IN | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Bring Me A Minstrel

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we're in a new series call in and the what we're studying is the power of praise and worship excuse me I said what we're studying is the power of praise and worship okay now y'all sound like somebody else Church for a minute what we're studying is the power praise and worship because there is power in praise and worship and the cheapening of that truth is behind I think a lot of ills both individually and corporately in men's lives is because people stagnate at praise and worship but God is growing us devotionally and he's dealing with us devotionally there's a place called whole heartedness that God is trying to carry you into because of what he's got planned for your life and you get there by praising worship and this morning we took off a powerful start to this in the Book of Psalms the word in is mentioned several hundred times and it's all in relationship to praise and worship and when you study praise and worship you realize that prayer should never be excluded from the discussion it's a part of praise and worship but the objective of praise and worship is to take you in enter into his gates with Thanksgiving come before the Lord would pray all of those transitional terms that talk about how to go in which means that the presence of the Lord is some where you need to make a regular intention to be and the people of the Lord said a man we're going to be going to 2nd Kings chapter 3 there is a word from the Lord this is seeking season and this is hearing season we are seeking God because we want to hear him and we're going to start by journeying into praise and into worship and in 2nd Kings chapter 3 I want to take you all the way we'll start at verse seven and I'll read and then we'll get to our point for today the second Kings the third chapter verse seven it says that he went and sent to Jehoshaphat the king of Judah saying the king of Moab have rebelled against me will now go with me against Moab to battle and he said I will go up I am as thou art my people as thy people and my horses as thy horses and he said which way shall we go up and he answered the way through the wilderness of Edom so the king of Israel went and the king of Judah and the king of Edom and they fetched a compass of seven days journey and there was no water for the hosts look at me it is important that you realize that we have been called to a dehydrated generation there was no water for the hosts or for the cattle that followed them and the king of Israel said alas the Lord had called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab but Jehoshaphat in his wisdom and prior experience said is there not here a prophet of the Lord that we may inquire of the Lord by him one of the goals of God's presence is in crewing one of the goals of God's presence is inquiry God is not offended by the questions you have did you hear me what I said God has not disrespected or offended about the questions you have and one of the king of Israel servants answered and said here is elisha the son of shaphat which poured water on the hands of Elijah and Jehoshaphat said the word of the Lord is with him what a reputation so the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him and Elisha said unto the king of Israel what about it do with you get your mama's prophets go get your daddy's profits and the king of Israel said unto Him no the Lord have called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab and Elisha said as the Lord of Hosts liveth before whom I stand if it not were for the fact that I respected your hosts offend I wouldn't look at you or talk to you but now bring me a minstrel and it came to pass when the minstrel played that the hand of the Lord came upon him and he said thus saith the Lord make this valley full of ditches for thus said the Lord you shall not see when neither shall ye see rain yet that Valley shall be filled with water that ye may drink both ye and your cattle and your beasts and this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord he will deliver the Moabites into your land father helped me to preach this in the name of Jesus amen first of all hello second of all it is historic fact that music is a part of every man even the non-musical have music in them but you don't know is that a part of your phlebotomy which is your blood science and blood makeup is one of the ways they determine your blood type is by its rhythm it's not just by its density it's a by how fast or slow it moves music is in you and there is a sound even to your heart called beat your heart beats it beats there is humming and you're breathing there is cadence in your step you cannot escape the power of music if I was gonna take that deeper you also cannot escape the influence of music in the universe scientists proven that a part of the stars survival is their song good good li moogly the Stars have literal melodies now I know that we're used to glaring at them and we're used to looking at them but a part of how they thrive in those ghastly environments is that they sing one to another this is about the Book of Psalms it's not lying to us when it tells us the heavens declare his glory and the earth declares his wonder that's not theoretical of it it is a literal thing that God loves music so much that he put it in the universe when birds want to communicate about how their days are going they chirp when ads want to signify what they're going to do they emit notes from their being so as to call to whoever is behind them so that the order in the ad family is not disrupted by whatever the first is singing there are songs all around you if you have not paid attention to the sound of the ocean and the deep resonance in the bellies of the earth something about music moved God so much that he never wanted to be away from it when you read your Bible you read it from Genesis to Revelation mm-hmm-hmm but that's not exactly how it goes by the time we open up Genesis there is a society there is activity and there is history before Genesis there were things that were going on before God created the earth but I get it because of the system Yury creation as if it's the beginning of God's narrative and it's actually the middle Genesis is the middle of the story the beginning of the story is a lot like Revelation but you're now used to that yes I'll say that it's not until we get to the book of Revelation that we find out what Jesus was doing before he left heaven to become a man but he was doing some things in his pre Curnutt self that had abled him to come and be made manifest and a part of what was going on in the Book of Revelations in every chapter was singing and song they were singing Hallelujah I feel glory salvation and glory they were singing in Revelations for worthy is the one who is going to open the scrolls that those were not future songs there were ancient songs of the eternal existence of the smarts and the logic of God that predates the earth in other words music is older than the world the anthem was here first the song was here first the melody was here first and I can prove that because when Lucifer the covering cherub was born on his birthday the present that I don't I gave the most powerful cherub I know y'all people say he was a choir director but he was not stop lying there was no need to direct the choir he was the choir the Bible's saying easy chill on the day he was formed tablets and saw mystery was developed for his body in other words the way you wear jewelry and the way you wear your hair was how Lucifer wore musical concepts before they became instruments they were concepts it is because of how God dressed Lucifer that any musical tactician has the capacity to hear and conceptualize what an instrument could do because of what was around his body and because his job was to guard the glory what it shows us is wherever there is glory there is a sound music music music music lyricism saw mystery I'll help you in a minute because I know you can't sing but music saw mystery lyricism is the primary way epochs are respected eras are revered moments in history are not just known by their politicians as a matter of fact many of you would know more musical icons than political icons if I were to say to you Smokey Robinson or if I were to say Mahalia Jackson your heart without you even knowing it would emit certain writing sayings and so let me prove that to you the civil rights era is known by the music that it produced but one of the most of us could only name about three activists but if I would have called out the songs written sure the way God built you wants to remember the sound of the season if I were to call out [Music] real or not do-do-do-do-do moss of you in your mind pay attention would go back to where you were when you first heard it or where you were when something came upon you and then when you look at a record-breaking icon breaking statistic breaking phenom I mean a Zenith like Michael Jackson who would literally show up into a place and before he's saying people were collapsing and falling out and he went to the ends of the earth that ain't just music that's a minstrel you'll appreciate this yet I'm trying to show you that the minstrel has always been a part of our history as people I'm gonna also prove to you that a part of your identity is the music you've been exposed to you don't believe it but where do you think the feminist movement came from where do you think the perversion and the anti marriage movement came from where do you think pro-choice and where do you think all of our political issues they are all upheld by the anthems that promote them because God thinks like this when I want to get information into the human species I put it to song I could give it to them in a sentence but there's gonna be something that the sentence is not big enough to handle so what I'll do is I'll put the scissors to a song and I'll make them sing this whole whatever you need to remember something you don't remember it by saying it you remember it by singing it and I can prove it ABCD like preaching hijk LMNOP QRS TUV wxy see and now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me now you could have learned the alphabet by tracing and you could have learned the alphabet by by by by hearing somebody else but the way we all know how to read and the way we know how to talk and the way we know how to relate is before we could read we could sing and so because we would respond to the song the song told us what to see and the song told us what to say and the song taught us how to structure our communication to comprehend where we were going to be reading I present to you my brothers and sisters and easy way for the devil to attack the nation is to corrupt it psalmist's you don't hear me in here a very common way for the devil to bring death on a nation is to pervert her minstrels the psalmist's the the minstrels are the poets of a time that uphold her values and uphold what's going on and the happenings of that day every political candidate got a theme song every basketball team got a theme song there is no such thing as a team without a tomb something turns up in you and here's why the mechanics of music is a mood it's gonna help you in a minute the mechanics of music is a mood if you don't know how important mood music is then you ain't never been to the bad chambers on Barry White y'all don't want to go there with me oh if you help me it'll bless you in the air there is something about the base that Barry had on that immediately switches to mood if if you're not a Barry White fan then put on a little Stevie Wonder if you ain't never known what it is to be romance because there is a ribbon in the sky do you all know what you're doing season we didn't do the birthday sex things because STDs is real so before we start saying happy birthday with sex we were doing a little bit more romancing if you look at musical progression you see that as the values changed as the wars change as the gods changed so did the sow we land on second Kings three in a very dark time well there is a new king who does evil in the sight of the Lord but the evil that this King does is not the evil of his mother or his father you see his mother and his father's evil was to erect idols unto other gods but Jeroboam evil was not only did he take down his mother and father's idols he just didn't put another one in their place his mother and father were responsible for erecting them when he came into rule he took them bow but he left the gods seat empty he left the gods seat vulnerable he left the place of sovereignty open for occupancy and whenever you've got a people a place a church where nobody knows who's God you got a lot of things that are allowable in a godless place in a godless family in a godless career he did an evil thing in the side of the Lord although he came for the other gods he did not acknowledge a brand new one and all of a sudden when it was wartime he got discouraged and he got fainter because he was always outnumbered and the Bible says in the Book of Chronicles that whenever a king does evil in the sight of the Lord that the Lord arouses an enemy he stirs an enemy because nothing gets our attention like oppression if you don't believe me if you don't your God through relationship hardship goes up a little higher because that's how you resolve to let them hear you so there are three kings now and this King decides man we're gonna be defeated these three kings are gonna take us the Moabites are going to have us this is the worst way to go the worst way to go down until Jehoshaphat who has prior experience with the power of music and the power of prophecy and the power of praise gives insight to Jehoshaphat let me just stop there and make an observation if you're going to receive counsel from anybody they better be a worshiper I understand that we are in the season when ninjas are selling advisor and marketing advisor and giving you unsolicited advice but the best wisdom comes from a worship rocket here I said the best wisdom comes from a worshiper but the presence of God is in the building and you distract it I want to hear nothing you got to say your data is unreliable what you are saying is Google Apple it's not fresh it's not how off the pressure cuz you don't know his presence but when a man or a woman of God has a right response to the presence of God they're gonna become the conduit of information that you ain't never considered before and therefore a man or a woman that knows his presence can help you protect your perspective but when a man or woman don't know his presence they're gonna bring perversion in your perspective glory to God and so Jehoshaphat walks up to this King driven says I know exactly what you need to do you at a crossroad and you are outnumbered and something is trying to get your attention but whenever you want God to interrupt an emergency situation and whenever you want God to intervene you need an answer it's a dangerous thing to proceed beyond the principle the principle for your progress is more important than your progress you gotta get out of your mind and you're just trying to get ahead for the sake of getting a hand and you're just trying to move forward for the sake of moving forward the spirit of God in the month of August is going to visit your reasons and I believe what God is doing is realigning men and women with right reasons I'm talking to your parish because there's a lot of good things you want for the wrong reasons and God wants to make sure that through the power of praise I do the power of worship that there is integrity in your reasons I know you don't believe that this is true but motives matter to God are doing really good stuff really noble supper but the foundation I'm working in here the premise I'm working in here the beginning point I am working in here is a long mood I want a person has a wrong motive that they want you to believe is right the way you test the motive is worship you got to be able to bring the reason into the presence of God because the presence of God will chest the heart the presence of God real pride and a motive if you ever think somebody has wronged motor tore you up watch them in praise and watch up and worship and what they want will show up in worship oh yes so Jehoshaphat starts counseling him and he tells them I want you to find the Prophet we need to be in a position to ask the right questions next observation you cannot afford in this season of your life come look at somebody and say ah come on tell them you two over that you cannot in this season assume your answers I feel like preaching we are in a generation of know-it-alls we got a bunch of coaches and a bunch of live people I mean we go to the gym and we got all kind of people in our you gotta get you guys so now you got your adrenaline going on by somebody filling your head with hot air around the factors of your reality and now you're gonna take on this super this superhuman position again stuff that'll wear you out if you're not ready I yeah cuz I know you don't want to believe this but readiness is still important to your future and there's a lot of things God got prepared for you that you ain't ready for but you don't want to hear and God is looking for people that would allow him to grow their readiness and a part of how God grows their readiness is he shapes a man's perspective while a man is praising him he shapes a man's views while a man is worshiping him now these kings are overwhelmed and they're getting ready to go to Elisha the prophet because they have questions they have questions they have questions I don't know about you but I've got just a few they don't want to help me preach Justin I've got some questions now I know there's always an answer to every question but I know if anybody's gonna have the answer I know if anybody's gonna know the way I know if anybody's gonna help me think this through appreciate your big mama appreciate your auntie name appreciate your nurses border I know I can find my way in worship Oh God if you ever find it difficult to find your way and figure out how to get out of anything the wrong thing to do is to go to su foo Yoong and find a cookie the right thing to do is to put that porch and cook it down and get you about three feet on a corner and dance so times get better worship until you feel like you want to and give yourself a time to get drunk before him so he can lead you through I have questions I have questions I have questions I have confirmation but I still have questions I have some sighs I've seen some trends but I still got some questions now there are people who want you to think that questions are immature and there are people that want you to believe that to question God is to insult his sovereignty but if you know God for real the question brings you PO so why won't you go with me it's not a sign of your distance it's a sign of your desire to come on in to the closer and I feel like 4/10 of you in here God I said come on another closer when you getting to know somebody you don't sit there in silence you give them a list y'all don't want to help me when you went to your last job you didn't sit there with your arm closer you say what's your name what's this company about the question draws you up closer to the possibility and the questioner is the doorway to the greatest realm of intimacy jug's I got a degree 3 but I got some questions I got good credit I got thousands of people that look to hear what I'm saying but when I'm before the Lord I'm a complete dummy I empty myself of all assumption I empty myself of all suspicion I empty myself of all of that and I've come to God like I don't know nothing I've come to God I don't know nothing on the earth or no I don't know who today is I don't know what the president he is where you are behind the fountain up you don't go with a full picture that's why you're not getting what you need you too proud to empty yourself get rid of our triple you gotta get rid of Hebrew you got to get rid of Greek you got to get rid of denomination you got to get rid of dogma and you got to go empty and he he he will fail come on tell somebody I got questions I've got question look at somebody's I've got questions I'll God when the heart starts to sprout questions it's a sign that the future is closer than it was yesterday you can't be content and have questions and so when the questions start coming up in the heart it's a sign that your life has changed and something is changing and you've yet to realize David said one thing one thing one thing one thing one thing have I desired of the Lord preaching there grow and that's the same thing I'm going to seek after I'm going to seek it because I desire it but the seek is not enough the seek is not the end pruder the seek is the means to the air you don't become a seeker just for being a seeker you become a seeker cuz there's something he wants to say and the more complex he's got to say the harder you got to seek it makes it make a whole lot of sense in our when David said as the deer at the heart up panted for the water so does my soul long for thee and when I get before you I'm not coming just to look at you I'm coming to listen to you God is raising up on listening people listening listening listening see oh that will I seek after that I may dwell it is temple to - to inquire this god knows the questions bring us close it's your prophet here that we can inquire of the Lord God says oh yeah Elijah he's around here and the word of the Lord is with him Edna no Elijah Elizabeth no Elijah Elijah Elijah I feel bad for all of you in here and the thousands of you watching me on Facebook live who are pursuing questions in a non prophetic house the way they preach and teach and bill is as if there are questions that you have to die with go to Elijah the word of the Lord is with him fine we'll go there they get there any license drink or a little lemonade got some women feeding him grapes and fanning them got a plate of mangoes and kumquats and pomegranates being walked around and no girl from coming to America is at the door whatever you like Elijah for his own entertainment as I bought like a dog and Mother's Day well the doorbell rings past the kidney Elijah said go and get the door the Kings come in and they say Liza shall we go up can we go up can we figure this out lie she ignores him because he lies just irritated with what he knows about him and he lies his mind he's and I know darn well you all conniving perverse backslidden trifling manipulative people and coming to me after you are only in place because of the perversion of your father I know you're not walking up on me don't you know I see you they come and they're like Eli should we we were desperate our questions have brought us to the point of desperation and Elijah is like okay that's fine go get your mama's prophets literally go get your daddies properly because remember I told you that his mama and his daddy erected idols unto other gods you heard that and didn't realize that every God has their own communications entity so you cannot have an idol and not have a false prophetic spirit in your life if you've got an idol something is talking to you in defense of that Idol everything you see and everything you believe is gonna be upholding the agenda of the thing you worship because if you worship it you give its word the right to you this is why the first commandment that came out of God's mouth was before we take this thing to the next level let me teach you this don't you ever worship anybody before me and God is not an insecure being so he was not just trying to protect his ego watch me he was trying to protect you from deception cuz he know the ways that idols work is that none of them are quiet every Idol that you have has its own conversation and your allegiance to it gives it the right to counsel you [Applause] I just say go you like she said go get your mama's prophets ain't got time he says now if you don't tell us what's going to happen these three kings are gonna be devoured by Moab look at me you will never have to only face an enemy from one direction your life purpose and potential enemies are going to always be posted at three angles you got stop trying to fight you from the past your mama's stuff your daddy's stuff your family stuff can I take this deeper yo cities stuff Chicago got a mafia demo so strong that is even in the preachers Chicago got a spirit of Al Capone over this city a bloodthirsty spirit that kills anything that threatens its reign and when something breaks out of it they hurry up and discredit it so that they can find their success in the city stuff will mess with you then you got stuff from the day stuff whose job is to keep you here how many of you know that one of the common distractions is a daily one I'll say that again one of the most common distractions is a daily one you got things that need your attention every day but when you start to mature in the things of God you'll end up realizing that you need to focus on today and the stuff that you're preparing for it's called godly preparation put my altar time up there if you don't believe me study what wisdom really is any wisdom that his past base is knowledge because it has to do with what you need for now the root world of knowledge is now but wisdom is future base it has to you with preparation for purple wars that have yet to come so in the book of Proverbs it's not a book of good advice it is a future manual that's why I teaches you how to deal with women and how to deal with men and how to deal with money because this is a guidebook and a text for the future that's coming and then you got some stuff behind the door wish I had time to preach because what they didn't tell you when they told you that doors are open is that it's a devil behind every door you don't want to have Church Paul said pray for me because there is a door that is open and the adversaries are many great some of you need help over the devil behind the door just cuz the door is open don't meters gonna stay that way you got something brand-new behind there like I'm Sheneneh right behind that door waiting for you but there is a way to get over all three of them enemies there is a way to find your leverage against a life not going right there is a way to get the answer that you need and contrary to popular opinion it's not just about your friends and it's not just about your mentors and it's not just about what you study it's not just about what you read sometimes it's about your music oh yeah oh yeah Elijah was not in the mood until the minstrel came I love the fact that Elijah's response to get over his personal agitation with the King was bring me a minstrel now we saw Elijah move on power prophecies all the time this guy was a bad dude I mean he can lift up his voice acapella and the beasts of the field would come and kill whoever he said he was nothing to play with he would lay on dead people and blow on and he needed no music then but when there was a stumbling block of his own perspective and when there was a barrier of what he thought about who was before him he said bring me a minstrel me immense tula i feel i working right through here there is before us a musical Renaissance going on because as a people we have been used to singing in our oppression we have sang to cope and we have sang to inspire but now we about to sing a different song you're gonna watch and see as songs come out the future you who write songs and music for God get ready your greatest stuff ain't even been born yet the angel roundabout the prong are singing your next hit what you got to do is find contact with any Liza that'll put pressure on your skill to make them sounds come out of you if you don't believe me I believe that as we get more minstrels and unknowing that musicians a part of what they're going to do is focus the nation up they're gonna teach the nation what to focus on up so Mis and minstrels are ministers of concentration this is why would you want to study you put on an orchestra which is basically music with no words because if you need to focus on what you're studying then all you need is a melody to set the beast at ease and if you don't believe me it'll quiet your mind it'll quiet your stress now that's personally I want to promise out what he's gonna do nationally I don't care what's going on in the White House God said watch and see all I deal with the nation's stress through a song I'm about to put a brand new song in America I'm about to put a brand new sound in Chicago and you're gonna once again see as people turn their attention away from the drama to the divine away from the sorcerer to the sovereign away from the witch to the one who rules bring me a minstrel bring me a minstrel now two things happen when the minstrel comes the minstrel comes and he says nothing he must have been good because they couldn't have brought the profit no crap they wasn't gonna bring him some person that was not skilled in their ability because it would have contaminated the environment put preach their minstrels and music our patrollers of environment and atmosphere I said minstrels and music are managers they have the ability to protect environment and atmosphere now you don't believe that bet is important but I want you to really think about what's going on in your heart because of the environment you're exposed to I want you to think about how easy it is to distract you when something is going on in your atmosphere and it's through the weapon of environment and atmosphere that encounter is beckoned when God wants to visit a man he gives them environment and he gives him my sphere he did it for John the Revelator he did it for the ark he did it for Adam before he talked he said he put certain colors up he gave them certain things to say because atmosphere is everything observation but I want to rebuke you about something you need to get control of your atmosphere I don't care what you got going on you are in control of your environment if you don't deal with the chaos in your house and the foolishness on your phone and the stupidity on the internet what you're gonna abort is your encounter the right atmosphere brings the right encounter the right environment brings the right encounter many of you need information from a visitation but it's under restriction because you too afraid to get control of your atmosphere surely next to you and say get control of it come on tell em get control Charlie up get control uncle Freddie ah get control come on open your mouth God is talking to you about the recklessness and your environment that's Mike ain't nobody get delivered up good environment is not conducive that's why I can't nobody be discipline er they got foolishness in their atmosphere but God is about to govern the atmosphere so I can do something in this atmosphere bring me a minstrel so I can change the temperature up in here bring me a minstrel because the route sound will bring the right season huh if I can sing myself into the right season uh then there are victories that all come to me that I hadn't imagined before the men still come makes no reputation of himself he just starts to do what he always does he plays truthfully now I'm gonna happen in two minutes number one something happened in Elijah where psychologically he was now in a place to see something it wasn't just spiritual it was mental and emotional he was now clear and listen listen listen detached enough from the situation to see what needed to be done many of us struggle with healthy detachment what around you are you just a little too close to that's costing you your peace are you the type of person that takes other people's problems personally somebody marries the wrong one and you man lies on somebody and you man falls into sin and your day is ruined you see the beautiful thing about devotion is that it keeps in healthy detachment now there is an unhealthy detachment as called abandonment but in healthy detachment you'd be packed so you're not impacted by the work you about to have to do I believe many of you are gonna lift your hands in this month to drop something up you gonna hate this ain't no y'all don't want to have church today I don't care what your kids do it up sometime they gotta learn all day on I don't care what your momma do it some time they gotta learn on their own it is not your job to be your daddy's God if you want to go to hell you gotta make up your mind the devil I got 48 seconds we'll always use demonic attachments to distract you when the menstral play Elijah backed up from the situation so he could see many of you are dealing with a life blurriness a relational blurriness because you are unhealthily attached to something you can't change but when you back up Oh y'all don't want to have Church you came to look at me hey y'all Kiki do you love me but you need to back up for perspective you need to back up so you can know how do I handle what's before me second thing that happened was that Jehoshaphat had now got these kings in a position to receive the information they needed to fight it is biblical principle that is lethal to begin your battle without the right information in the book of Proverbs the Bible says that by wisdom a man wages his war the minstrel Jason comes in and is so bad that from him to activities emit he settles the stress of the Prophet and he reinforces the soul of the king he lets the King know you can do this and lets the Prophet know you do see this all of that flows from the minstrel all he did was start playing and there was activity going on around him to get people ready for the battle now here's my real message now many of us read this and we say man that's powerful man the hand of the Lord came upon him but you know what we don't pay attention to pastor Tiffany is the actual prophetic word that was born what I love about what happened out of Elijah with these words I want you to go to the van go to the place of transition go to the place of death go to the place of dryness and I want you to go there on purpose ready for me right here and when you want you to take a shovel I want you to grab somebody said can you dig it come on say can you dig it say can you dig it because the song is giving you confidential the angels are not going to do it the wind is not going to do it up you about to work through this transition you about to get you a shoulder and plow I know you thought that you were gonna be worshiping and relaxing but there is a ditch to be dog in the place you're traveling through he said I want you to get it at Gigot I want you to dig there if you got to be there and watch if you will dig God will give the water he told them he told them you're not gonna see rain I feel like running this is starting to feel weird up here because you're not going to hear wind there will be no sign of anything but once you have done your diligence to dig in your marriage big in your church big in your degree program did your children and put labor the level you want to go on all of a sudden the dehydrated generation has now been watered because we did can you dig it God is looking for people who are not just gonna walk through it but they're gonna dig their way to it I'm gonna work my butt off for the purpose of God when I was going to hell now work for them when I was in seeing I work to stay there I'm not gonna talk to the kingdom up and be lazy I can be yet I can dig it good worship makes people work harder but you have to realize in context while this is a hard thing the Kings were tired they just got there from a long journey and the word of the Lord after the minstrel plays said go to the valley and dig ditches what he was telling them is I don't care how tired you are you have the right to be tired from what you've gone through but you've not won the right to be tired for what you're going to I respect the fact that you've been through a lot but it's still too small for the more you've got the face and you want the next levels blessings with the last levels pain tolerance and the next level success with the last levels relationships you want the next level trophies with the last levels of language you want the next several levels of victories with the last levels efforts after they dug it Bible says the king got around it and suddenly the water came the water chain here's what God promised to them and I'm about to go Elijah said if you will dig it water will come dr. joy and it will be a light thing for God the thing that you are most intimidated by I'm talking to you look at your life look at your future look at them prophecies if there is anything that intimidates you that God is saying it's a light thing for me it's supposed to look heavy to use but if you worship I'll show you it's a light thing for me what God did was bypass the clouds he bypassed the oceans he bypassed every natural system that was responsible for bringing water when he heard the music he gave the miracle and the miracle was streams in the desert rivers in the valley ways I want you to touch me people say it's a light thing open your mouth your tides they'll tell them it's a light thing come on if you gotta go across your room go find somebody who needs a miracle real quick and shake them till I miss a light paint come on obey me come on tell them it's a light thing your budget is a light thing your problem is a light that I want you to find somebody desperate if that little niche for you a mover excuse you're so calm that Aurora [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] music has contributed to your entire identity but a part of why God hey hey hey hey hey part of why God gives us access to that it's because the heart needs our outlet the mind needs an outlet the psalmist is basically somebody who doesn't hook up you ever got that friend who always trying to hook you up with somebody now traditionally I'm not that guy but lately I got too many unmerited y'all around here so I'm like yeah it'll work just figure it out okay the psalmist becomes a conversationalist between the spirit and soul it suspends the activity of the soul to allow the spirit the opportunity to speak which is why it's dangerous to be under the influence of a soulish psalmist because they can only speak for the parts of you that's already damned Psalm ISM is by nature a spiritual calling and a spiritual career because that person stands up and focuses your life and gives you an environment to do more than speed date I want you that's what the psalmist does as they see and the minstrel does as they play they allow for a room for you to be nobody's mama and I'm before God I nobody's daddy I know buddy's not when I'm before him you know what I have nothing and everybody leads that couple of seconds where they can be nothing cuz God ain't tried to heal the father in you he's not trying to deliver the mother in you he's speaking to you and dealing with you as his creation the Bible calls you his workmanship and worship relieves Oh God this could get so bad worship takes the pressure off of you and it gives you a reminder of who's in control bring me a minstrel I need music because this environment God is doing things around your house go go somebody go to hell the BJS office Britany lamp I'm just gonna pay God [Music] if ever ever you come to the place in your life where you are overwhelmed outnumbered frustrated here's a warning even if you are excited when people get excited about something and don't translate that excitement that you into praise or worship that excitement costs them their sobriety and that excitement ends up becoming their naivety and the devil uses when people are excited about to disappoint them so even when you get excited or you find anticipation the right response is to worship Him I said the right response is to worship Him I said the right response is to worship Him because then you don't take the glory and then you don't worship the provision and then you don't abase yourself before what he's doing bring me some oil
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 29,794
Rating: 4.8927612 out of 5
Id: bAdy9ZHrbns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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