Spanish Windlass Snare Survival Trap in Action. Catching, Cooking, Eating Rats

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in this video I'm going to show you how to make one of the to primitive style traps that I've ever built it's called the Spanish windlass snare and it's great for catching animals such as rats mice squirrels and can be built up to kill larger animals such as pigs and deer people have asked what tools do I like to use for my survival gear much of my stuff I like to do is primitive so I do Stone Age tools but I also like to practice my bushcraft skills and use more modern survival tools the knives and hatchets that I use are from a company called snow Joe a lot of companies offer to send me gear but snow Joe by far has been the most generous and I tested their product and I've been really impressed I'll talk more about the tools that I use later on in this video but for now we'll talk about the Spanish windlass I've showed you how to build a Spanish windlass a trap that comes around and hits wrapped in the head and I've showed you how to make a Mojave scissor trap a snare that pulls up and kills the animals I'm going to combine those two traps of a killing action of the Spanish windlass and the trigger system of the Mohave scissor snare and make this incredibly effective trap that I've already caught three rats within the last three days I've never had a trap work for the first three times in a row without any problem to review the Spanish windlass is simply a piece of rope tied between two trees and to build the killing style trap where they hit them in the head you wind it backwards like this put a spike in there and as the animal triggers it comes around spam and kills it in the head what you do with this Spanish when the snare is you actually twist the stick forward instead of back and what that does is it builds quite a bit of tension here where the end of the stick wants to come up you tie that one end of your snare right to the stick and one down to a bait station with the loop in it and when the animal triggers it this comes up and catches them and holds them in place so they can't chew through the rope and get out I wish I could show you how to build this in the wild and how it worked with animals out here in nature but that's not legal in the state that I'm from so I'm going to have to build a scaled-down version and I test it out in the barn with rats there's no restrictions on catching rats and mice in a building so that's what we're going to do here we have a scaled-down version of this traps that I built so I could test it out on rest in the barn what I did is I took a piece of plywood here and secured to punc to it to simulate the two tree that you used in the wild to build this trap I put a cross piece on here that will keep these clothes from coming together as you won this win that's really tight here with the rope and as you can see I got quite a bit of tension on it I put a stop stick down here right at the base of this women stick so that it doesn't completely unwind when it's set off and I hold just the right amount of tension for the snare so that when an animal gets caught in it to hold it up against the cross piece on a space station the space station consists of two sticks with a ninety degree angle on either side that are tied together and in the middle is a hole with the snare going through it I also secured the back by putting pieces of wood so that the animal can't enter from the back they have to enter through the snare and I have a piece of bark that I put on top so they can't come down from the top to set this trap what you do is you pull this woman's down pull your snare through the hole and that lever right down around this cross piece it doesn't take much force to hold that in place and all we have to do is have a little stick to act as our trigger stick one in goes at the base of the base station on the ground and the other at the end of our lever and you got to get it balanced just right but there now it's set now that this has quite a bit of tension built into it you want to stay away from this windlass because if it accidentally goes off it can really hurt you if it swings up you also want to keep your fingers out of the loop on the snare because that would also hurt if it caught you and slammed your hand against this cross piece but we're going to pull our little Nair right out and make a big loop I have two little sticks right on the end of each cross post that will hold this loop in place if they're not big enough that they're going to stop though the snare as it goes up if you catch an animal but it's just enough to hold it into place so we're going to set it up right here to form a nice little entryway for the animal to come through and get that face and on the bottom I secure it by putting a stick right at the side to hold that bottom down this trap is now set I want to cover up the top because I have had rats try to seal the bait by coming in and top and knock through the snare and we're ready to go you test it out by just seeing how the rat would come through here grab the bait right on the top of that trigger stick and it's set then it can get in there and on to that snare through it's usually caught either on the neck or behind the legs and it holds it in place until a dice the dice pretty quickly with trap so it's a really good design here's a close-up of how to set this trap we have our snare loop right here with the string running through the hole in the crosspiece you pull that down and with it comes the end of the windlass stick and our little trigger lever you wrap that around that cross feed and as you can see it doesn't take much force at all so hold this win let stick down here's our little trigger stick usually I tie a piece of bait to that you put it in the base station with one end on the ground the other end you got a balance just right on the end of our little lever stick to hold everything in place you got to be a little careful with a light touch but sometimes it goes just like that now we're ready to set up our loop you open up our snare loop like this and then set it on the page so that's nice and wide open so it's a good passage for that animal to enter the bottom I put right here at the base and hold it in place with a stick to the side there and this is set and ready to go just put our little cover on there so that's a rat can't come in from the top we have the rat come in here try to get that bait put its head or its body through there it's caught a very very light trigger system now that this trap is all ready to go let's go set it up in the bar with motion cameras and see if we can catch rats see if they enter and die as quickly as I think they will this Spanish wind the snare is such a great trap and the very first time I said it I caught a big rat this is a huge rat and it came in for that bait and the bait stick right here tripped that little Spanish windlass trigger and up it came right behind the shoulders is where we caught it this a little snare went right there on the lungs and pulled that rat right up against that bar and it died very quickly I liked the system so much better than a standard snare where they would be caught and then could chew through the string or the snare or spring snare where they're sitting there hanging this kills them when they're wedged against that bar so it's a huge improvement on the snare systems and I'm going to set this up and try to catch more rest since we got so many in the barns but as you can see that Spanish windlass is perfect for pulling that rat in that's what it looks like when it gets caught you should know how to make this in a survival situation because you can scale this up with a heavier windlass to kill larger animals and I'll hold them in place and this will provide valuable food in a survival situation if you want to see how to cook and eat rat like this check out my other video this video is part of a series I do on my youtube channel called mousetrap Mondays where the beginning of each week I load two new videos featuring different traps for mice and rats that may include primitive survival traps such as the snare I used to catch this rat last night two antique traps such as this 1870s model delusion mousetrap - vintage traps such as this 1920s Victor choke trap and I also load a video on modern traps so you'll have a pretty good idea when you go to the store which mousetrap to buy based on how they work and what your goals are I'll show you how to safely set these and how they work and I'll also do motion camera footage on all the traps to show you how they work with real rats and mice so stay tuned every Monday I also even show you how to cook rat so check out some of my other videos earlier in this video I told you I talked about some of the tools I use when I mount practicing bushcraft skills such as building primitive traps here are two of the tools I really like these are offered exclusively from snow Joe calm again they're incredibly generous to me and I like their products a lot I'll put a link in the description below so you can read more about all their knives and hatchets and other tools I'm going to do a full review on each tool individually but this is just a highlight this is a hatchet and it is so nice because it doesn't take up much space at all in a backpack and it is so effective that's incredibly sharp blade a great hand tool and it's one I take with me when I'm ever out doing bushcraft skills here's their field knife it has so many multi functions the stainless steel is incredibly strong but holds a really sharp edge I got a chisel edge here I can use for a variety of bushcraft projects this serrated blade back here just cuts right through rope no problem and else has a gut hook so again check the link in the description below to read more about these great tools and check out snow joe calm
Channel: Shawn Woods
Views: 2,524,820
Rating: 4.7992897 out of 5
Keywords: survival trap, bushcraft, bushcraft survival skills, how to catch a rat, cooking rat, eating rat, spanish windlass trap, primitive trap, how to catch a mouse, survival skills, history alone, primitive archery, how to survive, mouse trap monday, snare trap, spring snare trap, cable tie rat/mouse trap, cooking and eating rat, how to set a trap, how to set a mouse trap, how to set a rat trap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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