Someone Made A Mistake! :: Hermitcraft 7

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Etho didn’t show all the stuff outside the building in his perspective, did he? Like the armor stand and the bookshelves and such.

👍︎︎ 99 👤︎︎ u/FVMAzalea 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

so funny! etho is a genius

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/liamgosss 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

It was nice of him to leave the materials there for Bdubs to use them.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Guakstick 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

to bad he didn't show it off, guess he wanted it to be a suprise for bdubs? Maybe he will do it in the next episode? I feel like he does so much on the server that we dont see.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/TheWhitePianoKey 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

during ethos video I was wondering if all he did was leave the end rod there and nothing else. I love this sort of reveal lol, bdubs got ethod

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ykepoh 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bdubs is a sweetheart.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/c0wg0d 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

The E pranker has returned

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gracdoeswat 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermit crab we have another amazing action-packed day ahead of us with lots of things on the schedule to do again right now though I'm collecting tons of acacia wood for I can't shoot what's hard to get the way these trees grow they grow all scraggly and wild and crazy' it's hard to farm them but I thought you know what if I farm it in a little bit of a circle like this it might make it easier it's not making it easier so don't don't do this tutorial that I'm showing you okay don't do this but last episode we started the massive cliff project that is going to house a lot more than just a cliff on top that's something that is going to take some time I wanted to get a bunch of that done off camera but it's been a lot of resource gathering I've got tons of acacia wood believe it or not acacia woods gonna be part of it and tons of cobblestone stone lots of stones melted and it's going pretty well but look at something over here with me would you please now if you remember a couple episodes we dropped off the end rod over at ethos bass hole that he left wide open under his basin never filled in and he tells everybody they got to fill in under their bass we've been switching in rods back and forth because neither of us wants a stupid thing and now look at this look at all this in front of my flower shop this is where I'm gonna be story now all my flowers stuff and this with the etho head 53 bookshelves maybe this will help okay okay okay that's funny I got a feeling I know where this is headed sure enough okay there it is and rod is mine now and shame he shamed me back oh five buildings and only two interiors done shame Oh Ethel okay he made a little flower path he knows this is supposed to be my flower shop oh man yeah so that's a problem we know in our main base we've got all the interior done there that's that's we're totally scot-free on that this kind of halfway done not really great just kind of threw it together half-hearted effort this building our horse stable nothing totally empty and the horses are down there and there's just this shell on top and then let's not forget to mention our stone storage area right here which I need desperately I'm just storing everything out there is look at this it looks great from the outside but the inside I mean this kills the immersion for me and probably for you so he busted me he's right he's right what a mess I gotta get that stuff done so I'm gonna get at least one interior done today but that's just the start of it I mean he could have really gone in on me he went he went easy on me look at this look at look look at all this okay this there's one angle I can show you this area from and it looks beautiful but if I show you from here what a nightmare what a bad disaster this is everything just hanging and floating and things stored all outside look at this my ender chests are just out here they all need to be organized I got firecrackers in with some wood products and a bell and a brewing potion brewing stand this is Bea Bea Doug's got to get organized badly this house nice organized everything else really bad but I just got so much going on I want to show you at the shopping district they move the portal okay the portals move to the Town Hall now all right well this is number one all of these files we promised Skaar last episode that we would make some of these posters for him we've got to do that today we have to oh this is new to look at this support show your support for somebody oh this is cool oh well we'll do something about this soon but there is there's so much we've got we we had to build the town hall that's one thing that kind of took me away from things we built that with scarring Korean boomers business has been booming every other day we get another request I mean there's false even scar was whispering to me that he had a little something for me to do as well boomers constantly getting business all the time so that's another thing that's been taking up time for me not doing interiors I mean how can you complain you know we have we built a new red zone and that's been worth while I diamonds yay okay Oh more diamonds yay more diamonds Oh more diamonds yay yay are people taking free stacks I think they are good for them okay this is what I'm talking about though so much so much outside stuff I can't work on my main base but today I will I promise I will get an interior done at least one you just got to chip away at it okay I was just about to leave to head back to work on some interior stuff but we have to do this right now you see all the people running for mayor of the shopping district dock em stress scar false mumbo and Joe and look at this a tie one two three four each block considers is considered someone supporting this person for for stress for for scar three for Falls four for Mambo two for Joe and one for Doc so if we do this it's gonna put scar in the lead huh yes guys I have a wonderful campaign manager I'm a wonderful campaign manager look at what's happening scar is in the lead and I have myself to thank yes you know what guys Etha is too nice he left those bookshelves and then he left all those flowers and flower pots cuz he knows he knows I need those he's a sweetest at heart he got he caught me and shamed but that was a sweet ass angel thing I look at all of 18 pots with rare tulips how sweet can you get you can't get sweeter well by the way so I'm gonna work this thing out this front entry area is gonna be kind of where I have the majority of the storage then we kind of go imagination right I'll have a little hallway I think this is a good spot for a bedroom I love having bedrooms in every house just in case I got a run in I'm closed and I need a book hit the bed go to sleep so I have a little bedroom here then we'll have a little spot for like maybe some more additional storage slash living room with the campfire and then we'll have a little thing that goes upstairs for mass storage a little tower area thing there that's kind of the game plan and I think I'm gonna put up a tutorial on interiors too in a couple days maybe we'll see but anyway I'm gonna get to it Lords do this baby and just like that we're done I need to grab a couple of these maybe these will help surely they will II though but before we go inside looks like we got a treatment good morning sweet angels okay let's go inside so here we have it done done and done a lot of the materials etho left we're very helpful like I said I'll have the majority of flour storage and stuff right out here which I think will be nice lots of storage this would just be boom pop in grab what I need boom pop out and it's a lot of chests so I can keep it kind of organized and stuff and then here's that little bedroom area that I was talking about and I think I'm definitely I'm definitely whether it's the next video I do or the video after that spooky noises going to put up a tutorial and just not lot not a block by block but just the thought process with interiors because etho is right and this is something that I've been really got to put the glass in glass panes here but I've got a lifetime supply of glass too so that's fine but anyway the interiors there we go that's looking nice it adds so much you we were just in here when it was all empty and now you feel it with an interior done right it's just so much nicer not a block by block tutorial but just the thought process around here we can go out to the greenhouse area we'll have a little bit of storage well I've already kind of been storing some things out here so that works point and upstairs to attic space just we you know an even kind of interior decorated this with some trusses and stuff so yeah this will just be once I over flow I'll just get barrels and stuff up here Etha thank you thank you for shaming me because now we are three out of five houses interiors done but now we've got ahead to the shopping district because we've got to get started on something for scar it's been taking a little bit too long I had to do all this interior stuff but now it's time to help scar reach the highest level of mayoral candidate see well I am about to make impulse in tango very very rich but before we do X be told me that we should head upstairs and take a look at the profits what are they holy cow he said this is my take 41 diamonds it's been like two days Oh Oh baby okay oh wow okay what a wonderful business this is so great okay oh yeah now I want to see how far this is going to get us this is gonna make noises there we go the noises are done we need a lot of wool and I mean a lot I think oh okay seventeen stacks how much all wool one diamond per stack okay so that's 17 diamonds I yeah yeah yeah I II okay that should get us but that was a lot of time it's gone I did I actually bought what was this this is 12 stacks and then six seven stacks and that's just the start that's just for cyan and yellow and I've got a lot more colors to do but anyway I'm gonna get start building with this and hopefully it turns out nice [Music] and done that's the last block Oh baby whoo this was hours hours and hours and hours eight eight hours eight hours there was a villager raid that went through here at one point is it sane but look at all this oh it's a beauty and now it's time for the grand reveal let's see how it looks let's see if it looks good all it's gonna take is one right click and bam Oh baby oh I love it it's got the scar it's got the beautiful tree with the nature it's got the jelly cat it's got good time you know it's good times there scar so it's kind of a play on words there I think it's gonna be so good let's put it on a one of these they'll let the item frame let's put it on I know frames see how it's gonna look boom oh yes oh yes that stands out so nicely they're gonna stand out so nice oh I love it a little check mark that's gonna be nice as well and the jelly cat if you notice it's got a little bit of scars like smirk he's always looking off to the side with the smirk it is put in his a face so I think that's gonna be awesome ok I gotta show him I got a I got a message him and uh hopefully he's available I can show him right now cuz I'm so excited I hope he likes it what if he hates it oh yes I'm back thank you for getting my stuff why are you in a box still I have a surprise for you ok I like surprises open the door in the front and and I will reveal my mare skin oh right I could see you're facing this way okay [Laughter] anything you've ever seen this a flat like you shoot water out of this flower this is a serious flower he does it's not for fun and games I'm here to make the shopping district a better place you told me to do it okay I'm sorry I'm sorry you look a thousand times better oh thank you oh my goodness I love it oh it's so wonderful and it's tragic does it have transparency on it yeah I don't know how it works but it's it's like it's diamonds right it's beautiful oh it's so fitting I really like this the whole getup the shoes are fantastic oh thank you they also double as tap dance shoes so a little fun later we have a little tap I love that I can't wait to see it last time we met we talked about all of these signs and how everybody's doing their thing and you've got these down here the vote vote you know and then it's all vote like this one over here one a tree how about a cat vote for scar yes that's nice and then this too with the cross out eyes that's nice too do you like that that's my art you did this mm-hmm I like that a lot I think that's very tactful he put it in front of my son I had to retaliate yes I think it's brilliant I think it's brilliant but what I would love to see him try oh you had the map done oh it's done it's what do you think tell me to turn around tell me to turn right okay I'll tell you to turn around in three two one turn around oh it's amazing it's beautiful what are you coloured to what's your favorite color there's a lot of cars in here Orange okay look if you eat jelly look at Julie oh yeah she's so cute yes my face yes it's jelly with your smirk and look as the checkmark so people are kind of reinforced and that they want to check the mark for us exactly right yeah Beaupre scar oh I love it yeah oh it's so beautiful yes this this it's really gonna pop it's got a lot of nice color and people when they see this they're gonna lose it oh there it goes it's gone no no here we go everything okay uh-huh yes yeah you're spinning them do you want those gone cuz I couldn't this didn't work as well as I was hoping okay yeah just flip them all upside down in this right side up yeah yeah good now we're talking huh this is really good thank you hey Debs you're welcome you know what else you're the best campaign sergeant captain Catherine yes I promoted your promoter you promoted to captain oh thank you sir thank you so much you will be you'll be even happier when you see something else that I've done come follow me this way oh yes as you can see as you know people are supporting people now right and I of course came over here and supported you so there's one two three four thank you Bob there's four now mine was a fifth I said I put um why'd you go back in the box did you do something hey why is it was it five what did you do I okay I have a confession to make I knew this would come up know what you know green and I were just having some walls and some jokes down in the mines right there may have been a wager here there and the wager was if I won he would have to support me and if I lost I'd have to support mumble and you did I lost you lost you super piss down by one mumbles in the lead now oh no I'm so sorry but I'm gonna make it up to you I I'm gonna allocate all the diamonds that I got from that mission to the campaign for campaign purchases look campaign funds but look at the diamonds don't look at me that's not much that I mean it's good this is good this is good this is for our campaign don't be sad listen listen everybody makes foolish foolish foolish wow this was foolish oh we had it I mean this is what we were up scar we were up five five to four I know it now it's four to five well is there anyone out there that we could get to help us get over the edge again yes yes yes we can yes this is my job as campaign captain this is my job is to help promote and get more people on our side so you know what and that this is just a sign of you being a human everybody makes mistakes right mm-hmm yep yep I can make it up to you again okay I'm okay I made a campaign headquarters oh you did yeah let's go look at that and forget about this other thing okay yeah let's forget about this that's smart good hello down there little fella look at this giant campaign headquarters we got the vote for scar and everything look at this little fella it's a small town here I'm 510 that's average height okay I'm actually I'm actually six foot but I'm like four feet in a wheelchair so you're tall okay yeah I'm still still you're taller than me so it's okay for you to call me little fella this is it huh this is uh this is the headquarters yes integrate it's good it's good it's got your face it's got a vote sign can I come up or am I case ok ok I was just wondering you know it's captain do what do I have the clearance okay okay perfect yes okay on this platform right so I was thinking we could do like a telescope looking at that robot thing out in the fog yeah a desk for jelly and a desk for me and you got a little spot over in the corner over there and I think it'll look really good little spot in a corner over here yeah yeah I mean it's a little breezy it's a little breezy they've got robot and we've got this balloon out in the I mean it is beautiful let me just say that it's beautiful but I do you think it's giving the mayoral presence that we would want to portray okay you know what I got an idea watch me okay what if we're moving here what if on the island we expand the island down there see there's a big tether that holds it together yes right yes what if Chile is holding the tether and we build a big campaign headquarters inside of Chile can we access through the rump Jude through the wrong through her backside well you could say the tail okay yeah yeah yeah I'm okay with that good maybe I could have like a secret entrance where I would go in a different way hmm we could think about it okay what if jelly-like expanded over time like you know she had like accessory belt or something who's got bigger and bigger yeah yes okay now you're thinking this is good I like this this is the type of thinking this is mayoral thinking but do you have my bed no I don't okay it's dark it's getting dark out it's getting dark it is Sun is setting a Sun is setting hey I think I think okay you know what this was hey great meeting but I think I'm just gonna have to go I got a wonderful time you can watch those for me and I know day you did it I stole your beds oh here's your PIN here's your buzz here's the clock you got my clock so thank you I had two of them I wanted to see what happened if you weren't able to sleep almost witnessed it well you kind of did witness I'm sweating now so do you like the campaign headquarters you think you think it'll work we just add some accessories and I listen I think your your idea is you're you're you can make make a beautiful world for people sorry now I'd like it I do like it no it's very nice and I'd love the idea it's all perfect it's all really really nice can I have some carrots to heal after you hit me hey we should make a map that's like a mycelium block with an X through it oh come for no mycelium when you will make that map no you you're the campaign first I know I'm the map guy yeah you know so you want me to make mycelium block map with a X on it yep oh yes here you work on that come on okay see ya a mycelium map have I not made enough maps in this world oh my goodness that's a third map I made I'm gonna suckle II he loved it but my goodness another task on the list I need to recruit people more people to vote for Skaar I need to make up mycelium map I'm gonna try to just ignore that and just act like it never happened like he never asked and hopefully he forgets cuz that's a lot that's a day I mean there's a huge map for not you know it doesn't have as much of a punch but anyway guys here we are back where we started and I did get everything very very organized that was a great feeling just off-camera you know when I had some free time I'd swing over here and get all my stuff kind of put where it should be I just need to clean up this little decoration outside and maybe get it moved on the inside but we got this interior done today which I'm very happy about I think it looks so nice if you guys a cozy quaint place now we got to do a couple other interiors and get those done and then you thought can't Sheamus anymore but there's no way I'm keeping this thing no way that's going back I don't need that in rod I got nowhere to put it he can have it it's not my problem now watch this skillful outro where I walk in f5 and talk right to you and don't fall off the cliff oh ho ho almost hit the bridge ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this episode of Hermit crash stay tuned tutorial coming boomers merch next episode Oh get excited it's gonna be beauty [Music]
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 908,024
Rating: 4.9698858 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, gaming, minecraft
Id: 7z_cw7NA5-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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