Sound the Alarm | Jeremiah Johnson

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welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson and on today's episode we're going to bring you a special message live from around our nation you know i love the corporate gathering the bible is so clear that there's power when believers gather together in person and even during coven 19 god is looking for a remnant that's going to stand on the front lines and declare the truth of who god is to a generation get ready you're about to be blessed check it out have a feeling we're going to be standing anyways just had this sense over the last 10 days that the devil had the american church on the ropes something has shifted in this nation i said something has shifted in this nation and an ecclesia is rising in america that is saying to the devil is that all you got is that all you got devil for the king of glory shall have his way in this nation let's give god a shout of praise is that all you got devil [Music] you know people have been telling me don't go out to arizona the covet's spiking out there i said yeah but the revival has spiked higher [Applause] there's a remnant in arizona who is going to soar higher and rise higher than ever before [Music] because i want you to listen to me the places of our greatest warfare are the places are of our greatest inheritance the reason why the devil is fighting arizona so hard is because he knows the destiny over this state the mantle for revival on arizona is destined to shake a nation come on arizona i can't hear you this morning [Applause] [Music] you can be seated [Music] since i left you last in june we have been traveling this nation on the front lines we've been to west virginia we've been to colorado we've been to ohio and the war is real [Music] the church has already thrown in the towel [Music] well we'll just return back to services in 2021 [Music] and see we have conceded the calendar in many places in america and we have forfeited what god still is yet to do in this nation and i believe that there is a war on the timing of god where he is looking for a people a remnant that is not going to forfeit the rest of the year but rather they're going to recapture and redeem and take a stand in this nation and still believe that in august september october and november and december we're going to see a historic outpouring of the holy spirit and fire in this nation come on if there's something rumbling on the inside of you just give jesus a shout of praise no there's there's plenty of time left i'm here to declare to you in august the eighth month of the year new beginnings i'm telling you something has tipped over this nation where we were up against the ropes taking it from the devil and the ekklesia has risen up in this hour she's off the ropes and she's staring the virus in the face and saying is that all you got [Applause] [Music] if you have in your bibles would you turn to daniel chapter 7. it's great to have my wife here morgan can we give her a round of applause many of you know we recently after 12 years of pastoring handed off our two campuses in central florida and have moved to charlotte under the direction of the lord to repair the altar of the lord in america and so our staff has just moved up there with us we're in massive transition still traveling still writing but it's so good to be with our kingdom family here today i want to preach a message this morning called blow the trumpet blow the trumpet i believe god is blowing a trumpet over this nation he is wanting the ecclesia to win back the narrative in our nation not everything has to be negative not everything has to be uh um depressing there is a move of god going on in this nation but the warfare is great and i'm here to encourage you whether you're experiencing warfare in your marriage you're experiencing warfare in your family the degree of warfare that you're facing is an indicator is a sign of what god is about to do in your life and those around you we're in west virginia just a couple of weeks ago one of the strongest outpourings of the holy spirit i've ever seen took my daughter eight years old just slain in the spirit right in the altar nobody touched her many many gathered the news got a hold of the meetings the very next day the governor of west virginia called out jeremiah johnson as the troublemaker of west virginia who would dare to gather the ecclesia in the midst of a virus but don't worry you can protest [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on apparently you can burn bibles in portland but you can't open it in the church of jesus christ i'm telling you god is looking for a remnant in this nation that's going to wake up that's going to wake up and recognize the war that we're in [Music] so he stirred up antifa the blm have been after us death threats they're after me right now every demon in hell is coming after us because we're daring to gather saints all over america believing for a third great awakening [Applause] [Music] and he's trying to intimidate the church he's trying to bully the church thank god for our brother john macarthur i know some people have a problem with them because of his theology but thank god for this brother who just rose in california and said you know what we're not shutting down and the city says well we'll cut out your power but i say you can cut out the building power but you can't cut out holy ghost power you can't cut off what's living down on the inside of me because the lion of the tribe of judah is going to roar it's time to take a stand it's time to get off the fence [Music] it'll cost you friends family pastors preachers oh brother just calm down a little bit too radical don't worry we'll get started in 2021 folks i'm telling you there is so much territory and there is so much inheritance that god is going to release over the next several months and i do not want anyone in this room to miss out on what god is about to do come on look at your neighbor and say wake up is that all you got devil blow the trumpet i have three points this morning that i'm going to preach into if you want to take notes the first one is the enemy is raging the second one is the remnant is rising and the third one is jesus is returning the first point is the the devil is raging the second point is that the remnant is rising and the third point is that jesus christ is returning i want to look at a passage of scripture this morning that god has invited me in 2020 to just sit down in often times my personal walk with the lord basically uh confronts the 365-day bible reading plan a year i bless you if that's what god has told you called you to do my problem is is what happens when he says for one week i want you to read one chapter for six months i just want you to read this book and so in 2020 the only two books that i've been able to read are daniel and revelation now i'm sharing this with you about where i've been at i would invite you to find out where god wants you to take a seat in his word but i've been reading the book of daniel for strength and courage and i've been reading the book of revelation as a blueprint for the end time church i mentioned this when i was here in june god came and visited me and sort of shifted my theology i grew up in the assemblies of god i am educated through the assemblies of god i'm a lover of azusa street the fundamental doctrines basically acts acts acts the book of acts and i was always taught that when something was stirring and something was burning you should go back to the book of acts and either cry out for another pentecost or just lord do it again and god said to me this year he said i want you to understand that the book of acts is an example it's a blueprint of the movement of the holy spirit in the first century church but it is the book of revelation that is a blueprint and a strategy for the end time church and so it shifted my thinking yes i still read the book of acts and all those things but i've been reading the book of revelation thanking god that it's the revelation of jesus christ not the devil okay it's a revelation of the son of man who is going to return and he wants to catch a generation up in a revelation of who he is but i want to look this morning at the tactics of the devil i want to be very clear with you that i have no desire to glorify the devil we know in colossians chapter 2 that jesus christ disarmed the principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them gaining victory through the cross colossians 2 15. i want to talk a little bit about how the the lord has been revealing to me as a prophet in this nation i believe that prophets are called to help the body of christ understand the times and seasons in which we live in uh today this morning i want to help to help you to to understand what is exactly happening is there more than just a virus going on could there be principalities and powers that are raging in this nation that god actually wants to expose and so i'm going to share with you several encounters that i have had with the demonic realm if you follow our ministry i have also had many encounters including with jesus christ himself i don't have i don't it's not that i don't have time i just it's a holy thing for me where in many places the wine skin simply can't hold the wine that has nothing to do with me it's just there's a certain level of encounter that requires a certain level of surrender i am blessed to be here today because this is a house of surrender and because you're a house of surrender god is going to send you messengers with legitimate encounters so what i'm going to share with you some of the encounters they're heavy they're deep they're meant as a prayer agenda i believe that prophets are intended to save intercessors and pastors unnecessary warfare i want to say that again i believe that prophets if they function in their calling because of the grace on their life to see and to hear they are intended to save intercessors and pastors from unnecessary warfare a lot of times intercessors and pastors they're just plowing they're rebuking the devil they're declaring the victory but they haven't been given strategies to reveal what they're really up against and how to effectively do battle and so if you've ever been around a prophet like chuck pierce for example who has an issachar anointing on his life he has a times and seasons anointing if you you follow him he'll help to open up some things for you so i want to open up some things in the spirit realm i want to ask the holy spirit to help us i felt like he gave me the green light to share some of these encounters with you and then i foresee at the end some time of powerful intercession and altar ministry is that okay holy spirit we ask for your help over the next few minutes god we pray that you would remove blinders from eyes lord that scales would fall lord we thank you that our our battle is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities and powers god we ask for every demonic ideology to be exposed in this nation lord we thank you even now that you're breaking into sex trafficking and pedophilia lord this is a year where darkness is being exposed or do more of it let everything that can be shaken let it be shaken in jesus name daniel chapter 7 in daniel chapter 7 he has a vision of four demonic beasts and then in verse nine it says that he keeps looking and he has an encounter with the son of man and the father the ancient of days and it kind of escalates into daniel 7 25 where it says and he being the devil will speak out against the most high and wear down the saints of the highest one and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law and they will be given into his hand for times times and a half of time i believe that we are living in a critical hour in the earth that daniel foresaw where the devil is raging in the world but he's specifically raging in our nation daniel said that he would speak out against the most high many of us are recognizing an acceleration that's taken place in our nation in other words just 10 or 20 years ago the devil was still trying to hide but now in our nation he's no longer hiding the works of the darkness they're being put on display never before in american history is darkness being paraded literally right in front of your face how many of you would agree with that and i'm going to give you some examples that are just going on in america but we're witnessing the fulfillment of the devil speaking out him raging and the effect that it has is that he seeks by shouting and parading to wear down the ekklesia there has been a wearing down of the saints in america and as i said before there's an excitement and an expectation in my heart where i was given a vision just a couple weeks ago of the american church on the ropes taking the blows being worn down and then something supernatural came upon the church where the church began to rise up and part of the reason why they rise up is because they wake up to the real battle that's raging in this nation so your stand is determined by your perception i listen to that word that pastor kim preached about perception recently it was a bullseye for what god is doing the church is not standing right now because they're failing to accurately interpret the signs of the times listen when the church fails to accurately interpret the signs of the times a culture of prayerlessness is always the result the church is prayerless we're powerless we don't even want to meet in many places because we don't have that anointing that god is trying to release called ears to hear and eyes to see now how many of you know this anointing ears to hear eyes to see is now called conspiracy theory oh boy should i go down that route [Applause] apparently if you don't want to follow a liberal narrative if you don't want to go with the main stream or should we say the lame stream if you want to want to go with the narrative of the day you're labeled radical your label listen praise the lord that he's anointing a people with eyes to hear excuse me eyes to see and ears to hear what is the spirit saying jesus said this all the time in the scriptures and the gospels they that have ears to hear and eyes to see he says it in the book of revelation chapter two and three hear what this what is he saying he's saying that if he has to tell you to open up your eyes and ears there are clearly people who are not there are clearly deaf people there are clearly spiritually blind people in our nation who are being seduced and deceived to believe that this is a season to run and hide and pray for the rapture meanwhile god is saying now is the time to arise and shine he's looking for a bride who's going to run down to the altar who's going to grab hold of the helm of his garment and not let go it's stunning to me that the devil is shouting so loud in this nation that they're literally burning bibles and you still think it's about black lives mattering [Applause] you you still think this is just about racism no i'm telling you there is a demonic all-out war that satan is raging in this nation and you need to be informed you need to get some discernment before you get behind a movement that's demonic in nature don't partner with that spirit of the antichrist that's at work in this nation oh brother i just love beyonce yeah and this morning she's tweeting that she uses the bible to tell the pages in the bible to take care of her period oh yeah folks i'm telling you i'm going to get to it in a minute i'm here to expose the deception of the enemy we've got to have discernment we need the issachar anointing we have to do this is what discern means to question to investigate to do your homework listen there's definitely issues of racism in this nation i'm not here coming against racism i believe that black lives do matter but i believe that the organization black lives matters is demonic i believe that they are preying upon the real wound of a generation they are trying to extort african americans and we need some african americans to rise in this nation to confront the demonic realm come on if we want the real mlk anointing let's pray it and say god release it i mean the devil's getting rowdy he's getting loud he's getting courageous he's getting bold and we've got people coming to church looking like statues [Music] forget even coming in we've got well i'll just watch live stream beloved people of god who were once formally in darkness but now your sons and daughters of the light this is the hour to arise and shine jesus christ is the hope of the world he is the good news that a lost and dying world how can they hear if you don't open up your mouth is that all you got devil just it's just raging all around us so on the night of may 30th i've i've had a burden many of you that follow us online i i had a burden that happened back in march i was supposed to go to a conference in australia and be one of the keynote speakers and the virus hid and it got cancelled and god began to call on me to get on the front lines and so i answered the call and i've sort of been in this season of just deep intercession travail i can't go to sleep at night oftentimes i just pray until i fall asleep and i was in this season in the month of may on the night of may 30th i was pacing in my home around 2 a.m just tuning into the spiritual battle in our nation and a demonic entity appeared to me in my house now before i share several of these encounters i know i'm taking a risk i know some of you will literally leave here thinking i'm a kook a quack a false prophet we're used to the hate mail just go ahead and i'll give you pastor kim and paul's email address you guys can just send it send it right to him i don't call up demonic spirits okay i don't intentionally just pray oh you know demons come visit me and tell me what's up this was there was my first encounter in 2015 up in canada we were in the edmonton area and a principality appeared to me in my hotel room that i wrestled for two nights that had power over that region that we were able to overcome but this was a second encounter that i had in may where there was a demonic entity that appeared in my house now i was pacing the floor back and forth praying in tongues and then all of a sudden what happened is i began to speak in a warfare tongue now i admit to you i was born into the ministry with a 70 year old grandma who taught me how to pray okay we used to get together with the old ladies and we would pray the dogs would bark i mean we would go in i didn't even know what was happening i was scared at first but they taught me how to pray one of the deepest aches that i have in my generation as a millennial is we don't know how to pray and we need the grandmas and the grandpas to pass down the baton of intercession and prayer you've got to pray until you can pray you've got to stay at that altar until god answers and i'm grateful for that and they taught me how to pray through and so as i was just praying for our nation something shifted in the atmosphere i began to pray in a type of warfare tongue when this demonic entity appeared before me in my house at 2 am i noticed that it had a scar underneath its right eye but it also had the ability to mutate into different forms i watched this being morph several times in front of me yet the gash below its eye remained it pointed its finger right in my face and said i exist to deceive the whole world just as there are forerunners in the kingdom of god that go before the son of man so i am a forerunning spirit in the kingdom of darkness that has been set to prepare the way for the man of lawlessness now i just want to pause because i have spent years preaching on a generation of forerunner messengers that god would raise up to prepare the way of the lord i had never in my life prior to this encounter actually considered that the man of lawlessness is actually preparing for runner messengers they might be on several streets in america right now by the way but there's an army that god that that the devil has authority over and we need to pray that they could get loose the the devil continued that said the scar underneath my right eye has come at the hands of the praying church for many of them in this hour have begun to detect our true plans and purposes to disrupt systems to divert attention and to release chaos in the land i'd encourage you to write these down saints it's more than just in the name of jesus be gone we have to learn how to effectively pray and come again so here's the some of the demonic strategy we see in part i'm not saying i have the full revelation one to disrupt systems two to divert attention and three to release chaos at this point in the encounter the hair in my body was standing straight up as i had never been told anything like this at length by the demonic realm suddenly all i could describe is this authority came on me it happened the same thing in canada where i just felt like the lion of judah rose up in me and i pointed my finger at this demon and i said who is the source behind your power and influence who is the source behind your power and influence it began to laugh hysterically a sound that still haunts me and it said with great rage the media began to ask this type of of whatever you want to call it a principality or a power where have you got this influence that you're wreaking havoc in this nation and it says to me the media i fixed my gaze on it and said you devil that has come to deceive the whole world through media and is being exposed right now i command you in the name of jesus christ to reveal your agenda with a sneer it began to manifest a foul smell in my house that i could physically smell and i began to see three waves all i can tell you is i begin to see three waves of in the spirit of how this is manifesting the first wave that i saw in the month of may in this encounter was fear the second stench that i smelled was hate and the third stench that i smelled was greed in that moment of time by way of the holy spirit's revelation i understood that what we're witnessing in 2020 beyond a virus beyond racism police brutality is a diabolical and sinister agenda called greed a wave of fear has hit through the virus and now a wave of hate through rioting but the real culprit is actually greed in other words the world is being held hostage right now by demonic forces preparing the way for the man of lawlessness there's so much deception being spread through the media that now we must understand what we're seeing and hearing on the news is actually a diversion what if corona is actually the trojan horse in america what if this is far more than a virus what if it's about the fear and the hate and the greed that's manifesting in this nation what if it's more than coming against a virus what if god is exposing principalities and powers listen the most anointed false prophet in this nation is the lying media you know what our struggle is in the church we're looking for a man and it's an entity we're looking for some guy with horns to rise in the earth to fulfill the book of revelation and so many of us who has an iphone good so you can check your screen time and find out how much time you spend every day being under the influence of a false prophet because we want to get religious oh brother i don't listen to false prophets oh brother i love the truth but if you are submitting your spirit and your mind on social media hours and hours the bible says who has stood in the council not of fox news and cnn who stood in the council of the democrats and the republicans who has stood in the counsel of the lord to hear his words to heed and listen and obey you're not discerning god if you're drunk on social media [Applause] anybody else get those inboxes something never heard before something never seen before listen i don't want any of that i want revelation from the throne room of god have you fasted have you prayed i'm telling you people in this nation think that they have a beat on what's happening and i'm telling you it can't be that right if you're spending that much time on the internet but brother i gotta be in the know so you really believe that there's nothing that god couldn't tell you that he doesn't already know come on saints i'm trying to help us to wake up there's a demonic agenda in this nation that's using the media and some of his best clients are the church last week had another encounter in a dream if you want to turn in your bibles quickly to the book of revelation i just felt like i was supposed to sow some of these encounters and revelations into the atmosphere because i know this is a house of prayer it's a house of worship i know that you'll steward and pray into and seek the lord many of you are getting ready to go on a 40-day fast how about more than a meal how about a social media fast [Applause] i had an encounter with the spirit of pharmakia god began to speak to me just last week as i felt a shift in our nation that we have reached a tipping point almost like a meter and i began to recognize that we're getting off of the ropes we're waking up to deception and the lord said to me a phrase jezebel has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and when when this team of frontline doctors came out talking about hydroxychloroquine i had a dream that night about the spirit of pharmakia it's important to understand in the greek language the same word for medicine is the same word for sorcery we get the word pharmakia for pharmaceutical i believe that what god is revealing to this nation is there is a spirit of pharmakia a big pharma spirit that has gotten in bed with this virus and there is a demonic agenda fueled by greed and money that wants to do mandatory vaccinations that wants to raise up a nation full of robots who have bought into a demonic agenda and it's even interesting where this word is used in the bible revelation 18 harlot babylon is overthrown verse 23 and the light of the lamp will not shine in you babylon any longer and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer for your merchants were the great men of the earth because of all the nations were deceived by your pharmaca they were deceived by your sorcery but could the earth right now could the earth right now being deceived by a big pharma spirit i'm not even here necessarily to declare to you this is the word of the lord because i believe all new testament prophecy is up for judging and weighing and testing but i'm asking you as the people of god would you consider would you take to prayer would you fast into that there might be there very well could be and 2020 weapons that are being released demonically against this nation that god wants to release a people a praying worshipping people who have the anointing of issachar that even though the devil is raging i'm telling you a remnant is going to rise there's a remnant that's going to rise in this nation and the only way that they rise is if they get a revelation of what they're really up against how we doing first peter 5 8 be of sober spirit be on the alert your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour i said last time i was here i believe that what's happening in the church the devil is initiating the silence of the lambs but god is looking for a generation that's going to be bold like lions who are actually going to open up their mouth sound an alarm blow a trumpet in zion not given to fear intimidation and bullying they're not going to be seduced by the lying media there's going to be messengers rise in this nation that have stood in the council of the lord they've got their intel from heaven listen you can store up guns and ammunition around election time but if you don't have oil in your lamp you ain't ready i'm telling you we do not seek the wisdom of this world [Applause] there's something tangible in this room where there's such a tension many of you literally in your families they think you've gone quacked i mean they literally there's this tension in there well all right there's a virus and all right wear a mask and you know school no school there's there's this an alarm there's this 2020 the year of the mouth i mean we're literally living in a year that god set on a calendar this is a year to open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] holy spirit help us this is a year where a philistine giant is crying out from abortion clinics and liquor stores i'm essential and the church is not the devil is mocking and taunting the church and we have become like saul we are fearful we have lost the fresh anointing of the holy spirit because we've loved our programs more than prayer and there is a powerless prayerless church that is ill-equipped to face a giant in the land the devil is raging and i'm just so grateful to be in a house full of davids who have heard the taunting of the devil and they're not running away from the battle they're running right toward it they're going to cut the head off goliath in this nation and they're going to declare victory belongs to the lords [Applause] see i'm excited because a bunch of nobodies are about to become somebodies [Applause] our pulpit idolatries are being exposed in america so many famous preachers they don't have a word from the lord in this hour because their prosperity gospel doesn't work health wealth and fitness that's not working in an hour of crisis so god is going to raise up a remnant a davidic breed who have been tested and tried in the wilderness i'm prophesying to you that a new breed of preacher and prophet and mom and dad are going to rise in this nation they fear god more than they fear man come on i see 10 i see 20. i see a couple hundred i'm telling you arizona is destined to be a stronghold for davids in this nation that will find safety and security from the arrows that come talk about the devil raging religion is raging [Applause] these mega churches and many ministries and they're well i guess next year is good cash app doesn't work when people don't have any money oh boy never mind [Applause] had a court case in nevada recently supreme court in the united states five to four voted that in the state of nevada there's a limitation on how many can gather in a church but there doesn't have to be a limitation in casinos and entertainment centers i mean folks we're talking about the highest authority in our land what i'm trying to tell you the church is being targeted in this hour christians specifically when they just burn bibles in portland literally some something shifted there is no longer this whatever people think it is when they began to burn there was a man in nazi germany who said when they begin to burn the books what comes next is they burn the bodies there is an all-out war on christianity in this nation there's a war on the word of god and i'm here to tell you that the word of god is relevant it's powerful it's effective it's sharper than any two double-edged sword we don't need drive-through church we don't need in and out in an hour i'm telling you sermonettes produce christianettes and we need a generation in america who have literally put their lives in the word it's time to get back to the basics a remnant is rising ezekiel 22 i searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap so that i would not destroy it and i found no one jeremiah 5 1 go up and down the streets of jerusalem look now and take note search her squares if you can find a single person anyone who acts justly anyone who seeks the truth then i will forgive the city but i have found no one second chronicles 16 for the eyes of the lord move to and fro throughout the earth that he may strongly support those whose heart is completely his you have acted foolishly in this indeed from now on you will surely have wars when the enemy comes in like a flood god will raise up a standard against him i'm telling you that the eyes of the lord are searching this nation he's looking for a people of the secret place he's looking for people who have a fresh anointing who have their eyes open and their ears open they understand understand the strategies of the devil and therefore they know how to be effective in the place of prayer even though a church family around them is worn down their spirit is literally on fire i just i have i maybe it's just it's a different spirit because i'm i'm seeing folks that have attended church their whole life they're just rotting on a pew they served the devil way better than they've ever served god they were wild for the devil and then they got saved and became a domesticated kitty cat in god's house they didn't go to the club till midnight and they didn't leave till the next day but church has to be an hour pastor and what i'm seeing take place during the covet 19 era is many of those people who were bored and dry and stale in the midst of normal church something has woken up in them in the midst of covet 19 where crisis has created the correct climate for an end-time church to emerge in the earth i'm telling you there's a crisis in america that's creating a climate where so many who once worked for the devil are about to wake up in the church the little sermon and the little drive-through worship wasn't cutting it they may have tried church but they've never tried jesus [Applause] [Music] we are in the midst of a divine reset in america look look look what we've been doing isn't working what we've been doing in the church i've been begging pastors please do not go back to business as usual please do not just hold on and wait till this thing passes because there's something called birth pangs in the bible that we're in the midst of and god is going to fashion and form an end time bride who's ready for war how we doing can i share one more dream with you i had a dream on july 8th i've been dreaming since i was seven years old grew up a pastor's son i was given the opportunity to share prophetically from a very early age and be mentored and fathered in it i thank god for that in this dream i found myself on a concrete platform directly underneath the face of lady liberty in new york city and so imagine being who's been to see seen lady liberty some of you imagine just new york city being flooded the only thing that you can see the water's risen as high just underneath her face and i'm standing out underneath her face i had a sense of peace about me though there was water all around me and suddenly i saw hundreds of arks like noah's ark floating in the water each ark had the remnant painted upon their sides and they were flying two flags one was an american flag and the other was an appeal to heaven flag [Music] [Applause] i started shouting in the dream to the boats this is a two-part warning and encouragement for all that have eyes to see and ears to hear the first is a warning to america lady liberty is up to her neck in the flood waters of destruction that represent tyranny anarchy and a demonic agenda that seeks to destroy the freedoms that this nation was founded upon if you do not rise up and fight they will be taken away far sooner than you can imagine as i shouted this there was an ear piercing alarm that went off all over america that specifically shook california i continued the second part is a word of encouragement lady liberty is not under water yet and the fire in her right hand has not gone out there is a mighty end time revival that is coming to a remnant in america who will not live in fear and speak up at all costs as i finish my proclamation the remnant began to roar on their arks that were floating and the flood waters immediately began to recede the louder they got the quicker the flood waters of destruction disappeared in america come on we've still got time even in the month of august god is looking for a remnant in america who's going to build arks of his presence all over america your family might think you're crazy your friends might have never heard of that revelation before but god is looking for an obedient people so last week did you see the lightning strike god always confirms his word there was a lightning strike that hit lady liberty and it set a church on fire in the bronx called spirit and truth come on god is speaking god is stirring god is strengthening his people you might be taught a lot of weird stuff [Applause] but if i read my bible there's an uncommon peculiar people that are going to rise in the earth that don't look like and act like and talk like the world the new york post this was their headline lightning strikes lady liberty and the church is on fire folks you got to wake up today come on lightning's going to strike america and the church is about to catch fire [Music] again come on somebody give god a shout of praise the remnant is rising all right let me land the plane number three jesus is returning come on [Applause] the devil is i'm telling you to me this sums up about everything 2020 give me the flyby the devil's raging the remnants rising and by the way jesus is returning it's interesting in daniel 7 when it talks about in verse 25 the devil raging then it talks about the wearing down of the saints it's interesting in verse 27 it says then the sovereignty the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people so while we're i'll try not to be controversial i got into some trouble recently by telling people that i don't believe jesus christ is returning as soon as they think as a pastor said to me well never mind i don't i don't want to intentionally offend anybody that's not my point no man knows the hour some people were upset because i said i don't think it's one year or five years i wasn't intentionally trying to predict his return but saints i believe in the earth today that there is so much work that has to be accomplished there is this escapist lethargic dry stale wisdom masked as fear we're just holding on in in the church closet oh it's getting bad out there in america jesus would you just split the sky and come rapture us i went to the lord with this and i preached on his return folks i have faithfully preached on the return of jesus all over this nation i've called forth end-time messengers that would prepare the bride to meet the bridegroom but god recently said to me in a generation that's crying to go up it's time to grow up and i believe in more than just trying to all fly away o glory god is going to raise up a mature bride in the earth a one new man who has been mantled with the armor of god it's time to get discipled it's time to win the lost it's time to steward revival it's time to be an agent of change yes he'll return but he's given you his power he's given you his authority he's given you his anointing to destroy the works of the devil in this generation if you've got a pulse let's stand to our feet this morning let's believe that the devil is raging but the remnant is rising let's look toward the return of jesus christ but we've got to get to work i want to have the worship team come up but would you just stretch out your hands these kinds of messages are intended to provoke you not stroke you i said god is going to raise up messengers called to provoke the bride not stroke the bride something should be people have been saying to me brother you have such a good dream life could you pray rest over my sleep so i just pray unrest i'm like lord wake him up listen i've been up since 2 a.m i don't know about you but i've been on the floor crying out lord raise up a remnant in arizona [Music] i believe that many of you are under demonic attack [Music] said that the devil would speak out against the lord and it would wear down the saints i know that this is a revival community but i believe that there are some weary people in this room that god wants to break off and expose [Music] the works of the devil and get you free [Music] i want to be bold and i want to tell you that some of you because of your addiction to the news and social media you are underneath a spirit that you know not of and i want to ask god to break the power of the lying media over your mind and that you would snap out of it that the spirit of truth would be revealed in your inward parts [Music] all right let's put our hands over our minds if you have a prayer language i just want to ask you to begin to pray in the spirit if you don't you can pray in english a sober bride god [Music] lord release a spirit of sobriety [Music] lord we take captive every thought and we make it obedient to christ we command every lying spirit to be broken off of your mind right now in jesus name we come against the spirit of fear and paranoia come on whatever's coming to you you take authority over it by the blood of jesus [Music] come on come up out of that influence who has stood in the counsel of the lord i want to call a generation into the council of the lord [Music] we command all weariness to be broken off of your life a spirit of affliction upon your body be gone now in jesus name [Music] come on just 30 more seconds come on the victory is the lord's there's chains that are gonna be broken this morning come on he wants to fill us up we just gotta get clean come on he wants to release the power but we've gotta break ties with the [Music] world [Applause] [Music] come on i see a remnant rising i see some warriors emerging with the word of the lord that cuts through the confusion come on victory is the lord's victory is the lord victory is the law take authority over your mind victory is the lord victory is the lord victory is the lord victory is the law victory is the lord victory is the lord daniel lived in babylon but the spirit of babylon was not in him we're living in an hour where it's time to protect your ear gates it's time to protect your eye gates i'm telling you more than a pandemic we're seeing a porn democ [Music] folks i'm telling you covet 19 is a trojan horse in this nation it has come to divert our attention from what god really wants to get a hold of in this generation and if we'll ask god to open up our spiritual senses to discern what good and evil is we will get the victory so lord in jesus name we invite you to come and clean house today come on i want to call some of you to a social media fast to a fox fast to a cnn fast lord i'm asking in jesus name break the ties lord i want to bind the spirit of rejection some of you have a spirit of rejection on you you've been thrown away by your family during covet 19 because you've believed the truth there's some people in here you're dealing with rejection and if you don't get healing the pharisaical spirit will come on you oh yeah just because you're right if you don't walk in humility you'll become just like the pharisees you can be rejected but you don't have to walk in a spirit of rejection come on who needs some freedom in the house tonight lord this morning lord i'm just asking break the power of rejection for those who have taken a stand lord let us walk in humility come on you don't have to be rude or arrogant just because you've got truth come on it's time to get low [Music] [Music] just pray in the holy ghost one more time i believe something significant is taking place in your life i believe that an alarm is being sounded in arizona an alarm is being sounded in this nation church wake up would you pray with me church wake up church wake up answer the bell answer the bell get off the ground [Music] expose every work of the devil in this nation god [Music] come on when the light shines the roaches scurry i believe that light is about to flood this nation and even in august i'm telling you darkness is about to be exposed like never before [Music] god let the light shine [Music] wow we want to thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner today i pray that you are blessed as you heard this special message from around our nation we're going to have a time of prayer now but i wanted to ask you to consider sowing into the ministry of the watchmen's corner by your giving we are able to reach thousands at times millions of people from around the world there's going to be a prompt that will flash on your screen now you can do text to give you can give on our website but we want to thank all our partners and friends who are carrying this burden with us to present truth to a generation without compromise let's pray together now father we thank you for this time of ministry and impartation lord we lift up every physical need every financial need god we thank you for the seed that's being sown now into this ministry and we'll give you all the praise in jesus name amen thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 64,983
Rating: 4.9012132 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah, Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, JJM, Ministries, Ministry, God, Jesus, Prophet, Prophecy, Author, Christianity, Christ, Jesus Christ, Church
Id: iapN7KiQSdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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