Purifying the Prophetic Zoom Call with Jeremiah Johnson and Loren Sandford

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all right good evening good evening we are going to be starting this zoom call in about three minutes and so just want to invite and uh welcome everybody to the broadcast and uh just gonna give you about two to three minutes i want to go ahead and open up the comment section uh there in the chat box if you want to let us know where you're watching from we would love to greet you tonight so go ahead lauren can you hear me yeah can you hear me yes sir good good well we'll just uh wait here about another two minutes and um let everybody jump on so i'm gonna just go ahead and see where everybody's watching from we've got uh singapore uh we've got africa i see australia we've got folks from all over the united states in fact there's more than 5 000 people that have registered for the e-course tonight and so uh again it's just zinging right now go ahead and let us know alaska chattanooga colorado california we've got uh hawaii we've got dubai we had several folks let us know they'd be waking up at three in the morning to uh to join us tonight so incredible colombia welcome north dakota wow wow wow all right one minute countdown lauren this is gonna be good isn't it gonna be fun i think if you hear any a little background noise going on i forgot you know we've got a live and growing youth group and they're having a party room next to my production studio that i forgot about so hey no it sounds good it's one of the things i love about you is your commitment and faithfulness to the local church so thanks for uh joining us all right 30 seconds and we're ready to blast off again we want to welcome everybody to our zoom call tonight lauren sanford and i are going to be talking about uh present day prophetic ministry what is god saying uh to the church and obviously we're in the midst of uh really a great uh political turmoil uh in our nation and i couldn't uh think of a better time uh for our time tonight so i'm gonna go ahead and open us up in prayer and we'll dive in father we just thank you for tonight god we thank you for uh this broadcast those who are watching live those who will watch the replay lord i just pray that you would tune our ears our eyes into what your spirit is saying lord i just release a settling over everything and everyone that's unsettled we thank you that there's peace in your presence and we just invite jesus the prince of peace just to oversee this gathering this convocation tonight in jesus name we pray amen amen all right well lauren let's get started uh just to kind of preface our conversation tonight you know lauren and i we got together in october uh last month and lauren and i have created a brand new e-course that's a 10-module training and teaching that we're going to talk about at the end of the call but lauren we got together last month and i was thinking today just not realizing the timing of um how necessary this conversation is right now in the earth you know folks that are watching tonight are are being uh just overwhelmed uh even today uh there was an individual that claimed to be a christian that that called and talked to one of my staff members and completely cursed her out uh regarding trump and prophets and i i don't know if there's ever been a time that prophetic ministry has been uh so uh the focus of so much hate right now and so lauren i want to thank you for uh flying out and spending some time with me uh last month i'm excited about the e-course that we'll talk about at the end but right now for the sake of this conversation why don't you just introduce yourself just for a minute lauren and then just speak into uh whatever you'd want to say about what's happening right now in our nation well you know i hate to talk about myself but um people have called me names all my life and one of the names that they've called me you know over the last couple of decades is profit and i wear that somewhat uncomfortably i'm also a pastor at pastor newsom church and ministries in denver and uh written what nine books now and um gosh what this situation man i got stirred up this morning i saw that uh i saw that press conference this morning with uh sydney um i'm losing names already cindy powell yeah and uh and with rudy giuliani and i thought wow some things are coming down and uh one of the things that really really struck me is that whenever god is about to do something that's really amazing or really big he sends his his his um john the baptist prophets out uh beforehand to call for preparation and i believe that's one of the primary callings of prophetic ministry you know we're when john the baptist called for preparation the heart of it was repentance the heart of it was was holiness and one of the significant things that he said was that the ax is laid to the root of the trees every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire and he'll clean his threshing floor you know and burn up the chaff and i think that's true in every age it was true when john the baptist prepared for jesus to come and it's true now what's happening now well i think the primary calling that people like you and i have is to call the body of christ to prepare for god's gonna do something huge in his spirit and so across the nation and in the prophetic movement i think that he's got his axe laid to the to the root of the trees and he's and he's sorting us out we're being sifted in a major way and we need to have accurate prophets that are speaking into that um to prepare us for for a move of god that i believe is going to be unprecedented in the earth yeah that that's excellent you know lauren one of the things that we're hearing right now so much as prophetic ministry is you know being attacked and scrutinized and questioned is some thoughts about false prophets and you know what are we going to do with all these prophets who prophesied trump winning reelection i know for me it seems to be kind of 50 50 i believe that there are a lot of people choosing to stand with the prophets and kind of you know listening and waiting and letting things pan out i know lana vosser a good friend of mine released a prophetic word really trying to strengthen prophets under fire but could you talk to us tonight a little bit about what what does the bible say about false prophets versus prophets that perhaps maybe miss a prophecy glad you asked if anybody's got their bibles in front of them i would say go to deuteronomy 18 20-22 i was taking a hard look at that today and he reads like this the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in my name which i have not commanded him to speak or which he speaks in the name of other gods that prophet shall die well i'm way glad that we don't have stonings today but um as i unpacked that part of this passage i believe that what's being what's coming to us is that if a prophet knowingly speaks in the lord's name when the lord has not spoken in other words he is speaking from some kind of other motivation but knowingly speaking in the lord's name when the lord is not spoken then then this is this is a deliberate sentence it's a deliberate misrepresentation that one is a false prophet or if he speaks particularly if he speaks in the name of other gods then it's idolatry so deliberately misrepresenting god speaking from the inspiration of other gods that's what makes a false prophet now he goes on to say you may say in your heart how will we know the word which the lord has not spoken when a prophet speaks in the name of the lord if the thing does not come about or come true that is the thing which the lord has not spoken that's one of the big duh things in scripture the prophet has spoken it presumptuously you shall not be afraid of him now as i am unpacked that in the light of what i think are new testament if a prophet does not have a strong track record of accuracy then don't respect him prophetically that doesn't necessarily mean he's never wrong but it means that his track record of of of getting it right needs to be strong so we need to be looking at prophetic people who have a strong track record of being right but notice that the verse you know once in a while we're going to get it wrong i i'm not infallible and i i i suspect anybody who claims to be infallible it scripture is infallible we are not and i'll come to that in a minute but notice i want you to notice the verse still calls the one who gets a specific word wrong a prophet the title isn't withdrawn isn't that interesting getting it wrong doesn't disqualify him as a prophet altogether deliberately speaking false deliberately speaking falsely does difficult disqualify somebody if he's speaking from spirits other than the lord that disqualifies and so what you get here is missed prophecy versus false prophet the false prophet is the one who counsels compromise with worship of a foreign god or who knowingly misrepresents the lord apart from that the prophet remains a prophet who got it wrong who merely needs to learn from his error and then i go i go to first corinthians 14 for a new testament reference it says let two or three prophets speak let the others pass judgment well the the word in the greek means to separate the precious from the vile that which is valuable from that which is not and so why why set it up so the other prophets would judge if there's no possibility of error and so i think you know part of what the lord is doing right now i mean even if we even if it turns out that we're all 100 percent right that trump is going to win in the end even if that's true what we've been through is a period of time in which god is humbling prophetic voices and i think we need to embrace that he's reminding us that we're not infallible he's reminding us that that that well i'll say this too i think he's rem i think he's speaking to us that we've missed the core of our calling because as i read the scripture and i look at the core of prophetic of prophetic ministry and what we're called to do it's not all about predicting things we're all kind of hung up on predicting things we got to predict things but the core of prophetic ministry in scripture is to separate the precious from the vile the holy from the unholy it's to it's to see into the body of christ and to see when pollutions have come in and in an authoritative way call them out and call the body of christ back to a pure devotion to the lord and if you look at for instance elijah even when he predicted things even when he predicted you know there's not going to be any rain except by my word that was to bring israel up short and call them back to a pure devotion to the lord follow jeremiah he's calling the people back to a pure devotion to the lord same thing with isaiah right through scripture that's the primary calling we've been hung up on well on two things we've been hung up on predicting things and which is really not not the primary calling of the prophetic and we've been hung up on giving personal words to people which is also not the primary thrust of the prophetic so that's kind of my initial spin on what we're talking about here yeah and and obviously lauren you know you and i wrote a book uh several years ago called the makaya company a prophetic reformation uh we've been walking together i think about seven or eight years lauren i know you've been doing prophetic ministry uh more than 40 years so for me in my life a lot of what you say has a lot of weight but i just know from you know functioning in the prophetic ministry in america and many streams uh what you're saying is really going to uh upset the apple cart you know i i have a little bit of a different language you know and again we're talking prophets ministry right not believers who have the gift of prophecy two way separate things but when you talk about the prophets ministry you know i say there's the corrective there's the directive and then there's the predictive so one more time it's the corrective it's the directive and then it's the predictive and so what i hear you saying is we have over emphasized the predictive nature of prophetic ministry to the point where now it seems like for a large part of the prophetic movement it's like now now we're just fighting or now we're being consumed with trump or biden and trump or biden and and you know lauren the likelihood of regardless of what the outcome is this has the potential to dominate and i dare say even pollute prophetic ministry in the future where all we want to talk about is predictive ministry political candidates and god really is calling prophets as his messengers you started out i believe so well talking about the prophetic ministry is a ministry of preparation it's that john the baptist we're helping to conform the body into the image and likeness of christ so if you're watching tonight obviously the elephant in the room is trump and biden and the prophetic movement being consumed with that but i believe lorne and i are here tonight trying to establish even in the midst of political turmoil guys and gals there's got to be a plumb line in prophetic ministry lauren would you agree with that or speak into that oh i'd absolutely agree with that you know what's what's we've been so consumed with this prediction thing you know again is it is is trump going to win you know are we all going to be right or are we all going to be wrong or whatever it is and what the lord about two weeks ago the lord spoke to me and he just said stop just stop you know he's he basically he was saying that his to me he was like stop speaking just stop stop speaking into that and he adjusted my focus and maybe it's just because i'm also a pastor i'm a pastor prophet prophet pastor but he adjusted my focus to concern for the body of christ in the midst of this and so i've been speaking into the unity of the body of christ i mean my gosh we're tearing each other apart in this there's been an idolatry that has come into our midst i don't know if we've got time to speak into this but i need to i need to look at what's happened i i watched we placed our hope in donald trump instead of in the lord so many christians have done that i've i watched trump rallies and you know i was up to my eyeballs in the toronto blessing and i remember sitting in meetings when we would chant jesus jesus jesus i'm watching trump rallies and people are trying are chanting trump louder than we try enchanted jesus and and the lord's saying there's an idolatry that's entered in here you've placed your hope in a man you know what i said to my own people is we don't need a president we need we have a king why do we need you know it's the kingdom of god it doesn't make any difference who's in the office it doesn't change our calling one little bit and then we end up tearing each other apart over it people uh christians accusing one another and insulting one another and and and and i want to say you know what we need to go back to jesus prayer in john 17 that they may all be one that the world will know and um i don't even know how much further to go with that but that's what's been burning well there you went again you just kicked over another apple cart in the prophetic movement right because you know lauren let's let's just talk for one minute i'm assuming that people that are on the call with us tonight or folks that are going to watch the replay again maybe they jumped on and just just you know thought we you know who knows what they thought but listen lauren sanford and i have walked together almost eight years now i have observed lauren this is an established fathering voice in the prophetic the lord has used me in many ways in the nation but as prophets i'm younger you're older obviously our highest allegiance and calling is jesus christ it's it's not political parties it's not politicians what we're trying to say tonight is there are far greater issues going on in the body of christ right now that a politician will never be able to solve you know lauren i know we were on the phone recently and i was talking to you about some of these these surveys that are coming out about the total lack of emphasis on the word of god in other words if we don't know the bible how can we discern and so we're we're fighting about who people are voting for and then we're spewing hate we're getting into all these debates but folks if if people don't know the bible they can't discern who to vote for or not and so lauren i feel like you and i are are on the same page even though there's some years that distance us and your generation and mine that folks we're we're just simply passing through a small window of time regardless of who sits in the oval office and we really desperately need to get our eyes on the one who sits above the circle of the earth is is that right absolutely there's got to be a purity of focus on jesus and again a lot of it has to do with where is our hope is our hope in an economic system have we mixed our devotion to jesus with our identity as americans and forgot that our first citizenship is in the kingdom of god and that that's every tribe tongue and nation you know i mean we we've got to get refocused it's we're just we've gotten off the beam wow wow well lorne if you could share just for for a few minutes what if if you were given the opportunity and obviously tonight is part of that what would you say to the body of christ right now i mean we're hinting at it we're touching on it you've talked about the idolatry god raising up some of these john the baptist tight prophets what what's on your heart tonight regarding present day prophetic ministry or where do you really sense the body is at right now it's almost uh almost two questions but one of the things i've been talking about ever since this covid thing began is this this this covid crisis has really served as a sifting and assorting to us the body of christ has been sound asleep for a long time we've been fed a lot of wimpy false doctrine we've been spoon spoon-fed certain truths from the word but we don't know the bible uh christians are are biblically illiterate and but what this with this covet thing since since churches have been shut down since in some places or not you know church church people aren't even allowed to sing in church you know since we've had these closures it's become really apparent really fast who's awake and who's not and some of those that have been asleep have been waked up you know what i've said from the start is that this is the time when the body of christ needs to be roaring and instead most of the body of christ has rolled over and gone to sleep and i think that's the kind of thing that a prophetic voice can confront that's more important than who's sitting in the oval office wake up church and it's been really frustrating sometimes i have to watch my fleshly anger because i remember back on pentecost sunday about three weeks before pentecost sunday the lord said to me i want you to use whatever influence you have to call the body of christ to just defy government authorities you know the command of god supersedes any of that and all the churches just rise up to meet on pentecost sunday and if that would happen then there would be god would release a major move of his spirit well in our church we had a major move of the spirit and it's been feeding us ever since but that didn't happen across the wider body of christ we missed an opportunity we misinterpreted what paul had to say about submitting to the government authority governing authorities took it out of context misapplied it to the curtains the current situation and we missed an opportunity in the lord because we were asleep but what this has done is it's it's focused the passion it's awakened some that needed to refocus their passion and um that's been a good thing i i've said to people that uh covet 19th best thing ever happened to my church we're wide awake and to tell you the truth our county right now is under lockdown again churches aren't supposed to have any more than 10 or 10 people i can't remember which and i don't care we're open yeah and we're gonna we're come arrest me i don't care because the command not to forsake our own assembling together who precedes anything the government has to say yes and i think more of the body of christ would stand up would stand up here's another piece and i've said this prophetically that when we decided to roll over and die and close up our churches etc etc we surrendered authority over the virus jesus you know told his disciples i've given you authority over every kind of disease and every kind of sickness and so the kovid 19 virus comes around and everybody rolls it we just where what happened to our authority what happened to that i'm not saying that i've arrived or anybody else but we've got to come into a period of time when we reclaim the authority that we've been given when we choose to believe what jesus said they will lay hands on the sick and they'll recover and one thing i've been before the throne about is we've been open from the start we've had not a single case not one case of coven and every week i'm before the throne pressing the lord about that issue of authority so that's that's a major thing the lord is speaking to the body of christ we need to take up the authority we've been given in this nation again that we laid down we laid it down over 30 over a period of 30 years and it's time to pick it up again yeah lauren so powerful i mean you know again i just want to honor you as a as a father a pastor a voice you know i've been greatly uh encouraged even in colorado that you have you know taken a stand against so much of this government overreach uh you know us and lakeland down there never shut our doors i have traveled more on the road in 2020 uh than i ever have it just really appears that they're i'm starting to call them remnant churches you know the lord said to me that in the time of silence that quarantined period he was asking the body to engage in spiritual violence and you know lord i just you know because you know i travel and minister you know in the us and parts of the world it's usually like when you're ministering you know you can feel in the atmosphere that there is a light and there is truth that's being proclaimed all over the world but one of the strangest things that has happened to me this year is on so many occasions when we're preaching and teaching it's like there's silence in the atmosphere because the lights have gone out it's like the devil created this this vacuum of silence and i i couldn't help you know 2020 in on the hebrew calendar the year of the mouth and then ever you know the government mandates you got to put a mask over your mouth i mean just the prophetic significance i i just i've been stunned i've been shocked i'm not gonna lie i fought discouragement this year looking around in the body of christ i mean lord we've got pastors their churches have been closed six months and they're they they have no plans to open up till maybe the summer of next year i mean what can we just you know is there something you know you've said it to me i've heard people say there's more demonic activity going on in america right now then and it's like the church just get i mean they just want to accept that no one wants to rise the occasion and become the remnant and recognize what can we do how do you feel about it well both you and i have been talking about the remnant you know there is a remnant arising and in the places where i've traveled what i've seen and i've watched this for the last couple of years and i've seen it even during this pandemic is is that among the remnant there's a hungry core arising they are tired of what was before they are tired of going through the motions they're tired of the show they're they're tired of you know three songs a fluffy sermon and go home in an hour they're tired of it they want something real i prophesied a long time ago gosh 10 to 15 years ago i prophesied that there was going to come a time when the seeker sensitive model was not going to be enough for people that there was going to be a crisis strike that would be serious enough that it wouldn't be enough for people and i'm seeing that happen right now when i you know when i say this coded things best thing ever happened to our church we've we've got a stream of newcomers coming in every week because they're they they're their church they're losing hope their churches have been closed there's no opening date they are hungry for the word and when they get here and they hear and they see what's going on they they're just gushy about it this is what they've been hungry for feed me the word feed me the heart of god lead me into a meaningful worship service we we worship for sometimes 70 minutes before i even get around to doing announcements and they can't get enough of it because there's a real substance and god's doing miracles in the midst of of that worship sovereign miracles god wants to move he wants to move yes and we're at a point where entertainment isn't doing it for people and they're getting hungry they're getting hungry yeah and and you know lauren i almost feel like covid and even just this political turmoil it's exposed the foundations of the church i mean lauren i i remember years ago i think it's even in one of your books you prophesied that many mega churches would be shut down i mean you you accurately saw some of these things coming and again we're we're talking about some of the negative effects however what you and i are witnessing is this i mean i've seen and you i've seen more miracles more salvation more hunger i mean a lot of these meetings lauren we're doing people are driving eight ten hours one day we've got folks i mean they're opening up their house for f i've been encouraging people you know some folks all over the united states open up your home you know you don't need permission to host nights of worship to disciple the loss it's it's almost like this is what it's coming to in america god is looking for a hungry remnant of people that what one of the things i say is the increase of darkness in a nation is actually a prophetic sign to the church that now is the time to arise and shine not run and hide and so i just feel like a lot of times people oh my gosh if some you know someone's elected or oh my gosh if there's darkness you know we all better pray for the rapture and get out of here but you know lauren why why don't we just be controversial okay i'm just i'm gonna blow this thing open okay listen lauren you said to me something that has rocked me to my core and i'm gonna risk i'm going to risk offending people but i don't even care you're going to drag me with you too yeah yeah you said to me okay that in the 1970s you were a part of the jesus movement and you have said to me that you believe it was the teaching of the rapture that almost ended the jesus movement and i'm going to go on record as saying lauren i think that same rapture get me out of here theology is what is crippling the church and and it's it's prohibiting us from stepping into a new jesus movement because at the first sight of trouble in america we have a large part of the church they're just jesus come home you know if so and so becomes elected it's over i mean wha what is that well before too many people get too mad at us i do believe in a rapture but but listen to jesus words in matthew 24 immediately after the tribulation of those days he will send forth his angels and gather his elect from the four winds and i want to say people what part of after did you not understand so it's not a matter whether there is a rapture or not it's a matter of when it happens happens after the tribulation of those days um boy but people get going on that one but what i saw happen to the jesus movement was there was such an emphasis on jesus is coming any minute now you know i remember i remember a book it was um uh 88 reasons why why jesus will return in 1988 then they had to adjust it a few years later with a bunch of excuses and i mean it just went on and on from there and then what happened with a lot of people is they they put so much faith in that pre-tribulation rapture we're going to get out of here and escape all the suffering they put so much faith in that that when it didn't happen and jesus didn't come then they kind of stopped believing even in the bible and and there was i talked to people that came up in the jesus movement over and over again that were avid worshipers and studies of the word and they're gone they're gone some of them have gone so far to the left that they're about to fall off the edge of the world you know there was a brother and his wife that played with me on my worship team back in the 80s and they're not even christian anymore as far as i'm concerned because they looked at all these misinterpretations of what the scripture says built their expectation around it and it didn't happen and they wrote the whole thing off and um and you know lauren sometimes my heart you know i've been to over 25 foreign countries i know that you've traveled yourself overseas i mean it's like my gosh it's just it's heartbreaking in america that at the first sight of trouble of persecution of shaking you know a a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate effectively has shut down almost all people have been asking me well do you think that the apostles would have met with the coronavirus and i said the apoc the apostles were under threat of certain death and martyrdom and they still gathered in their homes and preached the gospel and all these things but in america all all it's taken is a virus and a little bit of political turmoil and people are just ready to jesus come and get me i quit i'm done and lorne i i believe right now there's a tension even on this this zoom call tonight of hey we need a backbone we need to we need to settle in for the long run god is looking for a people that are going to invade society preach the gospel make disciples it's time for the remnant to arise yeah well listen you know when you look at this whole thing in scripture the message of scripture is prepare is preparation to endure he who perseveres to the end shall be saved it's a message it's a message of perseverance it's a message of preparation to endure not preparation to escape preparation to endure is qualitatively different than preparation to escape and i've challenged people i said you think that god would never put his br i've heard this said god would never put his bride through this great tribulation i wouldn't put my bride through this great tribulation i say i say what you want to tell that to the christians in arab nations who are being beheaded for their faith you want to tell that to the chinese christians who are being put in concentration camps for their faith you want to tell that to them that doesn't make any sense to them what a bunch of wishes we've become yeah and and that's what i'm talking about is so many people don't have a global perspective of they they think that america is the center of the kingdom of god and we're totally out of touch with our brothers and sisters and other foreign nations who are daily facing persecution the threat of death and they're thriving i mean the the you know to ask the question how is the church in china thrived it's due to persecution and so you know i i still don't believe it's too late um the in terms of if you're watching this tonight if you're listening i'm sure they're you know we're probably you know stirring you up in a good or bad way if you've been sleeping if you've given up if you're depressed if you're discouraged if your hope is just on what happens in the next two months we're here tonight to call you higher we're here tonight to encourage you what god is saying to the church right now is we have got to get our eyes on him like never before and we need is we need to we need to grasp some promises and some seasons that god has declared you know one of the signature passages for me and actually it's a signature passages passage for um a book that i wrote called a vision of hope for the end times but it's isaiah 60 you know and i believe i believe this is the season of the fulfillment of isaiah 60 is arise shine your for your light has come darkness will cover the cover of the nations in deep darkness the peoples but nations will stream to the brightness of your rising and it goes on to talk about kings coming to the brightness of our rising and i believe that we were born for this hour the world can get dark around us but if we'll lay hold of it and lift get our eyes on jesus he's about to pour out his spirit with such power in such glory that this is the hour we were born for this is when the nations stream to us this is when um this is when the josephs and the daniels arise who served under horrible pagan kings but they used their spiritual gifts to exert influence and were awarded high position the kings didn't have solutions the prophets did the people of god did and i think we're coming into a season when instead of hiding under a rock um you know if you're working for an employer you know he's a king in a sense right you're working for an employer use the spiritual gifts god has given you to further your employer you know give him solutions inspired by the holy spirit in in the and the nations will stream to us let's use what we've been given to change cultures you know this is our gifting to change cultures that's the leaven in the lump that jesus spoke of and that's jesus commissioning us to make disciples of all nations you know you can't be looking for an imminent rapture and have that vision and i'll go a step further um didn't god give us a three generational version back in deuteronomy six you your son your grandson you know you'll talk of this law when you rise up when you go in when you go out when you come in when you lie down you know all so that you your son and your grandson may live long in the land and prosper right three generational vision what what the pre-tribulation rapture teaching did oh he's going to come any minute and rapture us out is it stole our children's destiny we didn't pass on a vision of purpose to our children and we lost a generation or two because we didn't pass them a purpose that's what the pre-tribulation rapture does yeah yeah well i know that we're probably driving people nuts right now what we started out talking about was this difference between the false prophets and the true prophets we have established clearly out of the deuteronomy passage that false prophets are those who intentionally and deliberately it's really an issue of the heart they lead people away from jesus and so we're we are adamantly saying that we seriously doubt that most if not all of anyone who prophesied that donald trump would be re-elected is openly and deliberately trying to lead people away from jesus christ that that really is the elephant in the room there's so much attack there's there's an animosity right now that the prophetic movement is coming under we're asking people let's wait let's pray let we're we're not giving up we're we're not repenting we're not recanting none of that is happening on this call tonight however we are taking this opportunity over the last 30 minutes to try to talk about a bigger larger eternal picture more of a global perspective how the remnant can arise how we can let our light shine right now rather than grab hold of some kind of eschatology or church shutdown if you will that's really we feel in our hearts is antithetical god is calling his church to arise and shine he does want us to go about and do his kingdom and again it's that passage in jeremiah if you can't run uh with the footmen how are you gonna race with the chariots you know if if it's taken a virus with a 99 survival rate to shut down the american church well i hate to see uh you know what we would do if if something greater absolutely summary yeah absolutely you know there's one other thing that crosses my mind you know there's so much turmoil right now because you know election night is over and it on the surface by the counts it looks like the president didn't win i you know were we all false well right now first play the first thing is is that it's not over the court cases are still in progress you know and and i think both you and i will be issuing very humble apologies if those don't come out but it's just premature but here's the thing that goes with that i was thinking about this this afternoon and thinking about some scripture that a lot of times when we get a prophetic word what comes with it and the prophetic word might be right but what comes with it is a is is our own idea of what the fulfillment will look like and then when our own idea doesn't come to pass we think the word was false and if you want a scriptural example of of that you know when agabus told paul if you go down to jerusalem uh the jews will arrest you well he had to go down to jerusalem and get arrested part right but the jews didn't arrest him the jews rioted and the romans arrested him and so it didn't look exactly like agabus thought it would look it was accurate but you understand what i'm saying you know and i've had things like that happen in my own life i was i had a prophetic word god is sending you to denver to improve the flow of my spirit to lift the level of worship i got to denver to be the executive pastor of a negative mega church there and they were trying to build a record company and they had a team that they brought in and i wasn't i wasn't slated to be part of that well i'm a musician and a worship leader and they ended up mocking my worship leadership well 14 months later i resigned and started this church now we're known all over town for our worship and for the power of our worship and i got 14 albums out it didn't look like i thought it was going to look i thought my life was over i think we're looking at maybe something like that that if we prophesied accurately it's not it's not playing out the way that we had decided that it should play out and so there's all this controversy going on but the word is and you said it is right now it's too early to call we got we wait we pray we pray for the exposure of evil whatever evil is there and uh and we wait so yeah yeah that's great well lauren is there anything else that you have on your heart to share for our time oh gosh my heart has been raging all these months i would just i would just go back to john the baptist again that we're very much in a preparation time we're very much in a sifting and sorting time we're we're in a time when the spirit of john the baptist is calling out to us to come out to the jordan come out to the jordan bear fruit in keeping with repentance get clean get ready the kingdom of god is at hand get ready you know and that's been a consistent message of yours and it's become a core message that i'm preaching it's it's an issue of holiness and it goes way beyond way beyond the traditional sin list it has to do with who we are from the inside out are we radiating the father's heart do people sense the presence of god when they're around us are we whole you know are we carrying judgments what makes us angry do we speak with the father's heart because we have the father's heart how changed are we from the inside out you know that's that's a major call today yeah yeah they're they're they're such i mean i think that we've hit it on that on the head in in multiple ways regardless of of what's revealed in the next let's say 60 to 90 days there are major issues in america that are going to take literally everyone on this call and millions more we need we need soldiers we need vessels of glory we need grandmas grandpas moms and dads you hit the generational thing i mean we we need a massive not only a move but a mobilization of the saints of god the the entertainment drive-thru model seeker-sensitive i've been telling people you know we you we know so many people that have backslid because they never front-slid you know people are selling out because they they never sold out if if ever there was a need for a radical bold um just on fire you know lauren even this concept of purifying the prophetic if god could raise up prophets and prophetic people that were radically jesus-centered that were living their lives on the word of god that could drop a plumb line um in their sphere of influence how how tremendous of a blessing would that be that'd be awesome jeremiah when you said generations or generational you triggered me um you've been talking to baby boomers with a word from a younger perspective i'm a product of the jesus movement and i come to it from a different perspective and one of my books years ago i wrote a chapter um on what i call the samson generation and so i want to challenge anybody out there is my age i'm 69 years old i wanted to challenge anybody out there um what happened to us we we started out in passion we started out as revolutionaries we were a generation with a calling to be revolutionaries to change the culture of the church change the culture around us and we were passionate about that for a while and then we got seduced by the culture of self in the culture around us and we began to seek after other things than god we were told we were even fed prosperity gospel like we had a right to be prosperous i want to say to people god didn't jesus didn't die to make you prosperous he died to make you holy but what happened when we got seduced by that is we got disappointed and so we had a whole generation that ended up like samson literally and figuratively cutting their hair and then and then walking in circles at the grinding wheel without purpose and when i say we're the samson generation i'm telling you god is calling us now now to rise up like samson and do more remember you remember samson pulled down the temple of dagon and did more damage to the kingdom of darkness in his in his last act than he did in all the rest of his life put together this generation is called to pick it up to pick up the callings that we laid down to re-fire ourselves and do more damage to the kingdom of darkness in our latter years than all of our other years put together that's the call that's the privilege that's the honor we're being given and i want my generation to hear it i'm burning i've got people in my church who are my age who are saying i'm not retired i'm refired amen man there there's an anointing on that lauren i i really believe that many folks watching this that are in that older generation more mature there there's a there is a need to tear down strongholds that's really all the corruption all the fraud all it's it's kind of like you know let everything that can be shaken be shaken it's almost like people people are no longer afraid to just let it all fall you know let let the wrecking balls come and god wants to use his people you know one of my favorite passages of scripture is that through the sacrifice of christ he's disarmed principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them and i really believe that god is making a public spectacle of the devil of his works and you know in order for for truth to arise in order you know again we're we're we're speaking a redemptive prophetic outlook to folks i still you know we just have a few more minutes left tonight lauren but i still feel like we're we're trying to pick up some weary heads we're we're trying we're i feel in the spirit like we're trying to hold some people's hands up that are standing in faith and believing like we've got to keep moving forward if you if you stop now you're going to die in the wilderness god is wanting to move so many into this promised land well look there's some people might get mad at me for this i've had people my age get mad at me for this i want to tell you first of all that i'm tired and i i'll confess that i get tired but i want to tell you something and i can get discouraged and sometimes i struggle with fear but i want to tell you something that that the passion we're talking about the fire that we're talking about is a choice you know we got a whole generation of people that have been conditioned to wait for an outside influence to get them excited to make them feel you know we watch tv we're waiting for an entertainer to make us feel something we go to church expecting the worship band or the pastor to make us feel something people that's that's a form of idolatry we gotta get over this we choose the passion when i'm down i choose the passion and and move forward you know that's that's part of the discipline of being a christian i'm gonna move forward i'm gonna choose the passion you know it's it's sometimes i say tired as a choice tired if i tell myself i'm tired i'm tired but i'll tell you what i'm going to live till i die and i'm not going to quit until i do yeah yeah lauren i i just i really believe that that many watching right now are receiving grace they're receiving strength encouragement uh almost like a pick-me-up we might be november but listen god is still going to move he's still going to strengthen his people at the end of november through christmas time this does not have to be a dark winter you you know we don't have to enter into 2021 feeling or fearing like the world is about to end listen i encourage people there are souls there's a harvest that's coming uh people in the world are looking for individuals you know we we just good bible here we have inherited a kingdom an eternal kingdom that cannot be shaken and in the midst of a world there this pandemic of fear and all of these things they need a remnant they need an ecclesia to arise yeah you know and let's say that the world economy collapses and we're you know we're in trouble when there are food lines and things the scripture has already given us an answer for that it's so simple you don't have to be prophetic to find it they were selling their possessions and sharing them with all as anyone might have need you know isn't it time for those who have to share with those who don't that's coming i mean if it comes if it comes we have a scriptural model to walk in and when the world sees it the end of that passage that's acts 2 that that the lord was adding to their number daily those who were being saved because there was so much love you know there were people were seeing it and they were drawn to it that's where we need to be yes yeah this it's a message of hope uh it's a message of perseverance endurance uh lauren i know just even by us talking tonight i'm encouraged i'm strengthened i feel refocused i feel re-energized and i'm just believing that the folks that have joined us tonight are well lauren let's let's shift gears a little bit you you join me in charlotte last month and we spent a day together creating this brand new e-course called um it was basically purifying the prophetic and we tackled some really tough subjects moral failure in prophetic ministry we talked about how to judge in way prophetic ministry we talked about the wilderness what we want to do tonight here at the end of the call is we just you know lauren i i've written 10 books you've written i believe six or seven we talk all the time we write all the time you know why do we need one more resource well my answer to that lorne would just simply be you and i were able to get together and really combine and think through and pour into a generation of prophets and prophetic people that want deeper training we had powerful times of prayer can you talk a little bit about this new e-course and what it was like uh with me last month well i think a lot of prophetic people are they're confused they're confused about themselves because nobody's told them nobody's nobody's outlined it for them scripturally one of the things that a lot of the prophetic people that i know are confused about is they get a calling and then um they begin to minister in the spirit they begin to give prophetic words and it's exciting and people line up and they say oh you're the greatest thing since ever you know and and it's it's really a rush and then it all goes away and all of a sudden they're in this dark place nobody likes them maybe they're rejected you know whatever it is and and they don't understand they don't it shakes them they don't understand and so few have anybody to tell them what that's about you know what is the hand of god in that that's the wilderness we talk about what's the hand of god in that and in the course we address some of that we address issues of of prophetic character the father's heart you know one of the one of our favorite themes for both of us is you can prophesy an accurate word but if you didn't prophesy it in the father's heart then you didn't prophesy the word and so what is the father's heart what is his mindset uh what is it to prophesy in the father's heart these are these are some of the things that we address in the course that uh too many prophetic people are out there just not getting you know they can buy some of our books but uh sometimes they need an introductory bite size 10 minutes at a time piece of it and and that's what we're giving them yeah and so there's 10 modules that we did um their style and even what we want to do tonight lauren for those who want to purchase the e-course tonight if they get it from now until thanksgiving what we're going to do is we're going these are video teachings that we did they can take notes but we're going to throw in if they get it tonight through thanksgiving we're going to throw in audio transcripts of the entire course we're going to throw in the notes we have written out the entire notes of the course and then we're going to even throw in an additional teaching it's a digital download on the pitfalls of prophetic ministry we know that things are tight right now for a lot of people but we just want to openly invite unashamedly if you're watching tonight you're on the replay and you want to learn more about subjects like character the wilderness we mentioned earlier on the call it seems like right now who people think prophets are is they just predict the future and their ministry rides and dies on whether they were accurate or not what we've talked about tonight is there's so much more than just predicting prophecy there is so much deeper that god wants to take the church and we just want to openly invite those now there's the link is in the box right now in the comment section they can get previews and information and we want to invite you on this journey lauren can you as we close tonight can you just pray for those who are watching i i felt almost an unsettling as we started and i just believe now as we close god's going to bring a settling on our guests tonight and just encourage them yeah lord i just want to confess to you and to affirm you are our sure foundation you are our hope you have never let us down you are always faithful lord you've gathered us in you've filled us with your spirit lord if if we've looked away from your face into other things that trouble us then lord just like a father who says to a son or a daughter look at me and takes their face it takes their face in in his hands and said look at me then lord i just pray that you would take those who are watching tonight and take their face in your hands and say look at me look at me and then the lord would say look into my eyes because lord we know that it's true we know that it's true that as we gaze into your face we're changed from glory to glory and so lord we receive that and i bless people who are watching tonight to receive that to receive the change from glory to glory to feel your life holy father to feel your life flowing through them and regenerating and and relighting the fires that have died and relighting the hope that has been stolen i just release that in the name of jesus i release a new relationship with jesus i believe there's some out there that are listening tonight you came and you you were watching you were watching because you were grasping at hope and the lord says receive it now receive it now take it in it's real and so lord i release that i release people to take it in to know that it's real and to be refired and re-energized and to be filled with hope and filled with purity in jesus name amen and lord i just asked lord that you would release a spirit of awakening god as we close lord we just prophesy over the american church awake o sleeper awake but i just thank you in the midst of this silence of the quarantine lord you're releasing a remnant lord to the front lines what i thank you for that word from lauren about the samson generation about pulling down strongholds lord we just corporately agree lord let every demonic stronghold be be torn down in america god let all deception all fraud lord anything lord let everything that can be shaken be shaken lord we confess that we are people of the light lord we are no longer sons and daughters of darkness and what we're just asking let your light shine lord even in the midst of tribulation and shaking lord we break off depression and discouragement lord i ask for healing to be released right now in people's physical bodies lord we take our stand lord we wear our armor and lord we're believing for a good report lord over all those watching tonight in the name of jesus amen amen amen well lord thank you so much for joining us on this zoom call always good to hear from you and again folks we want to invite you one last time join us on this journey this brand new e-course 10 modules we know you're going to be blessed and encouraged if you get it tonight or by thanksgiving you get the free audio transcripts the written transcripts and additional download teaching i think now is the time to really dive into the prophetic with so many questions god's going to reveal those answers god bless you all lauren thank you thank you all right good times all right we'll talk soon bye bye okay bye bye you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 41,940
Rating: 4.8463202 out of 5
Id: Fa0xuKaCrCU
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Length: 65min 25sec (3925 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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