Sonic Unleashed: The Complete Run

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Sonic actually had a really rough transition into 3D I mean remember when he kissed a human and it didn't what am I doing they hated that last time I don't even know why I'm trying I just don't even want to do this anymore I I mean not after last time bro just wouldn't let go of the kiss dumster fire why just why I would agree that this game is terrible because of least kissing Sonic we're going to fight silver now who might be the only redeeming quality of this game he said right before the worst boss fight in video game history as an Italian I must say the game designers really catcher the soul of Venice like the giant orcas and fire demons sonico 6 is a dumpster fire me yes Chuck we know we've been reminded of it for the past 15 years they kiss after Sonic dies I I can't do this I wish I could just be Sonic sometimes it would just be so much easier look at him look how cool he is huh who's that oh help Sonic had a a rough uh human what happened I was just at my desk and it huh yep so that happened one minute I was recording a video the next I can't explain but I somehow not only got transported into Green Hill Zone but into Sonic's body at first I was worried about how I was going to get back but as the days passed the anxiety began to evaporate because after all I finally was Sonic it was like a childhood dream finally came true so I ran with it pun not intended give it up Hedgehog hand over the chaos emerald and I might just let you and your friends go aw but I was just having some fun Egghead Sonic my love please do what he says I already told you like 48 times to be exact I'm not really Sonic I'm actually married in the real world uh are you feeling okay Sonic uh what am I even doing ha like I'm going to fall for that one Dr ligma ligma what is what's wrong with your voice Lima balls got him I don't get it allow me to explain you pesky Hedgehog I'll get you Sonic look out come on Tails like he can actually Sonic I knew how these things worked I've watched anime before but if I wanted to get back to my world there was something very very specific I needed to do and now that our adventure is about to begin there's something very specific I need you to do [Music] I feel like this is how every Star Wars movie starts out so is Sonic Unleash just a uh a Sonic Star Wars game and here's what I assume is a fleet of Dr eggman's very expensive ships do we know exactly how much money he has wow the cut scene actually looks really good uh-oh Hedgehog alert code blue code [Music] blue this is really clean and while I haven't played Sonic Unleashed yet I know the soundtrack is a banger cover to cover you little yeah go say it you little what not big like Sonic Saturday morning Vibes with this one we caught him he has very shiny robots and Unleashed speaking of shiny why is Sonic's eye so shiny oh he has the emeralds you idiot what were you [Music] thinking he's like oh I'm out of here I ain't messing with that [Music] so there're only robots in those ships right so no human casualties right cuz that would make Sonic a murderer you're trapped Sonic I'm I'm sorry really look go easy on me over a new Leaf I swear he's tricking you just give me a chance well this is new showing remorse Eggman if you played nice I wouldn't have to break all your toys got you he says I got you to the fastest thing alive and the startup time for this machine is like 15 seconds you're going to tell me that Sonic the Hedgehog Super Sonic doesn't have the reaction time to get out of there well anyway there go the [Music] emeralds oh I'm for this Eggman sounded like Frieza there I will say though very very solid and nice looking opening cut scene for what I hope is going to be a good [Music] game sir what have you freed from the earth what is that thing and so Werehog Sonic was born and fures have been down bad ever since the emeralds are gray you're just rocks now success a brilliant success it's just as the guia manuscripts for told the entity that was sealed within the planet has awakened now I just need to harness its power Eggman land will finally come to be I just need to release this eldrich beast from the the Earth so I can make my theme park this time Eggman ah sonic that's a good look for you festive so long friend not concerned with the feral monster in front of him oh and there you go send him back to Earth through the escape hatch you could say that he un leashed Sonic hey Sonic wake up uh you're falling from space right now A really intense cut scene met with a slide whistle hey who are you did I land on you all right we we just formed a crater just just put the body in there and kick the dirt over pull yourself together hey how you doing don't eat me I taste Y what are these sound effects they threw in there did they go through like the Looney Tune sound effect Library oh I'm just fine thanks for asking Mr monster guy looks like things have gotten pretty ugly what's your name anyway my name is Sonic Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog and you are huh what is my what is this I've never seen this character in my life I don't know I can't remember so I should mention that I'm playing this on the XX series X so I have like the performance boost so like everything looks really cool and smooth right now I also picked this game up for like $4 on a sale and that was the story of a beautiful friendship between Sonic and how [Music] Howard oh good it's only a nighttime curse that was amazing let's get a quick stretch in here and uh let's see getting a bunch of rings I know how to play Sonic games with boosts look at me boosted oh wow okay the boost a little stiffer than Boost from other games I feel I am pinballing off everything I just got to I I got to adjust oh hang on X is a homing attack it's not the same Button as jump I feel like it should have been jump maybe we can ask someone nearby what your name is Sonic immediately destroys every robot in s is there something wrong with me no no it is is the children who are wrong all right amazing start I can add into speed or ring energy or if I'm playing as the Werehog I have like life strength combat the hell is combat let's go ring energy are we in Italy I feel like we're on like the we're on the Amalfi Coast or [Music] something what do you figure that was all about the hair and and those arms and and Chaos Emeralds so is this what you usually look like yeah way more handsome different shoes me pretty cool huh huh where'd you go oh hang on gelato looks good don't it m that their chocolate chip cream sunday Supreme is the pride of the city and one of those please the whole world can come tumbling down but they'll still line up for a taste I would sell a million of these things during the apocalypse hey what about your memories wow this chip whatever stuff is great if you say so how about you give me a hand and help look for somebody who knows you chip his name is going to be chip chip got to call you something don't I what do you think yeah chip chip I love it yum now what do you say we start asking around and see if anybody here knows you okay all right let's walk around and see if we can find anybody that uh knows who chip is hey how'd you like my ice cream Best You Ever Had right you want some more eat so much ice cream that you poop your pants it's fine the characters in this game look so weird hello lovely weather we're having today isn't it or uh in it oh and who's the little fellow here H do I know him I don't even know who I am maybe this monk knows who you are gregorios well what have we here Travelers what a pleasant surprise I'm pretty sure he's Greek but can't do a Greek accent do you know this guy nope haven't opened my eyes in 30 years Sonic is very fast and slippery windmill aisle act two I did act one right was that act one go oh that's right boost so when I went to France this is like the streets were narrow like this I keep hitting the jump button to do a homing attack and it's absolutely not that button that's so jarring I feel like I've just been conditioned to only use use that button woo slide through hey I'm all right I'm doing okay ow okay I was doing okay the rail transfer is not as fast as I thought it was going to be son of kind of takes his time oh one of these okay no problem oh come on I totally got that is there a stomp in this game like for landing or did that come later uh b y okay I failed I didn't even know I was going to have to do anything like that oh okay interesting this is a Long Level I feel like I'm used to playing boost games that have much shorter levels Sonic Colors where like the stages are like 30 seconds long actually that that was forces XB okay cool pretty solid run though we take those okay so I collect Suns and moons uh which I assume do I use those to power up or yeah okay so let's see do I do I want more more speed I'm going to go with more ring energy you know what I'll take the speed too all right I'm just going to go for a nice nighttime stroll and got to walk off all that ice cream still no luck finding anyone who knows me oh well oh night time uh-oh uhoh he's like lactose intolerant Mr monster guy is back I told you not to call me that down I turn into this Sonic Sonic look what is it the voice acting the whole planet is split apart we're doomed what he got ghosts coming out of him hey don't cry uh ice cream how about some more of this super tasty stuff what good is ice cream he's like all I do is eat ice cream what he can stretch his arms stretched weird but it could be useful I was not expecting that okay so I'm a wear hog now and I got like aack so now the game kind of becomes like a beat him up hello I mean uh roar oh my my my are you the gentleman I met earlier today I knew it yes I remember your little friend good evening to you oh at least she's being nice to me regardless of my hideous appearance by the way I saw a two-tailed fox F past heading towards the entrance stage why would you be a friend of mine what are you trying to say we all look alike St R it oh there's Tails hey settle down guys come on and he's getting jumped by a bunch of Rave goers so everything that I've heard about this game everyone says the night stages are horrible see that bright hazy stuff that comes out of the enemy as you beat I call it Dark Gaia Force Gathering it fills your Unleashed gauge once it's filled you can press right bumper to go crazy all right I want to get some more of this uh dark Gia Force so I can go ham so when I mentioned in a previous video that there should really be a uh a Sonic beat him up what I meant was like a a 2d beat him up not like this or sonic boom which is also a beat him up right okay I have a full unleash gauge now I'm curious to see what it does all right let's see what this is all about all go crazy go nuts do I have like more combos and stuff or am I just do I just Mash hey hey get stay down stay down I don't want to do this I got air combos I feel like having a grab button is kind of stupid can't we just like Snap to ledge my God the stretchy arms are so weird I actually don't hate this maybe it'll get more redundant as the game goes on but as of now it's I don't hate it it's something different you know dude I'm just fighting like a a bowling alley on a Friday night you know like Cosmic bowling here we go cosmic bowling I'm a grown ass man you know what this is how I still run up the stairs all right time to Sonic Unleash I can see this getting extremely repetitive by like the fourth stage which is probably why everyone says that uh the night stages are ass here's my combos so wear Hammer double kick combo show hog Ken don't have that unlocked yet or that okay so that's how I do a sh yukin oh that was dope you know they say white men can't jump well neither can Sonic the Werehog my God wait wait wait I can grab can I throw no no no no you get back here okay so that's uh that's how you do a belly flop and do some Splash damage I should be guarding right Sonic put those hands up protect that chin this pestal looks like it I thought it was a tombstone for a second cuz this point in time it was like here lies Sonic's career another thing is why do we have like big bands music playing they're like you know what we hog Sonic needs free form Jazz ah okay I probably could have did that earlier and grabbed that one that I couldn't reach just need to remember that combo ahead grab this thing wait I can I can power walk with it let's put it right over here I got to get the green one now open up knock knock hey a book I need the Necronomicon I'm trying to get my brother's body back I know it's fuxa but listen I'm willing to give up my Alchemy all right place this one over here I'm going to say this I'm having fun with these stages as of now that might change oh not looking to go for a dip right now although those Waters be looking beautiful summertime in the amalf coast don't mind if I do yeah yeah yeah I know it's grease you don't have to bully me in the comments section okay got to drop down here oh my God the stretchy arms are too cool hey there's a pole try jumping and grabbing with the B button jump with the right timing to let go of the pole oh my God some of the platforming here I fear that I'm often going to forget to press the B button to grab something you know what now it's probably a good time to unleash it's funny cuz they actually made like a stretchy Sonic toy now like one exists and I wonder if they were like oh yeah you know we need to make our money back on that wear hog thing what's my shield situation can I just oh I see those circles those egg looking things those are my she s okay let me let me grab some rings rings in here no but a music CD collecting music in modern games if developers continue to go with that CDs are long gone they really only represent unlockable music in video games you're going to have to start looking for MP3s oh I got an A I mean I earned that a oh a book containing illustrations and the like you need to buy a bookshelf man what a ripoff all right let's um let's go with strength and life I have a lot of actually so definitely more strength what what is combat what does that mean level two oh that's that where I get my unlocks the donkey kick combo my eyes immediately saw something else hey Tails Sonic did you do something with your hair you look different what are you doing out here Sonic is that really you I'm going to be laughing the entire playthrough that's a new look what happened you know me never at dull moment want some chocolate uh sorry I don't take candy from strangers that's some story I'll bet that means that you turning into that and the planet breaking apart are somehow related I need to find Eggman and make him fix this and fast about that I think I know someone who might know something about what's going on here oh really Professor pickle over at spagonia University City to gather some data if we add that to research findings these are all based on real life places I think spagonia is supposed to be like the Italy equivalent and this was Greece maybe I'm far off feel free to correct me in the comments section not that you needed a prompt to do that1 will get us there in a Flash let's get going I know how you commenters be leave it to you Tails let's get moving all right let's get in this tornado hey uh chip you want to like get inside that's not safe at all I know Sonic's going to stand on on the back but you're like right by the propeller Professor just a hop and a skip do we have like schmu segments in this too here comes the parade I got this one [Music] Sonic oh you turned into like an X-Wing oh I'm prompted as to what buttons I have to hit so I'm playing on an Xbox right now so I got to remember like what the buttons are and where they are cuz every controller is different okay so far so good oh sorry that one got away you can live today cuz I didn't remember what the Y button was we're just chilling I I'm kind of liking this oh crap oh crap hit hit the buttons all right I got a nice streak going damn it it's gone I keep mixing up X and Y that's what's doing me in X and Y is the bane of my existence what what is that thing all right I can't mess up here well Sonic prepare to be suck that's uh Andrew or whatever the monkey's name is in Star Fox the amount of hours as a kid I poured into just unlocking every route in secret in uh Star Fox 64 just like trying to get the perfect run in like corneria and other stages xxbx if I just say it out loud a x a y y b y y from using a Pro Controller to an Xbox controller listen re Reggie Reggie I get one John here please just one John the buttons are all mixed up in my brain nobody warns me about the tornado stages everyone was like yeah watch out for the the nighttime stages but my God what the hell is this my brain doesn't work this fast it's like a Mario Party Min game please die oh my god oh that was brutal that was bad my brain is still processing the last uh 10 button inputs and I know I know that's not the last one of those uh all right where's the airport maybe don't do a a barrel roll like when I'm standing on the plane tails please this is spagonia Sonic now let's go see the professor oh it's night time though so uh just hang on let me transform real fast let's get it out of the way oh just kidding it's daytime it's just dark down here this guy looks like he's in the mob Mark Antonio this is my first time back home in a while but the place is an uproar huh you're looking for spagonia University going to go check out the ladies huh I'm not allowed near that school you're just kind of hoping that there's not too many uh tornado levels just GH I don't know I just don't have the reflexes that I used to maybe it's cuz I'm getting old like this guy this is me what Professor Pickle's been kidnapped what Professor pickle Dude Looks Like A Jimmy Neutron character that sure sounds like EG no not help that Professor guy out and fast if he got kidnapped that long ago he's got to be real hungry by now let's go and find the professor come on Sonic Let's go ask around about the professor it's a big town I'm sure somebody know something I'm just kind of wandering around I don't really know where I have to go I just want to run and punch stuff I don't know what's wrong with my son he says he saw a plane carrying Professor pickle headed for Missouri there boom something's fishy in Missouri somebody said to look in Missouri all right let's head out damn it I'm a Werehog again all right Savannah Citadel act one all right it's unleashing time these flowers out to get me where's this cuphead yo for real though the big band music is a little weird but I like it big band you know like the uh like the skull girls character I instinctively like just really want to use the right stick to kind of move around but in some cases it just like jumps all over the place let's do some sh yukin B body slam I like the punch sound effects Sonic's arms grew but you know it also grew his brain which is actually my brain not sick of these yet kind of like them is that a hot take that I enjoy the Werehog levels at least right now again disclaimer it could change it might change it'll probably change I'm sure by the 18th one I'm going to be like oh God please I don't want want to do this anymore all right let's oh oh hang on I can grab them and I can like Zang pile Drive okay that's dope come here just fire in the hole wait no no oh that was hilarious I just feel very sluggish like running and like even making turns I think that's one of the things that I enjoyed most about Frontiers is I feel like they finally got the physics down or at least definitely closer yeah like I feel in Frontiers just moving around the Overworld or the open zones was definitely like smoother they're all sleeping Sonic literally said Execute Order 66 I heard him all right we got to almost be out of here right we use my superpowers I like that attack a lot I'm probably going to be using a lot of that I don't think anyone's going to be ready for my uh my Sonic game tier list after I finished playing the ones that I haven't played cuz after this I think I still have have like Black Knight which I never played uh Sonic Lost World sonic boom and uh now that the comment section can finally rest after me playing Sonic Unleashed which Sonic game do you want to see me play next what's the next one and if you want to see more Sonic games I have a whole playlist of them why don't you go check some of those out we got some Philips Hue Lights in here I like my Hue Lights in my studio here I can match the game I'm going to go Alexa office lights green all right come on liftt the door more bad Nicks calls for some more wrestling moves Oh that's oh whoa you just like twist their heads off so I'm typically mashing too much to notice it but I guess I'll have to try and do that more they really want me to do critical attacks but the best defense is a good offense you don't die until I say you can die woo that was something I think I'm in the mood for a nice day level now more life even more life let's power The Shield up a little bit I guess I should probably do everything evenly that's probably the best way to do this I day Sonic doesn't need anything he's fine Professor Pi are you all right we got here as fast as we could um hello how dare they call this culinary concoction food what is our attachment to Professor pickle D's eyebrows I don't even know if that's possible Professor it's good to see you haven't changed what brings you here the menu is hardly worth the trip if you ask me I feel like this cut scene could have did without tails's Tales just swirling there's just a lot of chaotic energy in this game let's get out of here before eggman's welcoming committee shows up oh yes quite but let us be sure to collect the contents of that Vault before okay the door would have also worked maybe ah thank you those documents are only Only Hope for surviving this crisis let's go there's no time to lose these ancient documents are known as the Gaia manuscripts they tell the legend of a disaster that befell our planet is just enjoying a nice spot of tea I should stop talking and pay attention to the story quite and according to the Gaia manuscripts this isn't the first time the planet has been broken apart into pieces the cause lies at the very core of the planet all the phenomen we've witnessed are the direct result of one creature the hyper energy organism spawned at the planet's core dark Gia if we act now we may be able to restore the planet by returning power to the chaos emeralds yeah they're they're all grayed out you must travel to each of the temples listed in the Gaia manuscripts the planet's power will restore the chaos emeralds and in turn the chaos emeralds will restore the planet and help it heal naturally got it temples this is now a Zelda game all right let's find that Temple which is being guarded by robots these people are probably like what the hell kind of sorcery is this get out of here what are you doing fear not my good villagers if you all behave I won't have to do anything nasty we're not telling you anything dude pelted him with a rock so you dare to defy me do you don't worry Sonic's here Sonic yo Eggman thanks for that little skydiving adventure the other day I should have known you'd still be alive you stubborn little hedgehog what are you doing out here listen if Sega can't kill me after 2003 you sure as hell can't kill me farewell hey wait that's playing dirty come back just ignore him all right I have heard you guys loud and clear I need to collect a ton of sun and moon medals so I'm going to do everything in my power to get them because I have a feeling oh he's losing control he's heading for the wall I have a feeling backtracking is going to be a pain in the ass I missed the uh the Boost I'm no better than IGN Moon medal Don't Mind If I Do I missed one wait go back go back do you think I'm not going back for that medal I'm getting every medal that I Lay My Eyes on just so you know this experience is not painful because I'll be honest I'm kind of having a good time so far I see why people say they like this game I see why people say they don't like this game [Applause] okay my eyes are just darting left and right for those little Navy circles gooh is that a Poliwrath kind of looks like a Poliwrath no like a fire type poly rat a real underrated Pokemon nobody Sonic every 15 seconds wo oh a VHS tape man the uh the media in this game very outdated uh okay feeling good again Xbox controller my brain just short circuits when ask where the X and Y buttons are I hear you guys loud and clear give me more combos God I hope I'm getting enough medals but I'm probably not okay looks like I'm coming up on a boss fight now eggman's just cruising on the highway it looks like he's got leather seats oh yeah that's leather in that bad boy oh damn that's actually kind of cool are you fast enough to die uh Yes actually I am see how easy it is see how easy he's doing new stuff what do you got ow woo thank you about this to be fair I was not near that one thing that really kind of like turned me off with Sonic games between like Heroes and uh and Frontiers is I don't know the section's Never Felt consistent with physics like control here feels so much tighter than it does in other sections you little what let Eggman say the f word imagine Sonic's killed by a tree it's not even like one of eggman's robot it's just a horrible accident eggman's like oh crap I never remember for him to die oh for some reason I thought I wasn't going to hit that I would say this is probably one of eggman's cooler robot inventions the egg Beetle got like these he's got these large hot horns too hot I do like the pose that Sonic does when uh he lands something he uses a homing attack yes a rank oh look I almost got all the medals there is that the temple of God little underwhelming not going to lie oh wow it's much bigger than uh than it gives off from the outside all right this looks exactly where Sonic and Shadow use the chaos emeralds together in Sonic Adventure 2 there's something weird here right in the middle hey what's this hole uh chip you don't want to know there could be some kind of no don't [Laughter] wa the goofy ass sound effects there's a second hole H what's that that is the thumbnail right there all right just place in this dusty ass Chaos Emerald wooo the emeralds come back to life this was the Temple of Gaia that's got to be why Eggman was so keen on taking the place over I mean anyone could have just walked in and occupied it oh crap we we broke some something oh God damn it we moved a whole ass continent hate it when that happens one of the broken pieces of the planet move back into place I feel like we should probably all be dead hey Sonic let's go find the professor and tell him what happened I think he probably felt that I think everyone in the world probably felt I don't know a fourth of the world reattaching itself oh look a tourist I'm Brenda freelance reporter mind if I ask you a few questions freelance what's that it's when you get paid in exposure and can't afford health care okay so by the looks of it we're missing quite a few medals in each area HOSA covered in snow this Northern land is gripped by extreme cold dotted with houses of ice oh just like that Mario Odyssey Kingdom what are what the hell are those ice boots all right I probably need to dash across stomping shoes Hefty shoes made of steel the spikes on the souls make them even more devastating oh I do have a Stomp oh thank God it's going to make things so much better another pair of shoes I just got these thank you got the wall jump shoes now those don't look very practical Sonic got the Moon Shoes it's about time I reference those again right I'd say about every 20 videos you guys hear about the Moon shoes for me all right finally Sun level two so now I can finally we can go over here now I said we can we can go over here now ice physics is this going to be an extremely slippery level oh go oh sorry I destroyed your house I'm sorry feeling good how did I miss that I guess I just wasn't prepared to move right slightly oh thank God we have Wall jumps good song though feel like un leash probably has a lot of good songs in its OST I mean it has endless possibility which already makes it amazing uh-oh there's always a whale wait go back go back go back I want it this uh this stage just it feels a little empty I like it oh there's a big hole there see don't just boost anywhere boost where you have to boost unless you've already played through this game 18 times like I feel like a lot of the people in the comment section have also is it me or do the whales just get bigger and bigger in each Sonic game okay I see I get it I got to use my new toys uhoh it's going to fall going faster another sled segment don't mind if I do oh crap basically don't miss that jump or you're dead is what it comes down to look at I am killing it on moon medals no oh don't fall up here and don't miss the jump either I almost got all of them on the first go a no uh I feel like that wasn't worthy of an e- [Music] rank the music they play like a messed up version of the theme oh God I hope they do that when I'm at Sonic Symphony oh cool we could access level two night worlds now oh the Big Band theme kicking back in all right let's use some of our new combos which I should probably check to see what they are so we have the egg scrambler and the flying double punch Crush try that out that'll scramble some eggs they kind of look like Sting chameleon from Mega Man X like look at it and tell me you don't see it now you won't unsee it they're even stanced up like them I also think we could probably do without this theme playing every time we get into a minor fight like a few changes that I think this game needs definitely with the music here the camera and not having to sit through a load screen you want to pick a day or night level here's a sun medal we take those rip his arms off uni God it's going to take something really big to break down that fence over there like my biceps jerks let me do cool stuff cuz like get your hands off me damn dirty wear hog you want me to do quick time events over and over again they're testing my reflexes which aren't great by the way lever over here what why does that exist why is that there and why is it just like ready to be rolled down a set of stairs to kill anyone in it way get donkey kicked short you can okay hang on I'll do a finisher all right b x Oh wrong button that's x on a different controller what the hell is that is it like a mini boss oh he's reproducing he is indeed asexual wait I can do a cool finisher on it okay okay e kind of smells like wild berry Pop-Tarts in here he I'm taking that all right let's open that door go here I like the egg scrambler it's a good attack okay Finish you off okay you know 100% there is some kind of metal over here where you hiding it oh I see it some poor person's going to come home now and they're not going to have a front door cuz Sonic needed to collect his shiny circles oh great another giant Barrel why does the city have these we don't open our Gates like every other City we're a cool City there's another big guy over there I should just be doing more of these oh I pressed the wrong button uh which one's X okay that one that's correct B he's like Zach from League of Legends you break him apart and then you got to you got to kill the little pieces you can get up there by grabbing onto those spinning gears okay doing doing okay oh shoot camera's a problem here one wrong move and I got to do this all over again I haven't been shocked yet that's good feel like we're probably coming up on nope that's a checkpoint which means we are not done oh that kills you honestly though I'd probably rather die than have to climb back up checkpoint my God how high do we have to go I'm like mashing The Climb button because I'm just I'm afraid it's not oh that's a a vinyl so I'm afraid it's just not going to connect it doesn't feel very responsive is what I'm saying every time it feels like a miracle the hell is this I got to set the time me every time I put my watch on CU I wear it twice a year getting those Sun medals he got his hands up huh it's not going to matter don't matter if I throw you off the building all right we got half of a key you probably need to get the other oh come on we did better than that at least they're playing the music in tune oh wow we actually have quite a lot you learned a new skill wear clap shooting star combo Sonic I was waiting here I've got something from the professor I think he came up with something after reading more of the manuscripts The Uncanny camera these people are dancing their souls out hey what's the big idea look at that I really know how to dance come on babe let's dance the night away Sonic you might have to step in here wa is there some kind of party going on something's not right here that's right chip get those receipts a quick little battle no problem oh hang on I got some new moves we got a double axle combo the wear clap XXX y y and shooting star oh nice I think there's some pretty good variety in moves all right Amy get up you're good walk it off hey got to go dude zipped off like Spider-Man just now was that Sonic ah that should Cal things the Werehog that you met face to face for several minutes now you're like huh was that him of course he was here just a moment ago tell me what's happened to him I'll happily explain everything over a plate of cucumber sandwiches M cucumber sandwiches I still can't believe you turned into that that thing you said you wanted a taller man but no matter the package you're still my Sonic Sonic what what is wrong with this dude me at the doorway at 4 years old waiting to tell my parents that I crap myself all right let's see is there a new area oh here we go Chun none the small town in the mountains has passed down its meat bun recipe for Generations that's all they can tell us about this place so uh clearly this is China let's see what are we working with here hello excuse me you can't come through here out of the question too dangerous access to this entrance stage is strictly forbidden without Lynn's permission all right let's go find Lynn we have to ask nicely are you Lynn you're Jin Lin are you the Elder whoa the Elder has gone Mia what if he was attacked by a panda what's that you're going to go look for him that'll be a big help the entrance is just beyond these stairs you should hurry like these where I'm not allowed to go oh here's Lynn welcome to Chun Nan I only regret that I am not able to give the two of you a proper welcome oh well ah young people these days no one wants to listen to their Elders anymore I tell you okay no I'm kidding I'm kidding tell me tell me Poopy PE po I'll find your Elder you would that's great please excuse me while I dance oh yeah I could go up there no problem I got just the shoes for the job speaking of shoes Air boost shoes shoes as light as a feather they can let you accelerate even in midair how do I do that crap that was nutty that's actually kind of scary cuz I just see myself like launching into the water and off stages I think just for the sake of flow I'm not going to show any of the backtracking but backtracking is happening I went back I did a couple levels I grabbed a bunch of medals and now we're going to go to Dragon Road immediately I see stuff behind me you can't hide from me the backtracking hasn't really bothered me I played like one Werehog level over again one daytime stage over again and I don't know I just I think the Werehog stages are kind of therapeutic like I mean the combat's a little repetitive but at least you have Combos and it's not just Mash X although uh backtracking has gotten me significantly more powerful this seems like a could be broke oh can it can be broken you know there's Metals in here where are they show me the money there's a sun metal I've also figured out that if you kind of take your time in the Werehog stages and you just look around it's pretty easy to get Metals you like here's another Sun medal and we're already at three of 10 cuz yeah the levels are kind of long but they're not super open they're linear as hell so just look in the corners and you'll find something there you have it some hot Sonic Unleash tips you should have subscribed for more like here you go here's another metal just look around another one Metals everywhere oh hello mind if I crash this party I'm just going to do the rest of the series just corny one liners so I know Sonic Boom is also a beat him up but uh it's got to be much worse than this right I don't think I've ever even seen game play cuz once the game was revealed I think I just immediately kned out all right here's a moon medal oh oh whoops oh my God that was horrifying damn they keep sealing us off into these rooms I'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with me or whatever R Shack said hey R Shack I think I saw Watchmen in theaters like I don't know like four or five times cuz I loved it when it came out I still like that movie a lot didn't watch the uh the TV series though not sure if it was any good are you blocking block this I like that attack a lot the egg scrambler which also could just just mean kicking someone in the nuts I haven't gotten a metal in quite a while which makes me uh nervous that I've just been overlooking them look at this mly boss blob looking douche we want some shooting star I got you oh God okay I'm screwing around too much all right quick time who is it come on in see it's funny cuz I went inside his body and destroyed him from the inside out oh that's it wow I missed uh quite a few night medals it's all right we take what we can get W's a w bees are fridge worthy let's see uh combat let's bring that up typhoon combo we have actually quite a few bars let's bring combat all the way up to 10 wear claw charge and we have continued to ignore Bas Sonic hey oh there he is the elder why is he conveniently in the middle of this summoning Circle what the hell is this do we have to fight a phoenix that's Moltres now that's hoo that's hoo and Moltres fused that's hres moho dark guia Phoenix all right how do we do this oh okay I get it that's water that up and we just put the f ah get over there and put the fire out I'm coming up there I'm coming up I'm cook this bird looks like I can't get at it while it's covered in fire yeah no this is an extreme thirst oh here we go there's a quick time event did I miss this I hit the wrong button damn it remember how fun water balloon fights used to be as a kid but like if you think about it the water balloon payoff Is Not Great it took forever to get balloons tied sometimes they would pop along the way and then they were all broken in like 4 seconds now they sell this thing that you attach to a hose and it's like 20 balloons at once kids nowadays don't know how good they have it that's how it's done oh wait his health bar comes back bigger okay so I was mashing and I was missing the quick time events so that's on me okay a b c x ay stomp on him my guy Sonic is fierce how did that not hit him ah oh my God fortunately he doesn't deal that much damage there we go okay another one this got to be the last time oh they want me to mash okay got to be [Applause] dead strike three monster that's enough out of you can I start over you all right sir you good yes thank you all right we're in the temple now is Sonic had a breath all right stretch that on over there and let's uh get the next Chaos Emerald rejuvenate it real fast give it a little refresher another piece of the world B fixed is it New Jersey though cuz if it is just send it back out so did Sonic eat a devil fruit or something the moment the temple lit up the Beast woke up it appears he's come back to his senses oh good he's okay now see I'll bet your job is to to guard the Chaos Emerald Temple must berserk when the emeralds lost their power ah thank you meanwhile an eggman's dark mirror lay your dinner doctor he's going to eat a sandwich now that's way too much stuff that sandwich is insane it's like when you go to a deli and you ask for like I like a turkey and cheese sandwich they always put way too much meat on is 27% complete progress is significantly behind projected timetable presume cause of delay is dark Gia's dispersion across the globe my guy just finished it in one bite like P here I go to the trouble of waking that Dark Gaia thing up and it causes me nothing but delays Dark Gaia had yet to reach maturity within the planet's core Argo it was still incomplete at the time of its Awakening Argo it was unable to sustain its own weight upon its release Aro it scattered around the world I don't want to hear about its weight issues so what if I gave it a bit of a sudden Awakening this is unacceptable therego this is the repercussion of your Hasty actions what was that I'm having a bad enough day as it is first that Professor runs off with the Gaia manuscripts and now the planets coming back together don't you want to rule the planet though don't you want it to be in one piece result of the power of the chaos emeralds which you discarded along with Sonic Argo another repercussion of your Hasty actions he's like oh yeah that's right the chaos emeralds probably should have kept those where's the fun in having my plan succeed without any challenge he's right though probably too easy for him anyway what's the status of the remaining temples of Gaia Eggman forces have ly secured all locations defensive preparation all so we got five temples left that will take care of Sonic for now which leaves the problem of dark Gia it'd be difficult to collect every piece scattered all across the world is it me as the music way too loud and the voice acting not loud enough begin with a single step slow and steady nobody likes a h isn't there a more efficient way some way to I don't know gather them all up at once wait that's it of course what are you making there what are you 3D printing Eggman all right Professor I stopped a phoenix oh wonderful another piece has returned good work Sonic my boy heard reportings of strange robot sightings here in in Chun none I probably need to go do some day stages over there I know it's supposed to be like the great wall but I think it's more fun to just picture Sonic running on snake way you know because of all the dragon ball parallels like come on it's running on snake way way when I tell you that playing Crash Bandicoot my whole life has scarred me I just want you to know that I thought those were Nitro crates I don't know why I thought there was going to be metal down there they had the same green tint as a Nitro crate and I was like oh crap then I was like wait wrong franchise uh I should probably keep a lookout for some medals I haven't seen any yet we're go find something I honestly I don't mind oh there's one whoops I don't really mind do this stage over again okay I died there because I wanted to get this metal and that's exactly why so please believe me it's fun doing water Zoomies bowling oh God hurry I got to get to King Kai's place before Shadow shows up there's only three Sun medals here but there's seven Moon medals oh come on I didn't know you were going to do that oh okay yeah I saw that happen all right wait out wait for the next one wo [Music] oh crap what the hell is that thing my brain is working overtime for this one having to remember two things at once insane slide into Home Plate no all right now that I have enough medals I think it's time to experience Peak Crank that music Mr editor go go [Music] go feeling good are we all in agreement that Rooftop Run is the is the best stage in this game I mean yeah yes right it's just it's built for [Music] Speed woo although I am going so fast I'm definitely missing all kinds of uh medals there up there woo go oh there's one okay I'm getting Generations flashbacks just wait till I start popping the [Music] balloons do I want to fall fast yeah why not oh God too fast too fast okay there's got to be a metal coming up ow oh okay definitely missed uh whatever was in there so much better having the stomp now because stomp into boost is just chef's kiss don't mind me you know what I love doing I love throwing robots into other robots it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun go go go oh my God imagine just like you're eating lunch with your family and Sonic the Hedgehog comes barreling through your house what do you do you're just your house is destroyed you know or it's like the first episode of uh the boys you know what I'm talking about here we go I'm not going up there yeah this is the part this is the the part that's giving me Generations flashbacks oh crap I mean if there is a better stage like a better day stage what is it I feel like the the dragon stage comes pretty [Music] [Music] close cool cool cool [Music] go [Music] woo yeah there's no shot I'm anywhere close to getting all these medals I'm just having fun and you know what this is the kind of stage that you want to play over and over again uh okay dingdong who's there it's me the tricks rabbit yeah I'm good see for cool you're so good at this game chalk thanks all right let's get uh let's get some more combos spinning needle attack Don't Mind If I Do all right now that we have both halves of the key we should be able to go fight a boss is this it over here I have to go around the back this right the egg Devil Ray see what the hell this thing is my guess is it's a robotic devil right oh here's Eggman oh he's not even operating the thing he's got like some interns on it they're sitting in there like they're in the Megazord oh okay all right there now a bullet Hill at least there's no quick time events get out of here Eggman couldn't even bother to show up himself he got the robots that are doing this for school credit oh that thing is bouncing on the pavement oh God oh God oh God I should probably get up there here we go those all right he's at like less than half Health we got this oh damn this is crazy couple more hits should do it we'll just hang out right here between the lasers my guy you've had like 10% health for like the last three hits here we go back to the factory all right not bad let's fix this chaos emerald and that's three of them right oh it's the blue raspberry one all right another piece of the world has been reattached must suck for the people that are like living on the edge like during the reattachment but hey that's not my problem all right here we go to the HOSA Temple or just halaska in general where we have destroyed people's houses but they don't seem to care they'll just build new ones wait I have new attacks so let's see what we got oh that's like a Berserker barrage present a barage oh wow I have a whole like drill claw I'm really just Wolverine now the only thing is I wish there was some kind of lockon system it would make hitting like the slippery fellas a little easier damn flame poly rats or poly whirls I'm level four on both night and day right now you know there's one I see the the glow from the Snowman oh that's a VHS tape those don't glow those are very dusty I missed the days when I consumed anime primarily through bootleg fan subbed VHS tapes honestly watching the tournament Arc in Dragon Ball Z right before the boot Arc complete with the Pocky commercials was a national treasure you know what I I have a very weird request but I feel like this might reach enough people where it'll be worth it if you grew up in that time period and you have VHS tapes lying around not official I'm talking like fansub Dragon Ball Z complete with the labels that people printed at home and you are looking to sell them reach out to me cuz I'm putting together a room in my office that oh no I broke it anyway I'm putting together a room in my office which is going to just be like a straight up Nostalgia '90s early 2000s room and it's going to become a podcast studio so it's some point in the future whenever I get around to renovating that room I am going to start a podcast but the little Details Matter so if you got any VHS tapes I already told you what kind hit me up can I throw you in there yeah bir it's frozen oh I see uh excuse me just going to borrow this for a second real SpongeBob throwing the fire extinguisher like at the fire energy bro can you help me come on oh okay I didn't know I could do that I didn't know that was an option got to remember that uh these collapse after some time I know I know got to act fast here got the balance of an Olympic level gymnast nice work Sonic just the fact that I never feel like I'm going to catch it I don't know how they managed to capture the feeling that it's a gamble every single time but they did it no no no no I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it you you're not going to stop me through the power of Jank I will get it what are we hiding in here encyclopedia people don't use encyclopedias anymore used to have him on CD when you're doing a school project you would break out the encyclopedia Carta bre that okay I have no more use for you I like how a lot of you listen to me tell my stories and you're probably like we have no idea what the hell you're talking about old man but the fact that I have an outlet to tell them and just like take myself on Nostalgia trips is fantastic it's one of my favorite things about content creating it's like let me tell all these stories from my childhood and somehow somewhere there is an audience that enjoys it at least I hope so oh crap I should just use my run because oh God that was so close no God even like the jump off doesn't feel very responsive something just feels slightly off about it I got to say though I'm doing pretty good on uh on medals for this stage cuz we're at like 7 out of 10 and 4 out of six not bad can use my new drill attack oh God wrong way oh it's the wizard mofo is healing everybody we give him the three piece oh crap it's the penguin race from Mario 64 it's never ending I killed the Wizards oh he's got a healing Circle this White Mage doesn't even know his rotation to be fair uh I barely know my black mage rotation in Final Fantasy 14 like fire one fire three spam transpose then I'll throw a DOT out where my Final Fantasy 14 players at maybe I'll finally catch up before the new expansion it took me like 7 years on and off to get through Realm Reborn and I'm ashamed of it oh you slippery son of a die gum gum bazooka okay please no more this stage was long enough oh there's the key I was going to say I hear something kind of glowing wow are we three away from getting some new combos let's do it where rush and then what what's this can to fight a boss now dark Mor Sonic just strolling in doing the Vince McMahon walk what the hell is that thing [Music] e wait it's a dragon oh no dark Mor it's a Hydra all right let's go ahead and break that head what's the game plan here oh okay just we'll use a liquid nitrogen oh it's going to blow it's going to blow all right here we go freeze [Music] Mister maybe if I take out those eel guys down below maybe if I take out those eels guys down below not an eel that's clearly a dragon head maybe it is an eil where are you where are you stop hiding from me I feel like I'm playing whacka he this should be it I can't imagine he'll survive this ah come on no you better not kill me you have no Health come on one [Music] hit there we go time to make a little Sushi although it looks a little radioactive so really high in mercury this one oh wow another Chaos Emerald that was fast okay put the put the thing in use your little stretchy arm four emeralds down locking in another piece of the world hey teach another peace restored and another Gaia Temple located my boy next Temple lies in Shamar this time I will join you my what there's got to be a mod where uh you can play as Professor pickle right he's like I'm coming with you Sonic's like really next thing you know you're the ones who showed this old fossil he still had something left to give what the hell is this dark Gia activation is confirmed on all seven continents electromagnetic homing signals are locked on all units converging on point z z you say yes yes perfect Gathering dark gaia's pieces is such a pain I'll have them come to me instead work smarter not harder shift in perspective an idea worthy of Dr Eggman Super Genius your skill itself aggrandisement is unparalleled what did you say bam give him a smack activate the Dark Gaia Fusion furnace and while you're at it get those energy conversion circuits warmed up going to get all the Dark Gaia pieces going to put them together like a Bionicle final clear [Music] granted finally my ambitions will be [Music] achieved place is nice I bet the food is Bomb here hello hello he's like hey come over here hey you yes you the blue fellow have you tried some delicious chai chai is a wonderful type of tea uh pass I'm on a mission no time for tea it could be anywhere oh controller batteries are low but I have a feeling Amy's where he would be since she was in spagonia all right got some fresh batteries isn't it crazy how Xbox controllers still use doublea's unless you buy a rechargeable and here's Professor pickle welcome to my lab any trouble finding the place my boy yeah it was actually uh it's kind of difficult but I found Amy who for some reason just stands outside of your office should be able to visit Empire City that's another spot you'll likely want to investigate all right so all these places are supposed to be based on real life places would you say this is Morocco all right I guess I'm going the right way red tea found in Shamar note The Fragrant Aroma you know what I tried to be a tea person I tried I just I'm not a tea person I just don't really care for hot beverages unless it's like hot chocolate and even then it's like not all the time like for the longest time I didn't really care for coffee I'm a new coffee drinker like I just started drinking coffee but it has to be cold brew oh the gold shoes Sonic got those light speed ones all right all right let's see here we go arid Sands act one I heard this was a pretty Banger stage too so here we go let's see what it's all about I should also probably boost boost more right even if I boost into walls oh my God I'm am not doing so hot got a big turn here okay oh sorry about that pretty cool stage so far I got to say I don't really gel with sand stages in Sonic games like especially Sonic 3 every time every time I hit the pillar oh my God here we go more open space this is what I [Music] needed uh why RBA okay no problem thank you for the sun medal um excuse me I want to go fast but there's so many pillars stopping me just let me go fast AR sand is one of those stages that you really have to practice there there's a lot to well that was shitty didn't like that one bit that's right I have a light speed Dash now I should probably use that huh I mean we already know I'm getting the E rank here but that one was stupid why did it not just put me on the rail like why why am I able to miss that I'm finally finding my groove as we're probably getting towards the end of the level I I want to like Aid Sands it's not letting me like this stage this is the most that I've died in this game so far I got [Applause] [Music] smooshed [Music] [Applause] go yeah okay just note to self don't get smooshed give me the damn key a new record I don't even have the desire to go back and prove myself it's a cool stage it's just it's it seems pretty punishing all right I need some more Moon medals and fortunately there is an arid Sands act to fortunate for who I'm not sure cuz after that last stage it seems unfortunate like you want to go through that again here you go oh oh I ain't falling this time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I slid I'll just crawl into like the Rugrats all right a x y Boh oops brain fart again a lot of quickies here this entire stage just quick Time Event and they're faster every time are you kidding me I'm just trying to get medals oh that's the whole stage waa we got an srank knew I always had it in me all right it looks like we're moving over to the good old us OFA Empire City a Melting Pot of diverse Vulcan ideas this is definitely New York City and we find ourselves in Central Park got to get a dirty water dog we got over here oh hello counter of Dreams no no there are no dreams in New York City now this can't be New York City it's too clean it doesn't smell like piss skyscraper Scamper average New York City activities drop them hands let's go that's what happens if you ask for directions to New York City it's like where do you want to go oh Empire State Building right over there I do have to go this way you guys provided me the very nice tip of just hold the the B button so I'll always grab on and it has made my anxiety a little bit better yeah I hate when they have these electrical force fields in New York City they just installed them our tax dollars hard at work go under don't cut my fingers off please oh no oh no oh no oh no ah know that famous picture of all the dudes like eating lunch on the scaffolding or the midle beam you couldn't pay me enough money I'm in a video game right now and I'm like holy crap I hope I don't fall that's terrify all right where's the medals at here's another one why are there hot dog carts up here nothing like a nice rooftop hot dog these two are like we've been sent to guard this one medal it doesn't seem like a good use of our time but damn it we're prepared to die oh crap oh boy I was like oh I missed it and it's just because this game just decided to grab the next one no you don't I'm over here stupid you got to be me at least it threw me back over here I didn't die all right we'll just have to hit you with the uh little cut scene I thought we're going to launch him off just throw a giant monster off a skyscraper whatever happens after that is not my problem I was just doing my job damn right a rank and we got missile punch all right act one oh there's a lot of medals here I got to make sure I get all of them all right I feel um I feel pretty strong as a Werehog right now I'm putting a lot into life strength combos I feel Unstoppable and a lot of you have been warning me about Eggman lands but how hard could it be can I just does it matter if they're on fire I should be able to just beat their ass right so I'm taking a little bit of damage I say a little bit that's that's quite a bit of damage I'm taking oh my God ow ow ow I got to make sure to do my due diligence here check every nook and cranny every crevice see look at this would have walked right by it like these little guys you just grab them you can just Chuck him like a grenade this Wizard's got to go beasty oh man I had a really good cake when I was in Germany I might have talked about this in another video but bees just remind me of it because uh okay I'm going to try my best not to butcher the German language I think it's called a a binin stick it basically translates to beting cake which is like honey and like cream and it tasted just like a Rice Krispie Street and it was great what's with all the fire ah ah where' this worm come from doesn't matter cuz I know where it's going it's hell the answer is Hell more Wizards huh all right I got plenty of H2O G oh there's a big man here they're going to be healing him so I got to put these guys out first okay slam them okay kick this big guy's ass straight up suplex him we got to be like almost done with this St stage right feel like I've been here forever oh yeah there's the key ah chalk you spoke too soon make sure we got everything all right what we do uh eight out of 10 sun and four out of six Moon not bad and an a rank I think we're getting close to the end of the game all right oh okay easy okay all right I'm out of control I can grind that hang on oh no hang out here oh I recognize the track there's a bunch of songs that I've listened to in like Sonic mixes that uh I didn't know where they were from and it's just it's a apparent to me now that that they're from Sonic Unleashed which has a banger soundtrack like you can't deny it I'm going to have to come back and do this stage again there something oh no hell was this why are they throwing this in a stage where they want me to go fast all right hang on I see a see a moon thing there but we stay checking there's a lot of things to fall off in this stage these look like they can break and they they can they very well can break and oh thought there was going to be something over there okay easy light work we'll now run across I guess the Brooklyn Bridge or the Manhattan Bridge it's one of the two this is a good stage I know like I had some trouble at the beginning but it is genuinely good this is the opposite of City Escape we're going up the skyscraper in fact you could say we're scampering are we done already is the fun over but I'm not done yet hey all that and I still got a B rank huh not bad all right now we can go back to Shamar and there should be a a boss fight here all right here we go we we are going to fight the Dark [Music] Guardian oh damn he's cool as hell a monkey with a hammer oh he's a lot smaller than uh I thought he was going to be just just stay back for a second I'm going the opposite way of the blue place cuz I need my currency man all right now I can take to now I can go to stop he pushing it the other way now I can go to the blue place what if you took the boxes over to the blue place oh my God shut the hell up chip just kidding Chip's a good good boy is this what we're talking about over here I assume this is what he's talking about okay it's on oh little conveyor belt something broke oh but it looks like it's working it looks like Wukong all right oh God where what is he doing I wasn't ready for the qte pro tip you never played Sonic Unleashed just always be ready for a quick Time Event fast fast fast go go go go come on haul ass Sonic haul ass onto the conveyor belt you go it's definitely working Sonic keep going more I guess I'm winning oh god what the hell what the hell is that get back down you think I want to do this you're right I do I am half monster after all all right that should be the last one what happens now I don't really know but he's not going to be conscious to see it when this dude spawned in I really thought he was going to be like 7 ft tall and he's like 5'2 now listen as a fellow short King no no disrespect e rank but I got everything and I didn't die all right I lost count I don't know what uh Chaos Emerald this is we have two more pieces so I guess that was five achievement unlocked almost there they're like we know it's taking a while he's going to say the same thing he always says Sonic my boy great job you restored another piece of the world would you like a cucumber sandwich seems unlikely that we'll find a guia temple and Empire City the rents is too high that's why then perhaps adabat is the next logical place okay so that's where we're going add a bat here we go add a boy ooh nice and tropical we got to be in like Bali or somewhere do we really need to go find this guia Temple can we maybe like stop for a hot stone massage maybe some sushi aha we can access the night stage jungle Joy Ride why do I have a feeling it's going to be anything but that oh right off the I just showed up give me like a second let me enjoy my surroundings for a second oh not these guys again in the water you go dude I'm just trying to like throw hands these bees are are the worst enemy I've ever encountered my God I have such a burning hatred for them dude's got me unleashing my rage in real life I knew there was something there that killed me why was there a Gap like they wanted me to find that secret but they didn't want to tell me about like the the hole there they wouldn't let me turn my camera first oh this is going to fall got to go checkpoints my beloved keeping me in the game keeping me sane turn this lever and then uh we openx Temple let's make this quick use our unleash ability honestly a remaster of this game with some quality of life changes could actually be really really good give us a lock on with the Werehog fix the camera Sega you taking notes all right let's do our [Music] fatality how did we get an A rank I feel like I suffered new combo the feral wear Hammer sounds AOE enough feral wild world now they're just making stuff up my combat is level 17 and everything else is like way under that all right let's check out what this place looks like in the daylight oh I see immediately where I'm going to get tripped up don't want to go too fast here oh crap fall off it honestly the water's probably nice though but Sonic canel oh there's a guillotine and we're worried about drowning I am locked in right now oh God oh God I know the stage is going to start falling on me okay now that I don't have to worry about getting medals anymore because I did that I can just die in peace this is jungle joy ride but this is more like beach Joy Ride Beach relaxation oh crap oh CP okay here's the jungle that's not the way to go why do they have those who installed those who was like yeah this this is great for the resort it'll really up the tourism yes it wouldn't be a tropical vacation without the Killer Robots didn't they get here and they were like you know what I will take advantage of the uh the drink package oh crap where am I going where am I going all right so they don't really tell you but uh this game has pretty noticeable difficulty Spike he just got to got Focus up [Music] here there we go beautiful [Music] checkpoint you son of a look at them switching it up I hear the comments now why aren't you boosting coward press the x button there are you happy what if I hear me out what if I don't boost oh there's a jump okay now I feel like I have to Something's coming after me oh that's right Sonic crawl like a baby can we end this stage please don't smush me oh okay feel like we're getting close to the end my God where is this taking us show me the exit okay what the hell is happening here uh we got noticeably more spikes in later stages here thank you Jesus it's fine D is passing all right so that should have opened up a boss fight for us and oh y here it is the egg Lancer wait this dude's back we fought the egg Beetle already all right you guys have also told me that I can just boost into enemies and I don't have to use homing attack and it deals more damage so I'm just going to do that and if I die it's your fault comment section you're to blame ouch oh oh there okay there's a lot happening here oh okay making it difficult for me now proed to comat mode level combat mode level two you can go to level 69 for all I care oh you got bombs no wait what I can't jump over those hey uh not to self don't jump don't jump over the bombs don't jump at all just boost right this should kill him right almost hit the wrong button there that would have sucked I did hit the wrong button there oh I get to start over Okay it doesn't launch me to my death to think I had lots of time there I don't know why I felt the need to rush they were being pretty generous with the time just got to get in there and just finish him [Applause] off already that's how it should have started in the first place why does his wings sound like it's footsteps it's so jarring what's wrong buddy huh oh he's like I've been bullied my entire life for my wings scared scared it's just another old Temple it doesn't yeah it's like all the other ones let's go inside restore the Chaos Emerald nothing bad's going to happen that's not never mind I'm fine let's go that's so it's sounds like Little Footsteps there's a lot of ancient beings in the Sonic Universe he always has to fight an ancient god oh chip I told you not to touch anything oh you better get out of there I'm not going in [Music] there I welcome your return um messenger of day of life of rebirth is Chip a demigod and I didn't know it he's like I remember who I am now worship me I remember now all of it and the world oh well it's almost whole you got one floating continent I will now tell you my story as we wistfully gaze my real name is light GA I draw power from the day and light and and guide the planet to its rebirth my job was to protect the planet from Dark Gaia oh he's the he's the opposite he keeps dark gu broke the world apart himself and dark guia and I were awakened before we should have been that's why dark guia broke apart and I didn't know who I was I didn't remember what I was supposed to do all because this isn't the proper time of Awakening time of Awakening that's what I'm going to start saying when my alarm goes off in the morning milons of years I I can't get up right now it's not the proper time of Awakening and I put it all back together we've been doing this over and over again and again since the very beginning of time so you were asleep all this time for millions of years yes for ages and ages got to have some ice cream though it's not all bad uh-oh the intrusive thoughts are winning I like how he's just not even phased by his at anymore even at night when I'm like this I'm still myself not like all the other people we've seen you must have been protecting me this whole time I haven't done anything Sonic you're the reason you haven't changed at all you're too strong to Lose Yourself I'm the reason yeah you never doubt yourself no matter what you never give into the night or the darkness inside your heart I think it's because I knew that about you you that's why I wanted you to help me it's been so fun getting to see the world I've lived here since the planet began but I didn't know a thing about it he has the secrets to Creation tell us things or that food tastes so good he's like yeah but the iceam so nice I'm so glad I got the chance to discover all that with you and I'm so glad that you helped me find my memory Sonic I will never ever forget you thank you Sonic ni goodbye friend you you know you don't have to leave right we're not [Music] done get back here where do you think you're off to all by yourself what but my memory's back now I don't need you anymore see you well from here on out it's my responsibility so um I mean there's no reason for you to come along so I should just do I need a reason to want to help out a friend thanks Sonic how heartwarming time to ride taals is to oh God actually you know I've been at QT so long now that I think I'm ready I think I got this transform I can do this I'm just I'm glad there's only two of them though I really thought I was going to have to do this a lot tails you want to ease up a little bit I'm standing right on this thing already off to a great start I I got this i got this watch we're going to do a first try no hits not a single hit my brain finally learned where the buttons are I I feel Untouchable okay until I start throwing like a lot of buttons at me look at this five button combos welcome committees out don't think this will be like last time you just can't get enough huh oh come on think it's up to something be careful Sonic keep it easy for me all right now it starts a lot of y's and B's give me the A's and X's all right okay okay okay okay ah [Music] he's right it's not like last time last time it took way longer oh that must be the fabled Eggman lands we've been hearing all about nice landing welcome to Eggman looks like a fun theme park and the brain child of his heart and soul is a theme park this is my magnificent Empire made possible through my genius and the Limitless energy harness from dark Gia so it's a completely green theme park what wa this place is crazy I'll never understand eggman's tastes I read that for a second really quick and I thought that was going to say I'll never understand how Eggman tastes I was going to say what kind of Sonic game is this Sonic if you have any complaints come deliver them to me in person yeah I have a complaint food sucks here all right everyone warns me first thing I do immediately run into the force field I want to see what the difficulty spike is all about let's see well it's not there I assume there's probably going to be day and night sections for this right okay those disappear little trampoline Terror action wow there okay there's a lot of enemies when you're not the Werehog you don't want to fight the enemies oh you got to switch in the middle of it all right no problem I'm ready to throw down well I've been saving up I got lots of life I got uh I got combos not the good kind of combos either you know the pepperoni pizza ones get out of here if it's day and night sections together this has to be a pretty hefty level too come here see you oh cool we're going to get on our first ride we have to like probably have to grab on right I'm afraid to test that okay that is what you have to do in fact oh it's just like a cauldron filled with lava seems like a safe ride for the families okay all right yo the stun lock is stupid almost as bad as the bees but I don't think anything will ever be as bad as the bees I'm now consciously holding the B button cuz I'm like oh I'm going to need to grab on to something all right switch him back to day hog we're going to need to go up here not that way come on no not that way here we go oh come on open Mario games have forever prepared me for wall jumps that are you kidding can I just go this way this way is probably better what was over there something stupid probably oh cool we get to go on a roller coaster so I uh I went to Epcot recently took my wife to Halloween har nights for her birthday and uh we went to Epcot for a day just cuz we wanted to do like the Food and Wine Festival cuz we like that and okay I see where I'm going to die I don't get some rings and I finally got to go on the Guardians coaster and that was sick man I am going to sue the hell out of this place it's like egg man lands they're throwing every gimmick at you that has been in the game since the beginning every single gimmick all right let's see will I miss the same jump again oh good that's the end of that section oh great b y left bumper please and thank you this doesn't seem like part of the park this definitely is not an attraction that's right give me the combat give me the Mages I'll hit him with the sh yukin shooting star true combo get out of here I would love to be able to see but they're really not being kind about the camera right now can I grab that do I have to jump on [Music] it dude this is some janky ass platforming who came into the office pissed off like the depth perception it doesn't [Music] work you got to be me can you even make that jump okay you can just let me have full control over the camera please I beg you oh thank you it's all right we just got a checkpoint can't even be mad about that one you know it's bad when there's another checkpoint right after a checkpoint let's see what's going to get me killed here that will for sure feeling good feeling good well that worked how many checkpoints are there [Music] oh my God this is some Hollow night Feeling Good Feeling Good okay that was stupid but I did it now we get to go on you there's no shot I got to do all that over again all right I can't say that uh I wasn't warned about this because everyone did warn me then I died to one of those come on get under there get over there oh wow you fall you're like really screwed good thing there's a lot of rings to no no all right how much longer is this at least I didn't need that one oh my God that's so stupid the amount of in this level I'll get them all this time oh it send you higher up you don't die for not making it oh that's again stupid I got to be like careful here and kind of wait for there we go patience is what was getting me killed it's always patience go the other way it just launches you off that that works at least they're pretty generous with the one UPS all right what are we feeling here feeling good definitely not something's out to kill me right now okay save myself save myself by mashing okay cool I over jumped love that don't over jump take your time all right what kind of stupidity are we getting ourselves into right now jeez oh my God what is happening okay oh checkpoint my beloved [Music] wrong one I hit the wrong bumper balling section okay I don't really I have no rings okay I have some rings back to no rings going to fall over here y can I like regroup for a second God I'm so tired I desperately need a one up right now one up please one up please where you hiding them I know you're hiding them we got a checkpoint but it's no good if I don't have any lives just like just one just a little something to get me by you know like no just jump into this pit it'll all be all right how long is this all right hang on before I go to the Werehog section I want to see if I can actually make this oh I actually I did okay is it one up up here what else can I just skip a whole bunch of sections they're like oh you got to do the Werehog section anyway but what did I skip exactly oh I just come in from a higher door okay I figured out what I did wrong here last time I got to break these doors open and there's levers in here and I was just fighting enemies until the end of time okay that's open and again we got to be close oh god oh wait that deal no damage to me what's the point of that okay one UPS we and a checkpoint now listen I've made my complaints but I'm going to say it I think Eggman land while it is hard as balls is peak level design it tests just about everything I got plenty of life it's a good thing I focused on leveling up my health bar I don't know this seems like the right thing to do and it was all right another slide and no line all right this feels home stretchy I don't know if it is I'm just I'm making that up oh God oh God oh God oh oh no no no it's a good thing they keep throwing one ups at you they are very fair with the one-ups let's try this [Music] again all right another checkpoint passed I got to say though now the checkpoints almost feel condescended I feel like I'm being mocked ow let's take down the big man oh hang on there's a wizard you you first Wizards die first that' be a good band name okay I I hit the button [Music] uh excuse me but that third button you can't hit it you know forget the qte because every time you mess up he heals you got to beat his ass the oldfashioned way oh tell me there's going to be another one another oh great get another combo while we're here where wheel Rush Oh that's a lot of damage I got a little bit of a meter and it it's gone and oh my God you got to be me Okay I lied about peak level design how the are you supposed to do this oh I think he killed his teammate his comrade there should be some kind of invincibility frames when you get knocked down so who just get stuck in an infinite Loop let me guess now we have to fight three of them oh wait this is it we're done we're done if I got anything but an e rank I will be at what all right Sonic and Chip you made it or light guy or whatever the hell you want us to call you did he have the light Materia on his necklace the entire time that was a little extra it is done the final Chaos Emerald let the final boss fight begin Here Comes Australia plugging it back in this should put the world back to normal dark a will go back to being sealed within the core and my work will be done you got to go back in the core too that's great chip what is this looks like you're a bit too late Sonic I mean the world is back to normal am I too late thanks to my wondrous technology dark gu is whole and complete I harest it energy to put together is dark like Exodia behold the ultra hyper prototype one crush [Music] them we just fixed this thing I mean Eggman don't you want to take over a world that's [Music] whole all right we are descending to [Music] hell [Music] stylish this Gorge will be your [Music] to even you won't last long against this one that Lit Up Part on the bottom looks fishy I'll try aiming for that oh God what you got what do you got what you got Giant Cannon all that for that that was underwhelming every time I mean whose fault is it really if Dr Eggman just keeps putting vulnerable spots like right in the middle of his robots Okay you doing weren't even close to me okay I can't fall off this which was my concern the controls will respond wait that messed with his controls just hitting him in the robot [Music] [Music] nads out of my sight you got out my sight oh you just drilled yourself right in the robot [Music] dong pretty cool cut scene though hey wait stop slingshot right into the belly [Applause] button now look what you've done out of my sight the ground's breaking up okay I I simmer down Wing de where where would you like me to go okay here okay it looks like we have descended into actual hell all right unleashing time wa let let me tickle you let me tickle that belly button all right almost got him to the next cut scene which should hopefully finish him off lost control again don't fall apart on me now okay do this b y keep it coming I'm ready out of my fight no you don't no stay back are we going to slingshot oh hit the wrong button it I can't do commentary and quick time events they don't mix oil and water give him a knuckle sandwich pow knock him loose oh mesh how many how many more this is stressful he's free now we just ripped him out of the mech wow how can I lose this isn't over I'll build a Prototype 2 the cutcenes the CGI ones are so good looking in this game like they definitely hold up what it's dark [Music] G Dark Gaia is just cthulu it kind of looks like prehistoric Patrick from s [Music] sp129 come on chip got to get out of here the fur it just looks so so soft Sonic like come on Sonic what's is he going Double Wear hog oh he's sucking the hog out of him looks like he came back from more bro just opened up his third eye and fourth eye and fifth eye Sonic you got to get up Sonic ship run chip it's okay we still have the chaos emeralds y dark eye is scary seven Lights of the earth Rec kindled all right we're now going to summon the power the chaos emeralds from all the temples we just put the world back together awaken and gather here to [Music] me holy he just pulled all the temples and he's going to make some Temple Megazord no lie that's exactly what he did built an earth Golem out of temples that is badass all right I didn't know we were getting a Kaiju fight in a Sonic game but I'm here for it so that's how we boost this can't be this got to be more phases watch out for those I am I'm a little slow oh ow do I have to maybe knock it back NOP that didn't work I don't feel like I'm getting any closer all right be nice to to finally get over there and throw hands and have no Health left that's the whole fight okay I pressed the wrong button too cuz I was holding the Boost button dude get your hands up protect your chin someone teach this monster how to fight hey hands off Salad Fingers now Sonic Sonic get in there do something Buddy time for the big finale you said it Sonic hit dark guy's weak spot quick while I hold him back oh this is a whole ass stage H Sonic guy is getting ready to do something I'm working on it I'm relax doing my best here beat the out of his eyeball or something I don't know we're back to this now all right at least I know what I have to do no no no no listen pal didn't anyone ever teach you not to throw rocks Ro thinks he's the Beast Titan come here I'll sock you I like how he just stands there and he takes it Sonic hit dark guy's weak spot quick while I hold him back sh you rock get the weak spot you know his eyeball like everyone's weak spot all right here we go next eyeball it looks here like you have uh z00 Vision little low on health but we're close now come on you want a knuckle sandwich boom just kidding he's not in this game nothing says epic battle for the Earth like doorbell sound effects now dark ey is like where my hug at [Music] hurry all right let's see don't want to mess this one up all right punch the last eyeball let's go I like how son had a show us he had nice shiny teeth before he blinded him all right I assume this is probably going to be his final form this is a long as hell boss fight oh no you got your stink all over the [Applause] earthy oh no not pollution oh here's Amy we haven't seen her in a while what's happening it was broad daylight a minute ago dark Gia has regained its true power the Beast is complete the buai ten kichi is complete manuscripts foretold and the world shall be plunged into the dark of night the dark of Destruction what the hell are you talking about was that even English they should come to this we're doomed the planet is lost there's no way Sonic will let it end like this that is a big mouth dude's got mouth cheeks oh gross more eyeballs how many yeah Temple Zord you ain't beating that thing better leave that to supers [Music] Sonic all right all the chaos emeralds one flies out of the butthole let's do [Music] it perfect Dark Gaia Sonic you know a final battle is going to be epic when the main theme kicks in not the first time that I've said that oh wait we both have health bars sh okay Shield I'll take it out no problem how I'm going to do that don't know yet hey what are you doing chip we're taking turns dude is penetrating you do something about this Shield you got it he like I'll give him the work real fast things are weak the snake things are the weak spot how do I attack it there we go oh um why don't I have like a full health bar I can't not hear this song and think about that one Crash Bandicoot video that I uploaded that for some reason got like 2 million views all right we killed one how many of these do we have to take down I guess all of them right if I do die I know that I can get more Rings oh I just I missed them I like how we just fly into it just knock it around a little bit what are you waiting for come out there you go don't be shy there we go sheld shield down good beat his ass Sonic you did it hey hands off my homie be right there I'm going to break every single one of those stick arms we got a big mesh coming at the end oh I hit the wrong button I got do that all over again okay let me make sure I press the correct button this time and that is X you really got to mesh all right get in there beat him now all right Sonic get in there right through them and then we immediately switch into the much higher quality CGI cut scene where we watch a floating goerk destroy the Earth demon oh don't fall in the lava don't fall in the lava get him you better catch him me picking up the corpse of a mosquito after it invades my house see you're good everyone's okay now please stop pouring oil in the ocean Pleasant morning wouldn't you say doctor M you can simply begin your plans a new even if all of your efforts this last time were utterly wasted even if it was a complete and utter humiliating loss even the most pathetic loser in all the world DN eggman's got some flexibility though so that wind up I just don't like how they make him look like such a buffoon honestly Frontier Eggman is one of my favorites in a while world has returned to peace it's simply a miracle we've been saved by a miracle yeah a miracle that's it I no one could possibly take credit for that there was no way Sonic would let something like that happen and right you were still we cannot live without the night save the speech for later we've got to get things ready for Sonic's coming home party canonically this rolls right into Generations where Sonic pulls up to his own party oh no why are you translucent are you a ghost he's dead chip died rip chip chip okay now who's controlling the uh the Megazord just throw this over here we don't need this [Music] anymore [Music] couldn't at least aim for uh something soft oh like uh Mario Odyssey ow oh wait no Chip's here huh oh no he's gone I'll never forget you here hang on to this I'll be here by you always a part of the earth you TR you're probably better off just throwing it in the ocean oh it's a perfect fit and that my friends is Sonic Unleashed I can finally say that I've played it now and more importantly you guys don't have to ask for it anymore so what's next let me know in the comment section and we'll see you next [Music] time and here's the bowling Pur soup guy es running and I'm Not Looking Back I know I can't go with no one's ever done and I'm not looking back but How will I know when I get there and how will I know where to leave
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 320,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choctopus, sonic unleashed, sonic unleashed all bosses, sonic unleashed all cutscenes, sonic unleashed all day stages, sonic unleashed all medals, sonic unleashed all night stages, sonic unleashed all sun and moon medals, sonic unleashed all collectibles, choctopus sonic, choctopus sonic unleashed, sonic unleashed choctopus, sonic unleashed full playthrough
Id: A7eFZA7IhSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 28sec (6988 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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