The Story of Genesis - Bible Stories For Kids! (Compilation)

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uh [Music] [Music] that story father told us yesterday was amazing don't you think so which one the story of elijah the prophet yeah hey by the way is it father going to tell us the story of another prophet today hmm yes he told us he'll tell us a story of prophet amos today yes amos i hope this story is going to be another great one [Music] come on let's go to our class it's story time yay come on matthew the class is about to start i'm coming [Music] good evening kids so are you all ready for today's story yes father [Music] all right so like i told you yesterday i'm going to tell you the story of amos today during the rule of jeroboam ii israel reached the peak of its glory however the prosperity was enjoyed only by the rich the lives of vast majority of the poor were in misery heavy taxes and unfair interest on loans forced the poor to slavery they were auctioned like animals in the slave market the courts failed to execute justice and not even the religious system was helpful to the poor the lord is my shepherd nothing indeed shall i want do i pass through the valley of death huh huh [Music] it's dead the lord is with me i fear no harm the lord is with me i fear no harm who it's so hot today amos amos huh who's that amos it's me elephants elephants my friend hi amos alifas good to see you i heard you're doing well with your business [Music] i'm doing all right where are you coming from we are coming from india we bought some ivory and precious stones from india ivory may i see that i'm sorry we sold all of them at samaria we stopped there on our way back and sold everything those people in samaria bought everything we had at the price we named [Music] they must be very rich in some area [Music] certainly they are those sumerians they don't know what to do with their wealth and the women oh their women are loaded with gold wow they must be really rich what who are they why are they tied in chains who owe them they are the slaves we bought from samaria slaves yes we bought them for a very cheap prize from samaria and we are going to sell them in egypt we will get a good price for them [Music] slaves but how could they god gave freedom to everyone you what's your name huh me yes you tell me your name hi my name is zella huh and she's my wife miriam zera how did you and your wife end up like this tell me what happened we we are farmers from just real we are doing fine until last year when the crops failed so we couldn't pay the taxes so borrowed some money from the landlord but the next year when we went to return the money the landlord cheated us by saying that we had to pay double the amount in interest alone huh how can the rich cheat poor farmers like that that's not it sir they cheated people with weights and measures also what yes sir we had to give everything we had but even that wasn't enough they they took our lands too and then they took us to the slave market and and we were sold to them we we don't know what happened to our children they we don't know where they are but but how could someone do that to you it's not just us sir everybody here will have similar stories to tell you i'm so sorry to hear that wait here i will go and talk to your master hey boss what are you doing there i was talking to them talking to the slaves huh elephants listen my friend is it necessary that you sell them only in egypt we will sell them to anybody who can pay look i have some gold and silver and i also have these sheeps and cattle can you take those and sell those people huh so you are now interested in slave trading huh slaves they are my brothers all right calm down i'll sell them to you two slaves for a cattle and one slave for a sheep is it a deal it's a deal i'll buy all of them here you are here take these chains no i don't want the chains i only want the people huh but we won't be responsible if they run off don't worry i'll take care of it master we don't know who you are but we will always be grateful to you what do you want us to do master noah don't call me that i'm not your master i'm an israelite just like you i am your brother [Music] thank you thank you so much stand up listen everybody you are no longer a slave to everybody you are free to go anywhere i will give you my land for yours to work you can take that for free you are truly a great man amos freed the slaves he bought and he gave them his land that night how how could they sell their own brothers as slaves amos huh who was that amos god it's you amos what do you see a plum line i have measured my people israel with a plum line huh they are not upright so i'm going to knock them down [Music] what shall i do go to israel i will instruct you there [Music] the voice of god reached amos like a roaring lion [Music] amos left for israel the next day as god had instructed but the sights that he saw on his way made him really angry help help shut up shut up you poo a little stop stop it what are you doing to him huh who are you mind your own business he didn't pay his debts so we are taking him as a slave lord please help me amos could do nothing to help so he walked away sadly but he saw many other similar situations on his way to israel stop it stop beating him oh no please no then why don't you pay his debts huh you give me the money he owes me and i let him go do you have the money i i don't have the money then go away you fool don't waste my time what is happening here hmm poor more this is only 20 liters huh but how could that be i had brought 40 liters stop lying and bring me more oil i i think there's been a mistake this skill is wrong you were cheating me how dare you take this ah is this the way you collect your depths who are you get out of here do you have different scales for measure no we use only one measure then what are these cheating with the scales there are soldiers here too no you won't escape from the lord with the help of your army huh go in peace my friend the god of israel is with you excuse me where are you all going oh you didn't know they have built a large temple in bethel and i've heard that the idol there the golden calf is really beautiful then why those animals oh these are the sacrifices for the god can you please tell me how many slaves you have i have around 150 of them and i have around 200 slaves you crush the poor take their belongings and now you're offering sacrifice to please god what no look offering to god what is snatched from the poor is like killing a son before his father excuse me i have been listening to your discussion so are you saying that we shouldn't offer sacrifices to the lord your hands are stained with human blood god will not be pleased with your sacrifices how dare you what are we supposed to do then you must do justice you must put an end to slavery the poor have every right to live freely you must let them go in the end god will judge you for what you do what he says is the truth yes he must be a prophet how dare he talk about us like that yes we must inform the chief priest about him some people realized that amos was speaking the truth and they knew that he was a prophet but some were not quite happy with what he was saying one day amos went to the slave market in samaria the billing starts at 50 shekels 55 shackles 60 shekels sold for 60 shekels two healthy boys bidding starts at 10 shekels for both 15 shackles 20 stop it huh who's that how dare you enslave the people who god had liberated what how dare you stop the slave trade stop stop this lunatic soldiers soldiers stopped them but before they could do anything the slaves had escaped they returned to their homeland that afternoon one man who escaped from the slave market reached his village paris it's you hello my friend oh it's so good to see you perez did they let you go a prophet a prophet from judah came to the slave market and created a riot there profit from judah what did he do he said that the children of israel are not to be enslaved [Music] thank god that there's someone talking for us yes it was the lord who freed us we walked home hmm the taxes and the interests the rich are exploiting us we can't go on feeding them like this ah is that is that what is it it's him the prophet the prophet who freed you yes let's go to him master master who are you i was in the slave market today morning and you freed me it's your right to be free god has liberated you but i'm afraid now what if the soldiers come searching for us fear no more we have the law of the law to rule this country the king and the rich have taken the law into their hands no the lord is the king of israel then what about jeroboam he he is an imposter who got into power by cheating people but but the priest and the elders are on his side don't worry my brother all of them have joined their hands in exploiting the poor but their days are numbered in the meantime the landlords and other rich men were getting real upset about what was going on nobody nobody's willing to repay the debts these days they are saying that the interest is too high even the tenants are refusing to pay the rent we must use all our foes to suppress him but why is this happening now i mean it was all going very well till a few days ago it's because of that man who that emote from tekoa he claims to be a prophet huh he wants to free all the slaves ban all worship and topple the government what he's pretending to be the leader of the poor and he's teaching that god is on their side he is jealous because we are living well we can't let him go on like this we must do something immediately people were getting upset about what amos was preaching to people and one day amos was going by a court in samaria when he stopped by to listen to a hearing my lord this man owes me a thousand shekels but he is refusing to pay now your honor i borrowed only 50 shekels and when i went to repay him he started lying i don't know what to do now your honor may i speak to you for a moment in private hmm come here listen if you can give a verdict in my favor then i will give you 300 shekels please my honor give us justice he is lying please please don't listen to him silence the landlord is right the accused must pay one thousand shackles immediately if he doesn't pay then confiscate his land sell his wife and children and auction him at the slave market by tomorrow no please don't gods take him away no he is lying please help stop it who is it you call yourself a judge of israel who are you to question me you you accept bribes and punish the poor you sentence the innocent to slavery order order the goat this isn't a court you are robbers and murderers not the judges it is god who speaks i have heard the cries of the poor no one will escape my judgment shut up if you open your mouth again then i will shut it down forever if you don't listen to the cries of the poor then you will be the ones crying tomorrow gods take him away and the next day amos went to the temple where the priests were offering sacrifices oh god almighty please accept the sacrifice and shower your blessings upon us amen amen give us wealth and prosperity give us stop your chanting who are you now listen to these words of god i hate and despise your feasts and festivals i hate your offerings but but god has asked us to offer the sacrifices go away with your offerings never step into this temple again how dare you this is the royal temple you have set up idols against my command take them away from my presence you endure slavery encourage corruption and you worship idols amos watch your mouth i will tolerate this arrogance let justice roll down like waters integrity like an unfailing stream god says your wife shall be forced to go to the streets your children will fall by the sword the people of israel will be sent into exile because of you you will die in a foreign land god holds a plumbing line over israel no one shall escape the king the priests and all the judges will be banished gods arrest him the wrath of god is coming down upon you like a roaring flame shut up where is your god now [Laughter] take him to the prison let gestures roll down but amo's call for justice fell on deaf ears he was imprisoned and tortured for telling the god's word to the people wow that's such an amazing story father those rich people in israel had become so cruel yes lucy they ignored god's commandments and led their lives as they desired [Music] his words are like a lion bro wasn't it yes matthew now shall i ask you a couple of questions yes where was amos from amos was from a small village called tekuwa correct and what was his profession he was a shepherd very good matthew now tell me why he was mad at the judges he was mad because they were taking rights to punish the innocent correct that's all for today now i want you all to memorize this court can you yes father let justice roll down like waters integrity like an unfailing stream now repeat with me let justice roll down with waters very good everyone will meet tomorrow with a new story which story are you going to tell us tomorrow father i'm telling you the story of hosia the story of a man who experienced the pain of loving as god did see you again goodbye goodbye father [Music] good evening children so children i'm going to tell you the story of a farmer who lived a long long time ago his name was mikha which means who is like god and lived in the village called morset [Music] daddy look we can make a whole bottle from this bunch let me taste one hmm this is really tasty don't eat too much natalia it could upset your stomach don't worry dear let her enjoy the god's blessings if we get such a good yield from olives and figs also then we can repay our debts quickly don't worry about the debt so much our king jordan is a kind man yes he gave us this land and he even gave enough loan to us he is as good as his father king museum who knows the way of the lord yes that's why i told you not to worry about the depths too much god will provide us lord god we praise you and give you thanks for blessing us with a good harvest mika worked day and night on his fields he hoped to repay his debts to his lenders by this harvest season [Music] that day after deploying the land he was returning home my car my car huh oh abhira it's so good to see you mike huh i'd like to talk to you about something sure what is it well what do you think of a marriage between jonah and atalia jonah likes her very much you know that's a wonderful idea why don't you come with me to my home and i will talk to my wife about this avaya it's so good to see you hello how is your wife and how is jonah they are all fine listen go and sit inside we have got something great to tell you listen dear abbaya has a proposal for our daughter huh who is the groom i was asking italia for my eldest son jonah oh it's wonderful natalia natalia come here yes mother [Music] italia we've got some wonderful news for you what is it mother [Music] do you know abia's eldest son jonah of course i do we used to play with each other when we were kids hmm and now abeya has got a proposal for you to marry him huh oh she's blushing [Music] father i heard what you were talking it's a very good proposal father i know jonah as a friend and he's a good person hmm now that we all agree why don't we fix a date for the wedding of course do you have any dates in mind how about friday after next week sixth day of the week today god created adam and eve that's great it's fine with me all right that's fixed then away we'll meet at the fields tomorrow and we'll discuss other details of course let's meet at the field tomorrow i'll leave now father father what is it son our king what happened son king jotham died today his son ahaz has become the king of judah what oh no king jordan was a kind man i wonder how our new king is going to be he's so young and reckless hmm a king was only 41 years old may his soul rest in peace my car it's getting late for me i must leave now we'll meet tomorrow at the fields schwarber see you tomorrow and as they had planned jonah and atalia was about to get married that day children remember to keep the promise you make today atalia daughter of micah i promise to marry you according to the law of moses what is that sound it's the sound of drums it's the king's messenger listen everybody these are the orders of king ahaz syria and israel have joined forces against judah all males between 16 and 35 must enlist in the army within a week oh no my son and all the money bordered from the treasury must be returned immediately [Music] how but that's impossible how are we going to pay our debts at such short notice no why should we send our sons to get slaughtered no this cannot be real god help us please oh my god both of my sons are leaving us mother stop crying we will defeat the army and come back soon father bless us take care of your brother and come back alive my son we will father don't worry mika's both sons left them that day to fight in the war mikka didn't realize that he was seeing his sons for the last time as they were about to die in that war my lord god please keep my son safe stop worrying my dear the lord will protect him um but what about the debs how are we going to repay within a week well we'll have to sell the grain and everything we've got but even that won't be enough what are we going to do i'm going to the market tomorrow i will ask laban to give me a loan only then can we save our land don't worry dear it's going to be all right yes lord god will never leave us the next day mika went to the market for selling his goods but it was a chaos there in the market farmers had to sell their products at cheap prices and the shopkeepers were making profits out of the situation what this is cheating a shekel for 50 litres yes the prices are going down didn't you know but but that's not even half the price listen if you want to sell then this is the price if you don't like it then you may go elsewhere but please i've had to work so hard to produce this that's none of my concern now move aside let the next person come hello laban micah my friend what brings you here laban i'm here to sell my goods and i also want to borrow some money no problem show me what you have [Music] hmm i could give you 200 shekels for these what 200 shekels that's not even half the price listen micah the prices are going down every minute because of the king's orders every farmer is desperate to sell they produce but but you may check the prices with other shopkeepers here in the market nobody will be willing to give you as much as i have offered all right i'll take it i have no other choice here is the money while micka had gone out to sell his goods the soldiers came to moreshet to collect the taxes help help give us the money or give me your bangles what what is happening isn't that mika's house yes it is what is going on we have come to collect the taxes have you got the money ready no but my husband has gone to the market for selling our goods we will pay back the money as soon as he comes back now the deadline was yesterday you need to pay now or give us your ornaments how dare you talk to us like that go away i'm not giving you anything let my husband come back and then and then we'll pay mother mother stop it leave me stop there you [Laughter] [Music] this'll be our share we will come back tomorrow to get the 500 shekels that's enough we have got them you can leave the boy now mother mother are you alright no we lost everything oh god why ah it's robbery the farmers had to sell everything for almost nothing hmm why is it so quiet yeah italia nobody home father father you are home yes what happened here why is it so silent oh dear the king soldiers were here when you were gone king soldiers we came here to collect the taxes but when i told them that we will pay tomorrow they harassed the whole village and took our ornaments father they were a bunch of thugs they harassed mother and didn't let her go even when she pleaded what how dare they there are laws in this land and even the soldiers must obey them i'm going to the court tomorrow i will ask the judge to take action against the soldiers who did this no dear i don't think that's a good idea they are king's people yes father the court is filled with soldiers and they won't like it if you go and complain against one of them no i will not let this go just like that punishment should be given to those who harassed my wife mika was shattered by what had happened he thought he could get justice from the courts the next day mika went to meet the judge next micah what's your complaint your honor when i was not at my house two soldiers came to my house and stop it this is not the place to bring charges against the soldiers give me your complaint in writing and i'll forward it to the concerned authorities then why are you sitting here aren't you sitting there to hear the complaints watch your mouth i am the judge and i can punish you if you offend me anymore i don't care if you can't give justice to the poor then you shouldn't be here god kick him out of here and give him a taste of justice how dare you huh you want to find a complaint against us here here take this ah mikka got beaten by the soldiers he was very much disappointed all his life he had worked hard to live a respectable life and today his wife was harassed the judge insulted him and he got beaten by the soldiers he had also lost all of his savings in the market today [Music] but mika was a man of faith he decided to start working again to repay his debts and to get his house in order but one day when mikka had gone to the nearby town an army of soldiers came to his fields the king had given away the village of moshe to the soldiers for building their houses but the farmers of moshe didn't know about this the soldiers marched in to send the farmers away hey look there's a huge army coming towards here maybe that's our son's coming home but i don't have a good feeling about this people of more the army is taking over this village you must leave this land immediately you can stay here and be our slaves if you want what this is our land we your slaves never if you resist then we'll have to use force we will never let you take our land we will fight to our death yay we will never let you step into our fields soldiers attack the villagers resisted the army and what followed was a brutal massacre most of the villagers were killed and their houses were burned down when mikhail returned all that was left of his family and his house was ashes [Music] no oh god those fifty soldiers killed my wife my son my daughter what am i going to do where is the holy one of his royal where is the god who came down to free us from egypt don't you have the eyes to see the fields soaked in blood of the farmers enough i can't go on anymore i'm going to join my family mikko huh who are you i am god whom you challenged you are god then allow me to join my wife and children i know your pain you lost your wife and children they are my children i watched my children falling by this ward they cry pierced my heart [Music] then why do you keep quiet mika you won't understand my pain now your children are safe with me then please please allow me to join them not yet your pain will turn into fury and strength go and face the commanders the judges and the king they rejected me make them drink the cup of my wrath but but lord i'm old and ignorant fear not you will be filled with my spirit mika was filled with the spirit of the lord receiving the strength mika became a new man and started his mission dayton you coward you murdered huh you slaughtered my wife and children you shed the blood of innocent who is he that's micah the owner of this place where we built this house so what gods arrest that lunatic get away oh but when the guards came to arrest him they got terrified because mikka was filled with god's spirit you think you can live in peace in those houses this mud was soaked in my sweat this land smells of my children why don't you do anything i i am scared you took over our field the hand of the lord is about to fall upon you [Music] why did you let him go away after he said so much it's true everything he said was true [Music] our hands are stained with blood mikka burning with the fury of lord walked to jerusalem the capital after warning the judges there he then proceeded to the palace to meet the king isn't that micah yes he is but he he looks so different now hey did you hear that he terrorized the commander dayton this morning it seems the spirit of the lord is upon him all right i think mika has become a real prophet you took over our fields ahaz you corrupted one how dare you sit on the throne of my servant david huh you flooded the streets of jerusalem with the blood of innocents shut up this is the royal court so you are the high priest yes i am how dare you slaughter innocent babies in the name of sacrifices huh it was it was sacrificed to the lord you covered couldn't you cut your own throat and offer a sacrifice who asked you to offer human sacrifices stop it i am the king in this country i decide on laws and there are courts to ensure it because of you zeon will become applauded jerusalem a heap of rubble and the mountain of temple will turn into a forest your majesty should we still tolerate this your days are numbered a king will come from bethlehem he will rule in peace and justice shut up it is god who made the king over this land and god will pull you down from your throne you robbed the poor and crushed the weak why is king letting him talk like that this is what god asks of you act justly love tenderly and walk humbly jerusalem will be purified in fire it will again become the city of peace and justice mikhail challenged everyone in authority but no one dared to touch him god was protecting him and in a few days the philistines captured more and destroyed the city thus the words of mika were fulfilled [Music] mikka went around the towns and villages proclaiming the message of peace and justice he was a man who was filled with the spirit of god so that was the story of mika did you all like it yes father good then shall i ask you a few questions from the story yes father all right then tell me the meaning of the name mikha the name micah was derived from the hebrew word michael which means one who is like god hmm that's very good lucy now tell me where mikka was born mikka was born in the city of mars very good matthew now tell me what was the first tragedy that happened in his life michael had to send his sons away for war as per the orders of king ahaz that was the first tragedy correct now i want you all to repeat this verse from mikka with me yes father act justly act justly love tenderly and walk humbly with your god and walk humbly now let's say that together and walk humbly that's very good now before we leave for the day let me tell you which story i'm gonna tell you tomorrow which story is that father tomorrow i'm going to tell you the story of a prophet who was sent by the lord to call the whole nation to conversion a prophet who was made holy by the holy god the story of isaiah alright that's all for today see you again tomorrow goodbye goodbye father [Music] father john is going to tell us the story of saul today yay haha you're so excited matthew yes he is going to tell us the story of saul the first king of israel let's sit here and wait for father there he comes [Music] hello jimmy good evening everyone so children which story did i tell you yesterday you told us the story of prophet samuel all right and today i'm going to tell you the story of saul are you ready yes father we are saul was anointed as the king at a very critical moment in the history of israel philistines were very powerful and they were taking away the land that god had promised israelites the very existence of israel was threatened israel listen it is god who speaks i shall annoyed a king for you but remember this he shall make the mighty men among you as his soldiers and servants and your daughters will be his wives and maids he will take over your land he will reduce you to slavery there will be no point in seeking help from god after this what do you say we don't worry about that but today we want a king yes what we need is a king all right then you shall have a king within 30 days from today gather all the israelites at mispa on that day [Music] in the hill country of judea there was a little town called gaibe in that town lived a man named kish who belonged to the tribe of benjamin one day some of his donkeys got lost he sent his son saul along with a servant in search of the donkeys this happened a few days after samuel promised the israelites that he would give them a king i am tired let's search for some more time master forget the donkeys let's return back home they must be worried thinking about us won't it be a shame to return empty-handed i've heard that there is a prophet around here let's go and talk to him yes master come maybe he can help us in finding the donkeys hey look there's someone there let's go and ask him hey hello sir yes how can i help you sir we heard that there is a prophet around here do you know him oh did you mean the prophet samuel yes he is in town you may find him on top of this mountain thank you sir come let's get to the top of this mountain have we reached master ah yes we have reached the top oh there's someone over there let's go and ask him excuse me sir yes could you please help us find prophet samuel we are coming from guy bay i'm samuel did you did you just say that you are coming from guy bay yes we are from guy bay and is your name sawn whoa yes my name is saul but how did you know god it's like you told me my vision thank you god master we come in search for our donkeys they were lost a few days back don't worry about the donkeys anymore they have been found come with me you can stay with me tonight yes master [Music] samuel had a vision about saul the night before and when he saw saul he knew that he was the chosen one by god to be the king of israel saul stayed with samuel that night and they were about to return back home the next morning saul saul wait there yes master saul i want to show you something tell your servant to go on without us you go ahead i'll join you in some time what is it master why did you want me to stay kneel down soul yes master saul god has anointed you to be the king of israel you will save god's people from their enemies master i i don't think i'm worthy i come from a humble family it doesn't matter you will know it's true because on your way you'll find three men [Music] one of them will be carrying three lambs the second will be carrying three loaves of bread and the third will be carrying a wine skin with him and as you reach mount kaibe the prophets will come out playing music and they will be chanting the spirit of the lord will cease you at that moment what what am i supposed to do then don't worry do what you may at that moment like samuel had foretold saul met with the men on his way and when he reached mount gaibe he saw the prophets coming down chanting and playing music ah it's just like he told me and now the prophets too when saul saw the prophets the spirit of the lord came over him and he was transformed into a new man hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hey isn't he the son of kish yes yes but what happened to him i think the spirit of lord has come over him is paul one of the prophets too looks like he's one too hallelujah the people of israel gathered at mount misbah as samuel had directed them they were waiting eagerly to meet the new king people of israel you have elected saul son of kish from the tribe of benjamin as your king [Music] soul of kish [Music] soul god has chosen you to protect israelites from the enemy you should always remember to be just and kind and be like a father to them i will master you should also care for the poor and you should not accumulate wealth do not build palaces for your own use i will never forget your words master i will never forget what you have done for me thank you so much after saul was anointed as the king he returned home and started working in the field as usual after about a month two men came to meet him my king huh who are you we are coming from the north from a town called jubbish khalid what do you want why have you come here my king the ammonites have surrounded our town we surrendered and begged for a treaty and they agreed if they have agreed to your treaty then why have you come here my lord they are crazy people do you want to know the terms of the treaty hmm they want to pluck out the right eye of all our residents huh and we have got only seven days to give them an answer if we don't agree then they will attack the town and kill everyone is that so hmm please save us my lord we have got nowhere else to go don't worry i will take care of this you can return to your town now god will look after you thanks my lord [Music] saul assembled a huge army by threatening the people of israel and a huge crowd came to march with him listen everyone jabesh gilleed is under siege and the ammonites are going to kill everyone in town we must attack them and protect our people yay get ready to attack as soon as you hear the trumpet blowing [Music] under the leadership of saul the israelites attacked the ammonites and they won the war in a very short time we have won long live king saul praise the lord who gave us a king we now have a king nobody will dare to attack us now [Laughter] where is my son jonathan jonathan where are you jonathan i'm here father put me down please why did he call me father jonathan i need you to go to gilgal for a sacrifice i want you to move to guy bay with a thousand men the rest of the army will come with me to gilgal gaibe but you know that the philistine fortress is on the way what if they attack then you must take a different route after my sacrifice at gilgal i'll come and join you all right father i will do as you have told me you take care my son saul arrived in gilgal and waited for samuel to arrive to begin the sacrifice saul's son jonathan had raged guy bay master we have been waiting for seven days can't we offer the sacrifice and continue with our journey no it must be prophet samuel who's offering the sacrifice lord lord huh who is it who are you my lord i was in guy bae with your son and and and what what happened and the philistines attacked us huh is my son all right tell me is jonathan all right yes my lord he's safer now we've honored kaibay but but tell me what happened all the philistines have joined forces and they're planning to attack again huh they might attack any time now we must stay here any longer my lord the fiest will attack our children there is no time to raise my lord we must act quickly bring the offerings for the sacrifice i will do the sacrifice myself get them quick yes my lord saul's son jonathan was stuck in guy bay with philistines waiting to attack his army saul wanted to race there as quickly possible so he decided to start offering the sacrifice himself huh is he offering the sacrifice samuel raised the temple while saul was offering the sacrifice and he got very very angry stop it huh stop it i said what are you trying to do i i are you trying to snatch the priesthood also what right do you have to offer the sacrifice i'm sorry master i was waiting for you for so many days and i just got the news that my son jonathan is in trouble the philistines can attack guy bay anytime so you thought you could offer the sacrifice yourself you couldn't wait for me i'm truly sorry but if we delayed any longer my son might get killed huh you and your soldiers did you forget that it is god who leads israel in war master please do not misunderstand me i offer the sacrifice to implore god's help don't you know that obedience is better than sacrifice what obedience are you talking about is it my fault that you are late what now arrogance too god is going to take away your kingship king king what is it many of our soldiers are deserting us what but why they think that you will not be able to lead them huh you can do whatever you want i'm leaving why are you punishing me master you know what your mistake was you did not wait you are not obedient master please don't touch me god has chosen another one to be the king master please forgive me please master forgive me samuel was very depressed with what had happened at the temple he couldn't stop thinking about it at all wrong did i do i have loved and respected samuel more than my father why is he being so cool to me how could i have waited any longer when my son's life was in danger am i thinking this way because i do not trust in god did i offend him by offering the sacrifice saul defeated the philistines in gaibe and saved jonathan but saul became victim to a maniac depression he could never get over to what had happened at the temple of gilgal master i have brought you the wine you asked what is this it tastes like blood master this is the best wine in all of israel how dare you call me your master i am saul and i'm looking for father's donkey donkey i'm i'm sorry master where are my donkeys i have been looking them for so long what is he talking about i don't know but something is seriously wrong i think he is possessed by a ghost yes he could be possessed it is neither ghost nor devil it's his own fear don't you remember it started in gilgal when he broke up with prophet samuel ah yes he has been like this for so long now i hope he gets back to his senses soon huh who is this samuel it's you stop strangling me i'm going to kill you ah what just happened it was just a dream saul's trouble increased every day the people around him brought a musician thinking that music will comfort him and they invited david a great musician to comfort saul but this musician david went on to become the next king of israel wow did he really go crazy father yes lucy saul's mind was troubled with what had happened and he could never recover from it did his son die in the battle father no he didn't saul's son jonathan survived and he became a great friend of david father was saul really a bad person hmm no my dear in fact saul more or less had a preparatory role like john the baptist john the baptist had made way for jesus and in the same way saul prepared the way for david i think his breakup with samuel changed him as a person you are correct when samuel left him his spirits were crushed and he fell victim to depression and jealousy he could no longer distinguish between friends and foes and he ended up killing many innocent people so shall i start with my questions then who can tell me which tribe saul belonged to me me yes matthew saul belonged to the tribe of benjamin correct matthew why did israelites demand a king israelites wanted an army to defend themselves and they demanded a king so that he can command the army and who were the enemies of israel the philistines father good now who appointed saul as the king of israel it was prophet samuel correct and what was saul's profession before he became a king he was a farmer and what was his father's name his father's name was kish good matthew now who can tell me why samuel got angry with saul saul was waiting for samuel at gilgal to offer a sacrifice but while waiting he got the news that his son was about to be attacked by the philistines in order to save her son he had to reach that quickly and he decided to offer the sacrifice himself without waiting for samuel and when samuel saw saul offering the sacrifice he got really angry samuel also told him that another person was chosen by god to be the king of israel this troubled salt's mind for a long time and he fell into a depression very good both of you so that's it children we'll meet again tomorrow then father are you going to tell us the story of king david tomorrow um before i tell you the story of king david i'll tell you the story of david the shepherd is he the one who defeated the giant goliath father yes lucy david killed a giant named goliath and defeated the philistine army wow it's going to be wonderful [Music] we will meet tomorrow at the same time goodbye children goodbye father [Music] wow it's so beautiful what is it jimmy [Music] jimmy oh don't worry he must be playing with the fly or something shut up jimmy huh what is it jimmy what's over there he must be playing with you lucy all right all right i'll come with you are you coming george no no he's playing with you you go ahead and take a look i'm just gonna lie down here hey jimmy stop [Music] what's in here huh it's a kitten [Music] she's so cute you look so tired didn't you eat your poor little thing where's your mother it seems she's lost let me call matthew and george george matthew come over here huh isn't that lucy matthew matthew stand up george matthew huh it's lucy why is she calling us come on matthew let's go she could be in some trouble huh coming lucy what happened lucy hey guys look what i found wow she is she is so beautiful isn't she i found her in these bushes she is alone and i couldn't find her mother anywhere she looks so weak maybe her mother has gone out to fetch some food can i hold her lucy please all right here come here oh you poor thing are you hungry where is your mama hello kids father john what's going on here we found a kitten by the bush father we are waiting for her mother to come back this one looks so weak i don't think she has eaten anything in days george go and get some milk quick yes father hmm let's wait for her mother to come back till evening and what if something happened to her mother what if she doesn't come back then we will take care of her matthew don't worry i've got the milk very good now keep it down there [Music] all right let's sit here for some time father can you tell us a story while we wait here for his mother that's a great idea lucy now which story do you want me to tell you you told us yesterday that you tell us the story of prophet jeremiah today ah yes now listen carefully in the little village of anathoth not very far from jerusalem a boy named jeremiah was learning his lessons since jeremiah was the son of a priest he had more difficult lessons to learn and less time to play but jeremiah was quick to learn he knew all about the history of israel and how god had helped by leading them as jeremiah grew he became bigger and stronger his heart was filled with the love for his country and with the love of god one day as he was walking in his fields jeremiah huh i'm going to point you as the prophet of the nations huh but lord god i'm too young i do not know how to speak do not say that you are too young you must go where i send you and say what i command you i'm putting my words in your mouth i will lord jeremiah what do you see i i see a branch of an almond tree and i see a cooking pot tilting from the north and his vision like the white flowers in the almond tree that was awake while everything else was dead god said that he would fulfill every one of his words jeremiah i watch over my words to see it fulfilled and like the tilting part disaster is boiling from the north to destroy your land huh do not be afraid i will make you strong you will be like a fortified city god told jeremiah that evil days were coming upon his country he told him that armies would come sweeping down from the north and would destroy jerusalem and take the israelites captive this was the message which jeremiah was supposed to deliver to the people the message that god was about to punish the israelites for their wrongdoings and no better messenger could have been chosen jeremiah was quite fearless and steadfast like a rock nothing could stop him or tempt him to keep silence listen o israel to the word of god you have abandoned our god your prophet speaks in the name of idols your priests offer sacrifices to these idols your hands are stained with the blood of the innocent isn't this jeremiah the son of ilkaya the priest ah yes he is where was he all these days looks like he's sick he is pretending to be a prophet a prophet no not another one we have enough of them already come back to god he is merciful abandon your idols and do justice jeremiah you better watch what you're saying are you trying to be a prophet jeremiah my son why don't you be a priest like your father what you're doing is quite dangerous i am only obeying our god and i think you should do the same at first however things were easy for the young prophet the good king josiah was reigning and he tried to make the people give up idol worship king josiah gave instructions to destroy the idols in the country altars and temples dedicated to idols were destroyed from now on israel will have only one temple sacrifices will be offered only in jerusalem idol worship will now be considered a crime-deserving capital punishment hmm josiah is a smart king we are becoming an empire like in the times of david it won't be long before solomon's glory returns to israel yes all the prophets are saying the same too no not every prophet agrees jeremiah is still preaching about the coming disaster [Laughter] he is a fool but the good days didn't last for long in a few days there was a war at megiddo against egyptians and josiah died fighting a furious battle oh no he was such a good king yes he took care of his people very well hmm maybe maybe he was punished by the egyptian gods for destroying their idols what hmm you're right maybe we should worship baal from now on hey look isn't that jeremiah walking up the stairs [Music] yes it's jeremiah what is he going to do people of israel god is punishing you for your sins but josiah was a good king he destroyed all the idols true faith means not just destroying the idols it means writing the laws of the covenant in your heart but but we offer sacrifices is commanded by the god your sacrifices are in vain no one will be able to save you move more aside people of israel do not believe in empty promises who are you how dare you speak like that in the house of the lord yes this is the house of the lord god will protect his house you steal murder and commit other crimes then come to the house of the lord do you think you'll be safe here what is this place a den of robbers huh how dare you where are the gods yes master at us this man he's speaking against our temple and our god take him away come with me you jeremiah was arrested that day and he was produced before the judges the judges sent him away with an order forbidding him to enter the temple ever jeremiah left the city that day and lived in exile for many years in the meantime israel was attacked by king nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon israel became the servant of babylon and they were forced to pay heavy taxes even jeremiah he was exiled he continued to write his message which he could no longer cry out loud write this baruch it is not truth but it's hypocrisy going in israel corruption is increasing day by day and the people have forgotten their lord master are these the words of the lord yes unfortunately yes his words are so terrible will the people accept his message i don't know baruch i hope they listen to his message huh you have written down everything the lord has told me tomorrow is the day of fasting since i'm not allowed to enter the temple you must go and grade the scroll before all people but master they will ask me if i read this before them don't worry my son the lord will protect you i alright master i will do as you have told as jeremiah had instructed baruch went to the temple next day and read the message from god to all the people and the priests have become true i will not accept any sacrifices from you your nation will be destroyed huh no it can't be true but before baru could finish reading from the scroll the officials of the king came and arrested him your people will become slaves and you baruch stop it you must come with me to the king huh god take the scroll with him baruch was taken to the king and the priest read out the message from the scroll and because of this your city will be destroyed huh your temple will be destroyed your people will become slaves again what how dare he give me that scroll here my lord oh word of god huh arrest him and send him to the prison i'll show him who the real god is huh no no please barak was arrested that day and the king gave strict orders prohibiting jeremiah to enter the city jeremiah in the meantime received another message from god he went to the valley of ben hinom and carried a jaw along with him this is the valley where you sacrificed innocent babies to idols this place will hereafter be called as the valley of slaughter huh [Music] oh no father is it true is the god going to punish us but there among the crowd was pashur the chief priest he got infuriated by jeremiah's words and he went upon him and struck him i will put an end to your prophecies today here ah gods take him to the palace jeremiah was taken to the palace and was beaten the whole night ah you you and your friends will become slaves to the king of babylon jerusalem will be reduced to ashes ha you are a fool and after a few days jeremiah got another message from god jeremiah make a yoke of wood put it on your neck and go to the king zerukoya yes my lord god told jeremiah that the king of babylon nebuchadnezzar was his loyal servant he was using the king to destroy israel and its people jeremiah was upset hearing the news and he decided to go and deliver the message anyways the next day there was a meeting at the palace king zedekiah had invited neighboring countries to unite and fight against nebuchadnezzar we must unite and fight against babylon yes babylon will fall if stand together wait who is that isn't that jeremiah the prophet huh what are you doing how dare you enter the palace i i came here to deliver the word of god i have handed over all your countries to my servant nebuchadnezzar if you refuse to obey him and bend to his yoke then your kingdom will be destroyed how dare you we are going to break the yoke of babylon like this ah you broke the wooden yoke the lord will place an iron yolk over your shoulder and you will die in a foreign land wait i think we must listen to him no my king he's just a mad person look at him does he look like a prophet to you don't worry i'm going to take care of him gods arrest him and throw him in the pit nobody believed jeremiah they arrested him and threw him in a well in the courtyard the well was a horrible place there was not enough water in the well but there was deep wet mud at the bottom into which he kept sinking you and your prophecies will end in this well and they left him there without food to die why was i ever born why should i live at all like this hated and despised by everyone lord your word was my delight it was sweet as honey and i proclaimed it with joy why is it that you have abandoned me now jeremiah god jeremiah you speak only noble words you shall be as my own mouth [Music] thank you god that night jeremiah who had sung waist deep was saved by a servant of the king master master huh who are you be silent master i have come to save you tie this raw below your arms i will lift you up master the servant pulled out jeremiah from the well and saved his life thank you my son may god bless you thank you master we mustn't stay here any longer come let's get out of here heeding the advice of priests and his ministers king zedekiah stopped paying tribute to nebuchadnezzar and as jeremiah had foretold in a few days the babylonian army attacked the city of jerusalem the babylonian army pulled down the walls of jerusalem and they set fire to the palace and the temples everything happened like how jeremiah had prophesized they looted the town and took all their valuables thousands of people were enslaved and taken to babylon they killed king zedekiah the ministers and all the priests as well and one day jeremiah i punished those who broke my covenant the days are coming when i will make a new covenant with the people of israel i will write my law in their hearts i will be their god and they shall be my people jeremiah was destined to live in utter loneliness he was always made fun of and he was ill-treated everywhere he lived long enough to witness the disasters he had predicted but after his death people realized that he spoke the truth and that made them repent and return to god oh it's such a sad story hmm i know but as they say god works in mysterious ways hey look at him looks like he was listening your story too hahaha were you listening to my story you cutie hey what are we gonna call him hmm he growls a lot let's call him lion no no let's call him tiger haha tiger that's a nice name i liked it too all right it's time for the questions yes now matthew answer this where was jeremiah born anna thought jeremiah was born in the village of anathor very good matthew now who can answer this what was the first vision that god showed jeremiah god showed him a vision of an almond tree covered with white flowers and a cooking pot and george what did he mean by these visions in his vision like the white floss in the almond tree that was awake while everything else was dead god said that he would fulfill every one of his words and what about the cooking part god showed him that like the cooking part tilting from the north israel was waiting to be attacked from the north very good george that's all for today now go home and take care of our new member here you go thank you father goodbye everyone goodbye father [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hello lucy hi matthew hi lucy i'm hungry is it time for lunch yet you just had a pancake matthew wait for some time and we'll have lunch together but i'm hungry i wanna eat something now you're always hungry you wanna eat all the time what about the sheets then why do they get to eat all the time he's tired lucy we've been walking for a long time let's rest here for some time let's sit down here then and matthew here's an apple for you hey look at that cloud doesn't it look like jimmy [Music] hahahaha you're right what is that [Music] wow it's a rainbow wow it's so beautiful [Music] i wonder who created this lovely rainbow and who could have created this beautiful sky and these mountains and everything that we see around us do you know george i don't know lucy hey look father john is here let's go and ask him hello little one how have you been oh jimmy you're here too hey good day father it is a lovely day in dear children father can you tell us who created this world is it god yes children our great god created everything that you see around you can read all about it in the bible can you tell us what the bible says father oh yes do you want to hear the story of how god created this world come children sit down i will tell you the story of how god created this wonderful world in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth had no shape and was empty darkness covered the earth and god moved over the water and god said let there be light i will call the light day and i will call the dark knight [Music] now let the water blow and the water ball be separated i will call the space sky let the waters below the sky all began in one place and let dry land appear i will call the dry land earth now let the land produce all kinds of plants and trees [Music] god was very happy with the work he had done so far but he still had a lot more work to do [Music] i will make the sun and moon and stars in the sky they will separate the day from the night to show the seasons and also light the night sky [Music] now let the waters be filled with living creatures [Music] [Music] and let the herds fly across the earth [Music] on the sixth day god made all the animals let the land produce every kind of living animal there will be domestic and wild animals both large and small and each will be able to reproduce its coin let us make people they will be in our image just like us then god made a human being a man who was like himself god put the man in charge of all the fish and birds and animals he had made let the people rule over the fish in the sea the birds in the air and the animals on the land and all creatures that move on the ground [Music] finally god finished his work he was very happy so on the seventh day he had a rest [Music] adam huh do you know who i am i think so you're the maker of everything come with me adam there are things we have to do and things i want to show you you are in charge of all the animals and plants they are for you to look after you are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you cannot eat from the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is evil if you eat this fruit you will die [Music] adam what will he call this one lion i'll call him lion these animals are yours to look after you must name them all adam you have done well but now every male animal has a female mate except you it is not good for you to live alone so i will make a female partner for you go to sleep and when you wake up you too will have a female partner [Music] while adam was asleep god took a rib from his side and made him a female partner [Music] ah my female partner has been taken from my own flesh and bone [Music] i will call a woman because she was taken out of man [Music] we may eat the fruit of any tree except this one god said that if we eat its fruit we will die [Music] but when adam was away satan decided to approach eve to tempt her what about that tree [Music] the fruit over there looks very tasty god said that we cannot eat from that tree or even touch it he said that we can eat the fruit of any tree in the garden except that one if we do eat from that tree we will die [Music] did god say that you will not die god knows that when you eat from the fruit of that tree you will be just like him your eyes will be opened and you will know the difference between good and evil and satan who appeared in front of eve started tempting her slowly and slowly he lured her to the tree and was about to tempt her to eat it [Music] god said no that is because god does not want you to be the same as him the fruit will do that it will make you great and powerful just like him [Music] women where are you eve gave the fruit to adam and when adam ate the fruit he commented the sin too [Music] once they ate the fruit they realized they were naked they cover their body with leaves [Music] adam where are you [Music] i'm here i'm here i heard you in the garden i'm hiding here because i'm naked who told you that you were naked have you eaten from the tree that i commanded you not to eat from well woman gave me some of the fruit to eat uh and i ate it woman what have you done the serpent tricked me into eating the fruit you will be punished and cursed for tricking man and woman you will crawl on your belly and eat dust forever you will be the lowest among the animals you and people will be enemies forever woman giving birth to children will be more painful because of what you have done your husband will also rule over you adam i'm most disappointed with you you listen to the woman instead of me i commanded that you do not eat food from that tree but you did you will have to work hard all your life to produce enough food for your family thorns and weeds will grow in the fields and only sweat and painful work will you produce food for your family finally you die and return to the ground you came from you came from the dust and to the dust you will return woman i will name you eve because you will be the mother of all people [Music] the people have become like us with the knowledge of everything that is good and evil they cannot eat from the tree of life and live forever i will send them away from the garden of eden adam and eve were clothed by god and shut out of the bliss and glory of paradise to live in the wilderness god decided to guard both the entrance to the garden and the way to the tree of life so he commanded cherubian to guard the entrance and a flaming sword that turns this way and that to the way of the tree of life adam and eve had to learn to live without god's close help they planted seed and waited for the grain and fruit to grow they built a house to protect them from the heat and the rain then eve had a baby boy and they called him kane [Music] later eve had another son and she called him abel he also grew strong but instead of working in the fields he became a shepherd they looked after the animals that adam and eve had kept for milk and wool finally everything seemed to be going well both sons washed and prepared their food hi king what are you doing with all that food some is for dinner and some is for god now that's a very good idea and just what god would like you to do hey are you bringing in another lamson no father i'm going to offer this lamb to god i know it'll please him it is the best lamb we have you know we have two good sons they have both taken the best of their efforts to give to god it will surely make god happy the boys are at home now preparing the food [Music] all will be well why should god get all the best fruit and vegetables surely he would not recent as having some this fruit took me months to grow are we having lamb for dinner little brother no king i'm preparing it for god it is my best young lamb why do you copy me i have collected the best of my harvest to give to god you give him your offering another time let me have the honor this time i can't do that cain the meat must be prepared straight away otherwise it'll go bad i think go will be happy to get both offerings that way god can have it all all right then but i think god would prefer my offering abel wanted to give his best young lamb to god but cain did not want god to have all the best crops and god accepted abel's offering [Music] kane why are you angry why do you only stare at the ground you will be accepted by me if you do what is right but if you do wrong sin is waiting to destroy you you must learn to overcome the sin in your life but abel could not control his anger and was about to commit a sin [Music] abel abel come on i have something to show you in the fields what is it what's wrong come quietly don't wake mother and father come and i'll show you [Music] okay [Music] kane [Music] kane kane where are you came came [Music] not too easy is it growing all this food for the family not like just sitting on a hillside watching some sheep and goats this takes hard work it's worth much more than your lamb [Music] kane where are you ah [Music] oh no what have i done [Music] kane where is your brother able [Music] i don't know do i have to take care of my brother all the time kane what have you done listen your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground now you are under a curse oh god [Laughter] this ground is soaked with your brother's blood you will no longer be able to grow plentiful crops in the ground you will be a homeless wanderer for the rest of your life oh god your punishment is more than i can accept you are driving me from my land and family i will be hated from your presence i will wander for the rest of my life never finding rest and anyone who finds me will kill me kane no one will harm you i will put a mark on you anyone who kills you will suffer your punishment seven times over oh kane left adam and eve and the presence of god he wandered to the land of nod he took a wife and she gave birth to a son and then named him enoch and he built a city and called it after his son meanwhile adam and eve had another son they named sit they said god has given us this child in place of abel who was killed by cain some of the people in this time began to worship god adam and eve lived to a very great age and they had many more children who also had their own families so the population of the earth increased quickly so children did you all enjoy the story yes father that's great so tomorrow i'll tell you another story from the bible in our next story from the bible we will see and hear how the world became a bad place to live in finally god could only trust one man and his family to help start the world again this is the story of noah and the ark i will meet you again tomorrow goodbye dears
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 208,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god, religion, bible story for children, bible stories, kids, animation, cartoons, religious cartoons, church, christianity, Judaism, israel, jesus, mary, joseph, youtube kids app, edutainment animation, animated bible story, bible story compilation, bible story, bible stories for kids, bible stories for Kids, Bible Stories for Kids!, Bible animation, animated bible stories, christian edutainment, children, The Prince of Water, Old Testament Bible Stories, Bible stories for kids
Id: JI9PnIe1frY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 22sec (6922 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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