Pasta e Fagioli Recipe

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today three great recipes and just when you think you have nothing in the house go to the pantry and before you know it dinner is ready first it's pasta and bean soup it takes a long time in pasta fagioli is if you're doing the dry beans soaking them overnight and then of course cooking them for about 45 minutes to an hour this recipe will just take the beans right out of the can and make the pasta e fagioli and here I have three cans of the beans what we'll do you know what I want some texture and I want some creaminess so I will puree part of them and part of them will leave whole so these are the canned beans in a food processor in a blender whatever you have with a little bit of water so that's nice and creamy so let's begin with the rule so what is rule it's some good olive oil but you can start with butter or whatever you like some garlic for flavoring and I'm just gonna crack the garlic cloves so that the flavor of the garlic comes out okay here I have some water boiling once I get the base going I will add the boiling water with some Tomatoes and all of this will form the base for our beans the garlic is beginning to cook releasing its flavors just a little bit of flour and this is this is always a good base if you have you want to make a soup and you want a little body or denseness to the soup beginning with our roux at the base always sort of gives you that texture and that complexity and I like the root to get a little bit of carmelization because you know that gets kind of that nutty toasted flavor and that sort of becomes part of the soup itself the aromas are beginning to happen the conversation the garlic so that will permeate your whole face of the soup get a ladle here first you take just the a ladle of two of the water and you sort of break up the room into a creaminess you can see how nice and creamy gets that's the base of the super when we had a lot of liquid is sort of dissipate and become thin but still will be quite good so let's put the water in it's about three quarts of hot water boiling water and whenever you're cooking and you're adding liquids or sauces or stalks to what you're cooking bring it at the same temperature because you know cooking is a chemical reaction and temperature is very instrumental so if you bring it all down to cold temperature with something cold it changes the dynamics of what you're cooking salt keep in mind that they will reduce so but I want to flavor it a little bit anyway I love rosemary with beans a sprig or two of fresh rosemary just break it like that will throw the whole thing in some tomato plum tomato and you know if you have a food mill that's fine but otherwise I just kind of crush it like that whenever I cook with tomatoes it is all about tomato paste or plum tomato in there juice like that I don't like pureed tomatoes I don't like chopped tomatoes I don't like those because I don't know what I'm getting here I can see what I'm getting and you can even taste you know it's it's a good habit to get into when you open a can of tomato because a lot of you ask me says okay what's the best tomatoes what's the nice tomatoes well you know taste it taste it so what should you taste a nice acidity a clean tomato taste a sweetness underneath and no bitterness none of that kind of metallic taste nice fresh tomato taste we'll put that right in there now as far as spiciness you can go two ways you can go with the fresh ground pepper at the end or a little peperoncino right now which I don't mind let's add the pureed beans you bring this to a boil and then you lower it you let it simmer and you let it cook for about 20 minutes to half an hour until all the flavors homogenized all right the soup has reduced substantially that's great let me just taste a little bit for saltiness you know I tell you all the time keep on tasting mm-hmm really good okay at this point let's put the little inny little e Nino d'Italia means thimble in in Italian and so these are little Timbo's and you know the pasta grows substantially so let's see how much I need because we also need to get some beans in here as well okay that looks good now you always put the pasta just before you're ready to serve you know it's gonna take about 12 minutes and then we're gonna be ready and if you do not serve it then the pasta continues to get bigger and softer and bushy mmm another alternative to that is that you cook your pasta separately in a little salted water you drain it and then you add it just before serving but I like it cooked in the soup itself and of course we have the beans they'll can beans that were leftover and of course you know they're cooked in the can so we don't want to overcook them as well we add them the last minute so let this cook let simmer away you know there's nothing better than a good piece of grilled bread with a good soup fit Punta a greasy slice of toasted bread let's get some good bread here I have some whole wheat and I think that's that's great you can do whole wheat regular bread whatever you'd like or whatever you have so when you grill bread you know the tendency is always Oh first cutting it then oiling it and then grilling it that's wrong because if you put the oil on the bread and then you put it in the pan like this huh you're actually burning the oil you're changing the flavor of the oil so first grill your bread that's number one while it is grilling you can put the weight on it but you gotta be careful because it burns quickly here olive oil just a little bit of salt in the oil some good garlic close cleaned because we're gonna rub the bread with it and just crack them a little bit okay we are ready to go let me see the soup that's bubbling away we had the rosemary branch off you will floating around I'm trying to got it okay this bread looks really good and done so let me just and while it is still warm what you do is you take the garlic just like that the crush and you rub the bread so you get the flavor of it no big pieces but this the intense flavor of garlic and then you brush it with the olive oil so it's the nice and freshness of the olive oil you know you get all of the fruit all of the aromas without altering it by grilling it or given it that burnt kind of effect and you continue to do so this is the proper way of doing film that if you are in Tuscany this is what they would do and it's easy for you and it is just delicious and will go great with the soup [Music] so let's check on the soup it is should be done actually I'm ready to taste it for you okay just enough you see the ratio of liquid to the beans and to the pasta I kind of like it like this I like my soup a little soupy but you know what if you don't then you can add a little more pasta you can cook it cook the basic soup a little longer and so so let me get a nice ladle full and taste for you mmm that looks really good and you can see out of your cupboard so what would I add to this I would add a little bit of course of grated cheese just like that a drizzle of the alibagh so you see all the place that I have here on the olive oil I used the base to cook but I'm drizzling some raw here I put some raw on the toasted bread really appreciating the essence and the flavors and this is how you capture it [Music] it's really delicious you know it's heartwarming I love soups and if you can combine pasta and soups I love it even better because I get two of my favorite things and this is so simple so straightforward from the cupboard and very economical
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 780,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta, beans, fagioli, soup, recipe, italian, soups, fazool, pasta e fagioli, cuisine, how to, instructions, vegetarian, dinner, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian meal, dish, simple, quick, easy, Cooking, kitchen, food, Italy, Italian, Lidia, Lydia, Lidia’s Italy, Lidias Italy, Lidia Bastianich, Lydia Bastianich, diy, travel, vacation, traditional, authentic, family, television, series, tips
Id: I74kTCnnTW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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