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I want to put this word in the room and I feel more inclined to just kind of share prophetically what I sense in the room God is doing so much so much in here so formality out the way I love y'all hi I'll be back soon God is doing so much so much and if you're in worship or something I don't want you to move but I really want to partner with this something has changed violently in this house and it is not a sudden change a subtle change it's a very aggressive one and the Lord has given me something I'm gonna read it and then I just kind of want to move into this with each other and we'll see what the Lord has to say but there's a scripture that God gave me Isaiah 66 is what he gave me and I'm going to see what happens with this but I'll share it musicians don't go very far Isaiah 66 verses 6 7 8 and 9 6 through 9 Isaiah 66 verse 6 as a voice of noise from the city and there is a voice from the temple a voice of the Lord that render a--the recompense to his enemies I want you to hear this this is if you are an intercessor here an elder here I want you to grab this as the word of the Lord for this campus this is what God is saying to this campus this year look at verse 7 but before she travailed she brought forth before her pain came she was delivered of a man-child who have heard such a thing and who had seen such things shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day and shall a nation be born at once for as soon as tsiyon travail she brought forth her children nine shall I bring to birth and not cost to bring forth saith the Lord Rock calls to bring forth or shall I calls to bring forth and shut the womb saith thy god real quick I'm a holler through it for like twenty minutes just grab somebody real quick I'm gonna need you to help me with this because I just feel like I need to move in some declarations how many of you know one of the best ways to reverse a curse is to bless a thing and one of the things that I know about fathers if you're a natural father if you're a parent one of the powers you have over your children is the right to declare your naming is not just saying your Pookie or ray-ray when the enemy has a plan for something if you are the gatekeeper over a life or over it you can literally rename a thing by revelation and you can declare it sometimes that's the reason why generational curses operate is because nobody put their word before the devil's okay so we're gonna we're gonna move in some declaration today Joe for six years how forceful are right words so when you say something there is a force behind what you say that can open it alright you ready look at them say neighbor I promise I he's gonna do it in one day okay [Music] come on they didn't believe you turn around find somebody else and sadly Claire over you it's gonna happen in a day but look at somebody say any day now any day now [Music] sit down sit down soon I feel like I feel like a part of what God is doing in this campus is he's delivering you at the day level sit down let me talk to you I just need 20 minutes at the end of my 20 minutes come and get me okay once upon a time there was nothing and God stepped out on that nothing decided that he wanted it to be something and he steps out literally without planet without universe without any of that and he starts moving stuff there's nobody there to watch him but himself this is the literal name Adonai he is gone he steps out and just starts moving stuff by the words of his mouth Hebrew says by the words of his mouth the worlds were framed he steps out one day and decides to start to do something the number two is very significant but when people read into the number two they often talk about agreement they talked about covenant they talk about unity they talking about coming together one of the richer meanings of the number two is the Lord's divide he created man and female separated the light from the darkness and called it day we are not just in a time of unity we are also at a time of necessary division and part of what that means is that the Lord is getting ready for many of you to separate the cohesive bindings to that that is no longer useful and there are things in around you that are not bad they're just not useful you understand it's not always sin it's just not useful for the next place moving deeper into the way this story goes the first thing that came out of God was a day he creates the lights the lower one and the higher one and then he calls the night night the day day and he creates within himself a frame of reference for how his plan would forever work he could not leave the day to itself or else the day would ruin itself so immediately after he creates the day he creates a man and he does not create man for the day he creates day for men part of what that means is that he puts days out there for us to use I'll get there in a minute they are not there to determine their own selves you understand a day has no heart a day has no mind a day has no genetic code a day has no decision-making power a day has no opinion a day therefore is an instrument to a human being submitted to God if I as a man and filled with the Spirit of God and I'm submitted to God than I can tell my days what to do what I feel is going on in this campus is there we're not as bound as we think we're not as behind is what we think we're not as lost as what we think we are losing the battle at the day level and what happens is when you wake up and you meet the Sun you act as if you'd are not in control over what happens in that day but when God said let us make man and let us make him in our image a part of what God does routinely as Tales days what to do in that day you have ours and in them hours you have minutes and in the minutes you have seconds and all of them have to obey what you say in that day you don't believe me consider that God told the Sun to stay up and go down one time we never see again when he addressed him and the Sun is still obeying the moon is still obeying I'm coming right here in 2019 they are still doing exactly what they were told by God to do a day is dangerous if you consider how you're gonna see your purpose it's going to happen a day at a time if you consider how you're going to achieve your business or your potential it's going to happen a day at the time so therefore every problem in your life can be solved with the appropriate management and mastery of your day this is why depression is pay attention because depression is a thief of days if you go into depression what you don't want to do is do anything in that day and so depression and sadness and envy and all of that stuff comes in your life to make you miss manage your days because the one thing the devil cannot do is like God pay attention he is a finite being often we preaches if he's got the same power and the same strength and even the same knowledge of God but he's not that would make them equal counterparts he is not God's adversary he is yours to make him God's adversary puts them on equal playing fields and there's no way in the world he could ever walk up against God Adonai the Ancient of Days and dethrone him so then the weapon that you and I have that's more powerful than binding and loosing and more powerful than crying and singing and more powerful than study is the regulation of days Dominion is a day issue covenant is a day issue what happens when you go to bed at night and did not do in that day what you should have done in that day you miss the opportunity to allow time to serve you I know it's deep but you think about it you are not the victim of your day I'll prove it is substantiated and you're not under harassment by your week if you don't get control over what your days are doing then what's gonna happen is it's gonna be consistent dangers that try to take you not out of death but out of destiny you've got to win this thing at the day level you've got to start this thing at the day level I understand well this is bothering you because it's a lesson that I'm learning and I don't like it because the powerful are often the impatient I know a lot of very powerful people that are not very patient I'm learning patience but I don't like patience I'm not a patient person in my mind everything is going wrong in the world so everything is an emergency a crisis at chaos so when somebody employs or implies to me that I need to take my time I get insulted because there's chaos everywhere and and crisis everywhere so I don't want to take my time but when I realize that no matter what happens in the day god inserts in every day away from me to win it's not a matter of if it's about my ability to perceive the opening and every day in Monday there's got to be a door if God is God and he's running your life Monday has to have a way for you to win Tuesday has to have a way to you've win Wednesday have to so if you lose it is voluntary it is an option of yours to lose in a day because your God created them if he created days for you then they have to work for you so you're not gonna move forward in life when your days keep telling you what to do for many of you the greatest deliberate are you ready I'm almost ready yeah your greatest deliverance is coming on your birthday the devil has been doing some stuff in birthdays I saw the Negro he's been doing stuff on birthdays to make people depressed about what they don't have and what they didn't finish and how old they're getting and ain't got a house yet ain't got a car yeah what happens if you realize that this is the day that God decided to give me days and as long as he's the Ancient of Days I can't run out of day I have ten minutes there is a science to this part of what it means is that you've got to started emotionally I show you a mystery if you study the Book of Psalms you will find that the most repeated phrase out of the mouth of day that the psalmist is daily he talks about that they're things that he has to do daily he writes about how he hides the word in his heart daily he talks about how it's important to see God daily Jesus in the New Testament says hey when you pray take them look dumb placemats off your hair don't pray like them he literally says be not therefore like unto them but they think they'll be heard cuz but when you pray go in your closet and pray like this our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us give us give us not tomorrow I can't not next week give us this day that is a probation pull every day allocated to your life have a seat them I want you to be convicted about this how much time have you wasted giving your days to demons this is why the devil wants your romantic life it's not just about sin and sex it's about you investing your days to something that doesn't have the power to discern what should do there grab somebody say I gotta get my days back gotta get my days back hmm [Music] we're not losing at the shout level we're not losing at the dance level we are losing in a place called Monday all of the church back to victory on Sunday but you don't change the world on Sunday you change the world on Monday it's the power of the day it's the power of realizing why God gives you days and it's the power of developing the discipline to get in control of that day let's take this a bit deeper I have often wondered and I have often imagined why people waste so much energy in regret I'm gonna repeat that because I want you to see what I said regret demands energy when you have a regret you are literally consistently studying examining rehearse remembering considering that that has happened beyond your control sometimes it's stuff that happens in the realm of your control but most time it's about stuff that happened win yesterday and then the devil because he knows how you think and he knows that you don't know any better he starts saying stuff like this this is what condemnation is you can't get that time back that's what he says you like man I can't believe I feel the idea that is happening you can't get that back you can't get that back within candy and God says I will restore the years oh I'm sorry now what is a year 300 come on giant 65 days he says I can because I am the Ancient of Days I have the power to give you as many as I want so then the way to get more days is repentance I will restore the cankerworm homie to God I can get you what they marched back he's delivering you at the day level when you when you going through a deliverance process what the Lord said to me when when I was walking in is a part of the culture of generosity and this church is about to translate into miraculous deliverance from addiction there is a powerful anointing on this house to suddenly and deeply poor man out of the power of addiction when you're in a deliverance process tre what'll happen is you're looking at I got so mad I was molested I was raped I had an abortion I don't know my daddy they did this to me and it looks like a whole lot and so the intimidation pay attention is enough to stop you from pursuing it but all God wants you to do it you would be delivered right now but whatever is going on in your life if you started with Monday here's how serious God is about it if you're looking at about how many years is gonna take you're not gonna have the faith for it this is why you take deliverance one not if you're religious that bothers you but why else would God give me new mercies every day if he didn't intend to free me in another way hallelujah [Applause] Ecclesiastes the third chapter to everything there is a time to every purpose under heaven there is a season sorry a time to be born and a time to die and a time to cry and a time to dance it easy says it's a time to die pay attention the word time is the Hebrew word it means angel it's not talking about there being a minute for you to laugh or cry there was an angel over you laughter it's not talking about that there is a time to mourn there was an angel for your mourning angels are the regulator's of days the reason they're there are not to just stop you from car accidents but the angels of God do is respond to the Word of God for your week so if there's something that God wants to happen that week then an angel post himself by every even you can have I'm telling you when you get your days together you have divine assistance divine aids a whole squad that works 24/7 and for some of you if you crazy they working overtime the whole point is to help you get your days right all right it's part 1 part 2 I'm almost done this prophecy is one of the most infatuating prophecies and all of the Old Testament prophecies and here's why most people preach it wrong and I love preaching right what people preach wrong that's why I like me I love correcting the spirit of error and in this prophecy there are question marks question marks no answers they are rhetorical because the answer is obvious but the answer is obvious to those who read the spirit and read the Bible in the spirit of the author if you're reading it like it's a history book you're gonna assume it can a nation be born at once the question about there is no answer you like now that was not what this word was saying the word was saying absolutely a nation can be born in one day absolutely he tells us in the context of the prophecy before she travail there is a rearrangement of the productive order before she travails she brought forth she brought forth and then felt it later and as soon as scienter bailed I have to finish expostulating this but I have another word for you what you thought was troubled was actually travails add a leak in dadada moreand alla basta Behar oh you thought you were in trouble because they feel alike you thought you were in trouble because you were being tested you thought you were in Chapel because people were talking but you were actually in travail now the term travail is a sensitive word Jesus said in the book of Matthew ah that women go in travail because their hour is on them so it's one of the ways that you realize that your hour is upon you not just in you something is happening to you is that your life goes into birth pangs as soon as I enter there she brought forth he validates this and says am I gonna bring you into the labor room and not cause you to bring forth he is addressing their frustration with times and events as they were scheduled to occur they had not occurred yet it is the basic term to describe disap pointment which is a delay of an expectation when I expect something to occur and it does not occur how or when or where I wander to the devil now has been in a place called disappointment and this is why disappointment is as bad is because you can't have faith being disappointed and the Bible said that without faith it is impossible to please God so there's a lot of you who dance and you're still disappointed you shout and you still disappointed you serve and you're disappointed but as long as you are disappointed you are on the territory of deception because a part of what that means is you don't believe that any day now God can take what did not happen and make all of it happen everything does not take time some of it just takes the right moment to manifest it's called a Kairos moment it means are there things that could happen now that could not have happened before your days need discernment you need to discern them the context of this prophecy is further revealed in this okay and I'm going to close on this note to show you how deep this is Israel had unfinished business with God they went through a process from Genesis to Malachi and towards the end of that book all we know is it didn't end well the very last statement of the Old Testament is about a curse I will send my great and terrible messenger he lied to the Prophet and he will come and turn the hearts of fathers his sons and sons their fathers lest i smite the earth with a curse that's the last thing we heard and then there's silence Israel literally is left in the world 40 years 40 years they had unfinished business with God they are there that God is raising up people and warnings and miracles and judgments and provisions and in the Book of Psalms a Bible says that he didn't even let them get a fever a blister he even said in the Book of Psalms I didn't let their clothes wear out I was providing for them in the wild they would even follow me although they had unusual provision in the wilderness and then the Bible says this the scariest verse of scripture these guys and faith and did not see the promise the book of Hebrews says it was a whole generation that died off in faith and you know why it was not just idolatry it was abuse of days disobedience is a disrespect today's in my obedience if I obey you in a day I allow room for everything you've designed to occur in that day but they got unfinished business in the last chapter of Malachi you know what's going on this is gonna bless you locusts the other part of Joel chapter 2 that they don't tell you as the Bible says that the reason God could restore the years is because he was the one that took it I will restore unto you the years that the locusts the Palmer and the cankerworm and that great army next verse that I sent he sent it and he sent it because of you resolve you don't want what he was in that day he'll keep that day from you when you make the decision to want what he wants your days get a lot easier the way of a transgressor is hard and God puts hardship in the days of those that don't want what he want for them so if the wilderness is our wrestling place that's where we lost the war allegedly it's so interesting the way the New Testament opens up Kevin it opens up with a wild man sorry named John the Baptist glory to the son of God and the Bible said that he started eating a weird thing she had an appetite for for honey any and he had the bear cave on a man and he is he is screaming out repent repent now listen the Old Testament we got defeated in the wilderness but the Bible say that there was gonna come one crying in the wilderness the whole point of his life was to be found where they lost it they lost it there and now the Prophet shows up there and not only does he show up there saying repent repent repent I want to show you what he was eating he was eating locusts he was eating what ate two people of God that's how you know when a voice has sent from the Lord they're gonna munch on what's much into you he showed up with an appetite but what was consuming Israel why the kingdom is at hand the kingdom is at hand something is about to happen today that ain't ever happened to you the kingdom is at hand and when something is at hand it's to be close to you what he was saying is I've got to deal with these monsters and I've got to baptize you because the kingdom is closer than it's ever been when anything is closer to you than what it's been before you got to start dealing with your days differently down to who you talk to down to what you do it today down to what you read when something is at hand you don't have time to get ready for it this is why God is calling you to stay ready Huntsville there are some surprise the Lord is about to do some stuff for shock value if you don't do your day's well you could miss the opportunity to have your whole life changed now if that wasn't enough for my little Sunday School lesson John the Baptist has a moment sorry I'm trying not to do that and he has a moment of doubt he says are you the one that should we look for somebody else and then the Bible said that there was a woman who required his head he looks up and he says this maybe I should just decrease talking about his ministry so that you could increase Jesus said tell them what you heard the blind see and the and the deaths here and all of this has gone on so now here we go at a river called Jordan and the Bible said that Jesus is walking up this is John's cousin it's gonna make you shout in a minute and John looks at his cousin after years of family reunions years of funerals years of picnic dinners and now he sees Jesus differently they were related and now G John Doe Paul Jesus Jesus he looks up and says behold the lamb of God something had happened with John now saw Jesus in a different way it was just the right day sometimes a poke to see you right you just gotta wait for the right day this is why you are not ever again waste your time trying to get people to understand understanding is an amenity it is not a necessity and you can survive without it you can win without it you can't run without it you were not called to be understood you will call to be next you gotta get these days right Sam yeah and so what happened was Jesus wants up to John here we go and he says baptize me pay attention John like no I'm not baptizing you Jesus said please baptize me John is like I'm not even worthy to untie your Jordans jesus said baptize me and now he gives us why he wanted to be baptized he said I've got to do this that all righteousness may be fulfilled if I don't do this I can do what I was called by God to do I've got to end up where they left off pay attention and so the Bible says that John lifted up his hand and said in obedience to the great head of the church he grabbed the head of the Messiah and he baptized him and Jesus came up pay attention all of a sudden there was a loud voice it was the first time that everybody heard the same thing prior to this God was talking to people one-on-one at this particular time God looked up at the microphone and he told the sound man in head and turn it up I want you put her to hear it turn it up I want the sparge to hear and I turn it up I want Hale to hear it he looked out at Lucifer said give me some more in the monitor I'm about to say something that's gonna change these days he said this is my son I was ahead he said this is my son and I'm well pleased with him Jesus is wet the missionaries have not brought the towels up yet and all of a sudden the Spirit of God fell like a dove and it felled gently so Jesus wouldn't fight it all of this changes in the next verse where you depreciate my love mystery the Dove drove him landed on him softly to drive him landed on him lightly to push why did he push him it was not what Disney it was not the grocery store it was not the corner store he didn't push him the Broadway a Hollywood didn't push him the Hotlanta he pushed him to the wilderness that ain't the reason that you need to shout you need to shout here Jesus goes in and he's won only one with the one who made Israel loose here comes the devil and say see I told you they wasn't worth sending your son for I told you they were gonna leave you for bail and they were gonna leave you for a stir it and they were gonna leave you for Dagon and they were gonna leave you for their fetishes they were gonna leave you now it's me and you and we are in the wilderness and Jesus said this it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Satan say yeah yeah yeah I appreciate what you Santa but look at all of this since you here now you got kicked out like me we was boys together I saw you in the Father they kicked me out not told you they're gonna do the same thing to you that they did to me and Jesus said okay fine and so the same says I make the best of it I'm an exile look I build temples here I've got buildings there why don't you bow down and worship me and I will give you all of these kingdoms and Jesus responds again with an it is rich and there is wisdom here that you will bow down and worship the Lord God and him only will die sir and then the devil taketh him up to a high place he gave them Church celebrity he tried to offer him to become influential among gorillas if you really be the Son of God throw yourself down from here jesus said it is written his angels will bear thee up and and and now the angels of the Lord come and ministered to him and restore him and the devil leaveth him for a time do you want to know why I'm screaming about this how many days did Jesus say 40 say 40 how many years did his rule spit in the wilderness how many days that Jesus spent in the wilderness how many years it Israel spent in the wilderness what he was showing is I'm so gone I can do it one day what you could not do in the slap do people say one day one day one day come on slap did people say one day one day one day come on tell somebody else one day one day one day listen the benefit that you have that the Muslims don't have and the benefit that you have that the Buddhists don't have and the benefit that you have bet that you're horrible witnesses don't have the benefit that you have that hairy Christian them don't have is this you got the one who controls days none of the other gods say they control days but the man that is in you said I made the day and I made the night and I made I made them for you I dare you to wake up in the morning up say wassup Monday how you doing we got business to handle ah there's some stuff I lost last year and I'm gonna get it back today hello Tuesday there's some stuff that defeated me last year but I decided you gonna win today my days belong to me oh that is travail when you make your mind up to serve the Lord he cuts your time in half and the reason he cuts your time in had is because he doesn't have to take as much time to train you now so now you can get accomplished in a shorter amount of time what would have took you longer to do you've been going the scenic route but get ready something different it's not coming on your head and then coming on your hands it ain't coming on your feet is coming on your days there is a move of the Spirit of God coming to your calendar get ready for your lunch breaks to do some different stuff get ready for your nap time to do some different stuff all day long the angels of God are ascending and ascending wherever there is a word over your days now this is why you have to be careful not to talk to strangers all it took was for one day for Adam to be deceived a conversation with a stranger because he was after their day it was more than just converting him I want the right to your calendar that's what the devil wants give me Monday give me Tuesday you can love Jesus all you want but don't do what he wants you to do today in fact do it tomorrow delay that obedience and shout over it this is my fear is so important if you are in hesitation if you are a procrastinator you will never see your full potential because every assignment is time-sensitive even if you do good on a test and you pass it in late it does not count for you so you've got to start managing your hours a little better God told David told God my times are in your hands in closing I'm Baptist so I told you three that was my third one this generation is liken unto the army Rebecca there fought with Joshua they were fighting the war of their lives bleeding out pregnant women dying all kind of terrorism and attacks Joshua has favor with God so he looks up and he doesn't ask for more bullets and he doesn't ask for more horses he looks up and he acts God to keep the Sun steel he asks him to keep the Sun steel so that he wouldn't run out of time he wanted the time to work for him scientists literally assert that there was a whole day on our calendar that we can't find something has arranged itself in the way we're made up where God literally hid a day in time that they can't find what does that mean even if you feel like you ran out of time and didn't have enough time and couldn't meet the deadlines there is a day out there somewhere that's been reserved for the Saints now either you can sit here and be upset and drink your life away and smoke your life away or set your life away or hate your life away or you can take this thing one day a time you do it that way there's no way you can lose a man Father thank you for giving them authority over their days and right now come on I want if you lift them hands up real quick let's do this in the oh I hear that okay let's get let's make some prayer team let's do that partner up two by two look we're gonna do something the power of agreement I'm doing I know y'all hungry I am too come on and and we're gonna start I want you to decree something over the calendar week of this person listen to what I'm telling you a part of what God is gonna anoint this church to do is to give me in their days back if they've spent time and destruction they will come in this place and literally be reinvigorated by the gift of new days you're going to begin to see men that literally had hits on their lives as it were where the enemy through gang activity and through corruption assigned death to them they will stumble in here so that that Bay can change the thing that was assigned to that day will no longer happen because once Jesus becomes the lord of your life he also is in control of your days come on let's believe God with our friends let's believe God I want you to begin to talk to their Monday come on do it now I'm gonna call out every calendar day come on pray over that Monday open your mouth come on of you come on let that come out of you I believe God for your Monday Monday will no longer be filled with exhaustion come on all nations Monday will no longer be filled with frustration for you Monday will not annoy you Monday is not gonna agitate you there'll be no grief on your Monday there'll be no stress on your Monday but I monday is for miracles hey hey Oh I lose miracles on your Monday unusual miracles are uncommon miracles are supernatural miracles on your Monday I declare that Monday from 9:00 to 5:00 that you are fear with inspiration that every project that die comes alive every idea that died is resurrected a net favor five you are now I pray for your Tuesday come on I commend the spirit of terror the spirit of torment that's been assigned to your Tuesday to be reversed by fire of fire and blood on everything trying to attack your Tuesday and I command Tuesday to yield that choose the yield with brand new relationships and brand new connections and brand new understanding come on Tuesday hear the word of the Lord let suzi be a day for networking that brand new things come into place supernatural resources of the diverse places on your Tuesday a supernatural connection but divers places on your Tuesday let the North give up let the South give up let the East River Kelowna and the West give up every resource they have I pray for your Wednesday no more worry on Wednesday no on Wednesday that midweek spirit of depression that wants to rob you of energy and trade your power which day will be filled with the worshiper Wednesday will be filled with the Wonder the supernatural of God there will be surprises and there will be supernatural flows on your Wednesday know which papal Wednesday no more spells curses ladies on your Wednesday I lift up your Thursday and pray for your Thursday and I pray that your mind is really thirsty your thoughts pray that you are able but in every temptation God's gonna give you a way to expect come on Thursday we are new we separate you we can't separate you to the plan of God but to the purpose of God oh yes we live today no frustration on your Friday no more fear on your Friday don't worry Siow tear on your Friday but we say Friday is on fire the powers are Hale [Music] even on Saturday Sunday [Music] but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen one day Saul Saul disobey God and Samuel was so sad he was in so much grief that he started crying and crying and there is a normal grief and there is an unhealthy grief an unhealthy grief is one normal grief takes too long what makes grief effective is that you can get in there and pull out okay I believe that what God said to Samuel is what he's saying to very many of you and you don't just have to grieve people sometimes you can breed careers you can grieve ideals you can grieve the way you thought it was going to be and it can feel like a real death even divorce is agreed it's a death of something and I feel like God wants to deliver very many of you from the spirit of grief just just just from the hatred that it didn't happen how you want it got Oh Samuel how long will you mourn now rise and go on the other side of grief there is of gold the devil wants to keep you in grief so you'll miss the next assignment if Samuel would have kept grieving David would have been somewhere without all young on his hand [Music] so many days in grief from abortions and miscarriages and stuff did not work I want you to make a decision right now to pour your heart your mind your soul out of abnormal grief if you are sad for a reason then fine but don't let this ruin 2019 if there is a warfare over your day then you have to know there is a war on your whole year and you know that's the case because of y'all resolutions you can look and see the defeat On January 31 because you did not do this year what you wanted to do so you're making most decisions about doing it differently when it all is a matter of the war over the day exercising vision in that day taking it one day at a time Father in the name of Jesus I pray for every visionary I pray for every architect I pray for every dreamer I pray for every business owner I pray for every innovator in every created in this room Lord in the name of Jesus I just released the spirit of wisdom to this church let this church be flooded with wisdom help them to see that wisdom is the weight of wealth and wisdom is the way to miracles give them wisdom no longer allow wisdom to cry out in the streets but let Huntsville be a place where men find wisdom and the wisdom of God to win the war over the days I pray for creative ability let it be that this is the place that makes men gasp as it was with the Queen of Sheba came to see Solomon's house and saw how it was ran and and the Wonder and the glory in it and it took their breath away let this be the breath ticket Houser let this be the house that makes men gasp in wonder because of how flooded with wisdom they are now in the name of Jesus a new spirit of heaviness you spirit of grief that's trying to arrest this house and keep her out of her potential on the men and the women on the single mothers on the divorcees a curse the spirit of grief I rebuke the spirit of grief and I say that in this second year not only are you going to develop you're going to trip on us let this be a season of the manifold mercies of God as you conquer Monday through Friday you're going to move into a favor you've never seen in your life [Music] come with our cover real quick father we just thank you for pastor 80 we bless you for him we bless you for what you're doing in his life and I thank you that nobody can reverse what you've decided Josh get behind him will you nobody can reverse this grab him and nobody can reverse what you've decided for him nobody can change it nobody can alter it nobody can conspire it away nobody can chop them away nobody can screenshot it away nobody can terrorize them out of the purpose of God thank you that you've given him your heart that it's your heart that's in his chest you have given him your heart not just for the loss but for the found you've given him this heart and I thank you that this anointing of generosity that is not just a personality traitor but thank you for that Ministry of generosity he's an apostle of generosity now Lord as it was in the book of Acts where you brought resources into one place make this man a distribution center let it be that when men and women engage him that they run into resources thank you for the anointing that mantle falling on him right now to bring the powers of bankruptcy and break the powers of debt and bring the powers of poverty I thank you that you've given him the head of man and that you have turned over to him the keys to unlock a secret wealth and riches and diverse places and we summons every seed we summons every member we summons every staff member every creator every Editora every videographer every cinematographer every sound engineer every dancer every in up every NBA player every actor every scholar every politician we say Kings are coming Kings are coming Kings are coming Kings are key [Music] [Music] Jesus in the name of Jesus Psalm 91 gives us this principle of warfare over days the devil knows this y'all so he assigned certain attacks to moments in days Psalm 91 gives us peace but terror by night in the name of Jesus I prophesied to your night hours you're gonna do the under let go to run bailamos ship out at elevation up i papa side to your Midnight's I prophesied to your Midnight's that the breaking of Dawn and the breaking of day will not just be met with relief and remorse but you will meet the son with revelation from this night forward [Music] [Applause] but his dreams [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Sun the Sun the Sun will not smite you by day the Sun will not smite you by day no terror at night no ambush mints at night in Jesus name I want to speak over the house as well as pastor pastor ad I heard the Spirit of the Lord saying that he is ready to take Huntsville deeper the Huntsville is known for being the urban trendy kind of millennial you know hype church but God is saying that he's ready to take you deeper you've you've you've been lured in and you you love your church but God is getting ready to shift pastor ad out of the hook line and sinker and into the deep so right now father I just pray that you would interrupt his sleep father you would interrupt his study time father even pastor Adi I have heard you even say I don't want to be known I know that people know me and love me as the the hater preacher and you know I can relate but I don't want to be known as that I don't want that to just be my calling card I don't want to be known as oh he can really preach on haters he gets it and he does but father I thank you God that that pastor ad is beginning to walk in a fresh boldness to come out of that box to not stay there because of intimidation and because of fear I break it off of him now in the name of Jesus thank you Father that he is getting ready to leap into the deep off the deep end in the name of Jesus and I thank you Father that Huntsville is going deeper and I declare that the Spirit of the Lord will begin to interrupt your sleep begin to interrupt your dreams in your car invade your space with his presence that you would begin to declare that you want more that you would go deeper in him even on your own time your personal time not just here when you assemble yourselves but I declare that in the name of Jesus God is beginning to invade your lives in your space that you would have a deeper desire for more of him in the name of Jesus the guy gave me isaiah 43:18 and 19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I'm making I'm doing a new thing now it springs for do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert this house is hitting a major major wave of deliveries and I'm not sure what this the plans look like for the house is it concerns deliveries but I feel like pastor Linda beginning to plow a couple of wednesdays ago when she taught for a Bible study but I heard the spirits say get the deliverance team ready this thing cannot be surface-level for you will begin to see a rising of new gifts in this place gifts of prophecy people move strongly in this place and he's teaching you powerful tools this time he's about to teach you a powerful tool of how to retain your deliverance a lot of you know what it looks like to want to be delivered a lot of you need to know what it looks like to walk through deliveries but a lot of you struggle when it comes to retaining your deliveries so he's teaching he's teaching you from the head down how to retain your deliveries hear this warning as you walk in a new place walk in humility and walk in your authentic you don't have the problem of creativity you have a problem with walking in authenticity I saw angels surrounding you for they will be with you in your times of stress they will guide you they will protect you you you will begin to hear new holy whispers throughout this season you're gonna find yourself walking in something you haven't experienced it's strong but you're gonna walk by yourself walking in power and authority you're gonna see demons fleet new streams of income are about to hit this place but do not be the scene for this is not for your personal gain and this is not to be according to your own agenda that's about to download super supernatural loads of information to entrepreneurs like Nehemiah he's going to teach you how to not be distracted as you build you're going to learn how to call him your father when the enemy tries to infiltrate your life it is because of your leaders posture and hear these and pray for him every single day pray for his days but pastor 80 is guy told me this to tell you this specifically and only you will understand the wave of these but he told me that is not the cut that makes you a son is the posture of your heart and what you're about the spirits in this church is because of your heart Koster I'm not sure what has changed in the last few weeks even the last 24 hours but because your heart posture has changed you're about to see a wave in this church Huntsville's you're about to walk in a new company owner guide owner your leader none of your brothers and sisters these postures shall bring forth a sustaining peace and joy and it shall be established in Jesus name I saw I saw something prophetically as she began to prophesy this entire church this year is about to come into a midnight revival that there are things at midnight that and and what I saw very strong images tell you as I was pacing I was taken up in the spirit there is a thing you have to do for God at midnight and Church and aneisa it's not just the blackout it's not that but it needs to be equally sizeable and it needs to be bigger than just all nations God is about to give you a strategy to gather as many that will come because there's something that God is about to do when I hear what I heard the Lord say concerning the the corruption and things that are going on he said they'll never see me coming but it's literally going to be like a thief in the night he wants you to do something at nighttime and if you will do this yeah I don't know if this is nighttime deliverance or some type of event make it massive invest in it even down to media even down to having news coverage if you will do this there are rows of homes I literally feel in the spirit that God is about to transfer entire neighborhoods for there had been and I don't hang from honey I don't know what's what but especially on the north side but what God is about to do what God is about to do that the mayor and if you ain't here mr. mayor I'm sorry but the mayor is under great duress right now things are coming down the pipeline things are about to start getting weird here and they're going to look to you in a different way than they have now it almost has been as if you were the icon God but now it's gonna be that you're going to be moving and Council begin to move in warfare at the board level the Lord said to tell you to move in the board level of warfare he want you to begin to put yourself deliberately on boards and if you will do a thing this year around about the night God's gonna transfer the Terra Firma to you you will literally all more than what you could do with and he's gonna do this as a warning to Huntsville it will it will be it will be that God does through this place is a parameter round about you so that it will be like a force field of fire and favor around you Lord you did it for Paul and at midnight I'm asking that you do it for Adrian Davis at midnight let this midnight mantle I've never prophesied that that anointed to pull people out of the terrors at the torments of the night hour let it be on this man like an oil let it be on them like a waiter let it be on him like an anvil let it be on them like a hammer that the powers of deliverance are born in the city of Huntsville through midnight hour let this thing happen in the name of Jesus the one who was dead [Music] [Music] just say right here I have a son in my church and I and I'm pulling you out cuz I feel like whatever pastors about to do you're gonna be a massive part of it I I text pastor about you like two weeks or so ago man who is this kid do you know him and I didn't know you went here and he said yeah he's in Huntsville and I knew I needed to come and laid my hands on you to stir the gifts of the Spirit here's why I have a son and he might be watching this there's a prophet of God in my house in my church he's one of the most accurate prophets in my church but he is a professional rapper okay and the two of you literally I was so arrested about you that I sent your picture to my kid and I said does your daddy have anything to confess like y'all look exactly alike eyes and everything it's really weird how connect you with him before I leave but the Lord wanted me to impart the gifts of the Spirit to you it's about to change it's not just going to be rapping it's gonna be the word of knowledge it's going to be so crazy that you'll have one thing planned to rap and you'll stand and rap over people and it'll be that you prophesy through your lyricism the enemy the enemy the enemy literally wanted to kill you dead like that the plan was that you would not make it out your mother's womb that was the plan but the angel of the Lord has been assigned to you from before you could even remember father let the prophetic anointing not let the gifts of the Spirit let Jeremiah's fire let the gift of the word of knowledge the gift of the word of wisdom let the gifts of revelry take this man up like you did John the Revelator on the Isle of mas had begin to give him commendations and rebukes and directives I just impart that from my life to his the [Music] come on there is a divine bonus too big argue Huntsville there in some way prophetic boldness is kidding Minister biggest Church I had so much more but I I'm tired and I just want you to take a hold of this you intercessors he who call on the name of the Lord get this strong if God God is doing something in this place and it's gonna start literally at midnight you will see so many people Linda let push that mahara - there you will see Authority I hear this in the spirit you are mantled for mollies God is about to do a thing in this church where men will come in here some beat out of appeals at the glory of God will burn in the midst of you so strong that they will see that there is no high like the Most High God is getting ready to point deliverance on Huntsville you watch what I see the power of addiction is gonna flow so strong it's gonna break powerfully it's gonna be moving through that the elders will begin to move in it the ministers will begin to move in a strong anointing to destroy the yokes of addiction off of people let this be that year Lord we disagree with that right now Regus agree let the waters be trouble let the waters be trouble let the waters be trouble you intercessors get a hold of this wrestle with this and believe God to send those that are terrorized by the forces of addiction and you're gonna see it coming one last time give God some praise all over this building [Applause] thank you lord i'ma come here I'll kind of father just thank you for what you're doing you're dealing with him and the Lord said to tell you don't be afraid you don't have to go back I don't know what that means to you but he wants you to know you don't have to go back there there has been something going on around you where you feel like it's beyond your choice God's about to give favor to you and the gifts of the Spirit are going to stir in your life you've been and I don't know if you've told pastor 80 of these but you've been having visions a lot lately these things you see and God's gonna start to literally open your ears in the spirit and you're going to no longer be confused about which way to go and how to move there is a precision and there is a clarity coming from you you are necessary in this house and God is about to begin to use you differently from how you thought father stir the gifts of God deeply within him in the name of Jesus of Nazareth my man with this I think is a satchel that contract you stay right there I'll come to you father let that contract come to him in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I see there is there is a there is something you're expecting but there is also something you're not expecting and the thing that you're not expecting that's going to happen it's going to change your world forever there is a very large home that you're going to buy and I see that God's gonna open up this house for you to do things in that house that you would you don't want credit for it's almost like you want to help people without them knowing it and you want to minister to people without the attention God's gonna give you even as it were like a property to begin to minister to men and to begin to share your story and I also see where there is something going on around you with TV and film something is about to change in your life and get your bunny move and such great philanthropy that it's going to save so many lives get ready something is also coming to you with the mayor's office your name is in the wind your name is in the wind get ready and the Lord said to tell you you're gonna tour high schools you're going to tour high schools you're getting ready to be launched out like an era of deliverance and he's not waiting to next year he's doing it this year come on put those hands together for Jesus all over this building come on put those hands together for the Lord all over this building come and train father just thank you for the promotion and the spirit I don't know what what's going on but just thank you for the promotion and the spirit that there there was a time when you were shy and timid about the anointing that was on your life and you were more confident in the things you do well but there is a real-life anointing that's getting ready to flow through your life and there is an authority that you have that you don't know you're gonna be one of them ones in this church that easily cast out devils begin to devour begin to read on on the Ministry of deliverance and the Ministry of spiritual warfare and you're going to find that not only did you escape the pol the lion and escape the paw of the bear you became a hunter he became a holy hunter Lord give him authority over scorpions and over serpents and over the powers of darkness because he's kept his heart low before you give him great power and great authority there is a promotion coming in this house for you I see where God's bout to put more responsibility on you but I heard the Lord say in the last season you were afraid of responsibility he said that you have nervous about failing and responsibility but God has delivered you from the power of excuses and he's gonna set you in the the flow of authority that's been ordained for you I loose it on you in Jesus name I put those hands together put on all over this building this is probably why I need to come back as up this turn into a flow line my man rubbing your hands but just lift your hands right there your living situation is turning immediately but baby I see where you are in a very stressful home environment and it has been very frustrating to you because you don't have your own but God is about to move you out of sharing into stewarding your own thing it's right to happen and the Lord said to tell you he will never be homeless again it will never be that you are laying on a couch ever again but God's gonna move you into some immense favour and it's happening immediately and I see a unpaid debt as it pertains to school I see a large amount that's kept you out of the amount of classes that you need the Spirit of God says I'm gonna move upon a woman in the next couple of weeks and they're gonna remove the debt for you because of your heart [Applause] [Applause] don't move Massa Jessica paster Jessica there is an anointing coming upon you there is a promotion on this entire staff I don't have the time puffs at all there's a strong promotion and the Lord says this next season of your life is gonna be the mentor ministry you're going to begin to work hard to cultivate the potential not just in women but also in men your ministry is potential you've been in a lot of questions about the specialty but the niche that God gave you you're like you are right but that comes easy yeah add to administration but that comes easy I want to know more and God want you to know that the gift that he's given you is called potential and what that means is that you're gonna design it in people you're gonna design it in processes you're gonna discern it in places it's more than just telling people what they're good you're gonna be used like a strategist to get the treasure out of the earth and vessel and from this there's going to be several tracks of mentoring the anointing God is putting the discipleship anointing on you Huntsville is in need of a ministry to mature men and what God is gonna do is place a word in your mouth even in your teaching that is appalled to maturity now that's your calling to this church but your calling to the body of Christ is a Ministry of maturity I hear the scripture in the book of Hebrews let us go on to perfection God is gonna make you a godly perfectionist and you're gonna be an apostolic prophetic editor not just up the text better written on paper but you're gonna help me edit and revise their lives you're gonna help people to see that they not properly punctuated their stories and in places where they put periods they should have put commas and you're gonna put exclamation points where they were question marks and God's gonna give you that anointing to be a me a woman who scribes destiny out of man out of women and out of the downtrodden and out of the oh oh I don't know why this is but God said get ready oh lord have mercy I see the transgenders I see that God is about to sin a demographic of people to this church and it is your job to make sure they are not bullied that they are not sought that they are not judged and you stand up and be like the Midwife on to them you're gonna find that some of your greatest miracles come from people that the church cursed double-booked oh I feel the anointing boys I shall feel the anointing coming in here [Applause] [Music] there is a stick here there is a stirring up the gifts of the spirit at this place lift your hands man it is it is it is a strong spirit of Prayer but but it has been from the place of struggle and it's been from the place of lack and loss now you're gonna pray from the strength of a son you will no longer cry out like a slave but there is a trump of God coming in your mouth and the powers of poverty that I wanted to have you in English cycles for the last several years of your life God's breaking them today by the power of his spirit and the assignment of prema to a death is not going to come against you but God's gonna use you literally to usher travail out in this place and it's going to happen God said because you would not allow your family to control you you ran into great difficulty about your decision to align with this anointing but God's gonna make sure that you stay in sync with what he's doing father let the anguish of prayer the lanes of prayer brand-new sounds and phrases to come out of him and even days days of weeping to come through him and you're going to move in his life and the Lord says there's some stuff that's about to happen where God's going to settle dysfunctional issues round about you and you and you're not going to have a fear that everybody you love you lose God's calling you out of grief son in the name of Jesus he's pulling you out of grief he's pulling you out of grief with his Greek Sunday is it August Saturday fourth I heard the Lord say prepare and I'm done but there's coming a movement among fraternities the Spirit of God is about to use people with Greek affiliation to bring revival if they're gonna call me a false prophet and say that I'm in a witchcraft all that stuff but you hear what I'm telling you there is something so evangelistic that's about to break out among Greeks that it's going to be unreal it's going to be like smoke God's gonna begin to creep into meetings through tears through frets those of you that don't do the destructive sides of it fine but God is about to challenge very many of you to start to minister to people in sororities and fraternities there's going to be dramatic turnarounds doing step shows watch and see what God does God's gonna give a sign and a wonder through Greek organizations and it's going to be that because that was a mission field that the church didn't discern he's going to use people who were just bold enough to go in to snatch men out woo I feel like God's doing that and it's going to be whew it's going to be where festivals and things that used to be filled with hedonism are not going to be filled with questions about holiness they're going to want to know how to get more out of life and those of you that have had your lives changed and I've had your lives turned around you will become like written epistles that literally men will follow and get saved and deliver because of what they've seen you do how do you believe that come on I really believe God's gonna do that [Applause] the Lord wants you to know that indecision is a decision something is going on where God can get you to make the decision he wants you to make and it's because of pressure this family pressure it's peer pressure it's performance pressure it's former church pressure God's breaking that pressure off of you today and he's restoring your peace your peace now you're gonna feel something leave your body you spirit of condemnation come out of them in the name of - I command the power of condemnation of embarrassment of shame to be broken off of him in the name of Jesus and I release the righteousness like a full righteousness by faith in the name of Jesus Christ you will not play condemned you won't preach condemned you you won't witness condemned you won't talk to your family no more condemned there is a power of glory that's gonna break condemnation off of you in Jesus name come on put those hands together for the long [Music] [Applause] [Music] come here Kelly God's calling you to deliverance ministry you're you're doing what you should be doing and you're in what you're anointed to do but there's another call there's another call and he's calling you into deliverance ministry there there are depths of darkness that you've seen you've seen the other side from things appearing to you and messing with you you know what's over there and this is what the enemy has hated you because you know the truth but the day is come I says 61 is coming on you and it's going to beat at the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for he hath anointed me and you're going to terrorize hail he and guess by laughter but also by the power of faith God has given you a ministry to break fear off of people it's going to be that in conversation even your discernment God's given you a gift of discerning of spirits and it's why you can be petty it's because you discern things that everybody knows but don't say but that discernment is about to be sharp and what God is gonna do is teach you how to connect the root to the fruit and men's lives you're gonna be able to identify that this is why you run to that and or that it's gonna be easy it's gonna be like math to you and the Lord wants you to know whatever is going on with this that you are not robbed of an inheritance I know it seemed as if nobody set up or saved for you and you had to work on your own but there is something fresh an inheritance that doesn't come from men and inheritance that doesn't come from a family even an inheritance that does not come from jobs or or community centers there's going to be a fresh inheritance and you will no longer be seen as an orphan or something that just stumbled on a random door but the privilege is here the grace the power of you're gonna walk in it powerfully and men are gonna say you're acting funny you're acting weird we know the real you but God said as abyss very moment that is the old you Father unknowing to him but no exam I know hm I put a hatred for Hell so deep in him let it break out accidentally in restaurants in schools and his java let it break out profoundly in his life he ignored it liver it's in Jesus name my man in the white I want God wants you to know he did come here God won't come here let me put my head on your head God wants you to know he's not mad at you he's waiting on you the issue with you and God as you stay close enough to not feel his wrath but far enough to not know what he feels God wants you to know it's time for you to come close and here's your problem church people hurt you I don't know what the story is or what happened but you have very strong experiences with the way religious judgment works and so you give God a strong eighty and and and that 20 percent that you're not giving has become the source of your torment but God is commanding today there is not an area of your life I don't want I don't know anything about you but the Lord says if you give me 100 percent you'll be 100 percent healed that's what he told me he said you're not going to die oh I wish I had help come on you will not die if you give him a hundred percent he will heal you 100% I wish you it don't crazy in here [Applause] I wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] miss drew miss drew there is a very strong prophetic anointing on you I've never seen it before today and I didn't know that that was what's going on with you but you've never been crazy you've never been crazy you've always heard from the Lord this thing is about to go from intuition to sight there are decisions and there are movements and there are people and there are problems that you used to listen to your gut on but God wants you to know you're not gonna listen to your gut anymore you're going to move in the seven spirits of God divine counsel is coming to you and there are people that are going to come in this church that have been targeted and scheduled for death that unless they receive a word about why they should live they're going to be arrested by death but the Spirit of God is going to stir revelation in it and right now you like if I dream it I know it's coming to pass but you've not seen anything it's not just the dream sweetheart is about to be the voices that are around the throne it's going to be the knowledge of God the burdens of God you will be arrested and not able to sleep until the intercessory pain leaves you and God said that you've not wanted it's almost been like you prefer to be a consultant you want to hit it and move at will but God says he's about to take this gift out of your control and he's gonna convict you deeply about the anointing of God that is on you it is a prophetic ministry but it's also a counseling ministry and the Lord said I wanted from you because your momma wouldn't give it to me I tried to get through her and she would not yield but I found one woman that would be yield and now I'm coming full strength like a rushing wind like a rushing wind like a rushing wind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen thank you lord but whatever you're doing for whatever you're doing yeah that's all I got father send more leaders here send ready-made leaders bring some bring-bring senior pastors that don't want to pastor anymore let let there be mergers of ministries but gonna shake this city do it by your spirit raised up intercessors those that wrestle and war pray and cry and defend this place and this house and the spirit in the name of Jesus glasses you take your place take your place take your place [Applause] the men listen to what I'm telling you and I'm so tired I need to leave but I just can't turn it off right now the men of this house have stepped into something there is a portal like an authority y'all of line there is a noticeable difference where you step you've been escorted into a realm of supernatural activity that's gonna happen in every area of your lives I'm taking the men it's going to be very powerful step into your place son you've got a the heart of God but you need to take the positioning now your motive is pure there has been a question in your heart about not wanting to do stuff with the wrong motive but the Lord wants you to know your motive has been laid before him your motive for ministry your motive for relationship but there is a positioning that God's trying to do with you in this house that's gonna start with you seeing yourself the right way walk in righteousness you don't have to earn it it's done by faith and the enemy keeps trying to disqualify you for a reason he knows that God has called you to be a qualifier and so he's always in your ear about what you ain't worth and what's not right and what ain't time and even whatever the story is of you know what I'll just say this one I want to make anybody mad sometimes God blinds who you are to people it's not that they don't support you and it's not that they they sleep on you God makes sure that the wrong people can't see it you been in grief about somebody who would not cultivate it and the Lord wants you to know that he blinded the eyes of an Eli so that he wouldn't I get the glory about what's coming next in your life take your place then as you do you're going to find that the wisdom you desire is going to come to you very soon and you will be as a man and you're not going to have tomorrow and there's going to be a way out of these debts that are keeping you away from this business practice father that favor come to him in the name of Jesus let favor come to him I what's your name man Jamarcus I want you to know God is so proud of you lift your hands and I want you to know why God is proud of you God wanted you to know he's he's showing me how it took him so much to get you to believe him again he went through great lengths to see to it that you would try him again after everything you experienced and after that thing happened with your father there was so much disappointment that it was hard to get him to prove to you that he was not like them and now that you've at least attempted to realign your heart with his God's gonna bless you there's going to be oh you're gonna have to learn now how to discern opportunists cuz you're getting ready to sit at some tables with some people that are not our skin color they're going to be people of different ethnicities and there's something even going on with you France or some stuff like that you get ready to take some trips and God's gonna give you some some arrangements at some tables and it's not gonna because you deserve it it's gonna be because he decided you don't have to earn his love you don't have to earn his love you don't have to earn his love he's decided it for you come on give the Lord some glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's going to be that everything you didn't accomplish last year you're going to be able to do it this way the deadlines are changing the timeframes are changing the partnerships are changing and God is about to cause what you feel like are miss moments to come all the way back around there's a verse in the Bible about the prodigal son and the Bible says that after he had decayed his authority and he went to play with pigs and all of that stuff the Bible says this and he came to himself and he came to himself he realized that everything he was working for was already set up for him you come to your self and now God is about to sharpen sharpen sharpen your eyes concerning your relationships concerning that that is around you that is not for you and he's gonna begin to give you the wisdom on how to move and how to distance yourself and you're gonna realize that there's several relationships that you're more committed to than they are committed to you and you're gonna realize that it's gonna take for you to pull back to see what a thing really is father give this man the wisdom that he needs for his relationships in the name of Jesus and you see even this concern on his heart about this geographical thing this this relocation or not Lord give him wisdom on what you want him to do and keep him in the end the end and the safety of your perfect wheel and plan for him in Jesus name Amen all right god bless you I love you Pastor a be happy birthday turn up come on can we give God some praise celebrate our apostle come on can we celebrate opossum I joke with him quite often and tell him how he's not human he's not to be able to preach and then prophesy that accurately preaching is already draining enough and to do what he does and I just appreciate him laboring with us and for us he will actually be back soon in the next month or two we have some things that we're going to do here and I'm so excited what you guys do not know is that the whole thing of revival as confirmation I've been meeting with the staff about revival for the past three months been saying I was gonna do it now put it off and like all we need to do three days and then I put it off and I was like you know I think I even told the church that we need to do spontaneous I was like I'm gonna hitch out with just revival days and and but the challenge that I was having that I didn't tell the staff is the time in which that I wanted to do it and won't he send your spiritual father to come and confirm what time you need to do your life and and it's it's just amazing to see and to be a part of a movement that believes in the prophetic and that hears the voice of God and so for you all that stuck with us we have you know we do our family dinners where we buy plates from those that cook and all the other type of stuff so if you if you want a home-cooked meal before you go home please go back to the back Gracie's and Kenny is back there cooking yeah y'all know Gracie's and y'all know Kenny so chef Kenny so you all you know get your home-cooked meals they got menus and all that good stuff and even for my vegan people they have a option for vegan back there candy does yeah yeah glory to God god bless all of y'all that's not my story and will not be I love I love real ice cream and real cheese amen amen praise Him you need to come from a cow amen Blue Bell ice cream is my friend and it is it is and they got the Holy Ghost in it it is annoying too it is anointed so but before we before we leave we're gonna do this real quick I was gonna I was gonna do a special offer for apostle but I'm not what I am going to challenge you to do is that this week you saw a lunch or a dinner into somebody randomly find someone Sagat put somebody on your heart it could be your friend whatever just cash at them say hey I'm gonna buy your lunch today I want to buy you dinner whatever it is what what what are we trying to do I want people to know that when God places and I want you to know that when God places someone on your mind or on your on your heart it is not by coincidence a simple seed in that moment it could be you could send them ten dollars say hey you know get you a little egg salad some don't they be heaven you can send them ten dollars and in in in that moment you don't know where that person is but that is a reminder that God spoke to somebody concerning me we have to be here meet here me Church we have to be more intentional about reaching out to who God places on our hearts at random times you will say stuff like oh I pray for them I reach out to them later or I see them on Instagram or whatever you have to be more intentional God does not play somebody on your heart by coincidence when you are a believer nothing gets back coincidence do you hear what I'm telling you so I want you to be more intentional instead of sowing NCE I'm gone so I want you to sow it into somebody this week please y'all hear me our nation's I know y'all gonna do it stop trippin all right lastly called life caught a reconnect caught a partner we're gonna do it real quick if you come and come now if you want just stand everyone stand cuz we're gonna do this and we're gonna dismiss you if you desire Christ I don't leave any service without doing evangelism I'm sorry it's just who I am but if you desire to be saved if you want to reconnect with Christ or if you want to join this church if you believe this is a church for you this is where you know that you're supposed to be this is the ministry that she wants to be a part of if this is you I want you to make your way come on just come right now just come right now just come right now just say yo like forget all forget all the other stuff I'm coming right now just come on come on come on don't wait for your neighbor don't wait for your friend don't wait for your cousin gonna wait for your auntie don't wait for your mama and daddy just make sure you make a decision today that today I'm going to change my life forever if this is you just make your way just make your way just make your way y'all only got to look at them turn around yeah I don't like that they remind me of Baptists days where we use like with the hopes that somebody approved me I know we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] girl you got a whole community that's been a bum bars you they love you girl alright look at your neighbor Asha neighbor hey neighbor you want me to walk with you come on ask your neighbor don't don't don't hang bougie now we didn't start it together cried together come on come walk to this altar [Music] [Applause] make a decision make a decision come on [Music] our our nation's we have one for Carter life [Music] [Applause] we have one to reconnect [Music] and we have for to partner with this great church [Applause] so we thank each and every one of you now I'm been belonging to me we thank God for each and every one of you here making a decision that you made today is a has been a long day but it has been an amazing day and so because you stuck around you made this decision we believe that is gonna change your life ever because you were obedient to what God told you so if you would if you follow this young lady right here she's gonna get some information from you guys especially you come on can you give it up a down [Music] all right so for everybody else thank you so so so very much for sticking around for being apart my intercessors team y'all got a list of stuff to pray I don't you so so but one thing apostle told me this a while ago he said whenever you are getting over he says that word may knock you down that word may make you cry he says but when you get up immediately he says when you come to consciousness he says survey the room to see who was in partnership with what you received you have to be very careful because there that's when who has your best interest at heart will be shown there'll be people they claim that they pray for you but why you getting the word be sitting down with a disgruntled look on a face how was that happening for them what's going on there you need to pay attention he told me this a lot so he said pay attention to those who celebrate you when you're getting the language for your future and so I'm not telling you to survey I'm telling you that you should be excited about the word that you received even if it was one-on-one or if it was the blanket over the church you should be excited about the future of All Nations Huntsville I said you should be excited about the future of All Nations Huntsville you [Music] you
Channel: GWU TV
Views: 23,442
Rating: 4.890625 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Stevenson All Nations Worship assembly Dr. matthew Stevenson One day at a time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 17sec (6317 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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