Homemade Cream Puffs - Profiterole or French choux pastry - Super Easy

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[Music] hey y'all I'm Tammy and this is collared Valley Cooks today we're making something that's just over the top delicious and that's homemade cream puffs stuffed with creamy vanilla filling and dipped in chocolate let's get started I have always wanted to make cream puffs and they're pretty simple I don't know why I had never done it but anyway you're just going to use a half cup of butter which is a stick and you're going to bring it to a rapid boil with a cup of water so the first thing I'm going to do is let that melt then we're going to add the water get it to Boiling then after you do that you add a cup of C Ed flour to it so I'm just going to go ahead and put the flour into my sifter we're going to add a little salt to it and there's salt in my butter as well so I'm not going to put a whole lot of salt in here doing good is that thing on there right it don't look like it does it I mean I just cleaned the stove so it's probably just acting a little weird I may need to brush them off with a wire brush whenever you're um elements if they ever start showing gold instead of blue when you're cooking Lord I turned the wrong knob see it's not doing as much now but you can brush brush it good with a brush take this top parts off and it'll get rid of a lot of that lots of times that's all you need to do okay cream puffs everybody loves them I know they do in my family you can eat them like an eclair and put chocolate on the top or make them just with cream in them and they're so good and almost everybody buys them at Christmas time but they get them out of the freezer section so I'm going to show you how quick you can make them at home today it's going to be simple and easy and y'all are going to be quite shocked at how fast they come together together you know I've never made them but I just looked at this recipe and it looks so simple I told Chris we're making some today we're going add a cup of water to that butter I'm goingon to put a lid on it and it's going to come to a rapid boil okay once it gets to a nice rapid boil we're going to sipped in our flour now some people would sip their flour in something else and just add it I'm probably just going to sift it in there then you're going to use um something and bead it until it comes away from the sides of the pot and I'm going to use this nice bread dough whisk when I get to that point [Music] [Music] all right all we got to do is wait on this to come to a nice Bowl it looks like it's already getting there look at there look at there quick quick especially with a lid now I want it to be all the way across bowling all the way across boiling get together okay looks pretty nice to me pretty nice to me here we go cup of plain flour with a little bit of salt cuz Salt's in my butter as well and now we're just going to stir it with this dough whisk and you're supposed to beat it until it forms a ball we're going to come back over here with it cuz I would imagine the cooler it gets then the more it's going to form the ball all right I'm going to use a spoon spurtle now you're going to add your eggs one at a time this is my first time y'all I have lymphadema in my arm I don't have enough strength in my arm just to beat this by myself and I've tried using different utensils and I'm just going to use a mixer and be done with it you're going to add each egg until it starts getting sticky again see how it turns sticky again so you're going to mix it in there not while it looks still separate like that but you got to stir it good until it's sticky just like that that'll be good that looks like bread D I'm trying to get it let go perfect consistency now for dropping it I'm going to spray this it's a little4 cup scoop and uh you can use a you're going to put these two inches apart on a cookie sheet and you can use a Piping Bag if you want to but I know everybody can scoop them out and not everybody can pop them so this is how we're going to make them today then we're going to make some delicious cream to fill them with and if you want them little like the ones you buy in the store you could use one of those really large um cookie Scoops or you know a smaller scoop I think I got a little more in some of these than others grab some from that one it's a real pretty dough and the consistency looks beautiful so I think we did it right y'all even if it did take a minute to figure it out you know what that's all right when you get in the kitchen sometimes it just takes a minute to figure stuff out I'm borrowing borrowing a couple this one's really little but we'll just let him be a little one or I might could scrape out enough if I try hard enough I get me a little thing to make that one just a little bit bigger yeah wonder if you could decorate them at all to make them look like they got design on them now we're going to make a delicious feeling to go in them all right girls these are not for you boy these are pretty y'all now that was an easy dessert it Rose The Heist look at that it's just so pretty I can pull this off and eat it this little piece for me all right now we're going to let them cool all the way down I'm going to pull them off this uh pan you pull this over here and let them slide off onto the cooling rack okie dokie this is easy you use a cup of milk one container of vanilla insted pudding the small 3.4 o you put your pudding in the cup of milk first and you mix that up you do it at a low speed so we don't splatter [Music] everything okay and now you're going to add two cups of whipping cream this is heavy whipping cream that's one two it's nice to mix this up in this four cup measuring cup because then you don't have to get anything dirty but one thing now of course I got to turn it up in a minute y'all but I just want it to get a little bit thick before I don't want to Splatter it it's pretty deep on my mixer so it shouldn't splatter too easy now you don't want to over whip it but you're going to check it it's not quite at a stiff peak yet um you don't want to over Whip It just a couple seconds more that's it very creamy and delicious for a cream puff and Chris has decided that's good that he wants to whip his and Chris has decided he wants me to dip them in chocolate like a KN Clare okay we're going to heat up some chocolate wafers I got these at Michaels the other day while I was there they had a coupon that everything you put in the bug and bought was 25% off so I loaded up on stuff I needed got me some chocolate and vanilla so we're going to put this in the microwave and melt it and if you've ever bought chocolate wafers what I like about them compared to real chocolate is they're easier to melt they are thinner when you melt it so you can dip it easier okay and they're good they taste good now I'm going to fill these and I'm going to grab me a piece of parchment because if you'll notice the tip I'm going to fill these with it's long and slender and I actually don't have a Piping Bag this would fit in now I put that on 30 seconds to start with and the next time I heat them I'm going to put them on melt instead of regular some of yall might have a microwave that's so powerful if you put it on 30 seconds you'd be in trouble and it' burn already so if if you want to just go ahead and use your melt or soften setting I have on this microwave a melt and soften and there's a butter a chocolate ice cream and cheese for cream cheese which is really nice and I'm going to grab me whoops Lord I got me enough parchment then didn't I I'm going to make me a Piping Bag and I'm making it skinny at the bottom because this is skinny and I'm going go ahead and fill this Piping Bag I like to use my large spatula when I'm using icing and we're just going to fill this like that if you don't have um popping stuff and you don't know how to make one like this you can always go to Michael's or wherever you go Joann's Michaels where's another one what's the name of that other one Chris Hobby Lobby Hobby Lobby Walmart may have a fi tip I don't know but it's not impossible now I'm going to push that down in there out of my way and we're going to cut the end of this off so that'll stick out got to be careful not cut it off too big though that looks good all right let's check on our chocolate now what you're going to do is you're just going to take your cream puff and you're going to put your tip in it as far as you can and squeeze and I'm gonna do the other side too so it'll have plenty in there you just kind of pull it out as it feels okay just kind of pull it out so we don't squeeze it out the other side like I just did you'll get the hang of it about the time you're finished this one's big and fat so I kind of went sideways back and forth little bit on that side and a little bit on this side and now I got lots of it so you know what I might do I might make another um recipe of these tomorrow small ones and fill them with this and put them in my freezer and that way I can just take them out the next time I have a function and I'll have a dessert because I'm not throwing this away it tastes too good and we're just going to fill ours and dip them in chocolate you're just going to take it flip it upside down dunk it just like that dunk it shake it dunk it and Shake It whoops I got cream coming out the bottom of this one uh oh I dropped it that was just going to have to have a lot on it I'll turn around so y'all can see it do you want to taste one without the chocolate I can this one's really pretty I'll take the prettiest ones and not put chocolate on them these three right here or do you think you think they're the prettiest we're going to see how this looks I'm just going to try to open it and see what happens happens and remember these are still warm well they're not warm but they haven't cooled all the way that looks good don't it let me get a B that's the creamiest cream puff I've ever had M I love the feeling too and remember y'all the chocolate is really rich but remember down here in the South to tell you the truth I've never known anybody to make these but I know y'all make them a lot in the northern states because my friend that visited me told me y'all do eat them and you'll have them in a lot of the areas up there that you go so y'all probably had a fresh one and this is the first time I've ever had fresh one let me rinse my hand off y'all I had to taste these two because I've never had one that's homemade either um and I got to tell you I mean that's good this if you want the sweeter get the chocolate the puff pastry is so eggy it has such an egg flavor to it that it really does taste like an egg custard pie it's really good that's the flavor delicious because they do taste so much like egg custard y'all I think it would be so good to put a little bit of cinnamon a nutmeg in the the cream y'all if you've ever had one like that tell us but I want you to see how pretty the bread is inside of it and then next time I might I might actually stuff some at the very end mix in a little cinnamon and Nutmeg and one see you next time [Music]
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 31,514
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Id: ZDvuDptv7RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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