John Kilpatrick - Warring With The Prophetic

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[Music] you bring light to the dark you restore every heart that's broken [Music] are you [Music] it's your breath in our so we pour out our praise we pour out our place in ours so we tres you [Music] you are loved you bring my to the DA sure [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] place you [Music] [Music] come on what every person's thin in the sciences but the honor Jesus with our worship rats were singing about that's living inside of us we are stewards of that breath we are stewards of the breath of the song that he has given us our praise is a testimony to this generation to shout praise not to hold it back but to release the praise that is a testimony of who Jesus Christ is lift your voice do not be ashamed lay your praise raise up but see the earth will shout your priests are [Music] see [Music] ah [Music] the we'll shout [Music] the earth for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] long lift your voice signal [Music] [Music] come on with an expression of your love this morning I just want you to stash our the Lord but he what he's so deserving on [Music] come on churches worse God is so deserving of our worship so appreciative our worship arts ministry here leading us into the inner courts of God's presence and just a few moments ago you were given a special offering and blue and as you know we believe and men and women of God that are taking the gospel to the ends of the earth and Pastor John Kilpatrick is a choice servant of God that literally has a voice to the nation's and I want us this morning to be a blessing to him and I want us to do everything that we can to keep his message in the gospel going through his life and putting him on the road putting him in the nation's putting him on television and on podcasts and on CD and DVD around the world and we do that this morning by giving and you can take that special offering envelope and you can put a special gift and while God's moving on you and the message if you want to come up you can feel free to put it the baskets or at the end of the service but this is my challenge everyone do something don't do something you can't do but everyone can do something give towards the man of God and I want you this morning to help me welcome pastor John Kilpatrick [Music] [Applause] thank you boy that worship teams good aren't they would you give the worship team a good god bless you man I'd say they're they're good y'all are blessed I hear you from Alabama son you a good man you hear me you're a good man and Justin it's good to see you man where's your brother Jordan see here he's in Israel Jennifer Justin and Jordan Jordan Jennifer you're not pregnant this time every time I come I see Jennifer at Yelp she's got another one on the way I had lady in my church not long ago was gonna meet he cut me down just look that was in a meeting and cut and cut these down and I said oh you're having another baby she said no I said oh ho ho praise God I think I prophesied of you I'm not sure you might be seated thank you so much wow I was listening to brother Derek koala go talking about Brownsville I was thinking of some funny stories you know they just so many funny stories but people came to that revival we had four and a half million people come to the doors of Brownsville during that five-year revival it was five years in that awesome 40 have me whoever got praise that's good and we had so many funny things happen two ladies came from First Baptist Church to the revival and it was a mother and daughter and the Spirit of God was not just in the church it was all over the whole campus you know you'd get out of your car and I mean you'd pull up on the drive in the parking lot and you could feel the presence of God even in in the parking how many of y'all ever came to Brownsville because see yeah a lot of you but you know the Spirit of God was over the whole campus so these two little grannies came from down near Marianna a place called cotton cotton Dale I think yeah yeah no it's Chipley they came from Chipley two little grannies to a blue haired granny's you know one talk about blue haired granny and they pulled up on the parking lot and the Spirit of God was so strong they came in the daytime you know they got there early in the day and when they pulled up in the parking lot the spears Lord hit them both and she pulled up and couldn't even put her car in park and she cruised up to the curb hit the curb you know and the other one said the other little granny said well what's wrong she ain't got no control of my body so we had trained Usher's we had trained parking lot attendants that we was used to that and so here come a security guard over there and he tapped on the wind and told her let the window down he was polluted in part and he said god bless you cut the motor off we were trained to take care of all those thing I had one lady that I prayed for she was really a little southern belle you know just a little southern lady and she came to revival not long after it started and she said brother Kilpatrick you know how they talk little Southern Belles so brother Kilpatrick said I just love you and I just love this revival and I'm here tonight for the first time and I've been hearing about this revival is he said I've just got a problem I said what is it he said I want the Lord to touch me so bad I walked the Lord to touch me I want to be touched like everybody else I want to go in the floor of myself and she said but I just stayed I just don't know I just don't know if I will and if I won't I'd be so disappointed I said I've got an idea she said what is it I said just go ahead and lay down on the floor and I'll pray for you and you'll never know she said oh thank you so much [Laughter] we had some wonderful times at Brownsville my my my baptismal services is wonderful we had baptismal service every Friday night we had this little boy we let people testify you know they got baptized we had this little boy they put the mic up to him you know and they stand there and cut out they're gonna be baptized and he he testified he said oh I just love Jesus said I think it's about 9 or 10 he said I've been deep in sin he's been here at everybody else's testimony you know I said I've been I've been deep in sin said I did god save me it's just the miracle always saved me and so about that time he got through talking you know giving his testimony they put him under water when they pulled him up his britches went one way and his body where they huddle we all got moon then there's so many funny stories well I got to get to preach and I can tell stories all day I just finished a series of messages back there if you want to go by and pick it up I think out of all the series that I've ever preached and all the many years I've been preaching I think this is within the top three for sure every one of them turned out really good I deal with the subject of from promise to provision a promise principle problem provision it's the principles for weathering your wilderness is whatever God gets ready to promote you or the Lord gets ready to increase your stature are your responsibility he will test you he won't tempt you the Lord temps no man but he will test you and I dealt with from promise to provision how many's in the series done there's eight eight tapes of eight CDs in here and I'm not trying to promote anything I don't have to do this to survive financially I don't have to do it but long after we're gone we can be a blessing to you and to me I think this is one of the most important things we've ever freezed every one of them turned out excellent and then this is another message that I just preached this is a single it's called first e attack and then the blessing I used to think that God would bless and the devil would come in attack to try to steal the blessing but I don't believe that anymore I know now that the devil will always attack you whenever he sees that God is about to bless you and I talked about 10 things yeah go ahead you're out there go ahead ten things you need to know about a satanic attack this has been a real popular item for for a long time that's been very popular we just made it into a single and we just edited it down put a pit of cover on it first he attacked in the blessing I want to tell you something else too that everything with God is proportionate the Bible said he won't let you be tested above what you're able to bear and I want to say this to you I've learned that if you're going through an attack the attack is usually in proportion to the blessing so if you go into a little attack I feel sorry for you you got a little blessing coming if you go into a mediocre attack I feel sorry for you you've got a mediocre blessing come if you got to go through hell go through it right get you a major blessing can you shout Amen come on come on folks everybody understands the body the body is the five senses most people when you get past the body they don't really understand the soul but the soul is the black box of who you are the soul is the mind and the will and the emotions but when it comes to the human spirit you really lose a lot of people because they don't understand the human spirit I preached this at my church and it's entitled the functions of your human spirit and this is the part that God breathed into man the Ruach of God and the soul is a connector between the body and the spirit the soul is the connector they're all jointed and connected the soul is the expression of the Spirit and the body but the soul is the black box of who you are when you die that black box goes to heaven and it will be inserted in your glorified body it's the history of who you are it's your memories it's everything that you have enjoyed on life it's people that you know it's the black box of who you are that's your soul but when he gets to the spirit I dealt with the functions of the human spirit I'm not going to talk about it much because if I get talking about it I'll preach it but your spirit the human spirit knows things that your soul and your body never learns your mind never learns it just knows things and I won't go into details on it but when I preach this it was an eye-opener to the congregation I mean they latched on to it he including our online audience and as we travel it's just in title simply the functions of the human spirit man it's deep it's good it's informative it'll really help you to understand prayer and your walk with God and it'll help you to understand why you go through things that you go through the functions of your human spirit now let me tell you what I'm gonna do today I'm going to I haven't done this anywhere else on the road anywhere I've only done it at my home church well when I knew I was coming here today to preach I was going to preach here tonight too but I've got to be in New Jersey tomorrow for a funeral dear friend died and right outside of New York City so I'm gonna be in New Jersey tomorrow but this morning I wanted to come in and I want to I want to bring a prophetic message to you not Bible prophecy but prophecy prophetic about your life and I haven't done this anywhere else but at home I'm going to be making some declarations this morning and I'm going to preach first but then I'm gonna make declarations the latter part of my sermon when I'm making these declarations if you want to stand up when these declarations are being made and you want to receive it I'll look at it a lot like throwing a ball into art you know in a in a field and somebody's got a glove and they snag that ball amen when I'm giving these declarations if you want to stand up and receive these declarations just stick your hand up and grab it I'll know what you're doing amen so we want people to stand up we want you to feel free don't get religion on you when I start making these declarations the power of God is gonna be here you reach up and snag it God's about to do something hallelujah Luke I feel that while I'm speaking of hey come on lift your hands up and praise him I feel that man oh my god I felt it when I said it stand up real quick let's praise him I fell down come on help me everybody about our robot oh boy yonder she Potter doctor about Ianto about cuffs on ababa beyond ah hey praise Him come on praise him like you ought to be praised yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah man we're in for it now we're in for now I feel it get ready Jacksonville get ready Evangel tipple something's about to be spoken it's going to change your life come on give him praise Him praise give Him praise mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mardi-gras Monday hey condo baba Sheikh a take Karami Honda my and it'll be a Cooper Abbas a choppa hallelujah P Cobra Munder Ibaka Baba ba SATA well I believe that as of last week I believe that America is pivoted I believe with the death of Billy Graham I believe that we pivoted somehow I know it's a sign don't totally understand the sign I know there's a lot of talk out there about his death and prophetic words and all and I'm not real sure about those but I do believe this I do believe that we pivoted as far as the body of Christ as far as America with his exit Methuselah lived 969 years and the year that he died the flood came he was such a powerful man he lived longer than any other he lived 969 years and in the year of his death the flood came and I'm not saying that the death of Billy Graham that judgments going to come I don't even know about that I just know that it's a sign of some sort I know he lived a long time I believe his life and his long life was a sign as long as he was here I think that things were pretty well the way that they were going to be during that period of time but all of a sudden now he's dead and something has pivoted I can feel it and I'm not saying it's gonna be bad I tend to think that God is about to do man whoa whoa man I got chill bumps all over me I tend to thank God is about to pour out his spirit in a way that none of us can even begin to imagine let it be so long you may be seated if I don't start preaching I may just get carried away here and take off runnin amen yeah I don't want my brother Derek running to the bathroom this morning amen I want to stay right here on the front row amen I'm going to speak today on the subject of may the for our March the 4th I should say March 2 for 2018 a day of prophetic declarations for Evangel temple you'll probably want to get a copy of this message after the service I don't have it but they'll have it here at the church where you can buy it it'll be a single but today is March the 4th 2018 I'm going to stay here on the platform when I preached today because I've got a lot of ground to cover and I've got a certain amount of time to cover it in there's a scripture in the King James Version of first Timothy chapter 1 verse 18 it says discharge I commit the son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on you that you by them might war a good warfare let's leave that on the screen just a minute look at it look at it with me whenever I bring out these points this is Paul speaking to his spiritual son Timothy when he said Timothy according to prophesies which went on which went before onew in other words somebody spoke something on Timothy probably his mother grandmother another apostle or another disciple whoever you said according to the prophecies which went before on you that you might war a good warfare by them you might war a warfare by the prophecies that you have received from somebody today I want to come here and I want to release some declarations prophetic declarations over this church I feel a connection with this church I've been here many times through the years many times and I never look at coming here haphazardly I always want to make it count I love pastors here I love brother Wiggins both brother Wiggins I love their families I love this church I know a lot of you and been coming here so long I know familiar faces so I feel a connection with this church and I want to give some prophetic words I want to give some prophetic declarations and it's just gonna be up to you whether or not you believe them and snag them and receive them so like I said when I start speaking the declarations here in a little while if you want to stand up whenever I'm giving them and start snagging them feel free to but first of all let me talk about prophesying what is prophesying prophesying is speaking the mind and heart of God into a matter prophesying is speaking the heart and mind of God into a matter it is declaring what God intends to fulfill his purposes in your life it is it is declaring prophesying is declaring look this way everybody think that off screen look this way everybody listen to me did you know everything that God has and everything that you get from God is voice-activated everything God has if you get it it's voice-activated prayer is voice-activated praise is voice-activated prophesying is voice-activated everything's more activated I don't know if we completely understand the dynamics of atmospheres I don't know if we completely understand the dynamics of how God's created everything in other words when my vocal cords vibrate when the hairs in your ears hear the vibration of my vocal cords and you hear the word of the Lord it does something to your spirit and it's all it causes things in the atmosphere to shift all of a sudden start changing when you pray it activates angels it activates Holy Spirit when you prophesy it activates your future when you praise it brings the presence of the Holy Spirit presence of the Lord I don't think we completely understand that if we did would cooperate more with it but the Apostle Paul said to Timothy he said I want you to war a good warfare by the prophecies that has been put on you so the impossible Paul was instructing Timothy and he was giving him a charge according to the prophecies that had been spoken over him and to him Paul says to Timothy war with these words war with them the devil has done a masterful job at poopoo in the prophetic the devil has done a masterful job at poopoo in the apostolic those two things out of the fivefold gifts is where the most power is located teaching is awesome pastoring is awesome and evangelist is awesome those are all awesome and God uses them all but the power of the fivefold is found in the Apostolic and the prophetic there's a lot of power in those two I'm not saying there's no power in these there are but the real stan shil pivotal power is in the office of the proposal and the prophet Jezebel is the spirit that the devil uses to fight the prophetic the Jezebel spirit is the one that fights the prophetic Jezebel has done a masterful job in most of our churches to get church people to turn a deaf ear to anything prophetic and I know that many people have misused the prophetic and the apostolic I know that but it still doesn't take away the fact that they're both still powerful and they're both still very relevant can you say Amen so prophesying is speaking the heart and the mind of God into a matter is declaring God's intentions over you a prophetic word has great impact on the future perception of your destiny a prophetic word can instantly change your mind from being fearful and negative about the future and can fill it a good prophetic word can fill your heart with hope and good will when a prophetic word is spoken over you it has locked up in that word of prophecy all the supply to every need associated with that prophecy every seed and every bit of the cell and nucleus of power in regard to that prophecy is locked up in that prophetic word all the supply is locked up in that word now I'm going to give you this real quickly I'm going to read it as very familiar passage but I want to just take a different look at it I look at it from a different angle but I'm gonna read Ezekiel and I'm just gonna read about 8 verses and I want you to look at this with me pay close attention because I'm gonna come back and revisit him in a moment the hand of the Lord is equal said was upon me he carried me out of the Spirit of the Lord and he said the Lord sent me down in the midst of a valley which was full of bones now let's stop right there just for a minute the word took Ezekiel up maneuvered him and made him go around that valley of dry bones not just a excerpt of a look but he made him go the whole circumference of the valley of dry bones he wanted him to see the whole magnitude of how bad the situation was some people are afraid to look at situations and see how bad they really are some people want to bury their head in the sand and act like and believe that it's not quite that bad but God never does that he always says to the Prophet take a look at it look at it in reality and we're gonna bring change to it but I want you to see the whole circumference of it it said he set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones he caused me to pass by them roundabouts caused me to pass by in other words he said walk around it take it in look at it don't be afraid to look look and behold there were very many in the open Valley and lo they were very dry he said to me son of man can these bones live and I answered Lord you know us how many of you knows you better say that and again he said unto me he said this he said prophesy upon these bones and say unto them oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise after a while I'm gonna take each one of these levels and I'm gonna make prophesies on each one of these levels first the noise then a shaking then bones came together bone to his bone and when I looked the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them so let me cover this with you real quickly let's talk about it prophesied the Lord said to this situation the Lord said to Ezekiel he wants to know who he's working with sometime they can look so hopeless sometime things can look so utterly destroyed that when the Lord looks for somebody that he can possibly use to face utter destruction and utter impossibility he has to ask that person that he's going to use to prophesy into that do you think that's possible do you think this is possible and Ezekiel was wise and after he surveyed everything and he encompassed everything he said Lord you know he didn't say yes he didn't say no he only said Lord the secret lies with you how many of you know sometime you can go through situations in your life that looks so utterly hopeless so utterly devastating it looks like that it is absolutely no remedy for the situation and so the Lord said to zekiel compass these bones boy walk around them I'm gonna set you right down in the middle of them I want to ask you a question do you think it's possible for these bones to live again and Ezekiel said Lord you know well the next thing is he said okay now he said I want you to prophesy to these bones now prophesying is declaring it's what it is it's basically declaring declaring causes a stir - come on things that's been dormant for years months weeks days declaring voice activated keep your mouth shut nothing's probably going to happen keep your mouth shut you can think something for 25 years and nothing will happen but once you say something it activates things and I just want to say to you it's time to stop thinking about things it's time to stop mulling things over it's time to stop believing that God can things it's time to say my god can do this and my god shall do this it's time to say it can you shout amen so prophesy into the situation he said I want you to prophesied of these dry bones and declaring prophesying what it does is it stirs things look at me everybody your tongue is like a spatula your tongue is like a spatula cake mix is not going to be too successful unless it's turned on the stove when you're cooking you have a spatula that you stir your stuff with when you're cooking you want to get all the juices you know you want to get them all stirred in there the tongue when God has something to say he will use you to declare it but the tongue is inserted into a situation and the tongue is like a spatula and it's turns things around stirs things all shut up out of a shut up Papa I feel right now while I'm speaking I feel like my tongue is in this house and it's stirring things our God is about to do great and mighty things give Him praise shut out about rubble so topical Thapa declaring things stirs things has been dormant stirs them up notice the Prophet said to this dry bones hear the word of the Lord I want to tell you dry bones don't have ears they don't help flesh-and-blood ears but how many of those there's going to be times that God is going to command you to prophesy the things that won't help flesh-and-blood ears and flesh-and-blood eyes but he said prophesy anyway they can hear just prophesy door [Applause] hear the word of the Lord so the bones came together flesh appeared sinews but no breath now level two God said to the Prophet look at this he said now prophesy to the wind look at that scripture where he said prophesied of the wind chapter 37 verse 9 look at chapter 37 and verse 9 then said he unto me now what was the first thing back up just a minute take that off the stream back up just for me what do you say first of all he said prophesy to the bones okay now here's what I want everybody here to understand I believe what we miss God so many times is we prophesy once over a situation are once over a child or once over a church a once over a minister or once over a situation whatever it may be we prophesy once and we think our work is done but now watch this the Lord said son what do you see bribe dry bones he said can they live he said you know he said well prophesied these models so he started prophesied into the bones now after he prophesied to the bones he said bones hear the word of the Lord so there was no ears just dry bleached bones but the Lord said and I want to tell you this listen I don't care if it's a child I don't care if it's a situation or whatever when God says for something to hear it may be dead bones but they're gonna hear what God says I thought about shot I fire now the second thing that God said was this he said all right now he said the bones has activated and whenever he prophesied the bones these bones had been in this valley so long that had been separated the wind tourim skeletons animals and carried bones off there was no longer in the joints ribs there's no longer than the ribcage just bones everywhere out there and whenever he prophesy you had to duck man bones flying everywhere second thing was but why the Lord saying to the Prophet is you're not through he said let's go to phase 2 now phase 2 he said unto me now talk to the wind okay stop right there just a minute look at me everybody the Lord done told him to talk to the bones it not enough no that was stage 1 stage 2 is you got to talk to the wind he said prophesy to the wind well Lord what do you want me to say the win thus saith the Lord God come forth from the four winds o breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live now Ezekiel had to go back and give a further word God didn't tell him to go back and reproof aside to the bones he didn't say go back and let's start all over again okay you've already prophesied to the bones go back and reprocess that bone no that's already in motion second phase is prophesied to the wind only prophesy - what's lacking so we had to prophesy to what lacked and that was the next stage of development and only the wind could bring about the next stage of development so many times we prophesy over something and we see it activated and we rest we back off and we say oh the Lord is going to do it and it falls flat many times it falls flat it's like well it started out so good it's because maybe you didn't go back and continue to prophesied - wasn't what wasn't working what you prophesied over is working but maybe you need to go back and talk to the area's that's not working and he didn't say go back and reproof aside to the bones he did said prophesied of the wind prophesied to make the wind do its part the wind is the wind and the wind is needed not only do we need the bones rejoin 'td but we've got to help the infusion of the wind talk to the winds huh so Ezekiel speaks to the next stage of development and he tells the wind all right when I need you to help me participate and the wind says ok so sure enough he prophesied to the wind the wind starts blowing and this army stood upon their feet level 3 level 3 reveals mindsets now the Lord says to the prophet Ezekiel let me tell you what these bones are saying boy I want everybody to pay attention to this this is so powerful I don't know if you've ever seen this or not in the scriptures but I want you to see it today when the bones came together and when the wind began to blow and sinews begin to come upon the flesh then in verse 11 it says the Lord said unto me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel and let me tell you what they're saying our bones are dry I hope is lost we're cut off for my parts and God's ain't Ezekiel three things that Ezekiel can't hear let me tell you something about God God knows the thoughts and the intents of the heart and God hears blood one of the reasons why abortion is wrong and one of the reasons why shedding of innocent blood is wrong is because when God came to Cain he said Cain where's your brother Abel he said my brother's keeper God said well the reason I'm asking is I hear his blood crying from the ground and what he's saying there is I don't need vocal cords and I don't need ears and I don't need a mouth or teeth or tongue I can hear even what blood is saying y'all hearing what I'm saying to him so now as the Prophet is prophesying he said speak to the bones okay I did that speak to the wind now they've got sinews on them now they're standing up and then the Lord says let me tell you about these bones they've been through a traumatic situation so I put them back together they're standing up they look pretty good the spirits done this thing the winds done this thing but that wait before you go any further than the Lord said let me tell you what you're dealing with here go back to the scripture he said here's what these bones are saying here's what the whole house of Israel is saying he said behold these bones see the Prophet couldn't hear that but God was interpreting what the house of Israel that had been diminished for so long he was telling the Prophet what the Prophet couldn't hear look at me everybody listen to me what God was saying is they're depressed they're depressed even though the bones came back together that's good and even though the wind blew upon them that's good but we don't we have a future we don't feel like we have a future or depress our hope is lost we feel cut off we don't feel relevant we don't feel like we're in the mix so we don't feel like we're a player and God said to the Prophet told to let me tell you what they're saying and God said to the Prophet now you've got to deal with this I have never seen in my life so many of God's people today in the world that's dealing with depression and hopelessness many people that has never wrestled at all with any depression at all are now having trouble sleeping some have even contemplated suicide some more seriously than others I'm talking about spirit filled believers but the Bible says in the last days that the spirit of the Antichrist it says it in the book of Revelation that the devil will come to wear out the Saints of the Most High we need to get wore out to get depressed you get depressed and I have never seen in my life as I travel and in pastoring I've never seen so many people struggling with a sense of hopelessness a sense that things are not going to change that things have not changed for me in so long I don't know if they'll ever change I don't know if my son will ever get right my marriage will never survive I don't know if my church will ever grow I'm telling you the Holy Spirit knows what your inner talk is but he's not a prophet on the scene and says we're gonna change this thing come on give God praise the fourth thing the level for Ezekiel the Lord told Ezekiel said now therefore prophesy and say thus saith the Lord God behold my people I'm gonna open your graves I'm gonna cause you to come up out of your graves that means where there's no life and I'm gonna bring you into the Land of Israel I'm gonna restore you where you belong you shall know that i am the lord when i have opened your graves o my people and brought you up out of your graves you show and i will put my spirit in you and you shall live and i shall place you in your own land I'll give you your place I'll give you a place you need a place you need to belong then said the Lord you shall know that I the LORD have spoken it and performed it saith the Lord so God said to the Prophet tell them the place where there's been no life in the grave you're gonna come out of that lifeless place and I'm gonna send you to a place of destiny shut down our bus Sun Dorobo kuttappa yonder I speak right now over you in the name of Jesus destiny you're gonna come into your destiny I declare it to be slow and I'm not into declaring yet but I mean it just felt good let's just give it a good try you may be seated will come back at it in a minute God said you'll know that I put my spirit in you and you shall live you shall know that I'm the Lord that spoke this and perform these things I'm very staunch on this I'm very staunch on it that you've got to speak it God said to Ezekiel speak it don't think it speak it get your words out of your mouth oh how dumb in your head get them in get that spatula and stir this mess up what if his EQ would have quit prophesying and not spoken to the wind it would all fell apart bones will be together but what good is that you've got to have the wind talk to the wind when something happens praise God for but if something else is not happening 10 and prophesied the end one thing to have a promise but it's another thing to have a performance of that promise so let me talk to you about this right quick there's four things and I'm gonna go through this as fast as I can but there's four things that you need to be aware of before I go any further with this I said that the things that God has are all voice-activated if you don't have a voice and can't speak then you can write and it's activated through your writing just like when John the Baptist father Zechariah wrote down his name should be John it kicked in but you've got to agree with God why we usually agree with God is our voice but even when he couldn't talk and he wrote down his name should be John it kicked in his tongue was loosed everything God has his voice activated one of the things the devil tries to do you I remember right before revival broke out of Brownsville I was in the church prayin always prayed ever said Saturday night by myself every night for years I go down to Brownsville and I pray in the sanctuary I found myself in the station where one night in the dark I always prayed in the dark and I was walking around the church and I was just Jesus I heard the Lord say this to me he said lift your voice just like that there was something that was in the atmosphere and I was in there by myself that I felt like I had to keep my voice low and the Lord rebuked me and he said lived her voice and immediately I didn't even think about it I just lifted my voice and when it did it felt like something shattered above the atmosphere Brownsville like glass fell all around me and my voice just resonated in that church and that was the beginning of God doing some powerful things of that your mouth don't be intimidated don't let the devil give you got me excited now let me give you four things real quickly before I get them out declarations number one there's four things that the Lord wants us to do but most Pentecostals especially Pentecostals feel like that everything God has is going to be activated through prayer now I've got to make something clear I do not believe and never have believed that prayer is not important prayer is vital it is vital but I also want you to know that for years all I knew was prayer and I prayed about everything I was trained like that I was brought up in prayer meetings with my pastor I prayed with him for years every single night without missing a night so I know about prayer and I cherished prayer I value prayer and I'm not be valuing prayer but then the Holy Spirit said there's other things son he said I want you to understand there's some things you pray about and then there's some things that you bless now to bless means that you speak out of your mouth what you desire to see come to pass over a person place or thing in the Bible when the Lord wanted anything to increase he usually blessed it when he wanted a breakthrough he prayed but when he wanted to increase he blessed he said as he took the loaves and fish he said what do you have take an assessment of the assets they came back they said there's a boy here got a few loaves on some fish Jesus took the lowest fish break it and blessed it held it up break it and blessed it and when he blessed it it started to immediately multiply when the Lord wants to multiply something he doesn't pray over it he blesses it when you want something to multiply in your life you bless it like I don't pray over the offering of my church I don't probably offer I could pray over my offering and it would be scriptural but I've learned that when the offering is received I speak a blessing over the offer Lord I bless this offering the tithes and offerings I bless it because your people have been faithful to obey you I speak that this offering is going to multiply and need every need and have plenty left over when you sit down to eat your table your meal at your table you don't need to pray over your meal you don't need to say Lord we come to you now we ask you to bless this foods you have the ability to bless your food just everybody set with your eyes open join hands at the table person that's going to bless the food says Lord thank you for our family we're all sitting here together we thank you for this food that's been provided we bless this food now Lord and we speak that it's more than enough to meet the need but we also bless it the strength there's not a result from this blessing on this food and Lord we thank you for this time of fellowship and we bless it in Jesus name so there's some things you pray over there some things you bless and then there's some things you speak to the Lord said look at this and mark chapter 11 Jesus said how faith in God I say that whosoever shall say to this mountain whoever will speak to this mountain be removed be cast in the sea shallow down his heart but shall believe those things which you say shall come to pass he shall hope to ever say so the Lord says now you're not praying to the mountain and you're not blessing the mountain he said speak to the mouth address it address what's not working speak to the mountain I could go on but at my times getting away from me let me what you say will take you home with me brother number four there's some things you pray over there's some things that you bless there's some things you speak to but then don't forget this there's some things you've got a prophesy to some things you got a prophesy to the Lord said to the Prophet prophesied to the wind prophesied and tell them to come out their graves come out of that lifeless place prophesy transition them from a grave mentality to a land in a place of belonging you got a son oh don't hold back if your prophet prophesied if you're not a prophet speak if you can't speak yes if it came loose pray but for God's sakes open your mouth and start talking I wish somebody help me here today okay now I want to take it I'm gonna get started the Lord calls the prophet Ezekiel to be brought to this place and he said survey this valley cut me down a little bit he said survey and evaluate something that once was what I want to talk to you about today in your life is maybe something that once was and it's not anymore and you're grieving over it and so the spirit set him down in the midst of that hopeless Valley and told him he said to excess the situation so the hand of the Lord was upon me carried me out the Spirit of the Lord sent me down the midst of the valley which is full of bones he caused me to pass by them very many in the open Valley and they were very dry so Ezekiel's assessment was I seed the remnants of something that once lived my assessment is there was once life here and the Lord said this to the Prophet he said well can life come back and the Prophet said only you know that Lord he said three things he said very many very dry and everything happened in a valley I did some study and I looked at Valley and then Webster it says that Valley is a hollow it is a depression surrounded by at least two hills or two mountains all of this was being revealed in a place where everything fell apart a valley listen a valley that you go through is if you're not careful you can get depressed in the valley it's a place of depression and when you go through a valley if you're not careful that's where everything could fall apart that's where these bones fell apart and came disjointed and individualized and wasn't part of a body anymore valleys in scripture almost always represent the opposite of victory they always almost always represent defeat even in Scripture it says when the Lord comes it says prepare the way of the Lord every Valley shall be filled every mountain and Hill brought low the crooked shall be made straight the wealth rough ways should be made smooth Isaiah said in chapter 40 every Valley shall be exalted every mountain and Hill shall be made low crooked shall be made straight rough places be made plain the think you'll also said it's not only a valley where everything falls apart but it's very dry these bones are very dry if you remember the scripture here's what Jesus said about dry places when you hear anybody talk about their church going through a dry spell our my life is going through a dry spell I'm in a dry place it usually means that that's where demons traffic it says in Matthew 12 verse 43 when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and finds none Satan relishes trafficking in dry places I've come here today to make a decree you're coming out of that dry place I said I I have come to make it I have come to make a declaration and a decree you're coming out of that dry place come on give God praise I'm still not at the place where I'm declaring yet so be seated I'll be there in a minute I've come today to prophesy over you that you're coming out get ready I want you to get ready get set go you're coming out of a dry place beginning today on March the 4th 2018 I speak it to me so in Jesus name now you can be seated thank you what's the opposite of dry water water represents the spirit dry represents a place where there's no moving of the Spirit no indication of spiritual refreshing dry represents weariness dryness of soul it means all pleasure has been exhausted the Bible says in the beginning Genesis 1 in 1 God created the heavens and the earth it says in verse 2 the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters in other words it wasn't just void but it was without form hear me what happened to these bones in the wilderness in the valley they had lost their structure no structure God ordained structure God ordained marriage God ordained husband wife children God ordained family God ordained ministry he ordained 5-pole to lead the ministry not just somebody having a prayer meeting in their home God's ordained fivefold ministry over your life for the perfecting of the Word of God in your life structure God ordained the structure of the heavens and the earth God is a God structure in the valleys where structure falls apart without form implies separation unable to correct the situation void means empty emptiness and the Lord said can they live and he said Lord I see all this but you know now I'll show you something interesting this is something I don't know if you've ever seen this or not Ezekiel chapter 37 and verse 4 and I want to point it out to you this is in your Bible seen King James look at it the Lord didn't say prophesied to these bones he said prophesy upon these bones y'all hear me look at me everybody this is in your King James Version somebody said he pulled a trick on me y'all listening to me look at me listen to me here's what the Lord said he said the way of prophecy is to be delivered is this not to something it's oh go back to my text Aaron go back to my text leave your place right there but go back to my text look at what the Apostle Paul said to Timothy he said according to the prophecies which went before on you in other words somebody put a prophecy on him look this way everybody look this way it's time for you to stop putting a bunch of a load of nonsense on your children it's time for you to stop putting criticism on your children and guilt and condemnation on your children it's time for you to get control of your tongue and it's time for you to either start blessing your children praying for your children speaking to your children but put something on them [Music] you ever heard somebody say a woman say that my husband is so mean to me he's put all kind of stuff on me he spoke out kind of stuff on me but here's the Apostle Paul saying he's saying war with the war a good warfare with the prophecies that's been put upon you now the Lord says to the Prophet he says prophesy upon these bones and saying to them put this all the bones don't talk to the bones put something on him bones and he said say bones hear the word of the Lord now here's what the Bible says first of all there was a noise a shaking and the bones came together when God gets ready to start doing renewal hear me the first thing that's going to happen when God gets ready to start renewal is there's gonna be a change in the sound of things the Bible says there was a noise I prophesied and there was a noise in the valley and behold a shaking number two bones coming together bone to his bone so declaring causes things to be stirred up but the first thing that you're going to notice is you're going to notice a noise first now I'm going to start in just about one minute and start making some declarations I'm gonna do a noise first second I'm gonna do a restoration two coming together thirdly I'm going to do an extended word of prophecy and fourthly I'm going to do an addressing expressions of that's what I'm going to do in just a few minutes all these are very important so declaring was something that has to be done and that's why I've come here today I'm going to declare some things I'm taking my time I know I'm doing it on purpose so you can simulate everything I'm saying I could go a lot faster but I want you to get what I'm saying it says in job 22 and verse 28 King James Version thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and thy light shall shine upon thy ways and the light shall shine upon thy ways I'm going to make some decrees and some declarations number one you ready I'm speaking and I'm releasing right now in the name of Jesus in the atmosphere of this house and those watching online and those that's watching by television I'm speaking right now a noise to begin from today forward let me tell you what I mean I declare that the news that you've been getting the bad news you've been getting is going to change and there's going to be a change good news is going to start coming I said good news there's going to be a shift in the wind there's going to be a shift in the wind I said there's going to be a shift in the wind and where you have been bound by bad news and it's been constant I decree a new change in the noise level it's going to be positive news coming in the name of Jesus listen to this someone or something is going to begin to change his chin there's going to be a change in attitude from somebody towards you there's going to be a shift in opinion of somebody towards you I speak that the phone is going to ring the noise of something changing I said the phone is going to ring there's going to be a change of something that's gonna shift from today forward in your life there's gonna be a change in the dormant sounds of nothingness a change of the dormant and a hard heart people that's been giving you the silent treatment people that's been pouting was you people that's been trying to shut you out I speak there's going to be a change in that heart ah there's going to be a change in that heart I decree it in the name of Jesus give God praise you can be seated shut out it almost look total robot you on top uh piccata sounds are the genesis of a miracle and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind it build all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like fire and Sun upon them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and we're confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language want you to notice before the church was born on the day of Pentecost there was a sound first there came a sound from heaven I decree in the name of Jesus over Evangel temple in this house over this whole campus i decree a sound a change a sound a different vibration i declare over you in the name of jesus a change in the sounds that you've been hearing for the last months and years there's coming a change in the sound i declared this day that the sound of revival is coming into America oh my god I felt that I said I felt that you'll be seated where there's been rancor and division between Democrats and Republicans between the judicial and the executive branch and the legislative branch where there's been hell on Capitol Hill I speak that soon there's going to come a sound of change on Capitol Hill new something he's going to give a miracle I said I speak it I deplore there's a miracle coming on Capitol Hill you've got gray shirts man Wow y'all stay with me a few more minutes I'm okay I'm okay [Applause] you know I can't go sit down and I've read the rest of them David had faced a situation where the he just couldn't get the victory here's what the Lord said to him he said David you're gonna hear the sound of a going to the tops of the mulberry trees in other words before the victory comes you're gonna hear the sound of victory listen listen before the victory comes you'll hear the sound of it before we ever see the Lord in the rapture the trumpet sounds on the day of Pentecost there was a sound of a rushing money oh I release a sound in this house now a change in the vibrations on this atmosphere something different is going to begin to take place from today March deport 2018 sound is going to change you've got the drier the conditions the sweeter the sound I'll buy your tapas I buy sounds are the first indication of the return of what once was I speak that the sounds of the few will become contagious in this church and develop into a course of mighty praise and worship that no man can control the likes of which have not been heard in this house are if ever in the name of Jesus number two I want to speak a declaration of restoration coming together I declare this day that not only will there be a sound but there's gonna be restoration in this house in your house a restoration of position somebody has been ousted and it was a setup you've been ousted you've been put out but I declare in the name of Jesus a restoration of position a restoration of place you're going to get your home back you're going to get your car back you're going to get back what the devil had tried to steal from you you're gonna get your ministry back you're gonna get your church back I'm speaking in the name of Jesus restoration opposition what has been been displaced will be replaced I declare that this desperate longing to belong is going to finally be met in your life some of you have been languishing to belong somewhere some of you have been languishing to belong to somebody some of your Naomi's and roots have been praying for a husband some of you Boaz's has been praying for a life I declare that ladies that have been earnestly praying for a husband and they don't feel complete but they need a man they need a husband God Himself said it's not good for men to be alone I speak in the name of Jesus that Boaz is going to be wound up and Boaz is filled and it will be a bad thing and God is going to door and rejoin what you missed out a number of years ago I declare the gentlemen that have been lonely and longing for companionship will be jointly fit together in a compatible and loving union with a godly woman I declare that mothers and fathers who have been heartbroken over the separation of their children will be reunited with their sons and with their daughters and with their grandchildren I said I release I've learned in this house and I'm speaking in Jesus name stand up and to see that word I speak the tears of sorrow will be replaced with tears of great joy I declare that friendships that have been severed for a long period of time God is going to restore the Lord will do miracles and signs in this situation what you have been a young longing far and yearning far and you're needed to be restored to someone what is going to miraculously bring that apart or bring that about I speak that those of you that have been cheated out of an inheritance those that have been hijacked by the courts and unjust judges I speak to those that has been robbed by devious and deceptive family members and their maneuvers that cut you out of your rightful inheritance I speak in Jesus name that this inheritance will find you it will knock on your door there will be a summons served at your door that things have changed in the court and there will be new owners and new judges and what you rightly hope will come back into your chain come on give God praise but I said you've done please honey please Bastien that's it listen to this I declared that things that rightfully belong to your forefathers your grandfather and your grandmother's your great-grandfather's and your great-grandmother's your grandfathers and your grandmothers and your daddies and your mama's even though they may be dead in their grave the things that rightfully belong to them and they never had the privilege of laying their hand on it and enjoying it I speak in the name of Jesus that that's going to be dislodged and through the Holy Spirit doing some maneuvers some legal maneuvers your name will surface and you're the next of kin you are the surviving heir and it's going to find you and gods going to bless you beyond your wildest dreams that was pitiful come on give him brains [Music] I'm almost through I declare and decree over you that you're gonna find where you fit you have been so disjointed you've been searching you have been lonely you have been languishing I declare and decree over you that you're gonna find where you fit and you're gonna find where you were meant to be and what you were meant to be the Lord plainly told me he said tell my people that I'm bringing them into a period where they're gonna find their fit they're gonna find their compatibilities they're gonna find their function and they're gonna be resourceful as they've always desired to be resourceful level number three level number three he said prophesy to the wind prophesy Son of Man sight to the wind oh wind old breath breathe upon these slain that they may live what the wind does is the wind gives life to did to the dead I declare a shift from anything in your life that's been dead relationships your joy your enthusiasm your outlook your hope I declare in the name of Jesus that the wind of the Spirit is going to begin to blow in you how you're even driving in your car I speak that the wind of the Holy Spirit is going to begin to blow in this church during praise and worship I decree and declare over you that in your home when you lay upon your bed it's going to blow over you and it won't be coming from the raised windows in your house either it's going to be a the wind of the Spirit blowing over you getting you ready for restoration man I feel wind on me right now I guess somebody cut the air conditioner off [Applause] honestly when I said that I felt wind come on me man everybody stand up and thank God for the wind of the Spirit come on everybody I'm not quite through but just come on hang in there with me the wind gives life I declare a shift from just existing to living living I declared that the breath of life blow upon singles on the marriage only young on the old old institutions old homes churches and ministries and then finally he said so I prophesied he commanded me in the breath came into them and they live sit upon their feet so that you may rise up out of the valley of nothingness some of you have been so bound by feeling like there's nothing going on in my life you've been bound by nothingness you've even said out of your own mouth I just feel like I'm in a place I can't get out of I wonder if I'll ever get out of this funk you are God sent me here today to speak these words out into the atmosphere I just want you to reach up and grab when they come by these are action words I'm skipping a lot let me to go to the last point address expressions of depression only God knows the cry of the soul there's things that God knows about you that you'd never tell a preacher there's God there's things that God knows about you that should never tell even your whole your own life and you'd never share it with your own husband and you'd never share it with one of your children and you'd never share it with your parent you'd never share it with a grandchild or grandchild would never share it with a grandparent you'd never share it with anybody it's so private and it's so hurtful to you and you'd be embarrassed if anybody knew what she was thinking and God said son a man these bones of the whole house of Israel let me tell you what they're saying they're saying God was telling the Prophet you can't hear it but I know I can hear it I hear what these bones are saying God's saying they're depressed son prophet house of Israel is depressed well they've got some activity but activity is not enough they want to belong where they belong he said I declare over you and over your situation the Lord was saying to the Prophet tell him I'm going to bring him out of the clutches of their graves I'm gonna bring them out of depression I'm gonna bring him out of that hopelessness and I'm gonna bring them to the place that they've yearned to be and then bring them out of their graves and bring them into the land where they've yearned to be God said you shall know that I'm the Lord but I have opened your graves o my people who brought you up out of your graves God's saying I'm gonna put my spirit in you and I'm gonna place you where you've always wanted to be and he said you shall know that I the Lord has spoken it I will perform them says the Lord it's going to take me to do it you can't do this by yourself neither can the prophet it's gonna take me so today closing this is last word I want to say today in closed in March the 4th 2018 I declare over you in this house I declare over you and I'll speak over you in Jesus name you won't be looking at the sides four sides of it a hole anymore and your grave you're gonna be looking at a home that the Lord's gonna put you in you're gonna be laying in the bed holding the hand of a man and holding the hand of a woman that you love so dearly waited so long for and didn't think it would ever happened but it's going to happen God's gonna restore what the cankerworm the palm worm and the locust has destroyed [Applause] come on put up your spiritual antennas right now just receive that word right now then just worship Him I want to tell you before we closed this morning this was a rich rich word yeah and I want to tell you something else this morning in the 8:15 service he preached a completely different message that I challenge you to go back and watch the live stream on our Facebook page because that message will change your life I took more notes in that message that I've taken in many many months on a sermon it was that powerful and I'm telling you though some rich rich word in some rich soil planted today I want you to lift your hands I'm gonna pray a closing prayer listen if you have a spiritual need in your life I want to just pray over you right now and I want to just allow the Lord right now to do what we can't do Heavenly Father if there's a spiritual need in this place these altars are open people are more than willing to come and more than welcome to come to express their self to you O God and Lord to lay at the altar whatever need or whatever barrier whatever hindrance is in one's life God this morning those that are watching online right now from around the world and here in this place that received a word from heaven I speak and pray that these declarations and blessings these restorations these decrees Lord may they fall on these lives not deaf ears not dead lives but Lord lives that are alive and well ready to go out in March into the streets of Jacksonville into the workplace the college campus the school's walk out into the streets of the city and allow what happens in here to happen out there don't be prey for overflow I pray got all that your promise is all that your word was declared today God let it be so is exactly the meaning of amen let it be so God I pray let it be in Jesus name we thank you for it Oh God we celebrates you amen and amen put your hands together this morning listen if you didn't already don't forget to sew into this word this morning sweeten blessed john Kilpatrick god bless you you're dismissed come back tonight for our night of worship have a wonderful day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 75,171
Rating: 4.7940197 out of 5
Id: riLKrDG8VcQ
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Length: 89min 31sec (5371 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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