ALL DREAM EVENTS: Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics Minigames!!

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today we play all dream events in mario and sonic at the winter olympic games checking out some cool mario and sonic characters thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoy this video alright this looks like it is going to be a very exciting race you've got mario bowser jr donkey kong and daisy wait a minute do we start off in a helicopter we're not gonna jump out of the helicopter that would be crazy the helicopter is just gonna drop us off right we're not jumping out are we are we jumping out oh my goodness can we please land before we jump out this looks crazy oh mario looks very happy about this all right i guess we're getting ready to jump out of the helicopter all right here we go let's jump out of the helicopter oh donkey kong's certainly uh taking his time before he drops down okay let's go let's see let's just go straight okay and we have to pick one of these at random let's go into this one here and what do we change now oh cool we are in a sled now okay so let's go through this way then i don't know if this will become whoa bros how are you bros so fast oh my goodness can i go faster please let's see what way should i go up or this way okay i guess we're going here all right wait wait we keep switching between second and first now oh oh and we can just smash through these because we're in the bobsled the bobsled can of course smash through these no problem can we switch again i'd like to switch again please oh boy we slowed down a bit over there it looks like we're doing all right we are still in first which is nice okay now let's see which are we choosing let's choose this one again now what are we let's see what are we switching into now this same thing oh my goodness i want something else i don't want to be at only a bobsled let me have something else please okay there we go okay destroy this oh boy i'm falling i'm falling oh boy oh boy oh boy okay this should be fine let's jump can i jump oh i don't know if you actually can jump it looked like i got a little boost because it did stay perfect there oh boy this is the little tricky very narrow section here and looks like maybe that actually is a nice shortcut wow we're going pretty fast and jump okay that was great not perfect though oh boy let's go let's go oh boy we just lost like all of our speed there all right let's go into a different one this time let's go into this uh third one from the left what's gonna happen now i don't know how far ahead we are i know we're in first place i don't know how far ahead we are oh nice we're on a snowboard now okay that's exciting let's jump up hey very nice let's just see how are we going to land nice landing over here and let's see where are we going my bros let's go down here okay snowboard stuff over here wait wait on the snowboard you can do like uh you can go on the rails i'm pretty sure yeah like this all right that was nice now let's get ready jump whoa oh boy this is a tricky area very very slippery oh no i guess i'm going here then okay okay let's let's continue to make our way down wait what's that over there this looks a little suspicious right over here and go a little late but that's fine okay let's be careful this looks like it's water but i guess that's actually ice down there and we're changing again this time let's go to the far right we're going to the far right please help me here what are we getting what are we getting we get the bobsled again we keep getting the bomb slide oh my goodness okay let's go up here very nice and i guess we probably want to go on the ice not on the snow the ice is probably a bit faster and we can probably get a little boost man we've been in first for like the whole race but the thing is i have no idea how far ahead of the others i am and i don't know which path is the fastest oh oh that looked like some boosts over there oh my goodness we are flying like mad why are we going so fast how are we going so fast what is happening wait is this the end over here this can't be the end can it let's see it go here jump oh wait that wasn't a jump about here come here no go go go go go go go go go go go go go don't fall here don't fall here this looks a bit like delfino plaza where all these people doing here oh that turns into a club like that let's drop off hello there friends and let's turn this way how close are we to the end this has got to be near the end right look at all these people just here oh that's probably the finish line no one's going to catch up to us and beat us now right like look we're so close to the end right is this the end there we go all right oh my goodness wow we were in first for like the whole racer we used this sled almost the whole time that's so funny but it gives you a random power-up but we just kept getting the sled how did the others do in terms of time i'm really curious to see their times let's see by how much we won i don't know if it was close at all and let's see mario's celebration ah if i go eddie jumps around a bit whoa we beat second place by almost a minute that's kind of unbelievable i knew we were in the lead but not by that much all right time for another i was gonna say skateboarding but snowboarding won i'm shadow we're facing off against silver peach and waluigi and i mean silver comma peach i don't mean like peaches silver maybe peach will be silver if she gets second place overall let's see shadow's so tough over here alright let's get ready let's see all right there there we go very nice boost okay let's see how are we doing we probably want to collect coins right coins make you go faster or something whoa and what are those guys doing there okay nice we got a little boost here wait is this like in mario kart is this a cannon that launches us oh my goodness i don't think they have stuff like that at the olympics i've never seen anything like this at the olympics before i feel very much like i'm actually playing mario kart hey guys give me the coins oh oh i didn't even realize that there are ramps here to jump up oh and this is a thing that boosts you oh boy oh boy so many coins up there oh no but i missed all those toys okay let's get these coins i like don't know if i should try and focus on going fast or getting coins what should i focus on oh wait a minute this is just like a mushroom bridge from that one uh what is it called uh from mario kart that's very similar to that actually okay so that was probably a nice speed boost that we got there let's go here whoa you're catching up to me fast oh my goodness we're back to third all of a sudden wow that was very fast let's see how close are we going to be to the end now let's go like this oh that's probably a shortcut over there let's go up like this come on come on down and oh oh i didn't even realize that we were in deep snow over here hold on hold on wait that's oh oh final lap okay i thought that was the finish line at first i'm like what's going on is this the end already okay so i guess it is like mario kart it's like we have two laps or something okay let's make our way up here oh there's even a little uh wiggler thing down there and let's see we can we can jump on these which is nice so let's go like this okay let's get these boosts over here bro how are you guys so fast oh my goodness okay let's come up all right and give me these boosts whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa those boots certainly helped a lot okay let's go here oh no oh no oh no give me this boost then give me that boost okay good good good good okay because we have to get in front of them let's see come here now good good good good good going fast all right now just control it control it oh boy don't touch me let's see go through there good job and come on come on we got to be near the end right let's see let's see go here wait a minute how did you get here where did you come from oh and i missed that again oh my goodness okay come on up now don't get hit by any of these guys here let's go boost me wait is this the finish line this is it this is it this is it there we go there we go yes we won okay oh waluigi was a really close second it looks like peach isn't silver today i thought peach might be silver because there was a moment when she actually caught up to me there okay there we go we are on the point wow peach isn't even on the podium at all it's so funny that silver gets bronzed all right let's see shadow celebration he spins around jumps up oh and he turns his back like that wow that was a kind of close race i beat waluigi by only about a second all right here we are mario's figure skating spectacular with mario yoshi waluigi at knuckles we have a very nice group over here and look at that it's peach's castle in the background here is mario waving over here let's go all right look at all these toads lined up that's so funny what are they all doing here all right mario it's time to decide the turn order let's go [Music] hey let's see how's this going to go okay we're skating around let's get started then okay let's see what are we doing step wait oh go go go go i keep getting perfect but i don't even know if i'm doing it right oh no but that was miss over there oh no oh no we're still going go okay jump okay get ready to jump oh boy oh boy oh boy go how's that nice okay oh it wasn't perfect though that's so sad and go all right there you go that one was perfect that's good okay ten points oh spiral wait do we wanna spin now wait oh oh tilt that way mario tilt the other way how's that great okay not perfect man the others are doing so well oh look at this what's this oh it is some enemies over here there's a magikoopa and some flying cuba troopers wait what's happening to the toads the towns are all in jail no they're stealing the toes we have to get the toads back okay get ready to jump get ready get ready get ready oh go and nice jump and go and oh that was good and upper uh oh okay spiral get ready get ready be careful don't fall mario don't fall tilt the other way a bit very nice all right wait are we going into the pipe to save the toad now all right there we go we nod at each other it's like we're all working together over here and down we go let's go let's go very exciting times okay we get to go down this little uh spiral thing over here wait step what is this okay let's go that way go okay nice i'm ready i'm ready oh get ready to jump okay go how was that jump okay the jump was good but not perfect oh i hope the fire the lava bubbles don't hit us what's up now oh get ready to jump and go all right we made it over there okay but that was great not perfect oh gotta get ready for this oh get ready for another jump let's see go whoa we made it over that oh that was really late what i did there okay let's see go go okay what's next oh that's it okay get ready to spin wait do i spin as quickly as possible don't oh wave now okay okay so we gotta collect the coins okay let's go oh get them all okay we missed one coin that's all right okay get ready go and what could be in here what could be back here bowser comes out to look at him blowing his fire over here oh my goodness very scary bouncer we gotta run away from him hey what are we doing okay get ready to jump get ready where is it go all right i pointed the fireball that's very nice like how he shoots at us in order like this hey what's next step okay get ready go go go go go all right how are you doing jump okay get ready oh now it's is it the other way looks like it's backwards now and go whoa i barely missed that okay let's get ready to step go go go go go go uh the last one didn't count that's so sad hey but wait what is this now jump wait when do we jump oh now and did we defeat bowser now oh look at that we all stepped on the bowser buttons now the bridge is clapping oh and he has the tanooki leaf over there that's so much oh it's actually just a goomba with a tanooki leaf uh oh kamik's broom is on fire over here wait what are the toads the toads are saved all of a sudden wow we're doing great over here is that the end of the event oh there's still more okay spin let's get ready spin sin spin spin go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go step get ready go go okay i'm ready i'm ready for more wave okay let's see where do we want to go oh get the figs go lower go lower go lower oh boy all right okay they gave me perfect without okay step get ready go what's next go okay what's next i'm ready i'm ready oh is it just those guys now it looks like it's just those guys get to go now maybe it's gonna be mine and yoshi's turn soon right now it's waluigi and knuckles they get to go wait are we gonna come up from the other way oh they get to jump too i wonder if it jumps the finale oh go oh oh and we bounce up like that that's cool wait did it give me a miss for that oh no that's not good okay get ready to step go go go all right what are these guys doing man it's uh it's quite difficult with motion controls because sometimes you do something and it just doesn't register unfortunately when that happens is this the end though oh spin okay this is probably the finale let's go spin spin spin spin spin two one go how's that all right okay pretty good i think finished finish wait am i in first no way am i in first yoshi looks so sad yoshi's so sad they're so sad yoshi don't be sad yoshi awards ceremony all right that's so sad that yo she didn't make it because yoshi's so nice mario's so happy to win this event over here very nice all right roller coaster bombs like this looks like something out of a sonic game okay we are peach we're playing against waluigi shadow and amy we've got some great opponents over here hopefully we can do all right against them it's funny that the people in the background they're waving a mario flag and a sonic flag but neither mario nor sonic are here all right let's get ready wait do i have to uh hit any buttons or anything [Applause] [Music] oh oh go go why aren't you going peach go on oh oh you have to alternate between uh l and r okay oh there now i now i'm on purpose okay okay nice nice we got perfect boarding time okay but uh it looks like we're gonna have to work hard to catch up to the others oh my goodness this is so wild okay they're a little bit ahead but maybe if we play well we'll be able to pass them let's see how we're doing oh boy be careful with those okay well the coins help me out get the boost yeah there we are all right all right you guys ready to get wrecked i'm passing you now okay there we go we started in fourth now we are in first we're doing pretty good over here hopefully we can just keep doing all right it's a little hard to see you can't see very far ahead of where you are whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh am i supposed to jump what in the world is going on why are they going so fast how are they going so fast okay let's see oh try to match the your angle with the angle there okay good go come on come on come on come on i gotta catch up to them let's see and go now come on we're in second we gotta catch up we gotta catch up let's go move move move move let's go and land like that good okay this is getting intense it's getting very very intense here okay let's go right there give me the boost very good you do want the boost no no stay back shadow what are you doing shadow whoa you don't want to get hit by those big balls there you want to stay away from those balls over there oh boy hey he took all my coins i was gonna get those coins okay what's going on how long is this race hey let me ahead of you let me head to you where are you where are you move bro blue bro how are you here bam that thing exploded on you move bro get out of my way bro come on bro let's go oh i could have maybe taken that boost but i didn't hey let's come here now wait how am i in second where are they how did he get in front of me what's going on wait is the race over oh it can't be over yet oh oh apparently we're first somehow okay let's go land on that okay now land there okay and land like that great okay okay so there is like some or there are rather there are some sections where it's like you're looking at things differently wait is this the end oh i thought that would have been the end oh no it looked like it was going to be the end maybe okay let's get the boost oh boy i thought i missed it uh don't hit the pylons okay i hit like all the pylons is this the end yes okay so we should be in first oh my goodness that was so tough like that whole race i was just constantly trying to win i thought that maybe we'd be like really in the lead or something that entire race was tough peach why are you standing here what if the other bobsled just come by really quickly and slam into you looks dangerous awards ceremony wait shadow isn't even in the top three what happened to him he almost beat me near the end there and somehow he ended up in fourth how did that happen okay here's peach's celebration spins around like this very nice okay i won by about two seconds amy was really close behind wait are we playing in delfino plaza over here is that what's happening over here this looks like we are in delfino plaza okay so we are mario and sonic oh wait all of us are on the same team oh i thought that we're picking our rivals oh i didn't realize that all four of us are on the same team okay so it's mario and sonic are teaming up with bowser and dr eggman so we're putting our differences aside for today all right so here we are we are right in delfino plaza playing hockey right over here wow i didn't expect this wait a minute are those little trampolines to boost you up over there this is wild okay so it looks like lakitu is gonna drop down the hockey puck here and then we're gonna get started it's four on four over here let's go against luigi tails waluigi and daisy gonna be a good match here let's get ready go yeah here we are wait where's the okay i'm like wait where even is the puck what happened let's go pass it up oh no no no no stop luigi stop it right there okay good pass it up right okay let's go like this and i'm in the air let's shoot oh no that would have been so cool look at this you could come up here you could go like this and it just shoots like that oh my goodness what a goal good job sonic getting the first goal for team mario look at that replay there we bounce up and just shoot like that that is unbelievable this is so intense okay here's the next face off let's get ready go yeah there we are okay let's see let's do a trick yeah how cool is that huh you like that trick bro hey hey hey oh no i missed my tackle get him yeah good job getting him okay we gotta stop that luigi okay let's go where's mario mario's up there somewhere right let's see pass it up to mario oh no it bounced off the trampoline how in the world oh oh oh oh gotta keep it away from them let's go let's go let's go let's go oh stay away stay away stay away stay away go now come on get it someone get it someone get it someone go there please you got to stop them go get them good tackle get the puck get the puck stop jumping around oh there are bonus goals available now okay so we don't want them to get that let's stop them if we can oh boy is anyone there no one's guarding daisy no one's guarding here oh my goodness she got a bonus goal that is worth two points that's unbelievable how can she do it look at that oh and all the bananas got uh all the bananas got knocked over over there well not all of them a bunch of them all right next face off here we go get ready get ready go all right all right we gotta come up here now stop this stop this madness everybody stop this go pass it up nope pass it up no stop stop it give me that back okay let's do a power shot now let's go i'm ready i'm ready you ready bam yeah there we go we got it okay we tied it up very nice okay man we should maybe keep someone near the center look at this this is so crazy we're just in delfino plaza like super mario sunshine i can't believe it but yeah we should really keep someone near the center almost at all times in case uh hold on hold on hold on this is so weird how you just take the puck from each other by just walking into each other like this oh this could be perfect let's go let's go let's go no he blocked it that's not good all right now where are you going my bro oh boy gotta stop him yes yes yes yes yes he's stopped okay now just come up here and let's see where we want to go come over here and go oh no they blocked it stop knocking me over let's go knock over him okay and bonus gold chance yes yes yes yes i do want a bonus goal okay go yeah that's so silly oh boy i almost didn't even notice that there's bonus gold chance available but there we go that's another nice way to get two more points look at that we just came over here and there we go i guess that like comes out from time to time okay there's 11 seconds left in this period let's get ready go all right all right let's see where do we want to go bring it on up bring it up all right good bring it up okay can i do another power shot let's go yeah another goal all right with zero seconds left it's nice that when you press a to do powershot then you have a moment to aim and you choose when to shoot for this that's pretty cool wait oh and the first period okay there we go all right five two wait second period wait you could play the second period somewhere else okay let's go to main street to finish this game off then let's see that's so cool how one period is over there and then the next period is over here oh boy this might have not been a good idea because it looks like there are going to be lots of opportunities for them to score over here now okay but i'm ready second period let's go all right time for the pay stuff let's go get ready get ready get ready mario you got to win it yeah there we are good job bowser go shoot oh they blocked the shot wait mario why are you saying you're the superstar you're not even doing anything right now yo okay come on bowser you can go oh boy let's go go through them and oh no waluigi stole it go shoot again how is this guy blocking everything let's go let's go let's go let's go tackle them all right come on bowser let's go you can do it you can do it go oh oh it's time for a power shot let's go oh my goodness this shy guy doesn't even move we are too good almost everybody has scored i think dr eggman hasn't scored yet i guess dr eggman is playing quite defensively today which is good okay i was a little scared at first remember when they were winning two to one but right now we're coming back so it looks like we're doing pretty good over here where's dr eggman oh i didn't mean to shoot i wanted to actually pass it to dr eggman let's see i want to get it to dr eggman i want him to get a goal let's go come up here come up here we need everyone to score move move my bro oh no oh no oh no luigi let's go come on up come on up my bro come on no no no no no no no no no no no wait what in the world whoa whoa hold on what is that shell how did it become a red shell is this are we playing mario kart now am i playing the wrong game do i not know what game i'm playing now oh dr eggman it's time for you to go let's go yeah another one i wonder if powershot always goes in because so far every power shot we've gotten in like this and i think your powershot bar i think it goes up like when other people tackle you or when they do i don't know if it's when you do tricks or when other people do tricks okay but it's 7-2 and there's less than a minute left now so i think we've got a good chance of winning this i don't know if they can win like even if we just stand here and do nothing i don't know if they can win hey let's see duck drag man again let's go my eggy friend okay what about you okay nice tackle go mario oh nice block let's see tackle good job oh we can do a power shot now let's go powershot what in the world how did they get the puck over there i was gonna say steal the ball but it's not a ball 30 seconds left okay let's go let's go power shot okay and go oh my goodness they just can't block power shots i don't know if it is possible to block power shots wait do they even have a shot on goal yet because they got two points from the special goal from the bonus goal but i don't know if they've gotten any other points holding i kind of want them to try scoring here go go go here i want to play defensively no i'm not even stealing no no no my cpus are stealing i want you to shoot here take the puck just go shoot why would you throw the puck there what are you doing i want you guys to try and win just go try and get a shot okay here we are here we are i'm gonna move back and forth and i can't sneak his bowser blocked how am i supposed to block it how am i supposed to block it when bowsers block it like that i couldn't see on my screen oh my goodness i was looking at the gamepad i don't know if it looked the same on the actual screen but i was looking at my gamepad to move the shy guy back and forth to try and block it let's see let's try and score one more i don't know if we can no there's only five seconds left there's no way right three seconds go uh at the second here okay eight to three not a bad victory at all and i did basically give them one of those goals but that was all right pretty good victory over here what a great team we have awards ceremony here we are mario and sonic in the middle i like how bowser is on the opposite side of dr eggman like mario and bowser aren't together and sonic and dr eggman aren't together it's like they have to be kept at a distance from each other that's pretty cool great victory here in delfino plaza all right now it is time for sonic's figure skating spectacular sonic tails vector and dr eggman this is going to be a very exciting one we've got some great looking characters over here very exciting we are playing as sonic this time we were mario last time now we're sonic all right i'm ready let's see how we can do wait oh it's one of these things they're from sonic colors those little alien guys alright wait what are you gonna do okay do we follow this thing around i guess we follow it around okay what are we doing first okay step get ready go go go go okay good start good start spiral oh oh oh oh oh oh oh don't fall hey we didn't fall all right that's nice oh that's like the power-ups from sonic colors okay let's go go go okay go go go all right looking pretty good get ready to jump now let's get ready and go how was that miss what do you mean that was a miss how about that okay there we go that one was perfect it's weird that the last one was a miss but that one was perfect okay let's see if the things good okay nice jump oh no there are more still there more get those good job okay i thought we missed the last one wait is this a jump oh yeah we gotta jump right there bam oh look how high have we bounced that's so cool how we're all spinning like that okay very nice wait is vector from uh is he promising oh oh i didn't know that i could catch those rings i thought that those were for tails only i thought that those are too far away actually it's a reg sonic you've got to get the rams you need the rings all right wait is the path appearing as we go there that's actually kind of tricky okay let's see gotta pay attention to where we're going here okay i'm in the front which is nice i don't think it really matters where we are though as long as we just keep hitting everything at the right time is there a jump coming up maybe yeah i expected there to be a jump down oh that was way too late wait it gave me perfect okay i guess you can do that a lot later than i expected pretty cool looking level though reminds me a bit of a rainbow road from mario kart okay good job get ready go now what oh was there just one step like that oh now it's back to wave go down go down go down i have my controller lower okay and there we go we got some of those that's okay what's next get ready to jump okay and go how's that wow i would have thought that that would have been late but i guess that was fine we got some pretty impressive jumps over here okay get ready for some steps go oh another one there i thought that was too early okay and oh boy i didn't notice that one okay let's see wait is it going to be doctor eggman because drake man's here with us so what are we going to be facing off against giant eye ferris wheel thing this is the creation of dr eggman oh that's way too late for a jump and it gave me perfect that makes no sense you can jump so much later than i thought you could i guess it's because sonic probably has a good jumping stat oh they're jumping and attacking the thing were we doing that too i don't know if we were also doing that let's go and go okay am i gonna get to do another jump okay get ready go yeah we attacked it let's go i wonder if this is gonna be like in mario party where it's like the last person to do an attack gets a bonus oh and it looks like it's trying to attack us too okay we're at 80 points exactly but at least uh for the first two decimal spots they get ready for some steps go okay go go go okay anything else all right spin okay i'm spinning quite quickly now spin spin spin spin spin whoa we all can attack you guys like this this is crazy well i didn't think that we'd do an attack like that oh my goodness we defeated the evil eye ferris wheel thing kind of reminds me of a boss from mega man almost seems like something that you'd see in mega man welcome resort wait a minute is this from sonic colors seems like it's from sonic colors it reminds me of sonic colors a lot okay step get ready go go go i don't know if it's counting any of these because i want to pay attention to where i'm supposed to go but at the same time i also want to see if it's giving me perfect or not okay get ready to jump and go that might have been too early i went way before them oh my goodness that counted as a miss oh no okay spiral oh oh oh oh that's the one where you have to try and balance okay well we do have a lot of points we have more points than last time and maybe that means that we're doing better or what if the cpus are also doing better that is the question to ask also okay i like how we have all these things following us around oh get ready for some more of these go go okay then this is probably the last move right get ready to pose one go how's that 129.64 points oh my goodness that is so many points yeah and of course we are in first place over here no why is tails so sad last time yoshi was so sad now tails is so sad so sad yeah so sonic isn't first over here too bad we don't have tails on the podium with us the music is from sonic colors here i love this song so much man sonic colors was so great i have to revisit that game sometime i think that might have been my first sonic game it was a great one all right this is a very exciting one here hole-in-one curling at the green hill zone we are team knuckles and mecha sonic we're facing off against a few different teams over here all right here we are team knuckles very exciting team over here team amy and mario i like that it's team amy not team mario team tails and princess peach and team blaze and daisy we've got some great teams over here two holes total all right so wait is this like golf but curling i've never seen anything like this before wait is it like first to make it over there wins i'm guessing that's the way that it works [Applause] wait is this showing how far they went with the first throw they did not go very far at all then okay so we are both the stone pusher and the stone rider so here's the way that it works okay touch the glowing stone okay there i touched it wait wait wait do i not get to aim oh there now i get to aim okay okay let's go okay that was a nice throw oh boy go go go go go go go go go go go go down here and come on down come on down let's go is that going to slow us down a lot keep going keep going keep going what happens if we hit that whoa that gave us a nice boost oh that's pretty cool wait wait is it enough to get us down here though wow we went pretty far in a single throw we definitely went a lot farther than they did okay that's good that's good this guy's very good at riding this okay 45.9 meters remaining pretty good wait wait wait wait did they make it already hold on hold on i didn't get to see if they made it or not okay touch the going stone okay let's go let's go oh boy that's too fast wait does that mean we win or no [Music] oh it's like everyone's in the dirt now literally all of the characters are in the dirt now oh wait but then they get to throw okay luckily no one has made it yet okay let's do this okay let's go let's be careful just do a soft little throw like this not too strong not too strong and come on just get in there get in there get in there bro get in there do we win or no go okay that counts that we made it okay so we went okay after the second throw i was a bit confused because i thought that we lost but right here it looks like we actually made it okay wait ten points they're at nine points oh that's close wait is there another round or is that it okay hold two two holes total okay so we have to do well in this hole here let's go here's the second hole a lot of people were telling me that there's a sonic game in roblox i wonder if this is at all like it i think it's called sonic speed simulator all right let's go let's try and throw as powerfully as we can let's go all right great power wait wait but the characters are switched oh no knuckles isn't the one that's throwing but knuckles is so strong i need him to throw are we gonna fall off are we gonna fall off we're like right on the edge over there oh my goodness i'm so scared that we're gonna fall into the water what is happening here how about them okay they throw to there daisy goes to there and mario goes to there where in the world are they trying to go wait do they get to keep throwing until they catch up to me wow that was a good throw okay throw three throw two is it whoever's the farthest back gets to keep throwing is that the way that it works oh my goodness they're doing like four or five throws already that is so many okay yeah that's throw number five already okay is it finally gonna be my turn now okay it's finally my turn and this is only our second throw now that's kind of unbelievable all right let's try going down this way here go a nice and powerful throw oh boy whoa whoa that boost is wild that boost is wild okay i don't want to get boosted the wrong way boost me down please oh no oh no knuckles isn't very good at tilting at all the is it mecha sonic or metal sonic whatever whatever sonic we have he is a lot better at tilting but knuckles is a lot better at throwing okay let's see how many throws are these guys going to take they are taking a lot of throws oh my goodness okay that's eight throws over there now hold on who's next okay i don't know how many throws it took them i just skipped that because i'm like yeah it's taking them way too long to do this okay so let's see how we're doing let's go like this bro wait wait that's the end right there that's the end right over there we're getting so close let's go i don't know if we can reach this turn maybe next turn we will be reaching this is crazy oh my goodness i can't believe it it took like all the cpus like four or five throws to catch up to me after my first throw and we might be reaching the end in throw number four so this is kind of like golf in a way i guess it's like the cpus are so far right now that it's not even showing them look at that nine throws like ten throws to catch up to me oh my goodness okay let's see let's go right there to the goal pole go don't go too far don't go too far slow down slow down bro slow down slow down slow down do we win yeah goal is four throws can you believe it knuckles is so happy here that's so nice [Music] okay and how wait total oh total oh oh for a second i thought that i was mario okay so it's like the lower your total the better you do i was thinking earlier that i had 10 points i'm like what in the world is going on no but it's like golf it's like the lower year scores i thought that we got like a score where it's like the person in first gets 10 the person in second gets nine but it's just like the total number of throws you did so it's like exactly like golf i thought that you get a score out of ten based on like how good you do or something oh my goodness yeah we really dominated that competition here what was the score okay this is an exciting looking level bullet bill sledge race we're team luigi entails over here we are up against some nice looking teams and this area this looks like something out of sonic colors again i wonder if this is from sonic colors okay here's our team oh let's go hotels all right let's get ready for some driving over here okay so instead of having like dogs in our race it's like oh go okay instead of having dogs we have these uh bullet bills that are going a little wild like this okay so let's see let's see okay you want to collect these things because if you fill up on these then you can get a nice boost like this give me the rocket boost let's go oh oh and jump oh boy i did not get the jump at all okay luckily i'm still ahead of the other somehow okay let's get this oh wait is that a ramp over there i think that's a wrap why is there a giant watermelon coming towards us okay nice jump over here that was actually a very nice jump okay let's be careful let's not go there because there's a cannon over there how are we in second how are you ahead of us why are you taking my boost that was supposed to be my boost oh we're back in first place somehow wait why do i jump jump now perfect jump okay nice okay kind of hard to control since it's uh all motion controls whoa whoa why am i so slow why is my character so slow what in the world how are they all going so fast i want to go fast like that i've gotta go fast come on i'm gonna be like sonic i gotta go fast too let's go oh my goodness stop hitting all them stop hitting all the gingerbread men go go no stop catching up for me stay back you guys find a lap wait a minute what in the world i didn't realize for this far ahead already okay let's see let's get these let's get these wait maybe it's just a two-lap race then go hey nice perfect jump there that's great news i just come over here let's get some of these okay good good good good getting lots of these go to the ramp and jump perfect jump that's great news oh oh and we can use the rocket boost now let's use the rocket juice then go fast go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast let's go oh boy oh boy but are we gonna go fast in here oh jump okay nice perfect jump there okay use the rocket boost use the rocket boost i don't know how close we are to the end i don't know how close the others are to us oh boy that was not good that was not good uh will we fill up and get another boost no stay back stay back stay back stay back stay back stay back you're not passing me right at the end over here let's go and jump up perfect boost and come on is this the end yeah there we go oh man they were so close behind over there i gotta see what the times were because that was really close let's see how this is okay yes we are in first place over here sonic and bowser in second waluigi and vector in third very nice first place over here what a great team luigi entails me wow we won that by less than a second that was so close okay this is a very intense event snowball scrimmage okay this is a pretty crazy one okay so what you want to do is basically get these snowballs with golden snowflakes inside them and get them to the other side while also shooting snowballs at each other and freezing each other so we are team silver and wario over here hopefully we'll make a great team and you're facing off against others look at the penguin in the background oh my goodness there's the penguin in the background from mario okay so let's see let's see oh oh i guess first first thing that we want to do is get to the center i guess and let's see i get a nice shot on you there we go that's great that i froze you okay now let's get on here wait where's the goal okay the goal's over there let's go this way don't knock me off don't knock me off bro move bro move bro move bro okay we gotta go over here the goal is somewhere over here can i get in here can i fit i can't fit okay i gotta go around then please let me go here can i get back here let's see they're trying to shoot at me and knock me over but they're not getting me yet i guess it's good for me but bad for them let's try going like this come on let me there let me there i'm so close and come on get in yeah we gotta go okay so that's the first point okay so you want to get those golden snowflakes inside that's the point of the game and uh you can also shoot at each other like slow each other down and stuff okay so let's see let's see let's come over here okay let's charge up a little bit now let's aim at you bam there we go got a nice shot on you let's see oh where are you going sonic my bro bam i'm shooting you odo knock him off no stop him stop me oh my god it's actually so hard to hit someone once they're up there there we go i knocked him off very nice uh and he's frozen what a guy oh and you can use these things right here you get in here you hold a and then you charge up oh no oh no it lets you jump very high oh no but we're frozen and we're knocked over now uh oh uh oh let's see where are you i'm gonna freeze you you're gonna stop and sonic sonic stop sonic stop right there criminal scum nobody breaks the law on my watch hey how are you not getting knocked off there we go okay he's almost out of hp so that's good i wonder what happens when you run out of hp because you can go on to those pink things to heal up but excuse me yeah i don't know what happens if you run out of hp okay if you go in here then you can get boosted up like that and it gives you a nice little boost like this so let's just come on over here well let's heal me as i pass over oh maybe you have to not be on that thing okay so let's get in here go like this boost me over that way can i bounce up here oh no i can't bounce through oh no it's so weird that i don't think you can bring the ball through there it's like you have to go through here man and we're only one point ahead so this is still a close game like they could come back hopefully we can get this point here oh no oh no they knocked me over i'm frozen in here sonic's up there now uh oh gotta get out of there get out of there sonic get out of there get out of there so i feel like i'm playing halo or something get out there we go okay he launched the ball away no he launched the ball away all the way to there okay but but okay let's pass over this so we get some more help that's good now where are you bro are you broke stay back amy let's see where's sonic going not coming over here huh bam oh no it didn't get him go how could i not get you guys stay back stay back i'm gonna make you run out of health there now you gonna get rid of your health too okay there wario go go go go go you can do it wario all right let's keep amy back we're playing uh quite aggressively now i'll try and defend him wait where is amy i don't even see amy 30 seconds left where in the world is amy oh okay i just went to go look at amy right when i uh locked on her wario just ended up getting the goal okay so that's great mario's a great teammate over here wait shortcut will open for the team that's by what oh oh so they can just go straight through like that that is wild oh my goodness what a plot twist we have over here it's like a mr beast video it's like the team that's losing they have special things given to them okay you're staying down and who's next where's the next guy sonic i'm so sorry to do the scene but i gotta get you down like that sonic okay amy what about you where are you amy bam stay down amy okay where's sonic sonic i gotta stop you bro i gotta stop you bro bam oh that didn't stop and that wasn't strong enough stop sonic just a few seconds left bam okay but wait where's the ball even all three of us are here like pointing our guns at each other but uh we're not even going after the thing that gives us points okay but we do have a very nice victory over here sonic and amy in second place they did play a good game over here but first place goes to team silver that's so funny we're called team silver but we get the gold mario's very happy about this victory i really recommend my video where we play coin battle in mario party superstars with sonic and mr krabs it is a really fun mod thank you so much for watching hope you have a fantastic daddy and take care everybody [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 419,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, mario, sonic movie, mario and sonic, mario vs sonic, super mario, mario and sonic at the olympic games, mario and sonic olympic games, mario and sonic 2020, sonic full movie, sonic 2 full movie, sonic 2 movie, sonic all minigames, mario and sonic all minigames, zxmany, zxmany sonic, zxmany mario, zxmany mario and sonic, mario and sonic fight, mario vs sonic fight, sonic all characters, mario all characters, all dream events, luigi tails, bowser, final boss, all bosses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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