Bow Trap ~ Lethal ~ Primitive ~ Survival

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finally a use for all the bows i get from killing others

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/buffygr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

There should also be a whip trap, to place around the trees of the forest.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cA234 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

A bow trap, or springtraps in general would be sweet!

But, it sounds hard to balance them. And design how they function.

How long will they last? Decay? (Could be anything from a few minutes, to days tbh) How do you place and set them up? How do you spring it, and load them? Charges? Tires?

Having two branches of tiers could be cool; One for the spring mechanism, and one for the trap it self. You can go all the way from 1 time use:

Trip Wire (from hemp), with a bow / crossbow.

All the way up to:

Laser sensors with all weapons, camera sensors, landmine fields that can be turned active remotely!

The Possibilities are endless, but the system sounds really really hard to make, and balance.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Joevb ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And please increase animals to hunt in game.

Traps should be helpful to gather more meat and leather and fat.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/diepio3386 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello gang guys today I'm going to be demonstrating the lethal bo animal trap like always I'll give you a quick demo with a trap it'll give you a better picture in your mind while I'm going through the past and the setup okay we'll go for the parts we've got the two support posts and depending on the size the animal you're playing on hoffstein is going to determine the size he posts the bigger the taller the animal means you're going to want to bind your bow with the correct height of that game these posts are about one meter ten long spots at one end and tape it at the over when these posts are driven into the ground they're going to be about ten centimeters apart from each other well the next part is Bo you could just make a simple bunch Bo which is just two to four strips and sapling ideally of equal thickness and then just bind and top to tail so you've got a thick enough in end of both NZ about I don't really like these type of bones they're really shy and the fence up and strips the tongue to dry out really quickly when the bunch bones drawn back for long periods of time he really quickly starts to take the boat shape when it does eventually trigger I could be losing a lot of its power what do you prefer to use is the toilet stick type bag and put easy-to-make I've used you for mine it's my favorite bo material but there's loads of other great trees that you can use for survival bows hickory maple beech oak ash I'm sure there's a bunch of other species as well but I can only really recommend what I've worked with all we need is a good straight stick a green water a sapling and ideally is not free as you can find this one's about 1 meter 50 long and about 5 centimeters thick you want to find a natural curve in the stick if it's not obvious you just want to stand it up and put a little bit of pressure on it and it will blow out the outside Bend of the curve it's called the back of the bug and the inside curve it's called the belly you want to leave the back of the bow one touched it's the back that's going to receive most of the tension and any scratches or damage to it's going to cause the boat to snap okay I'm gonna start removing material from the belly of the bug start tearing it and getting tapered in no that's one end done now to do the other side okay once you've got that basic bow shape you want to knock the ends for this drink they only have to be a deep enough to accommodate the string and just try not to damage the back of the bow when it comes to the string I'm sure there's dozens of materials you can use both natural and man-made linen heaven seeing you rawhide bank loan and paracord or even just a bootlace if that's all you've got I'm just using the piece of six no cotton cord it's all I've got but it'll do the trick I'm going to be using a bowline knot and both ends of my string okay we're gonna get the boat strong are you gonna do is put the bow down into your fourth step into the bun and use your fine just support the middle of the bug hold it from the top I'm gonna do use your body weight to pull down your when you strongly bow ideally you want about five to six inches from your handle g-string which is about 13 to 15 centimetres now it's stronger drawback on the bow and see how it's curving when I find it's curving more on one side I would just remove a bit more material on the opposite side and I'll just repeat this until I'm happy with it and once the bow is binded to the posts I will waive the draw weight of the boat and I find out what power were getting from it the next part is what I'm gonna call the trick stick the length depends on the draw of the bow so it's best to make it a bit longer and then just trim it down when you're setting it up you want to use a strong Deadwood stick for this part and this is going to be holding the draw away of the bow when it's cops where you know it really has to be pretty strong the next bit I'm going to call the trigger board I've used Deadwood for this piece it's about five centimetres long and about five centimetres wide and then I've just beaver cut around the bottom this is where the trip wire cordage will go from here across the trail to your peg and then the peg shop and at one end and tape it at the other and then I've just beaver cut around here and that's just to accommodate the trip line cordage all right the last part of them the cordage are the spears the arrows whatever you want to call them no collections are needed our roads are fletchings to stabilize the arrow and put rotation on it as it flies through the air these arrows are only going to be traveling about 40 50 centimetres before they hit the target so they're just not needed and for the shafts of use hazel and I've just notched it on one end on the thickest and that's just to accommodate the bowstring mmm and you can just select straight pieces at your head and you're good to go but if you've got a bit more time you can collect a load of nice straight shafts DeBolt them and bind them together go drive a lot straighter that way and then you can perfect them a little bit by hand or just heat them over the flame and straighten out any kinks I've made a few different heads you could justify harder than the shaft and the tips of the shaft but I found to fly a lot better with a weighted head but I'll still cause a lot more damage when they do it the target and you could just add regular arrowheads if you have any really sharp and pointy you'll do the job I've bonded most of these property glue but pine pitch glue when it's made right guys just as hard as epoxy and just a few examples a heads this is just an old decorating scraper that I've caught quickly shape and sharpen dog with a file but the razor-sharp and they're probably my favorites this is just an old one from a couple of times ago when I practiced this trap it's been dinged a few times but I'll still put it through the trap again and this one's just a piece of glass it's not very pretty again Photoshop on this one I've just fire hardened the tip and it sharpened it again I'll put that through the trap these really are just examples of different heads natural natural materials that you can stick on the ends of these things this one's my camera's not focusing on it but it's a bone tip and this is actually on a crossbow bowl that was made I've got my little homemade crossbow wire today I tested it out as well so these are really just examples and this is just oak been fire hardened and you can get some really great heads with these you can make a pretty big you know they're all either the woods a lot lighter than metal so you can get some pretty nasty heads on there and then this one probably not the best material it's late it's really easy to work with and you know you can make them really quickly obviously if it hits bone or hits a tree it's gonna break but if it hits flesh it's gonna it's gonna piss through it so yeah it really just like samples these ones Lisa yeah Mike exactly just crossbow bulbs right that's all the parts I quickly get it set up and I'll give you a few demos of the trap I found a nice deer trail a driven in bhopal post to the side and facing the trail I've binded the bow with the correct height for my game I made the peg at the opposite side of the trail abandoned the trip line to the end of the trigger board I've drawn the bowstring and I've caught the trigger stick to the correct length while the bow was drawn and measured out the trip line cordage and tied it to the peg before I on the trap I'll quickly measure the power of the bow and the guidelines for power needed for bow hunting is about 25 to 30 pound roar for small to medium game about 40 to 60 pound draw for larger game like deer I don't think this trap needs as much power that's what they recommend because he's such a close range that you're going to be shooting the animal but it's still good to have you know in the in inside that guideline I'm using this to to weigh the draw weight on it I'll set it to zero pull it back as far as my previously saying fifty one nearly fifty one pounder away so forty to sixty for large game that's you know that's more than enough I could take this bow off and actually go you know bow hunting with it take deer boar things like that it's all good all right let's get it armed and tested yeah hey guys I really don't mean some patronizing but it's an extremely dangerous trap once this thing set you don't want to go anywhere near the direction to where it's pointing when you press in this trap you don't always need to put a need for point on your arrows either and so yeah please don't leave these things setting public woodlands where a dog or maybe a person is gonna walk into it this traps a killer and it doesn't really care who kills so yeah just take care guys okay thanks for watching my video if you enjoyed it please like comment share and subscribe take care of be safe and happy trapping
Channel: Clan Gunn Bushcraft
Views: 4,436,558
Rating: 4.528161 out of 5
Keywords: Trapping, Animals, Trap, Tracking, Large Game, Wild Boar, Hog, Deer, Stag, Primitive, Bushcraft, Woodsman, Self-Sufficiency, Wilderness Skills, Bow, Survival Bow, Tillered Stick, Bunch Bow, Arrows, Bow And Arrow, Archery (Interest), Hunting, Wildlife, Tiger, Lions, Medium Game, Bow Trap, Prepper, Prepping, SHTF
Id: p7BVdaYuxLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2015
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