I Blew Up My Neighbors Statue! :: Minecraft Hermitcraft 7

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Catdragon589 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

To bad for Bdubs that the world border is only a lousy 3000 blocks from spawn, the world is to small to hide from the wrath of DocM!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Miented 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft today is an episode of vengeance revenge and pranking if you remember last episode we made a little gaming cabinet machine for corrales our new guest and uh we lost a lot of diamonds on it yeah yeah that's it oh too bad oh what six oh no okay nine ten ten good are you enjoying your show yours today you won again this is glorious another jackpot that's good no more diamonds but look at this sign ka put play at goat that's next door that's my next door neighbor doc and if you remember doc is the one that bought half of the house that i should be living in right now so of course i have reason to shut off his income stream he's trying to make some money with his own gaming thing in his basement so i make this and i take i take his guy and we were totally i wired it wrong so we were totally out of money although i did forget to check yes okay okay so we can restock for a little bit but this isn't gonna help anything you know why you know why it's not gonna help anything because look at this there was wiring all through here this was all sealed off it's all exploded because doc lured a creeper in here and blew it up this was the most important part right here the thing with the the sensors saying was winning loss which honestly i wired it wrong so it's probably good that it's gone but yeah he exploded my genius redstone job that i did he i mean if it's one it's not one thing it's another and then oh you're gonna love this a couple days ago you'll notice in our swimming pool there's some puffer fish a couple days ago i was tending to corrales our guest i was tending to some of his needs and we had a little bit of an incident do you have any any plans adding a diving board maybe and by the way i've noticed uh is this the cocktail cocktail menu no beat ups research accused jacuzzi bubble bath deluxe instruction what what is this gotcha gotcha hey hey no no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no have you done wiring to this no no that wasn't me it was even this lectern i thought honestly i thought i thought maybe somebody else put something out here to help good service this was not me so now this luxurious pool it's supposed to be a beautiful oasis and resort for our guests corrales or others if i decide to have other guests look it look what it does pufferfish explode you poof up and poison me and poison my guests and doc wired this he did all of this i know it i am absolutely sure of it so if i see him if i see him out and about oh he's going to get a lung a tongue a lung passion a tongue lashing of a lifetime okay and on top of that corrales and i have plans he's been going at corrales too my wonderful guest corrales he made him get poison in pool and then he's trying to undercut him on a book sales at the shopping district we got plans oh hey aquarium owner what's up aquarium owner oh yeah you know all about this don't you i know nothing i just know i'm not gonna swim in there and hopefully your guests will find out soon dangerous faulty wiring faulty wiring yes indeed you did this you met you i'm try i have wonderful guests over here trying to give him a wonderful time and you mess up my house he was the only way i could make diamonds you know i can't mine yes i do no you can't mine that's right you're paying the ultimate price now buddy and guess what for this you're gonna pay yeah you stay on your side you stay on yourself come on man you're still mad i bought you out of the house we can share it no we're not sharing i paid fair and square and you made me miss asleep so people think i'm slacking you're gonna pay buddy oh you realized that i dragged you into it huh yeah decorating your reputation oh creep did you do that see how dangerous i blame you it came from your side aha get him creeper yes yeah get back on your side okay i'm going back good good hey hey hey oh that's it oh you're gonna pay you're gonna pay mr goat you guys see what i have to deal with you see this you see it's not good it's not good i was supposed to get this house this side and this side and give get 10 diamonds green was gonna give me 10 diamonds for taking the house off of his hands and then doc got involved and said he wanted half and then we auctioned and then we ended up splitting it 50 50. so now i have half a house and i'm trying to make the best of it you know i'm trying to make the best of it but no remorse he's also been targeting corrales he's been going at him here in the pool he's been undercutting him on books at the bookstore he's out of control and i feel like this is the source of his craziness right here this goat he built this thing early on a couple episodes ago in order to he's saying it stands for grind optimize automate repeat or tr terraform or something but we i know he's talking about himself the greatest of all time i think corrales and i need to do something to humble him once and for all hi sweet face hi what is the most precious thing he has the stupid goat head that's not only is it his most precious thing i think it's a source of his insanity i think it's causing problems no we can't yes we can yes we can this is i mean he did mess up the game cabinets yep and he exploded with a creeper it was a creeper explosion oh yeah so he likes to deal with explosions i think we teach him a thing or two about explosions we won't set it off you know we won't it won't be arthur i got yeah yeah yeah i got an idea yeah yeah let him set it off yes then it's not our fault we didn't do nothing no nothing corrales look inside look at this look at this look at it it's just way yeah it's begging there's the back of the eyes dude this is exactly as his brain this is good this is this is going to be good for him you know children they go if if my children they do bad things oh careful be very careful careful be very careful okay yeah we don't want to be found guilty of this okay this is we're going to have him set it off he's going to learn a lesson yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean we just need to read like one or two right because that is how it operates yeah oh this is brilliant this is absolutely amazing okay here's here's my thought first i think that uh his greed you know his greed and his his ego are the two things that uh we need to fix here number one ego the goat head his greed i think we can find this it will be the way that we trigger it okay show me the money show me the money yes this this this right here oh he loves diamonds he loves diamonds yeah and he's so he's totally out of money he's totally out of money so you go you go you go you do the redstone and you're gonna be going with the redstone line from from from that from a finger right okay perfect we we we love we love him deep inside this is just you know what it is huh this is more like an intervention right that's what i'm saying i would do this for my friend you would right yes yes this is yeah yeah i totally i think this is an intervention but what do you expect to oh what is that what is what's this okay that might be a little bit obvious with with the red stoning uh oh we should bury it yeah a little bit yeah like yeah he might see that okay yeah yeah yeah that's smart that's smart that's fine how about like that is that it's like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's still a little obvious maybe one lower so dad goes ba uh-huh i guess it might trigger this guy which triggers that guy which triggers guys yeah yeah yeah and then we get our friend back i hope i really hope he can't blame us this is not technically us doing this right no no he'll be the one he'll be he will be his own greed will destroy it's perfect it's poetic almost his own greed will destroy the source of his pride okay i'm going to disconnect the line i'm going to put i'm going to put the diamond block you disconnect don't disconnect it is disconnected yeah it's disconnected diamond block in place okay boom all right and then bang give me a piece of dirt boom boom covered okay like we do see a little bit of redstone but it's not that bad no it's not obvious no no you have to be looking for it that's the thing he's gonna be towards the diamond yes yes his eyes gonna be on the diamond anyway so it's not it's not gonna matter show me the money show me the money okay you know what actually you be you be doc all right let's just say you're in your house you know you're being mean so he gonna be like fine grossed the mountain for me which is like an in a big i'm one big diamond for me yeah okay again he's gonna be like and you're gonna be like hey he's gonna go to the mountain for me and like yeah don't break it what did you do you you didn't do nothing you said you triggered the trap you do you think no he noticed no no maybe not maybe he's like hey yeah yeah sure he's not gonna notice that he's majestic goat head i'm blaming you this was totally your idea listen listen this is exactly what he wants he wants us to get turn on each other this is not this is not we're not to do this okay we are going to do this maybe the redstone was a little faulty maybe you did the the diamond it was you it wasn't me it wasn't me either way either way we've got a slight problem on our hands uh okay what do we do i have an idea i have an idea i think we can we can we can patch this there we go perfect a perfect replica it's a happy goat it's a big smiling face you know yeah i heard i heard from a couple people on survey they go by they float by and they say oh that's really intimidating it looks really the devilish and stuff yeah they didn't like it at least at least at the very least yeah we brought some joy to the to the server for the moment you know what hopefully doesn't notice and we should be good or it might buy us some time yes yes hopefully i and either way i'm going to be spending a lot of time underground and i advise that you do the exact same thing yeah i'm digging down yeah we're totally digging down yeah we can't be seen on the surface for at least a week this is fine this is perfectly fine no problem everything's gonna be fine guys don't worry do not worry everybody okay everybody's freaking out i know i know i know don't worry don't worry it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine this is good for doc like we said this is good this is good this is good we'll fix it we'll fix it but i'm out of here if i'm around if i'm if he sees me in my house when he recognizes that because he is definitely gonna recognize that uh there might be some trouble so uh we gotta start scouting a little bit uh the ocean is that way spawn uh then the shopping district is that way which we might check out the shopping district in a little bit but i wanted to go this way just just a little bit because i haven't really explored back here too much i i want to just see hey maybe there's a new place to live and how fitting is this it's raining no no oh no the minecraft gods are crying uh because of what we have done this is one of the worst things uh i am usually guys i'm a nice sweet person sometimes you get just pushed to the limits and uh oh yeah yeah but that's okay that's okay it could stop raining now it's okay don't worry i haven't ever seen rain on hermitcraft server before holy smokes this is beautiful this is a gorgeous space i mean aside from the rain i feel like this is such a beautiful area i think this would be such a great place to to live it's far enough away our house is over there and look at this look at these beautiful stallions look at the beautiful black majestic oh my goodness they're so gorgeous it's too bad i need to get a saddle if i get a saddle then oh you oh you are gorgeous i love you so much this is a wonderful horse oh and you look at you oh i mean we can't even test the speed unfortunately but we can at least try we can try to tame start a gaming process and see if they'll love us love me i know it's raining out they've heard the first time in the entire world i think we're getting a sunset the clouds are turning pink do you love me yet you have wait nope not yet ah there it is oh yes best friends forever oh i feel like yes okay beautiful night sleep and the rain should stop yes okay now we get a real nice view i mean there's there's some weird things you know minecraft always does this where it does these little puddles here and there but this river look at this river it could get me out of this puddle it continues through there it wraps around here and i think it even wraps oh yeah it does ooh stay away from those boys we don't want to mess with them oh my craft is out to get me today river goes through there boom around and out that's really nice and natural i love that and these ravines actually boy guys i'm getting some really cool build ideas in this kind of hill i love this area so much oh this is good i think okay okay okay this could be like a retreat hideout spot for a little bit uh to keep us out of harm's way oh my goodness i'm seeing okay this river it goes all the way around there it wraps this way and it looks like it goes through here by the side of the mountain oh you know i like to look for like kind of realistic natural generation and and also a way for access if this river does it may not oh this is kind of beautiful though it may not oh there's cabalis oh corrales oh oh sweet face okay yeah it does kind of we could just tear out a little bit of this and it comes through oh this is nice and then we'd be on the back side doc's house is right up there hi corrales and the wrap around here yes more river and then it comes out here oh that's so nice oh there's there there's the house oh it's so perfect yes okay this could be our way we get around we can get around and out into the water uh without being seen i love that that's perfect this is it this is it that's our spot we're gonna wrap around go through the river travel through the water and boom we're out i love it but guys if you could please keep an eye out for me oh there's some drowns down there i see but please keep an eye out for me look at just doc's probably going to be uploading the next day or two so just let me know if you see that he's mad or give me a little heads up a little warning if he's happy if he's like oh man i'm so glad that was weighing me down and i feel like a new person i'm reborn then that's the best case scenario but you keep me up keep me apprised and let me know right now we're headed to the mushroom island and we're going to take a peek at what's going on because there's a lot of shops that are going in aha there it is the beautiful mushroom island if you're so so this is where this is like a central spot we're kind of all surrounding this there's a this is kind of an island in the middle of an ocean that we're all surrounding and the nice thing about these islands this is a mushroom mushroom biome the nice thing about them is a bad guys don't spawn on here like the zombies and the skeletons they don't spawn on this at night time it's really really nice and although it looks kind of gross and weird we'll be able to see oh look at all this look at all this you'll be able to see in a second the grass when you do put regular grass down look at how bright green and beautiful it is isn't that cool but guys there's so many cool shops oh my goodness an ice shop i think this is ethos ice shop he did a great job look at how nice this is take off your shoes canadian custom is it i don't know if it is actually here's corrales store lookie looking at my bookie how beautiful is this is this book shop where you can buy books i wonder actually i mean he keeps asking if i want to buy a book oh here we go efficiency silk touch oh he's super stocked does he have mending i really need mending is there a mending book in here efficiency sharpness fire aspect i don't see any mending protection fortune three is nice uh aqua fendi right i don't see it no feather falling four i could use that as well okay i mean that's good this is good i i don't have a lot of diamonds i think i have like 12 now so who we got to start saving up and there's a little building shop that he's made oh there's a log shop way over there oh that's a beauty it is scales this is iskall's slime shop but this i think this just opened how do you get in this looking for storage then look no further false's end emporium has all you need this is from false okay i guess we go up here i don't know but this is shulker boxes the this is what i need i definitely need shulker boxes these will be super helpful i also need elytra but is this it look at that oh that's so cool a little okay 32 diamonds for what seven diamonds each okay for one oh okay definitely need that and right here this is big is this sold out this is the big one this is for the wings guys this is for how does this work you got to go up there to check it oh ladders okay perfect this is jevin jevin has made this for the wings limit to elytra per player each 25 ooh guys i have to i have to start mining like crazy and get a bunch of diamonds because i at least need shulker boxes and elytra's at just a straight up sell diamond shop maybe i don't know either way there's so many cool places here and i'm also scouting this out because i'm looking for a place to set up a shot of my own i meant to say a shock not a shot of my own a shop of my own unfortunately i mean the roads are kind of weird here like i don't know exactly where i guess it's just free reign you can put a shop wherever look at all the stuff these guys have put in here unbelievable honey fireworks this is something this is a redstone shop of course it is i mean there's so i fell down there's so much crazy stuff but i've got an idea for a shop as well i'm very very excited uh but we're kind of scouting the area a little bit to get an idea of what is out here and what we could potentially where we could potentially set up i definitely want to be on a main road uh but that's just for further maybe next episode or the episode after that we'll work on that a little bit this is the beauty of playing on a server with so many geniuses the prince marine shop i mean there's so many cool things and it's happening so fast unbelievable this is the most craziest thing as well i i'm blown away but we're going to set up something really cool i'm very very excited about it that'll be that'll be eventually but for you know task number one we're gonna get a bunch of diamonds we're gonna come in here we're gonna start buying some stuff that we need some essentials okay i just went home and i got the rest of my 32 diamonds it was luckily i mean i think this is honestly the perfect amount i'm not sure i forgot what the prices were okay elytra 25 diamonds each and then we should have seven yes okay so i think yes guys wing me poppy we got wings we can fly now here we go whoo our first flight all right this is amazing so great and then i don't want to fly too much okay don't go crazy then we want to get up here and then we're going to get a shulker box just one just one is gonna honestly change my life who's that oh that's corrales hey corrales okay one shulker box seven diamonds we did it we got a shulker box we can put stuff in and then we got wings we can fly oh i'm i'm a happy little boy and there's corrales our partner in crime doing nothing just sitting there but we've been talking a little bit we're both a little terrified we're scared to death uh but he said he said i can come and i can get on the house amending book just on the house on the house because uh we may need to evade he said take a mending and an unbreaking book and get out of here just in case just in case you know doc's coming for us and we need to fly and get out but ladies and gentlemen that's going to do it for me today and for corrales we need to bounce get out of here and get undercover quick you guys are the best i hope you're staying safe you know they're talking about this whole covet 19 thing going on i hope you're at home i hope you're safe i hope everybody that you know and that you're around is healthy my thoughts are going out to everybody out there stay at home for a little bit it's a good thing for right now just stay at home watch some videos play some video games and have some fun i'd love it if you'd leave a like on this for me if you enjoyed it subscribe if you're not ring that bell if you haven't and we'll see you all in the next [Laughter] episode [Music] is
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 737,810
Rating: 4.9459047 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft recap
Id: VfF5YGCokP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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