Space Facts That Will Both TERRIFY And AMAZE You (r/Askreddit)

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what's the most min blowing and mesmerizing science fact not much people know about near the center of the Milky Way there's a dust cloud known as Sagittarius b2 this dust cloud is really building the goal most 150 lightyears across and has a mass about three million times that of the Sun spectrographic analysis has shown what it's made of and it has fairly high concentrations of both ethanol which is what gives you the buzz when you make a seekto and ethyl form at a compound which has a distinct smell of ram and is also one of the compounds that gives raspberries their taste if you could condense it down to level where it was detectable then the center of the galaxy would smell not dissimilar to raspberries I carry this sounds like something straight out of Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy if you take two different types of metal and hold them together in space they will bond together in a process called cold welding I loved how a friend of mine explained it then the two metals touch and there is nothing in between so the electrons start going out for a walk and they become confused because they don't know where one piece of metal ends and where the other one begins so they wander around both and boom now it is just one piece of metal because the electrons don't know where they are humans are bioluminescent and glow in the dark but the light that we emit is 1000 times weaker than our human eyes are able to pick up source poor humans their glow is so lovely and they can't even see it the images your eyes give are one stroke one hundredths of a second in the past because of the time it takes your brain to process inputs from all senses what is happening in front of you is one stroke one hundredths of a second behind yeah it's crazy how the present docent actually exists it exists I just don't think you've observing it yet sharks existed before trees and grass right grass wasn't around either all those Dino movies with lush grassy floors it whilst there ad world firms firms everywhere eventually the grass displayed them if beetlejuice a fairly nearby giant star goes supernova it will light up our sky for two months the really freaky thing is that if it went supernova today because of its distance the light wouldn't reach the earth for over 600 years what if it went supernova a couple hundred years ago and we just don't see it yet but we experienced anything before seeing it water can boil and freeze at the same time it's called the triple point and it occurs when the temperature and pressure is just right for the three phases gas liquid and solid of a substance to coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium v equals mp6 MV l TT once my man boiling ice over here it'll be sure to check that link when I get home also that does sound really cool astronomer here a supernova is a star that is massive enough to explode at the end of its life and one single star that undergoes this process can briefly outshine a galaxy the crazy thing as we would know about it a few hours before the light would reach us this is because a supernova is triggered when the core of the star collapses under its massive weight and in the core you get a neutron star created and that process releases about as many neutrinos as the Sun neutrinos of particles that don't interact much with matter unlike light the light on the other hand so basically all the neutrino detectors on earth would suddenly go haywire from more neutrinos than we have ever seen and that will tell everyone to run outside and try to be the first to see the first galactic supernova we've seen in centuries you can sign up to receive the alert BTW holy Sh that is amazing looks like light has a new competitor I'm definitely signing up for that though and I hope someone gets this on the front page of Reddit there's a number called Graham's number which is the upper bound to a mathematical problem it's also a really really big number and by really big I mean special notation was derived just to write the damn number it is so unbelievably large that if you inscribed every atom in the known universe with a digit you would effectively be zero percent of the way to the number and if you were able to conceptualize the number in your head the information density could quite literally cause your head to collapse and it's not even the largest mathematical number that goes to a number called tree 3 which is even more insanely huge fun fact in Magic the Gathering there was a long-standing challenge to create the largest finite amount of damage in a normal 60 card deck assuming the opponent does nothing finite is important because it's dead easy to make infinite loops in magic or rather loops that can be continued for as long as you like creating a deck that can do an extremely high amount of damage but cannot go infinite is very difficult someone found out how to do more than Graham's number of damage in standard the deck with the full card set makes that number look like peanuts Jesus I read that article and that's insane I've never played Magic the Gathering but the fact that someone managed that is ridiculous we humans and our arbitrary challenges will Mayo the mass of the Sun makes up ninety-nine point nine eight percent of the total mass of our solar system and Jupiter takes up most of the remaining mass so I'm going to guess Jupiter doesn't move the center of mass at far away from the center of the Sun based on the mass you can't feel the temperature of things you touch scenario you take a shower once you are done you step on a carpet it does not feel cold but you step on the floor usually ceramic it feels cold but both objects where in the bathroom as you showered and so they both are at room temperature what you feel then is the heat transfer from you to the object one being a bad transfer because of the pockets of air in the carpeted the other being a very good transfer with the floor so what do you really feel what can you really tell from touch similarly you've never actually touched anything in your entire life the electrons in both your body and the other object repel each other before you can make physical contact so you only ever feel that force from the Tron's not the object itself we proved that the Higgs boson one of the smallest elementary particles actually exists by building a 17 miles 27 kilometers diameter tunnel and shooting photons at each other this thing existed for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second and is literally one of the smallest things in the universe and we were able to observe it protons not photons you can shoot photons at each other with two flashlights some turtles can breathe through their anus yet you can build a device at home for about thirty dollars to see subatomic particles it's called a cloud chamber and muons from cosmic rays or alpha particles from americium taken from a smoke detector will leave trails of condensation that you can't see with your own eyes I'm writing this from the taxiway so I can't link any videos right now if there is interest I can try to link some videos later if you get a chance please try to link some videos it sounds very cool most people know about the big Red Spot on Jupiter what most people don't realize is that the spot is a huge storm that we've been watching since 1830 and suspect it's over 350 years old and that storm is larger than the entire freaking planet Earth yeah does the spot fit like to us google source code has two billion lines of code to be fair that's not that surprising given the complexity of the search engine still a giant number though I'm just reading Bill Bryson's new book the body a guide for occupants and every single page contains mint blowing and mesmerizing facts to wit for each visual input it takes a tiny bit perceptible amount of time about 200 milliseconds 1/5 of a second for the information to travel along the optic nerves and into the brain to be processed and interpreted 1/5 of a second is not a trivial span of time when a rapid response is required to step back from an oncoming car say or to avoid a blow to the head to help us deal better with this fractional the brain does a truly extraordinary thing it continuously forecasts what the world will be like a fifth of a second from now and that is what it gives us as the present that means that we never see the world as it is at this very instant but rather as it will be a fraction of a moment in the future we spend our whole lives in other words living in a world that doesn't quite exist yet or the fact is that odors and flavors are created entirely inside our heads think of something delicious a moist gooey warm chocolate brownie fresh from the oven say take a bite and savor the velvety smoothness the rich heady waft of chocolate that fills your head now consider the fact that none of those flavors or aromas actually exist all that is really going in your mouth is texture and chemicals it is your brain that reads these scentless flavorless molecules and vivifies them for your pleasure your brownies sheet music it is your brain that makes it a symphony there are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on the planet Earth kind of find this one hard to believe the way you perceive the world is based on your upbringing and the interactions you get in the environment which you are in every decision you make is a result of experience the majority of people are oblivious to this and live their life unaware of how their past in the environment they are currently in along with the social circles around them influences their future looks at parents so this explains my crippling anxiety hyper vigilance and lack of emotional immaturity if we condense the life of Earth to one year humans wouldn't appear until the 31st of December at 11:58 p.m. we think a year is a while it's nothing compared to just the life of our own planet Jupiter and the Sun center of mass actually reside outside of the Sun technically making them a double system because they both orbit around their shared center of mass rather than Jupiter orbiting the Sun day except Jupiter isn't a star so we don't bother with calling it that even though we'd call - brown dwarfs a double system a fake Jupiter is also about as big as planets get adding much more mass actually makes it start shrinking fake Jupiter is also about as big as planets get adding much more mass actually makes it start shrinking not quite you could get around 1.3 x to 1.4 x jupiter-sized before the nuclear shrinkage starts but some hot Jupiters that are heated by a star can get inflated to upwards of 3 X the size of Jupiter I Ike DUP at any given spot on our planet's surface gets darkened by the moon's shadow on average only once about every 400 years the sun's diameter is about 400 times that of the moon the Sun is also on average about 400 times farther away as a result the two bodies appear almost exactly the same angular size in the sky source during the last solar eclipse I read that our planet in particular would be a huge tourist destination in the event there ever was interplanetary travel the odds of a planets moon and its star having the same angular sizes so rad at earth is probably the only planet in the Milky Way to have a perfect total solar eclipse featuring a view of the Sun's corona quantum physics is seriously weird there's a nonzero chance that in 10 minutes you'll be on the moon or the middle of the Sun or the other side of the universe or maybe it will happen in 30 years not 10 minutes the chance is stupefyingly small but it ice and zero the chance goes up the smaller the mass and shorter the distance it's certainly actually relevant at atomic distances and electron masses a potential reason for the apparent lack of nearby intelligent alien life is that it hasn't had time to develop yet the number of coincidences that had to occur for even single called life isn't believable but more importantly it took a mere 4.5 billion years for an environment to arise through evolution that rewarded intelligence rather than simply being stronger more physically adapted also about 3.8 billion years of that time was spent by waiting for bacteria to convert co2 into oxygen we may end up being the most ancient alien race in the local area by millions of years I've read that the Sun is within the first 5% of stars that will ever form in the universe any future intelligent life forms that happen upon us or the ruins of our civilization will likely envy us since we were able to observe the universe while it was still so young on average the closest planet to earth is Mercury the same is true for every other planet in the solar system oh I love CGP grey videos haven't seen this one amazing I will use this information to assert my intellectual dominance at gatherings if you keep upside down vision for a while your brain will correct for it and you will see the right way up again this is because your eyes see stuff upside down and your brain corrects it you're basically relearning how to see yeah I've heard that some basketball team did that with some glasses and actually got used to it it's really crazy how learning works every stegasaurus was already fast alized that means that on a timeline t-rex is closer in time to Keanu Reeves them to the last stegasaurus I work on two dinosaur digs most summers one is in 145 million year old sand rock a new tour and the other is in 66 million year mud stone in Montana it's weird to think that I'm 15 million years closer in time to the dinosaurs in Montana than those dinosaurs were to the ones in Utah I learned this from a friend on my business course the same chemical said onions amid that makes us cries also the same chemical that makes volcanoes erupt is why onions are the most metal veggie on earth the chemical they release irritates our tear gland because it reacts with our tears to produce sulfuric acid if the Sun was shrink down to the size of a marble the gravitational forces would collapse and become a black hole I always thought this was mind blowing as gravitational pull is determined by mass picture two points on the globe exactly opposite to each other or to put it another way and to Purdy's only about 15% of points on land have a land-based antipode making up about 4.4 percent of the world's surface so if you want to make an earth sandwich by having two people drop a piece of bread on the ground simultaneously you're limited in options there is a Xan absolute minimum at least one pair of points on the Earth's surface at any given moment that have the following properties they are and tip Odile directly opposite each other on the planet's surface they have exactly the same temperature down to the most infinitesimal fraction you can imagine they have exactly the same air pressure down to the most infinitesimal fraction you can imagine the reason for this comes down to something called the boss UQ Lam theorem basically because temperature is a continuous scale you can't get from 28 degrees to 26 degrees without going through 27 degrees then there must be a continuous ring around the world however wobbly that divides the surface area exactly in half while antipodal points on that line have the same temperature whatever that temperature is it can vary from point to point as their pressure is also continuous it must have a different line that divides the planet in the same way because both of those lines split the planet exactly in half they must mathematically speaking intersect at at least two points and those points are where the above statement holds true you
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Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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