Southern Mayo Biscuits - Soft & Fluffy - Old Fashioned Southern Cooking

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hey y'all it's Tammy with collared Valley cooks and today we're making something I've never had and that is a mayonnaise biscuit I'm super excited to try a viewer sent me the recipe and it starts out with two cups of self-rising flour now of course their recipe used plain but y'all know me and my white lily self-rising flour so I've got two cups of white lily self-rising flour and now it calls for a thir cup of mayonnaise a third cup I'm using my favorite blue plate you use your favorite so that's a third cup of mayonnaise going in all right a tablespoon of sugar and this is actually one a half tablespoon so I'm using two that's a tablespoon of sugar make you sweet and a cup of milk now we are using regular milk in this recipe and we're going to mix this up and graze our Skillet I'm gonna bring youall up a little closer so that you can watch me roll them all right and we're going to get them in a 450 degree oven all right we're going to grease an iron skillet our oven's preheated it just beeped right on time okay and I almost forgot an ingredient and that is a table spoon of melted butter let's go ahead and put it in here before we mix it up and then you're supposed to have some butter for brushing the biscuits later so I went ahead and melted a half of a stick of butter which is an eigh cup I believe all right let's mix these up so if you have a hard time cutting and shortening this is an easy way to make a biscuit because you just mix it up now some people do make biscuits with oil which is about the same thing I would think but now I've never done that either go ahead and do a pretty good job of putting that mayonnaise in there and get it mixed in there good now you can see this is pretty wet and we're going to be rolling this these biscuits so what I'm going to do and of course they don't tell you this in the recipe but we're going to take some extra flour sprinkle on it and kind of Pat it around a little bit fold it over put a little bit more flour on this side because you're going to have to have it uh good enough to roll and if it's really sticky you're not going to be able to hold it in your hand all right that's about right so that's about how you want it and that's about how a biscuit ought to look or the dough ought to look when you're just rolling biscuits even if you're cutting in short then so I'm going to show you how to roll these biscuits you do need some extra flour next to you and you're just going to pinch off about 2 and 1/2 inch section of it let me go ahead and flower my hands good get it in your hand and roll it and you can use your thumb and tuck in the creases so that what's left on the top is pretty and smooth and it's stuck to my hand because this is a wet dough pretty wet so we're just going to roll these up put them in our pan and you're going to have to continue with a sweater dough to put flour on your hands as you do this process and this is how the roll biscuit will look before you put it in the pan and so I'm just going to set this down here and keep going and we're going to do this pretty quick it is a wonderful and beautiful Saturday out there so it has rained down here in South Georgia all week long Chris and Paul have not got to fish hardly at all if you've got to watch any of these videos and so one day they went to Bass Pro Shop just to get out of the house cuz they just needed to get out of the house we were ready for them too as wives oh me we're going to get these to cooking and I'm going to have so many biscuits that I think I might make a biscuit uh bread pudding with them when I'm done since I already got a little sugar in them but they'd be good with bread pudding don't you I got about too much on that about got too excited and got too much of that one you just barely touch them when you roll them and it don't matter if they ain't perfect or if they don't look all of them look just alike it makes quite a few it's going to fill up the Skillet easy and then some I'm actually going to have uh more than I need a tiny bit more than I need we'll squeeze them in there okay now you're going to bake these at 450° and they're going to bake for about 15 minutes and then we're going to take them out and brush them with butter and bake them another five so I will take them out and show them to you we'll brush them with butter in 15 minutes and then we will um cook them another 5 minutes so here we go we're going to put them in the oven all right it's been 15 minutes so we're going to brush these with some butter and get them back in there for the last 5 minutes and they should be nice and toasty skill it is still hot okay we're going to put them back in there and I'll be right back when they're done now remember some mayonnaise does have garlic in it the mayonnaise that I use does not but your mayonnaise May and if your mayonnaise has garlic as an ingredient don't be surprised if they have a little bit of garlicy flavor which would make them really good to go with supper not so sure about breakfast but delicious for supper now mine don't have that because Blue Plate Mayonnaise and I don't believe Dukes has it either um but you can check out the ingredients on your manise before you decide to make a biscuit with it just in case it's a little savory for breakfast and it might be better off used for dinner all right here's our gorgeous biscuits and I mean they're gorgeous look at that y'all just gorgeous I'm going to flip them upside down so they don't sweat on the bottom and that's how I always do my biscuits okay I flip them upside down I want you to look at these mayonnaise biscuits they are light they are fluffy they are tall and they look good they look really good y'all those two are stuck together that's a beautiful biscuit y'all it's hot as a firecracker too how pretty that biscuit is I'll get me a black plate that'll be even prettier that's a pretty biscuit y'all now I'm going to taste them thanks to Brian for sending me this delicious recipe right and I mean they're beautiful I mean they are absolutely gorgeous nice and fluffy tall open right up just stuff look at there look at there yummy yum you know what I'm going to put in this one a piece of sausage with some mustard I just happen to have a piece of sausage and guess what I'm going to make with the rest of them I'm going to make some biscuit bread pudding yes I am I found a new recipe I going to try does that look good or does that look good or does that look like I need to eat it I won't taste the one with the sausage in it because I don't want to get burnt too bad I'm going open this one up and give a taste and I sure appreciate y'all watching color Valley Cooks it's a good biscuit and you can taste a little bit of sugar in it but it's good it reminds me a little bit of the biscuits that you get at Cracker Barrel as far as I think they might put a little sugar in there it's really good woo you never know what you're going to figure out I am 52 and I've never had a mayonnaise biscuit but I can guarantee one thing I'm going to make them again thanks for watching card Valley Cooks where we cook like Mom and [Music] Dad come back and see me [Music] now [Music] a
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 153,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collard valley cooks, mayonnaise biscuits recipe, biscuit recipe, mayo biscuits, mayonnaise biscuits, homemade biscuits, collard valley cooks biscuits, two ingredient biscuits, collard valley cooks recipes, biscuits recipe, 2 ingredient biscuits, how to make biscuits, southern biscuits, hillbilly kitchen, mayonnaise roll recipe, white lily, whippoorwill holler, making biscuits, homemade biscuit recipe, easy biscuit recipe, mayo roll recipe, biscuits recipe easy
Id: oO_1zonhTcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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