IS GOD JUDGING AMERICA? | Jeremiah Johnson | The Altar Global

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i'm eric wingfield and this is my wife i'm xandra wingfield we've been we've been partners for about seven or eight months now and i would say after a couple years of hardship in our marriage um we were at a place of wanting to find community that really was gonna pursue jesus and his heart and and wanted more of him and we just weren't finding that where we were before and after lots of prayer we heard the first alter global message being preached and it just really resonated with our hearts so much that the lord shifted our plans completely and in a place where we thought was our safe haven we basically the lord uprooted us and said i'm taking you to a place where you're gonna go deeper in the waters with me yeah we really went from a uh a place of wilderness spiritually and now it feels like we've been planted by streams of living water and are part of a a group of believers that are like-minded and really really just want to give jesus everything that we have now i mean we've tasted and seen the goodness of the lord we've been a part of the world we've seen what it has to offer and this is the only thing that's worthy of our time our efforts our motivations it's why we moved everything to be a part of this it's not concord north carolina yeah it's a content it's not because of a ministry it's because of the message it's jesus um and it's reignited passion in both of us for him that you know in the in the wilderness season um we really just struggled to to find any kind of community and we had to rely on him and now it's it feels like that upgrade that that promotion to you were faithful in the wilderness now let me bring you in to a place of of community and refreshing and and just way more of his presence among fellow believers i would also say being part of the alter global as partners has humbled us and it's we want our whole family we want our kids we want our lives to be completely immersed in this culture in this in in his presence of wanting more of him in pursuing him and so that's why we we l we followed what the lord told us to do and we moved everything to be part of alter global school of ministry we're going to be in the school of ministry in the fall as well and we're just excited for what's to come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i want to thank pastor todd pastor karen the staff here the family we do feel at home as we were here at our conference this weekend the lord said to me this is your home and i said that's weird i don't live in dawsonville we're over in charlotte so i receive that a home away from home well good morning to you i'm a little fired up not necessarily because i'm preaching but because i read an article over the weekend from the christian post the title of the article said most u.s christians do not believe the holy spirit is real it was an article that was released this weekend from the christian post and the title of the article said most u.s christians do not believe in the holy spirit i want to tell you this morning that i not only believe that the church is essential but more than that the holy spirit is essential i want to tell you that what america needs is not more church attendance america needs a holy ghost born again demon busting tongue talking signs wonders and miracles we must have a remnant in this nation that knows how to give god glory that will not back down to the spirit of fear but operate in love power in a sound mind i wish someone was awake this morning come on i'm telling you god is looking for a people that are going to make war on the religious spirit and awaken a sleeping giant in america she is the church for a bride is going to arise i read that article and i was ticked there was a holy indignation it didn't say unbelievers let me read it to you some 62 percent one out of two self-identified born-again christians contend that the holy spirit is not a real living being but is merely a symbol you've got a cross on your neck but have you died to the cross yet you've got a sign out by the road pastor that says pentecostal but is there anything pentecostal going on inside the doors you tell people your spirit filled but is there anything that you're putting your hands to that the power of god is touching is the holy spirit more than a symbol or is the holy spirit a real living active being that not only wants to fill you this morning but wants to open up your mouth in order to change the world around you another 61 percent say that all religious faiths are of equal value okay i'm going to shoot you straight appreciate pastor todd we not only have 61 of these folks who say that the holy spirit isn't real i'm just going to tell you we have 62 of them that are not even born again because the born-again experience is defined as jesus is the only way he is the way he is the truth and he is the life this is not a little bit of buddha and a little bit of muhammad in a little bit of jesus this isn't a little bit of sports entertainment and a little bit of jesus this is him crucified so we not only have a church doesn't believe in the holy spirit is real they don't even believe that jesus is the only way to heaven 60 believe that if a person is good enough they will get into heaven folks we're living in an hour of crisis in the american church the lord jesus has given me a message this morning that i believe is intended primarily to give us language i want to articulate to you this morning the civil war that is going on in the church if i have a title of the message this morning i would call it the civil war in the church and the civil war is between the gatekeepers of religion versus the gatekeepers of revival this church is a gatekeeper of revival in this region and you are being surrounded by gatekeepers of religion many of you are a gatekeeper of revival in your family and you are surrounded with gatekeepers of religion and i want to awaken you to the war what is it really all about i believe that jesus christ died for more than 45 minutes on sunday and a couple of bucks in an offering i believe that jesus rose again from the dead so that we would not only have a form of godliness but that we might walk in the power of god i believe that being born again is about more than checking off religious boxes and becoming a domesticated kitty cat in the house of god i believe that the born-again experience is learning how to be as bold as a lion it's about pressing it's about contending it's about pursuing everything that jesus promised that you and i would have but as i preached last night many of us come from testimonies of radical darkness and we were out in the club and we were fornicating and we were drunkards and we were adulterers and then the american gospel comes and gives us options they offer jesus as an item on a buffet that you can just have a little bit of jesus in a little bit of the world and just come as you are and you'll be all good jesus christ is not a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life he is the life he is the way he is the truth there's more than outward behavior modification there is inward transformation where as we encounter the gospel something must change come as you are yes but how many of you know come as you are does not mean stay as you are there is no way you are in the real glory of god and still a homosexual there is no way you're still in the glory of god and sleeping with your girlfriend there is no way you're still in the glory of god and jumping around on sunday and cussing your wife out on tuesday i'm telling you there's a glory there's a realm of revival that's god wants to release but the spirit of religion wants everybody just to calm down brother it doesn't take all of that that's emotionalism you're falling into hype the proof that it's not emotionalism and that it's not hype is the fruit jesus said bear forth fruit in keeping with repentance and one of the number one reasons why people think revival is weird is because they see a bunch of charismatic people tongue talking who are still cursing they see a bunch of holy spirit-filled people dancing around in the altar still addicted to you know what folks i have come this morning in the spirit of jesus to set religious captives free i'm not talking about captives of sin i'm talking about religious captives who sit in church every sunday and nothing changes folks i'm just gonna sound the alarm at christ fellowship church i pray that this atmosphere you just don't settle for it being the next best flavor in the town well they let them worship a little bit longer while they do this cool thing called baptisms i dare say there are people in this house there are people a part of this fellowship that have still not stepped in to being a gatekeeper of revival saying you feel that religious spirit and the greatest thing that's keeping us from a next encounter is the thought you've already had it oh i've already i've already been baptized i've already heard that i i've already in this religious spirit again that comes and the longer that we've been saved the less we need him and we begin to believe we own the street corner on revival and we don't even bring our bibles to church anymore because we've already read it and you study the word of god but you don't have his power so there's a civil war going on in the church gatekeepers of religion and then gatekeepers of revival and americans speaking generally part of the challenge of the gatekeepers of religion is that at the center of all that they do is the spirit of entertainment can you say entertainment francis chan summed it up like this i couldn't say it better the benchmark of success in church services has become more about attendance than the movement of the holy spirit the entertainment model of church was largely adopted in the 80s and 90s and while it alleviated boredom for a few hours a week it filled our churches with self-focused consumers rather than self-sacrificing servants of jesus christ see when the spirit of religion comes into a church or begins to invade an individual routine is the breeding ground of religion gatekeepers of revival thrive on that which is predictable that which is routine the holy spirit is not going to move in your life just because you're open to him that's really code ward for no you're not paul wrote to the church at corinth and said be open to the gifts of the spirit especially is that what he said he said zealously lost after the spiritual gifts i'm trying to tell you that the gatekeepers of religion are rising from their places and they are attacking and criticizing gatekeepers of revival trying to hinder you and limit you from the full expression and manifestation of the power of god and their law in your life because your fire is exposing their dryness your dance is irritating their demons come on i know i'm talking about somebody's mother-in-law i'm talking about your grand daddy the preacher i'm talking about your girlfriend you talk to every week isn't it wild how few people you can even talk to about your experiences of god that stretch so far beyond 45 minutes on a sunday see the problem with sermon that's is that they produce christianettes the problem with one hour church is it produces one hour christians when we water down the gospel we strip it of its power but if we're gatekeepers of religion and it's all about performance and it's all about entertainment and it's all about routine and it's all about what's predictable we are hindering the holy spirit's move but then gatekeepers of revival they're given over to that which is spontaneous they're given over to that watch which is fresh when a gatekeeper of revival stands up in front of you they're not going to give you dead dry stale religion they're going to give you a hot loaf of bread out of the fires of prayer and fasting and it's either going to set you on fire or irritate the heck out of you folks in revival it's either riot when real revival comes there's something that comes to separate the sheep from the goats there's something that comes to separate the precious from the vile and oh god we need revival in america because clearly religion is producing a people who not only deny the power of god they're not even born again i've been traveling this nation telling people whatever you were doing prior to covid never do it again how long are we going to keep doing the same routine sunday after sunday and there is no transformation in my life and in my marriage and in my family come on i've come this morning i might be agitating you i might be stirring you up but i believe god has sent me with a message and if you've got ears to hear and if you've got eyes to see i'm telling you there is more doesn't take all that brother acts chapter three let's look at a clash at the gates we're gonna look at a clash a real life clash between door keepers of revival gatekeepers and a gatekeeper of religion going to read acts 3 we're going to read verses 1 through 10. is this okay if it's not i don't care now peter and john were going up to the temple at the ninth hour the hour of prayer and a certain man who had been lame from his mother's womb was being carried along whom they used to set down every day can you say every day at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple and when he saw peter and john about to go into the temple he began asking to receive alms and peter along with john fixed his gaze upon him and said look at us and he began to give them his attention expecting to receive something from them but peter said i do not possess silver and gold but what i do have i give to you a denomination the religious traditions of men what i listen you can't give what you don't have trying to give you language to the awkwardness in the room this morning in the name of jesus christ the nazarene walk and seizing him by the right hand he raised him up and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened and with a leap he stood upright and began to walk and he entered the temple with them walking and leaping and praising god and all the people saw him walking and praising god and they were taking note of him as being the one who used to sit at the beautiful gate of the temple to beg alms and they were filled with wonder and amazement of what had happened to him the crippled beggar is going to be our gatekeeper of religion and peter and john are going to be our gatekeepers of revival for those of you who want to take notes there's a clash at the gates there is a clash in this region there is a civil war going on in america between the spirit of revival and the spirit of religion and peter and john find themselves in a collision early on since pentecost and one of the important things i want to talk just for a few moments about is this temple gate called beautiful i've done a lot of research i've listened to several messages and here are some things to consider about the temple gate called beautiful we know that there were nine gates that surrounded the city the temple gate called beautiful scholars would agree is was known as the double gate it faced toward the east and there were only certain things that were allowed to happen behind the temple gate called beautiful so behind the temple gate called beautiful was access to the court of the women where this was a gate that women and children had to pass through to get to where they were going this is a gate where trumpet-shaped boxes were placed where you would go in and give your tithe behind the temple gate called beautiful was also the steps to where the levi's chanted what i'm trying to say is that this temple gate called beautiful was a very strategic i'm going to tell you i believe we are living in strategic days where it is very important not only where you live geographically but which house you choose to join fellowship with i'm telling you it's an hour to find your tribe and so now let's recall a couple of stories told in the gospels do you remember when simeon and anna dedicated jesus in the temple you remember that they would have had to walk through the temple gate called beautiful because anna was a woman and jesus was obviously a child do you remember when mary and joseph left and didn't know jesus wasn't with them he was obviously behind the temple gate called beautiful as a child debating and speaking with the pharisees and sadducees what about when jesus throws out the money changers from the temple he would have already walked past the temple gate called beautiful we also know that the hour of prayer jesus and his disciples constantly walked by the temple gate called beautiful this incredible miracle that takes place if you continue reading does anyone know how old the crippled man was when he was healed anybody some say 38 some say 41 how old was jesus when he was crucified this lame crippled beggar represents parts of the american church that have been sitting outside of a religious dry stale entertainment driven industry for years every everyday stock in routine the crippled beggar is some of you and i this morning the crippled beggar is some of our friends and family i want you to hear me who had experienced all that the church had to offer except the power of god it can absolutely be proven that from the time jesus is a young boy he would have walked past this crippled beggar for decades how is it that so many fill the house of god every week and are still victims of religion still checking off boxes still settling for lukewarm mediocre christianity still cowering to the fear and the radical darkness that's rising in america how long are you and i going to keep laying down jesus comes in the book of revelation and he says you have an appearance of being alive folks we've got every church program known to man and i'm just here to tell you what we found out during the pandemic is there not working and the spirit of religion wants to come post covet 19 and get us stuck in a cycle of religion singing songs that we don't really mean listen to the words of leonard ravenhill most christians don't tell lies they just sing them every sunday and what what is it going to take this morning to set religious captives free what i'm going to tell you and what i'm going to prophesy to you is that peter and john are coming to the american church our gatekeepers of revival are arising and they just don't have a form of godliness they just don't know about god they know him experientially and when they begin to step out into the power of god they say they're not educated they don't have bible degrees they might not even wear a tie or have credentials anywhere these are men and women who have been with jesus the nazarene come on i want you to hear the invitation this morning it's time to break the shackles and get set free i've been thinking thinking jesus why did you read the scroll in the temple you remember he goes to the synagogue and says the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon me he's anointed me to preach good news to bind up brokenhearted and proclaim claim freedom to the captives i always thought that would have been a better message over on the mount of beatitudes the mount of beatitudes is more of an open air just come and grab a seat we're expecting a lot of broken captives to be there no jesus doesn't go and preach luke 4 at the open-air crusade with a bunch of lost people jesus goes to the church of his day and says the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon me to preach to you the good news because you've been saved so long you have lost the joy of your salvation and it's time for some of us this morning to get delivered from miserable christianity just confess it you had more fun serving the devil than you have ever had serving god just confess it you are just as addicted saved as you were quote unsaved but i'm telling you the spirit of religion has come to the church and it has come and placed a fake a spirit of hypocrisy where we just want to do the charades and do the performance meanwhile we're really broken inside and i'm here to declare to you that a spirit of revival is coming to america that we are living in a new era where church as usual is over the video games aren't working the animal crackers in kids church aren't working we've got to do something different brother just stop stop rocking the boat the people that pay the church light bill or getting mad oh you better believe that the spirit of religion bows to big daddy bucks you better believe the spirit of religion cares more about how many how many services and how many campuses and how many sons and daughters and how many jesus christ doesn't care about that at all he didn't say come and raise up fans fair-weather fans god is good pre-coveted and now god isn't good postcoved where's our faith i mean i just see people oh kovid's going to last forever we're just okay with sickness and disease we've just allowed the devil to wear us down religion has us in a choke hold and i'm telling you by the spirit of god jesus christ is here to overcome the spirit of religion in your marriage and in your family he wants to literally give you the fresh oxygen of heaven something fresh don't settle for dry stale devotional lives i'm telling you god wants to release fire upon your bible study time i'm telling you there's a man who lives between the lines of scripture his name is jesus and he wants to come and set you free there's always a remnant among a remnant i know i'm talking to remnant people this morning but i'm telling you there is a remnant here among a remnant and if you will grab hold of what the spirit of god is saying you are going to redefine what it means to be radical in this house the fact that we think biblical preaching is radical is a sign of how far we've fallen from the truth we are so used to being coddled and babied in the american church oh you poor victim and again compare this to darkness they're not they're not coddling anyone they're radicalizing them they're exposing youth to horrible images in videos at six years old yet you're unconvinced that the power of the holy spirit can't touch your six-year-old folks something is wrong in america where we are giving more liberty to the devil to wrap a stranglehold around our children then we are believing by faith that you and your household shall be saved not be sick not be demonized you and your household and your neighborhood and your city shall be saved come on keep clapping keep lifting up the name of jesus we need a revival in america we need the word of god preached once again come on lord break off what's familiar break off that complacency that apathy and lethargy come on somebody get loose this morning [Applause] come on stop sitting where you always sit stop reading the bible at the same time you always read it sit down sit down folks i always say you should take up the offering before i preach i don't know how i feel about the 365 day bible a year plan and i'm agitating people already i'm in my because what happens on january 27th when the glory of god comes and you're in genesis 15. i mean what happens when you begin to read about jacob and laying down and angels and descending and rather than reading old bible stories you actually start living one out and you get trapped in genesis in january and february and march and oh brother what are you reading today catch up catch up i'm telling you it's the spirit of performance and religion that says the show must go on keep clapping keep singing keep acting like everything is okay when it's not jesus christ did not die for hypocrisy never settle for fake plastic domesticated religion folks i'm telling you there are lionesses and lions in the house we have settled for this kitty cat meow religion and we're not scaring anyone including the devil i came this morning in the spirit of jesus to begin with a gift of provocation see i'm not here to stroke you i'm here to provoke you into all that jesus christ has destined for your life god loves you too much to leave you in complacency the father loves you tonight to leave you in shallow christianity deep is crying out to deep in america the spirit of god is calling out to the church he's sounding the alarm he's blowing a trumpet in zion there is a great falling away coming to this nation people are backsliding because they've never front slid we're not we're not ch we're not trying to talk people into god this is not some ted talk this is not let's climb up on a stool and drink coffee and just be i mean we are talking about eternity we are talking about you're right now in here on the verge of a divorce you are right now cheating on your spouse and need to repent folks we are literally putting unholy things on holy ground we are literally treating things familiar we are literally acting like god is not a big deal anymore and god is going to restore the fear of who he is in the church again i'm telling you there's a glory that's coming that you will either hit the door or hit the floor i appreciate goosebumps we had a lot of them yesterday i appreciate all the laughing i appreciate all the running but i'm believing that a generation is going to bind themselves to the truth of god's word and begin to say jesus everything that you died for everything that you rose again for i want released in my life they're going to begin to pray the psalm 2 prayer jesus would you come and get your full inheritance in dawsonville lord would you come and get everything that you've destined for in my family folks i feel a spirit of intimidation in this room i feel a spirit of harassment in this room that many of you are being intimidated and harassed by the devil away from your destiny and i come to rebuke the spirit of religion every demonic spirit leave your life now in jesus name it's time to leave egypt we're going to the promised land we're going to cross through the red sea we're going to move beyond the river jordan i'm not missing out i'm not missing out any georgia bulldog fans in here why are you so quiet folks i'm telling you it is wild some of the craziest men i've ever met fantasy football and giving their time to hunting and fishing and all this mighty investment and all this time and they get into the house of god and it's like they become a statue got people addicted to hours and hours of video games a day married men who are really 12 year old boys well brother what time is it well i've got an attention problem that's interesting you can literally play video games watch football sit in a tree stand for hours here's your problem idolatry let's repent in jesus name i'm telling you you can keep playing around you can keep sitting in christ fellowship church or you can catch what the spirit of god is saying to the church peter and john are coming the gatekeepers of revival are arising and they're going to make war on religion there's there's is this okay there's no such thing as a move of god that isn't messy a sense in my heart that some of you are dealing with some kind of critical accuser of the brethren spirit whether it's in your life or it's coming from your family or people at work they're attacking the move of god they're attacking an anointed man or woman of god pointing out the bat oh there's this and there's that and what about this and literally their accusation is releasing a spirit of offense in your life that has come to suppress hunger see offense comes in your life people begin to accuse they begin to criticize and it comes to lower those hunger levels think of william seymour oh my goodness i believe revival is coming to the african-american community in america oh my goodness i've been dreaming about it i've been prophesying that the sons of seymour are going to arise in america and give birth to real revival [Music] [Applause] i'll deal with racism later william seymour probably blind he follows a man named charles parham who he considered a spiritual father for the baptism of the holy spirit he knew there was more he ends up getting in close proximity and tries to get into the meeting where he's teaching you know what parham says to him you can't get in because of the color of your skin you're black see how the spirit of offense began to challenge a man concerning his destiny many of us today are filled with the holy spirit and fire because of brother seymour's choice in that moment see rather than be offended at an accusation from a friend and even a father he chose to humble himself and say that's okay i'll sit outside and listen folks i'm telling you there's a hunger there's a passion on the inside of you that will override offense i believe god is looking for a fresh pursuit of the things of the holy spirit where we will not take no for an answer it's time to contend again it's time to press through again until we get into destiny remember the syrophoenician woman jesus calls people don't even want to say it a what jesus called a woman a dog oh i thought church was about me feeling good i thought the point of coming here was all about me i thought the point of picking a church was who has the best kids program i thought about what it means to be a member of the church is do they have a good worship team i got news for you welcome to the new testament welcome to a spirit of revival where we're not here to spectate we're here to participate we don't go church shopping church shopping is not biblical first corinthians 12 god has assigned each member just as he desires in other words baby you're on assignment doing what the master would have you do rather than church shopping around about who listen this is not burger king this is not have it your way baby this is there's only one way jesus and him crucified and i am ready to die to what i want and i'm ready to live for what he wants come on somebody give jesus a shout of praise [Applause] i just feel like we're kicking things over this morning some of you need to kick your shoes off see i have to keep going for three more minutes because i've been transformed by people who were awesome and awful all at the same time my life has been transformed by people who i hated and loved all at the same moment because they made me feel like i wasn't even saved talking to a guy the other day about podcasts well who do you listen to podcast you know how do you choose this is what he said to me whoever makes me feel the best whoever will change my diaper whoever will make me feel comfortable in my sin whoever won't convict me whoever will lie to me whoever will let people die of spiritual cancer in a church so they can fill their pockets with money i'm okay with changing babies diapers i'm okay with babes in the faith who have come into the gospel and they they need some compassion they need some nurturing they need a hand they need someone to walk them by but folks we have the loudest spirit in the church for so long in america where people have been saved 15 25 years still showing up to a gate called religion wanting their diaper changed and there's a clash at the gate that's coming and it's here now peter and john are about to walk into the american church love power and intimacy and they are about to say in the name of jesus christ it's time to rise up and walk church i'm here to tell you this morning it's time to rise up and walk i'm here to prophesy to you that because jesus got up you can get up i'm here to tell you that you're not a victim you're a victor i'm here to tell you that you are more than a conqueror in christ jesus i'm here to tell you that you don't have to live in habitual and continual sin i'm here to pray and plead the blood of jesus that speaks a better word than all shame and guilt and condemnation i serve a god who heals i serve a god who delivers i serve a god who sets people free from addiction and chain and compromise i serve a god who wrote a bible and didn't lose his voice i serve a god who didn't stay in the grave he rose again and he's sitting at the right hand of the father and he is saying to the church let's finish this thing come on let's finish this thing give him the pure and spotless bride [Applause] come on in jesus name lift up your voice [Applause] come on i'm not going back to egypt he's brought me too far all right in this moment i just feel to prophetically prophesy to you that we're crossing the river jordan i'm going to say something that could apply to some and it could not apply to others phil the spirit of god said to me a moment ago tell my people to throw the shovel down knowing if you've ever considered how many burials joshua and caleb must have done in the wilderness over a million people died in the wilderness because they refused to live by faith i i'm telling i feel in my spirit that god is calling so many of you to move on from the family members and friends who refuse to hear what the spirit of god is saying throw down the shovel leave the religious funeral and get on to your destiny here's what i know about religion people end up sitting in dead dry stale mega churches for so long they become like samson and don't even know that the anointing has left them and then when they hear the spirit of revival they don't even know they've lost their hair and they try to jump up and act like they had the fire that they lost 10 years ago god is releasing a holy jailbreak in america i'm telling you he's done it through the pandemic he literally came and put a shut down on the spirit of religion and now he's giving us an opportunity in 2021. do you want to get on into your destiny and cross the jordan do you want to live in a culture of revival well brother the word revival's not in the bible amen you don't need a word for what you're living in god i'm asking that you had put a yes in our heart this morning all over this room if you have a prayer language would you just begin to pray in the holy ghost i know your religious friends tell you you need a interpretation but it's called a prayer language come on come on come on come on we're moving forward i'm not going back to egypt i did not get delivered of addiction to get addicted to religion come on i wasn't a wild one for the devil and now i keep my mouth shut in church come on somebody's got to begin to open up your mouth and get free from a spirit that has come to shut you up god i'm asking that you would loose anointings in this room god i'm asking that you would loose callings in this room god i'm asking that you would set religious captives free come on i want to open up these altars if there's anything apathetic if there's anything complacent if you feel the spirit of god is putting a finger on something inside of you i'm telling you i'm here for a remnant among a remnant i'm here this morning to call forth people that refuse to settle for anything less than what god promised them i'm here for people who are willing to stop fighting religion and just shake your feet off i'm telling you the spirit of god is saying to many of you you just need to go ahead and kick your feet off and you need to get moving into destiny come on come on we got to pray until we can pray more lord come on i refuse to shout at a football game and be quiet in church i refuse to sit in a hunting stand all day and wonder when church is over come on come on come on they're slaughtering babies all over america right now the devil is just literally killing off the next generation in the church is silent when will a cry arise between the porch and the altar when will people exchange religious robes for a spirit of revival come on lazarus come forth i'm looking for a couple of lazaruses here where you're gonna shake off the grave clothes of religion and come out of that tomb come on keep pressing five more minutes god call forth the fire brands lord i'm asking for a john the baptist generation to arise in america that would make straight the ways of the lord god we're asking that you would deal with the crooked way in me god we're asking that you would level mountains that you would raise up valleys lord i'm praying for a shaking this morning i'm praying for an awakening this morning lord come and startle us come and disturb us man i'm ready to run come on two more minutes keep pressing in i've got a brother in a federal prison right now grew up a pastor's kid like me settled for religion i refuse to shut up i refuse to lower my standards for a generation that's just looking for a free pass i refuse to lie to people i refuse to people please i refuse to bow to mammon come on it's time to make disciples it's time to preach the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ it's time to drive out devils it's time to heal the sick one more minute i feel the spirit of michael in this room michael looked down at david being undignified as he began to dance with all his might i'm telling you they might criticize your dance but they don't know your deliverance i say shout louder i say dance more extravagantly i say get wilder and crazier for jesus show him it's more than emotion show him it's more than hype be faithful for decades come on come out of that grave come out of that grave we prophesy to dry bones in this room we prophesy by the word of the lord life i prophesy life into your spirit life into your body life into your marriage life into your children get up out of that grave in the name of jesus more lord more lord i'll have another drink come on folks come on folks come on folks [Music] there's more baba come on i refuse to settle [Music] [Music] come on i want you to sing it over yourself first sing to yourself god's talking to us this morning [Music] come on sing it get up out of that grave jeremiah [Music] get up out of that grave jeremiah you haven't seen anything yet [Music] get up get up get up [Music] come on [Music] but we can't do it in church [Music] [Music] come on get loose [Music] [Music] you know sometimes it's just time to make the devil pay i remember when my brother got locked up in prison sent to a federal prison for a long-term sentence his name was samuel went my closet and wept you know my first words weren't to god they were to the devil [Music] you might have taken one samuel but over the next decade i'm going to raise up 10 000 samuels in america see there's purpose in your pain you might be here this morning and you've got a sick child and you've been leaving for a miracle you might be here this morning having a prodigal and i'm here to tell you do not let the devil discourage you do not let the devil get you down it's time to dance on his head this morning and declare freedom in the name of jesus come on let's sing it get up get up out of that grave [Music] dance for your children [Music] get up get up [Music] come on just two more minutes come on give jesus praise [Music] [Applause] you don't have to wait to praise till everything's going all right my spiritual father died two nights ago my mom's battled mental illness for over 17 years and never been healed i watched the devil wreak havoc in a ministry family like you'd never believe but i refuse to lay down no i'm not going to let the devil steal my joy i'm not going to let the devil steal my praise because praise is a weapon praise is a weapon i'm telling you one more time in the midst of the pain in the midst of the suffering let's release the sacrifice of praise in the house tonight come on one more time get up get up get up get up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get up [Music] [Music] hey it's jeremiah johnson i want to thank you so much for joining us at the ultra global a growing movement of christians who have a burden a desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride for that glorious day i want to pray for you today i know that you have needs desires things in your life that you're hoping believing that god would answer but before we do that i want to just extend an opportunity to you to partner with the altar global in your prayers your financial support god is gathering a remnant of folks who just have a desire to partner with us on a monthly basis or maybe you're even watching today and you just want to sow a one-time seed i want to let you know as the founder of this movement we're going to take the money the prayers that you sow today and sow them right back into the kingdom of god we're seeing souls save the church come alive like never before missionaries church planners being revived because of what god is doing you're going to see a number pop on your screen you can text to give you can even click on the link in the comment section and there'll be an opportunity for you to give there so let's pray today father thank you for those watching today lord thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit that is participating even with the bride saying come lord jesus but i ask that you and meet every need today lord i pray for breakthrough i pray for salvation for lost loved ones god we believe that we are living in the greatest days that we have ever known in the name of jesus amen thank you so much for joining us today stay tuned for another episode bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 2,184
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: 1b-jKBkA9jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 42sec (4782 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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