The Story of Easter - The Beginners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just talking up and take a look [Music] [Applause] it's a story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] long ago and far away in the city of Jerusalem a very special visitor came to town his name was Jesus he arrived on a beautiful Sunday in spring [Applause] [Music] what's happening where's everyone going how would you hurt it's him is here it's finally here Oh hose here come on the king come on let's go [Applause] there he is there's Jesus we're not that fellow on the donkey called the King on a donkey he should be riding a golden chariot pulled by mighty horses are you sure he's a king he looks so ordinary like one of us he may not look special but did you hear what he's done he's done the most amazing things to help people even when Jesus is very busy he takes time to bless children there was a beggar who had been blind all his life Jesus touched him and you know what happened the blind man could see and that's not all I heard Jesus went to a wedding and there wasn't enough wine so he took barrels of water and turned them into wine water into wine that's nothing I heard he knows how to walk on water Oh [Music] make way make way [Music] come on donkey there's a donkey come on [Music] good thinking Andrew which way do you want to go Jesus let's go to the temple I'm excited to get back to my father's house of prayer to the temple come on this way [Music] it's been a busy morning the temple will be quiet and peaceful no it's okay it's okay the people don't care you can bring the donkey in the temple with you bah you said this was a place of worship well the more money you spend but better the blessing [Music] it should be a house of prayer to honor God not to make money but look it's like an animal farm in here leave here all of you now come let's go not everyone was happy to see Jesus some priests in the temple were very jealous that everyone liked Jesus more than they liked them they didn't believe that he was the king you're always telling us about this wonderful place called heaven but how do we get into heaven trust in God and trust in me love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself forgive people when they do wrong if people are hungry feed them and if they are thirsty give them something to drink [Music] if someone needs help well you people please stop pushing we all want to hear what Jesus has to say it's alright Peter it's someone touched me who was it there are so many people here how could I know who was it who touched me I did I have been sick for many years I wanted to touch you and be healed now you are better and can go in peace thank you from watching what I do and listening to what I say you can learn how to enter into heaven love everyone rich or poor most of all I want you to learn to love your enemies hmm Judas one of Jesus's disciples was confused he had followed Jesus for a long time but he still didn't understand how to love everyone he was also confused because he likes having money and he always wanted more I know I dropped it here somewhere excuse me I've lost some money have you seen my coin does it have your name on it one day Judas decided to do something bad do you want to know where you can find Jesus yes who are you I'm one of his disciples Judas I can show you where he stays for a price yes take us to him he's causing us too much trouble the people like him more than us now we must stop him what would you give me if I tell you where he is how's this thirty pieces of silver don't worry no one will know what you've done all right it's a deal [Music] I'll come back soon and lead you to Jesus that night Jesus invited his closest followers the disciples to a special dinner [Music] hello welcome Peter and Andrew and you too James John Philip and Bartholomew hello Thomas Matthew and James nice to see you Thaddeus Simon and Judas ah what a long hot day I'm tired oh me too and my feet are filthy from those dirty streets oh I could sure use a bath I know let's get a servant to wash our feet for us good idea Jesus do you know of a servant who can take care of us certainly oh hey what are you doing I'm washing your feet lift please but but I didn't want you to do that I wanted a servant to do it you're too important to powerful to kneel before me and wash my feet please Peter it's okay I want to do this and me too and you John may I [Music] and so Jesus himself their Lord and teacher went around the table with a large bowl of water he washed everyone's feet until they were all clean even though I'm your Lord I'm also your servant I want to take care of you and I want you to take care of others too hmm now listen to me I have something very important to tell you tonight someone here is going to do something bad to me someone is going to betray my trust and love who who is it could it be me warden me go ahead Judas do what you are going to do [Music] first I will give thanks we thank you God our Father because you give us bread to eat and wine to drink whenever you eat this bread and drink this wine I want you to remember me the disciples didn't understand yet what Jesus was saying or why Judas had run off they were confused but they continued to listen this is the last supper I'm going to have with you I have to go away soon but don't worry we'll see each other again I promise and I want you to remember always love one another as I love you but we don't want you to go away we want you to stay with us always do you really have to go yes but remember what I tell you I'll be back soon we'll be together again is someone trying to hurt you if so we'll help you won't we my dear friends tonight you will be afraid but everything will be all right but now I want to go outside and pray do any of you want to join me I do me too you can count on me Jesus yeah me too oh you right by your slow - all right then follow me [Music] and so Jesus led 11 of his disciples outside it was a beautiful starry night they walked and walked until they got to a hill called the Mount of Olives it was late and the disciples were getting tired I want to be alone for a few minutes you'll wait here for me and keep watch won't you of course we will we'll be right here if you need us that's right you can count on us I'm tired me too I know let's rest against these rocks and this tree [Music] dear father I know you love me and are watching over me but sometimes I'm still afraid of what's going to happen please help me be strong to do what you want me to do thank you amen [Music] [Music] but back in the city of Jerusalem which way is he follow me Peter John where is everyone [Music] sound asleep oh it's you where am i what's going on it's okay it's time to wake up huh what's going on hello Jesus [Music] oh come on we have to protect him it's okay I must go put down your sword this is what God wants me to do [Music] following the orders of Pontius Pilate the soldiers who carried Jesus away treated him as though he had broken the law this was because there were some people who did not believe he was the son of God and so it was that Jesus died on a cross with a thief on each side of him the disciples were very very sad they missed their Lord but soon a great surprise would happen [Music] some of the disciples took Jesus's body and cared for it they brought him to a cave to be buried as was the custom in those days then they put a big rock in front of the cave entrance so no one else could get in and finally guards were ordered to stay in front of the cave two full days and nights passed and then on the third morning you hear something yeah what is that hey what's going on around here how does that stone moving all by itself look just then some of Jesus's friends were on their way to visit the cave we have everything we need right perfume spices I think so now we just need to talk to the guards I hope they don't try to stop us I wonder why they're running [Music] [Music] do not be surprised Jesus is not here he has risen from the dead he's alive again go and tell all of his friends the good news Jesus lives we must go tell everyone what good news [Music] Peter John angels it's unbelievable he's alive jesus is alive again an angel appeared before me and told me the good news I can't believe it what a miracle incredible risen from the dead praise God I must see for myself [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thomas it's so good to see you I have some great news jesus is risen he is alive again mm-hmm I know that you've been sad lately Mary why don't you get some rest no really everything I say is true uh thanks for the news Mary that's really great why don't you go on home now believe me it's true how Thomas I'll see you later I'd have to see Jesus with my own two eyes to believe it wouldn't it be great though to walk into this house and see my teachers familiar face again I can almost picture it now Jesus would be standing here smiling at me Jesus Jesus is that you now that Jesus is gone we might as well fish are you ready with the net uh-huh come on John okay and a-one a-two a-three alright let's pull her back in ho ho ho oh no not again we haven't caught so much as a minnow let's try it again I guess a 1 a 2 up look who's that over there throw your net on the other side of your boat what is that going to prove besides we've already tried that we already tried that try again Why should there be fish on one side of the boat and not the other well I guess there's no harm in trying come on and a-one a-two a-three whoa pull pull look at all these fish just look at them but how can that be how did he know that who is that man some kind of miracle a miracle Jesus it is I can't believe it it's him Jesus [Music] quick everybody pull in the nets pull in the nets and let's get rowing your back I can't believe you're back yes Peter but only for a little while you see I have to go back to my father in heaven soon are you leaving us again you just got back we want you to stay don't be sad you should all be happy rejoice happy how can we be happy when you're going to leave us again because I died to make up for all the wrong things people have ever done you mean you died for us but why because I love you all what do you want us to do God wants you to be with him and everything you do and the way to do that is to love everyone the way I love you I'm going to make a place in heaven for you tell everyone you meet about me and about what I have taught you and always remember I will be with you forever we'll never forget you we will tell everyone about your love and the disciples never did forget they went through villages and cities in many parts of the world telling people about Jesus and the great things he had done [Music] you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 3,403,029
Rating: 4.6217532 out of 5
Keywords: Easter (Holiday), Jesus, easter story, story of easter, beginner's bible, beginners bible, The beginner's bible, bible story, bibel geschichten, The Bible (Religious Text), The Bible Story (Literary Series), Help, Need, New, Tricks, Tutorial, Religion (TV Genre), Television (Invention), Bible Study (TV Subject), Bible Story (TV Subject), bible stories, bible for kids, easter time, eastertime, easter jesus, bible easter, The Story of Easter, Resurection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 14 2014
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