How to Set a Snare for Hogs and Deer

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hey fellas me trapper here today we're going to talk about snaring big game stay tuned [Music] okay the first thing we need to do is talk about tools now what you have here is my preferred big-game snare with the extension cable already permanently built-in with this I simply grab one coil and I have what I need as far as the snare is concerned to let me unroll this okay what we have when we get it all unrolled is we have the business end of the snare now on this particular snare I'm using a cam lock and you can see how that attaches this cable is a 3/32 inch diameter one by nineteen twist cable this is an extremely strong cable I forget what the breaking strength on this cable is but it's well over a thousand pounds this is also the one by nineteen is a very tightly wound cable and it's hard for anything to get its teeth in between the fibers now the snare itself as you can see is quite long I build these six feet long there's my little plastic support collar for the support wire and then the snare terminates onto a swivel you can see I use a large diameter barrel swivel swivels on both ends this is also has a breaking strength of well over a thousand pounds permanently attached to the other end of the swivel is my extension cable now since the extension cable is going to get a kinked up and twist it up and all of that I use cheaper cable I use a seven by seven twist 3/32 inch diameter cable and also make these about six feet long and I have a loop on the end of that so that is my preferred big-game snare setup I have a an extension cable that is six feet long or so I have a barrel swivel and then I have a long snare that's made out of extremely high quality cable the snare itself I always load so that it will hold a nice loop that's another thing I like about the 1 by 19 cable is is the way it loads you can get a very round loop in this stuff so let's take a look at the tools other than the snare and the extension cable we will need some fence staples I like to use good one and a half inch fence staples a lot of times if you're attaching your support wire to a tree that has very thick bark you need some depth to get down into the wood to actually get a good bite you'll need a small coil of support wire this is number 11 gauge wire I also use number nine gauge wire as well but the fence staples are going to be used to attach this to the tree and I'll explain why do that as we go on and finally your tools when doing big-game snaring these are a great tool to have these are all fencing pliers now the fencing pliers as you can see these are channel lock because I buy American and I'm willing to pay for a quality tool they have a small hammer head on them this is very useful for driving the fence staples in they have wire cutters right here and right there you simply put the support wire through there and cut it and then of course you can grab and grasp and pull and Bend then it has the claw on it so that if you need to remove thin staples that makes it very easy to do so we have our fence staples our lives man pliers our support wire and our snare let's get started I don't know if you can see but there is a game trail running right down through here now these two trees right here are too small to attach my support wire and they're definitely too small to anchor for a big game this tree right here however is a different situation the trail passes right here so it's close enough to the trail I'm going to attach my support wire have my support wire sticking out then I'm going to anchor my snare high and then attach it and we'll we'll set it up and see what it looks like now you can see here is my support wire now I could have a long piece of wire and wrap it completely around this tree and then twist it tight but that takes a lot of wire what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to use fence staples to attach the wire to the tree so that I only have about 24 inches of that wire sticking out into the middle of the game trail I want the wire adjusted high enough so that the top of my loop will be even with the height of the wire so you're gonna have to eyeball it and that's going to depend on what you're trying to snare if your snare and hogs how tall are they look at the tracks when you look at the tracks get an idea of the size pigs that are coming through and then adjust it accordingly when you go to put your fence staples in this is a good way to mash your fingers okay because the problem with hammering fence staples in C it doesn't have a flat surface it has a round surface and the hammer head tends to glance off so one thing that I found is to hold them like this with your fingers like this the other thing is notice the orientation of the staple we're putting it in vertically because that wire is going to be going through horizontally let's just get that started now one thing to keep in mind is that two points determine a line we'll go back to geometry class you know the one we all slip through in high school and keep that wire solid and steady we want two points of contact so I'm gonna go ahead and get these in now that I've gotten those kind of tight I'm gonna go ahead and put the wire in AC with one staple that wire can move with two points of contact it's not moving it is going to be right there so let's take our fencing pliers and give it a cut now our support wire it is just about right okay we've got our wire in place now what we're gonna do is going to attach our snare around the tree this is what we're gonna use the loop we're not going to nail it in now what I want to do I'm not trapping beaver if I were trapping beaver I would want that snare anchored as low as possible because the beaver is gonna chew your support in this case with a big game I want an anchored as high as possible and the reason why they don't want that anchored high is that as the animal wraps around I want the wraps to be high off the ground and then a lot of times the animal will strangle themselves they'll hang themselves and that's only possible if you ankle anchor high another thing if you were anchoring hogs and you know you're going after hogs if you can use a tree that's a little bit smaller than that and more flexible anchoring high will serve as a shock absorber and they'll pull and pull and pull and it reduces stress on your cable also when an animal is pulling downward they don't have the leverage that they do if they're pulling pulling straight in a straight line so let's get this anchored now what I'm going to do is I have reduced the size of this loop to where it will fit through the loop on the end of the extension cable very simple that is not coming off it's not nailed down if you need to remove the snare makes it very fast and easy to remove it no tools are needed to remove it but my hand is up and you can see I've got this anchored probably seven feet off the ground now let's rig the snare onto the support wire okay as you can see the support wire simply fits into the plastic tubing the vinyl tubing that's on the snare and that gives you a good snug fit that allows me to position this snare anywhere that I want so I can bend that wire up down I can flip that snare exactly where I want it now I want you to take a look at how roundish that snare loop is that's the result of using that one by 19 cable rather than a seven by seven twist cable that tends to give you a teardrop shaped loop everybody wants to know what size loop what's how high off the ground well that's going to depend on the situation so it's hard to give a good and fast rule but basically twelve to fourteen inches off the walking surface and a twelve to 14 inch loop is plenty for a survival situation where you're using this to take a deer if you're using it to take a hog you're not really worried about the height of the loop you simply want the hog to get his head through there as he travels one thing you can do to make sure the animal picks their head up if they've got their nose to the ground is you can put a little chin stick and that's simply a vertical stick that stuck up in the ground so that they're coming along with their head down and they get their that stick they'll lift their head up and go right through that snare but that right there is basically all you need I've got my loop my support wire there is my swivel right there and this goes all the way up and anchors way up so if that animal is calling and he's pulling he's going to be swiveled and not kinking that cable up but if he starts wrapping around and starts jumping he's going to be hanging right there now if you should need to take this snare down say you can't check your snares for a couple of days it's very simple all you do simply pull that off pull that loop down simply undo it from the tree take that wire fold that wire up just like that coil the snare up put it in your pocket leave all of that done and unless somebody comes along and knows exactly what they're looking at they'll have no idea what that is so the takeaways with big gang snaring it's a couple of things number one use a good solid support wire at number two make sure you're using a high quality cable because when you stare a hog they can generate a huge amount of force on a cable they can really wreck a cable I've seen these swivels that have a thousand-pound breaking strength just stretched out and and elongated it would really shock you what a snare what a hog can do to a snare and be sure to anchor high that's another thing is anchor high and hopefully they will hang themselves so I hope this was useful and thanks for watching we'll see you next time we've got a really nice fresh double scrape here it's unusual to see two scrapes under one tree and you can see they've they've licked the leaves off but you know what you need to understand we we have to obey the laws and if I were to snare that deer that was making that scrape I would be a criminal I would be a terrible person but you see all of this you hear all of that equipment you see all the destruction completely stripped working working hard to turn that all into pavement you see these deer are trying they're trying their best to live that is legal in fact that's laudable those are those are wealthy leading members of the community upstanding successful people that are doing that and if you were I take this deer with a piece of cable we're criminal scum bag you see that that my friends is why you have to think for yourself instead of letting other people control you there's all the flagging tape pretty soon they won't have to worry about that scrape the deer won't because we're making a much bigger scrape right over there
Channel: The Meat Trapper
Views: 157,005
Rating: 4.7620482 out of 5
Keywords: beaver trapping, how to catch beavers, survival trapping, snaring, survival snaring, how to build a snare, prepper, trapping for meat, how to snare deer, how to snare hogs
Id: MFqBroggJk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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