Children's Heroes Of The Bible: Old Testament (1978) | Full Movie | Paul Ballentyne | Lee Richardson

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[Music] the story of Joseph chapter 1 hurry Ruben we've gotta get these sheep out to pasture coming Judah it's just that I saw this one limping in our Judah look here comes Joseph our dear younger brother and in a new coat too father must have been pleased with Joseph cook had such a coat made for him good morning brothers are you setting out on a long journey all the way to Shechem the grass is good there you're not I know I don't stay here with fog that's right Jacobs favorite son Judah which drove isn't a joke last night in my dreams Judah I saw all of us in the fields binding sheaves my sheaf stood upright while yours bowed down around it well favorite son go back to our Father Jacob maybe he will bow down to you right now we have work to do Joseph did return to his father and several weeks later when the brothers had not yet returned from grazing their sheep Jacobs sent Joseph into the country to see how they were [Music] Joseph's coming over the ridge yeah the dreamer seems to will come out for a walk such a long trip alone can be dangerous careful Judah Center hello Jose you had any good dreams lately yes Judah I dream last night that the Sun and Moon and Eleven stars all bow down before me you are growing too big for your coach younger brother perhaps we should make you a new one I think instead that we should kill you've chosen father has many sons even though you are his favorite I'm certain he can find another among us Oh it let us meet Joseph behind in a pit huh don't stain your hands with his blood alright overcame Reuben Marie Judith no eggs no let us see who among us should get this handsome Oh Joseph Joseph Reuben yes don't worry I'm going over the ridge with the Sheep now but I'll be back later to let you out later when the others are gone Oh Judah look over there what's the a band of merchants on their way to Egypt merchants a it gives me a wonderful idea catch up with him Simeon and tell him to come to us yes do that yes we buy slaves to sell into Egypt how much but this one here he's young quite strong we have many like him already I can give you only 20 pieces of silver for this one Oh Joseph go along with these men no [Music] twenty you've made a good bargain he wasn't worth more if he and what nothing to us father is certain the question is when would return home we'll tell him that Joseph was killed by wild animal Joseph Joseph you won't find Joseph there he's been taken off our hands by some very generous merchants Joseph will learn to enjoy being an Egyptian all the Raps not a favorite Egyptian perhaps now he'll be cured his dream Joseph's brothers because they were angry that he was their father's favorite son had sold him to some slave merchants who were travelling into Egypt Joseph lived as a slave in Egypt for 11 years but suddenly one day he was arrested and put into prison for a crime he did not commit soon however Joseph and the prison keeper became friends and Joseph began to help him care for the other new prisoners Joseph ha I must see the wise men of the court it's about my dream surely God knows everything knows about your dreams I am his servant and if you tell me what you dreamed it may be that he will show me their true meaning well as you know I am the butler to Pharaoh in my dreams I saw a vine of great with three branches and as I watched it the bud shot forth and became blossoms and the blossoms turned into bunches of purple grapes as I picked them off the vine I squeezed bed juices into Pharaoh's cup and gave it to him to drink God has let me know the meaning of your dream Butler the three branches are three days and within that time you will be sent back to Pharaoh who will pardon you and you will serve him as you did before if my dream comes true as you said Joseph I will not forget you the butler's dream did come true as Joseph said but the butler was so happy to be out of trigger that two years passed before he remembered to tell Pharaoh about Joseph a little wine fine I'm with my wise man what's taking them so long [Music] we are truly sorry but we had talked but we can find no no no I'll find me a man who is truly wise your majesty I know of a white man a man who told me the meaning of my dreams one fell bring him to me at once yes I remediate immediately I have had the same kind of dream twice in the first one I saw seven fat cattle coming out of a river after them was seventh in cattle when they got out of the water the seventh in cattle ate the seven fat ones then I saw seven fat and healthy ears of corn and seven dry spoiled ones and the seventh spoiled ears of corn ate the seven fat ones God is warning you Pharaoh the seven fat cattle and the seven good ears of corn are years of plenty when the people of Egypt shall have all they want to eat oh yes Pharaoh gluant but the seventh in cattle and the seven spoiled ears of corn our years of famine and hunger and unless you save food during the time of Plenty your people and your animals will all die he sounds wise seven years of famine if you will permit me sire he is wise his God told him the meaning of my dream once that you would free me from prison and that you no Pharaoh it was the truth then Joseph I could have no finer man to help me govern my people through the famine because you are wise and understanding you shall be governor of all Egypt second only to me Joseph's brothers because they were angry that he was their father's favorite son had sold him to some slave merchants who were travelling into Egypt but one day after Joseph had lived in Egypt for many years he was asked to tell the meaning of Pharaoh's dream Pharaoh's dreams came true for seven years there was more food in Egypt than anyone could eat but in Canaan the home of Joseph's brothers there was little food the years of famine were beginning my sons you must go into Egypt and buy food fighters I hear that they have stored grain and corn and will sell it to those who need it certainly father we'll all go at once oh no Judith not all Benjamin shall stay here with me since Joseph died Benjamin has been my main comfort for father does it please you now Judah to see what grief you caused father since you told him Joseph was there I am regretted it for 20 years Reuben please let us not speak there now right Judah Joseph probably is dead any life let us go [Music] your majesty yes what is it the Jewish my brothers your majesty they don't know me and they must not find out who I am until I see if they have changed I shall test them your majesty you'll continue to bow before me what is it that you want food sire for us on our old father father is your father still living indeed sir but it needs food sadly and have you another brother yes the youngest Benjamin who live you are spies you want to bring war on my country brother did not come with you state with our Father sire to care for him while we're gone any well this time but you cannot live long on the food that you will get next time you come you will bring this brother and to make sure one of you you will be my prisoner seven will prepare your stacks of grain and form when they pay for their grain place their money back no sex I will not take it from them yes sire something to drink sire yes my throat is very dry do you think they will return sire I don't know that laughs but I pray with all my heart that they do Judah you know that father will be heartbroken when he hears that Simeon is in prison yes perhaps we should first make him happy with porn then later tell him we must return to Egypt for Simeon yes yes that would be best how my sons how good to see your safely return we have much grain father tonight we will eat as in the old days let me look this did you not pay for our Philemon father of course yes father we did pay I don't understand how the money got into our sin alright father very well I trust you my sons but but the rulers of Egypt may believe that you stole it from them you must not return there but father you shall not return Joseph brothers because they were angry that he was their father's favorite son had sold him to some slave merchants that were travelling into Egypt but because God was with him Joseph became a ruler in the Egyptian courts then a famine spread throughout the land and Joseph's brothers travelled from their home and Canaan to Egypt to buy food for themselves and for their father Jacob even though many years had passed Joseph recognized his brothers as they bow before him but when he saw that they did not know him he decided to put them to a test he had the money which they would have used to buy their grain secretly placed back into their sacks and told them to come again into Egypt bringing with them Benjamin their youngest brother [Music] juda I do not want Benjamin to go with you 20 years ago Joseph was killed and the last time you went into Egypt your brother Simeon was taken prisoner if Benjamin were taken from me I don't know that we need food our sheep are dying of hunger and before long we too may die yes Father and the Egyptian ruler gave us his word that Simeon would be released if we returned with Benjamin oh very well you may go thank you amber take double the amount of money you had last time and make sure that it is not suddenly once more appear in your sex we do not wish the courts of Pharaoh to think that we are thieves I will pray God for your safety when Joseph's brothers arrived in Egypt they were told not to go into the court as they had before but to see the Egyptian ruler in his home you may go in he is expecting you this must be a plot against us Judah for returning home with the money that was to pay for the corn we must explain sire we did not take the money we found it in our sects I please money in your sacks it must have been a gift from God for I had your money she'll have again the day when you once more buy from my storehouses calm dine with me Simeon Simeon are you well y-yes Reuben and look at the feast that's been prepared for us and is this the younger brother Benjamin yes sire braum be good to you my son well thank you sir see that they are fed well give them plenty of corn before return their money to them and place my silver cup sack that Benjamin will carry very good sire it is good to see them once more they did return for Simeon but I must have more proof that they have changed [Music] someone riding up behind from the court of Egypt one of you has stolen my Master's silver cuff we are mistaken none of us we do that well let us see look sir my sack has only grain combined just food sir and look Surma Oh money one and the crown welcome as my master said oh no no way I mean I did not take it I was wearing Oh see we shall see about that competence the result in the name of my master you are all under arrest [Music] when Joseph was a young man he had strange dreams which meant that one day his eleven brothers would bow down before him because of this his brothers were angry and they sold him to some slave merchants that were travelling into Egypt but Joseph streams did come true many years later he became a ruler in Egypt and his brothers who no longer recognized him bowed down to him in order that they might get food to eat now Joseph was going to test them to see if they had changed in the 20 years that had gone by Joseph commanded his servant to place his silver cup in the sack of Benjamin the youngest brother Benjamin was then arrested and brought before him [Music] what is this that you have done Benjamin do you steal a silver cup from a man who has given you food he didn't do it but my servant found it in your sack of grain how did it get there Benjamin we know only Benjamin please decide we will take his punishment place all of us in prison but let our youngest brother go our Father would die without him you would take his punishment you would not let your younger brother be my slave here in Egypt that is the last thing that we would ever do sire you have changed Judah I thank the Lord you have do you not see I am Joseph your brother forgive me do not be afraid Judah you are forgiven it was not you sent me into Egypt but God to be ruler here during the famine God used me to save our people from death yes the dreams you don't remember the dreams that Joseph used to have that one day we will bow down before him of course the dreams that made us so angry truly they were from God brothers the famine will continue for five more years next time you return to me you must bring our father and all of your wives and children Egypt shall be your new home oh my sons it is difficult for an old man like me to believe these things my Joseph is he really living I don't think that you will have to wonder much longer father look my son my Joseph I cannot see it is through Reuben Judah come father here is your new lamp Joseph it is good and our sheep will eat well here and we shall all be together again oh dear God my heart is too full of happiness to speak for out of our sorrow has come such joy they our people praise your name forever be sure to watch the next chapter of great Bible story the story of Moses chapter one nearly three thousand years ago there was no nation greater than Egypt its fields were rich with grain its treasury bulged with the gold of many countries it's temple to the Sun God rose high among all the buildings and glittered with the brilliance of growth the cunning and skill of the world's greatest magicians entertained the Pharaoh Pharaoh king of Egypt God of his people and through the giant streets of the cities of Egypt marched Pharaoh's army the most powerful of all on and under the width of Pharaoh roads and cities were built under the width of Pharaohs slaves worked long days in the hot Sun Pharaoh had commanded there would be no nation as beautiful and powerful as Egypt and he said no one would be greater than Pharaoh but the people of Israel who lived in Egypt did not believe Sarah was their God and Pharaoh demanded the people of Israel work until they were near death who were the people of Israel called Israel they were the people of God the God who made the earth and the sky and all men they were the descendants of the man Joseph whom God had sent into Egypt many years before Joseph was an Israelite who found favor with another Pharaoh but in our story Josef's people did not freeze the new Pharaoh so he made slaves of them all except one Moses and Israelite living in the courts of Pharaoh as the son of Pharaoh's daughter but why many years before Moses grew to be a man Pharaoh became concerned that the people of Israel would soon number so greatly they would rise up and cause trouble perhaps kill his soldiers and attack the palace no no that will not happen in my land the Israelites will never grow that strong what will you do sire tell all the people of Egypt to kill every son that is born to the Israelites ah yes kill everyone [Music] so the children of Israel suffered even more the women left and all the families of the people of Israel were sad God God why doesn't he hear the crying of our women doesn't he hear the silence of our dead son they will come for our baby soon they will not kill the child I promise you even if I must die myself there is nothing we can do nothing if they do not come for him until tomorrow morning I think at least there is hope the child will not die now what are you saying we will work through the night come quickly it is finished will you put the baby in there would you rather have the child killed with an Egyptian sword the basket is strong the tar would keep it from sinking we shall place him in the basket and let it float down the river and hope that someone may find him and keep him safe where's your son there is no son here he's gone away no harm would come to the tiny baby in the basket for the Lord God of Israel would one day choose him to be his servant his name would be Moses three thousand years ago the people of Israel were slaves in Egypt Pharaoh king of Egypt commanded that all the newborn sons of the Israelites be killed but the mother and father of one of the Israelite baby boys placed their son in a basket in the Nile River and let it float downstream it floated by the palace of Pharaoh near where the Pharaoh's daughter was swimming there may be some treasure hidden inside [Music] I will ask my father if I may keep him but your father wants all their babies Kim I will ask him anyway certainly one little Israelite boy it can't make any difference all right if it really pleases you that much you shall have him and he shall be as your son are you happy oh yes Father thank you the princess named the child Moses as Moses grew older he learned that he was an Israelite it heart was filled with rage when he saw his own people suffering under the width of fellow few out of poor Moses you think you helps us now the Egyptians will make us work all the harder yes and you see what Pharaoh says now Moses he'll throw you out of the palace you won't be safe anywhere that's right Moses run run away [Music] but far away on the slopes of Mount Sinai Moses found safety he did not live in a palace but under the sky and grew older and cared for sheep and in the long hours of the day and nights he thought of his people suffering in Egypt [Music] Moses who is it who are you Moses is canopy the bush speaks it is I the Lord God of Israel the Moses do not Chimaera I have heard the cries of my people I have seen their suffering in the land of Egypt Moses my people shall be free they will no longer feel the sting of the whip they shall come out of Egypt and I will lead them to a new land that is blood and you shall beat them for oh no I'm not the man to beat tell them the Lord God of their fathers has sent you but I've lived away from the people so long and I I can hardly speak I take care of sheep in the hills I see no one notice I will be with you I will teach you what to say and your brother Aaron will help please Lord said someone oh you are the one you are the man you will serve me and my people you will tell Pharaoh to let my people go from Egypt Sarah will say no to you again and again but his power is not greater than heavens I will send my power with you such power as Pharaoh has never seen our rise and go go to Egypt yes sir I will come 3,000 years ago the people of Israel were slaves in Egypt God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh the king of Egypt to free the Israelites but Pharaoh said I will not let you go I will not listen to your God I do not even know him the Lord God of Israel commands you that his people leave Egypt or he will send swarms of flies to cover all the lands this he cannot do [Music] magicians magicians how can Moses do this it is not Moses sire it must be his guard in the way please take the flies away and I will let your people leave he did I swear it when will you let the people of Israel go oh god oh god magician yes sire there is not one to be seen not one well then there's no reason to let the slaves go is there you promised Sarah I am a living God I do what best suits my nation and myself I change my mind as I will and I say that people of your God will not leave now get out before I you and your nation will suffer for this fair town the Lord will free his people growing dark fell out of the sky but the Sun is being being hidden editions wise men of the stars your majesty Sol Eocene why is the Sun being darkened we do not know Chanel everything's as though a great hand is hiding its light there are you have you and your guard down this to Egypt Egypt will be dark black dark until you free the people of Israel I will not freed him praise the Sun God of Egypt he will not allow your God to stop his eternal light regarded light mightier a let your light again shine on Egypt certainly the god of Moses cannot defeat you wavering light we cannot live without the Sun life will not come again until you set the people of Israel free let them leave Egypt now let them leave I have seen the power of your God I will free your people Pharaoh worried Moses I will not go back on my word the Israelites are free only take away this plague of darkness the God of Israel films him it's true Aaron I go now to tell the people Moses yeah you will not tell the Israelites they are free to leave Egypt God Pharaoh has changed his mind but he just changed his mind he is commanded the people of Israel to remain as slaves not speak to them of freedom or they will suffer even more under this Oh God when when will you keep your promise Lord do not let you see booth suffer more pain I have heard the cries of my people and I will free them from their slavery and I will lead them to a new land that is good [Music] three thousand years ago the people of Israel were slaves in the land of Egypt God commanded Moses to tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let his people go free Pharaoh would not free the Israelites but God told Moses of his plan to change the Pharaohs mind Moses wait where you going God will strike Egypt tonight with hot tonight the firstborn child in every Egyptian house will die Moses tell the father of each Israelite household to take the blood of a lamb and paint the doorpost so that when the Angel of Death sees the blood he will know it is the house of one of God's people and will pass over the house and not bring death what about Pharaoh I warned him Aaron I told him to free our people or death would come to Egypt but he would not listen he would not free us hurry hurry the Angel of Death may be here soon even my own son Moses my own son is dead I am sorry Ferrum but you refuse to free God's people yes I know I am to blame Moses I am powerless before your God and now before he strikes Egypt again I will free you you and all the people of your God begone from Egypt by sunrise evening Moses and the people made their camp diocese I'd let them leave I should have killed every one of them so there is still time tire repair all my Army's the fastest chariots I will catch them we get sire yes fire arrows armies why did you bring us out here to die Moses we could have died in Egypt God will not let you die it surrounded our camp with a great cloud so farrell cannot see it we will be safe here tonight sarah will not enter the cloud and in the morning God will show us what to do trust him it's true Moses I know Aaron what are we going to do everyone come to the sea God show us your power [Music] whoa I love it I notice we can run no more there is no need [Music] three thousand years ago God frees the people of Israel from the land of Egypt where they had lived as slaves of the King Pharaoh God chose a man named Moses to lead the Israelites from Egypt so the land God had promised to give them but the Promised Land was far away do you think we can stop here Moses it's a good land for grazing our cattle I know I raised sheep here then we will stand up yes you see the mountain pink up ahead it's beautiful but there at the foot of Mount Sinai we shall make camp the Lord has called us to the Lord first called Moses to come high on the mountainside alone this was where God had spoken to Moses before from the burning bush and now God would speak to him again Moses you have seen how I have cared for the people how I have brought them here to myself Moses I will now tell them what it means to be my people tell them I have chosen them to be my own and they shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and as my people they shall obey my Commandments and laws I will tell them Lord the time has come the people and God to make a promise for what kind of a promise to belong to each other forever how can you speak but what will the Lord to Moses the Lord Himself is coming to stand before us in a cloud of fire and smoke he will tell us his commandments his laws so that we may know exactly how we are to serve Him and what are we to do we must prepare for his coming and when the trumpet of the Lord blows all of us will walk up the side of the mountain to hear our God hear our part go tell the people then after three days look at not Sinai it must be our God it is God He is calling us to the mountain God called Moses and Aaron to climb on a little higher there the Lord spoke is great Commandments I am the Lord your God you shall have no other gods before me you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy honor your father and job one after another the Lord gave the rules he wanted his people to follow rules that show that people they were to love God and serve Him and they were to love and serve their neighbors when Moses came down from the mountain he told that people everything the Lord had sent and the people promised they would do all the LORD commanded and after the people promised to serve the Lord Moses led them to the new land the Lord had promised them where they would become a great nation God's nation [Music] sure to watch the next chapter of great Bible stories the story of David chapter one David David Joab I thought I'd never find you know I wouldn't miss seeing King Saul's men march through Bethlehem especially when they've just won a battle they look tired the Amalekites were a strong enemy but where is the king he hasn't passed by yet it is said that the prophet Samuel is angry with King Saul perhaps all no longer leads the army of Israel don't be stupid Joab of course he leads the hosts all is God's anointed whatever that being quiet someone will hear you look there's Abner Saul's captain that's what I'm going to be someday of course you'll head the hosts just the way I will be king of Israel but don't choke I'll bet you could be king someday if you wouldn't waste so much time singing to your sheep thank you for reminding me to have I must tend the flocks tonight samuel is coming to our house for a feast wait King blessings upon code upon now truly I must go did you say the prophet Samuel is coming to your house tonight yes for a sacrifice that's strange well whatever it is I won't be there to see it someone must look after the flocks god be with you Joab yes and you stores mice [Music] David hurry home Samuel wants you greeting talaiya why does Samuel what me well house did I know he's been acting very strange tonight father hit each one of us has before him after the sacrifice and as each did Samuel would say this is not the one oh well the Lord has not chosen him which one of us he did this and now he calls for you but the Sheep oh I will care for them no wrong you called for me yeah this is the chosen one David you know that King saw has lost favor with the Lord God but that he is still the king of all Israel yes Samuel I watched him march through Bethlehem today good you should watch Saul very closely my son for one day King Saul must die no as any man must die David and then his real shall need a new leader Saul has a son Jonathan no not Jonathan God has already chosen someone else Samuel is it yes my son God has chosen you but why me why not my brothers they're certainly bigger than I ways of the Lord are strange David but we must not question them we obey them I now anoint you David son of Jesse the next king of all Israel after Saul may the Spirit of God to be with you always you Saul had been a mighty king of Israel when the Spirit of the Lord was with him but one day saw anger to Lord God by disobeying him so the Spirit of the Lord left Saul and went instead to the shepherd boy David who was then anointed by the prophet Samuel to be king of Israel after solves death no one in Israel not even Saul knew that someday David would be king for as long as Saul was alive the people were to serve Him and obey his commands [Music] David David come here what is it father a messenger from King Saul is inside you were to return to Saul's camp with him but why father David King Saul would have you play your harp for him his mind is troubled and it is said that your songs may bring him peace but I play only for my sheep and Saul is like a sheep since the Spirit of God left him he needs strength for the war against the Philistines you will go my son [Music] god be with you warriors realization day Charlotte for an Israelite soldier to fight the disease no one would do it but surely the Lord is on our side would slay this guy and try to kill our soldiers that God I saw David of Bethlehem sire David you're a handsome lad they tell me you play the harp that I do sire but but what we do not play I would rather slay the Philistine giant first sire do you hear that ever sire this youngster who is no older than my son Jonathan there would kill a giant please sire the Lord God will do it the Lord God with us he is always with Israel my lord Jonathan go with him and bring me word when it is over [Music] good luck David dog Israelite boy with comedy with storm hahaha I will show you deliah have the Lord God of Israel and when did not believe it without the sword and shield thanks your God you shall die be victorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the Lord was good to you David but I see now if you can sing as well as you can fight my father is pleased he will want you to stay with us David but Jonathan I must return to my sheaf someone else shall have to care for them now did well with your sling but I want you to have this your sword yes it means that we shall always be friends as brothers may it protect you well David Saul king of Israel had been greatly troubled not only was his army at war with the Philistines but the prophet Samuel had told Saul that God no longer wanted him to be king Saul did not know that the One God had chosen to be Israel's new king was the shepherd boy David David the boy who had killed a Philistine giant Goliath the boy who had sworn friendship with Saul's own son Jonathan and the boy who was now head of part of Israel's army look at him over there Abner so fight bad David does fight well sire it is good to know that when I die and my son Jonathan becomes king of Israel David will he decide yes sire all of Israel has heard of his bravery especially against the giant Goliath it is spoken of often along with my own victories of course Abner well sire I believed it well we are growing old you and I it is right that the people trust most in the strength of the young more than they trust in me they love David or they'd not their king here is your exercise what they say that david has done better in battle than I but it is true sire no matter I am King may the Lord do so to me and more also Abner if I do not put a stop to such nonsense with this [Music] where is he I heard that you were troubled my lord may I put your mind at rest with some music yes David having you here would put my mind at rest why don't you sing it what would you have me sing well or perhaps that new song I heard this afternoon about me slaying 1,000 men and use slang 10,000 Lord sing David sing it soul has slain his thousands why do you stop the best part is yet to come and [Music] ha bit what is it where are you calling your father tried to kill me Jonathan I must go quickly father I don't believe it please David I know my father's anger he'll be over it soon enough I will speak to him for you he knows we are like brothers Jonathan he would never tell you of his hatred for me please Stephanie try hide in the fields tonight and I shall come to you tomorrow with word god be with you my brother and may he smile upon you David [Music] Saul was king of Israel but the Spirit of the Lord was no longer with him instead it was with David the shepherd boy whom Saul had made captain in his army after he had seen him kill the giant Goliath because David was so loved by the people Saul became jealous and he tried to kill David but Saul's son Jonathan had sworn to be friends with David forever and Jonathan left his father's palace and went to see David in his hiding place David here Jonathan what I wasn't sure that you would come it wasn't easy to slip out of the palace without being seen I haven't long quickly then come and rest while I tell you of my plan you know that you may count on me to help you good Saul is certain to miss me at the feast tonight I want you to tell him that I have returned to my father's house in Bethlehem if Saul speaks well of me then we shall know that all is forgiven between us but if he is angry it means that he will again try to take my life I shall go right away yes my brother it is not safe for you here when I return I will pretend to have come for practice with my bows and arrows when my servant runs to fetch the arrows I have shot I will be secretly signaling to you if I say to him the arrow is close by it means that Saul still loves you and you may return in peace I pray that there is but if I say hurry on the arrow is still further off means that you must run for your life I understand now go where is David tonight at home with his father in Bethlehem then why did he not ask my permission to go uh-huh he thought that you were angry with him father then he talked to all this yes we love one another like brothers father we share everything share everything do you give in the kingdom my loving son do you not realize that David is trying to take the kingdom away from you the kingdom that you should get when I die only God can make a man a king father and besides David loves me and you what has he done [Music] [Applause] you are quick my son I would not kill you but I would scare you into seeing the truth go to your room now and consider what I have said stay back lad till I have shot now go and fetch my arrow throw further lad that arrow is beyond you go quickly you have sharp eyes you shall come again with me someday but go now I've strained my arm and would rest a moment before going back David I understand she'll miss you greatly David weep not Jonathan we shall meet again we can make war against my father only if I have to to save my own life you know that I would serve Saul as long as he is king in Israel go and peace my brother may God watch over us while we are apart when saul was king of israel he angered the Lord God by disobeying him so the Lord sent his spirit to be with David a shepherd boy and because God was with him David was able to kill the mighty Philistine giant Goliath and the people loved him for his bravery King Saul knew that the people loved David more than they did him and he swore to have David killed by his warriors but David fled into the mountains with his own band of men and all those souls searched for many months he could not find him Abner I'm weary it seems that we shall never find this shepherd boy who hates me who hates room your majesty insolent dog I will have you whipped oh very well I hate him wouldn't you if he tried to take your place in the kingdom well the Lord seems to favor David as he did me and shall again when David is gone but come I shall rest keep watch now's your chance David Saul and his men sleep soundly very well softly [Music] areas and all happened as well let me kill them before they wake at home God chose Sol to be king you shall not touch him but it is also said you are chosen by God to serve you should serve salt for the Lord chose him first serve Him as I do ever shy my time to be king will come now hurry take that jug of water I'll take this now quickly what kind of joke you play on me Nathan don't pretend to be asleep I know no one but you would throw water in my face others it didn't you throw water in my face now go back to sleep you're dreaming it's not you who's there is someone out there fight over the Lord's Chosen boss someone may try to kill him in his sleep no one but you were dare to do that David then how is it I got this my king spear but why did you not kill me David why did you take only my spear if you will look about you Saul you will see that I also took your jug of water but why cause I could never kill the one that God has chosen I did not make war on you Saul you made war on me what evil have I done you do with the people away from me because they see how I kill your enemies you win the love of my son Jonathan because we are like brothers with one father Saul you David my son peace be upon you King Saul now that we meet at last David peace is upon me the Lord bless you my son for one day you shall be great [Music] the story of Elijah chapter 1 that man idiot if you don't stop him before he gets to the king you'll spend a month in prison of course the dorks put that on him hey Batman you can't come in here [Music] God has sent me to see you King Ahab fool who has sent you God the god of Moses King Ahab God sent a beggar like you to see me I don't believe you believe they say have the Lord God of Israel has seen of evil who have died he knows you have led his people away from his Island the Lord knows you do not love him or serve Him the Lord knows you are the most wicked King Israel has ever had Islands that man is a herb I speak for the God of Israel and God says there shall be neither to no rain these years and rain will not come again until I say it will rain Elijah left the Kings Court and several days later King had brought his servant Obadiah Obadiah Obadiah where is mmm your majesty what have you been I'm sorry if I've displeased the king I was oh never mind never mind Obadiah what you learned of the man Elijah why your soldiers have searched for him your majesty but no one has seen him or even heard of him what kind of soldiers do I have in my kingdom they can't even find one lone man is he a magician who can vanish into thin air the aphids seem to hide their profit do you really think Elijah a prophet sire there can be no doubt that he's a prophet for he spoke the message of God that's ridiculous no rain no rain he said how can you believe that and yet it hasn't rained since you spoke to you no no it doesn't and rain will not come until Elijah said it will if what he said is true that means Israel will be dry as dust God has spoken through his profit profit profit profit Obadiah your prophet must be found have all my soldiers alerted to renew the search for this man the prophet Elijah had gone to a place the Lord had chosen for him through the brook Kedron west of the River Jordan it was there God sent the Ravens to feed him hello there my little friend what have you brought me this morning ah some very good you owe your friend is something - all right little bird what have you brought bread well thank you here you shall join me in my breakfast Ravens are so quickly you eat of course you want to get back to your neck all right fly away and I'll see you tonight oh god it is peaceful here but the wind is hot and there is not one cloud in the sky lord I pray for strength that I may help your people I will follow you though no matter what the danger for I know your power is with me God had sent Elijah the prophet to tell King Ahab that rain would not come to the Land of Israel because King Ahab was so wicked and because he had led the people of Israel away from God even though there were many people in the kingdom who didn't love and obey God anymore there were still some who loved him such were a boy and his widowed mother in the village of Zarephath do you think it never rain again I don't know it's it's been so long look inin Archies time it's so dry mother why are you crying I didn't know you were nearby but why are you crying I'm all right now see the tears are gone but please it's all right can you go out and play again and and I'll cook something for our supper and call you when it's ready I'll be right outside Oh God how can I tell him how can I tell him there is so little food how could I tell him that we're going to her to this widows house God would send Elijah God told Elijah to leave the Brooke Kieran and traveled to the village of Zarephath where he would find the widow God told Elijah he had commanded the widow to feed him over there will we be much more mother no it won't take much of a fire to cook what little food we have either look at man he's a stranger here a stranger he could be God strangers add up what God stranger he may be the one that God is sending to our house but mother you didn't tell me someone was coming to our house I'll tell you later you are Johanna yes and this is my son's a doc you you are I am Elijah you are most welcome to come and stay in our home Elijah even as the Lord God has sent me I take your staff and put it away for you well yes thank you Sarah may I have a drink of water Joanna of course and would you bring me a little bread bread Elijah I have no bread and look I have only a handful of flour and a little cooking oil but it's all we have and when that is gone Alijah as you were coming today my son and I were gathering sticks to build a fire so that we could make our last bit of bread and then we were going to wait for listen to meet you later do not be afraid Johanna God said that this jar of flour will not run up and this jar of oil for baking will not empty until the day the Lord sends rain to his earth can it be true the Lord has spoken Johanna so prepare food for me and then prepare some for yourself [Music] after Elijah had told wicked King a had that rain would not come to the Land of Israel until God said it would God sent Elijah to the village of Zarephath where the King couldn't find him Elijah's stayed in the home of the widow of Zarephath and her sons a dog for three years one day while Elijah was praying by the great sea Johanna was busy with her housework here let me help you to your room I must find Elijah here Johanna Here I am [Music] what's the matter Johanna Oh why did you come to my house Elijah to hurt me are you certain Johanna oh yes she's dead did you do this to me man of God I did not come to your home to bring death Johanna come we'll go back to the house you see she's dead what are you doing Elijah I'm taking the boy up to my room you stay here stay here Joanna and pray Lord my god there is so much suffering and death in your land your people suffer because they had so little to eat and a drink the King's soldiers searched for me because they blame me for stopping the rain in Israel then you led me to the widow's house she alone has been kind to me she has fed me given me a place to live must she now suffer Oh God must her house know the pain of death Lord let this child's life return to him again Lord let this child's life return to him again Lord let this child's life return to him again [Music] Elijah please what's happening Sadek is alright he's alright Johanna Elijah can see for yourself Oh Elijah I'm sorry I blamed him and I know now that you are a man of God and I thank you thank God yes I thank God all my life I will thank you God had sent Elijah the prophet to tell King Ahab the drain would not come to the Land of Israel because King Ahab was so wicked and because he had led the people of Israel away from God but after three long years without rain God told Elijah to return to Samaria and tell King Ahab that rain would again come to Israel but before Elijah said a word King Ahab spoke I should have your head private of God did you see what you have done to Israel it is dry as dust you have destroyed Israel O king I have not harmed it is you who have brought this to Israel would I destroy my own country you King have turned your back on God you have worship the false god man and you led the people to follow him Oh - who you want reign they have do you want rain I yes I want wait then you will trust the Living God of Israel this is what he wants you to do bring all the people of Israel to mount come and gather there all 450 prophets of there then you will see who is God of Israel fail or the God for whom I speak [Music] people of Israel today you will see who is the only God of Israel today you will see for yourself hail is helpless I have asked the prophets of fail to build in order and place a sacrifice upon it I asked him now to pray to their God fail and ask him to send fire from heaven to burn up their order what you say that will be easy your majesty bail will not be outdone by Elijah's God then bring fire yes sir all you prophets of bail march around the altar and pray to bail send fire say fire [Music] [Applause] hours went by but no fire from there you prophets of Vale had better cry louder to your God perhaps he is sleeping or out for a walk Paul Bill Vol it's no use bill won't send fire it's Elijah's turn let us see in the god of Elijah will send fire hi out here is ready to burn but first pour water on it all over it give pour water on the order of the Lord pour more water do it again now we will see what the Lord God can do Oh Lord let these people know this day you are the only God in Israel not fair and let them see that I am thy servant let them see Lord let them see God did not send rain to the Land of Israel for three years because King Ahab had led the people to follow the false god bale the true God of Israel finally told Elijah His Messenger that rain would again come to Israel but first there would be a contest the prophets of the false god Vail had asked fail to send fire to burn up their special sacrifice but no fire came Vail was powerless there was no Vail but when he lied to pray to his God to send fire God showed his power King Ahab said to Elijah Elijah I have been wrong there is no doubt your God is the God of Israel and the people they know it - this is what you wanted Elijah this is what God wanted they have its course what God wanted the people will serve him now but but what about rain will God send rain to Israel now I do not know when the rain will come ahead but God told me that rain will come but it could be months before comes Elijah no way head even though there is not one cloud in the sky now God has forgiven his people and he will send rain soon soon yes I will go now to the top of Mount Carmel to watch for it will come from over the great scene let the coven watch with you no no you go rest I will tell you when the rain is near but then let me send a servant boy with you he can bring me your message as you wish Erez I want you to climb the mountain a little surface and see if there are any clouds in the sky all right I will Oh Lord God your people have suffered and many have died because they disobeyed you and would not listen to your voice but now they are sorry they want to follow only you and now Lord we wait for the rain you promise I just I must tell Elijah he has be careful with us careful careful what did you sleep how'd Elijah clouds yes quickly you must go to King Ahab tell him tell him the rain is coming are you sure Elijah I'm sure it has very sure hurry a has run as fast as you can tell the king tell the king to prepare his chariot and return to the palace immediately for so much rain will come the road will be washed away hurry hurry [Music] Lord God Great God of Israel I am sorry your people turned away from you lord I am sorry your land and your people had to suffer but I know you punished them because you loved them even as I do and now you show your love again by sending the rain and your forgiveness thank you lord be sure to watch the next chapter of great Bible stories the story of Jeremiah chapter 1 so Jeremiah don't go Derek my dear friend you know that I must I love my people I must warn them but not today it's a feast day everyone will be at the temple including the priests who hate you who knows what they might do but the Lord God told me to preach in the temple to say to the people that they will be punished for pretending to trust him when it is really their own lies in which they trust and let me warn them you see I have written down all of the things which you have told me let me read God's Word to the people no no that's the last two I haven't told you yet how God first spoke to me have I it was on a day early in spring that was a young man in and because my father was a priest I had learned to love the Lord God very much Jeremiah but who's there the Lord your God Jeremiah I want you to be my prophet to go to my people and tell them that I am angry with their evil ways Lord I I'm too young I I do not know how to speak to people do not say that Jeremiah for I will put my words in your mouth unless my people hear these words and love me once more in their hearts they will be destroyed and then I felt the hand of the Lord touched my lips and I knew berrak that I must always speak for him I understand Jeremiah I will never try to stop you again why do you come to the temple why do you pretend to worship the Lord when you do not love him in your heart because you've sinned against him because you steal and murder and worship the false god fail the Lord will bring punishment upon you right now are me from the north are marching on Jerusalem they will burn this city and take you prisoner Lord God is already an evil group you shall be upon him is the Covenant God we are God's prophets and we tell you that there is no danger I would never let anyone burn his house of worship his holy temple in the temple but temple that is audience AQAP's side in the belly of been hit on my youth sacrifice and burn incense to BHEL BHEL is alive you must make a temple for him in your hearts Oh God there first for surely punishment is coming yes [Music] [Music] you make you look long with me only know this you will put innocent blood on your hands I was sent by the Lord God it is three tricks of Jerusalem before the people believe this way before they turn against us their feats and you their rulers before they turn against our holy temple of worship and that the Lord guards and defends the other princes who speak to the people but it is best that you get out of here Charlie and never preacher the table again but I must I must breathe if you would do the Lord's work Jeremiah you must first stay alive [Music] Jeremiah God's prophet had preached to the people of Jerusalem he warned them that the Lord was going to punish them for their sins that because they worship the false god bale armies of strangers would come out of the north and capture their city the people did not believe Jeremiah and some of them even wanted him killed but in the years that followed the city was invaded by strangers the Babylonians and many of the people were captured then the Lord God sent Jeremiah on a strange mission to the Potters shop oh good day to you sir and what may I do for you just keep working I like to watch that's how it was the old days before the Babylonian army is captured and I sit here people used to come up and watch me make my parts I enjoyed the company Oh be careful there I add to that part is breaking huh oh well that's not my fault some of the clay is like that just won't do what I wanted to do well I'll smash this one and squeeze it down again no no I'll buy that one from you what but Sir it's correct yes thank you sir thank you very much I'll fire it for you right away [Music] talking to me about this valley if you continue to burn sacrifices here to pray to fail instead of to the one true God the Lord will bring evil upon this place you're alive rubbish we go to the temple we sacrifice I chosen people why should he then destroyer oh my god told you that you should have no other gods before him no fails it has a crack in it it is not perfect but the man who made the part is not to blame because the clay would not mold to the Father's plan it must be destroyed your life is fast people of Jerusalem you are not perfect you do not obey the Lord because of that I have a special place for you this time Jeremiah a place where you cannot escape [Laughter] oh you had better have one last conversation with God while we hop over what shall be done with you I know but to be done taxes I shall be free my God is with me and will love let me die for your sake the people of Jerusalem were sinning against the Lord God they had built altars to the false god Vail and worshiped him they were liars and murderers and thieves but the Lord God still loved his people and he told the Prophet Jeremiah to preach to them saying that God would not punish them if they would learn to do good again the people didn't listen and some of them even tried to kill Jeremiah so an armies of soldiers came out of the land of Babylon God didn't stop them and the city of Jerusalem was captured what we need is a leader someone to organize an army that can fight well there's always King Zedekiah Oh weakling he couldn't organize your dog fight about Jeremiah he's the one that warned us about the Babylonians maybe he can see into the future and tell us what to do a real fortune-teller yeah it's all his fault were in this mess he's a spy of a king of Babylon but some say that he's a prophet of God I'll tell the world what I think of the verify with me did you see messenger from the other team no messengers who join their troops and ours in war that's going to the power you go tell the others let's follow them we'll meet you there right away oh how much like these spoiled figs our people are will they never listen to reason you have tried Jeremiah what more can you do I can keep trying come the crowd outside calls for war you may count on our help your majesty the king of Moab has pledged all of his forces to fight the Babylonians to save your city how did you get into my chambers this is supposed to be a secret meeting sacred King Zedekiah but it is no secret that the king of Babylon is this minutes marching on our city we will stop him from fair don't worry about that no you must not stop him you must surrender to him that God wants you to wear the yoke of slavery to Babylon for a while as punishment for your sin don't listen to him King Zedekiah he's a fool have him arrested by your guard George guards seize the prophets from here you listen to me the word of your God I speak a word of Lord God surrender to Babylon your slavery for your God did I I do not listen to him people of Jerusalem listen to me I am your prophet we will fight the Babylonians we will break the yoke of slavery the yoke in pieces just like that we are strong and brave we are God's own children and he will save us I say our men to that Oh that the Lord God would do this for us it will not be unless you surrender to Babylon you will die and the city will be destroyed I pray God's mercy on all of you for surely you do the people of Jerusalem had sinned against the Lord God by worshipping the false god there so when an army from the kingdom of Babylon attacked the city God was too angry with his people to help them many were killed many were taken as slaves into the land of Babylon and those who were left in Jerusalem were slowly dying of hunger God's prophet Jeremiah told the people that the Lord God would spare their lives if they would only surrender to the enemy but the people would not listen and the war went on Zedekiah King in Jerusalem was worried do you see him yet he bit milik no sighs not yet it is taking them longer than I thought wait here they come [Music] Jehu cool and Zephaniah the priests to see your majesty well what did you say we asked Prophet Jeremiah to pray for us your majesty just as you asked hand we asked him to tell us what we should do about the war and what did he say the same as always surrender said that even if all of our enemies were wounded and that they would rise up from their beds and kill us all but he said he would pray for us and ask God to help us when you left him he was praying wasn't it well not exactly your majesty we had him arrested your majesty arrested for what the spy for the enemy he only wants us to surrender so he can rule over us get out I don't know what to believe anymore just leave me alone go down to the dungeon he bit me Nick bring the Prophet to me Jeremiah do you still tell the people to surrender God tells the people to surrender your majesty Jeremiah the princes who arrested you I do not have power over them I cannot free you but I will have you move to the courtyard there at least you may see the sunshine and still be safe from those who hate you will you try to pray for us again King Zedekiah I have never stopped praying yes me o doubt praying for our enemies wait you see what I see there in the shadow well here's a good idea they wouldn't find him until tomorrow a tragic accident and tragic for Jeremiah prophet Jeremiah please please help me are you put can you hang on to this I can hang on all right I'll pull you up now hold on don't let go for Lord will be good to you he bit me will the Lord be good to Justin and the others the ones who try to kill you no no the Lord will not be good to them at all they will not listen to me he bit me like my own people will not listen and they will be destroyed [Music] the city of Jerusalem was being destroyed the people had sinned by worshipping the false god veil and although the Prophet Jeremiah warned them that God would surely punish them they would not listen armies from the kingdom of Babylon invaded the city and captured it but Jeremiah still loved his people and he wept for them if only they had listened to me back if only they had believed that I was speaking the word that the Lord told me to speak I know Jeremiah but our people are proud they could not surrender as the Lord wanted them to we all died pray for us ask God what we should do I blame everyone here the prophecies God calls the Babylonians to invade our land because we needed to be punished for our sins [Music] now we must surrender to the king of Babylon we must stay here in this land and rebuild it when he rules over us [Music] where they won't share the sounds of fire in the tribes of the wounded entire Egypt we do believe in the Lord I will stay with you Jeremiah normal Derek you are kind but I must go where my people are I still love them look look at this you people of Jerusalem the palace of the king of Egypt yes it has beauty but look at these stones over these stones the king of Babylon will place his throne cut of years that same king who destroyed our city of Jerusalem will take this one to travitt it is time to tell you that we have talked together we want you to know that we see now that it was our fault that our city was burned and our families killed at last Oh Lord God they understand they see your power now no we have been fooled Jeremiah it was not the Lord God who punished us but failure we start for our sacrifices the bells then we were this time no you did not stop worshiping bail in your heart in your hearts you did not love the lord god it's such a worship of fail and we were attached and now we will sacrifice to fail again we will burn offering Surveyors just if we did before you stop that we will pray to Him and worship Him only in our heart what do you say to this prophet of God there is nothing to say but that which I've been saying all of these years just as it was in Jerusalem when you turn from the Lord God so shall it be in a jiffy you shall be destroyed [Music] be sure to watch the next chapter of great Bible story [Music] the story of Esther chapter 1 mister Esther cousin Mordecai sister the King has commanded that all the beautiful girls in the land of Persia be brought before him that he may choose a new queen oh that's wonderful some new beautiful Queens but why should that absurd why should that well the King's soldiers just mighty cute oh I do not joke you are beautiful and you are very kind but even if I were the most beautiful I'm a Jew cousin just as you are and I don't think the King would want a Jewish girl for his queen what's the matter thousands of our people have been in the land of Persia for many years yes I know but oh it is true that our lives have been easier the last few years the King has been kind to us I think think what think what it could mean for our people if the new queen of Persia is at you what about all such a queen could do much for the people well it's a very nice dream Mordecai [Music] mmm where the King soldiers what is it you wish she is beautiful we were told the truth the truth as the people in your neighborhood told us how beautiful Esther was I see they didn't lie I do believe the king will be pleased to see you Esther whether he chooses you for his queen or not but what if I am chosen that you may be I do not tell the king you how did you don't tell anyone [Music] I won't tell oh come along Esther may I just get some of my clothes oh no need the King has provided beautiful new clothes for all the girls who will stand before it for 12 months the girls who had been gathered from all of Persia were prepared to stand before King Ahasuerus each one of them had to be ready to be queen no matter who was chosen then finally one by one they stood before the king you know her guy all the girls who brought her quite delightful most of them are exceptionally pretty but none of them stands out as the one to be queen bed and Pech the king would rather wait until tomorrow before he sees any more I don't see a few more then I shall have my summer look at her face a guy look at her face she's truly more beautiful than all the rest what's her name Esther Zion Esther Esther you may rise girl I'm told your name is Esther yes your majesty lovely voice tell me Esther would you like to be queen of Persia surely this is the dream of every one time and you is it your dream whatever is the desire of my king that I will do of course a guy yes she is the one yes the Queen's crown will rest on your head my dear Queen Esther think what it could mean to our people if the new queen of Persia is a Jew one of our own such a queen could do much for her people a new queen had been chosen for Persia her name was Esther Esther was chosen from thousands of beautiful girls and when the King's soldiers came to take Esther to the palace Mordecai her uncle told her not to tell anyone that she was a Jew she was most pleased to be clean but Mordecai didn't see Esther anymore it was against the law for the Queen to leave her part of the palace day after day Mordecai sat by the gate of the palace one day Mordecai sent a message to Queen Esther and she immediately told the king if it's from the man called Mordecai two of your men are planning to kill you watch yes tonight did you get their names yes you must tell me they must be stopped of course I do not enjoy speaking the death sentence for anyone but their names and big God's fine tuition Big Ten immediately and had them hang yes I must be no mistake hang them within the hour or it shall be you who hang Esther you have pleased me again my queen has saved my life I only told you the message of Mordecai your servant Mordecai yes his name will be written in the history of my kingdom then one day the king appointed a new prime minister to be over all the princes in the land of Persia he had great authority in power his name was Haman Haman was extremely proud and he wanted everyone to honor him all king ahasuerus servants and princes bowed down as Haman went by all but Mordecai Mordecai would not bow down to anyone but God Haman did not know that Mordecai had saved the King's life there did you see that Mordecai did not bow I saw I saw they kept Jewish motorcade taken to the gallows and hanged hanging would be good enough for him he's not Persian another version but is he a Jew shall we hang him no no I will not kill Mordecai I will kill his people the Jews be frank certainly from cause Mordecai much more pain than if I were to hang him this instant what is it that you wish even that is important enough to disturb my afternoon snack I'm sorry your grace but the method I bring is important to your Majesty's entire kingdom moons arm it has come to my attention that there is a certain people scattered among our people in all the provinces of your kingdom well what about them they are extremely well whatever you in mind even it please the King let it be ordered that every one of them be destroyed I can assure you sire but your Treasuries will make a profit of 10 million in silver you make good sense Haman right the order and here here is my signet ring which you shall stamp the orders that all my provinces will obey completely and Haman you may have the money your 7:02 all the princes and governors of Persia on the 13th day of the 12th month you shall kill all the Jews in your problems and you shall take all their wealth there no one will disobey the seal of the king haiman ordered hundreds of the king's horsemen to ride to all of persia to deliver the message great fear came to the Jews as they learned of Haman's order and anything save us from this death God allowed this to happen to us I cannot believe that he will let us die thousands of God's chosen people the Jews were in the ancient land of Persia one of the Jews named Mordecai would not bow down to Haman the new prime minister of all Persia so Haman decided to kill every Jew in the kingdom Haman didn't know that Esther queen of Persia was a Jew and he didn't know that Mordecai was the Queen's cousin when Mordecai heard his people were to be killed he sat in the square of the capital city Mordecai were old clothing and covered himself with ashes to show how sad he was what is Haman to do what a guy came and told Esther your majesty did you know that Mordecai has dressed in sackcloth and ashes and sitting in a City Square where everybody can see him what is he doing there there was so much noise I couldn't hear exactly what he said but it sounded terrible and it had something to do with the Jews for Jews yes well then some good clothing to him and asked him to change what the people of Israel his chosen to kill Halloween has sent me to you home enjoy change daughter Haven will kill me yes I hear you but I want no clothing from the Queen the Queen I'm sorry Queen Esther he would not take the clothing he just sat there and all that Bilson kept on wailing I was so embarrassed people kept looking at me and laughing all right you tried thank you I was sent hey tactless times you are most kind where's Haman Don morning are you what a chi you must literally slow to handle Marta Chi I am from the cleaner it will come before crow know the Queen wants to know why you're doing this she does not know would I have come if she knew I am truly a page will you tell me so I can give her an answer just tell the Queen the King's Prime Minister Haman has altered the Jews of Persia to be killed and their possessions taken away and remember tell her it was Haman who ordered our death and this is terrible how could the King allow such an order there is more more yes and it concerns you yes Mordecai wants you to bring them at her before the king and beg him to stop him and order but hey attack you must tell Mordecai that any man and woman who goes to the king without being called to him will die unless the king who voted golden scepter to welcome them would Nordic I had me risk my life hey tech went to Mordecai when Mordecai heard Esther's reply he wrote her a note Esther remember you are also a Jew do not think for a moment that just because you are in the king's palace you will escape you will die along with all the other Jews think Esther perhaps you were made queen of Persia for such a moment as this to save your people do you wish to answer him your majesty yes yes I will answer tell Mordecai to have all of our people pray for me in three days I will go to the king Your Majesty please do not go to the king isn't there some other way I must go for my people and if I die I die the Jews in Persia had been sentenced to death the wicked Prime Minister Haman ordered them killed because one of the Jews named Mordecai would not bow down to him but human didn't know that Esther's the queen of all Persia was Mordecai's cousin and a Jew when Esther heard of Haman's orders she knew she must go before the king and plead for her people even though it was against the law to go into the Kings inner court without being invited and could mean her death did you send for someone sire no I sent for no one would dad Esther yes it is good to see you well government thank you what do you wish let the king and Haman come to a special meal I prepared and then I will make my request certainly I will come am I so afraid what will the King say when he knows I am a Jew but I must help my people oh I pray for the right words the king sent a messenger to Haman's home inviting him to dine at the palace how wondrous yes but I must say I could enjoy it more if it weren't for that pest Mordecai first he wouldn't bow to me and now he sits in the city's Flair wailing about the Jews really hey man why don't you rid yourself of Mordecai you could do it quietly or I could have him killed in the courtyard so everyone can see what happens to those who do not honor a man yes I shall build for Mordecai the highest gallows in Persia 75 that night well Haman was having the gallows built the king was Restless and couldn't sleep he called the court historian who wrote down in a giant book all the things that happen in Persia the King hoped that if the historian read to him it might help him fall asleep and it was on that day the life of the king was threatened and the king's servants Mordecai sent word to the king of the foul plot and thereby saved the King's life ha honor was given to Mordecai for his good deeds every day man you agree nothing at all I'm terrible sitting for Haman yes majesty Haman what do you think should be done for the man the King wishes to honor must what to our enemy Haman I would say place upon the man you wish to honor the royal road which only the king has walked and let the man ride the horse which only the king has written and let the Kings most noble Prince lead the royal horse carrying the honored man through the main streets of such a beautiful beautiful prepare everything and you good Haman you do all you have said to Mordecai Mordecai you spent more time you once saved my life Haman and I didn't reward him and I wanted to hang Mordecai and you can tell me all about what you have done for Mordecai tomorrow and we have dinner with the Queen yes sire good night yes good night Haman and rest well the Jews in Persia had been sentenced to death the wicked Prime Minister Haman ordered them killed because one of the Jews named Mordecai would not bow down to him but Haman didn't know that Esther queen of all Persia was mortised cousin and a Jew when instr heard of Haman's order she knew she must go to the king and plead for her people she invited the king and Haman to a special meal Haman was pleased to dine with the king and queen but one thing spoiled it for the King had ordered him and to honor Mordecai for saving the Kings life such pleasure idea yes yes excellent excellent a meal fit for a king I am truly up in food you see Oh Haman how did it go with Mordecai I dressed him in the royal robes as you ordered I placed him upon your horse and led the horse through the streets and you shouted I shouted Mordecai is the man the King desires to honor great is Mordecai in the eyes of the king beautiful beautiful God God bring Mordecai to me I wish to see him wearing the Royal room I have not forgotten about you my dear now no more secrets Esther what is your request your majesty if I have pleased you at all yes yes if I have seized you at all I ask that you spare my life and the lives of my peoples ah we're to be destroyed killed killed are you joking is this again all true sighs then who is to blame for this who would lay a hand on my queen where is he Haman Haman Haman has done this why bother I wanted to kill the Jews Ayman I I didn't know that Queen was a Jew science-y Oh sire you peek like you enemy of the throne and I didn't even ask what people you wanted to kill good Queen Esther I know you will forgive me how dare you touch the Queen God take this man hmm traitor and perhaps your highness could find use for the gallows Haman has prepared for Mordecai Mordecai Mordecai save my life take Haman and hang him from his own gallows you it's all because of you it is because of you Haman you have brought this on yourself [Music] Mordecai is also achoo yes sire and would have suffered because of Damon but now it is finished but what of the rest of my people payment order to destroy them still stands you and Mordecai shall write another order which will help save your people it shall be done immediately and command my fastest riders to carry the new order to all of Persia you get where mister it was you who saved our people thank God you were chosen to the queen of Persia oh it is a happy time Mordecai and in all the years to come our people will celebrate the day we were saved from the sword of Haman is sure to watch the next chapter of great Bible stories
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 219,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Bible stories for kids, Bible for pre-schoolers, Old Testament stories, Moses for kids, David for kids, joseph for kids, Esther for kids, New Testament stories, Jesus for kids, parables for kids, apostles for kids, Paul Ballentyne, Lee Richardson, Herriet Flink, John Rydgren, Children's Heroes Of The Bible: Old Testament (1978) | Full Movie
Id: vpUv3D_H3bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 32sec (7472 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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