I Discovered The Greatest Mouse Trap Ever Invented! Amazing New Design. Mousetrap Monday

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Can you think of any good video content he could make from it? It's humane and you can release the rats or mice after they've been caught.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Adent42 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

But instead of a bucket, it just drops the mice into a room with Poppy and her boyfriend

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SubaruTome 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can't believe I went to sleep with this on my mind and woke up thinking about it. Poppy is def going to be fat.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Parking-withboom 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
okay youtube in this video we're gonna catch more mice with this trap than i've ever caught before by far it's a huge new record today for mousetrap monday i'm gonna show you what i consider to be the world's greatest mousetrap ever invented that's a pretty bold statement but i consider myself to be a mousetrap expert i purchase every single mousetrap i can find on the market i spend well over ten thousand dollars a year on mousetraps for the past five years that's fifty thousand dollars total for this quest to find the perfect mousetrap i test them out with motion cameras to see how they work with wild mice i have a collection with well over a thousand different designs and this seems to be the perfect mouse catching invention it was invented by a youtube viewer they have a company called ryancorp and they call it the flip and slide if you've ever had a mouse problem in your house garage barn car or rv you're gonna want one of these or two or three they're simply amazing so let me show you why i think this mousetrap is so special here's what the trap looks like when it's shipped to you in the mail it's wrapped in this plastic and it consists of four different pieces we'll go ahead and tear this off i like how the top parts and the shape of a mouse face there's a ramp right here the plank and the yellow plastic lid now here's where you bait the trap you never want to put it on the plank it's balanced perfectly so adding weight will make it less effective we want to place the bait inside in the nose right here i'll just add the peanut butter on the roof and the sides and really tent the mice in by gluing that in with sunflower seeds we'll shake off the excess we're gonna go put this on the bucket and i'll show you how it works now the flip and slide may be one of the all-time easiest traps to set all you need is a standard bucket and the kit you're never gonna smash your fingers it's very safe now the lid here has four clips you put those on the bucket it's locked into place now you have the ramp it comes in two pieces and on top here there's two pieces that fit in this groove now the mice can climb up and feed now you insert the plank it just slides in the grooves like this and you want to make sure it's tipping never put bait on the plank that will affect the balance point you can put it around to draw them in but when they try to get the bait on the nose they'll be standing up and get dunked i can't wait to test it out first we're gonna test it out with our pet mice but i don't want them to get hurt when they fall so we'll add a soft landing some fabric we're all ready to go okay let's do a flip n slide instantly they drop down now it's your turn number two here's number three number four will our trap perform perfectly with our pet mice as soon as they stepped on the plank they got caught but will it catch wild mice i'm going to do a week-long study to see how many mice we can catch in some cases i won't add water and make it a live catch trap but in other cases the vast majority i'm going to add water for a kill trap i have a friend that has a chicken coop full of mice there must be over 100 so we'll see how many we can catch with the flip and slide mousetrap let's go set up the motion cameras [Music] you that was incredible to see how many mice we caught in the chicken coop with the flip and slide mouse trap they go up their ramp and drop down they tried to get the bait in the nose but before they could they were dunked now the water in there is pretty nasty and full of mice now i don't want all these mice to go to waste so we're gonna feed him to wild animals let's go set up the motion cameras in two different spots and see what comes along and enjoys the mice feast uh well it looked like the vultures and raccoons enjoyed the feast we caught with the flip and slide mousetrap but those were caught with a bucket full of water if you don't want to kill the mice you can always leave the water out and make it a live catch option we have two mice down here we caught there are native species so we're going to take them out in the wild and let them go one of them just jumped out before i could turn the camera on they're eager to escape well after reviewing the motion camera footage let me know if you agree with me that this may be the world's greatest mousetrap ever invented and if you buy one send me an email and tell me how many mice you catch with it now there are a few problems it doesn't work with larger rodents such as rats it catches small rats great i've caught over 20 small rats with it we saw that in the motion camera footage but it doesn't work with the large rats also it doesn't work with squirrels i tried that they sat on top and ate the bait but they didn't go inside and i do want to mention that it didn't catch every single mouse there are a few mice that learn the balance point so i do believe you'll catch the vast majority of mice with this trap but there may be a smart one that just avoids it after filling a tip now if you want to buy what i consider to be the world's greatest mousetrap the flip n slide i'll put a link down below that helps support a small business made here in the usa the adventures are making their american dream come true by inventing a better mousetrap it also helps support my channel through the affiliate program if you haven't subscribed please consider clicking that button i've posted over 600 videos on youtube and currently i'm posting new videos every monday and friday so if you want to see the best videos on how to catch mice rats squirrels chipmunks moles balls and gophers stay tuned [Music] you
Channel: Shawn Woods (Mousetrap Monday)
Views: 1,585,458
Rating: 4.9420443 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Woods, Mouse Trap, Mousetrap Monday, Pest Control, How to catch a mouse, mousetrap review, mouse trap bucket, mouse trap quicksand, mouse trap commercial, mouse trap bottle, big mouse trap, victor mouse trap, rat trap bucket, antique mouse trap, vintage mouse trap, rare mouse trap
Id: pHwvVPT202Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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