Peter Rabbit - Easter Special! | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so fast can I try here you go Benjamin you can try mine no try mine it's much better I'll get them yours may be fast meter but it flies all over the place it'll just end up stuck in a tree I know that for a fact well what is it kinda district' if it doesn't go fast he comes away get ready Benjamin huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow look at him go [Music] [Applause] slide Florence after him come on [Music] that's what happens when you make a kite that does tricks where did he go straight ahead [Music] we can't go out in this wind one of you might get blown away you say it's already happening to the rabbits rabbits a brave just turn look down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well pluck my spines I don't believe me eyes oh dear I really must get some rest oh dear he's going that way no he's not the wind's blowing into our Island Oh No before brown sees him he'll be our breakfast we'll never catch him in time a good rabbit never gives up come on hey actually this is kind of fun Oh tail feathers I'll teach you for waking me up you would never catch him [Music] [Music] we have to separate the strings to bring you know we've got to get away from all foot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] catches you you're done so run tomorrow [Music] we have to start working together if we're going to save him let's do it got any ideas yes but we're going to need friends in high places [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's her all Browns all for Benjamin I know and mr. Todd's following him on the ground mr. Todd is after Benjamin - he's got to help us no chin against old brown and mr. Todd I'd rather lose my tail again no way there is nothing nothing you can say to change my mind Oh believe likewise later let's do this great come on Bob Jones Spiros don't harp [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's Upton okay now what a sneaky thing to do I must tell them how impressed I am just before I need to see we both need to see together [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're a good friend I really thought I was in trouble every time [Applause] Benjamin can't hold on forever I've got to do something we've got to do something you're right Wow that's one unlucky rabbit you'd have to grow wings to get him out of there Norton you're a genius we need to grow rooms of this she's the kite sir kites four wings Ibiza but we're going to have to work together put your kite there we'll be able to control it and if we use your kite here it'll go as fast as a hawk oh you better hurry mr. Tod is looking really hungry ever so pleased you dropped by for lunch [Music] Wow this couch is amazing how did you make it we built it out of the pieces of our other two kites they were great on their own but together they're better just like us well look my spines other winds gone down I think it's Jeremy oh my I spoke too soon [Music] what you forgot to give it right we look kind of in re yeah but look on the right side what's a few [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh life's without zakat when spring is in the air look Florence the first butterfly of the year that means spring has arrived [Music] [Music] really is I know I was just saying the same to Florence [Music] [Music] hi you never said we could wear helmets Peter you never asked I shall be using those stories to make some nice juicy muffins throwing them around like that I love berry battles in spring where'd you hear the helmet from anyway oh I just sort of borrowed it Oh Benjamin you two haven't been playing with my mixing bowl have you mixing bowl um I know we just should go and see what Lily's doing don't need Benjamin all right but if you find it I'm trying to make more strawberry muffins oh did somebody say muffins Peter when you borrowed the ball did you remember to ask your mum not exactly no I maybe we should just give it back I like the sound of those muffins yeah I suppose so come on let's go and find that bowl excuse me madam I was just passing through when I stumbled upon this mixing bowl and I thought such a nice Bowl could only have come from a handsome bear like this one oh uh thank you wherever did you find it oh well now I don't want to tell tales but I did see a couple of mischievous young rabbits playing around with it in the woods did one of them have a blue jacket by any chance well yes now that I think of it yes he did that's my Peter always borrowing things without asking well I'm very grateful to you mr. oh I'm sorry the name is whiskers mr. Muller Jeremiah Bartholomew it meant called me yes whiskers but my friends call me Sammy Thank You mr. whiskers uh Sammy I don't believe we've seen you around here before no ma'am I'm new to these here parts well thanks again sorry was there something else is that Matthew well yes Oh silly me you should have a reward for finding the bone oh that's what I'd hoped you'd say I am if you insist how many of you got goodness you are hungry what better way to celebrate the arrival of spring then we oh nice sweet muffin no five good day [Music] I swear rats he is a rat I know but something's not right [Music] this time no helmets okay hand Oh sneaky rats ruining our game made me drop my fairy never mind that Jemima Puddleduck his lays a new egg well yes is springtime now so so missus Puddleduck is throwing a big spring party to celebrate and we're in charge of inviting everyone yeah a posse could be fun games of music cakes and treats now you're talking I suppose we'd better work out who to invite already taken care of I made a list of course you did cakes and treats [Music] the rattles just arrived now spring the time for new arrivals new beginnings new customers party you say yes farm mrs. Potter dark skies have a new darling you know then we must think the gift we can bring a gift I know one of our brand new rattles I just had them could you by any chance have mislaid these I don't eat rats vegan you know I don't need vegetables in the occasional cake I found these outside outside was funny yes and I wondered if such pleasing rattles could belong in this delightful fudge delightful oh thank you so much mr. whiskers his name is Sammy whiskers right you are young fella please accept some fudge as a small token of our thanks [Music] I'm telling you that rats up to no good but he was just trying to help ya help himself forget some he whiskers you too the quicker we get to the party the quicker we get to our party food who do we write next [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing sing what rhymes with sing what's that Jemima Puddleduck has laid a new egg so she's throwing a spring party to celebrate hmm spring spring rhymes with sing excellent I shall bring the gift of song to the party yes yes Peter hand me my banjo I must rehearse not a moment to lose possible what's wrong the strangest thing my song has vanished sorry to bother you sir but I couldn't help hearing you say you'd lost your song you wouldn't by any chance be deferring to this wait I found it just now completely by chance nearly blown clear away on the lake my song oh thank you mister voices Sammy wishes so you are most welcome sir I do is that shortbread he'll wait a second where did you really find that song manners Peter mr. whiskers is a hero why yes I am [Music] wait why are you so jumpy today Peter is that rat Sammy whiskers every time something goes missing he just happens to be there I think he's lucky every time he finds something someone gives him a sweet treat as a reward that's because it's a con a plot a scheme to get treats maybe we should try that stop worrying Peter we're gonna go to the party and have fun oh I can't wait till mrs. puddle ducks egg hatches come on hedges imagine if something that precious went missing Oh think of the sweet reward argument I find it [Music] I'm so exciting it's a wonderful bundle thing Jemima D what's the latest do I hear the widdle waddle of duckling feet yet Oh No yeah mrs. tiggy-winkle but my egg will hatch soon oh I just know it now if you all excuse me I really must check on my darling egg mr. Fisher is going to play some music Oh Astro lovely a day could we I'm telling you if one more thing goes missing today [Music] I told you I've got to stop it you stay there my beauty soon I'll pretend I found you and get my reward coochi you've been stealing things all along mrs. puddle docks worried sick give me that egg back just get back you meddling rabbit or else I'll take right now you wouldn't dare try me fine I'll just go and tell everyone what you've been doing no one will give you any cakes then get back here you know nobody's gonna blow my old escape what do we have here a duck egg for lunch yes that would do nicely [Music] we'll find direct before it even knows it's missing you'll see exercise it's a little embarrassing but Peter here says that you stole the egg watch me a humble lowly read from the city just looking to make some dear friends I can prove it he hid the egg over there it was right here no it looks like somebody has been breaking up stories hey Peter says you took it then you took it ha that's funny because either but if there's anyone around here who likes to take things without asking its Peter Rabbit is it true Peter did you borrow Jemima zeg no telling the truth oh come now Peter just own up if you did it no one will be angry there's a good lad you don't believe me mrs. paddle duck I won't rest until I find your head and bring it safely back home to you Thank You mr. whiskers thank you he is the finest noblest rat I have ever met [Music] Peter are you in there Peter I know that rat got you into trouble but that's no reason to sulk inside along I'm not get down now I won't rest until I find that dig otherwise I don't get my sweet cakey reward fresh tracks Sammy whiskers isn't the only one who can be sneaky come on let's follow that rat all right but can we go back to the party soon we haven't even had any cake yet where's go oh those Sammy whiskers is fast for a tubby rat isn't he shush you too listen hey now mr. Todd's got the egg jumping I stole that egg sealing square it's mine I think you'll find that if there's one cunning villain worth the name in these woods it is I mr. Todd come on I had this much fun since since I've never it might break [Music] [Applause] [Music] no Peter gravity lucky for you mr. whiskers I prefer hunting rabbits Oh rats oh why can't believe this I've got to get that egg Oh Peters in trouble I've got an idea just in case pocket just in case yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wasn't aware this was a two course meal we have to get that egg before Sammy whiskers does would you late [Music] oh I really don't like cats the cake think of the cake this is hopeless a rat is bad enough but a cat - it's not over yet Benjamin would you do the honors [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I know it's breaking it's not breaking it's hatching the duckling is on the way we'd better get it home to his mommy said it won't be long now hurry but what are we going to tell everyone Peter they still think it was you took the egg will tell them the truth they'll believe us tell them the truth will ya ha that bench they'll believe anything I tell them like the way they believed I found those lost battles or that lost music oh this silly egg but it was me who took them all along hey Samuel Jeremiah Bartholomew Edmund Cornelius whiskers and why are you all smiling yes well I suppose you heard all that yes yes I'm afraid we did mr. whiskers oh please sir me too my friends yeah well I didn't want any of your holiday party cake anyway would you best run along Sammy whiskers or you'll be feeling the sharp end of my spines you cheeky eggs feeling rested do so like pretending to be fears terribly sorry we doubted you master rabbit uh that's right that's the he ratted everyone fooled Oh [Music] oh so listen to the flowers sing we celebrate the joys of spring [Music] [Music] okay ready st. now oh do we have to go on it's amazing I promise looks like rain Benjamin looks like rain Benjamin Prange you say then it's time for my dad's latest amazing what do you think it's very big yeah surprisingly small that's the beauty of it fold it up is tiny then when it rains all you have to do is click the button like this and [Music] I'm okay [Applause] [Music] oh me oh my ruffle my feathers Peter Rabbit you oversimplifying sorry mrs. Pocock mapa poor nerves Oh like that well no I'm not you've made me late and I must must must get to ginger Mickle's shop before it closes Oh there'll be no oatmeal for breakfast mrs. puddle doc you forgot your egg Oh mommy so I did but oh I'll never make it in time carrying this the whole way don't worry we'll watch your egg for you it's the least we could do gosh how kind well thank you Peter Rabbit do be careful now drop it eat up after the shop wow that was so nice of you Peter here let me help I am great exiting don't worry it's in safe hands I suppose I should do it after all exiting is a very important job I'm the best one to handle it for your information Lily I'm very good at important jobs you yes me okay but you'll need to be alert and patient and very careful right Lily I don't need a list but what you do need is my dad's pop-up umbrella to keep the egg dry just in case it rains 70 it's not going to rain Lily coming now looks like rain coming mother I have to go let me know if you need help the world needs help and don't worry [Music] looking after an egg what's the big deal all you have to do is sittin here that oh yeah see me okay hey no kid tell me but Peter the egg don't worry it'll be fine say good egg Oh pizza roll pal come to get a bowling lesson from the master I'm talking about me hmm that's good reserve crap let's bowl hmm game on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I knew you guys catch it Peter never a doubt in my mind this tie I am NOT taking my eyes off this egg not for one second me neither can I think yes you could blink [Music] oh no it's good I'm just resting my eyes come on we have to find the egg let's paint a face on it a big pink face no I found it it should be yellow I saw it first yes you found it okay hide it over no I'm not giving it to you no Mopsy if you give me the egg Benjamin will stay here with you and you can paint his face instead that's right wait what hey I'll hand it over [Music] don't try to loop let's be on your way [Music] because she can't afford to fan today [Music] Rosi go camping fastest angle Josephina No the goatee pages [Music] [Music] whoa is me no father no grub no tasty nibbles looks like another nourishing bowl of nothing for me tonight Oh baby some petty courts and what to do what do don't worry mrs. tiggy-winkle I'll get it the fred.ropp it never gives up [Music] how very curious where did this tooth some titbit come from drat who can that be [Music] what's that who's there show yourself well well Peter Rabbit what better way to follow a nice egg than with rapid - this belongs to mrs. Potter duck and you're not having egg all rabbit for dinner look at that safe and sound [Music] carry me somebody really ought to look after that egg okay I left my egg and safe hands [Music] what's going on oh you are right Lily you do have to be alert and patient and careful when your egg-sitting come on [Music] Oh [Music] everyone please back very very slow it was my job to look after that egg and that's what I'm going to do didn't [Music] [Music] Wow I wasn't worried I knew you'd use my dad's umbrella I take it back Peter you're a brilliant Exeter thank you Peter thank you thank you what a helpful rabbit you are anytime mrs. puddle anytime oh that's wonderful that's splendid I do need one more teeny tiny little favor well Devon to mrs. tiggy-winkle x' if you could just look after something else [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 8,008,118
Rating: 3.698247 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, easter, special, peter rabbit special, peter rabbit at easter
Id: -sFj8Q3Z1Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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