Spaghetti and Meatballs

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everybody loves spaghetti meatballs and this is really a quick and easy version so let's start with the sauce olive oil some chopped onions and i'll put some salt in the onions two bay leaves let me add a little bit of pepperoncino here all right we'll wilt the onions and we'll start with the meatballs here i have some pork and beef and just whisk the egg a little bit okay a little chopped garlic now you know if you like garlic this is good but you could omit it sometimes you can just smash the garlic as well okay let's put the garlic in there here are some plum tomatoes you know the san marzano i like the best you can either squash them with your hands or you can pass them through a food mill when the onion is wilted let's put the tomatoes in and i'm gonna just slash this i have the pasta water ready here so i'm gonna use the pasta water to slush okay i'll add a little bit of water because the meatballs will make them we'll fry them and then we'll put them in the sauce but we need enough sauce so that they could cook in there i will move this onto here and let that simmer and we'll start with the meatballs salt [Music] parsley and the breadcrumbs [Music] and let's shape it into the meatballs now this is a very simple straightforward recipe and it makes darn good meatball you can add a lot of other things to this you can add oregano you can add i'm going to put a little cheese but you can add bread in milk soaked in milk all bread you can add chopped vegetables sometimes i make a pistata of celery and carrots and i put it in the meatballs and that's all delicious but this you know it's one of those basic simple recipes for meatballs you want to mix it well so it's all [Music] okay the cheese [Music] okay [Music] you know one would think oh it's such a complicated spaghetti meatball such a long process i mean you see we have our sauce going and our meatballs are ready to be fried okay some oil will get that hot i like to roll my meatballs into the flour just because it seals them and it keeps them keeps them moist and it makes the sauce good too okay now here is where you get the kids involved everybody uh that you have around the house let them get involved let them understand food let them smell food let them touch food that's so important for the children to really get into the food and the making of food so that they don't think it's some mysterious procedure you know making food is not that hard it's quick it's a family ordeal that's when it's at its best i approximate the size they're about the same size but if you really want to be precise you take an ice cream scoop and you just scoop it up and each one will be more or less the same size okay i see the oil we need to get going so okay lightly flour and you don't want them cooked in here we just want to give them a little brownie and we'll plop them right in there to finish cooking and let them brown on this side and then we'll pop them right in there now this meatball will stay like this and it'll be sealed in the flavors and from here we'll put it right into the sauce okay so this will cook about a half an hour the meatballs should be done the sauce should be uh dense enough uh in the meantime i will clean up and then we'll cook the pasta and we'll be ready to taste master class dry pasta basics choose the shape of pasta based on the sauce bring the water to a rapid boil and salt liberally cook the pasta until al dente then finish cooking in the sauce use the pasta water as the liquid for your sauce build your sauce in layers always add the grated cheese at the end of the fire i think the pasta is just about cooked so i am going to do a little transferring here i'm gonna move a little bit of the meatballs here because i want to put the pasta right into that sauce so let's get the meatballs out just like that [Music] let's switch this around put just a little bit of the the sauce right here okay now let's get the pasta over [Music] and the pasta right into the sauce like this [Music] nice fishing everything out yeah i think i just got about okay i think so you finished the pasta you let it cook in the sauce hmm now i'm gonna shut the fire off and put a little bit of cheese just like that [Music] spaghetti meatball to me says italian-american all the way i don't recall having spaghetti and meatballs certainly when i was growing up we had our meatballs and in my travels back in italy yes in le marche they have this the dell macaroni with little popeta in sicily they use their porpete but this whole pet the big meatballs with a plate full of spaghetti is typically italian-american so this looks delicioso and it looks ready to serve now you can serve it like this maybe with the meatballs all around but you know what i'm gonna taste first and let you know if it's worthwhile serving mm-hmm just like that and i will take a nice meatball just like that and i will take some sauce just like that do i want a little bit more cheese yeah i think i do [Music] and i have my little vino here so let's taste hmm [Music] feels so good it tastes so good
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 484,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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