squiggles oh what a cute baby [Music] no matter where he went jesus called for men and women boys and girls to drop what they were doing and follow him and many people did follow him like philip bartholomew thomas and james mary magdalene and joanna thaddeus simon and andrew and another james susana and john and judas oh and we mustn't forget peter yes peter who jesus liked so much that he gave him the nickname the rock peter and the others were called the disciples and they followed jesus everywhere [Music] well everywhere in the ancient middle east that is mostly they walked places [Music] but sometimes they traveled by boat oh did i not mention squiggles jesus also performed many miracles to help people and help them understand who he was miracles are amazing things that are only possible through god uh peter is still working on the whole miracle thing but jesus through the power of god healed the sick [Music] and he made a little food into a lot of food to feed many many people [Music] jesus even told the dead to come back to life and they did come back to life [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy and healthy because of these miracles even more people came to listen to jesus until one day jesus turned to his disciples and said friends i'm going to the city of jerusalem i have some important things to do and i want to celebrate passover with you there will you come with me did you hear that squiggles passover oh you'll love passover it's a jewish holiday celebrating the story of god's people the israelites leaving egypt and such good food it's so wonderful to be with friends and family a passover let's go what do you suppose jesus is waiting for oh that's right squiggles jesus borrowed a donkey to ride into jerusalem [Music] oh look squiggles the donkey likes you oh how sweet well off we go [Music] [Applause] look at that the people of jerusalem are all singing and shouting to welcome jesus they're waving palm branches and laying them down before him they're really giving him a royal welcome these people know that jesus is a very special king it is just like a parade squiggles you've always wanted to be in a parade [Applause] [Music] oh dear those people don't seem happy about the parade for jesus not at all some of the temple leaders said hush jesus tell your friends to be quiet it's way too loud here i don't think they realize that jesus is a king jesus said to them we can try to make these people be quiet but that wouldn't make a difference today the whole earth is celebrating it looks like jesus is right no one is quieting down they're all too happy it's all right squiggles they're gone yeah but i'm afraid we haven't heard the last of them [Music] when it was time to celebrate passover families gathered in their homes for the traditional meal but the passover that jesus had planned was a little different before the meal jesus washed the feet of each of the disciples well back then people's feet got very dirty from the roads i mean look at your feet squiggles so it was a normal part of life to wash your feet but it definitely wasn't normal to have your feet washed by a king [Music] this was very confusing for the disciples a king would never wash someone else's feet but remember squiggles jesus is a different kind of king sometimes it was hard even for his disciples to understand just how different of a king he was peter for instance did not think it was appropriate for jesus to wash his feet [Music] when it was peter's turn he said you will never wash my feet [Music] jesus explained peter you don't understand what i am doing now but you will peter loved jesus so much that he said then don't just wash my feet but my head and hands as well hmm being jesus little helper squiggles well done oh and now that you've washed up it's time for supper oh and there's the bread for supper squiggles and the wine careful now [Music] as they were eating jesus sadly told his disciples soon one of you will betray me one of you will tell people who don't like me where i am so they can take me away these words upset the disciples and each of them asked if it was them when judas asked it's not me you're talking about is it jesus gently replied yes judas you will betray me i know squiggles this is very shocking how could jesus say that how could jesus know that well after that judas left pretty quickly then jesus picked up a loaf of bread he blessed it and gave some to each of his friends jesus said take this bread and eat it this is my body did you hear that squiggles no i don't know what he meant by that none of the disciples knew either then jesus picked up a cup of wine he gave thanks and said drink this it is my blood which i must give up so the sins of people may be forgiven well this is all very confusing isn't it squiggles that's all right the disciples were confused as well no one had ever said or done anything like this before in the entire world let alone at passover when the meal was over jesus went to a place called the mount of olives to pray no squiggles that's not normally part of passover either oh dear it looks as though everyone has left and there they go you'd better hurry if you want to catch up what are you doing with that cup and what is this spoon for [Music] and a loaf of oh i see squiggles very clever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus sadly told the disciples soon you will all leave me peter told jesus even if all the others leave you i won't jesus said quietly before the sun rises you will pretend you don't know me three times peter said i love you too much to ever do that to you and all the other disciples agreed that they would never do such a thing either it seems as though jesus knows something that we don't squiggles and he seems very sad what do you suppose is going to happen [Music] when they came to the garden at the mount of olives jesus asked the disciples to stay awake with him while he prayed jesus knew that very hard things were going to happen soon please god jesus prayed do you really need me to do this if you do please help me make me strong [Music] you're right squiggles it is a good time to pray when you're facing hardships oh dear it looks like the disciples fell asleep and after jesus specifically asked them not to [Music] [Music] wake up wake up see said jesus oh my betrayer is at hand oh my squiggles judas had come back and he had brought with him the soldiers of jesus enemies judas kissed jesus on the cheek to show the soldiers who they were looking for the disciples were so scared they ran away and hid [Music] but what happened to jesus oh no the soldiers have arrested jesus later peter arrived outside the place where jesus was on trial a girl saw peter and said hey aren't you a friend of jesus peter was afraid and told the girl i don't know him wait did peter just deny that he knows jesus a woman joined the girl and said but i saw you with jesus peter said no i don't know him he did it again and another person said you're definitely a friend of jesus peter said again i tell you i don't know him i know that's three times now peter has wait a minute this is exactly what jesus said would happen before the sun rises peter would deny knowing jesus three times [Music] poor peter peter felt so sad for jesus and he felt very very sorry for lying but it's all right squiggles jesus knew that peter loved him and i happen to know that peter went on to tell many many people about his best friend jesus oh you want to know what happened to jesus well squiggles it's hard to believe but many people did not like jesus and wanted to get rid of him [Applause] i know it does seem strange that anyone would not like jesus but they didn't they didn't believe that jesus was a special king or even a king at all and they thought his message of love was dangerous that it would change the world too much what will happen to us if the people followed jesus they grumbled let's take jesus to the governor pontius pilate he can get rid of him they told pontius pilate that jesus claimed to be the king of the jews they thought that would get jesus in trouble for sure when pontius pilate saw jesus he asked are you the king of the jews jesus didn't answer pilate thought kings ruled over countries and people jesus knew that his power was about loving god his kingdom was not the same hmm pilate was being asked to get rid of jesus but pilate didn't think jesus had done anything wrong huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] pilate didn't understand who jesus was or why people didn't like him but he also didn't want any trouble so he agreed to get rid of jesus if that's what they wanted and they didn't just want to get rid of jesus squiggles they wanted to kill him yes i have to be honest with you squiggles this next part of the story is very very sad so we have to be brave are you ready to continue with the story [Music] all right the soldiers who arrested him teased jesus for pretending to be a king they made a crown of thorns and put it on his head they made jesus carry a heavy wooden cross the cross was too heavy for him jesus was too tired but a man helped jesus they put jesus on the cross and raised him up on a hill between two other men [Music] the other men were thieves who were also being crucified one of the men was angry with jesus if you are a powerful king can't you save yourself why don't you save us too but the other thief believed in jesus don't you know who this is this is god's son jesus hasn't done anything wrong the thief said sadly we are being punished for our mistakes but jesus shouldn't be here the man turned to jesus and asked will you take me to heaven with you jesus looked to the man and loved him jesus told him yes today we will be in heaven together after a while the world grew very dark as if a terrible thunderstorm was coming it was as if all of creation was crying because jesus was about to die jesus was feeling all alone and prayed to see if god was still there of course god never left jesus god was with him the whole time jesus looked at the crowd he was so sad that people didn't believe that he was god's son he asked god to forgive them jesus said god the work you gave me to do here is finished he breathed a final breath and then he died [Music] i know squiggles it's just terrible as i said this was a very sad part of the story but there is hope yes because this isn't the end of the story three days after jesus died four women mary magdalene mary the mother of james salome and joanna were on their way to put spices on jesus body yes squiggles back in those days it was accustomed to put spices on people who had recently died the opening to the cave that held jesus body was sealed with a huge stone but when the women arrived they saw that the stone had been rolled away [Music] they peeked inside and saw the cave was empty jesus was gone [Music] suddenly an angel appeared in sparkling white clothes will you look at that squiggles an angel they always have big news from god i wonder what this one has to say don't be afraid the angel said jesus isn't here this is a place for the dead jesus is alive hurry the angel said go tell the other disciples that jesus has risen women hurried to go tell jesus friends what they had seen and heard [Music] wait now who is this could it be ah it was jesus he did it he really did it jesus had come back from the dead hello friends jesus said go tell the others the good news that i am alive i will meet them in galilee i can't wait to see them again yes squiggles it's really jesus and he's really alive but we can't just stand here you heard jesus we have an important job to do everyone has to be told that jesus is risen [Music] in the coming days jesus began to appear to the disciples [Music] hmm yes the disciples were so happy to see jesus again alive and well except for one disciple thomas thomas wasn't there when jesus appeared when he got back the others excitedly told him the good news [Music] but thomas said i don't believe you i will only believe when i can touch jesus wounds a week later the disciples still had not convinced thomas that they had seen jesus alive and well i know it seems that thomas is being stubborn squiggles but it can be very difficult to believe in something you haven't seen have you ever had to believe in something you can't see [Music] jesus then appeared before thomas and said peace be with you thomas jesus commanded come here give me your hands said jesus put your finger on the wounds in my hand put your finger by the wound in my side do not doubt anymore it's time for you to believe my lord and my god thomas exclaimed jesus then said to him you believe because i'm here with you and you've seen me think of those who have not seen me but believe in me anyway you should believe even when you cannot see it for yourself now once they were all back together jesus told them to meet him in a special place so all the disciples did as jesus said they knew jesus must have wanted to tell them something very important what do you suppose it could be this is so exciting i can hardly wait to find out what it is this is going to be some big news squiggles oh i'm sorry squiggles i forgot to mention that special meeting place is on top of a mountain come on squiggles let's not let something like this stand between us and jesus big news [Music] just think of all the amazing things jesus will have to tell us squiggles i mean he came back from the dead [Music] just be sure not to look down also we should avoid looking up [Music] maybe we should just focus on climbing for now [Music] well done squiggles you made it [Music] from here we have a wonderful view of the mountain jesus will be meeting the disciples on when the disciples arrived jesus greeted them warmly peace be with you he said i have things to tell you god has given me all the power in heaven and earth did you hear that squiggles jesus was given all the power in heaven and earth whoa said the disciples excitedly wonderful fantastic what will you do first jesus as you know god is doing amazing things in the world jesus said and your help is needed my goodness squiggles jesus needs our help what could he possibly need our help with we need you to go tell my story jesus told the disciples tell your friends and family and everyone you meet what you've learned by following me be my witnesses in the world did jesus just say we have to tell everyone about him everyone's a lot of people you made it squiggles and you're just in time and remember jesus said i will always be with you then suddenly jesus was rising up in the air [Music] and jesus rose up and up into the clouds [Music] so what do you think the disciples did then they did just what jesus told them to do everywhere they went they shared jesus good news they healed the sick [Music] they shared all that they had and taught about everything they had learned from following jesus even when it was dangerous to do so and many people listened and then those people told more people than those people told even more people and the story of jesus spread all over the world [Music] and you know squiggles someone told me the story of jesus just like i'm telling you the story of jesus right now because when we share the amazing story of jesus we're sharing just how much god loves and cares for all of us [Music] so you see the story isn't over because everyone is a part of jesus story yes squiggles you're a part of jesus story as well that's what easter's all about remembering and sharing the story of jesus life death and resurrection now you'd better hurry off to easter service squiggles you wouldn't want to be late you're very welcome squiggles oh thank you and a happy easter to you [Music] [Applause] too [Music] you
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 183,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Video, Christian Film, Christian Movie, Religious Movie, Film, Movie, Entertainment, Feature Film, Vision Video, Kara Lord Piersimoni, Aaron Christopher, Josh Stifter, Spark Story Bible Adventures, The Story Of Easter, Spark Story, Bible Adventures, Bible, Easter, Easter Story, animation, God’s love, Faith, Religion, Religious, Christian, Christ, Jesus, cartoon, bible for kids, caterpillar, The Story of Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus’ resurrection, miraculous, ministry of Jesus
Id: jeflGFvdG8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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