How to make the Best Traditional Pork, Tamales de Puerco Cerdo Masa para Tamales Dough for Tamales

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we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas okay guys for the meat we are going to start with first of all we have this six quart stockpot you use whatever you have or however much meat you're gonna make okay this is what I am going to use I am going to use a five pound boneless pork but it's a roast I am gonna cut off some of this fat we are gonna cut it into smaller chunks I am going to use one medium onion that we are going to quarter we're gonna use some garlic cloves about six of them some comeno some salt and some pepper corns we are going to start what we're gonna do is smash the garlic cloves they're gonna strain the broth later so we're just gonna throw it into chunks okay so we're just gonna break them up give them a good smash and then the onion we're just going to porter each site we're gonna take this out at the end so it doesn't it doesn't matter how you cut it we're gonna put it in into our pot that I have going on over here and now I'm going to cut up the pork roast okay I like to cut it into pieces let me show you this is very fatty but you need that in order to give them meat a lot of flavor and a lot of this path will be strained off later this bit will hunk of fat here I will cut that off trim it off okay so we just need them in sizes like this just like that like this big hunk of fat I just cut it out I don't use it you can see I'll strip off that fat cuz I'm cutting it so here we have the meat the garlic and the onion now we are going to add let me wash my hands okay now we are going to add the peppercorns the peppercorns about a teaspoon just like that and like I said we're gonna strain it the pearl later I'm gonna use some ground comeno about a teaspoon of ground cumin oh and about a tablespoon of salt this comes to the boil we will adjust the seasoning okay I'm gonna pop y'all over to the stove and we'll get this started okay guys I have everything on the stove and we are going to get this cooking I have approximately we're gonna cover this with about three quarts of water okay you want to just cover the meat to the top give it a mix to make sure that all your spices your salt and everything gets incorporated we're gonna bring this up to the boil we're gonna let this cook down for about an hour and a half to two hours it depends on the meat so I'm gonna bring this to the boil and we'll be right back okay guys now that this is starting to come up to the boil we are going to skim on the foamy parts from the top and that's just so we can have a nicer liquid broth for our masa for the tamales so I just go around and skimming everything that I can doesn't have to be perfect and as it spoils it might foam up a little bit more and then you just go in and clean it up again or just like I said we're gonna let this cook down for about an hour and a half to two hours and I'll be back to check in with y'all okay we are gonna get the Chile's ready for the salsa that we're gonna make for the thumb for the meats for the tamales for the pork and for the masa for the dough here I have what we call chili guajillo and this is Chile ancho okay I will write down the name like Chile ancho and this is the package that I buy at my local grocery store these products are pretty much readily available at any grocery stores now and what I'm gonna do we have to clean this first okay so what I do is I'd cut off the stem and then I just open them to get the seeds on the veins out and this is the first thing that we're gonna do and this may seem like a lot of work and it is but believe me it pays off in the end with the flavor we're gonna take out all the seeds okay they sometimes they slide off pretty quickly and try to peel off the veins like that that's easier for the blend you know when we blend them in the blender so we're gonna clean up just like that and this is the cheetah uncial we can just peel that off these break open pretty easy see how the seeds just slide out and you want to try to get the veins out and I'm gonna continue to do this for all the Chile's and then what I do is I cut them into smaller pieces just like that and that just makes it easier when we go to blend them slice it open take out all the seats see it has a lot of seats just peel off the veins we've come to the last one I'm just breaking this one off in pieces and get all the seeds out we are going to rehydrate these chillest this seems like a lot of chili but it's not and if I have some extra I just freeze it and use it for something else or use it for the next time it freezes well so that won't be a problem I am going to get a pot and we are going to boil this I'll switch over to the stove I have added my Sheila's here to it a little stock pot what we are going to do is we are going to add some water just enough to cover the the chilies you don't need too much maybe about a quarter quart of water and then the only seasoning we're gonna add right now is a teaspoon of salt and that's it we're gonna bring this up to the boil just make sure they're all submerged we're gonna bring it up to the boil let them simmer for about five minutes and we are going to shut it off and then we'll go to the next step with the sunset I'll be right back in a few minutes okay now that the chilies have been boiling for about three to four minutes I am gonna shut off the heat and we're gonna let them steep in here to let them pull for about a half an hour before we run them through the blender so that's all they need just make sure they're completely submerged in the water so they continue to hydrate as much as possible I'll be back in a little while after this is okay it's been two hours since I've been cooking the meat and I'm gonna show you it's ready and it's just for tender you see how tender that meat is where you can just take it apart with the fork that's exactly what we're looking for so I'm gonna cut off the heat and we're gonna just let this cool before we start to handle it and strain out the brothel so we're gonna let this cool for about an hour and I'll be back to show you the next step okay guys the next step for the chili is we are going to blend all this chili until very smooth we are going to add two garlic cloves and a half of a white onion and I just quarter it to make it easier for the blender pick up here a little bit now I am going to put about a teaspoon of salt and I adjust of course the season as the process goes along I try not to over salt anything we're gonna puree this till very smooth puree this so very smooth just like that okay but we're still gonna run this through a sieve because I'll show you at the end how it you can still get little pieces of chilli that doesn't go through hey so we're gonna switch over to a poll run this to a sip here I have a bowl and just a sieve and we're gonna run the saw through to make sure we catch any skin that may have not blended properly and I just use a spatula I'm going to bring you up for close-up and I'm going to show you what it is I'm talking about when I say the skins you can see that that part does not dissolve when you cook it so you want to get this out that's what it looks like that's what doesn't go through so we got to get rid of the opting and keep going with the sauce and what I do is I have a little napkin here and I just throw these out and keep going keep going with the rest of it and don't you use your good kitchen towels for this to clean this up because it will stain okay I'm going to continue to run this through and now we are going to apply the sauce so I'm going to switch all over to the stove okay guys we are going to fry up the sauce in this skillet I'm gonna put about three tablespoons of oil and we're gonna wait till the skillet gets it hot and then we're gonna fry up the salsa and then that's gonna be it for the south side we're gonna set it aside and let it get cool okay now that it's hot I'm gonna drop the spinach you can hear the sizzle be careful not to burn yourself turn down the heat just a little bit and we are going to add a teaspoon of salt and we're going to let this cook down for about ten minutes and that's it and then you just turn off the heat been simmering here for about 10 minutes we're gonna cut off the heat and put it back into the bowl and we're gonna let this cool down so we can take care of the rest of the recipe okay now that the meat has cooled what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the meat out of the broth so that I can strain the liquid and get all the spices and other ingredients that we put in there take them out because we just want the clear bra and we have the meat here no I'm just gonna strain broth okay here I have a bowl and a strainer and we're gonna reserve the liquid any pieces of meat that you get here you just take them out put them in your bowl we're gonna reserve this and now we're gonna shred the meat okay not for this step what we're gonna do is here we have the meat that's been cooled and an extra bowl and all we are going to do is shred the meat and as you can see the meat falls apart very easily so you're just gonna take it apart like this you don't have to smush it or anything just for it to fall apart we're still gonna cook it into the red sauce and that's the stuffing for our tamales Thanks see how easy it just shreds very easily then this meat smells so so good there we go now I'm going to transfer y'all over to the stove so we can do the final process for the meat or the stuffing of the tamales all right the last step or the stuffing for the pork meat we're gonna had about two tablespoons of oil oil of your choice it doesn't matter and we're gonna add our meat in here and then we are going to add the red chili and we're gonna let this simmer we're gonna let this all simmer in here for about 30 minutes for it to absorb the flavors of the chilies and once we put in the chili this is gonna be your last chance to taste and adjust your seasoning for salt so what you do is I just break up the meat a little bit more with the spoon what we're gonna do first here's some of that reserved liquid that I had from when I cooked the meat we're gonna add a little bit of that not too much we're gonna add a little bit at a time remember you can always add but you can't take out I can see it still needs a little bit more now we're gonna add the chili okay now this the chena you're gonna add to your liking I personally like a lot of chili I like the meat to be very it's not spicy but I like it with a lot of color and of course it gives it a lot of flavor so I'm gonna add a little bit at a time and you have the fire at medium peach see how it starts changing colors a little bit more broth so you just take it a little bit at a time just take your time with the hamon at the rest of the chili for this amount of me the amount of the chila that I put in was exactly two cups and if you want to add more add some more if you don't want it so dark donut so much you adjust it according to how you like it or your family likes the meat and that's gonna be it right now we're gonna just let this sit here and simmer for about 30 minutes so that it can get all this good flavor in here so cup this bra and then we'll be ready for the next step which is gonna be preparing the muscle okay guys we're gonna let this sit here and simmer for 30 minute and we'll be back alright the next step for the leaves for the corn husks what we call huh please come very very dry they're very dehydrated and they come with some of course dirt particles and stuff that we need to clean out and what I'm gonna do because this is the biggest bowl I have I'm just gonna put it in this side and this is what the package looks like for people who don't know what they look like I will link the information in the in the description bar for you know where to find it I'm only making half of this for the sake of the video and what we do is I add in my very very hot water I have boiling water and of course you're not gonna touch it with your hands so get something to press them down with and we're gonna let them soak for about an hour or a couple of hours so till you get your dough ready thanks you want to cover them completely submerge them in the water if you need to add more water just go ahead and do so and I'm gonna add some more water right now even we're gonna continue to add the water and as you can see the water is very very hot so you don't have to put it this hot you can just soak them for a longer period of time with cold water that is totally up to you okay that should be enough now I make sure and I press them down to make sure they're all gonna get hydrated and then I just put something heavy on top like this Bowl and I'm gonna set them aside and that's it so I'm gonna move on to the next step which is the masa I'm gonna move this over and we'll be right back okay we're gonna start the masa process and the measurements that I'm gonna give you our approximation sometimes it's a little more sometimes it's a little less here we have the dry Maseca that I'm gonna use for this you can absolutely go to your tortilla factory and pick up some masa that's already ground fresh but this is what I haven't this is what I like to use I have I like to use half of this bag I'm not gonna make too many it's two pounds exactly I will write the ingredients on the measurements in the description box below so please look there okay for the Mont deca you can use vegetable shortening for this or even oil that's totally up to you I will use one pound which is approximately I have it right here it's already been melted 2 cups then I have 2 brother we use to cook our pork which is approximately 4 cups I have a teaspoon and a half of kosher salt and I have a quarter of a cup of the chilli sauce that we made the Chile Colorado that we made this I might use it all I might not it just depends I like color in my masa I don't like to have it bland so we're getting ready to mix this and I'd like to make sure that there's no lumps in there so I just get in here and mix it up I'm gonna move this out of the way so we can start okay the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna add in our salt okay so I just put in the salt and just give it a little mix and the reason there's so little salt is because everything else already has salt like the broth already has sold and that Chile Colorado has salt so we don't have to season them you don't want to overdo it on the salt you can always add you can't take out okay then what I like to do is add the Chile Colorado and I'm just gonna add half at this time add the Manteca I'm only gonna add one cup at this moment and as you can see it starts to thicken up it is nowhere near ready of course I'm just showing you the steps I just like to break it up as I go and then I start to add the broth I'm gonna put in half and then start mixing it and it starts to come together but it's still not ready it needs to be it's almost like cake batter that the consistency of cake batter Elmo because it needs to spread and as you can see it starts to grind together but it's not ready we have to add more liquid and at this point I'm gonna add a little bit more of the Mantegna the shortening and then we mix it and I think the color of the masa is just about right not just like a little bit of color in it like too much 1 I'm to Rick and we still need more liquid I'm gonna add some more and it may seem like a lot at this point but this starts to thicken up so you have to go a little bit at a time I hope you have a good view there I move over a little bit there we pretty sure we're gonna need a little bit more stew at this point I'm gonna show you a trick that I learned a long time ago I'm how to tell if you have enough month a car shortening in your moussaka this is still not ready it still needs to loosen up a lot more and I like to mix and mix to make sure it gets in there everything gets in there nice as you can see it almost looks like play-doh at this point but you see how it doesn't really just shake off my hands so I'm gonna get some more broth and I'm gonna show you the trick at this point of I don't know if you have enough my dad got in your dough I'll be right back ok I'm gonna show you a trick this is a cup with cold water I got a clear one just so I can show you hopefully you can see you take a little bit of the masa this is how you know if you have enough month a cup in your dough okay and you make a little ball and you drop it in the cup if it floats to the top that means you're good for them Montek of it stays at the bottom you need a lot more and as you can see this stayed at the bottom I hope you can see there okay so we're gonna keep adding mine that guy and we're gonna try that little test again in a little bit so we're gonna keep going and here I have the rest of the month that got the shortening another cup of broth okay and if we have to add more while we will we're just going to keep you can do this in your stand mixer if you want to not everybody has one so I wanted to make it the old traditional way like I learned how to make it and as you can see it starts to loose a really loosen up at this point see the difference in the texture of the masa no we're still gonna add a little bit more broth okay now that I showed you what it looks like and how it still needs some more broth we are going to add a little bit more broth here I have two we're gonna add one approximately one and this should be the last the last Cup like I said it seems like a lot once you work it in your dough it really is not now we're getting to the consistency I can feel it in my hands once you start to do this enough you can tell in your hands just the way the dough slides you know everybody's family has a lot of people's family have a lot of traditions that they sit and do tamales and everybody does I'm different nobody's is right or nobody's is wrong everybody just doesn't different you know I like to watch people's videos and how they make them others and I try to incorporate tips that I see into my own recipes you know but everybody has a lot of people have different ways to do them everybody's different okay I'm gonna keep working this small side till I feel like see how this now it slides better off my hand so I'm gonna keep working the dough cuz that's what I was taught and that's how I like to do my thumb mileage to make sure everything is in there good so I'm gonna give this a good working with my hands I'm gonna show you again the glass with the water so we can test it for the last time and then I'm gonna continue to work the dough without adding anything else I've been working this dough for about 10 minutes and we did add the rest of the lard in there like I said I will have the actual measurements down below I'm gonna taste the mouse I know it seems kind of loose but I'm gonna put it in the refrigerator for a little bit to set while I get my my workstation ready okay so what I do is I just drop a little bit and you see how it floats now hope you can see that see how the masa floats that to me is knowing that the masa is ready I cover it up put it in the refrigerator for about a half an hour to an hour just till I set up my workstation so I can start by cleaning the leaves and we will move on to the next step as soon as the sighs ready so I'll be back okay guys we're getting ready to start putting our dough onto our full house our leaves and what I do is I already have these softened and cleaned and dried so what I do like to do I just found this little gadget on Amazon that I'm sure you've seen all over the internet and I put my dough here on the counter and you pick up some dough and you get remember you don't use the hard sign it has a hard side and a smooth side you apply the dough on the smooth side you pick up some dough on your little spatula here you put it down and then you just work it down and if you don't have enough dough on there because you need some more just add some more and there it is the perfect size put them to the side pick up your this is a little big pick up some more dough and that's it now if you don't have one of these little gadgets that's okay all you need to do is use a spoon offset spatula you can do it with anything now let's try the offset spatula so you can see how I do with that just put the leaf in your hand that's what I find easy and then just work it down like this on the table you can even do it with a spoon just like that okay not too thick let's go ahead and try it with a spoon so you can see and if you feel your leaf is too big just trim off a piece okay just get some of your dough just with a regular tablespoon and then just work it down try to keep them all the same size you don't want them too thick or too thin and that's it just like that put your next one but I found this little gadget and ever since I found it I just love to use it I just put the doll on the counter and then I grab some up with the spatula here and then you just put it down work it down and that's it you just scrape it up and I will leave this product where I found it on Amazon I'll link it down in the description bar I just love it so you don't want to go too high up okay like these leaves are super huge you just want to go about halfway and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna keep spreading these and then we are going to add the meat and I'm going to show you how to wrap them sometimes you'll find some silk from the leaves just pull them aside throw them away now I'm gonna clean this up and I'm gonna show you how I fill them with the meat and how we fold them to get them ready for the steaming process okay guys smell the way I feel my old Hoss is the meat that we made of course I let it cool down that it's not that you know hot and I put the meat you can put it on the center on the side it doesn't really make a difference and then you just fold it over once twice and then you fold it right where the the masa ends and you go up and that's it real easy and then you just go to the next one and you want to fill them all and then I'm gonna show you how we stack them for the steaming process okay they get a little further this way trying to figure out what's the best way to show you and then the meat you put as much or as little as you want that's a personal thing I think frame family to family everybody does it different you do it how you like it you know it's your kitchen you're making them you do it how you like it this is how I like it so that's how I make them but if you like them real big real packed with meat neck or head it's not gonna make a difference from the process it's just home chubby you like them or how small I know I've seen some people they make them ginormous break it up put it in on a row that's it real easy peasy we are gonna get ready for the steaming process this is the pot that I'm gonna use what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some water we're gonna put about two inches of water and then I'm gonna put my steamer basket in there that should be enough right there just like that and then I put my steamer basket and we're gonna start piling up the chthamalus okay so I'm gonna switch all over to the counter and I'll be right back okay guys now I have my pot and now I have my my tamales and what I do okay guys I'm gonna have to have my helper my sister put the tamales in because we had some technical difficulties she's going to show you how we stack them in order so we can steam them hey guys we have it stacked all the way to the top we're gonna add some foil to the top of the pot okay we put some foil and that's just to help retain the steam in the pot so that the time on a steam so we're gonna go ahead and put them on the stove okay guys I've already covered it I've turned on the fire to a medium-high we are gonna set the timer for one hour and thirty minutes okay okay guys we were steaming them for an hour in 30 minutes we checked them and they were perfect at that timing so I turned off the fire they were ready and we just uh let them sit on the stove for about an extra thirty minutes with the fire turned off so now we're just taking them out of the pot and laying them out I am gonna open a couple so you can see what they look like okay guys the families have been sitting here resting for a little bit I want to open them so you can see of course there are they're like this and then you just pop them open and as you can see they don't stick to the Oh huh and then of course if you cut it I'm gonna give you a close-up if that just look delicious and they are delicious I've tasted I mean they're just so this is my version of tamales look at that beautiful I will leave the ingredients and everything that I used on in the description bar if you have any questions about the door that the mall is themselves just leave it in the comments and I will get back with you okay guys that's gonna conclude my video for today I hope you enjoyed it if you give them a try and like them come back and give us a big old thumbs up and go follow us on our facebook page and virtual kitchen with Laura thank you for watching my videos guys talk to you later bye we wish you a Merry Christmas we know what are you making there I'm gonna get some beat enveloping up the house and then once I came I'm very good and we're just putting them together so we can cook them in about an hour and the beans came up very good and we're gonna have how that fingers [Music]
Channel: Virtual kitchen with Laura
Views: 554,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, how to make pork tamales de puerco cerdo, how to make Mexican tamales, tamales, tamales de puerco, pork tamales, traditional pork tamales, tamales rojos, red tamales, masa para tamales, dough for tamales, how to make the dough for tamales, virtual kitchen with Laura, cooking channel, tamales tradesionales, San Antonio TX, Texas recipe, San Antonio, tamales de maseca, maseca, masa de maseca, how to cook tamales, carne de puerco
Id: bvoR4DpLK10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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